#choices platinum
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Sent by anonymous
‘Platinum was WAY ahead of its time. Sue me’
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sunnyxdazed · 9 months
platinum deserved a sequel. mother of the year deserved a sequel. a very scandalous proposal deserved a sequel. in this essay i will…….
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liaromancewriter · 1 month
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I’m replaying Platinum (one of my top 3 favorite Choices books) and screen recording for posterity.
Cadence simply can’t resist Raleigh Carrera — and soon he won’t be able to either 😏
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He loves to tease her, and she’s not afraid to call him out. Plus he’s a “life-ruiningly” good kisser. Needless to say, sparks fly!
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alj4890 · 7 months
Round Robin
Choices Books/Characters Used So Far: The Royal Romance, Platinum
Word total: 2,552
Masterlist for the Round Robin event
Next writer: @kingliam2019
Hosted by @choicesprompts
Chapter 4 Initial Meeting
Bertrand jerked awake from the nightmares he'd been trapped in. Sweat beaded his forehead yet he felt chilled to the bone. His breathing was labored as he kicked the covers off of himself. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand and decided that four in the morning was a perfectly acceptable time to give up on sleep.
"How could I possibly rest after that?!" He grumbled.
Slipping his robe on, he quietly left his suite.
The resort he'd secured for this endeavor was on an island off the coast of Cordonia. It had its own airfield, dock, and rolling hills with thick forests to block the hotel from any possible onlookers from the mainland. The front of the hotel faced the ocean and possessed the only beach the island boasted of. The rest was a rocky shore line that few well seasoned boat captains could navigate around.
The secluded area allowed his more famous clients a chance to work through the planned events without paparazzi and the public watching. This would also allow Bertrand to film and have exclusive rights to said progress of these well known individuals.
This has to work, he thought to himself. It must!
Once he made it to the main lobby, he drifted on until he found the hotel's kitchen.
He paused when he heard noise within.
Peering around the corner, he felt both relieved and irritated to see Maxwell rummaging around the industrial size refrigerator.
"Are you still up or have you decided to begin getting up early to start the day off right?"
Maxwell jumped in surprise and whirled around with a large tub of ice cream in his arms.
Bertrand released a resigned sigh at the sight. He knew his brother too well to even hope he had gone to bed at some point during the night.
"What are you doing up so early?" Maxwell asked in order to avoid further questions of his late night activities.
"After the nightmares I've had, I decided that sleep will no longer be of any use."
Bertrand started a nearby coffeepot.
Maxwell found a spoon and hopped up on the counter. Digging in to his tub of Rocky Road, he hummed his concern.
Bertrand rolled his eyes. "Was that an indication of sorrow over my predicament or am I supposed to take it as an inquiry?"
"Both." Maxwell said around a mouthful of heavenly flavors. "What'd you dream about?"
"What else other than the very thing that is weighing heavily upon my mind?" Bertrand grumbled.
"Ah." Maxwell ate another spoonful of ice cream. "How bad was it?"
"Horrible." Bertrand shuddered. "The worst case scenario one could possibly imagine. We were unable to help a wealthy client from Spain reveal her family's questionable background and we had a client murdered by one of our agents."
"Who did the murder?" Maxwell leaned forward with renewed interest.
"Someone I didn't know." Bertrand poured himself a cup of coffee. "It certainly made me rethink my policy of hiring from outside our social status."
After taking a sip, he launched into another rant of how this company had to succeed, that the world was watching and these people needed to be given a chance to prove they could be something other than their reputations.
Maxwell set the tub of ice cream down to search through a nearby cabinet. He came across a bottle of brandy that he figured couldn't hurt. He poured a healthy dose into Bertrand's coffee mug.
"What are you-Maxwell!" Bertrand scolded. "You might be able to flagrantly ignore the pressure we're under, but I--"
"Need to calm down." Maxwell finished for him.
"I can't be drunk on our first official day!" Bertrand argued.
"That teensy splash isn't going to do anything except help you relax." Maxwell pointed out.
Bertrand's jaw dropped when he saw the bottle.
"That's Courvoisier L’Esprit! Do you have any idea how expensive that bottle is?"
Maxwell shrugged. "So? You rented this whole place and all that comes with it. Enjoy it."
"I don't have the luxury of enjoying anything." Bertrand grumbled. "Much less indulging in spirits that costs nearly seven thousand dollars a bottle."
"Live a little." Maxwell patted his back. "It'll do you some good."
"Good? Like it did everyone here?" Bertrand snorted. "All I need to make this company falter is to show I'm no better than they are."
"So they've been caught doing a little bad behavior." Maxwell resumed his ice cream snack. "They're here now, ready to make things right. We'll help them. Word will spread how awesome we are. Badda bing badda boom: everyone wins!"
"Only you could make this sound easy." Bertrand mumbled as he sipped more of his spiked coffee.
"With our people working this, it'll be a piece of cake!" Maxwell exclaimed. "Just you wait and see."
A few hours later, Olivia Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, was disabling a computerized lock of one of the suites on the tenth floor. With a satisfied click, the door opened without any further trouble.
Her nose wrinkled at the sight before her. The living room area had been completely trashed. The wet bar was littered with empty tequila bottles and strawberry margarita mixes. Lamps had been knocked over. Couch cushions were dirty from shoe prints. Clothes littered the floor and led the way past half eaten appetizers towards the master suite.
Not even bothering to knock and give warning to the occupants, she stormed into the bedroom and opened up the curtains.
There in the bed lay the client she was given. The sunlight revealed that the infamous musician was sandwiched between one of the resort's staff and one of the three Michelin chefs that worked in the kitchens. The two had the decency to sit up and mumble apologies while Raleigh Carrera casually stretched his naked body.
Olivia rolled her eyes at the sight before her.
"Out." She told his guests.
The two hastily left, swiping up their clothes along the way.
Raleigh groaned over the light and cracked one eye open to see what time it was.
He cursed when he saw that it was barely seven in the morning.
"Why are you in my room?" He grumbled.
"Why else?" Olivia replied. "You agreed to do this."
He rolled over on his back and took a deep breath before glancing her way.
"Who are you?" He demanded.
"Olivia Nevrakis." She replied, not fazed at all by him being fully naked. "Duchess of Lythikos."
"Beaumont sent you here for what?" He muttered. "Torture?"
"Trust me, if this was torture," she smirked, "you wouldn't be talking right now."
He snorted as he rolled out of bed. Unabashed at her seeing him in all his glory, and secretly hoping it pissed her off, he walked towards her and paused a hair's breath away from her.
Holding her steady gaze, he reached behind her for one of the half empty tequila bottles.
His brow furrowed when she didn't react to his nearness. Lifting the bottle to his lips, he went past her to look out the window.
The morning light made him wince worse than the alcohol burning down his throat did.
"So?" He said. "I take it you're my shadow that Beaumont was talking about yesterday."
"Correct." Olivia pulled out her phone and began to scroll through some documents that had been sent over the night before. "And you're the PR Nightmare."
He snorted. "Nightmare, huh?" His smile grew hearing that. "I guess you could say that."
"Seems ridiculous to me." Olivia remarked. "Your drinking, carousing, and destruction of private property hardly seems worth my time."
"Giving up on me already, Red?" Raleigh teased. "And after your delightful wake-up call, I thought we'd be friends."
Olivia's chuckle had a cold edge that caught his attention. "Friends? No. I don't do friends with people like you."
His eyes narrowed upon her. "You got a problem with singers or tattooed people?"
"Neither." She replied. "In fact, I'm even slightly fond of someone who has a tattoo." Her own eyes raked dispassionately over him. "What I don't like is someone who rolls over and gives up."
"Gives up?" He threw his bottle down. "On what? What have I given up on?"
"From the few minutes I've been forced to endure your company, I would say self-respect." She shrugged. "I have very little patience as it is, so don't expect me to cheer you on during these next few weeks."
Olivia straightened her suit jacket, and walked out of his bedroom without a second glance.
Raleigh cursed as he chased after her.
"Wait a damn second!" He ordered. "What do you mean, I don't have any self-respect?" He gestured around his room. "What, just because I know how to throw a good party and enjoy life the way I want to; that gives off that I have no self-respect?"
"No." Olivia perched her hip on a table. "The fact that you allowed it to be the only thing you're known for proves you don't have any. Who cares what you do during your private time? You're the only one who has allowed this reputation to develop."
"Hold on!" He ran his hand through his tousled curls. "My former PR reps, the record label; they all demanded I date the new stars to help build up their reputations. I then was told to publicly break up with them and stage wild parties."
Olivia merely raised an eyebrow over that explanation.
"I don't need this shit!" He snapped at her. "Believe whatever the hell you like, but I do other things than screw starlets and trash rooms!"
She didn't even blink over him shouting that last bit.
A knock at his door had him swinging around in agitation to jerk it open.
Maxwell stood there with a camera propped up on his shoulder. His jaw dropped at the sight of the famous singer without a shred of clothing.
"Ummm." He cleared his throat. "I can...uh..."
He swallowed when Olivia appeared behind Raleigh's shoulder.
"Give us a few minutes." She ordered.
"A few minutes for what?" Raleigh griped. "I'm not going to participate in this bullshit another--"
The wind was knocked out of him when Olivia flipped him over her shoulder. He tried to breathe but lost the battle when she straddled his chest, pinned his arms down with her knees, and flipped a dagger in her hand so that the edge was right below his eye.
"Listen closely, because I will not repeat myself." She hissed.
Raleigh heard Maxwell breathe out, "Holy sh--" before Olivia kicked the door closed.
"You desperately need someone to right your image. Your label is already threatening to drop you. Your fans are sick of all the drama you do with fresh faced singers and actors." She told him.
Olivia leaned closer, her words dripping like venom.
"I personally don't care if you waste your life or not. You are nothing to me. You will never be worth my time." She paused. "But, I do have loyalty to the Beaumont's so I will improve your image."
She got off him, replaced her dagger in the strap above her thigh, and straightened her skirt.
"So here's how it is going to go." She informed him. "You're going to get off your hungover ass, get dressed for the camera, and do everything I tell you."
Her eyes narrowed upon him. "If you don't, then your little anonymous community centers in low income neighborhoods will cease to exist."
Raleigh shot up when he heard that.
"You know about those?"
Olivia slowly smiled. "Here's a helpful hint when dealing with me: I know everything before anyone else does."
She motioned towards his bedroom. "Go get dressed."
He got to his feet. "How did Beaumont find out about those? Nobody knows about that."
"Bertrand doesn't know. I conducted my own investigation on you like I do with everyone I interact with." She replied.
Raleigh blinked over that.
The last thing he wanted was for the kids in his old neighborhood to lose out on something to make their lives better. He had plans in place to build more of them across the United States. He couldn't let his true passion die now that he'd found it.
"You really think you can fix my image?" He asked.
"Of course I can." Her smile was full of smugness. "I never fail."
Raleigh took a deep breath and slowly released it. He knew he really didn't have a choice, which stung a bit. Still though, what did he have to lose by letting her try and repair his image? It was either going to work or it wasn't. Couldn't be much worse than what his other agents had attempted.
"Okay." He looked up at her. "I'll do it."
"Get dressed." Olivia ordered on her way to the door. "I'll tell Maxwell we'll be ready to film shortly.
"My nakedness bothering you, Red?" He teased to get a rile out of her.
"Hardly." She rolled her eyes.
"So you do like what you see?" He countered.
She eyed him, a hint of a genuine smile drifted across her lips.
"You're going to wish I did." With that, she stepped out of his room.
A few minutes later, Bertrand joined Maxwell outside of Raleigh's suite.
"How's it going?" He asked.
"Well," Maxwell hedged. "It's, um, it's been an interesting start."
"Really?" Bertrand's excitement couldn't be contained. "Let me see what you have so far."
"Maybe you should wait." Maxwell countered. "I mean, I haven't got all the angles right and I should really get some more footage of--"
"Nonsense!" Bertrand snatched the camera out of his hands. "I've been sitting on pins and needles. I just know that..."
His eyes widened at the sight of Olivia throwing a naked Raleigh Carrera over her shoulder and straddling him.
"Good God!" He screeched. "What on-- why?"
"It's okay!" Maxwell quickly reassured him. "Olivia said Raleigh will be ready in a few minutes. We can--"
"I can't release this to the public!" Bertrand cried out. "We're ruined! Those few seconds of footage will shut us down faster than--"
"People are going to love this!" Maxwell argued.
"Yes. Voyeurs of the worst kind." Bertrand raked his hands through his hair. "No one will ever hire our company again after seeing one of our agents physically attacking a client."
He groaned as the realization struck him. "My nightmares have become true."
"But I think--"
They both became silent when Raleigh opened the door once again. He was clean, dressed in his usual rocker style, and actually had a pleasant smile on his face.
"Sorry for the wait." He jerked his head towards his room. "I'm ready when you are to start filming."
Bertrand' gaped at the man. "You are?"
"Yeah." Raleigh glanced back at Olivia. "Gotta do something to fix this, right?"
"Er, right." Bertrand cleared his throat. "Well then. Maxwell, don't keep the man waiting."
He pushed his brother into the room. "I'll leave you to it, then."
Bertrand forced a smile as Raleigh shut the door then sagged back against the opposite wall.
"Oh thank God." He whispered.
With this strangely auspicious start, he wondered how the other initial meetings were going.
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mikaelsrose · 4 months
not to be political on main but choices knew what they were doing when they gave me raleigh carrera
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choicesfanaf · 19 days
Melodies & Dreams
Late Submission for Choices September Challenge Day 2: Music
A moodboard based on Chapter 1 of Platinum, where MC end up meeting Avery, attend their concert and spend some time with them.
Tagging: @choicescommunityevents, @jamespotterthefirst, @rookiemartin, @quixoticdreamer16, @burnsoslow
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farizrz · 1 year
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My couple oc's, Miss newbie singer from Wilshere recorded who get mentoring by mc of Platinum (and her boyfriend, Raleigh Carrera), Eliana Amano, and miss composer of Wilshere Recorded, Amirah Achebe (Xander and Shinichi's BFF from CoP)
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korgbelmont · 3 months
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Edit of Avery Wilshere as Black Canary
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
Vibing to Platinum playlist in 2023 like 💆🏽‍♀️
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Sent by anonymous
‘I'm okay with GOC LIs but I would prefer if PB did them like how they did Avery and Raleigh from PT as well as Dixon from BaBu and Jualia(n) from SB where the race is canonically set. A book with multiple LIs like that is something I would be ok with.’
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sunnyxdazed · 9 months
remember when raleigh carrera said that every song they ever wrote was about mc and they just didn’t know it yet?????
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doctorjuvenile · 1 year
So I've been posting a lot about revisiting old books I never finished when I went on hiatus 3 years ago, and how I completely forgot where I was when I stopped
One of the things that chokes me up is what I named my some of my MCs (a lot of them have throwaway, unserious names)
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mikaelsrose · 1 year
Hii friend I come with questions 1, 5, 6, 27, 36, 43, 77 please 💗
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I have my silly little characters with me all the time, girl, I'm kinda worried about my sanity at this point 😂 so yeah, I daydream a lot
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
I have 23 wips💀💀 most are for Tyril x Jude, a few for nightbound, 3 for Lucifer, I still have one for Loki (path of the Valkyrie), blades, and a few I'd rather not say cause I'll never post it here anyway but I had to get them out of my head😂
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
"It would almost sound romantic if your head wasnt inside the toilet."
You can try to guess who said that😂😂😂
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Tbh I feel really insecure about the entire process, but if I had to choose then I'd say... World building? I think I did a good job with Crystaval, hopefully you'll get to see that too one day lol
36. What fic are you proudest of?
champagne problems 🥹
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
FAKE DATING, I've been thinking about it ever since we had to fake date Raleigh Carrera aka the love of my life 🥹 somehow I never got to write it but I'd like to try one day
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
It's always nice to know there are people just as unhinged as you,ngl 😂
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itlivesinlahuerta · 1 year
she calls me back by noah kahan is so m!avery coded
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liaromancewriter · 28 days
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I’m almost done with my re-read of Platinum and it’s taking me back to fall of 2020 when I kept re-reading the book because I loved it so. It was written by an external writer and is amazing.
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Honestly, I might hit “restart book” when I reach the end. Never played the Diva route. True artist is my main route followed by Fan influencer.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 2 months
Hottest Stand Battle - Semifinal 1
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Stand abilities under the cut:
Whitesnake: Whitesnake possesses the ability to create illusions and manipulate a person's psyche into two types of DISCs, from which can be mainly extracted from and then inserted into someone else's head, allowing them to either see the DISC owner's memories or use their Stand.
Star Platinum: Star Platinum is a close-range Stand with exceptional strength and speed, as well as gaining the ability to stop time during the fight against DIO.
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