#chosen by the other sacred lance; percival
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ofglories · 5 months ago
let's add to the bad-
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Arthur: mortally injured by Mordred at Camlann, dies in battle against Lucius in some other timelines, and Percival, Gareth, and Yvain in others.
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Emrys: killed by uther in one timeline, killed by vortigern in another, and in yet another he's killed in battle against Saxons
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Claudas: killed by Lionel after a successful campaign against him by lionel, arthur, and bors.
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Bors: died from overwork shortly before he turned 60, long after camelot and camlann.
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Cynon: killed in battle against the Saxons after Camlann and the fall of Rheged, his body was never found.
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Gareth: Killed by Lancelot alongside two of her brothers.
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Lancelot: went mad and disappeared after Camlann, no one knows what happened to him.
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Taliesin: disappeared after Yvain of the Lion's death, not a trace was found.
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Marrok: killed by Mordred at Camlann.
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Gawain: killed by Mordred at Camlann, though was badly injured beforehand by Lancelot.
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Dinadan: murdered by Agravain and Mordred for the crime of calling them out for a previous murder.
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Percival: dies during the Grail Quest at the Grail castle, though in some timelines he survives until his defeat at Camlann.
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Uther: died of prolonged illness in bed.
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ofdeedsglorious · 3 months ago
|| Unprompted asks ; always accepting!
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He is indeed God's most special and chastest lamb! And now watch as he proceeds to play the most incredible prank on Percival and Bors as he dies right in front of them to ascend to Heaven, leaving only his empty body behind!
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"Stop that right now!"
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"One time was more than enough, was it not?"
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ofglories · 5 months ago
🍷 percival and yvain the bastard!
|| Send a 🍷 for a my room line my muse would have for yours ; accepting!
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"Yvain! Yvain, you're here!" Smiling brightly, the Grail Knight looked like a miniature sun with how his happiness shone. "Come on, I've been looking for you! You look as amazing as ever, you know! Aha, your face is turning all red. It looks good on you, you know? Hm? Ah! I know! Let's go do something together! I'm sure you're not hungry right now but we can go look at all the kinds of breads in the kitchen! There's so many that we never could have dreamed of back in Camelot."
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ofglories · 9 months ago
Sudden thoughts on gem associations based on looks and vibes:
Emrys is blue moonstone. Arthur is green opal. Bors is tanzanite. Gareth is...chrysoberyl. Uther is red garnet. Ector is tiger's eye. Lot is fluorite. Lancelot is alexandrite. Percival is white opal. Dinadan is citrine. Gawain is sunstone.
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ofglories · 1 year ago
What Kind of Love, Are You?
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Love as a Threshold
Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
tagged by: @toadmiretoweepover (thank you dear~) tagging: if you see it then steal it
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ofglories · 1 year ago
Flower meaning association headcanons part 2 (meanings taken from this page):
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For Constantine the flowers that suit him are acanthus, borage/starflower, dahlia, and geranium.
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The flowers best suited for Percival are blue iris, vervain, daffodil, lavender, and nemophila.
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Taliesin of course is most associated with jasmine, rose acacia, eyebright, zinnia, and plum blossom.
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It's complicated for Naoise but flowers that suit him are common hollyhock, chamomile, coltsfoot, crocus, rue, and purple hyacinth.
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And finally for Lancelot there's coriander, begonia, bouvardia, clove, foxglove, rhododendrum, and morning glory.
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ofglories · 1 year ago
Another silly headcanon list, this time for my Arthurian/Arthurian-adjacent muses and how much they swear from most to least:
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In first place is Elouan. He may be the Lady of the Lake's reincarnation but he's got a mouth so foul a sailor would blush.
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Close second place is Dinadan. He's a farm boy before he's the son of a lord or even a Knight of the Round and someone has to tell Tristan off.
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In third place to the surprise of anyone who doesn't know her it's Gareth! She grew up with three older brothers, spent time hanging around the fishermen at the Orkney docks, and spent a year working in the kitchens of Camelot. It's habit.
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King Lot comes in at fourth place. He's more controlled about swearing than Gareth, but his creativity makes up for it by more than enough. But he never swears around his kids, or around Morgan.
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Uther's in fifth, surprisingly. But let's not linger on him he sucks.
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Emrys is very creative with swearing, but he doesn't often do so out loud. If he does start cursing then it's for a very good reason and is usually a sign of something being very wrong.
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Accolon doesn't usually swear more than the occasional muttered "damn", but he can explode if his temper is pushed enough. Still, for the most part he's pretty polite and formal.
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Arthur very rarely swears, and if he does it's almost always under his breath. A king needs to be without flaw, and it wouldn't do for him to give people reason to remember who his father is. He did swear a lot more often before he was crowned king, though.
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Percival has only ever sworn during high-stress moments on the Grail Quest, and only because he wasn't thinking of anything beyond getting Galahad and Bors out of the situations alive.
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Do you honestly think Taliesin has ever even whispered a swear word in his entire life? That man lives and breathes formal speech. The most he's ever done was writing the ancient language words down for Yvain to learn for fun.
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Not even the big man upstairs could get Bors to swear. He's more formal than even Taliesin and a lot less inclined towards writing poetry. It somehow makes the moments when he calls someone a "fool" to their face all the more cutting since he doesn't accentuate it with a swear though...
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Marrok is a dog.
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ofglories · 4 months ago
❛  we should try to find a way no one ends up dead.  ❜ yvain the bastard to percival!
|| Epic: the musical starters ; accepting!!
"A fantastic idea, Yvain!"
Percival grinned, casting a quick glance over the bit of broken wall he and the older man had taken cover behind. The enemy was still there, all of the many serpentine heads twisting and flailing in their attempts to pinpoint the far more mobile pair of their fellow Knights, Riders of course, who continued to strike it. "I hope you have some suggestions considering the situation we're in, of course. I can't say that I'm an expert in fighting snakes, nor do either of us have His Majesty's talent for fighting such giant beasts."
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A shame, really.
Imagine if they could easily handle this creature without risking anyone?
But it was massive and the risk of one of them ending up dead was rising the more time it took. Already he could see Sir Dinadan begin to slow a bit, his horse barely dodging a near fatal strike that he returned with a sharp shout and thrust of his lance.
"Should I use Longinus properly? It might buy us a moment."
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ofglories · 9 months ago
some lines you just don't cross. [ from yvain elder to percival! ]
|| Starcrossed Quotes
"Well, I guess that's true. I mean, there's rules that even I know we shouldn't disobey and of course there's things that shouldn't be done to people."
But Percival had a feeling that wasn't quite what Yvain meant, even if he was unsure what that meaning exactly was. There were still so many things he struggled to understand, subtleties in the way people spoke that went over his head. As much as he adored his mother there was a small, bitter part of him that wished she had not sheltered him quite so much. Even if it did mean Sir Gareth wouldn't have given him the somewhat affectionate moniker of "rocks-for-brains".
Still, he smiled up at the older man for once from his seat on the grass.
It was a different view, for certain.
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"What sort of lines are you speaking of, specifically? Maybe they're just ones you've imposed on yourself without knowing any better. You never know, until you talk about it to someone else!" Like how he had avoided speaking with any strangers, until that knight in his brilliant armor had appeared. And now Percival himself was a knight.
Funny how that worked out.
"I want to hear your thoughts, Yvain."
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ofglories · 9 months ago
📏 percival + yvain elder (177.8cm)!
|| Muse Height Comparisons! ; accepting!!
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Percival will take advantage of this to carry Yvain around like a potato sack. For when there's a new limited bread that Yvain needs to try.
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ofglories · 10 months ago
how long have you been staring at me? [ yvain the bastard to percival! ]
|| Flirting prompts ; accepting!
"Huh? Ah, haha, have I been that obvious?"
Percival laughed softly, rubbing the bridge of his nose at Yvain's question. It was fair enough for the man to ask, considering normally Lancer was almost always chatting about something but he'd fallen silent the past few minutes. Instead watching the man enjoying the bread Percival had brought him with a fond smile. Sappy, perhaps, is what he knew Gareth or Sir Dinadan would say about the situation. But he enjoyed seeing Yvain's smile, enjoyed watching him relax and look at peace.
The older man was, after all, beautiful to look at, but there was more to it as well.
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"Not that long, I promise! Just since you started eating since your smile distracted me, Yvain. It's a lovely smile so I like to just sit and take it in when I can."
The truth, no matter how silly it may sound.
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ofglories · 11 months ago
❛  protection and power are overrated. i think you are very wise to choose happiness and love.  ❜ [ yvain elder to percival! ]
|| AtLA starters ; accepting!
"I'm happy to hear you say so!"
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Love, hm?
What an interesting topic to bring up. Percival smiled, stealing a bit of Yvain's bread to snack on as he thought about it. If he hadn't known better, he would believe his friend was deliberately teasing him! But, thankfully, Percival did know better and knew that there was simply no way the older man was able to read his mind. Especially since his mind was still currently a mess, trying to figure out why exactly he felt the way he did. Ah well. Something to be concerned about later!
"What would you choose, Yvain? Love and happiness? Or protection and power? Or, maybe something else entirely? I'm curious to know!"
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ofglories · 11 months ago
Speaking of silly headcanons, here's a fun one that applies to a few of my muses:
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Gareth can and has (since being summoned to Chaldea) crush watermelons between her thighs. But she's not the only one!
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Arthur has also crushed a watermelon between his thighs because he got challenged to do so and he can't back away from a challenge. It was easy enough for him, though the melon exploding was a pain to clean up.
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Bors absolutely can crush a watermelon with his thighs, he just has never felt the need or desire to do so. But it's important to know he 100% can do so.
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Emrys is the same as Bors. But you could probably convince him to do it more easily than you'd expect.
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Can, has, and would do so again. Constantine has those legs y'know?
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Cynon absolutely can but thinks it's a silly and pointless thing to do. Unless one of the Yvains were to ask him.
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Percival will crush any watermelons you give him and tell him to crush, he thinks it's hilarious.
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ofglories · 1 year ago
percival ☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. ☼ : My muse’s first memory. ☾ : My muse and sleep.
|| Send me a symbol and I'll write a headcanon ; accepting!
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family.
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It's...complicated for Percival, the topic of family.
He loves his mother dearly, but she kept him isolated and cut off from the world out of her own fears. It was to the point that he didn't even know Pellinore was his father until Gawain brought up their similar appearances. His brothers... Well, he tends to try to not discuss them. There's an awkward and uncomfortable history to address with them, once again brought on by how Percival was raised completely isolated from the rest of the world including his own relatives.
In Chaldea the complications continue, sadly. He knows Melusine knew a man with his face and name in her Lostbelt. He knows she viewed that man as her younger brother. And it pains him that he can't pretend to be someone he isn't in order to help another person smile.
It's probably best summed up as...a mess.
☼ : My muse’s first memory.
Playing in front of the tiny cottage hidden deep in the woods, with the sun trickling through the dense trees. His mother was sewing a dress, another one as he'd outgrown the last. Percival had never questioned why she insisted on him wearing dresses and keeping his hair long, but he did feel pain when she'd frown when the dresses would soon be too short. A child was too innocent to understand fully why it was a bad thing that he was growing. But today she'd simply shaken her head and allowed him his trousers and tunic, stating that "no one would likely come by".
The man Percival saw riding on a horse through the trees, clad in shining steel, made his heart race though he didn't know why.
But it was still the first memory he can recall even now.
☾ : My muse and sleep.
He sleeps lightly, in short bursts like a cat. Since Percival was often away from the castle on quests or simply accompanying his fellows, he picked up the habit so he could get enough sleep without putting anyone at risk due to carelessness. It served especially well on the Grail Quest, when the trio took one wrong turn and ended in a bad situation with more than a few injuries and danger all around.
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ofglories · 1 year ago
“You have been my friend. That, in itself, is a tremendous thing.” - Percival
|| Classic Literature starters ; accepting!
"It's an honor to be called your friend, Master. Truly!"
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Percival's smile was as bright as the sun. Without even a thought he placed his hand on Rika's head, gently ruffling her hair. Seems that some things never change and one of those things was him keeping up the reliable older brother behavior.
But he was being truthful in his joy.
In some ways she reminded him of Gareth, though certainly less harsh than his fellow knight had been in Camelot. Perhaps that was why it made him so happy to be called her friend, to know she considered him a friend and hopefully a reliable one at that. The Grail Knight knew he'd had many friends, of course, it hadn't been hard to gain them in Camelot. But it was still a welcome feeling! A warmth that blossomed in his chest, like stepping in a patch of sun.
"I do hope I can continue to be your friend, that I can be someone you'll always rely on when it is needed. Is that silly? Haha. Come on, Master, I smelled something good in the kitchens and I'm sure you could use a bite to eat."
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ofdeedsglorious · 4 months ago
muse tags;
twelve seals unleashed; arthur as fair as north winds; gareth ever loyal knight of the sun; gawain an echoing song; taliesin knight of sacred fire; bors knight of the lake; lancelot chosen by the other lance; percival heart of a fallen star; emrys sign of the red dragon; uther a poisonous dawn; accolon a shield of pure faith; galahad he who rejects courtly love; dinadan to you who will crown a king; elouan wielder of the poison lance; palamedes howl to the moon; marrok maiden of the starlings; branwen she on the white horse; rhiannon
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