#chromebook games
cordeliawhohung · 2 months
my partner just got back from a work trip and he bought a new laptop for me i am going to cry
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puyonlilah · 26 days
Lets go home papa :3
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My friend told me this horror game and i like the story (you should definitely need to watch the gameplay to understand the story better!)
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sirenspells · 2 months
I cannot believe I’ve yet to tell the tumblr people this. but guess who now finally has a pc :3
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frchillingrn · 1 year
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School chrome books are great for drawing ❤️
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newwavesylviaplath · 5 months
i can only afford a chromebook this is sick how and i supposed to play yandere simulator 😞
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hero-dualies-pog · 2 months
do you ever just. realize how much you hate school
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lxvepup · 6 months
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I don't know anything about regretevator but I think she would change me as a person
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inkysqueed · 1 year
brainstorming (more like daydreaming) what secret herbs and spices i will put into my ocs this time
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Just applied for a summer childcare position (like for a camp type thing) that pays 20–28 dollars an hour based on qualifications (I should be towards the end of that scale because I work in a school; and the only requirement the job lists is to be 16 and have experience with children). So hopefully they’ll consider me. That would be wonderful.
#I hate applying for jobs so much. Everyone uses a different website that makes you sign up for newsletters that clog your email#that you have to manually unsubscribe to#But yeah that’s way more than I get paid as a para lol#which is kind of sad because being a para or teacher is a lot more strenuous and complex than supervising kids during structured play#Because usually the kids enjoy stuff like rock climbing and swimming#so you don’t have to guide them through ten different layers of mental gymnastics to complete their work#or sometimes physically keep them from leaving the learning area after every problem they complete#(of course I do the last thing very gently; and I don’t like having to carry kids from under tables back to their seats#but they’re not going to learn anything if they stay underneath tables all day long… that kind of defeats the purpose of being in school.#I give a lot of verbal warnings before too. Some kids just refuse to learn all the time regardless of their mood because it’s funny to them#Anyway: Kids should not be playing video games past bedtime on a fucking Oculus Rift#Like seriously the tech withdrawal in some of these babies is palpable#Horrifying#Anyway this summer job will be a breeze if I get it#Hopefully no one will be begging me for chromebooks during rock climbing#(I know it sounds like I’m irritated with the kids; and I am. But it’s more irritation with their parents letting them become addicted#to iPads for the sake of convenience; and also frustration directed at capitalism that makes the parents so tired#that they let the iPad babysit their kids so they can rest. It’s the whole system man. It’s fucked.)
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you played dream daddy?
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limonium-anemos · 10 months
weekend shift sigh
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moonstandardtime · 2 months
9, 10, and 22 for the isat ask game!
"What would your wish at the Favor tree be?"
uhhhhhhhh. hm. i dunno! maybe something similar to siffrins wish. idk i have too much anxiety and a dangerously "fuck it we ball" mindset. all i can think of is "please god dont let everything suck Bad forever"
"How does the universe fuck up your wish?"
gotta fix shit myself. ugh. why cant everything just magically work out perfectly without any effort on my part forever
"What craft skills would you have, and what would they be called?"
id be creative craft and i think the skills would be mostly spell based. or me throwing shit. bc im not very strong and i have a history of throwing shit when im pissed off and i think that could be used to my advantage. one of them would be called "YOUR MOTHER" but not sure what that one would do. maybe ass slap. and "science class" where i throw a large textbook at you (high crit chance but also a high chance of missing). and of course "Playing with Knives", where theres not actually any knives involved and i just inflict psychic damage (small amt of damage and/or random debuff, + your next turn is replaced with mine)
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teknikolor-walters · 2 months
i am going to kill steam with my god damn bare hands or so help me
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acircusfullofdemons · 3 months
Officially in the market for an actual laptop 💻✨
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nem0-nee · 1 year
9. What are your file name conventions ?
Yes hi hello Chris!! a #9 coming right up!!
HmMmmmMM Great question! I thought they were unhinged, but I was mistaken pffft-
My latest ones are pretty much self-explanatory. I mainly just name it based on whatever I drew. Like, these PNG exports are named properly (shocker, I know).
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Aaaand if the file name is taken, I'd key smash or purposely make a typo. For instance, I have this "watermark" file name already taken. So, I named it "Watermaerk".
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BONUS tomfoolery that needs to be shared:
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tag yourself I'm "doodles to maintain my sanity" /j
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randomsloredrops · 4 months
Random's Filler Drops - The Canonfell Bros
Well, it's time to make filler drops so i can procrastinate on Alpher longer. as you can tell by the name, today...
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that's right, canonfell bros. (art made by THE Fella (underfell creator)) Now let me just find the part to add a read more... where is it? let me just find it... and...
. . there we go, read more. Anyways, time to hear my annoying yapping (i got my phd in yapanese instead of english) You see, the fanon interpretations of the fell bros is... disgusting, to say the least. Mainly because of how they assume Fell makes the guys literally ready to kill each other (when canonfell Sans can quite literally WIPE the floor with papyrus, asgore, and undyne when he's pissed off) and also makes the relationship between papyrus and sans... not the greatest. But, canonfell, canonfell, yes, canonfell i forgot i was yapping about that. anyways, cnaonfell (post-edit: i misspelled it but it's funny, so i wont change it) does NOT do that, instead making the brothers just more distant from eachother, considering Papyrus is in the Royal Guard in UF. The canonfell bros are definitely better than the fanonfell bros, seeing as Papyrus and Sans have each others backs, surprisingly. The distance between the brothers is caused specifically by Sans, due to Sand making excuses to not accept help from Papayas. According to the Underfell tumblr (Fella themselves), the relationship is:
Sans to papyrus would be : big brother who feels responsible AND guilty about the outcome of both their lives . He feels useless and can’t bare that he can’t be the one to protect his little brother anymore because he feels like Papyrus doesn’t want him to. Nonetheless he remains distant, but close enough to be there when Papyrus is in serious danger.
Papyrus to sans would be: little brother who became strong enough to be on his own, and somewhat match his older brother. He managed to become who he wanted to be and feels he’s capable of protecting his older brother. He has his own responsibilities to do, so he is often distant from Sans, but still close enough to be there when he’s in serious danger. (that's from the UF tumblr, one of the asks about papayas and sands) Sans also always refers to Papyrus as any sort of word similar to boss, like "jefe", "head honcho", "boss" (ofc), "chief", "commander" (not confirmed), basically anything that means boss. Papyrus also knows NOT to fuck with Sans unless safe to do so, like when Sans is fucking with him, and YES, Papyrus DOES toss Sans across the fucking earth when that happens. Papyrus is also (from my assumption), somewhat protective of Sans, just a little bit, based on a comic of Sans and the chain collar. Time to yap about the comic (sorry). The comic has Papyrus thinking of a plan to restrain Frisk as they travel, while Sans makes a stupid idea. Papyrus finds leash, asks if it belongs to Sans, and Sans says yes. Papyrus says (just assumption on the anger-filled part cause some of it's cut off by papyrus' body and the borders) "OH MY DEAR BROTHER... I KNOW I CAN BE JUDGMENTAL... BUT I AM ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU. YOU CAN TELL ME ANYTHING... NEVER HESITATE TO TELL ME WHEN SOMEONE IS HURTING YOU... BECAUSE SO HELP ME GOD, I WILL TEAR THEM LIMB FROM LIMB (cut off) I WILL TORTURE AND (cut off) UNTIL THEY KNOW NOT TO MESS WITH MY BIG BROTHER!" Yeah, Papyrus DOES care for Sans, he just isn't completely showing it unless it's something like Sans possibly being "hurt" (i still dont know canonfell Sans HP, and I dont want to disturb fella for it, I only saw somebody saying it was 20 instead of 1), but even if he did get hurt, it's obvious that there wouldn't be a trace of them left on the planet. I bet you even the dust is going to be gone. Bro will ULTRAKILL them faster than Papyrus can react. But yeah, the bros technically still care for each other, but it's not very apparent unless it involves something like Papyrus or Sans getting hurt... OH YEAH AND THEY'RE FIGHTING OVER WHO'S COOLER, BUT IMO, SANS JUST GOT THAT CLEAN-ASS DRIP, BRO IS FUCKIN DRIPPED AS FUC-
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