#chozou terajima
mikanandpotato · 9 months
Ok i should besleeping rn it'it's 1am but instead i decided to complete the rest of male cast (not really everyone since it is just a quick copypaste / not doing any research at all)
Some name would be changed completely because im lazy better and i can lmao.
Dark Art
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厚沢忠杜 (Atsuzawa Tadamori)
厚 means "thick, heavy, deep."
沢 means "stream, swamp, marsh."
忠 means "loyalty, devotion."
杜 means "forest, grove, woods."
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寺島兆三 (Terajima Chozou)
寺 means "temple, buddhist temple."
島 means "island."
兆 means "trillion, sign, omen."
三 means "three, third, threefold."
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淀川栄司 (Yodogawa Eiji)
淀 means "eddy, backwater, pool."
川 means "river, stream, brook."
栄 means "prosperity, flourish, glory."
司 means "administer, manage, control."
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佐式昇 (Sashiki Noboru)
佐 means "assistant, help, aid."
式 means "formula, expression, ceremony."
昇 means "rise, ascend."
OSU! Guy
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一本木竜士 (Ippongi Ryuuto)
一 means "one, single, alone."
本 means "book, main, true, real."
木 means "tree, wood."
竜 means "dragon, imperial, mythical creature."
士 means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."
Girly boy
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明智音彦 (Meichi Otohiko)
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
智 means "wisdom, intellect, knowledge."
音 means "sound, noise."
彦 means "young man, boy."
Osana's love interest
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小名川久治 (Konagawa Kyuuji)
小 means "small, little, tiny."
名 means "name, family name, given name."
川 means "river, stream, brook."
久 means "long time, old, long-cherished."
治 means "govern, manage, cure."
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国木田尚 (Kunikida Syo/Nao)
国 means "country, nation."
木 means "tree, wood."
田 means "rice field, rice paddy."
尚 means "still, yet, further, more."
I am tempted to use 正武 (Syoubu) because it has 武 on it buuuutttt... Let's just stick with sho for simplier.
正 means "correct, right, proper."
武 means "warrior, military, martial arts."
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July Ren for the win.
蓮•ヂュり (Ren July)
蓮 means "lotus, water lily."
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