#chokon power
maddyaddy · 1 year
"Bearing the Name of the Star of Glory..."
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The Glory Star Squad was an Autobot task force, based out of G Nebula 89. Its leader, Goldrush, gathered the members with an eye towards researching such strange phenomena as Chokon Power. Though earning a reputation as gallant heroes, the death of Goldrush at the hands of the Decepticon Grand Marshal Blitzkrieg led to the team's dissolution. Members of the Glory Star Squad:
-Goldrush, Force Commander
-Rampart of Caminus, Torchbearer and Rear Guard
-Adrestia, Air Warrior
-"Arcrunner", Mechanic
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dear Vector Prime, if a Saiyan from planet Vegeta (or any other species capable of generating ki) were to become a headmaster, would the robot mode be able to use ki as well?
Dear Saiyan Surmiser,
Yes. All living beings generate ki, even technological ones. The scientists in G Nebula 749, G Nebula 761 and G Nebula 778 discovered that humans and other sufficiently strong ki-generating lifeforms could greatly enhance Cybertronian abilities. You are surely familiar with the Godmasters, who combined three kinds of Chōkon Power to great effect. The Godmaster system was found to be more useful for offensive capabilities than Headmaster, which were more useful for tactical assessments of battle. Life forms that generate enough ki to be useful by Cybertronians are rare across the cosmos, and this fact may account for Earth's importance in our multiverse. At best, Earth is a kindred sentient species; at worst, it is a harvesting ground.
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dimorphodon-x · 3 years
Remember Chokon Power from masterforce? What if that was the name of the magic they used? Or at least a type of it they could use 👁👁
Ooh, yeah! Sounds good!
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baebeyza · 3 years
Masterforce rewatch episode 9
One more episode of showing how awesome the Godmasters Brothers are and how the Autobots don't stand a chance against them.
It does explain that they got the whole Chokon-power-snack at their fingertips and that they have incredible healing powers
episode also shows:
1. Mega liking Cancer a lot
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2. A detail I like about Shuta is how his fighting style is clearly based on football, which he plays :>
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3. Pretty Hawk faces
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4. Hydra and Buster are the jerkiest bitches in the show, but I do like that they at least care about each other QuQ
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And with this we established that the Autobots need their own Godmasters, which brings us to GINRAI <3 ~
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Sailor Moon x Transformers Super-God Masterforce Part 7: Scramble 7 Attacks!
Last time the Decepticons used hostages to lure the Autobots out so they could use their secret weapon the combiner King Neptune.to eliminate them and their Sailor Guardain allies too. But however with the help of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune and Ginrai and Kaito becoming Super Ginrai and Super Kaito they all blew the Seacon combiner appart. Now the Decepticons decide to unleash their more powerful warrior Black Scorponok on both the Autobots and Sailor Guardians. The Decepticons start to do Project: Dark Rebirth to revive Sailor Moon’s top enemies to turn the tide of battle by making work for them and fight against the Sailor Guardians and Autobots alike. Now Soundwave needs to get a sample of Mistress 9’s generic information. Now we continue the story.
The Autobots and Decepticons race to get the next Godmasters but the Autobots were on a winning streak winning the other Godmastrs over with the help of the Sailor Guardian friends. Such as Lightfoot son of a major british engineering company.
LIghtfoot, Venus and Sailor Mars would be battling against the Darkwing brothers Hydra and Buster.
“Mars flame sniper!” shouted Sailor Mars as she performs her attack and fires at Hydra.
“Love me chain!” shouted Sailor Venus as she wraps her ‘Love me chain’ around Buster and LIghtfoot kicks Buster away.
“Take that Decepticons! Now I see you are evil and I will be siding with the Autobots now!” said Lightfoot in his robot mode.
“Damn it Lord Giga and Lady Mega won’t like this. Transform!” shouted Hydra as he transformed into jet mode and retreated along with Buster.
Super Ginrai would be fighting King Neptune as he one punches the Seacon combiner back into the Seacon which they retreat as he would walk up to Lightfoot.
“Welcome to the Autobots Lightfoot” said Super Ginrai as he holds his hand out and shakes hands with Lightfoot.
In Canada national park Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury, Goshooter, Metalhawk and Super Kaito would be battling against the Decepticon Pretenders and Decepticon Headmaster Juniors trying to locate the next Godmaster after the Autobots and Sailor Guardians befriended a Canandain park Ranger who calls himself Ranger.
“Ranger quickly cross your arms and shout ‘Masterforce’ and then say ‘Transform God on!’ before the Decepticons get you!” said Metalhawk as he battles the Decepticons with the Sailor Guardians with him.
“Masterforce!” shouted Ranger doing what Metalhawk said. Shocked at an exosuit on him now.
“Transform God on!” shouted Ranger was transformed into his engine mode as a piece of rock transforms into a buggy and then attaches to the engine as he transforms into his robot mode.
“What the!?” said the shocked Ranger to his new robotic form.
“Take this Decepticons for trying to destroy this forest!” shouted Ranger his body glows and shoots Chokon Lighting at the Pretender Decepticons and blows them to kingdom come.
“Retreat!” yelled Blood as he and others fall back.
“Way to go Ranger” cheered the Sailor Guardians and Autobot Headmaster Juniors.
With battles raging the Decepticons and Autobots with their Sailor Guardian allies race against to recruit the next Godmaster into their ranks. Eventually the final Godmaster Roadking was finally recruited when he was racing in a track that Haruka would race her car around. It didn’t end so well with Haruka when the Decepticons destroyed her car thinking it was an Autobot.
“THAT IS MY CAR DECEPTICONS! You realize how much it costs to buy it!” yelled Sailor Uranus after the Decepticons blew up her race car.
“Deep submerge!” shouted Sailor Neptune as she unleashed her water attack on the Seacons attacking blowing up.
“Transform! God on!’ shouted Roadking as he transforms into his engine mode and attaches to his race car Transtector and transforms to his robot mode and punches King Neptune back into the Seacons while distracted in fighting Sailor Moon, Chibi Moon and Tuxedo Mask.
“Retreat!” yelled Buster as he and his brother Hydra transform and combine into their Darkwing form and retreat. Lugnut, the Seacons, and Bludgeon would transform and retreat as well.
Soon all the known Autobot Godmasters were gathered up and the Autobots and their Sailor Guardian allies. Celebrating now they got all the Godmasters onto the Autobots side but now Metalhawk wants Ginrai be his successor as Autobot leader as they’re in a part of the Autobot base in Japan having an toast for finding the other Godmasters. The Autobot Headmaster Juniors and their Sailor Guardian friends are out there showing them Juban out more.
“So you want me to be new Autobot leader?” asked Ginrai to Hawk.
“With your capabilities and skills you probably be the greatest Autobot leader, probably almost as great as Optimus Prime” replied Hawk to Ginrai.
“Haha me as an leader you’re joking Hawk? Me as an leader? Get outta here! But I’m not fit of he leader!” said Ginrai with the group as he doesn’t want to accept that kind of responsibility yet.
As the conversation went on, the Decepticons are still around they need everyone they can get, especially with the whole Spacebridge network destroyed by Scorponok’s Decepticons in 2011. And Diver explained Ginrai out of the newest recruits is the most qualified to be leader although there is Kaito but Ginrai seemed like the more experienced one to be leader. Eventually Ginrai agreed he would be leader of the Autobots and have another toast to celebrate it.
“Then it’s settled. A toast to our new leader” said Diver as he raises his glass and the 4 Autobot pretenders with Ginrai clings their glasses together.
“I can’t just win…” pounds Ginrai knowing everything can be his way.
Meanwhile in the Decepticons base of operations in a secret lab Giga and Mega are checking the progress of revitalizing Jadeite, Black Lady and Mistress 9 in their pods in their dark secret underwater base. Giga and Mega would walk in the room as Soundblaster was monitoring their progress.
“Soundwave what is their progress on them? We need them in the battle field soon as possible to help us destroy those Sailor Guardians” said Giga as he knew how powerful they are defeating their Pretenders and Headmasters Juniors with ease as only the Darkwings and King Neptune seemed to give them trouble but with Ginrai getting his Super Ginrai form time is running out.
Blood would run into the room to inform Giga and Mega of something important.
“Lady Mega and Lord Giga I got news. The Autobots are departing to planet Athenia to appoint Ginrai their new leader” said Blood as he informs the couple on what is going on.
“Tell Turtler and the Seacons that we are going to Athenia, once Ginrai is made leader then they strike and we are getting some of the top Decepticons for their mission” ordered Mega as she ordered Blood. Blood runs out of the room to get the Seacons ready.
“What is progress of BlackZarak?” asked Giga because they are gonna bring in their ultimate trump card the menacing BlackZarak to Earth so Devil Z’z plan come to function and most importantly he would be strong enough to destroy the Autobot Godmasters and the Sailor Guardians
“He is heading to Earth was we speak and our enemies and no one will know of his existence” said Mega knowing hopefully with BlackZarak they can gain some lost ground in their conquest of Earth.
Meanwhile Usagi and her friends were informed Ginari gonna be new Autobot leader, especially Makoto Kino. She doesn’t know why but she has a special feeling for him. As they are outside the Autobot base with Shūta, Cab and Minerva. Hawk would walk out of the base to greet them and tell what is going on.
“As you know Ginrai is gonna get appointed supreme commander of the Autobots but do it he has to be appointed by our previous leader Fortress Maximus so we gonna go to planet Athenia so get ready for an trip everyone” explained Hawk as Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna walks in since they were called over too.
“Sorry we took so long we had to find a sitter for Hotaru” explained Haruka as she came in with Michiru and Setsuna which they were called over by Hawk.
“So those are people who helped you two when you were attacked by robotic sea creatures and humans becoming robots and other way around” said Setsuna since she was informed by Haruka and Michiru what happened during the previous chapter.
“If those two are Sailor Uranus and Neptune then what makes her then?” said Shūta as he referring Setsuna over there with Haruka and Michiru.
“She’s Sailor Pluto, the guardian of time and space. You didn’t see her with us last time we met since she was watching Hotaru” explained Michiru to Shūta.
“Then who’s Sailor Saturn then?” asked Shūta since he knows them as Sailor Guardians and wonders who is Sailor Saturn.
“Our Hotaru of course! She is the strongest Sailor Guardian even stronger than Sailor Moon the Guardian of Death and Rebirth. She got reborn after sacrificing her life to save Earth from Pharaoh 90 and is now a baby so someone had to watch her until she grows up again as her father is still recovering in the hospital from our enemy” explained Haruka to Shūta.
“Although we did not come here to join you on your off world trip, we came here to tell we are staying behind” explained Setsuna.
“Wait why aren’t you going with us?” asked Usagi why the Outers aren’t going to Athenia with them.
“Because someone needs to protect the planet incase more those you call Decepticons try to do anything and we sensed an intruder approaching the solar system and we need to intercept it before it reaches Earth so you are all on your own until we dealt with it but we hope you have a safe trip” said Setsuna to Usagi.
“An threat coming to Earth?” asked Cab on what Setsuna mean by threat heading to Earth.
“More Decepticons or a bigger threat?” asked Usagi on what could be the threat they’re talking about. Could it be more Decepticons or something else worse.
“I don’t know but we do detect something else enter the solar system but their presence seemed more friendly in fact they’re on Earth now” said Haruka to the group.
As they were talking a flying long bullet train flies up to the Autobot base and they were the Trainbots a group who can fly in space. It certainly surprising to the Senshi to see that happening and certainly reminded their time fighting the Daimon Toden.
“Woah this surely impressive engineering to pull this off” said Ami completely having her mind blown by the Trainbots entrance.
“Come ok let’s go!” said Can as he and the other Autobot Headmaster Juniors board the the Trainbots in their connected train alternate modes as they all board except for Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna as they all wave bye.
“Good luck to you all and hopefully you all come back safe!” said Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna at the same time as they wave their friends bye as the Trainbots fly off and depart for Athenia.
“We hope you stay safe and hopefully you make it home safe you three” said the Inner Senshi wave bye to the Outers the Trainbots leaves Earth.
“We need to leave soon whatever it is heading to Earth and we need to stop it” said Setsuna as she, Haruka and Michiru gets out their transformation item.
“Right! Uranus Planet Power make up!” shouted Haruka.
“Neptune Planet power make up!” shouted Michiru.
“Pluto planet power make up!” shouted Setsuna.
They all transform into Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as they all depart Earth too as she zoom in a beam of yellow, blue and green beams of light like a comet.
On planet Athenia the Trainbots land as they arrive outside their Athenia where a group of Autobots was waiting for Ginrai and Fortress to arrive. When the doors opened Sailor Moon and her friends who always transformed to their Senshi forms incase the Decepticons show up as they step out of the Trainbots combined alternate mode as the crowd cheer.
There was so many Autobots like Chromedome, Computron, Brainstorm, Highbrow, Smokescreen, Arcee, and many others as the Godmasters in their robot modes step out and everyone welcomed Ginrai as he walks to the Optimus Prime memorial statue.
“He looks like Optimus” commented Chromedome as Girmai sees Fortress already there.
“I see you’re Ginrai? You remind of me of our leader Optimus Prime. Could you be him reborn” said Fortress as Ginrai walks up to him.
Soon Fortress appoints Girnai Autobot commander as everyone in the crowd cheers. Including their Sailor Guardian allies.
“I leave you the role to you commander Ginrai” said Fortress to Ginrai as he looks Ginrai.
“Roger that Fortress” said Ginrai looking at Fortress.
“I thought he was suppose to be the size of a city Metalhawk?” asked Sailor Mercury since she was and everyone else briefed on who Fortress Maximus.
“This is his normal body Fortress he can combine with the Battleship Maximus to form Fortress Maximus” replied Metalhawk.
“Some of us get confused too why not call him something else while normal size? Like Cerebros?” said Sailor Mercury on a possible name to Fortress to differentiate from his normal Autobot size and his city sized body.
Fortress would depart on Battleship Maximus back to planet Master for important business. When he was gone from the planet the Decepticons strike as Lugnut uses his powerful punch to slam into the ground as the blast of the punch sends some of them flying.
“Gahhh!” shouted the Inner Senshi are sent flying back.
Soon he was accompanied by Lugnut, Soundblaster, Blood, Dauros, Glimer, Cancer, Bullhorn and Wilder.
“The Decepticons are attacking!” said Sailor Venus as she and everyone else prepare to attack.
“Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber!” shouted Tuxedo Mask as he fires a beam at the group Decepticons doing some damage to them.
“Shūta! Minerva! Cab! Go help the injured!” ordered Super Ginrai as he has them care and protect the injured.
Then Turtler shows with an group of Decepticons consisting of the many Decepticons in the war.
“It can’t be Turtler brought some space bound Decepticons with him, what is he planning?” said Chromedome as he see a group of Decepticons accompanying the Seacon leader.
“Prepare to did Sailor weaklings we got a special surprise for you we did not just bring them over to fight only. You see Turtler can not only combine with the Seacons to form King Neptune but others too” said Blood as group of Decepticons with Turtler group together.
“He got the Stunticon Dead End, Combaticons Brawl and Blast Off, Terrorcon Cutthroat, and two of the Seacons Lobclaw and Tentakil with him from many legendary combiner teams! This can’t be good” said Metalhawk
“Introducing got Turtler the Seacon Commander, Stunticon Dead End the King of Land Speed, Combaticon Brawl the Heavy Tank of the Land, Combaticon Blast Off the Cosmic Soldier, Terrorcon Cutthroat the Sovereign of the Skies, Seacon Lobclaw Devil of the Sea, Seacon Tentakil also Devil of the Sea! We made this special team to destroy you and your Sailor Guardian allies once and all!” said Hydra.
Then Turtler combines with Dead End, Brawl, Blast Off, Cutthroat, Lobclaw and Tentakil to form a powerful combination of the various Decepticon combiner teams into the powerful combiner Scramble 7!
“Behold Scramble 7! The most powerful combination of the Decepticon special teams” said Buster as Scramble 7 fires his Tentakil and Lobclaw blasters at Computron, Raiden, Chromedome taking them down with ease.
“No way he defeated them with ease!” Sailor Mars shocked on how powerful Scramble 7 is. Sailor Mercury gets out her googles and mini-super and reads Scramble 7 to see how to take him down.
“Scramble 7 has high level strength and power stronger than even King Neptune formation they are such fascinating ” said Sailor Mercury as she tries to figure out a way to take down Scramble 7 as she scans her surroundings.
“Mercury we couldn’t defeat King Neptune alone without Super Girnai but now he is stronger than before. Even Super Ginrai and Super Kaito isn’t an match to for him unless…” said Sailor Mercury as she got an idea how to take down Scramble 7.
“Unless we what Mercury?” asked Sailor Moon as Scramble 7 takes out more Autobots as he knocks away Brainstorm, Punch, and Highbrow with ease as they try to use Headformation on him but blasts them away before they can charge up an attack.
“We combine our attacks with one of the Godmasters it will amplify our power and with it we’ll be able to defeat Scramble 7 with the combined might of our attacks and the Godmasters attacks” said Sailor Mercury. Scramble 7 would hit slam Smokescreen in the head as he is sent flying into a wall. Scramble 7 fires on the Senshi and it knocks out Venus, Mars and Moon.
“Sailor Moon! Venus! Mars! We’ll help them it’s just you Jupiter and Ginrai now!” said Tuxedo Mask as he and Chibi Moon rushes to her.
“It’s all up to you Ginrai and Jupiter we believe in you both!” said Lightfoot as he and the other Godmasters and Autobots cheer on Girnai and Sailor Jupiter. As the other Godmasters are occuplied with the other Decepticons.
“Alright let’s do it Jupiter! Jinchōkon! Super Fire Guts! ” said Super Ginrai as he charges up his Super Fire Guts as a flaming aura surrounds him turning him into a living fireball. As he charge at Scramble 7 to ram into him.
“Jupiter Supreme Thunder!” shouted Sailor Jupiter as she fires her electrical attack at Girnai but rather than hurting him it makes him stronger as the thunder combining with fire guts becoming as electrical fire.
“Team attack! Super Ginrai and Sailor Jupiter! Electrical thunder super fire guts!” shouted Super Ginrai and Sailor Jupiter as their combined attack hits Scramble 7 with immense force as it burns and fries Scramble 7’s circuits as he violently explodes. The other Decepticons then retreated as they fleee from Athenia.
When the Senshi finally recovered they all proud and congratulated Jupiter and Ginrai for stoping Scramble 7.
“Jupiter you did great out there! You helped Ginrai defeat Scramble 7!” said Mercury as she and other Senshi hugs Jupiter.
“You did good yourself Jupiter good work you’re not bad yourself” said Ginrai as he and Jupiter both blushed.
“Hopefully one day we’ll vanquish the Decepticons once and for all” said Sailor Mars.
“And soon being peace back to Earth again but I wonder who is pulling the strings? Who is in charge and give them the orders?” asked Venus as she wonders who is leading the Decepticons.
“Only in time we can see who is leading them and put astop to them” said Sailor Moon.
After everyone returned to Earth Hawk summoned Ami to British Motors factory in Canada as he said he needed her for something important.
“You both called me over there for something very important that only I can do?” said Ami as she was curious of what the Autobots need her for.
“It’s because we’re working a secret project and require someone like your expertise especially we heard you’re top of your classes” said Hawk as he guided Mercury to a secret room and she sees a vehicle being constructed.
“What is that?” asked Ami on what it is they’re constructed.
“This is Project Bomber an drone and it’s upgrade for Ginrai to make him stronger iand when it’s done it will be able to combine with him it make him most powerful Godmaster of all. Because one of forced named Grand has picked up something nearing the solar system and it might be connected to what Outers have sensed” said Hawk as he shows the schematics for God Ginrai before switching over to a video feed in space as a large black, gold and reddish orange figure shows up on the monitor and seemed to be some large scorpion like being flying in the depths of space. Ami would be shocked and horrified as she dropped her books she was holding.
“What is that thing?! It’s huge and probably menacing too…” said Ami in complete fear seeing the being on screen.
“That is the Decepticon BlackZarak, he is nearing the solar system and we need to have Ginrai be able to fight in space and stand a chance against him. Even you Sailor Gaurdains might not be able to stand up to him but we will not give up hope so with your expertise you can speed up the Godbomber project but only if you do not tell anyone besides all of this in this room, Ginrai and Kaito, so what you decision Ami? We could really use your help” said Hawk as he asked Ami what is her decision. Ami would pick up her books and look at him.
“I will do it so we can protect Earth from this BlackZarak no matter what” said Ami as she is determined to help the bomber project the best she can.
In the dark depths of space in the solar system BlackZarak flies in his massive scorpion mode.
“Big transform!” shouted BlackZarak as he transforms into his massive robot mode holding his signature weapon the Tyrant Spear.
BlackZarak would see three lights of yellow, blue and green heading to towards him. He would get in battle positions as he prepares an fight.
To be continued
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dear Vector Prime, has Septimus Prime ever been a member of the 13? Also, is there a member of the 13 that focuses on the Masterforce or Chokon Power?
Dear Primal Programmer,
After the Age of Primes came to an end, Septimus Prime remained on Cybertron to help steward its nascent civilization. Septimus had always found great fulfillment in service to a power greater than oneself, and under his guidance Cybertronians devoted themselves to Primus, Arrius, Xal and many more. In those dark days early in our world's history, where its fragile society threatened to come undone, Septimus would organize festivities, parades and feasting that offered Cybertron small joys—a beacon to carry them through the dark.
As to your second question, my sister Energoa's command of energy extended even to these more spiritual forces. Though she struggled at first to reconcile their existence with her rationalist worldview, by meditating and discussing philosophy with Onyx Prime she was able to gain understanding—and, eventually, mastery—of the mysteries of chōkon power.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear Vector Prime, Do you know of any universe where the humans Shinichi and Mayumi were involved in the conflict between Ginrai's Autobots and Devil Z's Decepticons? And did they indeed jointly control the "Doubleclouder" Transtector?
Dear Divergent Dealer,
Indeed. In an alternative version of the Masterforce War, the experimental Doubletector was lost on Earth alongside the various other Transtectors. Particularly fine-tuned for Chōkon Power manipulation, both sides began a frantic search for it once they realised it was somewhere on the planet. While Turtler's Seacons scoured the globe, the Autobot search was headed by Hawk's human assistant, Shinichi Mishima. Eventually, the Doubletector was found at a military base, where it had taken the form of an experimental missile truck. The Autobots and Decepticons hurried to the base, where by coincidence Mayumi Kasugano was being given a tour. The orphaned heiress of the arms manufacturer who had designed the truck, Mayumi was more than happy to use her dead parents' wealth to fund her devil-may-care lifestyle. During the battle, both came into contact with the Doubletector, and both were bonded to it. Naturally, Shinichi wished to use its power for the Autobots, while Mayumi saw the Decepticons as a new chance at some fun. While bonded with Shinichi, the truck could turn into the robot warrior Doubleclouder, while Mayumi could use it to transform into the mechanical vulture Doubledealer (named in honour of her gambling habit).
Both had their share of troubles during the conflict. For one thing, the Doubletector turned out to be extremely volatile, randomly teleporting to the other's side at various inconvenient moments. However, even in their Master suits they had mighty abilities: control over machinery and hypnosis, respectively. Beyond battle, both also had deep personal issues to grapple with. While Shinichi's analytical mind had served him well as Autobot support staff, as a Godmaster warrior he came off as cold and detached, leading to many a clash with the hot-headed Ginrai. Meanwhile, Mayumi was shocked to find that the Decepticons functioned as something of a family unit, buckling under Giga and Mega's villainous yet caring attempts at parenting.
Ultimately, Shinichi was able to wrest total control over the Doubletector from Mayumi in a burst of emotion, after she dealt a grievous wound to Metalhawk. As a result, Devil Z would construct her a replacement using data taken from her time as Doubledealer: the gold-plated Tripledealer. By this time, Mayumi had become increasingly disillusioned with the Decepticons. As the horrific galactic scale of the war became rapidly apparent, she decided she no longer wanted a part in this, and allowed Doubleclouder to destroy the Tripledealer Transtector.
After Devil Z was defeated and the various Transtectors became true super-robot lifeforms, Shinichi decided to follow the Autobots into space as their tech specialist. He bid an emotional farewell to Ginrai in particular, the two men having proven themselves to each other. Mayumi would use her family's wealth to quit the arms business and become head of a post-war reconstruction NGO, adopting Cancer as her younger brother. Truly, battling alongside Cybertronians imposes a curious transformation on humans.
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baebeyza · 3 years
Ideas/concept in each Transformers series that you liked that are either written terribly, wasted potential and needed to be written in depth?
Okay, say GO! note: I love most of these shows and most of what I nitpick here isn't to say that I hate what we got + doesnt include RB and RBA
G1: I love Galvatron's and Cyclonus' dynamic and loved how the show was self-aware about the fact that Galvatron was crazy, and I would love to see this written with more depth and getting further into Cyclonus' motivation for staying at Galvs' side Headmasters: It's always about Sixshot- I love him so much but always gotta say that his development only really started in the last four episodes - would have loved it if we had gotten some inclination about his more gentle character before that!
Super-God Masterforce: I am of the opinion that Masterforce is a great show with great writing and great characters and don't have much to talk about here. Anyway, I absolutely adored Godbomber and the entire concept behind him - he's a drone who gets controlled through Ginrai's chokon-power (human energy) and acts whatever Ginrai wants him to do. What I found so nice about him is that he emotes! :D And he does react to other people, even if his reactions are all based on Ginrai's will. He doesn't have a voice, so he has to get his point across in other ways and seeing him do that is a delight ~ It made him feel like a character instead of just a drone with no personality and it would have been so awesome if more detail was put into that. Minerva treated Godbomber like a person and I'd have loved to see more of that!
Victory: There is a lot I loved about this show that just didn't really come into fruition - this post should explain it! Beast Wars: I fucking love Megatron cloning his ex Dinobot to get himself a new henchman, anddüde - wouldn't it have been nice to see it be acknowledged how creepy that is? Maybe get more into the reason why he has this need to clone Dinobot? Megatron obviously wanting his ex back, but his ex wont come back, so he creats a version of his ex that is just what he wants to him to be...weird housewife creepy romance novel style??? Beast Wars 2: Hm, tbh the stuff I liked about this show was well done! Can't think of anything here
Beast Wars Neo: Same as BWII, I just cant think of anything here that I loved that was done badly. The shows are simple! One thing I would have loved to see more of is Big Convoy's past as a lone wolf. We got bits and pieces but a little bit more couldn't hurt!
Beast Machines: I loved almost every idea in this show and somehow none if it was done in a way I truly enjoyed x'D 1. The premise nature vs techno 2. Blackarachnia trying to save Silverbolt 3. The whole concept of using existing sparks for new bodies, creating new people 4. Megatron splitting himself in half 5. Plantformers Apart from the Plantformers, all these were great ideas but the way the show executed them was depressing and weird.
RiD01: You know me people, I fucking love Ultra Magnus and Optimus being brothers in this and I would have given everything for more depth between them! Just a flashback to how they were before Ultra Magnus went JerkMode would have been gold QuQ
Armada: I loved the conclusions at the end, absolutely hated everything before the conclusion tho Energon: Love Shockfleet/Mirage being in fucking love with Galvatron, wish Galvatron had acknowledged it once qvq
Cybertron: Almost the same as Energon - I loved Chromia/Thunderblast having a crush on Megatron and wished they had done something with it. They could have gone full Decepticon Queen with her with evil romance, but Megatron has the same amount of communication and social skill as a brickwall.
TFA: I loved the 2 minutes of Cyclonus and hated that he never showed up again-
Cyber Mission: So, there is this episode in which Bee and Ironhide are sparring and Ironhide saves a flower from being squished under them and is like "we must protect life". Bee says that the flower aint sentient tho, but Ironhide says "this one is."
WHAT THE FUCK DO MEAN A SENTIENT FLOWER EXISTS ON EARTH??? Why to they drop this thing and then never do anything with the concept-!
TFP: I feel like Ultra Magnus is kinda missed potential and wished they'd have done more with him, he could have had great dynamics with the rest, but was just used for Wheeljack angst.
GO!: Man they got this Predaking character (I love Predaking) and he's just so generic...and they didn't even make him bishie and pretty like the original characters for this show qnq
RiD15: I loved Steeljaw but they did him dirty by just never allowing him to be the show's threat! He mostly just got pushed aside and used by other people. (still sexy tho, his german voice be like WOOOOO-)
Prime Wars: I loved the plot of this, loved what they did with Megatron and it was such missed potential to not make him Prime at the end! QnQ It would have fit so much! Nothing against my monkuh Primal, but come on! Megatron was right there-!
Cyberverse: Loved Roddy as leader and was kinda disappointed when he was done after Prime showed up again. My boy deserved at least an award or something.
WFC: You know me, I loved the stuff between Megatron and Magnus, but it is a shame that we just never got to see how they were pre-war. And not just those two, them, Optimus and Elita as well. I like the plot, just wish we got backstory.
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baebeyza · 3 years
Masterforce rewatch episode 7
This is an episode in which the Decepticons cause stampedes in Kenya with the intent of disrupting nature, by having the animals kill humans and humans kill the animals.
Not sure what they are trying to gain here, but it has something to do with Chokon-power and wanting to turn humans towards the Decepticons.
Stuff that is interesting:
1. The Cons have Lava in their base (a must for all evil)
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2. Minerva is annoyed by the two boys being idiots
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3. Shuta shows cuteness in his shonen protagonist behaviour
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4. Ricky-San is the real MVP of this whole episode
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5. Lander giving dating advice
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6. Hawk being relatable (I hate being called)
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7. PRETTY HAWK- Omg those lips <3
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8. Nothing to do with anything, I just like this frame
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Guess this concludes the opening episodes! One last adventure with all the characters we already know!
Next episode we'll meet the Godmasters :D ~
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