#choices sawyer
cariantha · 4 months
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Teen Warning: Foul language Category: Fluff Word count: 2K Summary: Sawyer and Ethan react when they find themselves in situations that stir up feelings of jealousy. A/N: This was my first stab at writing in the first person. Hopefully, I did Sawyer and Ethan justice.
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I toyed with the bottom of Ethan’s tie, absentmindedly tugging, wrapping, and swaying it back and forth while we took a few moments to catch up after a busy morning. “What are your plans for later tonight?” 
I looked up from where my knuckles tenderly grazed over his shirt for his answer. Despite our proximity, I was disappointed his focus was not on me. Something behind me was much more interesting. Something that made his lips turn up at the corners. Turning my head over my shoulder to see what had stolen his attention, I saw Naveen’s new - and very attractive - administrative assistant walk past. Her long, auburn hair flowed to her waist where a silky blouse was tucked into a form-fitting pencil skirt. 
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 
A piercing trill came from my pager as if echoing the alarm suddenly going off in my head. “It’s a code blue for my diabetes patient. I gotta run,” I explained after reading the message. Grabbing my lab coat, I tried to shake off the icky feeling of jealousy as I quickly darted from the office. 
It was like déjà vu a couple of days later as I stood before Ethan in the diagnostics office. Though no one outside those walls could hear, my back to the window gave us a sense of privacy for our intimate conversation. 
“Come home with me tonight. It’s been too long,” Ethan urged.
“It’s been three nights,” I countered with a laugh. 
Slipping under my lab coat, his hand gripped my waist and squeezed. “Like I said, it’s been too long.”
I smiled. I secretly loved it when he acted starved for my attention. “Okay, but I need to go home first to grab some stuff and I promised Sienna I would help with…” 
Ethan’s gaze shifted over my head as I continued my explanation, and I caught the exact moment when his mind wandered off. Like the last time, that same pleased grin appeared on his face.
This time when I looked over my shoulder I saw Harper strolling past.  
“Wow,” I whispered incredulously under my breath. Stepping out of his reach, I turned for the door.
My abrupt departure finally snapped Ethan from his lustful ogling. “Where are you going? What's wrong?” he asked urgently, reaching for my arm.
With a huff, I reacted. "What's wrong? Really?” I pinched my eyes shut and took a breath to control my boiling emotions. “Look, I know we haven’t officially defined our relationship, and that’s fine. So, believe me when I say that I don’t mean to sound like a jealous girlfriend… but Ethan, we’re standing here making plans to hook up tonight and you are blatantly gawking at your ex as she walks by!" 
Ethan seemed taken aback. He looked out the window again and then returned his gaze to me. 
Ignoring the confusion on his face, I quickly added, "And it's not the first time. You did the same thing the other day. Right before the code blue for my diabetic patient. That time it was Naveen’s new assistant."
Ethan shook his head with an amused grin. "Sawyer, come here." When I hesitated, he reached for my arm and guided me back to where we had been standing. He spun me around so I could see the view from his perspective.
"What do you see?" he asked.
“A window.”
“The hallway. People walking by,” I clipped.
"Look closer at the window."
Exasperated, I shrugged. “I don't know… our reflection?”
“You expect me to believe that you were looking at the reflection? When you had that I'm-checking-you-out-and-liking-what-I'm-seeing grin on your face,” I asked, turning back around to face him. 
Ethan groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes. Because I was checking out your ass! I wasn’t paying attention to anyone else. I was checking you out.” Trading places with me, so his back shielded us from the outside world, Ethan took my hand and placed it over his pants. “I was remembering our first time together…” his voice softened, “up against the window in my bedroom.” His truthful eyes bored into mine as I felt the remaining evidence of his daydream.
To hide my flushed red face of embarrassment, I dropped my forehead to Ethan’s chest. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled, “I must sound so insecure and pathetic.”
“Perhaps defining our relationship will help with that.” Ethan hooked his finger under my chin to make me look up at him. “We are dating. Exclusively. Agreed?”
I nodded. “Agreed.”
“Is anyone walking by right now?” he asked. “I want to kiss my girlfriend.”
Smiling so wide it hurt, I peeked around his towering form. “The coast is clear,” I answered.
Ethan leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. “You’re mine, Rookie. There’s no need to be embarrassed. I don’t mind one bit that you got jealous. I like it...” he kissed me again, “because it means that I'm yours too.”
There’s my girl. 
The clinic has never been busier. We’ve been working seven days a week, fourteen hours a day, trying to treat as many patients as possible before the hospital closes its doors. It was late afternoon when I exited an exam room and spotted Sawyer jotting notes at the nurses' station. She was wearing her favorite jogger scrubs, having foregone her lab coat, and her cute ass jutted out as she hunched over the counter. She spent the last two nights at her place, and aside from a passing smile here and there, I haven’t had a chance to speak with or get my hands on her today. 
“Hi,” I said, sidling up next to her. 
“Hey you,” she looked at me with an excited smile, “long time no see.” 
We angled our bodies toward each other and I reached for her hand, our fingers discreetly tangling together as we caught up about our day. I had just insisted she clock out at a reasonable hour and come home with me when another doctor stepped out of a nearby exam room. 
Dr. Haute, a popular dermatology attending, had stopped taking on new patients and joined the hospital-wide effort to expand the free clinic’s access to the community before Edenbrook’s final curtain call. Several of the nurses seemed to be quite smitten by his good looks and charm. And to my immense aggravation, I saw firsthand how he shamelessly flirted with the clinic staff, none off limits, including my girlfriend.
Standing in the hallway swiping a tablet, the rash inspector cast a side-eye glance toward us. I stepped back from Sawyer and pointed with my chin over her shoulder letting her know we had an audience. Dr. Haute approached the nurses’ station, settling a few feet behind Sawyer. 
“Doctors,” he acknowledged. 
Turning in his direction, Sawyer politely greeted him. “How’s it going, Dr. Haute?”
“Significantly better now,” he winked.
Not happening, asshole. 
Sawyer bit back what I assumed was a flattered smile and with a quick shake of her head, she sent a silent warning to the prick who was hitting on her, in front of her boyfriend. 
When she turned back to face me, that goddamn pimple popper had the nerve to look up and smirk at me. 
Oh, it’s on, motherfucker. 
Sawyer often teased me about acting like an alpha wolf, especially when barking orders at interns. And I was about to play the part. This alpha would stake his claim and ensure the pup knew his place.  
“Jackie and I are neck and neck on patient counts. The loser has to clean the bathroom for a month. So, I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll catch up with you later,” she said with a quick squeeze of my hand. Before she could step out of reach, I grabbed her wrist and tugged, folding her tight against my chest. She looked up in surprise and subtly tilted her head back to the puss squeezer. “What are you doing?” she whispered.
“What’s it look like?” I answered, running my hands down her back. When I felt the eyes of the other doctor on us, I moved my hand south and gave her ass a gentle slap. 
“Ethan!” she gasped, looking around to see who might have witnessed my inappropriate and unprofessional display of affection. “What’s gotten into you?”
“I’ve missed you and wanted to show you how much you mean to me. Not too long ago, you told me you didn't need flowers, fancy dinners, or love letters-”
“All I need is for you to slap my ass and say I'm yours,” she remembered, flashing me an approving smile. 
With my hand still on her butt, I gave another tap and squeezed her ass cheek. My eyes connected with Dr. Can’t-Mind-His-Fucking-Business as I leaned down and whispered in Sawyer’s ear, so quiet that only she could hear. But I made sure the boil drainer behind her could read my lips. "Mine."
Message sent. 
Message received. 
The other doctor dipped his chin and chuckled, then walked away.  
The following Tuesday, I worked out in the hospital gym with the boys and Sawyer. 
“I was thinking of inviting Dr. Hottie to work out with us,” Bryce said as we warmed up on the treadmills. 
Rafael looked up into the mirrored wall and glanced in my direction then back to Bryce. “You really think that’s a good idea, man?” he asked, raising his eyebrow. 
“Dude got me the hookup with the Botox rep. I’m seeing her again this weekend,” he shrugged, then looked at Raf and Sawyer in the mirror with a mischievous grin. “I figured I owe him one.” 
“Bryce.” Sawyer shook her head. 
“What?” Bryce laughed, clearly amused with himself. “Worried there might be some competition?” 
“No, but you should be. That guy looks cut,” Sawyer responded. 
That remark got my attention and suddenly I was very interested in this conversation. 
Bryce hopped off his treadmill and flexed in front of the mirror. “More cut than this?” Sawyer laughed at his antics while he flipped his hair to the side. “Brooks, do you think he’s prettier than me?”
“Not gonna lie, Bryce, he’s very easy on the eyes. He’s the flavor of the month in the clinic and has quite the fan club. You might need to step up your game, buddy.” 
“Well, if that’s the case, maybe we shouldn’t invite Dr. Hottie to join us. I can’t have him getting any more ripped and stealing attention away from me.” 
Sawyer rolled her eyes. “You know it’s pronounced like H-oat, not Hottie, right?”
"Wait…” I interrupted. A heat crept up my neck and to my cheeks and it wasn’t from my workout. “Are you talking about the fucker that can't keep his eyes off Sawyer?" My little show last week did nothing to divert the wart remover’s attention. He was inconveniently around every time I caught a minute with my girl in the clinic. 
Sawyer snapped her head in my direction, her mouth falling open in shock, but I didn’t care that I sounded like a territorial asshole. She sucked in her lips, looking over at Bryce and Rafael. And after a moment of silence, the three of them busted into a fit of laughter.
I brought my treadmill to a stop and glared at them. “Does someone want to fill me in on what's so goddamn funny?”
“Dude, Dr. Hottie is not interested in Sawyer,” Bryce wheezed.  
“Like hell, he's not. I’ve caught him checking you out several times,” I said to her.
Sawyer giggled and walked towards me. "Babe, those times that you've caught him looking in my direction, were you standing next to me?"
Now that I think about it… "Yes." I figured he was taunting me, staring at us at every opportunity and passing me crooked grins in the hallway, letting me know he’d try to steal my girl the minute I fucked up. 
My three gym companions watched with irritating smiles and raised eyebrows as I connected the dots. When I pinched the bridge of my nose, they burst into laughter again. 
"Now that we’ve established he’s not into Sawyer, what do you say, Ram-Man? Can we invite Dr. Hottie to join us?" Bryce teased.
Before I could form a response, Sawyer interjected. "No, he cannot..." She pressed herself into my chest, reaching her arms around and cupping my backside. "Because this ass is mine."
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction
@jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst
@liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate
@kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @midnightmelodiz
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TCM3 Leatherface would've been a total DILF if they didn't make him a rapist
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rigginsstreet · 5 months
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Hilarie Burton as Peyton Sawyer and Chad Michael Murray as Lucas Scott ONE TREE HILL 3x03 FIRST DAY ON A BRAND NEW PLANET
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gibberishquestion · 11 months
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 months
peyton stans are so weird about defending peyton and lucas for cheating on brooke/going behind her back instead of being honest. they have the argument that brooke "knew peyton liked lucas" and blame brooke for being deceived? even if she knew peyton liked him, that dynamic didn't really develop into something actually real/long lasting, while lucas did respond to brooke's advances and willingly say he wanted to date her. peyton had plenty of opportunities to communicate with brooke about how she wanted lucas and ask her to back off. then he and peyton snuck around behind brooke's back repeatedly while he and brooke were still together. there is no justification for that because brucas were still together, and brooke continued to believe that because leyton were lying to her face which is a despicable thing to do to a best friend.
if lucas had broken up with brooke before jumping into something with peyton then i could see peyton stans' argument. brooke is not a mind reader and even if peyton told her that she liked lucas brooke is not obligated to step out of the way when they're already in a committed relationship.
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MC of the Month: Sawyer Brooks
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Please welcome our third MC of the month! Each month, we will highlight one MC or OC that is currently on our Meet my MC / OC List. The MC / OC is selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
This month's MC of the month is...
@cariantha ' s Sawyer Brooks
Learn more about Sawyer and her creator, Cari, below.
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In your words, tell us what you like most about your MC. 
Not only is Sawyer beautiful and talented, but she’s incredibly smart and ambitious. And she really could care less about bragging rights, fame, or glory. 
Sawyer has never been the best at anything right out of the gate. She has had to work hard for everything she’s ever accomplished or achieved. She only ever wants to prove to herself that she can do anything she sets her mind to. It started when she was in grade school. She wasn’t the best test-taker back then and often placed into lower level classes, but within weeks advanced herself into gifted courses. When it came to athletics she had natural talent, but she didn’t have the advantage of other student athletes who could afford to play club sports year round. She worked hard each season, showing up and giving her all in every practice, which led to her earning a scholarship to play collegiate volleyball. And as we know, it took her a few weeks to find her way but she eventually climbed the ranks and took the top spot in the Edenbrook intern competition. 
What’s her proudest personal accomplishment you might ask? You might think it was something huge like diagnosing Naveen, but it was actually discovering and claiming Dr. Ethan Ramsey’s heart.❤️ She jokes that after he dies, she will donate it to a museum. 
Do you feel your MC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
Of all my Choices MCs, Sawyer is definitely the most like me. We share similar backgrounds, upbringings, interests, and personalities. 
We are most alike in the sense that we make friends easily and enjoy the associations of many, but tend to keep our circle of trust pretty small. And we both hate conflict. If mad, we avoid or bottle things up rather than confront. I know, I know, it’s not exactly healthy. We’re both working on it. 
As far as differences, Sawyer is more forward. More willing to take risks. She’s more playful and affectionate. And she’s much more comfortable in her own skin - she knows she looks good naked.🏃🏼‍♀️ Sawyer could be on the cover of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.😉 Hence all the bikini thirst traps on her Pictagram.
What is most important to your MC? What is their motivation in life? 
Being true to herself. It wasn’t until she started applying for residency programs that she realized she needed to start making choices based on what she wanted, not what others expected of her. Being the oldest child in her family, and the most successful academically, she felt a lot of pressure to set an example and make her parents proud. When she finally started making decisions based on her own happiness and not the expectations of others, she felt so free and content.   
Happiness is Sawyer’s motivation. She knows the pursuit of happiness is not always easy, but if the end goal is something that will bring her joy or make her feel good about herself, then she’s going to give it her all and push through. 
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes? 
Sawyer’s a compulsive neat freak. When she’s stressed, she can’t rest until everything is tidy and in order. She has a lot of pet peeves related to things that might disturb that order. One of the most irritating ones is dirty dishes left in the sink when there is a perfectly good dishwasher nearby. Even if the dishwasher is full, she thinks you should at least rinse the grime off the dishes. Also, clothes that hang over the side of the laundry basket. She thinks it’s just lazy to not push them all the way in. Oh, and whiskers all over the sink. Luckily, Ethan shaves in the shower. And the fact that he has a housekeeper come regularly to help maintain order keeps her from going off the deep end when she’s had a rough day. 
She was never more irritated than intern year when she was stressed to the max and living with four roommates. She was so relieved on the nights she could go hang out at Ethan’s and work on Naveen’s case.  
If your MC could change one thing - anything - what would it be? 
Other than all the wrongs in the world, Sawyer would change her voice. She wishes she could sing. She loves and finds so much comfort in music. She’ll sing in the shower and in the car when she’s alone. It’s not awful, but it’s not exactly great. Singing karaoke with her friends gives her a lot of anxiety. 
What is your MC’s favorite quote or song? 
Sawyer’s favorite song is Here Tonight by Brett Young. She discovers it shortly after Miami and has it on repeat for weeks afterward. The lyrics describe exactly how she felt on the balcony that night with Ethan, the night when everything changed for them. Fast forward to Year 3 and they talk about what they would choose for “their song.” Sawyer plays it for Ethan, and he immediately agrees it’s the one. 
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC:
Sawyer is my daily dose of medicine. When I first joined the fandom, I seriously thought I would just create some fun edits about her journey through residency. Getting lost in the details of editing, believe it or not, was a major stress reliever. Channeling Ethan Ramsey here...I was able to control what I could control. But I quickly caught the writing bug. It felt amazing to try something new, and it felt even better when it was positively received by OH fans. I probably have a very unhealthy addiction to Tumblr now, but this fandom brings me so much joy. Writing for Sawyer and Ethan gives me something to always look forward to. 
Thank you for sharing Sawyer with us, Cari! You can learn more about Sawyer Brooks here!
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hotchocolatelovesyou · 11 months
You know, I'm replaying Big Sky Country and some of the things that Sawyer says about his childhood are low-key (very high-key) concerning. His father buzzed all his hair off because he dyed it blue, his mother made him walk back to his house when he was veeeeery young while everybody else was in the car because of a fight between brothers, and uh, well, I'm sure something else will come up in future chapters.
Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if another reason Duke left is because maybe he thought that they would have been "strict" (iykyk) with his daughter too.
I'm replaying with a m!MC and Sawyer doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's flirting. PB would probably never go for that route, and there is even a complete sequel now, but mh I do pity this sweet cowboy a bit by thinking of his hypothetical coming out.
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eadanga · 3 months
How Much I Love You
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Sawyer leans against the fence as he watches the sunset he pulls out his phone and smiles as he sees a picture of him and his wife Gabrielle. He sighs and he recalls the first day he saw her…
Sawyer sits on his horse and looks around at the field he nods as he pats his horse “Looks good I think we can” He pauses as he notices someone standing by their car and sees smoke coming out the engine “Hm looks like someone’s having car trouble I’ll go see if I can help them” He rides up to the person and he stops for a moment as he takes a good look at her his lips part as he drinks her in “My God she’s so beautiful” He grins “Well looks like it’s Sawyer to the rescue” He kicks his legs and spurs his horse forward
Sawyer grins as he scrolls through the pictures since that day they’ve never been apart. Ever since she helped them save the ranch they’ve been closer than ever. Sawyer knew in heart that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He remembers the day he proposed to her…
“We’re almost there” Sawyer covered her eyes as they walked through the field
“Sawyer where are you taking me hope I’m not stepping in anything”
Sawyer chuckles “No I’m looking out for you don’t worry nothing disgusting yet” They keep walking for a while till he stops “We’re here”
He removes his hands and Gabrielle grins at the sight of the beautiful starry sky “Wow Sawyer this is amazing”
“I’m glad you love it”
“Sawyer look a shooting star make a wish”
“Don’t need to”
“Why not?”
“Because only you can make my wish come true”
“Sawyer what do you” Gabrielle gasps as she sees him down on one knee
“Gab from the first”
Sawyer laughs “You didn’t even let me finish come on Gab I spent hours rehearsing this”
Gabrielle giggles “I’m sorry continue”
“From the first time I saw you I knew you were the one for me you were so beautiful that day and ever since I’ve never wanted to leave you I love you with everything within me so will you marry me?”
“Yes I will Sawyer”
Sawyer grins as he slips the ring on her finger he stands and pulls her closer “See you made my wish come true no need for stars”
Gab giggles “I love you Sawyer”
“I love you too forever and always
Sawyer sighs “God I love that girl I can’t wait till” He hears a car pull up into the driveway and he immediately runs to the house and sees Gab come out of the car
“Gab!” Sawyer lifts her up and spins her around
She laughs “Sawyer put me down!”
He sets her down and kisses her deeply “I missed you baby”
“I missed you too”
“How was your parents?”
“Great they missed me as I much as I did we spent as much time as we could went everywhere”
“I can’t wait to hear all about it and pictures baby”
“Of course but first I have something to tell you” She hands him a baby onesie that says See you in May daddy
Sawyer’s eyes widen “You’re pregnant?”
“Yes I am found out yesterday in”
She’s cut off by Sawyer kisses her deeply “Oh God this is the best news I’ve heard all day I love you Gabby”
“I love you too Sawyer”
Sawyer knees down “I love you too little boy or girl I can’t wait to meet you” He kisses her stomach then stands “Me and my beautiful wife and our baby sounds so amazing” He kisses her cheek
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @choicesgodfanatic @the-soot-sprite
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w1ng3dw01f · 11 months
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Sawyer what the fuck is this outfit? It’s atrocious.
This is the conversation I imagine him and Kate having as soon as she sees this outfit:
K: *gives Sawyer a weird look*
S: What?
K: nothing, nice outfit.
S: yeah? What about it?
K: it’s… something, maybe not my first outfit choice for today?
S: What are you? The fashion police?
K: You’re the one wearing two shirts and jeans in this heat. I mean, two shirts? Really? Why don’t you take one off?
S: Tryna see me naked, freckles?
K: *eye roll*
S: That's not a no. What’s it matter anyways? It’s not like anyone here’s gonna miss ‘em. Unless one of ‘em’s yours?
K: no way! I’d never wear either of those shirts.
S: Sure.
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cariantha · 1 month
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Teen Warning: Sexual innuendo Category: Hurt/Comfort; Fluff Word count: 1.4K Prompt: From @jerzwriter, “In your HC, does Sawyer have any long-term effects from the chemical attack or its treatment?”
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By mid-afternoon, the cafeteria wasn’t nearly as busy, making it easy for Ethan to spot Sawyer sitting alone at a corner table. With a fork in one hand, she moved food around her plate while rubbing her forehead with the other. 
Ethan began walking in her direction but was abruptly stopped in his tracks. “Oh, Dr. Ramsey! I’m so glad I ran into you. Finally, I can introduce you to my husband,” the silver-haired woman proclaimed. 
“Hello, Mr. Reed. It’s nice to meet you,” Ethan politely responded, shaking hands with the gentleman at her side. 
While Mrs. Reed explained to her husband that his ornery mother had taken a shine to the doctor with “dreamy blue eyes like Paul Newman,” Ethan kept a side eye on Sawyer as she stood and emptied her tray into a nearby wastebin. 
Heads turned, and people whispered as she walked past a few occupied tables on her way to the exit. Since her return to work last week, the gossip mills had been spinning again, speculating about her physical and mental well-being and his and Sawyer’s more than just professional relationship. 
Not wanting to feed the rumors, Ethan caught Sawyer’s eye just before she walked past him. With a subtle lift of his chin and a question on his brow, he silently asked if she was okay. She signaled that she was with a quick nod and forced smile. But as Ethan’s eyes trailed her out of the room, and she lifted her hand to massage the back of her neck, he was unconvinced. 
“Morning,” Ethan offered as he entered the hospital gym early on Tuesday morning. 
“Ram-Man! I didn’t think you were coming this morning,” Bryce grunted between pull-ups. “Sawyer said she was staying at yours last night. I figured you’d be working out at home… doing some thrusters,” he teased, dropping to the floor and vulgarly thrusting his hips back and forth.
Ethan rolled his eyes and shook his head. “She wasn’t feeling well last night,” he explained as he programmed his treadmill. “Said she had a headache and wanted to go home and sleep it off.”
“She gave you the headache excuse? Damn, man. What’d you do to piss her off?”
Ethan scrunched his brow together. “What? Nothing.” The thought of Sawyer making up an excuse not to spend the night together hadn’t even crossed his mind. 
“That you know of…” Bryce chuckled. 
He flipped him off, then started running at full speed on the treadmill, hoping to tune out the obnoxious scalpel jockey.
His gym buddy laughed in response. “I’m just giving you a hard time, man. In all seriousness, I’m sure it’s been hard for her to be back. She probably just reached her limit and needed to crash.”
Ethan nodded. Did she need space? Had he been hovering? Was he being overprotective? Or, attempting to keep their relationship out of the public eye, had he inadvertently hurt her feelings? The thoughts in his head whirred round and round like the rubber tread under his feet.
Dr. Ramsey rattled off medication adjustments to the nurse as they exited their patient’s room. He paused to let her type the orders into a tablet when, down the hall, a familiar voice caught his attention.  
“Page me if you need anything, Esme. I’m going to take a quick lunch break,” Sawyer said to her intern. 
He quickly reviewed and signed off on the patient’s chart and tried to catch up with her. When he reached the end of the hallway, he turned the corner and found Baz and Zaid engaged in conversation. 
“Did you see which way Sawyer went?” Ethan interrupted, looking left and right at the intersection. 
“No, she didn’t come this way,” the twins said simultaneously. 
Ethan swirled back around, trying to figure out where the woman he was dating had disappeared. Then he noticed the door to a supply closet. Cracking the door open, the light from the hallway illuminated the small, dark space. 
Sawyer sat on the floor, her head leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. The door softly scraped on the floor as Ethan pushed it further open, and she cracked one eye open. Seeing the familiar face, she quietly groaned, “Hi.” Stepping into the tight space, he closed the door behind him. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, flipping on the lights. When Sawyer winced, he quickly turned them off. 
“Thank you,” she murmured. 
She laid her head on his shoulder when he sank to the floor beside her. 
“Another headache?” he guessed, taking her hand in his. 
“How bad?”
“Like migraine bad.”
“And how long has this been going on? The headaches?” 
She hesitated before answering, and Ethan knew he wouldn’t like the answer. “I’ve had them since the attack, but they’ve progressively worsened since being back at work.”
Ethan sighed deeply. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to bother you with it.”
“Dammit, Sawyer… I wish you would stop saying that.” Remembering her pain, he quickly tempered his frustration and squeezed her hand lovingly. “I care about you. I’m all in with you. And I want to be there for you. Aside from all that, I’m still technically your physician. You should have told me-”
“They’re just minor headaches…”
There was a buzz in his pocket. As he reached for his phone, Ethan rolled his eyes and mumbled about doctors being the worst patients. Dismissing the unimportant call, he continued his lecture. “They’re not so minor if you seek refuge in a dark closet. I won’t let you suffer like this. And Sawyer, we don’t know anything about the long-term effects of the poisoning or the antidote. You need to let me run some tests and ensure it’s nothing serious.”
“Okay, and you’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Come here.” Ethan guided Sawyer’s body down until her head rested in his lap. Carefully untangling the elastic from her hair, he combed his long fingers through it, then gently massaged her head. 
“That feels good. Thank you,” Sawyer whispered.
He continued to rub her head through a fifteen-minute power nap before waking and convincing her to call it a day. “Go back to my place. It’s quiet, and you can soak in the tub. I’ll take over your patients.”  
After dusting themselves off, Ethan opened the door for Sawyer to step out first. His chest bumped into her back when she suddenly froze at the threshold. Looking over her head, he saw a familiar face stepping out of the patient room on the other side of the hall. The nurse smirked. “Good for you, doctors.”
“It’s not what it looks like, Maureen,” Sawyer attempted to explain.
“Uh-huh,” she sang, walking away.
Sawyer turned to face Ethan. “I totally have sex hair right now, don’t I?”
He handed over her elastic hairband with a sympathetic half-smile and smoothed her teased hair down. 
A few hours later, Ethan entered his quiet apartment. Following the soft yellow light that filtered through the half-open door of his bedroom, he found Sawyer curled up in bed, scrolling through her phone. 
“Hey, Rookie, how are you feeling?” he asked, toeing out of his shoes and pulling off his tie. 
“Hi. Much better.”
Lying down next to her, he tugged her close for a hug and kiss. “I got a couple of Maxalt samples from the pharma rep and sent a prescription to the hospital pharmacy. You should be able to pick it up in the morning.”
“Thank you,” Sawyer said, but her tone sounded defeated.  
“I know you don’t like taking medication, Soe, but I think it will bring you some relief.” Ethan kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair. “I can’t bear to see you in any more pain. Not after all that you’ve already endured.”
“Speaking of relief, can I ask you a question? As my doctor?”
“Of course.”
“I read a study earlier today, and the data suggested that sexual activity can lead to partial or complete headache relief in some migraine patients.”
“I’m familiar with the study.” Ethan smiled, knowing his patient well enough to see where this line of questioning was going.  
“Of course you are…” She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Well, I was wondering if you think it might be effective in my case.”
“Sex releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers,” Ethan explained. “So yes, it could very well ease your symptoms.”  
Sawyer scrunched her face and rubbed her forehead. “Ooooh… ahhhh… my head is suddenly throbbing.”
Gesturing to where his pants were now feeling very tight, he smirked. “Yeah, so is mine. You rub mine, and I’ll rub yours?” 
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction 
@jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst 
@liaromancewriter @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75
@socalwriterbee @txemrn @midnightmelodiz
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slasheru · 2 months
sorry if this has already been answered but i need to know: does sawyer actually play dbd and if he does who does he main
Sawyer only watches the Let's Plays because he's knee deep in law school and doesn't have time to play D: he HAS theorycrafted a fuckton though and is PRETTY SURE he knows who he'd main had he the tools to do so...
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
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SpreadJoy #803: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote in edit by Sawyer, Big Sky Country 2
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simptasia · 8 months
i imagine kate isn't much of a reader, making her the odd one out in the jack/kate/sawyer/juliet situation, the other three being massive book nerds
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hauntedjohnny · 6 months
feels like im the only one who doesnt think nancy continually physically abused johnny as a child…
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jswets · 9 months
In the end, perhaps the demarcation of childhood and adult is the realization that no one whom you consider an adult has any better grasp on ultimate objective truth than whom you consider a child, save the decision to believe in something.
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