wastheheart · 6 months
In Case You Didn't Know
@chromatiica asked: ❝ i don't know how i'm ever going to be able to repay you. ❞ (hello & thank you!)
"Don't be silly," Esme immediately replies, a dismissive wave accompanying her words. "We wouldn't want repaying, we're just helping like people should!" And Esme truly means it. "I'd hate to be stranded somewhere I'm not familiar with, the least I can do is offer you shelter while you sort yourself out!"
Just how her own cousin had provided Esme with shelter in Wisconsin.
"You're probably hungry too, right? Let's grab you something to eat."
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butscrewmefirst · 2 years
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❝ you are -- beautiful. ❞
@chromatiica gets a starter!
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alwaysrevvedup · 2 years
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* are you out of your fucking mind? @chromatiica
“Y’know,” Eddie huffs as he heaves himself up on the side of the elevated DJ booth, “that’s a valid question.” Although to fully understand the context, we have to BE KIND AND REWIND to ten minutes prior when he hit the dance floor.  The place is Sound Nightclub, located on North Los Palmas Ave in Hollywood. Normally, this club was known for house music, EDM. But lately, there’s been a switch up in the programming: themed nights showcasing other genres of music. Tonight is metal, and Corroded Coffin has been personally invited to perform live later in the night. For now, Eddie and the rest of the boys are enjoying the energy of the place.  Lanterns and strips of light dance and change color with the beat, and the large dance floor is completely crowded with moshing metalheads and others that are jumping and stomping along with the music. It’s when they’re making their way through the crowd that Eddie glances upward at the night’s DJ. He freezes in his tracks, being jostled by the people around him.  Whoever she is---her energy is really electric. Her hair whips through the air as she dances and headbangs along to the track, feeling every crash of the drums and scream of the guitar. His eyes feel magnetized to her as he watches and, perhaps, ogles those cut off leather shorts and the cropped Metallica shirt she’s wearing over a ripped fishnet top. 
“Where are you going?” Gareth calls over the noise as Eddie shoves his jacket into his bandmate’s hands. He doesn’t get an answer as their front man makes a beeline for the DJ booth. Though once Eddie gets there, he realizes there’s no way up to her from this vantage point. In a reckless, split second decision, he hooks a foot into the metal scaffolding supporting the booth and starts to climb until he reaches the tippy top---and he manages to scare her.  NOW, we’re caught up. 
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He heaves a breathless laugh, knowing she probably can’t hear him. Once his lungs are filled, he belts, “I LOVE YOUR SHIRT!” In the wings of the surrounding balconies, security is already swarming, ready to throw out the invited talent for the night. 
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hiveruled · 1 year
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@chromatiica asked: 12.  SAFEGUARD :  for one muse to save the other from being hit by a vehicle or from some other life-threatening event.
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The bite of the cool night air assaults what little of his skin is exposed as he steps out of the supermarket with a plastic bag in tow. After stepping onto the sidewalk, Kai begins his trek back home. It was minutes into it with not much going on in the realm of interesting people watching until he spotted someone venturing out into the street to cross over onto his side, OBLVIOUS to an oncoming car clearly disregarding the speed limit.
Without wasting another precious moment of time, Kai drops the bag onto the ground and runs up to her, thankful she was in arms reach by the time he got to her. The cerulean-haired male's hands grasp onto the back of her shirt and her arm, YANKING her onto the sidewalk with him as the car whizzes past in the exact spot she would've still been at. " Fucking asshole! " Kai uselessly curses out the driver, flipping them a prominent middle finger that they also wouldn't be aware of. " You alright? " He lets go of her and turns his attention back to the woman that NARROWLY escaped her death, or at the very least a decent amount of serious injury.
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ameeperduee · 1 year
@chromatiica Latrelle was a traveler, while it wasn't in the job description it might as well be. It was easier to pick victims in a city far away from her own home. Plus shitty deadbeat cops never looked very far outside of the city where people were reported missing anyway. But for now, this trip was strictly for pleasure and to scope out new ways to freshen up her own club. Latrelle made good money hosting fight clubs but she was always looking for new ways to freshen up the look of the club.
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PLANET CHROMATICA read the sign. Stepping in was like taking a breath of fresh air. The atmosphere was free and fun. Like she could finally let loose, let go of this mask she had been holding up all night, and finally be herself. Seemed like she arrived just in time too. Everyone was in high spirits and a performance just began. As soon as the singer opened her mouth.. Latrelle was taken back. Brown eyes watched in awe as she listened. Apart of her wanting to join in the crowds screaming to cheer on this stranger.. the other part of her wanted them to shut up so she could soak up the aroma of the voice of the other.
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crawledoutofmordor · 1 year
Eddie was stood at his van, using the hood as a makeshift table as an idea for his campaign as he scribbled it down in his notebook, almost jumping out of his skin when someone finally broke him out of his fixation by touching his arm. "Christ!...oh hey," Eddie tried to regain his composure quickly in an attempt to cover up the obvious fright he had just experienced, though she had also unintentionally touched one of his still healing wounds on his arm under his sleeve.
"Sorry I didn't mean to yell at you," he apologised with a sheepish tone, tail between his legs if he had one, he was honestly surprised Indie had actually showed up. He had called her a few hours earlier to ask if she wanted to come hang out and told her where he would be and when, the date had gone horrifically and he expected to be stood up this time. The metalhead's hair hung loose, he was dressed in ripped jeans, a Judas Priest shirt and his leather and denim jacket combo. The only visible wounds were on his hands, neck and a final wound that ran from cheek down his jaw. "You look cool." He said with a smile, feeling it pull at the wound on his cheek.
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sooperdark · 1 year
@chromatiica asked: “I know this makes me, like, a totally selfish asshole, but I don’t want you to go, okay?”
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A soft, yet sharp, gasp beckons their hand up to lay dramatically upon their chest, letting their dropped jaw linger open in exaggerated shock before they pull it closed with a devilish grin. There's no audience, just the two of them sitting in her room, but Mickey rises still and mimes holding a microphone their mouth as they make their announcement : "Ladies and gentlemen, gather around - for Indie Warhol has finally admitted that she is obsessed with me!" A soft laugh follows it as they plop back down upon the ground, laying in a position that would seem uncomfortable to most but is quite natural to themself. "I dunno, it's kinda late, yeah?" iPhone whipped out of the pocket of their hoodie, they unlock it and give a glance at the time - only 10:42 PM - and do some aimless scrolling as they lightly hum. They don't have anything going on tomorrow, but the fear of seeming overly excited to kill some more time together makes them feel they should at least pretend to have shit to do. "Hm, I could probably be convinced to stick around though. Sooo, floor is yours - what's the pitch?"
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sanguinesinners · 2 years
“will you be my valentine?”
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"You fucking with me?"
Abrupt and harsh as it escaped the Upir's plump lips - Godfrey still managed a small chuckle upon their question whilst taking a long drag on his cigarette, one that seemed to take longer than usual as he contemplated his answer carefully.
"I'm not used to this sappy bullshit. But sure... I mean, if it's what you want"
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
“Sorry about being mentally ill, the sex will be bomb though.” ( i'm here cackling ) // @chromatiica
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Behind the tiny woman, a loud, deeper laugh could be heard. A tall queen with long blond hair that brush her bottom leaned over the small woman, wrapping an arm around her waist. She was significantly taller than the other, to the point she stood out in the crowd of the cabaret. It was made even more obvious as everyone around them turned around when they heard her to look at her with a smile of admiration.
In a matter of months, Hyacinte had become the icon, the legendary French queen of the cabaret. She was, by far, the most well known queen in all of New York City and, despite still living in a harsh reality, she had started taking great delight in this little fame.
Pressed against Indie, the tall queen looked at the man she was talking about and who had been trying to hit on her the entire evening - despite being on stage, she noticed everything. This guy did not seem like a good fit for Indie, she had thought, and, from up close, he really was not. "Yeah, you hear that? The sex will be bomb and you're never getting a piece of that!" she yelled to be heard above the music before busting in laughter. "She's too good for you, dude, sorry!"
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miscxllany · 2 years
@chromatiica​​ liked this post!
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❛ You know what I’m totally craving right now? Waffle House. Just cheap and so bad for you but so good. You down to go? ❜
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goldshadowsarchive · 2 years
@chromatiica​  /  old sc, not accepting
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                               heavy sigh falls from her lips as a hand reached into her pocket and she finds nothing in it once more which meant she’d lost yet another lighter. the cigarette between her fingers seems almost useless now. daisy turns to the other standing not too far away and holds up her hand.  “ hey, you got a light  ?  ”
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alwaysrevvedup · 2 years
send 💕 or ( ‘HEART’ ) for me to randomly pick one of my mutuals to shower in positivity.
@greenscrunchy I just started interacting with this Chrissy, and I'm already getting cavities. Just really captures that effervescent sweetness of her character that is so endearing. Also, can we talk about the blog aesthetics??? THE THEME. The little tigers under the posts. The vintage kitty cat over the askbox popup? Stop it. It's so cute and on brand and honestly I'm a sucker for little vintage card artwork.
Also at you @chromatiica I think Indie is such a cool character and concept, and you are a blast to talk to and plot with. I rarely hit it off so well with someone in the early plotting stages and shit, we were already talking about them living in an RV and travelling the country between shows before the night was up. Needless to say, I have very high hopes for these two chaotic, music loving dum dums.
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oblivionlotus · 2 years
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@chromatiica liked this
How can I begin to put into words how much I love you & Indie? I really can't so wnowjjchvnvvjiejvo...
Nah, I'mma try but I fear there just aren't any good enough words in English to describe it. Okay. The second I read your doc, I knew I had to write with you because here was a writer who wasn't afraid to write a character with flaws or shy away from the rougher topics of life while also being respectful & realistic about them. I felt a connection to Indie immediately, having experienced similar hardships to her - and then once we started plotting & writing... I quickly realized that I was dealing with a talented beautiful writer. You write Indie with so much whimsy that her spirit flows effortlessly with every word, I can literally FEEL who she is as a character like I'm stepping into a novel halfway through: I don't know the entire story but I know this character & I can follow her & relate to her. How can a muse be steeped in so much color & caprice yet be so concrete & unwavering? Fucked if I know the answer but ugh, I wish I could write the way you do. Not only have you made this amazing character but you did so with the inspiration of a music album! Which just impresses me so much because to do that, you need to really know the material inside out to make lyrics into a comprehensible story!
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munsxnisms · 2 years
@chromatiica​ liked this post for a starter
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Raves were new to Eleanor — usually, the loud music was too over-stimulating and she couldn’t regulate enough to enjoy it. But the noise sensitivity was thrown to the wayside when she realized that the friends she had arrived with had all but disappeared almost as soon as they had gotten in. In the first five minutes, she had been jostled around and touched far too much by people she didn’t know, and somehow had made her way toward where the DJ booth was set up. The lights were the brightest there, the music the loudest, and Ellie was looking around desperately for her friends or a way out. Bumping into someone after a light flashed a little too brightly into her eyes, momentarily blinding her, the girl quickly blurted out an apology, giving the unknown rave goer a small smile.
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killdfame · 2 years
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“    i  feel  very      ...      goofy  in  this,    ”    nervous  hands  smooth  out  a  suit                   fresh  out  of  a  dry  cleaner  bag,  not  a  single  wrinkle  in  the  fabric.  something  nice,  something  formfitting,  something      ...      plaid    ?    it’s  wool,  it’s  hot,  it’s  uncomfortable.  colton  tugs  at  his  collar.  “    not  in  a  '  fun  silly  goose  '  kinda  way,  either.  which,  like,  sucks.    ”
@chromatiica       +       liked !
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filmdesque · 1 year
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( !!!!! jonathan is definitely staring and interested !!!! )
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