ashley-nycole · 3 years
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mishas-sims · 4 years
I had to quit my game because I needed some items such as christanlove’s clothing rack (so I could change townies clothing since simblender is acting up 🙄), the stripper pole and lapdance chair both redone by @sligpants
I’m planning on making a whole crapload of zombies and turning them into townies so i can see how my zombie mod works and gotta place guns (by ja) all over each lot
Woo! I’m tired just writing this 😂
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12raben · 7 years
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Theme Music: Sims - Makin’ Magic - Build6
“Dear Heinrich, I’m so sorry, but this is my last letter. These are the last words, I’m writing to you. We failed at our mission. And I’m to weak to hold on anymore. Nobody survived, but me... your dear grand-father is also gone. This rough coast has to be cursed. Whatever evil force lingers in this deep forest... No, this isn’t true. We weren’t prepared. Our resources are gone. We shouldn’t have been settling here... I know, I requested more settlers and more supplies, so we can survive out here, but it’s vain. Please, return home! Stay away from this wicked place. Whatever knowledge the big head holds, it not worth it. Say good-bye to the family. I love you all.
Your pathetic, but loving grand-ma, Pandorya von Grünbrunn”
When Heinrich found the letter of his grand-mother, he was shattered. The news of Pandorya stopped some weeks ago and it has been making him feel sick ever since. Pandorya was always adventurous and wanted to explore the ancient place, where a mysterious cult built many stone-statues, looking like heads. The gouvernment supported her efforts to establish a camp for explorers. The news of the explorers were confident at first, but as the weeks passed, fear lingered between the lines. And now Heinrich and the other seven settlers were standing in an abandoned camp. Nobody was there, not even a ghost. They brought some resources with them, but their ship was crashed after the first night. The grim winds of the winter were brushing through the pines already... A cruel reminder of the fate of the last settlers... (Gameplay-notes under the cut)
Uuuh, this introduction is pretty dark, isn’t it? Sorry. :p So, as mentioned above: Gameplay-notes. I’m going to follow the rules of nepheris (or at least I’m trying...) I created my founder and settlers with the help of the Sim Randomizer. Nepheris rules include a randomizer for the amount of sims. Since I got just eight sims, I decided to move them into a camp, where they have to spend some time together. This was the moment, when I created the back-story of Pandorya and her company. And I thought: “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool, if the camp was haunted by Pandorya’s ghost? And why would they all stay together in one camp? Unless there is a long dark winter full of despair at the horizon??”
Yeah, I’m such a person...
The seasons of the yet unnamed “neighborhood” are: Winter, winter, spring and autumn. There is no summer, because it’s a cold climate. And that’s why there hasn’t been any sims there. Makes sense, right? This makes it difficult to grow crops. So, I allowed myself to add Sun&Moon’s Giving Tree Set and Garden Crops Set to my downloads. Don’t want my sims to starve.
Basic restrictions
No running water, no electronics. To unlock them the founder has to be a Lobbist. And there has to be a power plant as well as a water source (e.g. a well or a sewage work or something like this. I’m going to figure that out later.) At first I wanted to restrict phones, radios and computers as well, but this is pretty harsh. My BACC assumes there is a working society somewhere far away, so if the settlers have a radio mast, they can watch TV and listen to the radio. (No cable tv for my sims though >_< ) These devices will be unlocked with the power plant. Computers and the might of the internet are restircted however. There has to be an internet-café first. Cars are unlocked, once a car dealership is built. There won’t be any newspapers. I can’t imagine a single company, who would make the effort to deliver a newspaper to the middle of nowhere. Newspaper and Magazines are unlocked, when there is a post office and a journalist in town. All services have to be covered by playables. Christanlov’s All-in-one-NPC is going to be handy (for maids and gardeners etc.) Adoption is unlocked, when an orphanage is built. There won’t be one unless a couple wants to adopt or a child has to live in an orphanage. No foundations or upper floors are allowed. Who could build houses so stable, they won’t get demolished in the rough climate? Excactly, an architect. :) But to become one the founder has to be lobbist. (He is the one, who convinces the goverment to invest more resources and such.) No townies are added. The founder has to be campaign manager first. No buy/buildmode-usage. Let me explain: When I build a house, it will have the necessary items. And when a family desperatly needs furniture (e.g. for babies, new roommates or because of a fire) I will use these modes. But for “luxury”-items like additional paintings or stereos or bars, only on day one of a rotation the modes are avaiable. (The time, I imagine, when new supplies come.) Unless there are 3 diffrent owned businesses in town. (Or maybe just one shop for furniture? I don’t know. Maybe... We will see.) No pleading with grim reaper is going to happen. I always thought, this opption should be restricted to sims with a special ability. I also read a couple of rule-sets for an apocalypse-challenge. I liked the idea, that pleading with the grim reaper is only allowed, when a sim reached the top of the paranormal career. So, I copied it. Hopefully I won’t regret that... No community lots (also No home-businesses, that sell anything other than produce or craftable items etc.) To unlock them, the founder has to become Campaign Manager. It has to be eighter bought by a playable sim or built with city funds. (I figured it out like this: The founder buys the community lot. With Cjon’s mod he is able to donate the lot back to the community. Like this the money is going to the right place and I don’t have to keep track of prices and stuff.) No downtown/hobby lots are available. Once the founder becomes mayor a proper connection to the city is built. It costs 500.000$. No university can be accessed. The teacher of the town has to reach the top of the education career. It costs the town 500.000$ to access further education. Students will pay a loan to city funds each semester costing 2.500$. (10.000$ in total) Students also have to have an internship in their future profession. (Meaning: The student has to go to a community lot in their last semester before graduation. And stay there at least 10 hours. He/she doesn’t have to work there, just befriending staff, getting to know the place etc.) No shopping districts can be added. The population has to reach 25.000 sims to start construction. It costs the town 1.000.000$.
Career restrictions can be read in nepheris rule-set. I added a few custom careers, which I liked, but I will wait until there is a sim for the job before I explain the restriction. This post got to long already XD
Households are divided into tiers based on their total funds. Again I copied nepheris, but in my first attempt the money flow was so slow, I decided to double the taxes. Hey, free roads in the long winter have their price! :p I also added another tier for super rich sims. Families with funds over 300.000$ belong to the Richi-rich-society. (Am I not creative...?) Taxes are paid at the end of every season. Based on the number of sims in that household, taxes are:
High society: 2.500$/Sim
Upper Class: 2.000$/Sim
Middle Class: 1.000$/Sim
Lower Class: 500$/Sim
Poverty: 200$/Sim
+1 for every community lot
+7 for downtown
+7 YA for university
+12 for shopping district
The Sim Multiplier is a concept I really like! Though it takes some effort to keep track of it...
Ok, that’s it! I’m good to go... JFC, that took way longer, than I expected... XD
Happy simming!
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parabola88 · 6 years
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Tomorroe at the void! Banjo fest the line up is sick come on by! #brainfragment #hellfarm #goshen #thecheated #wishblade #thecooradoors #happyinhemet #shredbundy #scumbagfred #gorgonizeddorks #chipitonei #hexpressionist #christanlovers #ruinerxsoiomongrundy #iancambell #thevoid
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ashleyangalina-blog · 7 years
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12raben · 7 years
Medieval Charter Challenge - Rule Tweak Set for Jobs
First things first:
I want to thank vllygrl for the Medieval Charter Challenge! It is a huge inspiration to me and influenced my gameplay immensely!
Ok, now we can go on.
I read some variations of the BACC and thought: “This makes an aweful lot of sense.” In the MCC careers are unlocked as soon as your community reaches a certain level. In the BACC there are some requirements, the sim and/or the community have to achieve before the sim can join a specific career. Not many sims in my game actually follow a career, so a few more rules are okay with me. ;) I use a set  huge pile of mods to make my game as “historical” as posible. If you are interested in the way, I want to incorporate some of them into the rules just read under the cut. :)
(A warning: This post got way longer, than I expected XD )
The mods, I use, which are touched by my additional rules:
Almighty Hat’s G-rated Religion
a cheaty-cheat-object to enter careers whenever you like e.g. simblender or the job notice board
Moghughson’s Postal System for the Sims
Chaavik’s Paint Faster
Cyjon’s Job Stopinator and Edukashun Iz Gud
Simlogical’s Prisoner Set
An item to transfer money e.g. Christanlov’s Wallet Token Controller
Bethgael’s and Morganna’s Defaults for the following Careers:
Law Enforcement
Natural Science
Custom Careers
Domestic Service by Child_of_Air
Medieval Midwife by pykkadilly
Morganna’s Jacoban Career
Since Morganna’s defaults change some of the careers purposes (e.g. Athletic becomes Knighthood) I made some changes to the MCC-requirements.
My sims usually don’t have to look through newspapers to get a job. I use eighter the sim blender or the job notice board.
Oh, and I have all EPs, so there are some specific requirements, which are only possible with the corresponding EPs.
Ok. Let’s start: Careers, which are unlocked in a
The Military
This career is a little special. In the MCC the career is only available for gentry and above. At first this is also the case for my sims.
There are some community requirements too. In order to start a military career, your sim needs a weapon. So there has to be a smith in your community. (It doesn’t matter, whether he is a blacksmith or a goldsmith or specializes in another kind of metal manufacture.)
Life in the military is hard and sometimes dangerous. Soldiers live in Barracks. Spouses and children of soldiers have to live in an own seperate household. The soldier has to send money to their family. Only sims at level 6 of the career or higher live in their own home. A sim, who is level 8 and above needs a fort of any kind. (e.g. a castle, a camp or a watch tower) Only sims in gentry can enter the higher levels of the career (Level 6 and up). I use annual ROS. One of them is resembling war. Once this event has been rolled, all sims can join the military.
There also has to be a “theatre of war”. It can be residential or community lot. I use a residential lot, where my soldiers move, whenever I have a war as a ROS. The soldiers on that lot get a prisoner token, so they are unavailable. The graves of the brave soldiers, who died during the war stay on the lot. Their inventory items may be transferred to their family members. Just royal and the High Constable’s body may be returned to the actual community and rest on the graveyard.
This are the career steps:
Lieutenant General
High Constable
For every military brass, there have to be a few lower ones to boss around:
Sergeants: 5 soldiers at level 1-5.
Castellan: 2 Sergants
Lieutenant General: 2 Castellans
High Constable: 3 Lieutenant Generals There can only be one High Constable at the time.
I think, that’s it. There are still some more careers available in a settlement.
Careers for Peasants: Level 1-3 and Yeomen: Level 3-10
Cookery (Culinary)
A sim, who wants to work in this career, has to own a tavern, inn or restaurant.  (Basically a lot, where sims can eat.) The lot does not have to reach a particular rank, but has to be played at least once a season.
Domestic Service (Cleaning/Service)
If there is a household, which needs a maid (or anything similar) I use Christianlov’s NPC-Controller. You can select an option to pay the NPC. I use this and the career. Sims can only hire sims, who are two ranks below them, but not more than three.
Assuming we have the social status Royal (highest), Noble, Gentry, Merchant, Yeomen and Peasant (lowest), a noble family can hire a maid from the merchant class, but not from peasantry.
Unless the peasant is friends with the patriarch and/or his spouse.
The sim, who wants to make art for a living, has to sell 10 masterpieces. (I use a mod, which makes sims paint faster, that’s why there are so many.) Or he has to own a shop, where he sells his paintings. Also the sim has to paint a picture of a high ranking sim (gentry or above) and sell this picture to his new patron (give gift interaction, the artist can be payed, but don’t have to be).
There had to be at least 2 babys born ingame. Any sim, who attended a birth (as a witness or gave birth him/herself) and has 5 cleaning points, can enter this career.
Careers for Gentry: Level 1-6 and Nobles: 7-10
Knighthood (once custom knight-career, but now default replacement of the athletic-career)
A knight has many qualities. But every sim, who wants to enter this career path has to have 15 skill points. It doesn’t matter which, but they have to add up to 15. Also, they need a sports-outfit, which resembles an armour.
Church (once Science) Another “special” career. To reach level 2 in the MCC (the hamlet) you have to build a church. It makes sense, there is an open spot for one sim, who cares for that church. This is is for the time beeing, the only open spot in the career. The sim has to be a member of the gentry-class (or higher). Every other sim, who enters this career, has to live in a cloistre/monastery. And those are added at MCC-level 3 (Village). His faith and seal level have to be at level 90 or higher. Once they entered the career, their faith/seal don’t matter anymore. (Though it would make sense to keep it high.) The social status is irrelevant in the church. Everyone can climb to the top of that career. Sims in this career may not marry or have any romantic relationships. (If you’re playing with ACR, don’t forget to change the nun’s/monk’s tokens.) They don’t have any personal belongings and can’t be heirs. (And if there is a war, they don’t have to serve at arms.) But at level 6 or higher, there are some more things needed. Every cellarer needs (obviously) a cellar, meaning if your cloistre dosen’t have one, there can’t be a cellarer. All levels above (7 - 10) have one open position per “church-lot”. In the MCC, there are 4 (church, cloistre, monastry and cathedral) meaning there are 16 open slots at the end of the MCC. And there can be as many Novices, Brothers and Sisters as you like. :)
for Peasants and Yeomen: Level 1-6 and Yeomen: Level 1-10
Criminal I think, a sim, who becomes a criminal, is a bit desperate. If you want your sim to get into this career his funds have to be below 100 simoleans for two days. Also his religion either allows theft or his faith and/or seal drops below 40.
Law Enforcement This career is open, when there have been 3 burglaries (regardless of outcome) and a prison has been built. The first sim, who enters this career, has to run the prison. The family of this sim may live on the same lot. When the sim, who runs the prison dies, eighter his heir continues the “business” or a new prison guard moves in.
Artificer (once Gamer) This default changes the the whole purpose of the career. Instead of a sim, who plays games for money, you get one, who is a skilled craftsman. To enter this career, the sim has to own a shop with rank 5 or higher. He also has to max his tinkering-enthusiasm. In his shop has to be a object, where he can draw plans (e.g. easel or drafting board)
Careers for Gentry: Level 1-6 and Nobles: 7-10
Adventure Most of the adventure career matches a historical game... Well at least the job titles. The space pirate (top of the career) might just be a legendary hero (like Sinbad or Hercules) To make provit of adventures, he has to own a shop, where he can sell his loot. (Can be a home business, but has to be played once a season.) And the sim has to have at least a little experience. He either visited a vacation destination and stayed there at least 4 days or has earned 8 vacation memories. (There are some, which can be earned at objects like the tea table and axe throwing taget.) Also the sim has to make a vacation once a year.
Clandestine (once Intelligence) This career opens, when another sim reaches the top of the criminal, law enforcement or military career. When a king is crowned, the career also opens. The spy has to have 5 logic- and 5 charisma-points too.
Education Another special one. The MCC states:
Peasant and Yeoman children may not attend school. Use Simlogical’s Flexi School or other hack to avoid the Maxis school.
Merchant and Gentry children and teens may attend a convent or monastery school, set this up in your community using Simlogical’s School Hacks or use the Maxis school.
Nobility and Royalty children and teens will be tutored at home and may attend college.
Only Gentry and Nobility teens may attend Colleges, and their parents must pay $40,000 tuition.
In my game education is expensive. Only sims with a certain amount can attend a school and university. (It also restricts the number of children in one household, because some families will have enough money for their heir, but the 5th son, might leave the house uneducated.) All students have to pay a fee to the owner of the school. The college tuition stays the same.
Merchant: 200 simoleans
Gentry: 300 simoleans
Noblility: 500 simoleans
Parents pay the fees, so their children get the best education possible... or at least worth their money. Diffrent fees mean diffrent schools.
Running three schools would require too many sims in the education career for my taste. That’s why I’m planning “just” two. Of course you could have more or less, if you like. One for the blue-blooded (gentry and noblility) and one for the merchants. I set up schools on community lots. A detailed tutorial on how to do that, you can find here. (Thank you, silivrin!) Who can set up a school? The merchant school can be run by anyone, who is merchant or above. The principal of the school for gentry and/or noblility has to be gentry or above. Other than that anyone with the money, which is needed to own a community lot school can enter the education career. The school doesn’t have to be played regularly, but it is nice to see the little ones struggling with their homework <3 (Visiting the school with sims, who are not students, is of course not allowed. Unless they are their parents or something similar.)
The levels of the career are restricted. Teaching merchant children opens level 1 - 5. If you want to teach gentry and above, your sim will also have to have the skills for level 6 of the career. This sim can climb only 1 level.
Level 8 - 10 are only available, when there is a university in your hood. It is open for all sims of the gentry class and above, who also have a diploma.
There can be only one sim with Level 10 (Rector of the University) per university.
I might add some things to this career, because I don’t have a university yet. I need to do some playtesting...
Journalism or Carrier Just do, as I do, ignore the default job descriptions... In my game this career is for town criers and carriers. One sim in your neighborhood has to own a shop, where you can buy books or magazins or anything decorative like paper, scrolls and feathers... (or Moghughson’s Greetings Cards). The sim, who owns the shop, can also join this career. A sim, who spreads news, needs something to report. If there were 5 fires, 3 burglaries or 7 sim-deaths during 1 season, the career is open for everyone. (But I think, nobles won’t be attracted by it...)
Free Mason (Architecture) Again a default changes the career quite a lot. An art degree to be a Treadmill Walker is a little exaggerated, right? All levels are open for peasantry and yeomanry. But gentry and above wouldn’t work at the lower levels of this career. They can be Master Designer (level 8) and above, if they have the neccessary skills. There can be only one “Surveyor of the King's/Queen's Works” (top of career), if there is a king/queen. There can be only one Surveyor at the time.
Business I restrict this career to merchants. Since they are the the class, who is takin’ care of business, it’s their domain. Once the merchant owns a community lot, he can enter the career, but he has to visit his shop at least once a season. Only sims with a level 10 business can become a Merchant Prince(ss) (Top of the career)
for Peasants and Yeomen: Level 1-6 and Yeomen: Level 1-10
Slacker The sim can become a slacker, when there are 3 community-lots for entertainment. They don’t have to be owned by a sim. Also this work-seeking sim doesn’t really want to work. (He is a Slacker, remember?) So, you either take up the newspaper/switch on the computer take a look in the magical book stand and search for a job vanilla style. If you are lucky there is an open spot. Or you use a dice to randomize the success of their job research. (I use the second method for illiterate sims. D(10) if the dice shows a 1 they get the job.)
Wizardry (Paranormal) This default is just perfect :) I love playing witches and warlocks. This career is exclusive. No “normal” sim can enter this career. Other paranormal sims like werewolves and plantsims need to be witches too. But wait there is more: the witch/warlock has to be friends with one of the head witches and visited them on their lot at least once. (This reminds me, I’ll have to makeover the secret lots. EA, why you make so ugly lots??)
Scientia (Natural Science) The default changes this career in a way, which makes me think of alchemy. So, if the sim wants to enter this career, he has to max cooking-hobby-enthusiasm. He also needs a “lab”. It can be a small room or shed in the sim’s home. Decorate it with furniture and sculptures according to a theme worth 2500 simoleans (or more).
Ministrel (Music) The career is open for any sim, who successfully earned money at a community lot, while playing a music instrument. By “successfully” I mean the “happy animation” (where the sim shakes the jar and giggles). He has to do that every day for one season.
Medical A sim, who wants to be a physician, needs a “doctor's office”. It has to be a shop, where sims can purchase anything, which is beneficial for their health. (e.g. they sell potions or comfort soup, offer massages or both or anything, you can think of) The shop has to reach level 5 before entering the career and has to be played at least once a season after.
Careers for Gentry: Level 1-6 and Nobles: 7-10 
Politics A town hall is needed to open this career. (Can be owned by a sim, but doesn’t have to.) If there are some sims, who want to rule and make their house the greatest of them all, this career opens. Meaning: You have to have three or more families, who are gentry or above.
Law Nepheris described it perfectly:
“Wherever more than two Sims are gathered, there are bound to be conflicts. Your Sim has a special talent for negotiating conflict and finding their way in the complex jungle of legal matter, and has offered their services to help keep the peace in town. Requirements: [...] To enter the career this way, a Sim needs to have studied Couples Counselling. The career is unlocked for everyone with a University degree [...]”
Courtier (Show Business) At first I thought: “Hm, considering the default description, this career should be for nobles only.” But wouldn’t it be interesting to see a peasant infiltrate the court? A sim, who wants to enter this career, has to be friends with eighter the king/queen, or with 3 members of the noble class. Level 7 and above however, are limited to gentry/nobility/royalty. But(!) to reach the top of the career (King's Companion/Queen's Confidante) you have to be BFFs with the ruler of your kingdom. If the friendship ends (e.g. the monarch died) you have to demote the sim to Level 9.
Maritime (Oceanography) Another “complicated” one... In order to complete the MCC, you have to build a Harbor & Docks for Trade Ships. This is needed to unlock this career. All sims, even those poor as dirt, may climb up to level 6 (Navigator). But then, they need more. What is a captain without a ship? Have your sim buy an “imaginary” ship for 8.000 simoleans. (e.g. neighborhood decoration). (Maybe, just maybe, I’m going to have one of my captains actually live on a ship. (He/She won’t have to pay the 8.000.) This would be the sim, who takes my sims to vacation areas. Or this job will do a placeholder-sim, even though I don’t really like to have more, than I really need. I’m going to figure that out...) Level 8 and up are only for gentry and above.
for Peasants and Yeomen: Level 1-6 and Yeomen: Level 1-10 
Dance In order to reach the town-level, you have to build a music venue. That will do. But your sim has to build his enthusiasms for dancing until the sim can teach dancing to others. The sim also has to have 5 body skill points.
Careers for Gentry: Level 1-6 and Nobles: 7-10
Jacoban Career In my game the religion of the watcher is the most popular. Morganna’s custom career fits this spot perfectly. Once you built your cathedral, this career is open, but has some of the restrictions of the church career. They have to live in a cloistre/monastery. The faith and seal level have to be at level 90 or higher. And this career is only for gentry and above. True jacobanians (is that the word?) don’t marry or have romantic relationships. (Don’t forget ACR ;) ) They can have personal belongings and can be heirs and also can serve at arms, if it’s needed. e.g. the original heir died (I plan on building a apartment-lot for these sims.) When they become heirs, they have to appoint an heir, since they won’t have children of their own. (I think, I makes sense to choose the sim with the closest social status and highest relationship.) The Proxy is the top of the career. There can be only one.
This took waaaaay longer, than I thought. Please note: It’s a wip. As I’m playing the game, I’m always discover things, I want to do or change or... it is a big bunch of ideas, let’s phrase it like this XD
Thank you for your attention and your patience, while reading this block of text. 
:D Happy Simming!
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