#chnayeol x oc
white shirt
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you’re drenched wet under the rain in a thin white shirt, and Chanyeol lend you his jacket.
re-upload “white shirt”, on AFF 2018
It’s barely 5 pm and you finished your shift at the coffeeshop where you work part time. You fold your apron and neatly stack it above some text books you left on your working place locker. You took your bag and bid yourself goodbye to Suho, that handsome co-worker you like, you might not in loev with him, but you always think that Suho is the rightest person anyone should be in love with. his looks is unquestionable, he also has the kind-hearted smile, and manners, he looks like a dreamy knight riding a white horse. 
You pushed the glass door and leave the coffeeshop. There was sunshine before the rumble heard and the sky turn grey.
“Damn…” you murmured while increasing your speed, mentally cursing the distance of the bus stop which is two blocks away from your workplace.
You feel a drop on your shoulder, another one at the top of your head.
“No, no, please hold on a little longer, sky…” you mumbled. But universe is not on your side, the rain starts pouring and you got to run.
Your weren’t drench when you got into the bus stop, but the white shirt you wear is sticking to your skin, it made the skin visible in your shoulder and you gotta hug yourself tight to make sure no one saw the front part of your body.
Not many people waiting at the bus stop but it still make you nervous as you feel the cloth sticking more at your back.
You clenched your jaw, partly because your shivering from the cold weather, the rest is because you’re anxious.
Suddenly you feel someone throw a piece of heavy fabric to your back.
You turned around and saw a guy. Tall, got a round eye and wavy hair.
“Wear that.” He murmured. His voice is not heavy but it’s deep and a little husky.
You were hesitating at first but it’s not like you want to reject it. In fact, you feel that you’ve been saved.
“Thank you.” You nod at him while slipping your arms inside the sleeves. The jacket is way too big for you. Indeed, because he’s so tall. Like 6 ft tall, or maybe more.
“My bus.” He pointing with his chin.
Ah you got a different route with him.
“Your jacket…”
“Wear it, give it back to me later.”
“But… where can I find you??”
He turned his gaze towards the building behind the bus stop. Art University.
“O, Okay…” you stretch a smile for him and he step into the bus, “shit. Who’s his name?”
The denim jacket is neatly folded and very clean. You handwash it instead of put it together with your other laundry. That’s how you show him how thankful you are. And today, after campus you’re planning on going to his university to give it back to him.
You jump off at the bus station and look around, thinking how you could find him if you didn’t even know his name. what if he doesn’t have class today? You shrugged your shoulder and thinking that you gotta try first.
You enter the big gate and walk around a bit. You saw people with unique styles studying here. There’s a girl with metalic purple hair walking with a guy carying guitar. Then you saw a group of people sitting on a grass while drawing something. And a couple sitting on a bench, the guy wearing a bright red colored sweater and soft pink trousers while the girl is in a bold long jacket.
You remember the guy from yesterday wearing the denim jacket outside a plain black shirt and pair of jeans.
“he’s quite simple compare to other students.” You murmured. And after few minutes walking around, you didn’t get a clue about his whereabout, so you decided to wait at the bus station.
You’re walking outside and passing an aisle before you reach the bus stop.
Then you saw him.
You saw him with two other guys, smoking at the aisle.
One guy realising your presence. He’s rather short compare to others but he got the whitest blonde ever, his face is like cartoon character because he wears some eye make up. 
“What you lookin’ at, doll?” he asked. It made the guy who lend you a jacket turned around.
“I—uh,” your eyes met that denim jacket owner eyes, “hi.”
“Ow, she knew Chanyeolie…” the white blonde guy smirks.
“Leave her alone, Baek.” Chanyeol throw the buds to the ground and step on it.
“She’s cute.” Baek sneered and elbowing another guy beside him.
“She’s my girlfriend.” Chanyeol turned around and left the gang.
“You have a girlfriend??” another guy chimed in, “how come I didn’t know?”
“Do I have to report anything to you, Lay?” Chanyeol scoffed, “bye losers.”
He suddenly put his arms around your shoulder and drag you away.
“Sorry.” He murmured, “That was the easiest way to make you safe from those assholes.”
“Are they, uh, your friends?”
“Yeah, classmate in college.” Chanyeol nodded, “better stay away from them… they’re bad boys.”
“Does it means that you’re bad boy too?” you asked, “because you’re friends with them.”
He chuckles, “good point.” He stop for a while then nodded, “yeah, I kind of one of them, so…”
You smiles too, “oh, uh, this is your…”
“My jacket, thanks.”
“No, I thank you.” You said, “it saved me.” You paused, “you, you saved me.”
You want to believe that you saw a pink blush on his cheek but he hide it with a crisps laughter, “you made it sounds like big deal.”
“It is.” You nodded.
Then he stopped and looking at your clothes, “another white shirt? Didn’t you learn from mistakes?”
You’re looking down at your clothes, “oh, it’s actually… I’m working at a coffeeshop, and this is my uniform.”
“Then wear something inside.” He scoffed.
“I am wearing something inside.” You almost rolled your eyes.
“What? A bra?”
You gotta hold yourself from choking.
Then he clicking his tongue, an exclamation of disbelief.
“Well…” you shift your gaze into something far away, “it’s kind of uncomfortable to wear a tank or so.” You stopped, “ugh why am I even explaining this to you?” 
“You also don’t bring jacket?” he slaps your small bag.
You’re gulping, and you know yourself better than anyone. So yes, you’re clumsy, forgetful, and unprepared, as always.
“I, uh…”
“This is rainy season and your work require wearing a thin white shit, I mean shirt.” His face flat and judgy, “you like exposing yourself?”
“I’m not!” you’re flinching from how disrespectful he is.
“Your behavior says otherwise.”
“Whatever,” you push your fist which held the handle of the paper bag to his stomach, like punching him, “here, your jacket, Chanyeol-ssi!”
“Oh, you knew my name.”
“Yeah from your friends.”
“You remember it…” he smirks, “to be fair, what’s yours?”
You didn’t answer yet you left him sneering behind you.
“Welcome t—“ the words stuck in your gut when you saw Chanyeol get into the coffeshop with the white blonde guy.
“Oh! Chayeolie girlfriend!” Baekhyun, the white blonde guy shouts. He made your co-worker, Suho, your crush since the day one of working, creased his eyebrows.
“You have a boyfriend?” Suho asked.
“Hey, babe, two iced americano.” He smirks, “please.”
“What did you just called me?” you’re glaring at him.
He shows you his childlike smile which actually so damn attractive before went closer to your ear, “not my fault that I don’t know your name…”
“Oh, oh, Chanyeolie, you can’t kiss her! She’s woking! You gotta get her fired.” Baekhyun laughing behind him.
“Can’t help myself.” Chanyeol pretend to put his hands up, “Aren’t she so pretty?” he turned to Suho, “don’t flirt with my girl.” He said while tapping his card.
“See, she calls me formally when she’s mad.” Chanyeol winked at Suho. 
“She’s hot.” Baekhyun chimed in and Chanyeol smack him.
“You said that again about her, I’ll cut your tongue, Baek.”
And Baekhyun just giggled.
He was waiting at the counter while you brew his orders, his friend is smoking outside.
“You brought jacket today?” he asked when he saw the grey sky outside.
“None of your concern.”
“You prefer to be a display for some masher out there?”
You lift your gaze, mad at him, “sir, please, you got—“
He took off his flanel shirt and throw it to you, “wear that.”
“ I don’t need—“
“Hey, go make my coffee, miss,” he said, “does it always take this long for a drink?” he raised his voice on purpose so you can’t argue him
“Where’s your shirt?” Baekhyun asked whenChanyeol went outside with two coffees in his hand.
Chanyeol doesn’t replied.
“She’s not your girlfriend, is she?” Baekhyun sips his coffee.
Baekhyun snickered.
“But I like her.”
The rain pouring and you just sit inside the locker room, staring at the red gingham flanel shirt in front of you.
You brought an umbrella today, but listen to him asking you a caring question with his unsympathetic tone strangely make your heart beat faster.
So you wear that shirt. And leave the umbrella behind.
When the shirt hug your body, you can’t help but smelling the musky trail from it, the strong manly fragrance mixed with his natural body scent, made you inhaled deeper.
“Damn, he smells like the ocean.” You murmured.
“You got a bold type of guy, I see.” You startled when Suho get into the locker room.
“Your boyfriend… I didn’t know you’re into some kind of bad boys…?”
“He’s… he’s not—“
“He’s not a bad boy?” Suho raised his eyebrows, “oh, I’m sorry, I judged him by appearance… sorry…”
“No, no, it’s fine.” You smiles, “it’s fine.”
Chanyeol stops in front of a store, he tilt his head in front of a mannequin that standing inside the glass window wearing a nice leather jacket.
“Pretty…” he murmured.
“Looking for something for your girlfriend? Come in, we’re having price reduction.” A shopkeeper greet him.
“Uh, no, I just…’
“See that leather jacket? It’s new collection and we only have one left because it looks expensive but actually very affordable.”
“Yup, and if you have your student card with you, we’ll give you discount!”
Chanyeol hold a paper bag filled with the leather jacket and feel stupid afterwards.
“I mean, what for?” he murmured, “why?”
He turned a saw you.
“Oh, what a coincidence…” you said, “your shirt…”
He’s looking at you, wearing the white shirt with your bright blue knit outter.
“You… wear jacket…” he murmured.
“Yeah, haha…” you awkwardly laughs. “uhm, your shirt…” you extend your arm to give him his shirt but then he also stretched his arm.
“Here.” he said.
“W-what is it?”
“Huh?” you’re confused.
“I bought you… jacket…” now you swore you saw his ear getting red.
“You bought me a jacket??”
“Take it!” he look away.
You stays immobile for few second before replied, “no.”
“Ugh, come on, just take it! It’s strange enough that I suddenly buy a girl jacket. This is so not me.” He inhaled, “alright, forget it, I’ll return this—“
“I don’t want you to stop bugging me.”
“huh?” he raised his eyebrows.
“If I accept the jacket, you’ll stop coming to me bugging me about my white shirt.”
He didn’t replied, yet his round eyes staring at yours. “you… want me to keep bugging you…”
“Because I like it.”
He scoffed. “you…”
“Keep that.” You push the paper bag in his hand away from you and about to stepping away when he suddenly drag you while rising his hand to stop a cab.
You arrived at his flat. A small but comfortable two rooms flat. You. In some guy’s house. But strangely you feel… safe?
Maybe you’re not safe, maybe you want whatever scenario your mind is cooking right now. And when he pushed you to the wall like somewhat cheesy novels you never read, and he breathed right in front of your face, you smell that minty candy mixed with the acidic from smoking.
And it only brought the sinner in you.
You want that lips crashing yours.
You want this bad boy to screw you side to side.
“Damn it.” He hissed, “I’ve been thinking about you since that day.”
You couldn’t say anything beside, “that day…?”
“That day you were panicking, you were so clumsy, so stupid for wearing a thin white shirt on rainy day… I can’t help but wanting to—argh.”
Then you realised, he’s not that sweet guy you’re always attracted to, not Suho kind of guy.
But there’s day when you got to accept your guts in a truest way. You might want the knight in shining armor kind of guy, but what if your heart beating for that villain on a dark horse? Problem is you know you want that villain more. A cute villain who can’t even express his feeling of wanting to protect you that day.
“How can you walk around in white shi—“
You pull his face and land your lips on his.
You hear a small gasp before he gave up and kiss you back.
Yeah, that minty candy mixed with hint of smoke smack your mouth but beyond that is how his plumpy lips devouring yours.
You can’t believe yourself that you kiss an oddball, in his house.
But it’s too late to pretend that you don’t want him. And kisses after kisses you’re already full of pictures of him, but when he pull away just to tilt and bend himslef further to reach your neck…
“If you kiss my neck, my resistance will crumble.” You said.
“I’d gladly take care of that.” He whispers and pressed his lips on the vein in the crook of your neck. And there your finger couldn’t resist the musky scent wavy hair near your jaw, your fingers carding it, keep it closer to you and his delicate lips drawing trails.
Now only the matter of time before it happens.
His kisses becoming more needy and urgent, hands slides down your waist, pulling it closer to his body. And a small gasp slipped out of your lips when you feel somethings growing hard down there.
You pull yourself away to search for his eyes, and when you met his gaze, he’s smiling. Your eyes drawn to the dimples on his cheek and you scoffed. Is he really that villain in a dark horse? Because he looks cuter than any guy you ever met.
“Tell me what you want…” he inaudibly said it and that just sexy. He talks without a sound is sexy? You’ve gone mad for sure.
“I want you.” That’s the only answer you can think about.
He leans while caressing your sides, then he caught your wrist and drag you somewhere. You thought he’s gonna throw you to his bed but no, he brought you to his bathroom.
Bathroom sex? That’s naughty.
But the fact that he threw you under the shower and turn it on got you gasping from the cold water.
“those white shirt is a sin…” he murmured, “I fantasized about it ever since…” he turned the shower off and his thumb running on your cheek, “look at you, baby…”
He made you facing the mirror, now that you’re drenched you could see your skin, and your dark colored bra is see through the fabric. You saw his big palms roaming around your body. Flatened your stomach, caressing your arms.
He suddenly unhooked your bra, “can we let this friend go?”
You never left the eye contact with him through the mirror, so you nod.
“Help me?” he burried his face on your neck while you unbuttoning your shirt. “keep the shirt…” he whispers.
You unhooked the straps and with a bit of effort, the bra finally gone.
“Fuck…” his hands cupping your breast through the fabric, searching for your nips, and you oddly feel prouder of yourself.
You’re proud because you’re able to make a man as atttractive as him seems to be head over heels over you.
“Ah…” moan escaped as you feel his thumb and index finger twisting your nips, “Chanyeol…”
You bite your lips while nodding.
Your pants gone, along with his t-shirt and jeans, and he’s now above you, elbow propping himself while he kisses your jaw, neck, down to your chest and now taking your breast in his mouth. Still with the shirt fabric in between.
That’s just darn sexy, and it makes you go bolder. You circled his waist with your leg, let your sensitive parts feel his buldge, and make him breathing heavily everytime there’s a friction down there.
“Babe…” he warned you.
“What?” you whining, “I want it.”
“I want it too…” he kissed you again, “but I want it to last long… I want to feel you longer…” he says.
His voice just brought heat into your core. “get inside me now, or I’ll go down for you.
“no, no don’t go down on me, I want to—“
“Then get inside me now, Chanyeol!”
he chuckles on your assertive voice, “can’t wait a little longer?”
“No, can not.”
He push his briefs down and you gasped.
“That’s… quite a size…”
He smirks, looking proud of his length down there. “can you take ‘em all at once?” he’s so cocky and you like that.
“I don’t know… try me?”
He inserted himself inside you not in the most gentle way.
“AH!” you screams, “be gentle!”
“I did it on purpose cause I wanna hear you screamin’…” he bite your shoulder.
“You… ah,” he thrust you slowly but his size got you breathless for a moment.
“You good?”
he pumped you slowly until you adjusted with his size better.
“Can I go hundred?” he whispers to your ear.
“Uh-huh…” and then next is you cursing and praising God at the same time between the short breathe. All you hear is skin slapping skin, the sound of him grunting, his urgencies of searching for your skin to be kissed. Until the wave of orgasm came nearer.
“Chanyeol take me from behind.” This position take you to your peak easier, without realising that this position is also his favorite to ended the game.
“You near?”
You nodded.
“You’re so unromantic…” he blabbing, “how can I kiss you when you cum in this position?”
“Oh shut it, kiss me later!” you said, “now fuck me.”
He laughs, never knew he’s met a girl like you.
After few deep thrusts, you release a long satisfied moan, and few more low thrust and he detached himself from you while cumming on your back.
“Did you just…?”
he took the white shirt which now completely unbutton and wipe his cement from your back with it, “I’ll wash it for you… don’t worry.” He said while pulling you inside the blanket.
You could only smile while he pull you closer.
“Now we’re dating, okay?” he suddenly said.
“We do?”
“Yeah.” He rolled his eyes, “don’t flirt with that guy with a rich vibe, co-worker of yours again.”
“I don’t care who’s his name…” he said, “but damn, even his name is handsome. Fuck you Suho.”
“Hey! What did he do to you?” you scold him.
He smiles and kiss your forehead, “I really like you… that’s why.”
“Sooo… I’m your girlfriend now?”
he pulled away to look at your face and thinned his lips and showed his dimple, “yes!”
You kissed that dimples, “okay, I like that.”
“Now you can take the jacket I bought you, because I’d still gonna bug you out everyday… since you’re my girlfriend.”
“Okay, deal.” You nodded inside his embrace, “but I can’t promise you to wear a tank under my white shirt.”
“No, it’s okay, don’t wear it if it’s uncomfortable for you… especially when we have a date…”
“What about it?” you asked.
“Always wear a white shirt in our date…” then he leaned down and whispers to your ear, “with a strapless bra.”
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