#christmas herald
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hoonieyun · 3 months ago
letter from: sunghoon ⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
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the snows gonna fall and the trees gonna glisten and i'm gonna puke at the thought of you kissing. the boy who i love who's now in love with you... -sabrina carpenter "cindy lou who"
pairing: park sunghoon x reader (slight x sim jaeyun)
genre: angst - heartbreak - betrayal - infidelity
warnings: suggestive, profanity, alcohol, cheating, and overall 18+
summary: a holiday surprise turns into holiday heartbreak
christmas herald masterlist ⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
word count: 3886
Surprising Sunghoon for the Holidays was a plan you had been working on for the last few weeks. Going to University in different countries was a task in and of itself but keeping secrets from your boyfriend Sunghoon proved to be a difficult task on its own because he always wants to know your whereabouts. It’s a habit of his that he’s always had since before you two were even dating and over the last year or so, he’s been more adamant of knowing where you are even if you’re in another country. 
When the opportunity presented itself and you’d be able to come home back to South Korea for the Holidays when you thought you couldn’t because of your research, you couldn’t pass up the chance to visit your family and loving boyfriend for Christmas. You had been coordinating with Jake, you and Sunghoon’s best friend, to pick you up at the airport and you’d be staying with him in the meantime while you prepared to surprise Sunghoon and because Sunghoon and you were childhood neigbors, you didn’t want to stay at your parents just in case he sees you back home. 
There would be a Holiday Party that Sunghoon’s frat is throwing and when Jake told you about it, you thought it was the best moment to surprise him. You’d be arriving two days before the party so you’d have enough time to prepare yourself and continue acting like you weren’t back in South Korea. You told Sunghoon that you had a long research day during the time of your flight so you wouldn’t be able to respond. 
Thankfully, even though Sunghoon always asked about your whereabouts, he never asked you to share your phone location with him so you never asked as well. 
You were so excited to see him after not seeing him for upwards of a whole year since you had transferred to a new University at the beginning of the year when you were asked to conduct research on molecular biology. It had been a passion of yours since you were young and the opportunity to study abroad at a University specializing in molecular biology with a connection to a major hospital was too good to not accept. You and Sunghoon both knew it would be hard being so far away but he would never want you to choose him over an amazing opportunity like that; and for that you would forever be grateful for him. He understood you like no one else could and you couldn’t wait to finally be able to hug and kiss him again. 
The airport is bustling with hundreds of people trying to fly home for the holidays much like you were and as you step through the security exit, the cold winter air of Seoul whips by and the chilling air that gives you a shiver is slightly comforting. You give Jake a quick phone call to let him know you’ve arrived and had your bags, you give him your arrival terminal number and he lets you know that he’ll be there in 15 minutes and sure enough, 15 minutes later you were loading your suitcase into his trunk and buckling your seatbelt in Jake’s car. 
“Yooo, YN it’s been so long dude! Can’t believe you’re back in Seoul!” Jake says as he merges into the highway, heading towards his apartment. You laugh at Jake, he was always the brighter and more outgoing between him and Sunghoon. They were complete opposites but of course they ended up becoming the best of friends regardless. 
Sunghoon balances out Jake and together you’d think the two of them were siblings. When you started dating Sunghoon, he was a bit nervous to tell Jake because as the three of you became friends; he was afraid your relationship would make Jake feel like he was merely just a third to the pairing of you and Sunghoon, but nothing changed. 
Jake was happy, maybe even happier than you and Sunghoon, about your relationship. He always knew Sunghoon a lot better than you did so he was someone you could reach out to whenever you weren’t sure how to talk to Sunghoon about certain things. You just wished that you could know Sunghoon as well as Jake did. 
The car suddenly comes to a halt and you realize Jake has parked and is heading to his trunk to grab your luggage. Luckily, you were able to fit everything you needed including your personal items and presents you brought for your family and Sunghoon. Jake gives you a little rundown of his apartment and shows you where you’d be sleeping. His apartment wasn’t gigantic but he got lucky and was able to score a place with 2 rooms for an affordable price. You’d be staying in his office/spare room and while you would’ve been fine just on the couch, you were grateful for Jake’s generosity. 
The day comes to an early end after you’ve settled in. Taking a shower and getting dressed in more comfortable clothes, you and Jake just spend the rest of the day going over your plan to surprise Sunghoon. Jake ensures that Sunghoon has no idea and that he’s been so preoccupied with his own life that Sunghoon wouldn’t know about the surprise whatsoever. Jake’s words made you excited for the surprise and made your restless. You couldn’t wait to surprise Sunghoon and you just wished the day would come sooner. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
After the longest two days of your life and telling Sunghoon a handful of white lies, his frat party was finally upon you. With your hair done up and makeup just how you like, you were sitting in Jake’s passenger seat wearing the dress that Sunghoon got you on your birthday. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous but you knew that as soon as you see Sunghoon, all of your worries would cease to exist and you’d only be filled with love. 
You and Jake head inside of the frat house, the party already in full swing. Groups of people with red solo cups in hand, empty beer bottles scattered on various surfaces, and a random array of snacks in the kitchen that didn’t necessarily provide anything but sustenance so that people don’t pass out from all of the alcohol. 
“Sunghoon just texted me, he’s upstairs.” Jake tells you and you follow him up there. The unfamiliar frat house was definitely owned by a bunch of men as there were minimal decorations and the decorations that were there were all just photos of the frat members and random wall ornaments that consist of boxing gloves, a rubber chicken that shrieks, and an assortment of fruit hats. When Jake notices the confused look on your face he tells you that it’s a long story. Jake was also a part of this frat but because he was a casual member, they let him live outside of the frat house. 
As you and Jake approach the top of the stairs, he leads you to Sunghoon’s room and you can hear a few voices come from inside, one being Sunghoon’s and another being an unfamiliar voice of a girl you didn’t recognize. You look over at Jake and he urges you to go inside and just as you’re slowly pushing the door open, it reveals Sunghoon on his bed with a girl in his lap, their lips just centimeters away from one another. 
“What the fuck?” comes out of your lips, a lot louder than you meant. 
Both heads turn towards you, shock clearly spread across Sunghoon’s face as he sees you and the girl filled with confusion. 
“Baby, what are you doing here?” Sunghoon asks, standing up and pushing the girl off of his lap. She scoffs at his actions, “Baby?” she asks, her glance bouncing from Sunghoon to you. “Don’t call me that…” you say, trying your best to fight off tears as you leave Sunghoon’s room, lightly pushing past Jake. 
“What the fuck man?” a side comment from Sunghoon directed to Jake as if any of this was his fault. Jake, however, doesn’t respond but shoots daggers at Sunghoon’s back as he chases after you. 
“YN! Baby, wait please!” Sunghoon pleads as he weaves through the crowd of people at his frat house. “Yo! Hoon, I just saw your girl!” Heeseung says as Sunghoon walks past him. He gives Heeseung a small smile and nod before going back to trying to find you. He sees you slip through the front door just in time and he picks up his pace, afraid that if he lets you go now he’ll never be able to get you back.
“YN! Wait, please!” Sunghoon shouts as he’s running down the steps out through the front door.
“What? What do you want?” you say, stopping in tracks but refusing to face him. Afraid that if you even looked at his face the tears would fall and would continue to fall until you run out of tears. “Let me explain-”
“Explain what? What is there for you to say…?” you interrupt, facing him and in the moment of silence, Sunghoon says nothing; realizing that he doesn’t know how to explain what you just saw without making himself look any worse. 
“Whatever” you scoff, turning on your heel to leave but a voice stops you in tracks once again. 
“Tell her the truth, Sunghoon.” Jake says and you and your now ex-boyfriend both turn around to face him. Jake is standing at the top of the steps at the front of the house, Sunghoon is looking at Jake like he’s just been betrayed by his best friend and you’re looking at Jake like he was witholding information from you. 
“What are you talking about Jake?” you ask and he joins the two of you on the front lawn. 
“Tell her or I will…” Jake says to Sunghoon and the two are glaring at each other with so much hatred that you could see steam coming off of their heads. 
“Baby, don’t listen to him, okay? He’s lying…” Sunghoon says frantically, moving over to you and cupping your face in his hands. In any other situation, you’d melt into his touch but opposed to melting, you felt nothing but ice. You roughly tear his hands off of you and avert your gaze to Jake, “What are you talking about?” you ask and Jake doesn’t hestitate to tell you what Sunghoon has been hiding from you. 
Ever since you had moved away, Sunghoon had fallen into this hole of loneliness and the only way he found comfort was in another woman. It only took you being gone for 2 months for Sunghoon to find someone else to fill the you shaped missing piece in his heart. And although the girl he chose wasn’t you and could never be you, it was enough to stop him from feeling lonely. 
Of course he still loved you but the longer you were gone the more he found himself loving the other girl too. Sunghoon was doing a good job of keeping his affair a secret but when the other girl started questioning Sunghoon’s love for her, he was faced with a hard decision. Does he risk taking her out in public or continue to hide her away and show how much he loved her in the confinement of his room? 
He ultimately decides to take her out on a night on the town and he just so happens to run into his best friend, Jake. The two best friends get into a heated argument about Sunghoon cheating on you and since then, the two haven’t been best friends let alone friends at all. 
This was only a month ago and although Jake planned to tell you one night when you called him, he couldn’t bring himself to do it when you had told him about your plan to surprise Sunghoon when you fly back home for the Holidays. 
Jake figured that if you were coming back home, you should see it for yourself, so he went along with your plan and had a plan of his own. He’d make sure that Sunghoon was with the other girl when the two of you arrived at the party and you’d see for yourself that Sunghoon was cheating you. 
All of this information was overwhelming you and you hadn’t even realized that you were now bawling your eyes out as Jake explains. Sunghoon breathing heavily as he stares at Jake, his own best friend, betraying him. 
When Jake is done explaining, the silence between the three of you is so loud that you could no longer hear the music from inside the house. “You done, Jake?” Sunghoon asks and Jake narrows his eyes at his best friend. 
“You forgot the part where you told me that YN didn’t deserve me and that you’d be a better boyfriend for her than I am…” Sunghoon says, now it was his turn to expose his best friend. 
“What?” you ask, now even more confused than before. 
“Yeah, Jake here wasn’t as happy for us to be dating than we thought.” Sunghoon explained and he was right. Jake wasn’t happy when he found out his two best friends were now dating, not because he didn’t want to be a third wheel. No, it was because he loved you and was angry Sunghoon stole you from him. 
He just wishes that he made the move before Sunghoon did and ever since the two of you started dating, his hatred for Sunghoon only grew because Sunghoon knew that Jake liked you and he decided to make a move on you first so that he could have you over Jake. 
The two of them always had a secret competitive relationship that you didn’t know about and when you noticed it, you assumed it was just boys being boys. 
But to them, you were simply just a prize to be won. 
“Are you fucking serious..?” you began. Anger boiled inside of you as the two boys in front of you threw insults at each other to make the other look worse when in reality, their attempts to get on your good side was only driving you further away from both of them. 
“YN, please. I love you, don’t listen to Jake, okay baby?” Sunghoon says, trying to grab your hands but you quickly retreat away from him before he could even touch you. 
“We’re done.” you begin. 
“I can’t believe you’d even think, I would trust anything you said after what I saw upstairs. You disgust me and I never want to see you ever again. 
Sunghoon, I loved you and I spent everyday while I was away thinking about you and waiting for the day I finally get to hug you again and when I got here to surprise you only to be surprised myself and have it thrown back in my face is fucking humiliating. 
Merry Christmas… I guess. I hope she was worth it.” you say, your voice trailing off in the end as your lips began to tremble and once again tears were pooling in your eyes. Sunghoon didn’t know what to say but he knew that he fucked up and the hurt in your eyes and voice was proof of that. 
He had never seen you in so much pain before and knowing it was because of him was a reality check he didn’t know he needed. What began as a way to get one over on Jake and to take the girl he had a crush on turned into a two year long relationship that he loved but ended so quickly because of how selfish he was. Selfish, that was a word to define Sunghoon because although it seemed like he had so much, he always wanted more. 
Wiping away your tears and choosing to walk away before you couldn’t keep yourself together anymore, you’re stopped when a hand grabs ahold of your wrist and when you realize it’s Jake and not Sunghoon, a part of you breaks as a small part of you wished it was Sunghoon. Unsure of what you’d do if it was Sunghoon, you weren’t necessarily excited to see Jake either. 
“YN, let me take you home. It’s dark out.” Jake says, his voice small and for a second you contemplate it but oppose. Sunghoon was nowhere to be seen when you peered behind Jake and you could feel another part of your heart shatter. 
“Let me go, Jake.” you say softly and when he does, Jake looks at you confused, like you were treating him like he was the one who had just cheated on you. “Are you upset with me? YN, I just told you what your boyfriend has been doing for the last few months? You should be thankful…” Jake says and you scoff. 
“Thankful? Jake, you hid the fact that my boyfriend was cheating on me! You should’ve told me as soon as you found out but instead you held onto it so you could use it against him all because you had a crush on me? 
Is that supposed to make me feel better? Neither of you had any sympathy and care for me because if you did none of us would be in this situation. I’m grabbing my things from your place and going to stay with my parents. Please don’t follow me, I’ll text you when I’ve grabbed my things and left your place.” you say and leave, not even allowing Jake to get a response in. 
Jake watched as your figure got smaller and smaller the further you went down the street. A feeling in his chest that he couldn’t describe. Jake had liked you for so long and he was so blinded by his anger for Sunghoon he didn’t realize he would hurt you at the same time. He wanted to be with you so bad that he didn’t realize how selfish he was being. So selfish that he was willing to hurt his two best friends just to get what he wanted. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
You spent the last few days of your little Holiday break with your family and when you told them what happened, they tried their best to comfort and console you but their efforts weren’t enough to fix your brokenheart, having lost not only your boyfriend but also your best friend. 
Countless messages and missed calls from Sunghoon and Jake filled your phone and as you pondered on the endless decisions and outcomes of what played out a few days ago, you couldn’t help but think of only one thing that would allow for you to heal with as much time as you needed. Not only time, but distance. 
After talking with your family in a conversation that seemed to go a lot better than you thought, you soon found yourself grabbing the last of your personal items from your childhood home and packing them in a box to send them to your new home. 
You had decided that the only way you could move forward from this was moving away from South Korea for good, or at least for the meantime. You were going to focus on completing your research, graduate from University, and acquire a position at a medical institution to put all your hardwork to use in progressing the research and creation for a cure for molecular diseases. 
Being away from all of this was going to be hard because Korea will always be your home but with the amount of pain you’ve experienced here in just a matter of days, going back to your new home away from all of it will definitely help in healing. 
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Stepping onto the plane that was going to fly you thousands of miles away seemed a lot easier today than it was just almost a year ago when you first left home. The conditions are a lot different now and although you were excited but reluctant before, there was nothing but solemnity now. Although it felt like you were running away from your problems, you knew that facing it would be a lot harder than ignoring it. 
Finding your seat on the aircraft was no issue at all as you luckily secured a spot at the front and after you nestle your bag in the overhead bin space, you think about what life you want to live moving forward. Unsure of what that could look like, you are sure that you just want to be happy. 
Soon enough, the flight staff is closing the door but a small commotion occurs and several staff members are dealing with a situation at the gate so the plane wasn’t able to take off just yet. Choosing to not dwelve in what was happening, you place headphones over your ears and decide that closing your eyes as you wait for the plane to take off would be a good choice. 
The events of the last week replayed in your head and just as you’re drifting to sleep, a small tear falls down your cheek. A single tear, that serves as a reminder that you would no longer be crying over this and the pain you felt will not be something you’ll ever feel again. 
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Sunghoon speeds to the airport after he’s left your parents house, although your siblings refused to tell Sunghoon where you were, your mom always had a soft spot for him and subtly hinted at where he could find you. 
So here he was now, leaving his car parked in front of the airport with his hazard lights on as he ran inside to try and find you. The ticketing agent stops him from walking through and after some time convincing her to let him through because he was trying to fix his relationship, she still wasn’t buying his story; so Sunghoon buys whatever ticket he needs to get through; not caring about how much it cost if it meant he could fix what he broke. 
He runs to your gate and hopes that he’ll catch you but to his dismay, the staff agent at the gate is closing the doors just as he’s running up. He gives her the same speech he gave to the ticketing agent but there was nothing he could do to convince anyone to let him through. Several staff members were now crowding around the door and trying to get Sunghoon to leave or else he’d be escorted out by security and potentially put on a no-flight list. 
If he hadn’t lost all hope before, he certainly has now. As he walked away from the gate and the staff member closed the door to the ramp that led to the plane, he could feel his heart shatter into thousands of pieces. It only took a few minutes before the plane was starting to take off and he watched from behind the glass to see the plane ascend into the sky, taking you away from him. 
The love of his life was getting further and further away and he’s forced to live with the fact that he broke something he didn’t realize was so precious to him until it was gone. 
Until you were gone. 
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copyright 2024 - present © hoonieyun all rights reserved
all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned.
if you enjoyed reading this please consider reblogging and following <3
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almondcroissantsandink · 2 months ago
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they slayed at the sake of my sanity i'm afraid
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misswynters · 3 months ago
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Christmas Present
featuring. viktor x afab!reader
warnings. MDNI SMUT (18+), reader wearing lingerie, riding, praising, unprotected sex, blowjob, creampie, viktor being obsessed with hearing the bell you are wearing, soft sex, bondage (m. receiving), breeding, begging and whining, aftercare at the end
requested by anon (combined the christmas and the riding viktor requests)
a/n. got lazy at the end :(
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The workshop was unusually quiet for the evening, a rare stillness settling over the room. The only sounds were the faint hum of machines idling in the background and the soft creak of Viktor’s cane as he approached the workbench. You could hear his measured steps echoing off the walls, the rhythm unhurried, likely lost in some grand idea. You smiled to yourself, anticipation bubbling as you sat in his chair, carefully positioning yourself for the reveal.
The lingerie you wore was festive yet bold, a delicate mix of red and green fabric that hugged your curves. A small, golden bow sat perfectly in the center of your sternum, just above a jingling bell that chimed softly with every shift of your body. You felt equal parts daring and nervous, unsure how Viktor might react to such an unconventional “gift.” But you knew him, beneath his composed exterior lay a man brimming with emotions he often kept restrained. Tonight, you intended to bring those emotions to the surface.
Viktor called your name, his voice carrying an affectionate cadence as it bounced through the workshop. “Are you here? I thought we agreed to meet for dinner, not…hide in my workshop.” His words were laced with amusement, though there was an edge of curiosity.
You waited until you heard the soft click of the door closing behind him before turning the chair around slowly. His amber eyes widened at the sight of you, his steps faltering as though he had forgotten how to walk. For a moment, he simply stared, his mouth parting slightly before snapping shut. His fingers gripped the handle of his cane tightly, and you could see the muscles in his jaw flex as he struggled to find words.
“Viktor,” you said softly, your voice laced with playful confidence. “Merry Christmas.”
He took a shaky breath, his eyes roaming over you. It was hesitant at first, as though he were unsure if he was allowed to look, but soon lingering on every detail. The red and green satin, the bow, the golden bell. It all seemed to render him completely speechless. His cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and when he finally managed to speak, his voice was a hushed whisper.
“Y-you look stunning,” he stammered, his accent thick, each word tinged with awe. “I did not expect this. You are…my present?”
You nodded, your lips curving into a teasing smile. “Do you like it?”
His steps were hesitant as he moved closer, his cane tapping lightly against the floor. When he reached the chair, he leaned down, his hands gripping the armrests tightly, knuckles white with the effort it took not to touch you. His breath was warm against your face, and his amber eyes, usually so focused and calculating, now shimmered with a mix of love and unspoken need.
“You are beautiful,” he murmured, his voice barely audible. His gaze flickered to the golden bell resting against your sternum. A small, almost mischievous smile played at the corners of his lips as he reached out, his fingers brushing the bell lightly. The soft chime it produced sent a shiver down your spine, and Viktor’s eyes darkened at the sound. “Thought of everything,” he said, his tone warm yet trembling slightly. “Even this small detail…too much for me, my love.”
You reached up, your fingers curling around the edges of his vest and tugging him closer. His body stiffened for a moment before he gave in, leaning closer until your noses were nearly touching. His gaze flickered to your lips, then back to your eyes, his internal battle written all over his face.
“Are you just going to stand there and admire me, or are you going to do something about it?” you teased, your voice a soft purr as your fingers trailed down from his shoulders to his chest. Lowering down to his stomach.
Viktor let out a shaky laugh, his lips twitching as though he wanted to smile but couldn’t quite manage it. “Taking my breathe away,” he said, his voice low and filled with a mix of reverence and amusement. “You know this, yes?”
“Of course,” you replied, your eyes locking with his as you leaned back slightly in the chair, giving him a better view of your figure. “Now, are you going to unwrap your present, or should I do it for you?”
Viktor’s breath hitched, and for a moment, he simply stared at you, as though trying to commit every detail to memory. Then, with a determination that sent a thrill through you, he straightened and moved his hands from the armrests to your thighs, his touch was light. His fingers traced slow, deliberate patterns against the satin fabric, his movements reverent.
“My pretty gift,” he said softly, his voice filled with emotion. “Not just tonight, but always. How did I ever deserve you?”
“You don’t have to deserve me, Viktor,” you replied, your voice equally soft as you cupped his face, your thumbs brushing against his cheekbones. “You just have to love me.”
“I do,” he said, his voice firm now, his amber eyes locking with yours. “More than I can ever express.”
You smiled, your heart swelling at his words. You tugged him closer again, your lips meeting his in a kiss that was slow at first but quickly deepened. Viktor’s hands gripped your thighs more firmly, his restraint slipping as he poured every ounce of his love and need into the kiss. The bell at your sternum chimed softly as you shifted, the sound blending with the faint hum of the workshop’s machines. Viktor pulled back slightly, his lips brushing against yours as he whispered, “The sound… It is perfect. Just like you.”
Your fingers tangled in his hair, and you smiled against his lips. “Merry Christmas, Viktor,” you murmured.
“And to you, my love,” he replied, his voice full of warmth and promise as he leaned in for another kiss, the workshop fading away as the two of you lost yourselves in each other.
Viktor's breath lingered against your lips as he leaned in again, his hand cupping your jaw delicately. His kiss was featherlight at first, as though he were savoring the taste of you, committing every moment to memory. The softness of his lips, the way his thumb brushed against your cheek. It was achingly tender, his care evident in every movement. Time seemed to stretch as the two of you stayed like that, exchanging gentle kisses that grew slower, deeper, more meaningful with each passing moment.
Viktor's free hand found its way to your shoulder, his fingers lightly tracing the edge of the delicate strap of your lingerie. His other hand remained steady on your jaw, holding you as if you might disappear at any moment. When he finally pulled back, it wasn't far. His forehead rested against yours, and his amber eyes gazed into yours. His breathing was uneven, each exhale mingling with yours as the two of you stayed in this shared bubble of intimacy.
"You are..." he started, his voice hushed but thick with emotion, "you are more than I could have ever dreamed of. Sometimes I wonder if this is all some invention of my mind."
You chuckled softly, your hand rising to brush a strand of hair away from his face. "This is very real," you murmured, your voice filled with affection. "And so am I."
His lips curved into a faint smile, but the look in his eyes was serious, filled with love and awe. He nodded slightly, his gaze sweeping over your face as though he were memorizing every detail. Then, without another word, he leaned in again, this time closing the distance with a kiss that was anything but hesitant. It was as though a dam had broken. His lips moved against yours with a new passion, every kiss filled with a need that had been simmering under the surface. His hand left your shoulder to slide down to your waist, pulling you closer against him. The kiss deepened, his tongue brushing against yours, and a soft hum of pleasure escaped you, which only seemed to spur him on.
Viktor pulled back briefly, just long enough to catch his breath, his eyes darkened with desire as they met yours. "You make it hard to think straight," he murmured, his voice low, almost reverent, sending a thrill through you.
"Isn’t that the point?" you teased, your voice soft but breathless as you pulled him closer, your arms wrapping around his neck. "Seems like I’m doing something right."
His response was a soft laugh, but it quickly dissolved as he dove back into the kiss, this time with even more passion. His hands slid around your waist, holding you firmly yet gently, and with a surprising strength, he lifted you out of the chair. Your body pressed flush against his as his arms wrapped around you, holding you as though you were the most precious thing in the world. You yelped his name, surprised by the sudden action.
He only smiled, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and something deeper. "Sure, full of surprises tonight," he murmured, "but two can play that game."
He turned, carefully sitting back in the chair while positioning you to straddle his lap. The new position made your breath hitch as your knees settled on either side of him, your bodies impossibly close. His hands settled on your waist again, holding you steady as his gaze roamed over you, lingering on the golden bell nestled against your chest.
The corner of his mouth quirked upward, and he reached out to flick the bell lightly again. The soft chime it produced seemed to echo through the workshop, and his eyes flicked back to yours, filled with mischief. "I like this sound," he admitted, his voice a little rough. "I may want to hear it more."
Your cheeks heated at his words, and you couldn't help the small laugh that escaped you. "You'll have to work for that," you teased, your fingers slipping under the edge of his vest, brushing against the soft fabric of his shirt.
Viktor's breath faltered as your hand brushed against him, his fingers tightening around your waist with a quiet intensity. "Everything about you is a temptation," he said softly, his voice laced with both admiration and desire.
You smiled up at him, a hint of playfulness in your eyes. "I think you're just weak for me," you teased, your voice tender and full of warmth.
His only response was another kiss, this one searing in its intensity. Your hands wandered further, slipping under his shirt to trace the lines of his torso. His body tensed slightly under your touch, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he deepened the kiss, his hands sliding up your back and pulling you even closer against him.
The golden bell jingled softly with every movement, a reminder of the festive occasion, but the two of you were far too lost in each other to notice much else. Viktor's lips left yours to trail down your jaw, his kisses soft but deliberate as he moved to your neck. You tilted your head to the side, giving him better access, and a soft sigh escaped you as his lips found a particularly sensitive spot. You whined slightly, your hands tangling in his hair as he continued his care.
"Yes, my love?" he replied, his voice a soft whisper against your skin.
"Keep going, please-" you begged, your voice barely audible but filled with need.
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against your neck. "I had no intention of doing so," he assured you, his lips trailing back up to capture yours again in another passionate kiss.
Viktor’s hands slid down to your waist, gripping you more firmly as he pressed you closer against him. The movement was slow but deliberate, and your body instinctively followed his lead, your hips shifting to meet his. The only thing separating the two of you was the thin layer of fabric you wore.
He smiled faintly, though the intensity in his gaze never wavered. One of his hands trailed upward, brushing against the small of your back before settling there, holding you steady as he encouraged your movements with a subtle shift of his hips. The friction elicited a soft moan from you, and Viktor’s grip tightened slightly in response.
The sound of the golden bell ringing faintly between you only heightened the moment, the delicate chime contrasting with the growing intensity of your shared passion. Viktor’s lips left yours to trail along your jawline, leaving a path of warm, lingering kisses. When he reached the curve of your neck, his lips hovered there for a moment, his breath hot against your skin.
“...so perfect,” he murmured, his voice a mixture of reverence and longing.
Your heart swelled at his words, and you tilted your head to the side, giving him better access. “That's sweet of you to say,” you replied, your voice soft but playful.
Viktor let out a low chuckle, the sound vibrating against your neck. “Sweet, hmm?” he said, his tone laced with a teasing edge. “You may find I am not so sweet after all.”
“Viktor,” you breathed, your hands gripping his shoulders for support as you leaned closer, your lips brushing against his ear.
His response was a shaky exhale, his head dipping forward to press a kiss to your shoulder. “It is you,” he said softly, his voice rough with emotion. “You make everything, every moment, so much more.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face, your hands moving from his shoulders to cup his face. You guided his gaze back to yours, your thumb brushing lightly against his cheek. Viktor didn’t need to be told twice. His lips found yours again, and the two of you lost yourselves in each other, the rest of the world fading away. The chair creaked softly beneath you, but neither of you paid it any mind. All that mattered was the shared warmth between you, the unspoken promises conveyed in every kiss, every touch, every whispered breath.
His hands began to roam your body, not leaving a single part untouched. You began reaching down to undo the buttons of his trousers, and when you finally undid all of them, Viktor stopped. Looking at you in the eyes with a soft and kind expression. “My love, do you want to continue?
Then you slowly began stroke his cock starting with the tip, your thumb pressing lightly. This earned a ragged groan from him as he leaned his head back against the back of the chair.
“Y-you have… experience in everything don’t you? he whispered against your ear as your hand moved down to the base, pumping him a few times. Now that you actually look at it, it’s longer than what you thought. It has been so long since you found time to do this. He would always be so busy with his inventions, meeting with the council, etc.
Taking his now hard cock into your hand, you hovered over his hips. Your arousal was sticky, the soft layer that separated the two of you, clinging to your body. Then Viktor looped it around his finger, moving it to the side. “Go on,” he whispered his amber eyes looking at your with such love and desire. He took your smaller hand into his, helping you align his cock between your folds. “Let me help you.”
Oh, how you loved the way he looked at you. Maintaining eye contact while intimate always made you blush inside. Viktor began to slide it between your slick folds a few times, collecting the wetness that lingered before setting the thin fabric aside again. He pushed his tip slowly and antagonizing, as the two of you moaned softly. Leaning forward you flushed your chest against his, resting you head of his shoulder. He got ahold of your hips with a firm grip, slipping the palm of his hands towards the bottom of your ass.
He looked at you as he leaned toward you, his head laid on yours. Kissing you temple, as his lips brushed against your ear, reassuringly. “Doing alright, my love?”
You didn’t want to respond. Well, more like you couldn’t the overwhelming pleasure was too much for you so you just nodded in agreement. With that he began to lower you down, his cock slowly filling you up to the hilt. His long length being wrapped tightly by your walls, he wanted to let out a moan. But all that came out was a shaky sigh.
He slowly pulled out and pushed back in, each thrust causing soft, wet squelching sounds as your bodies met. The sound of your skin slapping was a reminder of how deeply he was filling you, every thrust a testament to the care he took in making sure you felt each inch of him. His pace was measured, slow, but intense. He was lost in the way your body responded to him, how tight and warm you were around him.
Every time he thrusted upwards, the golden bell that laid on your chest rang more loudly. It was like it ignited something in his that make his go slower but harder. He wanted to hear that bell ring more. The harder you bounced on his cock, the louder the bell rang. His chair creaked at the hinges from each impact.
Viktor kissed you slowly starting from the edge of your shoulder towards the end of your collarbone. Leaving wet kisses as he traveled up your neck, and finally reaching your jawline. His hand moving up between the valley of your chest. When he reached the precious bell, he flickered it with his fingers. Ding Ding Ding.
You had an idea, very brilliant one. Slowly you lifted yourself up from his hips, his cock falling limp. He looked up at you with curiosity.
He cupped your gently, “Where are you going?” he said softly, that it make your heart flutter even though you were in a compromising position. You didn’t say anything yet, thinking about how you were going to put your idea into words. A few seconds had passed before you could get the courage to ask.
“Where’s the ribbons at?” you asked, looking away shyly, not making eye contact with him.
“The satin ribbons we used for wrapping some of the presents?-” he replied, pondering trying to reach the depths of his mind to see if he can remember where he last placed them, unaware of your intentions.
You nodded yes, as he pointed towards a wooden cabinet near the table the two of you sat by. Walking over, with your legs trembling and weak, you reached the doors opening them with a creak. It was an old cabinet for sure. There were the ribbons, in the center with its pink satin colors slightly glowing with the dim lights. You picked it up and walked towards Viktor who was still siting in his chair, with somewhat of exhaustion lingering in his face.
Trying your best as you maintained eye contact, you lightly tied the ribbons around your chest. Once it was softly secure against your body with a bow finishing it off, you sat on his lap again.
Viktor’s hands, still gentle yet trembling with restraint, hovered over your waist as his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. The soft golden glow of the workshop lamps illuminated his tousled hair, casting shadows on his face that only deepened the intensity in his eyes. His breaths were shallow, and though his posture remained collected, you could feel the weight of his emotions beneath the surface.
“I… cannot do this to you,” he murmured into your ear, his voice thick. Accent curling around every word like a warm embrace. His eyes darted toward the ribbon tied loosely around your chest, the bell at its center giving a soft chime as you shifted.
You tilted your head, confused by the sudden hesitation. “Why not?” you asked, voice teasing but with curiosity.
Viktor pulled back slightly, his gaze meeting yours with an intensity that took your breath away. “Because…” He hesitated, his lips parting as if searching for the right words. “You are no gift to be unwrapped and claimed. You are so much more than that. I cannot bear to treat you as though you are anything less than my equal.”
His confession caught you off guard, your heart squeezing at the sincerity in his tone. There was something achingly vulnerable in the way he spoke, as if the very idea of reducing you to a “present” was an slur to the depth of his feelings for you.
The playful grin on your face softened into something more tender. “Oh-,” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair, your touch gentle. “That might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
A flicker of a smile touched his lips, though his blush deepened. “I mean every word,” he said softly, his fingers brushing over the edge of the ribbon with reverence. “But…” His gaze turned quite mischievous, his golden eyes glinting with newfound confidence. “If it must be someone, then tie me up instead.”
Your eyebrows raised at his suggestion, heat rushing to your cheeks. “You?”
“Why not?” His tone was soft, but his words carried a daring edge. “If you are to tease me like this, then it is only fair I surrender myself to your whims. Let me be yours.” The image of Viktor, bound in ribbons and entirely at your mercy, sent a delicious shiver down your spine. You leaned forward, your lips brushing against his in a featherlight kiss before pulling back, your smile playful.
“You’re serious?”
His gaze never wavered. “For you? Of course, I’m always serious.” The boldness in his reply sent warmth flooding through you, and without hesitation, you reached for the loose ribbon on your chest, pulling it free with a gentle tug. It slid from your skin, the bell giving one last soft chime before you wrapped it around your hands.
“Let’s see how you handle being my present,” you slightly teased, looping the ribbon around his arms. Strapping them to the arms rest of the chair. Once you finished tying him up (with the finishing touches being bows on each side), you went on your knees placing you hands on his thighs. Caressing them upwards until it reached his glistening length.
One of your hands eagerly ran from base to shaft, the other resting comfortably on his thigh as your lips eagerly sucked on the tip. Biting your lower lip, you pulled your eyes away just for a second to glance at how evident he was. His length had gained its strength. You just can’t help the smile that breaks over your face. You were staring up at him through your eyelashes as you work your hands and mouth. His breath is shaking, as you go to lick up his length he quickly brings a hand towards your hair to curl into your head.
“Fuck.” he whispered out, so much pleasure building already with the added height of fear of someone walking in at anytime. Bursting through the door, like someone would always do.
Removing yourself briefly you locked eyes with him. “You are sure enjoying yourself, huh?” you let out a small chuckle, lightly scraping your teeth while looking back up at him with am innocent smile.
“S-stop teasing-” he softly stuttered, his hand laced back into your hair pushing you back down on his length.
You pressed your lips against the head of his cock, tongue darting out to taste the precum there. You gave kitten licks, wrapping your hand around the base and giving his length gentle pumps.
You maintained the eye contact, looking up at him while kissing his sensitive skin. Your free hand massaged his leg, up and down his thigh to ease the pain there and earning you another pleased sigh from his lips as his eyes fluttered shut.
He groaned, sagging back into his chair. As you continued, your hand found his, lacing your fingers together to ground himself. He let out soft moans, bucking his hips a bit as he muttered sweet nothings you couldn’t understand.
Taking his tip into your mouth, you began to lap and suck it before pushing yourself further. As you continued, he got louder without hesitation (though it wasn't loud enough it could be heard through the door) and more whinier.
He whined, moaning your name as softly. His muscles tensed as he gripped the arms of the chair, hard enough to make his knuckles go white. His chest moved upwards, voice breaking as he begged you to slow down between more broken begging of your name.
You ignored them, tears beginning to build and spill from your eyes as your own body demanded an end to the constant badgering at the back of your throat. He groaned loudly; your only warning before he was coming, thick, hot streams jetting into your mouth. You whimpered slightly.
His eyes are soft, almost shy. “Let me return the favor,” he says as he lifts up his head to look down at you, his voice low, warm. With careful movements, you stood up from your knees which were slightly red due to the hard floor as you straddled him once again.
You melted into him, feeling safe and loved. “Is there anything you want for Christmas?” Viktor asks, his voice hesitant, as though he’s unsure of what you’ll say.
You think for a moment, a soft smile tugging at your lips. "I want you to be a father," you say quietly, your heart full of warmth as you look into his eyes.
Viktor’s face flushes a deep red, his grip tightening gently around the chairs armrest. He looks at you as if processing your words, his expression both surprised and touched. Slowly, he adjusts you, making sure you’re comfortable as you straddle his lap once more. then you remembered that you hadn't came yet, so its a perfect opportunity.
Sinking down his sensitive length you let out a moan, your hands gripped the bottom of his vest. Viktor began to breath heavily, matching yours perfectly. Burying himself deep inside of you, wanting so badly to pull you into a hug. Sadly, his hands were still restrained. He whined against your lips, "C-can you untie the bows, Please-"
"Sorry Goldie, No can do," you said teasingly with a soft voice, wiggling your finger no towards his face.
He kept hitting the perfect spot, over and over again. It felt amazing. You leaned towards him, hands resting on his chest. Then you laid your head over his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He desperately wanted to hug you back that it was painfully noticeable. How he moved his head, caressing it against your arm. Smelling your scent of vanilla bean and coconut oil as he ran his big slightly curvy nose bumping on your forearm.
“Can you please untie me, my love” he begged once again, his hips bucking against yours delicately. The way he looked at you with the softness in his amber eyes. Oh, you couldn’t resist much. Barely lasting more than 5 minutes having his hands tied up, such a desperate man. Leaning back slightly with his cock still inside of you, you began to untie the bows. Luckily, you didn’t tie them tightly around his wrists so they easily came off in seconds.
Immediately, his hands went straight to your ass again, like earlier. This time however he spread them wider, the pleasure overwhelming his senses unable to fully control his grip on you. As he thrusted upwards, he set a slighter faster but nevertheless harder pace.
Viktor's hand slip up to the small on your back, pulling you towards his chest. All you could do was lay against him as he continued his pace. Occasionally you would bounce on him, nearly pulling out before going back down. But it was very difficult to keep up with him as he desperately tried to find his own release inside of you after a longing of teasing. This would also will be the first time tonight for you. The ringing of the bell intensified with every thrust.
Clutching at his black button-up shirt, now stained with your tears of pleasure and a bit of drool. As you finally started to find your own release, the lewd squelching sounds were present in the room. Moans and soft gasps were all that could be heard from the two of you alongside the whispered of encourage he would speak into your ear.
You’re doing so good.
Taking me so well.
With every second that passed by, the closer your climax was. It was a close call though seconds apart, but you were the first one. Squirting on his cock with some of it dripping down to his pants as it spilled out of you. Then he came inside of you, shooting his load deep inside. Filling you up to the brim, hoping that with this your Christmas wish would come true in the next 9 months.
He caressed your back as he pulled you off him, sitting you back on his lap. Soaked by your arousal, luckily his pants were black.
“Best gift ever.” he simply said as he smiled, looking at your face that rested on his shoulder in exhaustion. Ringing the bell on your chest with his slender fingers, once again.
You sat on his lap, your legs tucked to one side, cradled securely by his strong arm wrapped around your waist. His other hand rested lightly on your thigh, his thumb brushing idle patterns your soft skin. Your head rested against his shoulder, and his faint scent surrounded you into the present. Viktor’s heartbeat was steady beneath your ear, and the rise and fall of his chest matched your own.
"You’re quiet," he murmured, his voice soft and slightly raspy. "Are you alright, my love?"
You tilted your head to look up at him, his amber eyes meeting yours with a mix of concern and adoration. "I’m fine," you whispered, your lips curving into a small smile. "Just...happy."
A rare, genuine smile tugged at Viktor’s lips, and his hand moved to cup your cheek, his fingers gentle and warm. "Good," he said simply, but the weight behind the word spoke volumes.
His eyes studied you, his gaze lingering on the faint flush of your cheeks and the way your lashes fluttered as you looked at him. "You take such good care of me," he continued, his tone tinged with both gratitude and guilt.
His thumb brushed over your cheek, and his expression softened further. Viktor’s hand slid from your cheek to your back, pulling you closer until your foreheads rested together. The warmth of his breath mingled with yours, and you closed your eyes, letting the world outside the lab fade away.
"Stay like this a little longer," he whispered, his voice a gentle plea.
"I’m not going anywhere," you promised, your hand finding its way to his chest, where you felt the steady beat of his heart beneath your palm.
His lips brushed your temple in a featherlight kiss, and you felt him relax further beneath you, his body molding against yours as if you were two pieces of the same puzzle. For a man who often carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, you holding him close to your heart, was the best gift you could ask for.
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taglist. @simsaelies @urboylys @nanamea @luneariaa @minagrayson @aliives @jinxsfavoritepookie @gxrextxgaidk @anna1-1 @bl-0-ndi-3
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jm-chrome · 2 months ago
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They made up, and Zeri is now teaching them how to make a traditional Filipino parol for Christmas :)
(Reference to this previous art)
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krisikris-viktor-art · 3 months ago
🎄Christmas Machine Herald 🎄
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pyschosoda · 2 months ago
Christmas-y Sweet Milk
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In which growing up Viktor never had the money to celebrate the holidays, let alone spend money on seasonal drinks. Lucky, Jayce is about to fix that
pairing: Jayce x Viktor category: fluff
a/n: IM KINDA LATE BUT HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! i wanted to write a little something for christmas and ive been wanting to write a jayvik fic for a while so here’s me testing the waters :) i was originally going to write a christmas jayvik ANGST fic but IM FEELING JOLLY!!!!!
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“I told you to bring a scarf, Jayce.” Viktor scolds as he takes his scarf, wrapping it around Jayce’s neck.
Jayce’s nose was red from the cold, and his lips were curled into a pout as Viktor lectured him. He had one hand on Viktor’s hip to balance him and the other holding his cane as he apologized, “I…I couldn’t find it, and I didn’t want to be late,” he explains, lowering his head like a dog being yelled at.
Viktor gives him a non-threatening glare, his gaze softening at Jayce’s pout; with a huff, he pulls his scarf over Jayce’s pink nose as he takes his cane back, walking along the stalls in the Christmas market.
Jayce quickly catches up with him, pushing the scarf down with his gloved hands.
“I was thinking we could grab a holiday drink, whichever you prefer,” he says with a grin.
Viktor’s eyes scan the different stalls, his eyes locking onto one with handmade ornaments before breaking his gaze to look at Jayce.
“Can’t say I’ve ever had a holiday drink,” he says, his face scrunching down slightly as he shrugs. “So we can get whatever you’d like.”
Jayce stops in his tracks, Viktor stopping shortly after to look at him.
“You’ve never had cider?!” Jayce says, looking at Viktor like he had grown a third arm.
Viktor shrugs again as he shakes his head.
“What about eggnog?!” Another no.
“Hot cocoa?!”
“Everyone’s had hot chocolate, Jayce.”
Jayce looked pitiful as he moved toward Viktor, gripping him by his shoulders.
“I’d be the worst boyfriend ever if I let this continue!”
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So Viktor sat at one of the picnic tables that surrounded the giant Christmas tree in the center of the market, waiting for Jayce.
Everyone could see Piltover’s man of progress’ excitement as he walked back towards where he had left Viktor, carrying three cups in his gloved hands.
Viktor could still see some of the snow clinging to Jayce's glove from when he pushed the snow from the table so they could use it.
“Okay—“ he huffs upon sitting down, “these two are hot,” he pushes the cider and hot cocoa towards Viktor. “And this one, you will be trying last,” Jayce says, making Viktor look away from the drink closet to Jayce. “I think you’ll like it,”he says with a toothy grin.
“Try the cider first!” He encouraged, Viktor could practically see a tail wagging as he took the hot cider into his own gloved hand, removing the lid to smell it.
“Apple and….” he sniffs again “Cinnamon?” He looks at Jayce through his lashes, who nods excitedly.
Viktor blows on the cider a few times before taking a sip.
Jayce’s lips curl into a smile as he laughs upon seeing Viktor’s face scrunch up.
“you don’t like it?”
“I never said that…” he hums, letting the taste linger on his tongue. “It’s…bitter…” he says as he pushes the lid back on.
“so you don’t like it?” The golden boy asks with an amused smile.
“Not particularly, no.”
“You should try the one my mom makes,” Jayce says, replacing the cider with the hot chocolate cup. “I think you’d like it better.”
Viktor simply hums as he lifts the lid to the cup.
“Peppermint?” he questions upon taking a sniff of the hot drink.
Jayce nods, “Yeah! You said you’ve had regular hot chocolate, and how much more Christmas-y can you get than with peppermint?”
Viktor hums in agreement as he blows on the steaming cup in front of him a few times before taking a quick sip as to not burn his tongue, humming as he licks his lips.
“What did you think?” Jayce leans forward, eagerly awaiting his answer.
“It's better than the other,” he decides.
“But you don’t like it?” he pouts.
“I didn’t say that…” Viktor meets Jayce’s eyes. “The peppermint…It’s a bit much.”
Jayce’s brows furrow as he reaches for the cup, taking a sip for himself.
“I guess they did go a little heavy with the peppermint…” he mumbles.
“I think I prefer regular hot chocolate, Jayce.” Viktor says, sliding the lid towards the man sitting across from him.
Jayce huffs as he puts the lid back on; he is upset he hasn’t found a holiday drink that Viktor likes.
“Okay, here!” He places the eggnog in front of him. “Now try the eggnog! I know you’ll like it!”
“You sound confident,” he says, pulling the lid off just like he had with the others.
“I am!” This made Viktor smile as he brought the cup up to his nose; it smelled sweet, one of the more pleasant-smelling drinks.
He moved the cup to his lips, taking a small sip, his brows scrunching slightly as he tilted his head.
Viktor’s silence began to worry Jayce, but then Viktor took another sip.
“…I like it…” he decides.
“I knew you would!” Jayce celebrates, his lips growing into a grin once again.
“It’s like…a Christmas-fied sweet milk,” a small smile grows on Viktor’s face as he takes another, bigger sip.
Jayce’s smile grows bigger upon seeing Viktor’s own smile.
Jayce let Viktor enjoy his drink for a few more minutes before deciding it was time to walk around again.
“Come on,” Jayce says as he stands up.
“We have some more shops to look at before we head back,”
So the two walk through the Christmas market with their drinks in hand.
Jayce takes turns between sipping the cider and the hot cocoa while Viktor happily drinks his eggnog.
Jayce happily rambles about Christmas memories he’s had with his mother, and Viktor gives him encouraging nods and hums as he listens.
The two quickly finish their drinks, throwing the cups away as they decide to head back to the lab.
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“This was fun,” Jayce says upon arriving in front of the lab.
“It was,” Viktor says with a small smile.
“I, uh,” Jayce clears his throat as he lifts a hand to nervously itch his cheek. “I’ve got a council meeting to get to… but—“ He places the same hand on Viktor’s cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb. “I’ll come find you afterwards, okay?”
Viktor’s eyes seem to close on their own as he leans into his touch.
“Okay,” he whispers.
Jayce has a warm smile on his face as his eyes wander over Viktor’s face.
He’s about to pull away when his eyes flicker to the doorway above them.
“Look,” he says quietly, gesturing above them.
Viktor’s eyes open, his brows furrow in confusion as he looks up.
And there it was, a piece of mistletoe that seemed to be taped up in a hurry
“Did you hang this up?” Viktor questions as he moves his eyes to meet Jayce’s.
“When would I have time to do that?” Jayce looked almost offended that he had asked, “I’ve been with you all day!”
Viktor wasn’t buying it, but he didn’t say anything.
“Look,” he looks at the ground. “I would hate to break tradition. It’s bad luck…” He says, his eyes flicking back up to meet Viktor’s as he turns on his puppy eyes.
Viktor laughs, causing Jayce’s cheeks to turn a light pink.
“It’s bad luck?” Viktor repeats, “Who told you that?”
Jayce’s mouth gapes like a fish out of water as he tries to think, “I just... I just heard it somewhere, okay?!”
“Okay,” Viktor agrees with one more laugh. “I’d be the worst boyfriend ever if I made you break tradition,” he says, repeating Jayce’s earlier words with a slight smile.
Jayce’s face lights up like a Christmas tree as he eagerly moves his other hand to cup Viktor’s face, pressing his lips against his with excited movements.
Viktor’s caught off guard, placing a hand on Jayce’s upper arm as he stumbles slightly.
The kiss was rushed and eager.
“Sorry—“ Jayce pulls away, catching his breath. “I didn’t like that one. Can I—can I try again?”
This time Viktor starts the kiss, his hand moving to cup Jayce’s cheek.
Jayce’s own hands loosened on Viktor’s face; one moved to cup the back of his neck.
This kiss was gentle and warm.
Jayce has a stupid grin on his face as they pull apart. “One more?” he says with a hopeful expression.
“Go to your meeting,” Viktor simply says, pushing Jayce’s face away.
“I’ll see you after!” Jayce promises, pressing a kiss against Viktor’s cheek before running off to the meeting.
“You still have my scarf!” Viktor shouts towards Jayce, who is now at the end of the hall.
“I’ll return it when I see you later!” He shouts back before turning the corner.
Viktor shakes his head with a smile as he enters the cold lab.
Jayce had been the one to hang the mistletoe up; he had woken up earlier than needed so he could get dressed and go to the lab before he had to meet Viktor, and that was evident by the scarf hanging on one of the hooks by the door, but Viktor would let Jayce believe he was blissfully unaware.
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a/n: I didnt really like how this turned out but I wanted to get something out there before the new years because the other things I’m working on are taking a bit longer than I expected(╹◡╹)♡ likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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ionobjectshow · 1 year ago
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☢ Merry Radioactive Christmas! ☢
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audsomeartist · 2 months ago
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Guys, it worked
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respect-the-locals · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas Eve!! 🦈🎅🏼🎄❄️
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almoststedytimetravel · 2 months ago
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Good Morning gang! It's almost Christmas day!
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this-vs-that · 2 months ago
This question was sent to our inbox. If you’d like for us to post a This or That poll for you, send the 2 things you want to see against each other to our inbox and we’ll let the people decide which one they prefer. Everything will be anonymous.
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hoonieyun · 3 months ago
letter from: heeseung ⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
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you're my wishlist, looking at you got me thinking of christmas. snowflakes in my stomach when we're kissing and when you're coming down the chimney, oh it feels so good... -sabrina carpenter "a nonsense christmas"
pairing: lee heeseung x reader
genre: romance/fluff - a BIT of angst - idol!heeseung - long distance relationship
warnings: suggestive, kissing, profanity, and overall 18+ (not proofread lol)
summary: heeseung comes home for the holidays
christmas herald masterlist ⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
word count: 3302
You didn’t think you could fall in love with Heeseung anymore than you already did but as you smiled at your phone while looking at the photo of Heeseung holding a duck shaped snowball, you couldn’t help but miss him even more. 
As you were going to continue smiling at the handsome photo of Heeseung, you’re interrupted when Heeseung’s contact photo appears on your screen, indicating that he was calling you at the moment. You quickly accept the call and soon enough, Heeseung’s handsome face that you were just staring at appears, he’s bundled up in warm clothes and a scarf so big that it almost covers half of his face. 
“Hi, baby! How are you?” Heeseung asks, flashing his classic smile that never failed to make you swoon. “I was literally just looking at the photo you just posted!” you tell him with a laugh. 
“Wow, you love me huh?” Heeseung teases and you roll your eyes in response, smiling at him regardless of his teasing. The two of you briefly catch up on your days and what you have planned for the week. Heeseung was currently in a car on his way to schedules you assumed and you were in bed, cozied up in a large knit blanket and a hoodie of Heeseung’s that he had left for you. 
Dating someone who is constantly in the public eye and famous doesn’t come easy, but as you face hardships it only makes the sweet and tender moments even more worth it. You and Heeseung have been dating for 2 years now, going on 3 this upcoming Christmas and the only thing you could wish for is that he would come home for the holidays, but with Christmas arriving in the next 24 hours; it was highly unlikely that would happen. 
“What’s on your mind, pretty?” Heeseung asks, bringing you out of your thoughts. You hadn’t realized that you were spacing out, “Oh! Nothing, babe. Was just thinkning about how fun Christmas will be tomorrow. Wish you were here!” you say, a slight pout at the end. Heeseung’s eyes soften at your words, he wished he could spoil the surprise but he knows waiting will be worth it. “I know, my love. I want to be with you more than anything in the world right now.” Heeseung says. 
“But your Christmas present should arrive tomorrow!” he continues. “You didn’t have to get me anything!” you ask, pouting even more but knowing Heeseung was always one to spoil you. “Alright, I’ve gotta go, my love. Merry Christmas, love you. I’ll talk to you soon.” Heeseung says and you bid him goodbye but not before blowing him a kiss through the phone and Heeseung catching it in his hand in response. The two of you laugh at the interaction before ending the call, a sigh leaving your lips as you spend yet another Christmas without the love of your life. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
Heeseung sighs as you end the call and a smile spreads on his face. You had no idea about his Christmas gift for you and although he felt guilty for leading you on a bit, he knew it was going to be worth it in the end. 
“Is she off the phone?” his manager asks and Heeseung hums in response. His manager tells him that they’re almost at the airport and tells him to make sure he’s got his passport and boarding pass ready. Soon enough, they’re at the arrivals wing of the airport and Heeseung is making his way inside to catch his flight all the way to the love of his life, you. 
Heeseung would arrive sometime on Christmas morning so he was excited to be able to surprise you. He had coordinated with your mom to make sure the surprise works, ensuring that your family holds the secret and doesn’t spoil it for you. Heeseung has been planning this surprise for the last few months and did everything he could to make sure that his company and managers would allow him and in all honesty; he was going to make it happen regardless.
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
The next morning was filled with half joy and half yearning. You wished you could wake up and find Heeseung sleeping soundly next to you in bed but like every other day for the last year or so, you woke up in bed alone. Christmas morning should be filled with only joy so you weren’t going to let Heeseung’s absence overshadow your enjoyment of Christmas day with your family. 
You spent a quick amount of time after getting out of bed to get ready. You were going to spend Christmas day at your mom’s house, as you usually did, and you wanted to put yourself together but not too much. Your mom had told you to wear holiday pajamas so you had gotten dressed in a red plaid pajama set. After getting dressed, you quickly packed your car with the presents you were bringing to your family and made your way to your mom’s home. 
Pulling into her driveway, you were met with several cars that belonged to some of your relatives. Your mom suddenly runs out to greet you a Merry Christmas and after sharing a warm hug with her, she helps you bring everything inside so you could greet the rest of your family. 
It was all smiles and warm hugs as you entered your childhood home and what sadness you had from Heeseung’s absence was soon filled with the joy brought by your relatives. You make your way to each family member, hugging and greeting them, when your sister asks, “Merry Christmas! No Heeseung again?” and although she meant no malice behind it, it left a bitter taste in your mouth as it was another reminder that you haven’t been able to spend Christmas with him for the last few years. You shook your head slightly and unbeknownst to you, there were side eyes and smiles exchanged from your relatives as you responded to the absence of your boyfriend. 
The greetings were short lived as right after everyone began exchanging gifts and opening their presents. Several of the kids were cheering in joy as they opened their presents to see toys, stuffed animals, and clothes with cartoon characters you didn’t really recognize. 
You smiled at all of the happy kids and glanced over at the older relatives who were thanking one another for their gifts, the presents being more of convenience for quality of life and a mixture of small personal presents that they knew each other would like. You opened several presents and thanked those that gave you one but although you didn’t want to be a debby downer, all you wanted was for Heeseung to be with you. 
From the side, your mom was looking at you, watching you and trying to read your expression. It doesn’t take much for her to know that you were merely yearning for your lover and she couldn’t help but feel for her daughter and as much as she wanted to comfort you and spoil the surprise, she knew better than to do that. Knowing that the surprise would be worth it in the end. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
Heeseung ends the call with your mom excitedly just as you’re pulling up into the driveway. He tells her that he had just landed and as soon as he gets his bags, he’ll be on the way to your mom’s house to surprise you and give you the best present you’ve ever had on Christmas. He was so excited to see you and couldn’t wait to get you in his arms and never let go. 
Your mom would occassionally send him updates on you, letting Heeseung know that you had arrived, what you were wearing, how you were feeling, and although he felt bad that you were a bit sad on Christmas, he knew that his presence would be the best present to make you feel better. 
And after what felt like the longest drive of his life from the airport to your childhood home, Heeseung is pulling into the street and instructing the driver to drop him off a few houses down just to be sure you don’t see him coming. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
Your mom receives a text from Heeseung and she smiles at her phone, “YN, honey. Here, open this!” she says, handing you a gift bag that had a bright red bow on it. “Mom, you didn’t have to get me anything, but thank you.” you say, giving her a hug before opening it. You excitedly open the gift from your mom, being taken back to when you were a child and you’d be ecstatic opening presents from your mom.  
You throw the glittery tissue paper to the side and pull out a white hoodie that was folded neatly but in a way that covers the front. You unravel the hoodie and a smile breaks out onto your face as a laugh erupts from your lips. You flip over the hoodie to show the rest of your family and they all laugh together, the hoodie has a photo of Heeseung as a baby and a santa hat is edited onto him. You thank your mom once more for the cute gift and although you still wish Heeseung was actually there, the hoodie itself helped a lot with how much you missed him. 
You quickly put the hoodie on and at the same time, the doorbell rings. You look at your mom confused as you scan the room, all of your relatives that you knew were attending Christmas at your moms were already here so you weren’t completely sure who that could be. 
“Are you expecting someone else, mom?” you ask and she merely just asks you to get the door. As you get up to open the door, you don’t notice that your relatives have sneakily pulled out their phones to record and were all biting back smiles and laughter as you approach the front door. 
A surprise waiting for you. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
Heeseung’s heart is beating faster and faster as he walks up the short steps up to the front door and as he presses the button of the doorbell, it feels like time stops as the bell rings from the inside. 
He swears he could hear his heartbeat louder than anything at this moment and he wasn’t completely sure what he would do as soon as he saw you. He had run through so many scenarios in his head on what he would do. 
He thought about just randomly appearing in your moms house. 
He thought about hiding inside of a comically large gift box and popping out.
But as he waited for you to answer the door, all he could think about was wrapping his arms around you and feeling the warmth of your love envelope the both of you. 
Heeseung is brought out of his thoughts when the sound of the door unlocking and opening takes over the sound of his heart beating in his ears. The door slowly opened and there you were, standing behind the door, beautiful as ever, eyes wide and lips slightly parted as your eyes met one another. 
“Merry Christmas, my love.” Heeseung says, flashing a smile you hadn’t seen in person in so long. 
But before Heeseung could approach you with a hug, the door gets slammed in his face. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
“What the fuck..?” you say, turning around to look at your family to which you find them all laughing with their phones out recording your reaction. Your breathing was suddenly so fast and you couldn’t process what was happening. 
How was Heeseung standing at your mom’s doorstep at this very moment? 
You couldn’t even fully process what was happening before Heeseung was ringing the doorbell once again. You swing the door open and as Heeseung is about to say something, you jump into his arms with a hug and he catches you. Wrapping his arms around your waist as yours are around his neck. He’s softly rubbing your back while whispering comforting and loving words into your ear. All you could hear was the beating of your hearts together as he whispers into your ear. 
“Merry Christmas, my love.” Heeseung says once again and this time you don’t slam the door in his face. You pull your face away from his neck to look at him, like you were making sure that he was actually there. 
“How are you here right now- Actually, I don’t care.” you say as you tighten your hug and bury your face in his neck once again. Heeseung laughs at your reaction and brings the two of you inside. One of your cousins helping Heeseung bring his suitcase into the house. 
He sits the two of you onto the couch and you situate yourself on his lap. Not even caring that this was way more PDA than you were usually comfortable with in front of your family but you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of Heeseung and neither could he. 
You and Heeseung save your conversation for later, for now the two of you were just happy to be in each other’s arms as you celebrate the Holiday with him and your family. They’d occassionally ask him questions about his life as a KPOP Idol and each time you would shush them and each time Heeseung would gently pat your back to let you know it was okay. 
That’s what you loved about Heeseung, he was always so accommadating and put so much effort into being a part of your family. You couldn’t help but just smile at him as he spoke with your family, they all got him something small but meaningful for Christmas and he soon passed out gifts he brought from Korea. 
“Oh! Before I forget…” Heeseung says as he slightly shifts underneath you, removing his winter coat to unveil a similar white hoodie like the one your mom got you but he had a photo of you as a baby with the same santa hat photoshopped onto the photo. You burst out into laughted at his reveal and once again wrap your arms around him. 
After a few hours and enjoying lunch together, your relatives leave your mom’s home with you and Heeseung leaving the very last; making sure to help your mom clean up before leaving, Heeseung’s idea that only made your heart swell with love even more. 
The two of you bid farewell to your mom, giving her a hug and kiss before heading back to your apartment. Heeseung in tow behind you as you walk over to your car. Heeseung offers to drive and although he hasn’t been in your hometown for a few years, it seems like his memory of the route to your apartment had never left his mind. 
You can’t help but stare at him as he’s driving and as cringe as it may seem, he had one hand on the wheel and his other was gently set on top of your thigh. The two of you spend the car ride singing to Christmas songs and laughing, enjoying the moment together and extending the moment into your apartment. 
Once the two of you enter your apartment his hands are on you and your lips connect. Sharing a kiss that the two of you have waited for for what seems like eternity. The kiss was electric and it felt like the first time you two had ever kissed. At the airport when Heeseung had finally asked you to be his girlfriend right before his flight back to Korea. 
The two of you spend the next few hours in your room, limbs tangled with one another, and your pillows and blankets thrown onto your bedroom floor. 
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
“I can’t believe you’re here right now… this is crazy.” you say as you lay your head on Heeseung’s chest while he softly plays with your hair. He explains to you how he made it happen and how he had been planning it for the last few months with the help of your mom. 
“How long are you here for?” you ask, afraid of his answer but to your surprise and joy, Heeseung let’s you know that he’ll be there with you for New Years. He had to pull a lot of strings to be able to get a vacation away from the company for a week or so and with the help of his members, he was able to do just that. 
“Remind me to thank the guys.” you say with a laugh. “What about me? I’m the one that made it happen…” Heeseung says with a fake pout and all you could do was give him a quick kiss on his pouty lips. 
Christmas without Heeseung wasn’t easy, hell, life without Heeseung wasn’t easy and living so far from one another was the ultimate challenge to your relationship but somehow, through his busy schedule, he made it work. 
His dedication to you was a true testament to his love and you couldn’t help but ponder on a future with Heeseung where the only distance between the two of you would be the length of the walk you’d have to go on as you make your way down the aisle. He was someone you could see forever with and you knew that he was the one for you, and so did he. 
“What’s on your mind, pretty?” he asks and you sigh before answering. “Just thinking about how lucky I am to have gotten you as the person I’ll love for the rest of my life.”
“Rest of your life? Are you sure… I mean I know I’m a catch but forever's a… long time.” Heeseung teases and you merely just laugh and slap his chest in response. “Please, if anything, you’re stuck with ME.” you say, grabbing his arm and wrapping it around you tightly. 
“And I wouldn’t want to be stuck with anyone else for the rest of my life.” Heeseung says, giving you a small kiss on your crown. “Thank you… this was the only thing I wanted for Christmas and just when I thought that I would go another Christmas without you… you’re here.” you say, a small tear falls from your eyes and Heeseung pulls you up to look at him, wiping your tears away. 
“I know it’s hard not always being together but just know that I spend every hour of the day and night wanting nothing more to have you in my arms and to go home at the end of the day and to wake up the next day seeing your beautiful face. 
Thank you, for being so patient with me and sticking by my side through everything.” Heeseung says and even though you had briefly stopped crying, you couldn’t help but cry even more at his loving words. 
“Besides, maybe next time I’ll just fly you out to Korea.” he says and you laugh once again while wiping away your tears. 
Heeseung was good at that, making you cry because of how much you loved him but also knowing how to comfort you at the same time. It’s like he knew you so well that he was more connected with your emotions than you were with your own. 
“I love you, thank you for everything. You’re the best present I could ever ask for.” you say, giving him a kiss. 
“I love you too. I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas and way to enter the New Year than to spend it with you.” he says, once again pulling you into his arms for a hug. 
A hug that you wish you never had to let go of. 
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copyright 2024 - present © hoonieyun all rights reserved
all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned.
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galactic-magick · 3 months ago
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misswynters · 3 months ago
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A Noxian Christmas
featuring. viktor x reader
apart of the 2024 Christmas Special
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Snow dusted the cobblestone streets outside as you glanced out the grand windows of your family’s Noxian estate. The sharp peaks of the towers were festooned with garlands, and the entire house smelled of spiced wine and roasted chestnuts. You had gone all out for this. This was Viktor’s first Christmas with you after all. Despite his initial hesitations, you had convinced him to leave his work behind for a few days and join you in Noxus. It would be a promising and quiet celebration without the chaos of Piltover’s politics. As always.
Viktor stood near the hearth, his golden cane leaning against the arm of a plush chair. He looked slightly out of place amidst the elegance of your home. His thin frame was draped in the dark wool sweater you’d insisted he wear. The warm glow of the fire lit his face as he fiddled with the buttons, muttering something about how “such extravagance” wasn’t necessary. Some might say it was over the top, but since you grew up with it, it was different. It was family tradition after all.
“You’re still adjusting,” you teased, stepping up behind him with a cup of mulled cider. “But trust me, you’ll thank me for getting you out of that freezing lab.”
He accepted the cup with a nod, though his sharp amber eyes scanned the room as if assessing its practicality. “It is different,” he admitted, gesturing toward the enormous tree dominating the center of the room. “I have never seen such a waste of resources in one place.”
“Viktor!” You nudged his shoulder, grinning. “It’s not a waste! It’s tradition. Besides, the tree is fake.” You couldn’t believe yours, viktor criticizing your home. In your own home during christmas season. It was despicable. Unheard of even. Maybe you were being quite dramatic. Though it earned you a small, envious smile.
After dinner which consisted of a quiet but rich meal of roasted duck and Noxian delicacies, you brought Viktor to the foyer where presents waited under the glittering tree. He froze at the sight of the neatly wrapped presents, his brow furrowing. There was quite a few that had his name on them. Some were huge and others were tiny.
“You didn’t need to do this,” he murmured, his voice quieter than usual.
“Probably not,” you admitted, sitting him down on the couch. “But I wanted to. Now, no arguments and open them.”
He sighed, but there was no real protest as he carefully undid the first present. It was a high-quality leatherbound notebook, its pages thick and unlined. Perfectly suitable for sketches and notes. His fingers ran over the cover, and you swore you saw his expression soften.
“I noticed you always run out of space in your current one,” you said.
“This is very thoughtful of you, my love. ” he said, his voice warm, if a little uncertain. “Thank you.”
“Keep going,” you urged, handing him the next one.
One by one, Viktor unwrapped the gifts: custom-fit gloves designed to protect his hands during lab work, an assortment of rare metals and components he could use for his inventions, and even a set of finely crafted gears engraved with his initials. With each gift, his protests about the extravagance softened, replaced by genuine curiosity and gratitude.
“You truly thought of everything, did you?” he said as he unwrapped a personalized toolkit. “I—this is too much.”
“It’s not too much,” you countered, sitting beside him and resting your head on his shoulder. “You give so much of yourself to your work, Viktor. To helping others. You deserve to be taken care of, too.”
He tilted his head, looking at you with an expression you couldn’t quite read. “My love,” he said softly, his accent deepened as he called you by your nickname. “I am not used to such kindness.”
“Well, get used to it,” you teased, reaching for his hand. “This is what being with me consists of. Over-the-top holidays and way too many gifts, more than you can count.”
Viktor chuckled, a rare sound that made your chest swell with warmth. “I suppose I should prepare myself for more of these traditions,” he said, though his tone was teasing. “Will there always be so many sweets?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you said, gesturing toward the tray of pastries you’d brought in earlier. “And don’t think I didn’t see you sneaking another slice of that chocolate tart.”
He flushed slightly but didn’t deny it. “It was adequate.”
You gasped, feigning offense. “Adequate? That tart is a masterpiece, Viktor.”
“I suppose I might require another slice to confirm my theory,” he replied, his tone perfectly deadpan, though the corner of his mouth twitched upward. The night continued with quiet laughter and more stories shared. Viktor, ever the curious, asked endless questions about your family’s traditions. You told him about the history of the decorations, the origins of the dishes, and even a few embarrassing childhood memories that left him smirking.
As the fire crackled and the snow fell steadily outside, you leaned into Viktor’s side, feeling his arm shift to make you more comfortable. “Thank you for letting me pamper you for once,” you said softly.
He glanced down at you, his amber eyes catching the glow of the firelight. “Thank you for showing me something new,” he said. “Perhaps… I could learn to enjoy these traditions.”
“That’s the spirit,” you said, stifling a yawn. “Next year, we’ll make it even better.”
“Next year?” he asked, his tone laced with mock disbelief. “I will need a year to recover from this one.”
You laughed, swatting his arm gently. “Oh, please. You’ll miss it the moment you’re back in that freezing lab.”
“Perhaps,” he admitted quietly, his voice thoughtful. “Though I think it is not the place I will miss.”
You blinked, glancing up at him. The way he looked at you then with a rare, unguarded look. It made your heart stop for a second.
“Merry Christmas, Viktor,” you said softly.
He smiled, leaning his head against yours. “Merry Christmas, my love.”
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taglist. @kaixvdenny @ekkosh @diffusebread @xxblairslairxx @luneariaa @minagrayson @aliives @mammonsleftring @gxrextxgaidk @anna1-1 @bl-0-ndi-3
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searchingwardrobes · 3 months ago
Some of my songs haven't posted, this one included from last Saturday. So this Saturday, you get two hymns!
Hymn Saturday (Christmas Edition): Carrie Underwood "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!"
Tagging @jrob64 @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose
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the-crazy-echidna-lady · 1 year ago
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Hark for @firecurls-27 Merry Christmas :>
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