#christopher staker
favroitecrime · 9 months
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tea-and-crime · 1 year
The Case of Holly Staker and the Trial of Juan Rivera
Posted on: November 30th, 1993
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Holly Staker is pictured on the right: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/27/magazine/dna-evidence-lake-county.html
Juan Rivera is pictured on the left: https://www.dailyherald.com/article/20111212/news/712129953/
Hey everyone, grab your cup of tea because today's case is gonna be interesting; we are talking about the recently closed case of Holly Staker which happened in the United States. We are going to figure out how much the police trust inmates and what the investigators were doing when their prime suspect was going through an acute psychosis episode. In Waukegan, Illinois, 11-year-old Holly Staker was babysitting two children on August 17, 1992, when she was then raped and murdered. Through a prison informant, the police began investigating 19-year-old Juan Rivera. During the 4 days of interrogation, Rivera revealed he possessed no knowledge of what happened; at the end of the 4th day, Rivera broke down and confessed to the crime. After investigators had left the room, he started hitting his head against the wall, lying in an unresponsive fetal position, and pulling his hair out; moreover, psychiatric nurse Toi Coleman concluded Rivera was suffering an acute psychotic episode. A typed confession was signed after; however, the interrogation continued in order to cover up inconsistencies, and a second signed confession was obtained even with knowledge of Rivera’s mental state. Additionally, there was no recording of his interrogation even though recording equipment was available. The trial began on November 1st, 1993 and was presided by Judge Christopher C. Starck. The prosecution’s evidence was predominantly focused on the second confession; Rivera was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. If you were reading along while the trial was going on, did you think that Rivera was guilty? Let me know what you think about this case in the comments. Thanks for reading and I hope to continue updating you about crime cases happening around the world.
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frimleyblogger · 2 years
Sweet Of The Week (2)
The modern take on #flapjacks by @Glanbiaplc are too chewy to be classed as #cakes a tax tribunal decides, making them subject to VAT
What do the tomato, Jaffa cakes, and flapjacks have in common? They have all had their status for tax purposes decided by the courts. A tax tribunal recently decided that the 36 varieties of flapjacks produced by Glanbia Milk would not be eaten for afternoon tea, were designed to be consumed on the go, were not baked, contained significant amounts of protein, were not aerated, and had a dense,…
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adshofar · 3 years
2022년 2월 28일 미얀마 현지신문 헤드라인
2022년 2월 28일 미얀마 현지신문 헤드라인
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adshofar · 3 years
2022년 2월 24일 미얀마 현지신문 헤드라인
2022년 2월 24일 미얀마 현지신문 헤드라인
  The Mirror (정부기관지) – 국가관리위원회 5대 로드맵 – 미얀마 공보부장관 U Maung Maung Ohn, <South China Morning Post> <Nikkei Asia> <Kyodo News> <TBS> <Asahi> 신문사 질의응답 – 국제사법재판소, 이의 제기에 대한 MR. Christopher Staker 연설 – Minhlakyin 마을 주민들 황소를 타고 ShweSettaw 순례 계속 진행 – 2월 23일 일 신규 확진자 3,381명, 확진율 10.79% Myawady Daily (국방일보) – 국가관리위원회 5대 로드맵 – <Golden Jubilee Myanmar Health Research Congress> 3일차 진행 – 코로나 19 백신 미얀마 전역에서 계속…
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