yysydyo · 7 years
Translations Park Shin Hye Interview in Marie Claire.
Park Shin Hye Night and Paris. 
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Not long ago, I heard that you just back from going travel. Is there any place that you feel need to go if you travel overseas again?
 I want to go a flowers market  and market that open during weekends. It almost same in all countries but the feels is different. Not long ago when I was in Amsterdam the unnie travelled with me searched a bakery shop around there, I went with her and the bread was so delicious. 
What's the first things you do when you arrive your destination? Exploring the neighbourhood or shopping?
I will start by sightseeing. I will go to a museum or just walk freely on the street. Instead of having a tight travel schedule, I like to walk through the narrow alleys and enjoy the sights like a person who lives there. The best way to sleep at night was after have a drink from local beer. You know a lot of good music.
If take look on your instagram you shares a lot of song. What song that you keep playing in your playlist right now? 
Recently Coldplay have a visit (concert) in Korea. I missed the chances to get tickets for a first day but I managed to get tickets for second day through a phone bookings.I wait for the tickets to come for a long time. I'm so happy through the whole concert. I totally fallen in love. Coldplay stage performance was very very cool, so was the sea of light formed by the large crowd of audience. I figure out the reason why there is no foreign artist who comes to Seoul just for once but artists who have yet to visit. 
You give feels like your life was so full or pack. When is the most happy moment for you? 
When I'm in front of the camera (acting). But I feel that preparations for this time will be taking a little bit longer. I know that fans was asking me to come back earlier with any work but looks like this time will take a lot of time. 
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What kind of movie is <Silent Witness > 
It's a crime thriller movie. It covers the story of the murder of a famous female singer who is also the fiancée of Im Tae San, a man who owns the world and his daughter being accused as the suspect. I am the righteous and visionary defendant of the daughter. She is an upright with a clear moral compass character. 
What attracts you to do this character? 
You will know If you go watch the movie after it been released, what I can say there's a lot up and down emotions of Hee-jung in that movie. The transformation of Hee-jung facing the reality is attractive and appealing to me. I think through Hee-jung I will show you a new side of me.
Your latest characters; e.g. lawyer, doctor, Judo coach, are all upright, righteous and with clear moral standards. What are your criteria when choosing a work? 
Characters which show the lacking sides of me or I would like to resemble. Though it may seem idealistic, they are the people who should exist in a world that I dream of. While being attracted to stories of these characters whom I would like to become, I am also drawn to the other storylines in the scenario. I didn’t deliberately choose to take up roles with clear moral compass, but now I look back, there seemed to be many.(Laugh) 
Working among competent actors like Choi Min Sik and  Ryu Jun Yeol, when is the most impressive/unforgettable moment during filming? 
It should be the scenes in court since all actors were gathered in one place. The fact the I acted with Choi Min Sik Sunbaenim(senior actor) face to face was already a great honor. Though I was very nervous, Choi Sunbaenim encouraged me a lot and gave me great strength.
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Even though you are a veteran actress who could have good chemistry with any actor, the inspiration and stimulation you received when working with great actor Choi Min Sik and New actor/idol Do Kyung So in “Hyung” should be different. 
Sure. Acting with Choi was more nervous. I was shaking a lot. But somehow I could follow his pace while acting with him (It is like the senior actor leads the junior actor to immerse in the scene which brings out better synergy/performances from both). Choi not only complimented me, he also offered me plenty of advices so that I no longer felt scared/uneasy. Choi was very humorous when the day’s shooting was finished and so I had a pleasant time during the whole film shooting. Do Kyung Soo is an actor to me. I find it fascinating when he performs hard on stage. He worked very hard for his acting. During the filming, he had a lot of overseas schedule. The way he managed to survive the busy schedule and still committed to the film made me look back at myself. It was a good motivation for me. He is a brilliant friend.
From interviews for many actors, most of them take a long time getting out from the character and when there is no work, they don’t know what to do and feel empty. How are you dealing with it? 
 There were times when it was hard to get out from the character. I was also like that. During preparation for the drama/film, I exercise, practise my acting and even giving ideas of the clothing style. There are too many things going so I got no time to feel these emotions.  Yet, when the work is over, it feels like “Park Shin Hye” as a person losts 3-5 months’ time out of a year. It feels weird when I open my eyes in the morning at home where I usually wake up. I have been in a noisy shooting site for quite a while; I feel lonely and empty when I suddenly find myself in a place where there is nothing. I take a long time to return to my normal life.
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What do you mostly do when you got no work? 
I shoot advertisements and meet friends that I didn’t meet. This time I travelled a lot. It was a time for recharging my energy. It was a grateful and happy time.
Last question. You always show your cheerful and healthy side. Is there a thought/ way of thinking or charm which always stay in your mind that helps you to keep up the spirit? 
 I pray. Don’t be overwhelmed/shaken by the rules of the world. I am often timid/lack of confidence too though I seem cheerful. There are a lot of times that I collapse alone. However, I try hard not to be depressed for a long time. At times like that, I exercise even harder and travel more. I gain strength from people around me. This will not be possible if  I don’t  have my agency family and friends. I am so grateful because of that.
Translations may contains inaccuracies. 
Translate by Thea and @yysy_ (twitter).
Do not take out this translation out, thank you.
(sources : Marie Claire )
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