#chronic fatigue was creeping up on me and i had too much brain fog to recognize the brain fog. fuck this man.
pillars-of-salt · 2 years
so everyone’s just like going through it rn, right?
#ignore the tags i'm about to rant for a sec#i have mentally not been doing great but i realized it's also bc i was physically not doing great#chronic fatigue was creeping up on me and i had too much brain fog to recognize the brain fog. fuck this man.#anyway weeping wailing banschee crying etc. cried last night for the first time in months which is good bc i do not cry often enough#not that anyone needs to know this but i was crying because i finally realized that fatigue was the reason i'm struggling so much w#school and life and people. not just burnout. it was also the stupid fucking disability that i can't do anything about again#that makes me exhausted and unable to understand anything and unable to focus on anything and and and and and FUCK i'm s o angry about it#GOD!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!#sorry underappreciated side effect of disability is how angry it makes you that it's just there siphoning all your energy and brainpower#and no one will understand the extent of it if you tried to describe it to them#i was trying to do hw last night and it's an assignment that i know how to do and have the information to do and i realized i just couldn't#unless i had someone to sit there and guide me through step by step on what to do. i've done this kind of assignment before.#but god my brain is just not there and it's not just being tired or procrastinating i just can't understand things anymore.#it's so frustrating because i can't even articulate how bad it is. and how debilitating it is. and i can't do anything about it#i need to start seeing a counselor but the only way to set up an appt is by phone and i can't understand people over the phone#every possible opportunity to get help involves more steps before it that i just can't do#i just want to sleep for five years and actually have energy when i wake up ):
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