chribby · 10 months
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chribby · 4 months
Gemini New Moon cazimi in the same conjunction that Venus made in June during last cycle, that started in Summer 2016. Last summer 2016, it felt natural. You know what I mean, This time, it’s forced. That Saturn in Pisces is showing us all the man behind the illusion and seeing the desperation of celebrity is interesting. Some people are riding the wave, others are less than impressed.
The degrees of Venus and the sun are flipped too.
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chribby · 9 months
Pluto Square = internet observations
The World Wide Web was created on 6 August 1991, in Geneva, Switzerland.
According to the astro-databank, Tim Berners-Lee formally introduced his project to the world on the alt.hypertext newsgroup. This date marked the debut of the Web as a publicly available service. I am going with this date as this is the main … thing for … the world wide web lol.
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The internet, as we know it, is a largely Aquarian thing, with the dot-com bubble following as Pluto entered Sagittarius. But since we’re talking about Pluto, we’re going to look at the Internet. I think this is the most important example of what happens during a Pluto square. NOW, we have quite some time before Pluto perfects that square. Something that I am noticing about Plutonian energy is that yes, it is intense in nature. Naturally, you will start to feel the more intense things first, right? It’s how we’re beginning to see the effects of Pluto in Aquarius without it not actually being there yet.
Another thing I’m noticing is that pluto – though intense – likes to ease its way into signs. It usually stops in a sign for a few months, then most of the year, then it starts its 20 year path. That’s what I’m seeing with Pluto – we will spend 80% of the year with Pluto in Aquarius.
Except, of course, September 18th and November 18th. You know. During an election year. Very good news.
[I will write about Pluto in Capricorn thoughts later as this is turning into a ramble, but with Pluto relating to power and Capricorn relating to power structures built – this literally manifesting into power in the corporations and money making interests – I think that will be a very interesting look at those last few months during the election. At this point, I have given up on electoral politics entirely, but! I wonder how that last hurrah in Pluto in Capricorn will feel after spending 80% of the year with the Power materializing into the People.]
Back to what I was saying. Pluto will not yet be at 17 degrees Aquarius for some time, but I can already see changes brewing within the internet sphere.
People are exhausted with the social media sites. The draw of them was to help connect with people you knew in a different, more meaningful way – different than the forums, ircs and Bbs of the time. This was back when anonymity was valued, your art getting posted everywhere meant you made it big, AND there was little financial incentive to tie yourself to your online identity.
I will not pretend I understood the original draw of all of the social medias – I can’t even fathom an inference. I mean, it seemed obvious facebook was about sharing memories and making friends, creating groups and talking to people. IG was about sharing pics quick. YouTube was about recording yourself with rudimentary software and Twitter was about talking about what you were up to.
What. The hell. Happened?
As Pluto has been dipping its toe into Aquarius, I have been seeing a lot more complaints about this. I predicted this, but let’s elaborate in a more meaningful way so that you’re able to apply this with you and your friends.
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to the way that we use the internet. I believe it was Summie who said that gifs used to be just gifs, but now they’re all advertisements in some way. Like a Fresh Prince gif used to be a Fresh Prince gif. But now, it’s a Fresh Prince gif along with Paramount+, so you create that mental connection instantly to know where you *could* watch it if for some reason this dancing image of carlton spurred you into that.
Reminds me of when I watched Fresh Prince on TBS and I noticed that everything was so much faster, and then a few years later there was a reddit post about how all syndicated shows on TBS are like, xyz faster to fit in more ads.
Speaking of GIFs, GIFs used to be artful. 256 colors or less, a beautiful dither. We did so much more with so much less, and I think that’s what I’m trying to get at here.
Of course, with time, things change. That’s what Pluto squares kinda examine if we’re looking at it from an as above, so below perspective. But I don’t think it’s ever been this, shitty…
So many apps have hired psychologists to pick the right colors, use the right hand movements to keep us hooked. The algorithms are trended towards whatever the user is most likely to interact with – good or bad. People are being rewarded for spreading misinformation, DISinformation. Almost all socials (idk about tungle) are feeding every bit of UGC into their own personal LLMs to create … chat bots. Connecting any of these accounts shares data between the socials, and enhances each consumer profile to sell to advertisers.
And don’t get me started about this app listening shit.
No, what’s really infuriating is the apps that intentionally get shittier and then force you to pay for shit you already had previously. The ones that are baiting you into feeling miserable. The bird app is unusable because you have to block 10 people a day, mute 5 words, and lock comments in order to get a semblance of peace. Like, why do I want to use an app that does that? Why do I want to feed into this garbage? Why do I want to constantly get trapped into this machine?
I think in 2024, we’re standing on business as far as understanding the types of stimuli we let ourselves engage with. I feel like this square is helping us understand how far we strayed away – and I believe that with the Aquarius aspect, we’re going back to our roots as far as the internet goes. I see reddit being hyped up, and every time I see it it’s because of its forum like aspects. We could just go to a forum.
I go on forums all the time still. I plan on running one in 2024. I can’t STAND discord (which also uses LLMs) … Skype was always horrible too. Voice chatting, hmmm… well we’ll have to think ab this entirely bc of how GenA/I is working with voices… hmmm…
I feel like Streaming will be big. Public Access is coming back – I feel like there’s a lot of Power to the People and Power to the Demagoguery ass shit going on. Independent music (no spotify/apple music), independent videos (youtube, other apps ARE coming out though. Could YouTube be unseated? In 20 years, YES.) Independent creativity. The problem will *seem* to be the lack of funding, but just like I said earlier – we can do so much, with so little.
But Public Access TV shows are coming. If you haven’t started your stream or your YouTube or whatever, you should! Right now!
We’re straying away from algorithm based trends and aspects and we’re rebuilding our muscles into seeking out the things we believe we will like. I’m going to go back on soundcloud and I’m handcrafting my music tastes again, no algorithms.
[Sorry, another rant: there was nothing worse than me listening to a song and thinking I’m the only one in the world listening to it, and then I would hear it on numerous coworkers spotify radios without our accounts ever interacting. Like I couldn’t even bop to the song. As an Aquarius Venus this is so serious to me.]
Another thing is – we’re going back to internet safety. Four years ago, I had a dream that I needed to change my passwords. I changed them all immediately and told all my friends to do so as well. I’m not sure what happened after – I guess I could look it up. But, that restarted my journey into caring about my digital hygiene. I think that’s a big word in 2024. Digital Hygiene.
But, one thing to watch out for? Tech accelerationism. I am not sure why people are so vested into the end of humanity as we know it. Why do people want to transcend humanity when we haven’t even begun to understand the different parts of ourselves yet? I feel like research into humans is still deeply in its infancy to give up on humanity and the earth like this.
I think for my last little piece, one thing I’ve noticed is that when Pluto goes into a Sign, the connotation of the sign changes RADICALLY from what it used to. I saw this in a tweet (I’ll edit this post with the tweet when I find it) where Capricorns used to be seen as broke and miserable but now they’re seen as money makers, methodical, etc.
Aquarius is seen as futuristic, nostalgic, technological. People and the self. In the book I use for most of my correspondences, The Rulership Book by Rex Bills, and Capricorn and Aquarius had the least amount of rulerships. I think it’s because the outers didn’t really touch either of these signs until the late 20th century, so there wasn’t a lot of things to reference besides the inner planet stuff.
Pluto is the last of the outers to complete this most recent Aquarius transit. I feel like during this time, we will be looking at tech accelerationism and pushing future nostalgia to its limits. As I come up with more theories, I’ll let you know, but I’m excited!
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chribby · 1 month
Tim Walz has an Aries sun ruled by an Aries mars at 6 degrees.
His moon is very likely in Aquarius, matching up with the United states’ Aquarius moon that rules the cancer sun familial shit this country uses. This translates very well because now he’s being called “dad” by tons of voters.
His Venus in Gemini is mutually receptive to his mercury in Taurus. His Venus in Gemini is probably going to sit on the US’ mars in gemini.
He also just completed his second Saturn return.
With Harris’ sun being the same as the south node, this is taken very literally. The south node typically represents things we are familiar with, and Kamala was picked due to her being VP, something we were familiar with.
Walz’ sun, ruled by a mars it’s conjunct with, also being aligned with the north node gave this campaign the juice it needed. Amongst other things in the chart.
This was a slam dunk. This is a winning ticket.
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chribby · 10 months
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chribby · 9 months
i have to leave twitter. i have to
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chribby · 10 months
george santos birth chart reading
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chribby · 8 months
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chribby · 8 months
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Amazon has a very very late degree Pluto in Scorpio, being topped off with trine energy currently from Pluto in Capricorn. I wonder if the Uranus and Neptune conjunctions to transit Pluto contributed to its explosive market share.
Mars and sun mutually receptive. I think this Scorpio energy describes the consumer relationship with Amazon. Almost obsessive. Cancer rising adds to that shopping as an emotional crutch allure.
It’s going through its own Saturn return in Pisces, which rules that Uranus and Capricorn. I see a lot of unionizing and rooting for the underdog in this scenario.
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chribby · 9 months
Advice from a sidereal 12h Pisces mercury
If you don’t do it, you WILL see it everywhere and it’s GOING to haunt you
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chribby · 1 month
I think the reason that we’re experiencing basically the reverse of 2016 has to do w the Venus conjunction.
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chribby · 9 months
i hate a brandy wanna be down ass bitch so bad
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chribby · 9 months
2024 Predictions
Duolingo emotional abuse allegations
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chribby · 7 months
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chribby · 10 months
Y’all this bitch 😭😭😭😭 this is a NASTY LADY undoubtedly in hell
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chribby · 8 months
Pluto = mining
Pluto = financial systems
Pluto was entering Taurus during the Gold Rush. Taurus = precious metals
Pluto entered Capricorn during bitcoin mining. Capricorn = buying and selling. Saturn also rules data processors with Virgo.
Pluto is entering Aquarius during the age of data mining, but I don’t think it’s data they’re mining. I see whatever financial system entering Pluto being good for large swaths of people.
I know last Pluto in Aquarius, the NYSE was invented.
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