#choro: ''the avoidance of death and illness.''
fala-alfredo-pasta · 20 days
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A very self indulgent tatted and pierced up Ichimatsu thas it
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carrionsong · 1 year
aaaa thank you max ;o;!! ill do ximechoro for these hehe (ximena uses they/she/he!)
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o – 1. ximena Loves his enthusiasm and passion; when choro’s at a show, talking about his hobbies or stuff he’s really knowledgeable about, seeing him put his all into what he's doing makes them really happy ;u;
2. how he tends to attempt to be the voice of reason for his brothers but can be just as silly or even too uh, far gone in his ideas to better himself jsvbjks, they think its fun :) he needs someone to help bring him back down to earth and make realistic n achievable goals, And remind him that he’s doing fine n can have fun n live in the moment :]!
3. his sense of style! sounds silly, but they thinks he looks so endearing esp when he wears that dress shirt under his hoodle (hehe he tries so hard to be proper), and xime loooves stealing his his green button up shirt. hers now :3 it’s not Their fault that her favorite color is his color!!
💗 – How do you two like to cuddle? xime actually is a bit clingy when they’re sleepy or sitting next to him, but he’s sensitive to heat (damn you antidepressants T_T), so they can’t cuddle for too long while awake… this can be avoided by just not having the sheet over her n holding choro tight ;3; sorry honey you can’t get up yet or grab the sheet if you’re cold bc he’s keeping you snuggled firmly to their chest, just go back 2 sleep for another 3 hours <3
choro tries to act proper at first and tries to take it slow w cuddling (partly bc he doesn’t wanna scare them off of cuddling but also bc he’s so Nervous about it in the first place) but he soon realizes that They are comfortable enough to initiate it, and choro leans into it, he’s so happy he could cry! he can be CLINGLY now ToT
🛡 – Who’s more protective? choro’s naturally defensive over them n can be overprotective in the beginning, but definitely xime, she’s just much more subtle about it. leaning their head on his shoulder/resting her hand over his when they sense he’s upset, placing a hand on his lower back while they’re out, mostly to steer him out of a crowd n get him to where they’re supposed to go, but also bc they like to take any excuse to touch him shbhikjs. they keep an eye out for him and let him take the fall if it’s genuinely his fault, but someone admonishing him for no good reason or just being an asshole? who the Fuck are you. choro-chan is loud, but you have not heard ximena’s pipes when he’s mad. they’ll bring the house DOWN if needed (not usually done bc their death glare is scary enough without his booming voice)
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