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evscomposer · 5 years ago
Good start to this advent, with some choir music at the christmas market at Malmöhus castle 😄🎄 . . . #ErikValdemarSköld #Composer #christmastsongs #christmasshopping #christmas #christmasmarket #choirmusic #choirsinging #choir #advent #goodtime #lonley #classical #classicalmusic #jul #julmarknad #julpåslottet #malmöhus #malmöhusslott (på/i Malmö Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5iLreKl2LA/?igshid=2d3aqc4briyk
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melissahevenor · 6 years ago
What are I do you when I #cantsleep because I had a hard day and I have an exciting day tomorrow #ising #christmastsongs with @jessiej #whitechristmas #musicislife #musicismydrug #jessiej #thischristmasdayalbum https://www.instagram.com/p/Brj02_Eh3Rl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i94tsg65a88m
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evscomposer · 5 years ago
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I FINALLY got a seat at the annual christmas concert in St. Petri that the Academy arranges every december! This year I also have honour to have a piece of my own on this year's repertoire, performed by @oliviabrisvallrydqvist 🎅 . . . #ErikValdemarSköld #Composer #composers #swedishcomposers #contemporary #contemporaryclassical #classical #classicalmusic #musicstudents #christmas #christmastsongs #christmasconcert #jul #julmusik #julkonsert #stpetri #musikhögskolanimalmö #academyofmusic #choir #kör #orchestra (på/i S:t Petri kyrka, Svenska kyrkan i Malmö) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DxppDlcYz/?igshid=1w9qvjzbjcbcr
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evscomposer · 5 years ago
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What a fun and cosy evening it has been at the annual christmas party at the Academy of music! Good job to @karen_mhm for arranging such a nice party! . . . #ErikValdemarSköld #Composer #christmastsongs #christmas #christmasparty #jul #julfest #musikhögskolan #musikhögskolanimalmö #academyofmusicinmalmö #mingling #funtimes #student #studentlife #partying (på/i Musikhögskolan i Malmö) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5wJ0S5lbnV/?igshid=ltlw1b4676kp
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