#christianity got you to toe the line
zhnnveuxpasdrmir · 2 years
the concept of "supernatural" is a christian invention. It's to demonstrate the difference between you doing something, and God doing something.
investigate the possibility that nothing is supernatural
In the 70s "paranormal" was floated as a way to talk about things that didn't have an explanation; since then it's been absorbed into the implicitly christian worldview. It now means the same thing as "supernatural" - demons, aliens, ghosts, none of them God.
There are interesting synthetic fusions of super-nature with christianity, "God-given second sight" for instance; ultimately, though,
when I encounter the christianity I feel like I've reached the End of a given line of thought's usefulness. They didn't help out, historically they're a bad sign to me. Maybe that has to do with Satanic Panic 1, which ruined the world of my childhood and claimed the lives of a couple of my good friends back then.
Now that we're in Satanic Panic 2 and I'm all grown & so forth, Christianity en toto is, to me, the most horrific failure of humankind in any history.
It's an enshrinement of malevolence. An ode to sadistic suicide. Christianity is the villain infrastructure, the Church of Child Abuse. The Pulpit of Pollution.
Every bad thing y'all blame on cults is, in fact, a Christian Speçiality, a rule on the books. When you use "cult" to mean "bad" I think of you as one of Them: the Christians. The murderers, the perverts, the pedos, the lowest of the deliberately ineducable low. That's just what the world has taught me. You're looking to be shielded from scrutiny. No one has the luxury of wondering why you do that. Decent people have to assume you're a threat. Decent people have to assume that Christians are a threat and that Christians who pretend not to be Christian are the most dangerous of all. The ones that stomp into the queer kids' center and proclaim it a bastion of ALPHABITS and all good ALPHABITS hate the (xenogender) but love the (misguided young lady) ffmfmmumumuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhhhhhh.
It's not new for 99% of people to think of themselves as "the good ones" while carrying the evilest of Christians' water for them.
Y'all would have horrified me in my youth,
but, I'm wrinkling now, and you're just sad.
What is scary is that you think the words coming out of you are salient. Meaningful. New! The horror of your blunt, basic ignorance, that you're addicted to describing in the most articulate language with all the monomaniacal zeal of an apple-polishing junior monk, points to an inner reality so seemingly devoid of personhood as to provoke the Uncanny Valley.
You're AI. You don't pass the Turing Test. You're running software.
When I catch myself feeling a younger person's anxiety over mindless moralists threatening the future with shit words, I end up being angry at myself, because this was done to you. The agency that did this to you is weaker now than it was when I was your age, and it's rightly terrified. It's sending you to do its pittance of dirty work now: brainless childish neochristian soldier-scout.
When this screen goes dark, you won't have the skills you need to survive.
You've chased everyone with the ability to help you away. You've let all the actually human beings know you're not one of them, and proclaimed yourself Saved already. Most of you have done this without even caring about the god or the savior or any of that shit, you just love the moralism, and the pan-condemnation that never quite seems to take you into account.
I think modern Christianity is low, but Yahashua bin Mary isn't as charitable as I am, in those books. Have you read them? I mean you pretend to have read them…………? :) God loves faggots and anarchists more than He loves you. It's not arguable. Once you claim the name "Christian", it's all over for you. You aren't welcome in safe places, including the House of Your Father. He's ashamed of you. He cries when He looks at you.
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formulawolff · 3 months
"just one dance" - t.w.
pairing: horner's daughter!reader x toto wolff
word count: 1.9k
warnings: toto lusting after a woman thirty years younger than him (what's new on this blog lmfao), sexual references, maybe some cursing (idrk), mentions of drug use, alcohol use, flirting, banter, yadayadayada
a/n: i played "here" by alessia cara like 20x on repeat while writing this fic. so we could say that this fic is veryyyyy loosely inspired by that song. also! this was a request by an anon! i hope y'all enjoy! <3
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"come on," the words as slurred as he rolls his eyes, "come dance with us!"
bringing your hand to your mouth, you stifle a giggle, "max, for the last time, i am not joining the horny middle school grind circle you guys have going on over there."
"it's not a grind circle," he puts his hands on his hips, "i would say it's more like a mosh pit."
which, given the occasion, was not quite appropriate either.
at the moment, you were perched at one of the many elegant banquet tables, the rigid surfaced draped with a thick, cream-colored tablecloth. adorning the table were numerous vases, filled to the brim with floral arrangements, their fragrance oh so sickeningly sweet.
the plates, utensils, and other various dining ware were now cleared, only leaving numerous wine glasses, their crystalline stems glimmering in the dim light, swathed by the golden hue of the chandeliers as they sparkle above.
this was the annual fia prize gala, one of the most coveted events of the season. it was the showcasing and peacocking of sheer and utter wealth, as the drivers got to pull up to in their luxury vehicles, their keys handed off to the valets. every individual was dressed head to toe in designer clothing from nearly every brand possible, from christian dior to saint laurent.
you lost track of the amount of rolex watches, cartier jewelry, and hermès bags you noticed throughout the course of the evening.
the main event wrapped up hours ago, leaving the rest of the night for the drivers, crew members, mechanics, engineers, executives, and team principals to mingle and dance. and well, consume copious amounts of alcohol.
and well, perhaps do a few lines in the restroom. or light a joint outside. maybe even pop a few pills.
with the exuberant amounts of cash involved with events like this, there were surely some illicit affairs. ones that the fia ignored, simply turning their heads.
if they didn't see it, it didn't happen.
after all, you were in monaco. it was like las vegas in a way.
what happened in monaco, stayed in monaco.
and here max verstappen was, three-time world champion, standing before you, so drunk he could barely walk, begging for you to come join him on the dance floor.
too bad your phone was almost dead.
this would have been a prime opportunity to record what was unfolding before you. it would have fed the max girlies all over instagram and tik tok for months.
glancing over max's shoulder, you pick out lando, oscar, charles, and carlos. they were apart of the large formation, jumping up and down, barreling into one another. alexandra, rebecca, and lily linger around the group, their gowns swishing as they laugh, their cheeks dusted with a bubblegum pink glow.
a drunken mosh pit with a bunch of sweaty men? no thank you.
but gossiping with the girls? that was more your speed.
"my dad would have a stroke if he caught me with you guys," you simply shrug, sipping on your wine, "and what if something happened to my dress? we have to return this, you know."
"ugh," the dutch driver groans, "you're no fun."
"hallo, max," a new voice cuts in, thick with an accent you can't quite place your finger on, "congratulations on your accomplishment this year!"
shifting in your chair is none other than torger christian wolff, better known as toto wolff, team prinicipal of mercedes.
your heart skips a beat as your eyes drink in the sight of him, the way his crisp tuxedo fit him effortlessly. his dark brunette hair was messy, more than likely from the events of the evening. his bowtie was untied, hanging loosely around his neck. the first few buttons of the snowy white dress shirt were undone, exposing his skin.
fuck, was he a gorgeous man.
with sharp cheekbones, a chiseled jawline, and wide, beautiful coffee brown eyes, he knew that he was attractive, his aura brimmed with nothing but sexiness and dominance.
his hands land on the chair beside you, pulling it out as max rambles, the words drowning out in your ears.
you were more focused on his stature as he sits to your right, his thighs spread in the chair, a hand running through his hair.
"is there a reason why i haven't seen you on the dance floor?"
due to the excessive volume of the music, his mouth hovers by your ear. a shiver runs down your spine as his eyes lock with yours, lips forming a radiant smile, flashing his perfect pearlescent teeth.
"cat got your tongue? or are you just as intoxicated as maxie boy over there?"
"neither," you counter, straightening in your chair, "just not really interested, that's all."
"did daddy not give his precious diamond any dance lessons growing up?"
your father was none other than christian horner, team principal of red bull racing, sworn enemy of toto wolff.
quickly, your eyes scan your surroundings, in an attempt to pick out your father among the throng of people. to your dismay, you cannot find him.
which, in this case, could be a good thing.
if he saw toto speaking to you? oh fuck. it would be game over. you'd probably be grounded at your big age of twenty-four years old. could parents even do that when you were an adult?
you didn't really want to find out.
yet, you couldn't turn down a few moments with the team principal.
after all, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
why not seize it?
for most of your life, you obeyed every single one of your father's wishes. you maintained your distance from the red bull drivers, careful not to get too close. you stayed out of the spotlight, ensuring that no negative publicity ever came his way. as much as you yearned to get to know members of the mercedes team or crew, you shied away, maintaining the promise that you would never befriend a rival.
so, for this one night, you could be a little selfish.
just this once.
even if it involved your father's biggest foe. the bane of his existence. the man he spoked about so bitterly for years on end.
"i was offered dance lessons, actually," your voice is melodic, like an angel's from the heavens above, "i turned them down. opted for horseback riding instead."
"so you know how to ride?" the team principal runs a tongue along his lower lip, his brow slightly raised, "well, i have an offer for you. one dance with me, and then later you can show me how well you can ride."
"and what am i going to be riding?" you inquire, folding your arms across your chest.
the corners of his lips curl into a devious smirk, an emotion glinting within the mocha depths as he leans in, "my cock."
heat flourishes into your cheeks, seeping all throughout your body. as your mind scrambles, struggling to formulate some sort of witty response, the team principal nods, "not expecting that, were you? i like seeing you like this, all flustered. it's cute."
"y-you're ridiculous," you manage to sputter out, hands instinctively shielding your face.
"not as ridiculous as any of those fools," his head motions towards the group of rambunctious drivers, "tell me, why aren't you with any of them? i'm sure maxie boy would love to take you on a date. lando too."
"just not interested," you shrug, regaining your confidence a tad, "don't get me wrong, they've asked. but i've always just turned them down."
toto cocks his head, his voice laced with a tease, "why? scared daddy is going to ground you for dating a driver?"
"i just rather wouldn't be involved with anyone of them romantically," you wave a hand, "it'd be too awkward if things didn't end up working out. could you imagine having to spend so much time at the paddock with someone who your dad could fire at any given moment? it'd be like walking on eggshells. i'd feel bad for any poor soul who wants to court me. they'd constantly be seeking my father's approval, on and off the track."
"well it's a good thing that i already know where i stand," toto shoots you a wink, your heart thudding against your rib-cage as he offers you his hand, "come on, just one dance. that's all i ask of you, gorgeous girl. one dance and then you can come right back over here, spending the rest of your night sulking in the corner."
"i haven't been sulking," you snort, accepting the gesture, "i've just been bored."
"how about you accept the other half of my offer then?" his accent is prominent, lingering in every word, "i've just been flirting, you don't really have to ride me. unless you know, you want to-"
"are you forgetting that we're in a very public space?" you hiss, elbow interlocked with his as you make your way to the dance floor, "people can probably hear you."
"good thing we're all drunk," he responds, the casual delivery sending you spiraling, "here, place your hand on my shoulder. i'll take this hand. the other will go on your waist."
as you follow his lead, you can't help but feel the pairs of eyes fixate on the two of you, murmurs rising above the music. yet, toto's focus is honed in on you, and only you.
"don't worry about them," he takes a step forward, your feet following in suit, "they're probably just envious that i'm with the most coveted woman in all of formula one."
"you don't mean that."
"oh schatzi," a chuckle rumbles in his chest, flowing from his lips, "do you not hear the things they say about you among the paddocks?"
"enlighten me then," your heart swells as his thumb tenderly kneads into your waist, fingers interlocking with yours.
his mouth is merely centimeters away from yours now, dimples apparent as his eyes glitter like the chandeliers above, "there's whispers that you are the most breathtaking woman in the world. the drivers talk about you all of the time, debating who would look the best by your side. you're a hot commodity. a prize to be won."
"people say those things about me?"
"would i ever lie to you?" toto arched a brow, "i have no reason to."
"that is true."
there's a twinge of resentment that bubbles up in your stomach as the song ends. oh how this moment ended too soon.
way too soon.
"still no sign of your father," toto's voice is hushed, barely audible over the music, "you think i could have you for just one more song? after that, i promise i'll leave you be."
"i think so," you feel a smile form the moment he pulls you in closer, the space between you crumbling away, "careful, mr. wolff. you need to maintain some sort of distance between us, remember?"
he shakes his head, fingers squeezing your waist, "right now, i could give any fucks what your father would think. he's lucky that i have some sort of self-control."
"and why is that?" you press, blood roaring in your ears as his head lowers, situated by your ear.
"because it is taking everything within me to keep myself from getting on my knees right this instant and lifting up that gown of yours."
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taylorswiftstyle · 5 months
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The Eras Tour | RED section | Version 4
Ashish Sequin Tee - custom
During the RED set I wasn't just confused because it was the first set to have moved from its original spot in the setlist, but Taylor's new shirt saying took me aback.
Firstly, we haven't had a new addition costume-wise to this set since the early days of the tour. You might recall that Version 3 of the shirt (featuring "We Are Never Ever" lyrics) was added in March 2023 during the show's first three-day run in Arlington, Texas.
This phrase also took me aback because it's our first in the series that isn't a direct callback to an established moment within the RED era lexicon. In addition to the aforementioned V3's lyrics, Version 1 ("Not A Lot Going On") is a direct lift from the "22" music video costuming and Version 2 also features "22" lyrics ("Who's Taylor Swift Anyway? Ew.").
So what does this particular phrase mean?
To me one of the key functions of the Eras Tour, especially in the form of its costuming, has been toeing the line between referencing eras of the past while also giving them a slightly refreshed, modern facelift. We saw that in the fringed dresses of Fearless, the dramatic princess ballgowns of Speak Now, and the matching sets of 1989. But as we also saw tonight in Paris, all of those respective outfits got what I suppose we could call a 'makeunder'. Which is to say, they all took a time machine to more closely resemble their original, canonical tour ensembles and not the refreshed 'Taylor Versions' we've seen thus far on the Eras Tour in 2023/24.
But why is she now beginning to more overtly replicate instead of subtly reference? Something to think about!
Worn with: Gladys Tamez hat, Ashish bodysuit, and Christian Louboutin oxfords
Photo by Kevin Mazur/TAS24 via Getty Images
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k2ssland · 1 year
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connie springer found himself crushing on one of his pretty little college girl clients . . . it started when you discovered him through a mutual on campus who deemed he produced the best quality weed in the area and in addition, he was undeniably sexy. curiosity swarmed your mind to see if the weed he was really all that.
even though you rarely indulged in smoking—the only times being for anxiety relief, you got his number and worked up the courage to text. agreeing on a time for his delivery, you sat on your porch, heart pounding through your chest while anticipating his arrival. and he pulled up a little after twelve-thirty am blasting xavier wulf, disturbing all your poor sleeping neighbors. nervously approaching his coupe as he rolled his five percent tinted window down simultaneously lowering the music to a normal level.
"yo, what you doin' buyin' from me, lil' college girl?" was the first thing the brunette-headed beauty said to you. connie's hazel eyes shamelessly trace your plush brown skin body from your fresh goddess braids to the white painted toes in your christian dior sandals.
immediately, his masculine musk mixed with marijuana swarmed your nose and overstimulated your senses making you dizzy. connie leaned back comfortably in his seat and no seat belt in sight, he now tucked his hands into his grey nike sweats, revealing the inseam of his red psds and a glimpse of his perfectly sculpted abdomen. tattoo sleeves ran up both of his muscular arms all the way to his chest.
"the others at yo school usually want rocks, but it's only green ova here." he spoke in a deep tone with a slightly foreign accent, licking his plump cotton candy lips after speaking and slightly showing the blinged-out grills secured to his teeth.
"boy, what the hell? i'm not here for cocaine, that's not what my people do." distraught and snapped out of your daydream by his reply, you painted an almost disgusted look on your face and his laughter erupted throughout the car.
between his laughter, he subtly apologized and continued on with the deal. you apprehensively played it off as you had a big test the following day and simply needed something to calm your nerves, knowing damn well you just wanted to see the infamous sexy dealer in your college town up close.
"oh, word? that's wassup mami. te deseo buena suerte."
he slid an extra ounce in your bag and shrugged it off as a miscount, but the real reason simply being that he was enticed by your beauty. a few days later, before you even finished what you already had, you called him up for another eighth just so you could see his gorgeous face again.
after delivering to you numerous times, he finally asked you out on his version of a date, which was matching in front of a breathtaking view, talking about aliens n conspiracy theories, and after, treating you to whatever munchies craving you possessed.
eventually, connie cautiously opened you up to his world, sometimes allowing you to accompany him on his late-night deliveries whenever you had insomnia. it was definitely different from what you'd known, you wondered to yourself how you, the girl who completely devoted herself to her school, producing top-of-the-line grades, came from a supportive and loving family, ended up skipping class to ride passenger princess in a sexy drug dealer's bmw who knew nothing but the streets.
you knew it was bad and so did he, you two had no business being together, but it was just something about you—something about him.
from you being so oblivious to his street slang and always following up with, "um connie . . . what does that mean?" and vice versa, the way you articulated words only captivated him more, asking you to educate him on their meanings and slowly applying them to his lingo. he admired how you spoke properly regardless of your black friends accusing you of being white-washed because of your pwi.
eventually, he taught you how to weigh his loads, putting your own touch on them by packaging them into pink plastic baggies with their name, amount, and a heart around it.
"mami, they gon' think i went all soft and shit now," is what he told you every time regardless of him finding it adorable.
he thought your innocence and intelligence were alluring and for your sake, he knew he should've kept it strictly professional business, but he wanted to ruin you.
his aspiration only grew larger after one night, participating in a mini competition amongst yourselves to see who would tap out first while smoking as many blunts as possible.
your deep brown eyes were low n red after two, ready to quit due to the feeling of immense drowsiness. feeling as if you were on another planet, you brazenly confessed a few secrets of yours before falling asleep in his arms—one being that you had never had sex before. the thought of connie popping your sweet cherry made him brick up instantly. he would’ve took you right then and there in the backseat of his car, but he wanted you to be completely conscious for it.
teaching you his ways was only the beginning, not only did he want to corrupt your mind, he desired to take over your entire body like a vicious plague.
you sheepishly admitted that being in his scene terrified you but he assured you, "i promise nothin' will happen to you as long as you wit me, mamacita."
he later conceded to you that he was always strapped with his glock-19 and in a way, that made him even sexier. he pulled the weapon out of his baggy sweats and laid it on his lap for you to comprehend. you blurted out asking if he had ever used it on someone.
"ignorance is bliss, ain’t that right, bae?” giving you a small smile alongside a chuckle, continuing on with his delivery route as if nothing happened.
he dropped you home later that night and it was spent under your baby pink silk sheets, one hand tightly resting on your breast, the other rubbing over your aching clit. soft mewls of his name escaped your lips while fantasizing about him holding his loaded gun to your head, finger just shy of the trigger as he fucked you dumb. you messily came undone all over yourself and from that day on, your worries about safety never resumed.
the next thing you knew, connie's plan had you exactly where he wanted you to be. his big body hovering over your adorably small one in comparison and looking down upon you hungrily with low bloodshot eyes, making you indecisive of if the sight was sexy or terrifying, or both.
legs spread onto the dip of his buff shoulders, gold anklet dangling in his face and his precum-soaked tip aimed at your entrance. it was everything you had fantasized about; thick, circumcised, and pretty. veins protruding from the base to his baby pink tip, the same color as your thong he pulled aside.
"wait! wait—connie, before you continue, i need to tell you something.” the fear was evident in your eyes, shakily placing your small chubby hand on his toned lower stomach to avoid him proceeding further.
"oh, that you're a virgin?"
"wait, wait what?" eyes widening, your brows lowering with confusion.
"you do lots of talkin' when you're high, but even without you tellin' it was obvious." his copper eyes briefly shifted towards the chastity ring that never left your finger.
"fuck you, connie."
"oh yea? fuck me, baby? nah, fuck you."
audibly gasping at the sudden aggressive shift into your slit and taking in all of his inches. a smug grin painting his face once he watches the pretty virgin trying to adjust to his length, the stretch embarrassingly being nearly unbearable for you.
"t'hurts," your brown irises rolling to the depths of your skull and he needily bucked his hips against you, balls deep inside of your pussy, slapping against the fat of your ass with no remorse.
“c–connie it’s t’much . . . i can’t.” while gripping onto the sheets as if your life depended on it, light tears swell your sweet doe eyes and your eyelashes meeting with your flushed cheeks from tightly clenching your eyes shut. your pussy crying for him as well, coating his cock with sticky cream ring.
"awn you can't take it, baby? i thought it was fuck me though, right?" he purred in a condescending tone, his russet eyes narrowing before increasing his pace, watching the way your pussy swallowed his dick whole.
"m'sorry . . . connie, m'so so sorry, please."
"m'so sorry," connie embarrassingly mocks your tone creating nearly the same pitch as your shaky voice. his veiny hand wrapped around your neck restricting your breath to a minimum and making you dizzy while soft mewls slithered out of your lips, pain mixing with a foreign feeling of pleasure.
"actin' so innocent all the damn time n yet here you are, pretty pussy creamin' all over my dick." his words spilling from his lips like an addictive poison to your brain.
"ease up f'me princesa, with you clenchin' like that m'not gonna last long." connie's voice coos in your ear as he positions your legs all the way over his shoulders to allow him to plant harsh kisses on your bruised cervix to where you couldn't think straight. gripping your plush thick body in the sweaty palms of his hand and squirming underneath his weight. the room filled with lewd sloppy squelching noises from your pussy suctioned onto the length of his shaft.
your short french tip nails dug into his sweat-glistened skin leaving crescent moons behind and you weren't even fighting back anymore, you embraced it. nuzzling into his chest and wrapping your hands around his neck as he thrusts inside of your tummy.
"oo my gosh, connie. m'gonna cum." your arch faltering, yearning for the sweet release that doing it yourself could never fulfill. his hips angled directly at your sweet spot sending warm n fuzzy shocks through your body.
his dick twitched inside of you and you knew he was close as well based off of his sloppier thrusts. so pussy drunk from your sopping cunt he didn't even hear you talking, he just continued with his pace.
your core tightened and the utmost sensational orgasm ripped out of you. it only took a few more weak strokes to lead to his thick sticky ribbons of goo shooting inside of you and painting your walls completely white.
"connie . . . do drug dealers have hookups to plan b's too?"
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norman-fucking-reedus · 7 months
So it’s international women’s day and I was talking to one of my mutuals abt how Daryl would like worship you 🎀
I noticed that as the show went on Daryl’s respect and appreciation for women seemed to grow. I also feel like his mother could’ve been a victim of abuse, and so when he yells at any woman he starts thinking of his dad
I just think Daryl having his own person to unconditionally love and cherish would re-wire his brain in the best way possible
Idk what happened but I do not have a foot kink guys like feet actually scare me when I write I just make it all up as I go
Daryl has never considered himself a religious man, but oh for you, he’d make a whole new religion.
Growing up Daryl was never allowed to have much of his own stuff, whatever little he did have he held onto and cherished with all his damaged heart. He loved these things dearly, and would fight like hell to get them back, but he’s never down right worshipped something, nor someone.
His parents claimed to be christians, yet they just made themselves look like hypocrites as they preached sins from the bible that they commit every hour of the day. Daryl believed that if there really was a God, he wouldn’t toss kids to people who didn’t deserve to have them, let alone help the people that needed help, like when his mom was burning to death in the house.
He didn’t believe in a God, no, not until he got to taste you for the first time.
You, Daryl loved you. From the tips of your very toes up to your hair, there wasn’t a single inch of your body that Dixon didn’t appreciate.
He takes his sweet, sweet time undressing you, carefully peeling your shirt off and running his blistering hands across the smooth skin of your stomach. Daryl dips his head down to kiss you, slow with lots of tongue.
Daryl’s hands move down your sides, hooking onto the waistband of your pants and pulling them down. He stared at you in muted awe as you stepped out them and stood in just your bra and panties, twirling hair around your finger.
You watched as he lowered himself down, not just onto his knees but down to the floor, his lips brushing over the skin of your feet. A shiver ran down your spine at the sight of Daryl bowing before you, peppering kisses along the skin of your ankles while slowly climbing his way up the skin of your calf, relishing in the ticklish sensation of your leg hair.
You were pure, sheer natural beauty, Daryl dared to say that Aphrodite herself could not compare.
He traced every scar with his lips, and touched every birthmark with the tip of his tongue, his hands stroking the skin of your legs as he worked his way up past your knee, to your thigh, squeezing and sucking on the plumpness. His fingers trailed over the bump dips of your stretch marks, traveling across your hips and stopping mere inches from your stomach.
Daryl knew that you were a little insecure about the markings, however, he had a deep admiration for the discolored lines etched into your skin, dragging his lips across them and feeling them underneath.
He made it his life goal to make you feel like the most gorgeous woman in the world because in his eyes you were the only woman in the world.
Daryl placed eager kisses over your clothed hip bones, running his tongue over your V-line before burying his nose in the growing wet spot of your panties, inhaling the addictive smell of your cunt. He stared at you with a needy, half-lidded gaze, licking his lips as you fisted the hair behind his ear, teasing the hem of your panties right in front of him.
His eyes never left your movements for a second as you slowly slid the thin fabric down, Daryl watching the way they slipped down your thighs and pooled down around your feet, eyes flickering back up to your pretty pussy. He watched as you spread your lips with your fingers, running your fingers down your folds and bringing your glistening digits to Daryl's lips, so casually offering him a slice of heaven.
You felt Daryl's groan vibrate through your fingers as he quickly wrapped his lips around them, swirling his tongue and sucking your slick. His cock pulsated in his pants, arousal burning hot in his belly as he taste you, wanting to taste you directly from the source.
As you pulled your soaked fingers from his lips, coating them in his own spit as you did, you adjusted your stance to stand with your legs further apart, lifting your leg slightly to step on Daryl's cock, a guttural moan coming from him as he thanked the stars above him for whatever he did in order to belong to you.
When you tugged Daryl's head forward by his hair, dragging your messy cunt across his chin and over his tongue, he jerked his hips up and down right whimpered when he ground into the pad of your foot. Every light sound he made, he made right into your slick folds, desperately lapping up your juices on his tongue. One hand held onto your thigh, and the other stayed wrapped around your ankle.
Daryl ran his tongue from your tight entrance, up to your sensitive clit, rubbing it with a few hard licks before darting back down your slit, this time slipping the wet muscle inside your soft walls. You moaned at the sudden intrusion, applying more pressure with your foot that had the man seeing stars underneath you. Daryl held your foot down, curling his tongue as he thrusted it in and out.
You had a tight grip on Daryl’s hair, tugging at his brown locks as he worked you open, pushing your closer and closer to the edge. He was such a monster when it came down to his mouth, knowing exactly just how and where he needed to use it.
He dragged his tongue back over to your clit, making quick work of filling you with his fingers. You groaned at the feeling of his thick digits, scissoring and stretching you further open. He stimulated a sensitive nerve near you clit as his fingers curled in your sweet spot, a high gasp coming from you as your hands tightened in Daryl’s hair.
You pulled his head back, clenching around his fingers when the cool air hit your puffy clit. Daryl panted softly underneath you, staring up at you witth hearts in his eyes as his swollen, red bottom lip got caught between his teeth. His hips rolled up into your foot, whimpering quietly.
“I love you” He choked out, hand gripping your thigh as the other continued to curl his fingers.
You brushed his cheek again, staring down with a pleased looked and smile. “I love you too, Dixon. Now come up here and stuff me”
Daryl grunted, sliding his fingers out of you and immediately bringing them up to his mouth, sucking you clean off.
He rose to his feet, wiping his fingers dry before circling around your back to unclasp your bra, throwing himself into one of your deep kisses as the garment fell down your arms to join your discarded underwear on the floor. Daryl ran his hands over the soft and squishy skin of your tits, groping them under calloused palms.
You directed him to walk backwards, taking careful steps towards the bed as his lips refused to leave yours, the lingering taste of yourself in his mouth as you explored it with your tongue.
Daryl’s knees hit the mattress and he sat down, leaning back a little to give you more space as you straddled him in all your nude glory. Your dripping cunt pressed against his bulge, and he could feel your warmth wetness behind the fabric. The groan that escaped his lips was quickly captured in another one of your dangerous kisses, Daryl’s head already starting to become full of haze.
“Your body belongs to me, right?” You slid a hand between the two of you, fingers dancing over his jeans as they unbuttoned them.
Daryl hummed, eyes fixated on you as you freed his cock. “Yes ma’am”
You smiled softly, dropping down for yet another mind fogging kiss, lining Daryl’s tip up with your entrance and sliding down slowly. He groaned into your mouth and the sensation of being wrapped up in your tight heat, cock twitching were it rested snuggly inside you.
When you started to bounce your hips, milking the length of his cock with each wet slide of your cunt around him. He wanted to snap his hips into you, fuck you hard and make you feel so, so good. But instead, he stayed right was he was, eyes rapidly flickering from watching where he was slipping in and out of you, to your pleasured face, lip caught between your teeth as your gaze met Daryl’s.
“I love you” He said once again, whispering it into the steamy space between the two of you. You curled your fingers into his scalp, tugging the brown hair as you locked onto his lips for another one of those fucking kisses. “I love you too”
And oh, how that’s all he ever needs to hear.
Daryl not being able to process the fact that someone as breathtaking as you would want to date someone like him and he’s just so sickeningly in love that obviously his only option is to just straight worship the ground you walks on, like you’re a blessing sent directly from heaven itself and Daryl Dixon will be damned to let something as enchanting as you go to waste
He is stone cold LOVER BOY 😾
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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brightlotusmoon · 17 days
Hi I hope this is okay to ask but are you a practicing Pagan Jew (Practicing both Paganism and Judiasm) and if so how does that work? I’m currently interested in converting to Judiasm but I still want to keep my Pagan beliefs/practices. I am not ethnically Jewish
I am Culturally Jewish (practicing a smidge here and there) and practicing eclectic pagan, so I can answer some questions but not others!
I didn't have a Bat Mitzvah, for example, because I was raised atheist. My husband didn't have a Bar Mitzvah mostly because of his extreme kind of dyslexia. We're ethnically Jewish through our maternal lines. Both of us got into Paganism as kids. I know multiple Atheist Jewish pagans, too, who have shared stories of accidentally exploding the heads of young Christians.
The thing with paganism - speaking as an eclectic - is that anyone can get into it, literally anyone anywhere. Sometimes the overall lack of gatekeeping can be a problem, but groups tend to gatekeep amongst themselves.
I think a lot of pagan Jews go through similar journeys, if they're raised to question and argue with the universe. Pantheism gets pretty popular, for example, for those uncomfortable without monotheism.
As for being a practicing Jew and pagan, I know many people but I don't know enough details, so I don't want to step on toes. It's not the same thing as Kabbalah, although sometimes we use elements of Kabbalah in rituals.
@prismatic-bell what are your thoughts?
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prettyyoungandbored · 13 days
Texts: The Blair Witch Project [Bale!Bruce Wayne]
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Text messages exchanged by Bruce and Demetria while Demetria watches “The Blair Witch Project.” Prior to events in Becoming Mrs. Wayne.
Warning: Minor spoilers for “The Blair Witch Project.”
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Texts from Demetria: Italicized
Texts from Bruce: Bold
How’s everything at your mother’s?
Good! We went out for dinner and now Henry and I are watching a movie.
What movie?
The Blair Witch Project. Have you seen it?
Can’t say I have.
It’s a horror film. It came out like almost a decade ago. Basically it’s found footage of the these three people who get lost in the woods searching for the Blair Witch.
What do you mean found footage?
So it’s in the style of video cameras unlike traditional movie cameras. The people who get lost were filming a documentary about the Blair Witch and they document getting lost and the creepy shit that happened to them.
Is this something that actually happened?
Here’s the crazy part - they marketed it like it was real but it wasn’t. It was just a bunch of actors. It felt real at the time. I saw it in theaters with Henry and Harvey when it came out and our minds were blown when we later found out that it wasn’t real.
Please tell me Harvey got scared.
I won’t lie, I’m a little disappointed.
I’m sorry to disappoint you, handsome.
It’s alright.
I will say I didn’t strike you as a horror movie person.
I’m not but this one isn’t too bad. You would hate it though.
Why’s that?
You would be annoyed by these people in the movie. I wish you were here so I could hear your commentary.
I wish I was there too. Sounds like you’re having a great night.
Mom and Henry were sad you couldn’t make it.
Next time, I promise. This merger is massive and we’re working around the clock to make sure it get done.
They understand completely. They just love you.
I know your mother does. Henry…I don’t know if love is the right word.
He does like you. He’s just being protective.
More importantly though, I love you!
Yeah that is more important than your brother’s love. No offense to him.
And I love you too.
I’m gonna miss sleeping with you tonight.
Oh yeah?
Yeah. I always sleep better with you.
Have I never told you this?
I would remember something like that. How do you sleep better with me?
You’re make me safe and comfortable. You’re a cuddler and so when I’m in the dark, I know you’re right there. I can’t even sleep with the light off when I’m alone.
You don’t sleep with the lights off?
No I don’t like being in the dark all alone.
I never knew that. Good to know in the future.
I hope not for prank reasons.
Sweetheart, you should know by now I’m not exactly a prankster like that.
No but you are mischievous.
How else am I gonna keep you on your toes?
I do love that you just glazed over that fact I told you you made me feel safe and comfortable.
It was acknowledged. I’m just not used to being told I make someone feel that way.
Well I mean it.
Promise me one thing - you will never take me into the woods.
I promise, but I would like to know where this is coming from.
So I’m at the part in the movie where they lose the map.
They lost the map? How did they lose the map?
I think the real mistake was going into the woods. That’s just me though.
When you get back to Gotham, we’re watching this movie.
You’re gonna hate it.
The movie? Probably. Your company? Never. Besides, I have a feeling we’ll be too occupied to watch it.
I have a feeling you’re right too ;)
Well, Henry just fell asleep. I’m gonna head to bed myself.
Want me to call you when you’re all settled? I’ll stay on the line til’ you fall asleep.
You would do that?
Of course I would. Call me when you’re ready, Sweetheart.
“This is the dumbest movie I’ve ever seen.”
Demetria cackled, throwing her head back. Bruce turned to her, his face slightly scrunched.
“What? I’m serious,” he said.
“ I told you you would hate it!”
“I don’t hate it but it’s hard to enjoy people being morons.”
She smiled, playing with his hair. “So you’re saying you could survive out in some haunted woods with limited resources and no map?”
“And if I asked Alfred?”
He waved his hands. “We don’t need to bring him into this.”
“I think we-.”
Before she could finish, Bruce’s lips were on hers. After that, the conversation and the movie had been disregarded.
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Surprise bitches!!!! You thought you'd gotten rid of me, but we still have one shots to do!!
Christian Edge, a vampire for 400 years? I guess Edge is a fake last name then because I really don't think that is a 1600 surname.
Shelley Hemsworth, she wasn't even allowed her to say her first sentence before laughing so hard??
So Shelley just is here because she's pretending to be interested in her boyfriend's interest? I can respect the effort she's going for for this Cliff? I hope he's worth it.
Oh wow this Cliff is actually in the show lol.
Tim saying in as many ways as he can: CLIFF IS NORMAL!!
Cimanthe Pratt: I love her, but I just have such a hard time following what she's saying.
Okay but "squash hunting is very lonely" would be an amazing tag line for either a paranormal dating show or a competitive squash carving dating show.
Linus Szandor Foley. Sexier ideas than the satanic church? Bold statement.
This is going to be a site chaos.
"That's like a math!" 😂
"then don't be a snitch" if I got a nickel for every time a vampire om this pod talked about not snitching I'd have 2 nickels.. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Just the normal guy freaking out and running out of the room, and the weirdos are all like hey dude, chill.
3 sky lights? What is this, a sims house???
The power of a happy trail, man.
Workplace hootinanny? 😂😂😂😂
Wait cliff and shelley are exes??? How did I miss the break up?
Rubber toes imply that you go bare feet in winter.
They all run??? 😂 Cliff was so close too!
"vials of release?" 😬
One of the release vials shatters? So everyone else just ran to not get sprayed with cum and not because of some ghost. That makes sense.
"I had no idea you were so potent." excuse me, sir!
Poor Cliff! He is such a scaredy cat! He set out to be the calm and reasonable one, but he became the Shaggy.
No reality show is complete without a surprise father reveal.
Wait the Wilsons are the villains now?
At least Cliff is going to get some more customers from all of this.
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not-goldy · 10 months
Jk spent months serenading Jm on lives. Posting ramen pics when he leaves. Dedicating 2 hour lives to Jimin. Spammed Jm's lives saying you know I'll cook for you, I'm your fan (BOY if you don't settle down). He was in crave mode & wanted that ass so bad. On his knees begging. And now he barely mentions Jm lately, not like he did. This only means one thing. He liked it, he wanted it, he got it. Reminds me of Jm asking for kisses from Jk & suddenly stopped, cause he got it. I'm almost scared to watch their travel show cause its gonna be full of sexual tension, awkwardness & downplaying, cause it happened right after JK kept begging him over & his Jm lives.
Lord help us all too, cause Jm showed up at the airport freshly waxed head to toe for that NY/CT trip too. WHEW child, we are doomed. I know Hybe's editors are gonna be working over time toning down the gay.
Jikook going defcon 1 horny around eachother is high key scary
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I don't want the gay toned down💀
Matter fact I want it so in our faces Christian orgs will line up the streets in protest- again
Paint the town- gay Jikook.
It's your God's honest duty
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shortfanficstories · 7 months
Chokehold - Video Shoot
This little fantasy has been on my mind for quite a long time, finally got to write it down. Vessel x reader during a very naughty video shoot.
It's 6am, I just threw on a black pair of legging & a black cropped Tshirt, my long ice blonde hair is in a messy bun on my head, I grab my boots in a hurry. Today is a big video shoot for the band Sleep Token, my agent worked hard to get me that job cause I was begging him for weeks to do everything in his power. The band wanted a young woman with loads of tattoos & a "dark gothic look". I fit that description perfectly, I'm covered in tattoos from my neck to my toes, I only wear black, my nose, lip & ears are pierced. Most people are kind of scared of me, I look like your local drug dealer with a sexy twist.
When I arrive at the location, I'm greeted by a friendly woman. "You must be Alexandra, nice to meet you, I'll show you around & get you to your makeup artist." she says. "Hi, just call me Alex, very nice to meet you too." I say, smiling from ear to ear. I follow her through a long hallway into a studio with black walls, a black floor, red dimmed lights hanging from the ceiling. Immediately a middle aged man approaches me, he shouts from far away: "Darling, you are perfect for this shoot, I can't wait to doll you up & transform you into a dark sexy angel. My name is Christian, I'll take care of your styling today". He asks me tons of questions about myself while painting my face. "I'll just warn you, Vessel is a little .. special." he giggles. "He's a good man but he can be intimidating as hell. This shoot is also new for him, we have never worked with him & a woman being touchy & stuff. He was hesitant to do it but we want a shocker, something we have never done before. Just don't let him scare you off, you look tough, you can handle this ice brick of a man." he giggles again. Ok, ice brick, noted. When Christian is done with my makeup, he straightens my hair. Then he shows me my outfit. A black bodysuit with a deep v neck line that almost reaches down to my bellybutton, it's high cut revealing my hip bones, the neckline, straps & bottom are covered in black lace. Wow, very naughty. I get dressed quickly & look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair reaches down to my waist, it's almost white with soft brown roots. My lips are dark red, smokey eyes, my face is pale. I look like a sexy vampire & I love it. It matches the red & black snake tattoos on my small boobs. 
As I step out of the bathroom, I spot a tall man wearing a black cloak, black tight jeans & leather boots. He is at least 6'2, his shoulders & back give his body a v shape. Even in my high heels I'm still shorter than him. He turns around, facing me. His face is covered by his mask, I try to keep my breath slow & steady but my heart starts racing. Vessel is standing a few steps away from me. An assistant is applying black body paint on his stomach, his soft abs poke through the paint, I need to focus on not staring at the little hair line leading from his belly down to his v line. This man is hot & looks scary, very scary. I feel my confidence decrease rapidly which leaves me confused, no man has ever made me feel weak in the knees, it's the opposite usually. I collect myself & walk towards him, he signals his assistent to stop & reaches out for my hand, squeezing it quite hard. He smiles, showing me his bright white teeth. "Hi Alex, I'm Vessel, we'll have a lot of fun today." he says. Oh yes we will, I think to myself. I look directly into the holes in his mask around his eyes & say: "Hi Vessel, I'm super excited, this shoot, looks like it will indeed be a lot of fun". I just now realize that I'm dressed in lingerie only. I feel my cheeks get heated, I hope I'm not visibly blushing. He gives me one more grin, then finishes his body paint.
A few minutes later his assistant guides me towards the black walls, telling me to stand with my back to the wall. Vessel stands across from me. Then the casting director, a blonde tall man in his thirties, positions himself behind the cameras & says: "Ok guys, hi Ves, hi Alex, I'm Peter & we are ready, I'm pretty sure we can do this one take, it would be the best outcome but don't feel pressured we can always start fresh. Neither of you know exactly what the plan is, that's the vibe we want in this video. We want raw human emotion & actions. I will tell you what. to do, you will follow. Check?". We both nod. Vessel takes a deep breath & sends a small smile my way. I smile back. He isn't as icy as Christian said. 
The music starts playing, Peter says: "You just stay in your places, when the singing starts, Ves takes one step towards Alex, then wait a few seconds, then take another step, waiting again, until you stand like half a step away from her". Vessel nods.
When we were made
He takes a slow step. Then pauses. His dark brown eyes are fixated on mine.
It was no accident
Another step. I can smell his perfume. It's sweet with a herb note, he smells kind of like cinnamon.
We were tangled up like branches in a flood 
He is half a step way from me. My eyes wander down to his lips.
"Ves, touch her right hand with yours, tangle your fingers, then when the bridge starts, lift her hand up to the wall behind her & lean into her".
I come as a blade 
His hand touches mine.
A sacred guardian 
He softly strokes my hand. Drawing circles on my palm.
So you keep me sharp and test my worth in blood 
His fingers tangle with mine.
You've got me in a chokehold 
He slowly lifts my arm up, pressing it into the wall behind me.
You've got me in a chokehold 
He takes another slow step towards me until his mask almost touches my face. His other hand gently brushes over my breasts, every touch leaves a burning sensation on my skin. 
"Ves, now you choke Alex roughly, Alex acts shocked for a second, then chokes you back. Ves you then let go of her & she pushes you back two steps. It should look like a fight about who chokes whom."
You've got me in a- 
As the guitar sounds come in, Vessel roughly chokes me, pushing my head back against the wall. I keep my eyes locked with his & count 2 seconds before I reach for his neck, grabbing it with both hands & squeezing it as hard as I can. Then I take a step towards him so that he has to step back. I can see the surprise in his eyes, he probably didn't expect me to be this strong. I had taken tons of self defense classes, I know how to choke a man. 
"Perfect, now let go of him. Ves, sing along with the lyrics up to the chorus & walk towards her, push her against the wall & scream the lyrics at her".
I let go of him, Vessel immediately regains control. He clears his throat & starts singing the lyrics. His voice is hauntingly beautiful. I feel my eyes get watery. 
Beneath the stormy seas Above the mountain peaks 
My body is pressed against the wall. He is insanely close to me, his body pressing against mine, he sings right into my face never breaking eye contact. I feel a tear slipping down my cheek.
It's all the same to me It makes no difference 
"YES. Ves, lick the tear from her cheek, don't ask me why, just do it! Then sing again".
Vessel stops singing, instead he breathes against my neck, then he softly licks my cheek. This is so weird & yet so hot. I start getting all tingly.
I've seen my days unfold Done the impossible I'd turn my walls to gold To bring you home again 
He continues singing. His forehead resting on mine. I can feel his raspy voice in my bones.
"Alex, get on your knees, look up to him & roll your eyes back".
Ok wow, that's naughty.
So show me that which I cannot see
I drop to my knees, looking straight up into his eyes. 
"Ves, touch her chin, lift it up".
Even if it hurts me 
My dirty thoughts take over, I roll my eyes back & imagine Vessel fucking the shit out of me.
Even if I can't sleep 
His breathing is heavy. 
"Ves, after the last line pick her up, thighs around your waist. Kiss her roughly, all tongue action, Alex you fight it first, then kiss him back. Give us an enemies to lovers scene".
Oh shit, thats going to kill me. This is so out of my comfort zone but I want to feel this man's lips on mine. 
Oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake
You've got me in a chokehold 
He drops down, picks me up, I wrap my thighs around his waist & just as the chorus starts, he crashes his lips on mine. I pull back, he licks over my lips, his tongue is begging for access to my mouth. So I give in, I sink into the kiss. He kisses me hungrily, his hands are in my hair, wrapping strands of it harshly around his fingers. 
You've got me in a chokehold 
One hand finds its way to my throat, choking me harshly while pulling my head back with the other hand. I dig my nails into his back, grinding my hips on his abs.
You've got me in a chokehold 
He sighs, we both lose control. I feel heat building up between my legs. He lowers my body slightly to have me grinding on his dick & I feel a massive bulge in his pants. Vessel has a boner because of me. You've got me in a chokehold  I bury my hands in his hair beneath the cloak, trying my best not to pull it off. I feel the sweat dripping off his face. His mask rubs against my nose. I have black paint all over me & breathe in his smell.
You've got me in a chokehold 
He sucks on my lower lip, biting it harshly.
"Ves, let her go. Hands on the wall behind her face. Sing the last few lines. Look into er eyes".
Even if it hurts me
He leans into me again. His voice is shaky. His eyes are on my lips. I bet he is fighting the urge to kiss me again.
Even if I can't sleep
His face is inches away from mine. I bite my lip. I just want to taste him again.
"Ves, after the last line, get on your knees. Head against her stomach. Alex, hands beneath his hood into his hair".
Show me the waaaaaay
He drops down. He is completely out of breath. My stomach flinches when his cold mask touches it. I let my hands sink on his head, behind his hood, gently playing with his curly hair. His arms are wrapped around my hips. His long fingers touch my back, also gently stroking it.
The song ends. We both breathe heavily. The red lights flicker & I finally snap back into reality. I immediately blush, we just grinded on each other in front of 10 people. I look down at Vessel, he is still on his knees, locking up to me. He has red lipstick smudged around his lips & a subtle grin of his face. 
"Alex, I must say you are amazing, I want no one but you in every video we film. This was fantastic, one take! The chemistry between you two is great, this was exactly what we wanted." Peter shouts & claps loudly. I smile at him, still a little embarrassed about losing full control over my body. Vessel slowly gets up again, he turn to me & gives me a subtle kiss on the cheek. "Alex, you taste like heaven. I will forever replay that image of you kneeling in front of me in my head." he whispers as he brushes my ear with his lips. I fail to respond, my brain isn't working anymore. I fight the burning desire in me to crash my lips on his again. Luckily, Vessel lets go of me & walks away to get a bottle of water. "I'll be right back, I just need to touch up my lipstick" I say & sprint to the bathroom.
When I'm done, I push open the door & find Vessel waiting for me. "We have max 15 minutes, follow me." he says. I don't even hesitate. He takes my hand & pulls me into a room next to the bathroom, it's a little office. As he closes the door, he pushes me against it & grabs my neck, his face is so close to mine, I can taste his breath. "Do I have permission to kiss you again?" he asks. I nod. "Say it, Alex!". "Yes, I want to taste you again, vessel. Please kiss me." I respond. A relieved breath escapes his lips. I feel his warm lips on mine again, his tongue waiting for access to taste me fully. I rip down his hood, pulling strands of his hair, I need him closer. I feel his dick harden again & grind my hips against it. A growl leaves his mouth. "How far do you want to go?" he asks. "I need to feel you inside me. I NEED you." I beg. I never beg for men. Men usually beg for me & I reject them but this time I can't control my desires. He kisses my neck, down to my breasts, licking away the drops of sweat on my skin. He kisses me again, his hand wanders down my stomach until it lays dangerously close to my pulsing pussy. I arch my back signaling him to keep going, I want to feel him, I want him to touch me. He accepts my signal & gently brushes his fingers over the fabric of my bodysuit. I hold my breath when he starts rubbing my clit, sending heat waves through my body. "The fabric is drenched, you are so fucking wet for me," Vessel growls. He pushes away the fabric, exposing my pussy to the cold air. He slides two finger inside me, keeping his thumb on my clit & starts slowly moving his hand. I can't hold in my moans, no man has ever made me feel like this. I have never even orgasmed with a man before. they just can't find the right spots to please me. Vessel's touch builds up a burning hot sensation, I feel my muscles tense as he fastens his movements. My legs shake, I see stars, my moans are uncontrollable. "I'm going to cum." I struggle to even say these words out loud. Just as I finish the sentence, my orgasm hits me. I bite into Vessel's chest, trying to stay as quiet as possible. When I come down from my high, he catches me because my legs give in. "Has any man ever made you cum in just 2 minutes?" he asks cheekily. I look into his eyes, his face is still covered by his mask which makes this whole thing even hotter. "No man has ever made me cum." I admit. "Well, then let's do it again but this time with my dick inside you" Vessel says. his voice is even deeper than before. He turns me around, pushing my hips against a desk, bending my body over it. I hear his belt unbuckling. "I hope you are ready to take this, I'm not particularly gentle, especially not after having you tease me for a whole song." he says. Just as I'm trying to answer, I feel the tip of his dick against my pussy. He rubs his dick over my sensitive clit, making my legs shake again. "What a view" he growls. "May I?" he asks, pushing his dick against my hole. "Yes, please, fuck me!" I beg again. I finally feel him pushing inside me, his hand is back on my clit, rubbing it again the way he did before. This man's touch is something else, his dick isn't even fully inside me yet & I'm almost ready to cum again. He feels my muscles tensing as he pushes deeper into me. "Hold on your a bit, your tightness is making me almost cum already." he says. I hold back my second orgasm but as I feel him stroking me harder I lose control. I tense up, screaming out his name, cumming with his dick pumping into me. He pulls out, turns me around & commands me to open my mouth. I taste his warm liquid on my tongue while he moans. 
"Now let's go finish the paperwork, my sweet angel Alex" Vessel says.
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All I have
All I ever wanted was somebody to hear me and feel me
As everybody just wants to tell me that I'm out of my mind.
I will run non stop until I blackout.
Are you serious?
Is anybody out on the world reading this?
As you sniff your lines, I will pour these words out.
As you enter at your own risk to the amusent ride of my mind.
You better get ready cause you might find out,
I'm from a completely different place.
My kind is little bit different than others are.
Listen I'm just warming up and
You're misinformed if you think that I'm slipping up.
I don't live for the world,I just live for God, my King
Now, focus as I pour all these tons of emotions.
It's hard to get a break when the door's won't open
It's hard to get a shot when the guns not loaded.
Now, Am I insane maybe, or just plain crazy
You put me in a room with pen & paper.
No,You will not restrain me.
You do what you wanted but you can't contain me
Lazy is not a character trait of mine, don't wait in line
This is the current condition of my state of mind
Don't tell me that this isn't real or not how I feel.
This is all I have that is all mine.
All I ever wanted was somebody to read then understand my poetry.
If this is my calling or not God, thank you for my gift.
I never been a killer but I guarantee I squeeze your soul
As you read this poetry that flow from my soul
Ill put all these soul in coffins, lost in, rip to each soul.
I was told no one will read my poetry.
That I was mental for writing these lines of emotions.
I am in a place where I can let go, as I have before.
Love pouring this out to the world while
I'm not wasting any of my time dreaming.
While I ain't got no money in my wallet but
I guarantee there ain't no way that I am gonna stop poetry.
I swear to you all that I need this.
And this poetry in me from my head to.my toes.
If you poke me I will bleed deep red words all over.
What did you think I write poetry for no reason?
I put all my pain in my poetry as my mom took
a piece of my soul with her while on her journey to heaven.
I can be a different person,so don't try to predict my words.
What you're hearing now is in the depths of my hollow soul.
I stand behind these words as I'm a Christian but, I'm not perfect.
Don't tell me to calm down I'm calm now,
listen I'm only releasing feelings.
It might take a minute to get it but
Once you get it every single emotion
will become very crystal clear.
I don't think anyone can feel my pain.
Don't tell me that this isn't real
Don't tell me this isn't how I feel.
This poetry is all I have in
this world that is only mine.
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ochrefic · 11 months
Tell us about the sin-eater AU!
anon you complete me
this barely even discusses the actual story because there’s so much setup. the sin eater au has very complicated lore for something which is mostly about everyone suffering a lot. i apologize in advance
this is a modern world with magic, but it’s not very powerful. the average person mostly interacts with it in the form of purchased physical objects. the average person is able to sense magic— for instance, walking up to an enchanted object, one can likely sense the power, the temperament, and the purpose of the enchantment. they can also tell some things about other people’s internal magic.
everyone has internal magic. if you don’t it is because you are dead. your internal magic is affected by a lot of things. sometimes your physical health but mostly mental nonsense*. it can get corrupted due to the aforementioned mental nonsense, which is a tiny bit unfun.
(*this is debated** in-universe, we will come back to that in a later post)
(**"debated", we’ll come back to that in a later post)
the vast majority of people cannot do anything with their internal magic. they have no way to access it in a conscious manner. a few people are able to consciously access their magic— “magic users”.. this is sort of but not totally genetic, but in any case you cannot become a magic user on purpose. you have it or you don’t.
having access to your internal magic is mostly not a good thing. there are very few Actual Magicians because trying to do anything notable with it means studying it as a discipline, which is like learning engineering and law at the same time while going to trade school on the weekends. if you don’t want to go to superhell college, you can practice a reasonable amount and then you can do silly little party tricks. which is cool and fun!
a person’s body can only contain so much magic. if you are normal and don’t have any way to consciously access yours, your body handles it for you— you’ll gradually produce more if you lose it, you won’t end up with more magic than you’re supposed to have, everything will be chill and fine.
if you are a magic user, you are theoretically capable of decreasing your internal magic via performing spells, so your body decides not to be helpful. if you have somehow acquired too much magic, you gotta get rid of it on your own.
magic users can mess with the magic of non-users. you can give magic to someone or take it away from them.
again, normal people can’t use their own magic but can perceive the magic inside of objects or other organisms. some people can use magic, which may not be good for them. here’s a third category for you to remember: a small number of people are completely unable to perceive magic at all— they are “magicblind”. this is mostly not a problem.
after Many Words, we have arrived at the prologue.
john’s family belongs to a religious community which is toeing the line between “slightly weird people with unethical beliefs” and “cult”. they are christian but most of their theological beliefs aren’t super relevant
things they believe which are relevant and (very) controversial:
magic is ‘witchcraft’, which means it is evil and bad.
having corrupted magic is a sign of having sinned, and to cleanse yourself of that sin you must remove the corrupted magic.
being a magic user means that you have been chosen to act as the eater of sin for your community; this is, supposedly an honor. it is your duty to listen to the wrongdoings of your community members, to take their corrupted magic from them, and to keep it inside yourself literally forever. you are not allowed to say no.
john was eleven when he finally got caught shaking sparks from the ends of his fingers. he was twelve when he started taking sins. he was twelve, and the parents of his schoolmates were telling him about how they drink too much and they yell at their wife and they beat their children and they wish their spouse was dead, and he would take their hands and look them in the eyes and scoop out the rotten twisted bits of their magic and bury them inside himself as deeply as he could.
after a while it started to show no matter how much he tried to hide it. corrupted magic doesn’t smell, exactly, but it produces a similar sense of repulsion. his schoolmates began to look at him with disgust. their parents began to fear him. he moves his bedroom to the top floor of the house because his aura keeps his siblings from falling asleep. his mother doesn't touch him anymore.
it began to make him sick, eventually. it is a sickness that cannot be chased away, and one for which he gets no sympathy. it is a duty and it is an honor and he does as he is told. he is resigned to it. but it is a very lonely and painful path to walk. he cannot imagine anything else, but there is very little light left in his days. other than duty there is very little left to live for.
until the new foster kid with flyaway hair and ripped denim trousers sits next to him without seeming even to notice what he is.
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cbsxreader · 1 year
just a silly little thought after seeing the Pirate CBS au, because I kinda like it ngl just like imagine S/o is like a siren thing, prolly got lost in one of his island, and who know maybe he found them (human form) and like few days later found out they arent even human (by how they act in stuff ig-) its just a silly thought however...
Hehe silly thoughts go brrr
Pirate!CBS x Siren!S/o!!
Christian grinned as he pointed his machete and ordered his men to cause havoc on a poor village he had brought fear into.
As the pirates stormed into the village, a lone, single person didn't run. They immediately caught Christian's eye as they looked around in confusion. Amidst all the screams and panic, Christian approached this strange person with a grin.
"Not scared of pirates, are ya?" His dark voice rang through their ears. They kept quiet as they backed away from him, only for him to step even closer. Just as they were about to be backed into a wall, they ran for it.
Christian quickly ordered for a few of his men to follow him to hunt the poor thing down. The cheering and yelling from the bloodthirsty pirates only encouraged this mysterious person to run faster, eventually disappearing out of sight.
When Christian and his men stumbled onto the reef, they were confused. No sign of this person whom they had chased.
Just before Christian was about to turn back, he threw his weapon into the water out of anger. But just as he did that, something big in the water got disturbed and he could clearly see a dark spot quickly swim away from the shore.
Over the next days, he wandered the entirety of the island, searching for the one that got away. But he got nothing. It was strange, him and his crew could've seen anyone leave the island, so where had this one person suddenly gone?
Though it was one night while sleeping in the raided village when he heard faint sounds that sounded like singing. He didn't mind "visiting" people to release pent up desire from being out in sea for so long. He went to investigate without a second thought.
He followed the alluring voice and he stepped onto the sandy beach again. The moonlight shined on a figure sitting on a boulder slightly off the shore line. He could sneak a few steps further before the figure looked over their shoulder. His eyes widened, it was the person he had scared off.
"Captain. You seem a bit less glamorous than the last time I saw you." This time, this mysterious person spoke up and sounded rather confident, peaking the captain's interest.
"Well...you did call me unexpectedly." He said with a raised brow.
"I didn't call you." They bluntly replied.
"Oh, but after hearing such a beautiful song, I couldn't resist." He headed more towards the shore, looking a bit smug.
"I've heard a lot about you, Captain. I take it you go out in the sea often?" Their voice dropped by an octave, sounding more seductive.
"The sea's my home, don't really have anywhere to return to." He replied, shrugging his shoulders and stopping right before the water hit his toes.
"How sentimental. Can you come a bit closer? I'm having trouble hearing you over the waves." They soothed, turning more to face him to tempt him.
He smiled "Sea water's must be in your ears, darl', I can hear you just fine."
Their brows slightly knitted together "Well, I cannot. I-"
"I've met creatures of your kind before, the first one fooled me, but you won't." He interrupted.
With a bit of a pause and a confused look, they sat there in disbelief "...That's why I wanted one of your men instead." They growled under their breath.
Eventually, they got to an agreement and the siren got closer to him while he sat on a rock. Christian gladly told his stories to them, secretly growing a liking to them. They seemed too curious about him and humans in general, so it was a rather...peaceful interaction.
Always up for an adventure, Christian decided to visit his beloved siren numerous times, each time the conversation becoming more and more light-hearted but also more flirty. Each time they met, the siren got more and more above the water, only to get compliments from the captain.
And when they got on the same rock, the tension was undeniable. One thing led to another and Christian had the siren's chin in his hand and he looked deep into their sparkling eyes. "You can get a kiss from me, if you promise you won't drag me down to the bottom of the sea." "I can't promise that..." "That's good enough for me..." And with that, he made his sweet, cold-skinned siren have hot cheeks.
When the sea called him again, Christian made an offer to his now S/o: Either they split ways or they follow his ship. After that, the next morning, he set sail again, secretly thinking it's just him and his crew again.
Secretly, he thought that was the end of it, he got on his ship, set sail and didn't look back. So, when he was just relaxing on the deck by himself and he heard a familiar voice, his ears perked up and he looked over-board. There was his S/o who had clinged onto the ship to keep them in one place.
He was happy to finally have a partner in his life, so happy in fact, he kept it a secret from his crew to make sure he gets to keep a siren all to himself. They continued all their little talks and flirting and sometimes Christian even gave his S/o a gift from his treasures.
His S/o knew it was over for them when he seemed to be the one luring them in instead of the other way around. Even when Christian takes a moment to himself and lights a cigar to smoke, they seem to not be able to resist poking their head out of the water to let him know they're there.
After one visit, he suggested for his S/o to come on board. And after climbing an itchy rope, his S/o suddenly found themselves in his captain's cabin. "Are you sure Captain?" "Don't worry darl', no one's allowed here but me~"
If his S/o noticed a storm or another ship ahead, they made sure to inform him. And sometimes they got something in return from him, either a fish or a poor sailor's liver. Same goes for when he walks someone off the plank and his S/o gets to drown them.
If they take things to the next level and are really in love, Christian might actually present his S/o to his crew as his partner. They get their own outfit and everything along with a threat from Christian to his crew to not even lay their eyes on his lover.
Sorry for taking a while on this!!
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(this is for research purposes (/gen this is for an english project) but I understand if it seems weird so feel free to ignore) (also dw I don't plan to mention specific people) what drew you to paganism/polytheism?
Oh this is SUCH a fun question. I was sitting down to do some readings and saw this in my askbox and just- I'll do this one first XD I apologize in advance, I'm gonna write a huge fucking essay because it's fun. First two paragraphs are more a history and context of how I got to paganism, the rest is more the aspects of paganism that drew me in!
So, this won't be an anti-Christian rant but I feel the need to say that part of it is, admittedly, that I grew up going to church with my grandmother. I loved that church, but I knew very well that they loved the IDEA of me. I was an undiagnosed auDHD queer kid who, at the time, was severely depressed. They loved the mask I put on, not the reality of me. I hadn't found acceptance in religion. I always was aware of paganism and witchcraft because of my parents and their practices, but really I grew up Christian. But that world- at least the way I was taught Christianity- was very small and harmful to me. Paganism not only understood me, not only accepted me, but enthusiastically embraced my oddities.
For a while, it was more an occasional hyperfixation than a practice I could put any effort or trust into. Witchcraft and paganism requires being in the present moment, something that I avoided like the plague because I was so afraid of my emotions. After some pretty intense experiences (if you want a little more explanation just DM, but I'd rather not post publicly bc it's pretty dark) taught me I could handle existing in the moment no matter how intense the emotions were, it suddenly opened up my practice in a whole new way. I wasn't afraid to be real with myself anymore.
Ultimately, I think that's what drew me to my own practices and religions; it's real. No, not in the "I'm the Right ReligionTM" way, but in the sense that I can be honest with myself in my practice. I can be real. I don't have to run away from the earth hoping for heaven, I don't have to pretend that having a body and mind is evil- I embrace my whole self. Paganism taught me it's okay to be myself no matter how strange I am, that the body and the life we live here and now is sacred. I don't have to fear the parts of me I was taught to reject as a child because those are "of the devil," I embrace them and give them compassion because I should never have been told that in the first place.
It also taught me that the world really is bigger than people tell you, just like I always felt it was. In my mom's words, "I thought it made so much more sense that the animals in Narnia talked. And some part of me that I kept very very secret thought that maybe they do in this world too, if you just know how to listen." The more I learn about my personal practice as a witch and pagan, the more I feel like that. "This just makes more sense."
Also, last thing because this is a HUGE ramble I swear I just fucking love witchcraft and paganism so much: The way I work with my deities makes more sense to me than the way most religions present gods. A god that is distant, powerful, and has the power to punish me if I step one toe out of line, would be no help to me at all. That's just one more authority figure to fear. My deities are kind, they accept the parts of myself that even I don't, and hell they're even funny- they sit with me when I want to cry or when I'm angry and they also watch my silly little shows with me. I feel their presence in casual activities. And to me that's so much more helpful than a god that's impersonal. The way a lot of religious deities work just... stress me out. I would never feel seen, not truly, and how would I know that they'd accept all of me? With my deities, I know they accept all of me. They've seen all of me.
Plus, on the less emotional side of things, paganism is just fucking FUN okay. Who else gets to say they watch anime with their god? Who else gets to say that their god, who is often perceived as formal and ruthless, makes dad jokes sometimes? I fuckin' love it here.
I hope this helps at all! It's very rambly but.... ehhhHHHH my feelings on paganism are rambly bc I like it :D
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
What are the differences between the branches of Christianity (Jesus club)? I honestly don't know, I just go to church.
Yoooo okay. What a fun question for Reformation Day. I don’t really know how much information you want, so I’m going to just infodump until I feel like stopping and hopefully that will be okay. I'm sure you'll already know a lot of this, but idk how to do any better without more information about your background. (Do you realize what a big question this is???)
Bias disclosure: I’m Presbyterian. Protestant. I’ve had some exposure to various other traditions and denominations (through friends and through reading and whatnot), but I’ve got plenty of substantial blind spots.
OKAY SO, super broad strokes, you’ve got three Christian traditions: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant. Christianity originally spread across the Roman Empire, became its official religion with the Edict of Thessalonica, but eventually as the result of some political drama, the Great Schism of 1054 occurs when Rome and Constantinople excommunicate each other, basically. I’m a bit rusty on all the specifics, but that’s where you get the Catholic church (based in Rome) and the Orthodox church (based in Constantinople). Following this, the two traditions will develop in different directions.
The Catholic church is the dominant force in Western Europe for five hundred years and then the Pope wants to build a new basilica. He sends a guy named Johann (John) Tetzel to sell indulgences in Germany in order to raise the money (along with a bunch of other guys in other places), which ticks off Martin Luther for a whole bunch of reasons, chiefly: can you imagine haggling over the monetary worth of blood of the Christ? But that's a big digression and I bet you already know at least the basics. Hit me up if not. Luther writes the 95 Theses and famously posts them on the church door at Wittenberg, not originally intending to alienate the Catholic church but just to start a discussion and maybe try to reform it from within. However, the Catholic church doesn’t really take the Theses in the spirit they were intended and they want Luther to recant. He won’t do it and bam, the Reformation begins and Protestantism is born.
The Orthodox and Catholic churches are very hierarchical, but the Protestant church, by design, is not. As a result, it’s broken into a whole bunch of different denominations over the course of its 505-year history. Broadly, in order to classify a Protestant denomination, you should ask:
(a) What led to its formation historically? (Usually some kind of doctrinal dispute, but not always)
(b) What are their stances on the Sacraments? (Baptism and Communion)
(c) How is the church governed? (Denominational structure, Elders and Deacons, church membership, etc.)
(d) What are its theological distinctives? (Creeds and confessions, soteriology, Calvinist vs. Arminian are good places to start)
Complicating things a bit further, most Denominations (writ large) are actually several denominations on paper as the result of various schisms and splits over the years. So like for example, American Presbyterianism has PCUSA, EPC, PCA, and a whole bunch of other smaller guys. PCUSA is the oldest (originally called PCUS), but EPC broke with them in the 80s because PCUSA was becoming increasingly theologically liberal in its doctrine and using the fact that it owned all local church properties to force them to toe the line. PCA broke off from PCUSA in the 70s over a whole bunch of stuff including opposition to a denominational merger and increasingly liberal doctrine. All this to say, there can be a lot of subdivisions within a writ-large Denomination.
Here's a chart I threw together real quick to try and compare/contrast a little bit, as I realize that was probably the main thrust of the question. I couldn’t justify spending much time researching it, so if you catch an error please let me know. This is heavily off the top of my head with some pretty fast googling.
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Hope that helps! Like I said above, others feel free to chime in. I like to think I know my church history and structure pretty well, but I'm far from being any kind of expert.
Edit: It was brought to my attention by @walkingthroughthisworld that even though I acknowledge right at the end that there are both Calvinist and Arminian Baptists, I otherwise focused just on the Arminian ones. (All the Baptists I know are Arminian 😂) Calvinist Baptists have Calvinist soteriology and a more Reformed view of Communion. The creeds I listed for Baptists are just the historic American creeds; different Baptist denominations will affirm additional creeds in accordance with their specific theology.
Also, I forgot to list it, but Presbyterians do very much use the Ecumenical Creeds as well!
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Last year, after Disney had the temerity to issue a statement opposing one of his prized legislative initiatives, Ron DeSantis punished the company by removing its self-governing status. (DeSantis justified the maneuver as a removal of unjustified privileges, but he had not previously opposed Disney’s status and made little attempt to disguise its nakedly retaliatory nature).
On Monday, he took matters much further. DeSantis appointed a board to oversee Disney. The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District is stacked with DeSantis cronies, including Bridget Ziegler, a proponent of his education policies; Ron Peri, who heads the Christian ministry the Gathering USA; and Michael Sasso, president of the Federalist Society’s Orlando chapter.
While the board handles infrastructure and maintenance, DeSantis boasted that it could use its leverage to force Disney to stop “trying to inject woke ideology” on children.
“When you lose your way, you’ve got to have people that are going to tell you the truth,” DeSantis proclaimed. “So we hope they can get back on. But I think all of these board members very much would like to see the type of entertainment that all families can appreciate.”
It is worth pausing a moment to grasp the full breadth of what is going on here. First, DeSantis established the principle that he can and will use the power of the state to punish private firms that exercise their First Amendment right to criticize his positions. Now he is promising to continue exerting state power to pressure the firm to produce content that comports with his own ideological agenda.
Whether he is successful remains to be seen. But a few things ought to be clear. First, DeSantis’s treatment of Disney is not a one-off but a centerpiece of his legacy in Florida. He has repeatedly invoked the episode in his speeches, and his allies have held it up as evidence of his strength and dominance. The Murdoch media empire, which is functionally an arm of the DeSantis campaign, highlighted the Disney conquest in a New York Post front page and a Fox & Friends segment and DeSantis touted his move in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
Second, DeSantis’s authoritarian methods have met with vanishingly little resistance within his party. The only detectable Republican pushback has come from New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, who warned, “Look, Ron’s a very good Governor. But I’m just trying to remind folks what we are at our core. And if we’re trying to beat the Democrats at being big-government authoritarians, remember what’s going to happen. Eventually, they’ll have power … and then they’ll start penalizing conservative businesses and conservative nonprofits and conservative ideas.” (Of course, this warning holds only if Republicans believe they will have to relinquish power. If DeSantis can truly follow the example of Viktor Orbán, losing power becomes only a theoretical risk.)
And third, DeSantis has been very explicit about his belief that he sees his methods in Florida as a blueprint for a national agenda. So there is every reason to believe that, if elected president, DeSantis would use government power to force both public and private institutions to toe his line. Speaking out against him, or even producing content he disapproves of, would become a financially risky proposition.
Part of what makes DeSantis so dangerous is that Donald Trump created a very defined idea of authoritarianism in the minds of his critics. His refusal to accept the 2020 presidential-election results was indeed a dangerous attack on democratic legitimacy — but this especially notorious episode has overshadowed his other efforts to abuse state power. Trump wielded federal regulations to punish the owners of the Washington Post and CNN for coverage he disapproved of and used diplomatic leverage to extort Ukraine into smearing his political rival. Republicans either supported or ignored these abuses of power.
To whatever extent they have principled objections to authoritarianism, those objections are limited almost entirely to fomenting a violent mob to overturn an election. And while inciting an insurrection is extremely dangerous, it hardly exhausts the scope of illiberal tools available to a sufficiently ruthless executive.
Damon Linker recently criticized liberals for unfairly calling DeSantis as bad as Trump. Linker’s prediction that a second Trump administration would be more dangerous than a first DeSantis administration might be correct. But it’s hard for me to understand how he can state this so confidently when he acknowledges DeSantis’s illiberal intentions and lack of democratic scruples. Comparing the relative evils of two authoritarian-minded leaders seems to be mainly an exercise in guesswork.
A year ago, I wrote a long profile of DeSantis, in which his deep-rooted distrust of liberal democracy was a major theme. Last fall, I attended the National Conservatism Conference, where the attendees laid out rather plainly their ambition to turn DeSantis into a model for a ruthless, illiberal party that would use the organs of the state to crush its enemies. Since those pieces appeared, DeSantis’s actions have made me more, not less, concerned.
Whether DeSantis would actually do more damage to American democracy in office than Trump could remains hard to say. Perhaps, perhaps not. But we should recognize that he is not putting himself forward as a critic of Trump’s authoritarianism. He is promising, on the contrary, to exceed it.
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