#chishiya fiic
little-lily-w · 2 years
Surgery II part 4
<<Surgery I series
<<Surgery II part 3       You asked for part 5>>
A/N: Here’s the meal. I mean, the whole fucking dessert. 
You didn’t know if it was just the flight response at what you were witnessing or if some piece of your brain was still working hard for surviving the game but you turned back around and climbed the tree. Unbalanced, drunk in adrenaline and with a fresh cut on your ankle but you still found it. In any other occasion you would have questioned who the fuck installs a faucet on a tree branch but the answer couldn’t matter less. Water was running finally and the voice from the game announced that it was over.
For a few seconds you stayed seated on a branch, trying to recover your breath and come back to your senses. By the time you blinked repeatedly to focus, you spotted Chishiya looking up at you, carefully avoiding the mess the faucet was doing on the fresh earth.
“Are you turning it off already or…?”
You rolled your eyes at his silly tone. “No. Fuck it. Their game, their problem”, your palms looked for a firm base to get a hold on. “Just help me down”.
“You got there on your own”, was his reply and it made your jaw dropped. The little shit.
Huffing, you started descending, careful enough not to add a new bruise on your exposed body. If it hadn’t been for you attitude, you would have taken the old baggy clothes with you. But hey, you weren’t expecting an asshole not to reciprocate your efforts.
“What’s the matter? Little cat is afraid of water?”, you asked him, closer and closer to the increasing amount of mud.
He waited for you to finally be with your feet on the ground. “I don’t like messes when they’re not necessary”.
You were checking for dirt spots on your knees when his words caught your attention back to him. “Not necessary? I got your ass out of trouble climbing that thing”.
“And I saved us both with the… periapt”, it almost sounded as if he was imitating the same tone you did back inside the tunnel.
You clenched your molars and narrowed your eyes. He was really pushing you after everything you went through but in doing so, he was also pushing his luck, maybe not knowing it. You walked to him and, as you shortened the distance, you noticed the reflex of his torso leaning subtly backwards. You glanced at your arms and hands. Of course. All dirty. And his stupid white hoodie wasn’t having it but he wasn’t going to step back.
You stopped before him and crossed your arms over your chest, almost as if you were telling him you weren’t planning on touching him. It was effective because he stood straight again.
“No need to thank me”, he repeated the same phrase he had used twenty minutes ago and for a moment, you questioned if he was being a cocky bastard or if he truly believed in his words.
You noticed he was ready to turn and walk away of the arena but now you were the one smirking. “Oh, no, I think I do need to thank you”, you sounded as enthusiastic and truthful as you could. “Honestly, I’ve been treating you wrong since the hearts game and… you may not deserve it”, you looked down expressing regret but your visual field was still checking for the right opportunity. “So I wanted to show that I’m sorry and that I’m grateful”.
He stood silent as you expected, almost cringing at what you were saying and as a result of that, his hands went deeper inside his pockets.
Got you.
“Thank you”, you let out loud and looked straight again as you pushed him back fast and effectively.
Chishiya fell right onto the mud, the impact making water splash in every direction as the water jet hit directly on his forehead. He moved his head to the side to dodge it, wiping the ruined hair out of his face and making a mess on it with his new dirty fingers.
Proud of your revenge, you stepped closer, expecting some yell or some insult or some reaction that could show his frustration, the same strong type you felt when dealing with his attitude but since you got none, you risked it by repeating “Thank you, Chishiya, thank you so much”.
And that sealed your tomb.
As you turned to leave the arena, Chishiya moved his foot into yours direction, making you trip as soon as you made a step. You fell on your stomach, right next to him, you bare skin bathed in disgusting mud as you gasped and tried to rub your eyes to see clearer, messing your face as much as his.
“You’re welcome”, he told you once you were both seated on the ground and splashing dirt and mud around to try ang get rid of it.
Fuck everything. You were already in hell so you decided it was a great idea to keep burning. You went for a fistful of dirt and smash it right onto his hoodie.
Chishiya looked down at the mud running down his zip before he focused back on you. “You really don’t like losing, little mouse”, his fingers went for one of the scars on your neck, slipping down along it and leaving a path of the dirt he had collected on purpose.
It was almost childish the way you both were behaving but the stupid pride and competition wouldn’t let any of you rest. He was the tortoise, calm and collected but definitely determined to make a point, even to try and hit you on your weak spots if that meant for you to stop. And you were the hare, fast and furious like a train that saw no other thing than the destination of its rage. And there you went. You pounced onto him, splashing and smashing mud onto his body.
“No. And I’d go for everything before being defeated”, you told him and abruptly, he spun you both around, now him the one making a mess on your already dirty torso although his mess was gentle. Mean but gentle. His fingers ran down your breastbone as you squirmed underneath him and tried to push him off. The way you splashed mud to his hair and face stopped working to faze him and instead, you became quiet and still for a few seconds as the cold sensation of wet earth caressed your belly in a vertical line. You curled your toes, flashes of the surgery game coming back to you.
“That’s your weakness. I told you that if you didn’t watch your surroundings, you would find yourself in trouble. It already happened twice”, he stated, looking down at the mess he was creating.
“You didn’t pay attention when you fell either”, you gasped at him, leaning your body up and trying to spin him back to be under you but this time he caught both of your wrists before you could succeed, pinning them at both sides of your head.
“Could be. But what a weak strategy you had if it meant you’d be the target of it as well”.
Your breathing was heavy enough to be uncomfortable. His proximity was uncomfortable. The way his body weight held you down was uncomfortable. You were restrained again, this time no leather cuffs needed and even if you knew his strength wasn’t that hard to beat, in that instant you became quite conscious that his power over you came from a willing weakness in your mind. You could easily keep protesting and writhing, possibly move your hips up and try to tackle him down again with the help of your legs but you chose to believe his hands on your wrists were enough to keep you there, vulnerable.
“Cat got your tongue again?”, he asked you. “Or you still fear me?”.
A rebellious moan erupted from your throat and your eyes opened wide, attempting to disguise it as a huff as soon as you heard it come out.
Would you look at that.
“Have you taken a look at yourself? Nothing to fear, you look like a dirty homeless cat”, you told him, grateful that the night and the mud over your face helped concealed the blushing.
“Do you need a mirror?”.
Stupid fucker.
“Come on, Chishiya. Let’s go back to the Beach”, you told him, faking sudden boredom to take over you in hopes he’d let you free because by now, you were afraid of yourself instead of him.
He leaned slightly to the side, releasing some of the pressure on your wrists but as soon as you tried to move up, he reaffirmed his grip.
“Is It really game over?”
You sighed, swallowing that stupid pride of yours. “Yes”.
He moved off of you but didn’t even give you a hand to help you stand. Of course. Well, you sort of deserved it this time. You walked ahead of him in big strides, out of the arena and right to the car. He followed you at his own slow pace after taking the card, almost as if he had forgotten he was covered in mud and stopped to take a last look at the park before joining you.
The ride to the hotel was silent and you would have laughed at the car being entirely spoiled if it hadn’t been for the fact that your mind was occupied by the urgency of a shower and the way he was able to touch you every single time. So impersonal. And so intimate at the same time. Almost as if he didn’t mean it and had no other choice meanwhile not hesitating on making you feel it. Condescending. Unnerving. Uncomfortable. And fucking intoxicating.
The wind of the night. Oh, yes. What a blessing when your body craved the change of temperature like water to a thirsty mouth.
Once at the Beach, it was clear that people were expecting him back but not in that state. It was impossible not to feel ashamed when all eyes were on you but your mood improved when Chishiya handled the card dripping mud to Niragi not saying a word and not even looking at him, and the man had no other choice but to take it.
You thought everything was over and certainly he wasn’t going to say good night but apparently things were just getting started because Chishiya stopped right next to you when you laid your hand on your door knob.
“What?”, you asked him, puzzled.
“I’m not messing my room up because of your fun idea.”, he stated.
“You think you’re having a shower in my bedroom?!”
He breathed in before replying.
“Yes. Now, open”. No debate no discussion.
You huffed, incensed, but you still opened the door. What was the difference, right? You were already going to stain everything.
“Please, dear gentleman, come in”, you exaggerated the tone, showing extreme cordiality in your mannerisms.
He arched his brow, unimpressed, and got inside.
“Could you at least walk on your tiptoes?”, you barked at him, once you reached the bathroom door, noticing the dark brown footprints on the floor.
“Any preference on where I leave my clothes?”, he asked you, standing in front of you by the door as well, faking consideration.
“In the basket inside. But now it’s my turn”, you tried to enter the bathroom but he stopped you.
“I think I’ll be the one enjoying most of the hot water.”
You narrowed your eyes, offended. “You wish”.
“You got me into this. Call it compensation.”
“I call it bullshit.”, you attempted to step inside again but he got in the way.
He stood silent for a few seconds, just scanning you with that smirking face of his, earning the blush back. “Do you know that if you go inside first, I’ll see you in a towel, right? I mean, your clothes are in that wardrobe over there. Unless you want to keep making a mess around here, that’s what’s going to happen. Or I could go first and then bring them for you”.
“Or you could go first and I take the chance to get into your bedroom and fuck it all up”.
He rested his back against the bathroom door frame, and you could swear he did it on purpose to leave dirt on it.
“Looks like a lose-lose situation. Maybe the only option is to shower together”, he commented, his words empty of emotion, mostly as calculated logic but it was enough to make your knees subtly press together.
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A/N: As always, if you want more, let me know. Hope you like it.
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