#chirithy... write???
cottonfeltgembira · 3 months
[WIP] Im finally writing a full proper fic in months now... (Rolls over on the floor)
Yosuke heaved a sigh, “Something tells me while you won't press me any further, you definitely wanna figure out what's up with me today.”
Yu, who was semi preoccupied with dusting a collection of music CDs on the bottom of the rack let out a chuckle, his response slightly muffled by the medical mask he was wearing.
“How did you know? And yes, I would like to know what's going on with you and if you allow it I'd like to help.”
“God, you are too good, man. And it's… really stupid.”
Yu got up from the floor and disposed of his medical mask and disposable gloves into the trash bin, turning to Yosuke with his hand on his hip. “Yosuke, if it's bothering you then I don't think that whatever it is it would be considered stupid.”
“That's the thing!” Yosuke sat up from his previous slumped position. “Look, just promise me you won't laugh when I tell you.”
“I promise.”
After Yu promptly dusted his shirt off he made his way to the couch, taking a seat next to Yosuke. “So, what is it?”
“The truth is… I'm stuck on the fact that I don't have a girlfriend.”
Yosuke’s silver haired friend only stared blank eyed, he wasn’t sure what he expected from Yu but his poker face wasn’t one of them.
“Uh, Earth to Yu Narukami? This is the part where you either break the promise and laugh or realize it's over for me.”
“Sorry, I guess I was expecting something else.”
“Something else?” Whatever it was Yu thought of, it couldn't have been good.
“Mmm, I was thinking you forgot Teddie in the freezer in Junes and you had to defrost him for a whole day.” He knew it…
“Well actually that did almost happen once- Hey!”
“But in all seriousness,” Yu changed his tone from his light jest. “I don't think you should let that worry you, I'm sure you’ll find someone. Besides, didn't you mention before you were going on dates?”
“Those were just dates, they’re different!” And they were different, Yosuke swore he tried everything in the book of dating and romance but not a single girl he went out with considered a second date. Was he not charming enough? Was there something about himself Yosuke didn’t know that girls just didn’t like? If only it were easy, like Yu would ever truly understand his plight. Yu could say he wanted a girlfriend and 30 girls in his near vicinity would drop everything to run at a chance to be his.
“Hmm, I don’t really get it. I think love comes when it wants to, you just have to be yourself.”
“Man, easy for you to say. Aren't you dating like 3 girls simultaneously right now?”
“Snrrk.” A loud snort came Yu, “Yosuke, you believe in me way too much.”
“Actually, I’ve never dated, not even once.”
“WHAT!?” Yosuke shouted, thank god neither Dojima nor Nanko was home. He couldn't believe it, Yu could easily be pulling his leg but he sounded genuine, there was no way and yet…
Yosuke had to confirm,”You’re not just saying this to make me feel better about my dating failures, right?”
“If I was lying to you I would’ve said I’ve only been on a date or two.”
“Holy shit, you’re serious.”
“Oh, I am serious. I’m showing you it's really not the end of the world if you haven't found anybody by now. It's different for everybody, Yosuke.”
And he was right, as displeased as Yosuke was to hear it from Yu. Maybe he was just too eager. Yeah- Yeah that had to be it.
“I guess you’re right…Hey wait, didn't you had a thing with Ebihara?”
Yu tilted his head, almost akin to a fox, “Ai-san? No, she was troubled at the time. She did suggest dating but she was doing that out of wanting validation, she just needed a friend who could understand her and support her.”
“How did that even happen?” Yu only shrugged, another mystery to the strange array of acquaintances Yu had. From creepy nurse to grieving old woman to a middle school kid he tutored, it’s miraculous how he made the time to get to know these people, hang out with the investigation team and solve the case at the same time. That was his partner alright.
“Speaking of Ai-san, I wonder if it's still in my closet.” Yosuke watched as Yu eagerly got up, walking towards his closet and began digging through the drawers. As Yu dug for whatever buried treasure he had in his closet from being reminded of a female friend, Yosuke stopped the music on his mp3 player and took his headphones off for once, placing them on the coffee table.
Love comes when it wants to, huh?
Yosuke wondered if that love will ever come, at this point it started to feel bleak. Countless failed attempts with girls, maybe he wasn’t made to ever be in a relationship. It’s silly but he can’t deny it made him feel miserable. Yosuke Hanamura, still a loser at 21 and forever alone.
At least there was his partner. Yu was the first person who he’s ever felt truly close to, he saw Yosuke in his ugliest moments and didn’t bat an eye, Yu reached out to Yosuke and he’s been holding onto that hand ever since.
Yosuke admired Yu, he was smart, headstrong, and always got back up no matter what. At the same time, envious of the same things he liked so much about his best friend. It’s an ugly feeling, one he thought Yu beat out of him years ago at the riverbank. But every once in a while, jealousy would rear its head, and Yosuke sometimes wished it would show itself as a shadow so he can whoop its ass instead of doing it the hard way.
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the-au-collector · 4 months
So the reason I was going through all my old writing was to find this specific KH3 speculation fic that I wrote a super long time ago. I remember it being better than it is but there were some highlights outside of the army of OCs and needless interpersonal drama.
Case in point: this angry little build-a-bear of a Nightmare Chirithy
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His name is Nirithy and he’s a pathetic little bastard
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He showed up in a lot of scenes with Kairi and I feel like this was the dynamic I was going for with them
I just felt compelled to draw them since Nirithy is the only thing I remember from this old fic 😂
(I traced Kairi’s face from a MoM screenshot there’s no way I can do side profiles right lol)
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8harvest-gold8 · 4 months
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The tales of weed pixie stixs and idiocy
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minijenn · 2 years
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FF.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13217824/72/Keys-to-the-Kingdom
Story Summary: Thirteen Keys, scattered across the worlds. Whoever holds them all is destined to rule the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts. As the seven guardians of light and the thirteen seekers of darkness gather and scour the worlds for these keys, Sora finds himself caught between standing alongside his friends as they fight for the light and struggling against the encroaching darkness invading his own heart.
Ships: Sora/Riku/Kairi, Roxas/Xion, Aqua/Terra, Vanitas/Naminè, Disney ships
Rating: T
Warnings: Violence, Minor Blood and Gore, PTSD, Possession, Psychological Trauma, Angst, Tragedy, Character Death, Self-Harm
Chapter Summary: The search of a piece of his future leads Sora to the distant past, of all places. Accompanied by Chirithy, he investigates a peculiar town inhabited by ancient Keyblade wielders in the hopes that it can somehow lead him home.
“This is the past?” Sora frowns as he surveys the vast city stretched out below the cliffside. Chirithy is still flustered as they pace around behind him, trying to make sense of how they got here. Sora figures he should probably be sharing in their stress and worry, and perhaps he would. If he hadn’t spent so much time wallowing in both of those things when he was alive.
“Yes,” Chirithy huffs. “ Hundreds of years in the past, to be exact. Just about the last place a piece of the future could ever be!”
“...Are you sure?” Sora keeps his sights set on the town. While his age may still be in a state of constant flux, his thoughts and feelings are anything but. The very same feelings that had helped him open a gateway here from the Final World. The very same feelings that are urging him onward even still, even in this strange new world so far away–and far before– the one he knows.
“Of course, I’m sure!” Chirithy counters hotly. “We need to go back to the Final World and sort this out. We won’t be finding anything-” They suddenly stop short, taking time to spare a glance over at Sora. He stands almost at the cliff’s edge, looking only 11 but seeming so much older. His gaze is fixed upon Daybreak Town’s pristine tower and vivid homes, to the point that he doesn’t even notice the flurry of dandelion seeds carried upon the light breeze blowing by him. The sight alone is all Chirithy needs to recant, to realize that they’re being far too hasty, to remember who had sent them and what they were asked to do. After all, who would know better where to find Sora’s final missing piece… than Sora himself?
“...You feel it here, don’t you?” they step closer to him. “Your future?”
(Click above links for more! Feel free to leave a review, all comments are appreciated!)    
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roxasthatisastick · 1 year
So, wasn't there something weird about Player?
So, its been almost two years since KHUX wrapped up, and there's something I'm still thinking about.
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Isn't it odd, how Player didn't speak for such a long time in Kingdom Hearts χ? It took almost fifteen months for them to speak their first words during Ephemera's introduction.
But, while its easy to say its because Player is supposed to be a silent protagonist, that gets less and less true as the game went on.
Player has quite the speech during Quest 555, or Quest 979, for example. Player certainly has things to say, and certainly makes choices beyond what we, the audience, would choose for ourselves.
So then, why is Player so quiet, especially at first?
Well, Kingdom Hearts has an example of this before.
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I don't think Player had a heart, before Quest 362. More than that, I don't think they were a nobody, since the timeline on that makes no sense.
I think Player is a replica.
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Puppet Without a Heart:
First off though, lets break down why I believe Player doesn't have a heart for a second.
The first time Player speaks, its to Ephemera. But what I haven't mentioned is that Player has interacted with keyblade wielders before that.
Right before that, in fact, by the standard of KHUX. In Quest 231, Player has a short interaction with another set of wielders, where they don't talk at all.
The quest goes about standard with Player hunting some new heartless along with some other wielders. They all promise to meet up, afterwards.
But, unfortunately, they don't make it back.
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(They certainly have a bad history with 'promises.')
I think this, along with all of their other adventures (Olympus in particular we'll be getting back to), was the inciting incident for their heart coming into life.
As Ansem the Wise said, "The heart has always been quick to grow. Each exposure to light, to the natural world, to other people, shapes this most malleable part inside of us." This is true of nobodies, but its even faster in replicas.
So if Player's a replica, why are they a replica? Who made them?
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If you are going to tell me Master of Master's wouldn't make replicas, I don't know what to say.
And he clearly he has some capabilities. looking at Chirithy.
But then, wouldn't every wielder be a replica then? Well, I don't know about that. For one thing, we clearly have some families in the wielders, looking Laurium and Strelitzia.
No, I think Master of Masters made only the one replica.
Player... and in doing so, sowed the seeds for the Nightmare Chirithy.
I Said We'd Get Back to Olympus
So, Master of Masters, when it comes to gaslighting and manipulating his students, truly leaves nothing to chance. He leaves lots of other things to chance, but not that.
So when he told everyone there was a ~nightmare Chirithy~, surely he'd already set that into motion.
But, as far as we can tell, when wielders go dark, most of them don't get a Nightmare, they fall. And, disappear immediately after.
So there's only the one Nightmare Chirithy: ours.
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And they have a connection to the Foretellers, that never really got expanded upon.
But then, how did Master of Masters guarentee that we'd gain a Nightmare?
Well, Player explored the worlds, was exposed to people, light... and darkness. Olympus, and its darkness, also happens before we meet Ephemera, and we develop our heart.
Darkness is as much a part of our heart as any modern character. And thus, we have Nightmares.
....that said, I think that's the extent of his manipulations on Player.
The Book of Prophecies, very clearly, doesn't write down everything, and I'm not sure Luxu ever really heard about Player in detail.
For Luxu, our story is that of a background NPC. Player's choices, and their refusal of fate, goes unwritten.
The way the story ends for Player is different than the Book, because Master of Master's never foresaw their bonds.
So everything changed.
Except that, well, Player is still a replica.
I have no idea what effect this will have on the future of the games, but the subtext and foreshadowing is so clear I'm not sure why I've never read this theory from others before!
Anyways, replica!player forever! Have a good day!
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rosie-kairi · 2 years
Ventus Character Analysis based entirely off of the 10 or so pages he exists for in the KHX novel.
A couple months ago I made a post regarding a small passage from the KHX novel that had caught my attention because of how it established a bit of character for Ventus in such a short paragraph. Now, I’ve decided to comb through the rest of the section he appears in to see if I can find anything else worth talking about character-wise, and take up the challenge of writing my first ever character analysis essay for something non-school related. Lord have mercy on my soul please, I swear I’m trying my hardest over here. While his appearance in the KHX novel was brief, we can still learn interesting information about Ventus’s character as he appears in the Chi Saga. 
(Essay under read more because this gets long.)
(Also on AO3 here.)
Ventus first appears in the book on the very end of page 136 -11 pages before the book’s conclusion- during the epilogue titled “Epilogue- Unchained X”. This is the only section of the book he appears in, as the epilogue covers the end of the keyblade war, the union leader meetup, and has a short interlude for Strelitzia’s death. It should be noted that most of the more interesting bits about Ventus can be found on page 137, as that is the page where he is fully introduced, before the book shifts its attention over to the arrival of Brain. Like I said, very brief appearance. So forgive me if I end up repeating some points on accident. As is common for the Kingdom Hearts novelizations, a majority of the dialogue is taken straight from the game cutscenes, and KHX is no different. There is nothing in the dialogue in this book that could allow us to glean information about Ventus’s character that we would not have already gotten in-game. That’s not to say there’s absolutely nothing new to be taken into account, because if there wasn’t I wouldn’t be writing this. It’s all in the prose.
Ventus’s arrival comes with a description of him, that being “The one who answered was a boy with short, wavy golden hair and a tendency to look at the ground. He seemed so quiet that it was hard to imagine him fighting with a keyblade” (pg. 136). While it doesn’t really describe Ventus physically, it does tell us a lot about him personality wise. Mainly, Ventus seems to be a very shy and timid person. He’s not the type you’d imagine when thinking of people who go out everyday and fight dangerous creatures made of darkness. Ventus’s apparent tendency to look at the ground as mentioned above might also suggest that he’s unsure of himself, as doing so can be seen as a sign of nervousness or uncertainty -at least, according to body language analysts. What’s more is that the speech indicators used when Ventus speaks seem to support this. When Ventus introduces himself to Skuld and Ephemer, he is described as doing so “shyly” (pg. 137), when he wonders why he was chosen Ventus sounds “uncertain of himself” (pg. 137), and when lamenting his lack of friends, Ventus mutters (pg. 137). Suffice to say, Ventus is not a very confident person. He lacks what he sees as sufficient enough skills that would warrant him being chosen as a union leader. He says so himself, “I’m not especially good at anything… And I’m never at the top of the rankings.” (pg. 137). In the very first scene he appears -and the only section that is dedicated to him specifically- in the novel it is made very clear that Ventus lacks self-confidence. He talks down on himself and all-around just seems very unsure as to why he, a timid, not very strong 10-12 year old boy of all people, was chosen to lead the unions after the war. 
Another key part of Ventus’s character throughout the events of KHUX is his lack of close friends. Before becoming a union leader, Ventus was completely alone. Besides maybe his Chirithy, Ventus had no one. His apparent timidness and self-confidence issues probably factored into this. He was too shy to try and approach random keyblade wielders in the hopes of befriending them. If we choose to believe that Ventus was in-fact a preteen around this time, then his age would present a problem as well. Being a 10 year old surrounded by teenagers in an incredibly competitive environment where being stronger than all of your peers and collecting the most lux to get high up in the rankings is highly encouraged is not going to do much good for your self-image. In an environment like that, many wielders would likely look down on those they deem as being too weak, and by Ven’s own admission, he would’ve been incredibly likely to be one of those seen as too weak. Not to mention how a lot of teenagers probably would not want to be hanging around with a 10 year old who could barely pull his own weight. So, Ventus would’ve been stuck in a cycle of being rejected by stronger keyblade wielders for being too weak, but not being able to get stronger because he was completely alone aside from his Chirithy. In a series that puts so much emphasis on the strength we get from our friends and peers, Ventus had none of that. There’s one paragraph -the one that inspired me to make this in the first place- which reads, “Ephemer had never seen this boy Ven. Many keyblade wielders he would at least recognize by face, and you usually heard stories about the really exceptional ones, but Ven belonged to neither category.” (pg. 137). It may not say so directly, but this passage once again reiterates how lonely and for all intents and purposes unremarkable Ventus was in Daybreak Town. Ephemer, someone who feels that in a town of potentially thousands of keyblade wielders he would be able to recognize most of them by face alone, does not recognize Ventus at all, and he’s clearly never heard of him either. It feels mean to say, but Ventus is not well-known, he’s not recognizable, and he’s not an exceptional keyblade wielder. Ventus is a nobody, and I don’t mean like in the Kingdom Hearts enemy way, I mean a literal nobody.
It’s mean, I know it’s mean, I’m basically just bullying the poor kid at this point, but that’s what we can infer from the text. With all of this in mind it’s really not hard to see why Darkness chose him as its target. He was weak, he was vulnerable, he was the perfect choice for Darkness to leech onto. Ventus, above all else, wanted strength and friendship, and he did get that eventually with the union leaders. But it was all at the cost of another person’s life. Darkness answered Ventus’s wishes and gave him everything he wanted. Strelitzia had to die in order for Ventus to get what he wanted. Ventus, of course, did not know about this. He did not kill Strelitzia, not on purpose. He was an unwilling participant in her murder. But it would not be inaccurate to say that Strelitzia did die directly because of Ventus. If Darkness did not “fulfill” Ventus’s wants, Strelitzia would still be alive and a union leader. But where would that leave Ventus? The reality of it is that in a world without the interference of Darkness Ventus would not have been asked to become a Dandelion by Ava due to his lack of strength as she was tasked specifically with recruiting the best keyblade wielders, and he wouldn’t have been recruited any of his friends who might’ve been in the dandelions because he had none. Poor Ventus would’ve fought in the war and realistically would’ve died very quickly. 
That’s really all I have to say here. I could say more, but this is meant to be an analysis of Ventus’s character as he is portrayed in his very limited appearance in the KHX novel. For what it’s worth, this whole essay probably won’t reveal anything about Ventus’s character that we couldn’t already assume from the cutscenes in-game, but I do think it’s still important. For how little we see of him in the novel it does one hell of a job in establishing parts of his character right off the bat without outright saying anything definitive. 
Thank you very much for reading my lil essay here, I know it might seem a bit disjointed at some points and I really do apologize for that. This is the culmination of a lot of my brainworms about Ventus and I never have been very good at putting thoughts on paper. If anyone has anything they’d like to add, please don’t hesitate to do so. Hope you enjoyed!
Also, I do want to just throw a shout out to everyone who left tags of their thoughts on the original post because they really helped me out here.  He’s our collective sad little Charles Dickens-esque orphan boy and we are taking turns giving him soup.
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I’m curious what you think of Ephemer’s role in back cover. Not role like the roles the foretellers are formally assigned, I mean like the role he has in the story, if he has one you can pin down
[context: I assume this is jumping off of Fellow’s post :)]
well for starters, I see him as a breath of fresh air in back cover! Chirithy aside (they’re the omniscient narrator), he’s the single face and open heart in a cast full of faceless, closed-off characters. He’s the one child of this particular story within what’s referred to as the age of fairy tales and I think that holds significance, even if it takes more of a backseat to all the stuff the Foretellers have going on.
Ephemer represents the notion, or the hope even, that not all children will blindly accept and obey every story that they’re told. The Dandelions as a whole are essentially children who can get to the core meaning of fairy tales and understand that they exist as a precautionary set of beliefs, not a strict set of rules. Ephemer’s willingness to question what he’s been told (to question the perhaps literal narrative he’s been caught up in) is exactly what inspires Ava to choose him to lead the Dandelions in her stead. Assuming she did want to alter fate/go against the MoM’s narrative, it makes sense why she was so drawn to Ephemer’s sincerity and inquisitive nature even before that scene where they talk at the fountain.
All sorts of stories, but fairy tales in particular, center around children. Children’s literature as a whole provides the foundation for what types of frameworks and ideas children will carry on throughout their lives and apply to the world they live in. With this in mind, the Dandelions are such an interesting part of the MoM’s intricately written story. It’s like they’re the very audience he was writing for, and he has a fascination with the ways they poke holes in and constantly challenge his narrative, which could be why he assigned Luxu to keep a close eye (his eye) on them.
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eternal-reverie · 1 year
I have that one long fic project that I’m slowly working on but one idea caught me that I really want to write fast and casually???
It’s about Chirithy, specifically Strelitzia’s chirithy, caught in a time loop that starts off the night before Strelitzia tries to find player and ends at when Chirithy and Strelitzia are struck down. And then Chirithy wakes up remembering those events and tries their hardest to change fate
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keybladeciel · 2 months
Day Six of @khoc-week is about journals...
Day Six: Journal
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Ciel has a journal he writes in to serve as his report.
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Report: Preventing an Unlawful Execution
I never thought that I'd take place in stopping an execution, but I had a job to do. The day started when I woke up to Strelitzia dozing off on a couch in the Mad Hatter's house. She must have kept a vigil on me during that time. When she woke up, she realized she had to be back somewhere, which could be why I noticed her booking it while I talked to the Cheshire Cat.
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I arrived at the trial to witness a few things.
It was a show trial.
The Queen is immature and spoiled.
I was dealing with a fracking tyrant.
What ever it was, the Queen of Hearts was more than happy to execute Alice for no reason other than ignorance of her being a Princess of Heart. Needless to say, it was time to school her and chew her out. And so I did, knowing that the trial was a farce. I then bested her guards to buy Alice enough time to escape. I then found Alice hiding from the guards and talked to her. When I read her heart, it was that of pure light. I soon learned from my Chirithy that she has an important role.
Report: Princesses of Heart.
I can't believe a year has passed since I picked up the Keyblade, let alone the fact that I had a Mark of Mastery exam earlier than Mom and Dad had. I was tasked to go to Dwarf Woodlands to oversee the world order for it. As far as the rules go, I can't disrupt the order of that world despite being allowed to interact with the people there. I was given the order of events of that world prior to the trip with a copy of Snow White. I have read the story before and know what will happen. Snow White doesn't exactly die, but she won't wake up unless the bite of the cursed apple is out of her throat or she gets kissed by the Prince. It's a Canon Event.
I entered Dwarf Woodlands and ensured the events played out, up to the part where Snow White eats the apple. She goes into a magic induced coma and I fend off the Heartless around the area until the Prince arrives before pursuing Grimhilde. Grimhilde would eventually fall to her death due to a thunderstorm. Snow White awakens and she returns to being the fairest of them all and ended up falling in love with the Prince. Typical fairytale ending.
When I returned, I was given a lecture from Ava that I defended a Princess of Heart and that Princesses of Heart have hearts of pure light. The first one I saved was Alice and the recent one I saved was Snow White. Before Ava could call me a master, she revealed that I am close to two Princesses who wield a Keyblade. I then recalled that Celeste has a heart of pure light and I put two and two together and realized that I had a third Princess to look out for while I try to figure out the fourth as I found out, much to my own horror, that Celeste is a Princess of Heart.
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starlightwayfinder · 10 days
19 and 23 for the ask gameee
What headcanon do you always include in your stories? 
A lot of characters come across as aspec (which is usually intentional, but sometimes an accidental result of me being the writer.) I also have a headcanon that Chirithy is the one with Ven’s memories, and that ended up being an important detail in a handful of my fics.
Where do you usually write?
I wouldn’t say I have a consistent place—sometimes in bed, sometimes outside, sometimes during meals—whenever I have a moment and the right motivation! 
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nanakibh · 10 months
Missing Link prediction time let's gooo
Why not? Here are some easy ML predictions.
Brain time traveled. He became Luxu's apprentice, then went back in time to put himself into the last pod to send himself to ML's Scala.
Brain is Luxord.
Sigurd is Luxu. Maybe not at the beginning. But he will be. (Edit: I'm changin' up my thoughts here. If he's not Luxu, then Sigurd is just a new guy. Maybe gets possessed by Darkness.)
No Demyx in this game. (Because he's MoM.)
Skuld is one of the Scala founders, but she's also Subject X.
The ML player is the KHUX player.
The KHUX player had the last Darkness inside of them.
Nightmare Chirithy rematch??
Kinda funny how Nomura only knows one way to write a twist.
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hallowed-nebulae · 1 year
For the ask game: I wish you would write a fic where the KHUX cast were Digimon tamers/chosen children (since I know you ALSO like both franchises, haha).
Oho, this is a fun idea
First thing that comes to mind is Ventus with a meicoomon. Powerful but small? Has a "good" evolution line and a "bad" one? Absolutely fitting. Khux ventus would have a meicoomon → meicrackmon → rasielmon partner I think; wayfinder ventus has a meicoomon → wingdramon → dynasmon partner, while Vanitas has meicoomon → meicrackmon vicious mode → raguelmon as a partner. Ventus-vanitas can have ordinemon as a bit of "wow this is a messed up situation huh", as a treat.
Skuld feels like she'd have a Lunamon (probably Lunamon → lekismon → crescemon → dianamon, traditional evolution line).
Ephemer with Coronamon (and the traditional Coronamon → firamon → flaremon → apollomon line) fits well as well I think. For a bonus, he and skuld's friendship could mean that while player fights them, player's partner digimon could have to fight against a very powerful GraceNovamon, ahaha
I'm not sure what partner I'd give Brain or Player, but I think Lauriam could do well with a Palmon. Lillymon or Rosemon would be the strongest form his partner would get to, I think; I can also imagine said partner going down the Palmon → vegimon → blossomon → lotusmon post-khux, when by marluxia's side
Tbh I feel like one could put digimon alongside khux pretty easily; keyboard wielders having digimon partners as well, and it being tied to that legacy of being a keyblade wielder or something. Digimon partners helping their tamers, not too dissimilar to a chirithy if you think about it -- friends that're for the most part Always There.
Anyways the tldr is I don't think it'd change canon too much but it would be a fun lil fic to write at some point. Digital creatures who are your friends <3
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts Story - Larxene/Elrena
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For some reason, after learning about this character, my creative juices just starting thinking of what it must have been like in her shoes... In a weird sense, this is probably my typical ‘I want the girl to be with the guy she likes’ bleeding heart like with Amy Rose, and seeing potential in characters like that. Namine is also a character that interests me, but I’ve written a little about her before. She probably will pop up in this write up, but this is mostly to go through Larxene’s storyline, I’m thinking... wasn’t she sort of... keeping an eye on Lauriam as a memory-lost Marluxia? Yes, she has a crush, but also--She doesn’t seem to have lost her memory when talking to Sora about being ‘Along for the ride’, maybe her loyalty to her ‘union leader’ was that strong?
Anyway, I found it oddly romantic of her, even though she teased Sora about being a ‘Hero complex’ about saving Namine, I think somewhere deep down inside... she was trying to save Marluxia too, and just getting frustrated with it.
“I... I really shouldn’t be going.” She tried to resist, she really did. These dumb-brained, righteous union leaders were spouting out nonsense she didn’t understand, but it sounded like end-of-the-world stuff...
She was so scared... but when his eyes looked so sweetly to hers, and bade her to go and take the lifeboat... She found it hard to resist her heart.
Being laid in that thing was stuffy and intolerable. She squirmed but tried to lay her head back and close her eyes...
‘What in the world am I doing?’ she wondered to herself, ‘I should be dead along with all the other Data ghosts in there... I’m just some girl, some keyblade weider with no real significance... Why are they all determined to save me?’ she felt a sense of imposter syndrome creeping into her heart.
She put a hand to it, rubbing it lightly and wishing she could hold her Chirithy one last time... she didn’t mean to yell at it, it was only trying to expose how she really felt. Goodness knows she couldn’t do that on her own.
She really had wanted to help him... he looked... so distraught and unrelenting in his stress... to see how much he loved his sister... she only wanted to be useful to him.
To soften time’s ticking clock... she would have loved to sit there on those steps a second longer... where the artificial world’s sunlight on his fluffy, pink hair still gave her real enough feelings to strive after finding clues for his sister...
“I’m a hopeless romantic now?” She whined out, annoyed with herself as she tried to lift her knees and then place them down more properly... still fidgeting.
When the machine began to whirl, a sharp breath stifled all other thoughts, and she looked around the windshield-looking capsule for any clue as to what was happening.
She closed her eyes and forced her head back into position against the steely container... ‘Please, Light.’ she thought to herself, ‘Don’t let something bad happen to him... to them... to us...’ She hadn’t really felt like an ‘us’, she was so far separated from the others...
Just some dumb girl following after her heart...
What a loser...
There was a flash of brilliant light then, she felt herself get rushed through it like pixels through streams of rays.
When she awoke, she felt weak, laying on the rocks of a cliff with rain pouring over her. His last words hung on her mind... but other than that... she could only recall the faint traces of memory... And the beating of her heart? Where had that gone?
She groaned, picking herself up and touching her head, “Augh... Oh!” she raised a hand to the rain. At first, she had honestly thought she woke in a cold sweat, but this was clearly another world.
“Ah! Ohh!” she saw some vultures swirling around her and batted them away as they tried to make a dive for her, flapping away at her swinging arms before some pebbles underneath her crumbled and she was forced backwards.
Sliding down the opposite way from the cliff, she heard the thunder quake a mighty guitar’s string, her hands flung up to grip anything around her, as the vultures perched and smirked in hopes of their new, lastest meal after the evil queen...
Her eyes squinted through the rain and pain,... “Laur-...” flying a moment back before lighting struck the ground and she hit her head... blanking out.
No one to save her... no one should even care.
She was a nobody...
That’s all she’d ever be...
She blinked her eyes open to a mysterious figure in a hooded cloak above her, black as the night. The sleek of his fabric shined with the flash of thunderous lightning…
‘... How did he find me..?’ she wondered, ‘Is this... where I die..?’ he stood with his hands behind his back while she tried to straighten out her blurry vision.
Then she lowered her head and everything faded to black... except for one symbol... an ‘X’, forever written into her mind...
Larxene woke up in her room and groaned, rubbing her eyes, “That stupid dream again...” she got up and immediately thought of Marluxia asking that odd question yesterday to her... to join him in something... a revolt of some kind. “Totally not my thing.” she flopped back down on the bed, letting it jolt her a bit as her electricity sparked up to her hair, and she smiled at its touch.
“Heh... After all this time... I haven’t gotten him to remember a thing.” She had been so shocked to see him, rushing right up to him when he was first announced to join the Organization too... but he didn’t recognize her.
It broke her non-existent heart to hear it... but she was insignificant then, why should he remember her now? Might as well keep an eye on him... What? Was he her responsibility now?
Well... he did kinda save her... at least, that one time.
She grew bitter after that. Her self-loathing came off and deflected onto others, and she became known as a prickly sort in the Organization... somewhat opposite and yet similar to her previous life.
‘If he’s gonna get himself in trouble with the big bad, I guess I have no choice.’ she sighed and got up, shaking her head as her mind kept flopping her back to the rain, the cliffside, the vultures, and...
“Larxene...” A voice shook her worse than the raging storms of the Dwarf Woodlands, and was as deep as the abyss his heart resided in.
She momentarily feigned being cool about it, but her eyes had shaken at her nobody name being called by his dark presence...
She got up immediately, “Haven’t you heard of knocking?” She waved a nonchalant hand out, “What do you want... Oh, gracious leader?” She tried to give a powerful glare to him... but her fear seemed to reflect outwardly by the smile on his face.
Xemnas gestured a hand across from himself, “My apologies for disturbing... you seemed to be just lying in rest... thinking too much these days?” His dark chuckle as he turned made her hold in a squirm... did he have to be so creepy?
“Something I should know? I’m usually not due a ‘personal’ visit like this. Isn’t our great and powerful leader usually too busy to mess with little pawns like us?” She put a finger to her cheek, faking a cuteness to be sarcastic. “Isn’t Saïx usually your delivery boy?” She then put her finger to her mouth, as though visually showing she was being too cheeky for her own good, “Opp! Too much?” she leaned forward, trying to be confident before he turned around and she dropped the act, getting jittery at his intimidating stance... after all, he was unphased by her persona...
“I have assigned him to other matters.” His eyes pierced straight into the husk of her form. If she had a soul, it’d be shaking right about now...
“And..?” She raised an eyebrow, leaning back as she was getting disturbed by this conversation… which came about all too suddenly.
“I’ve heard rumors of a wonderful Castle... Castle... Oblivion.” he stretched out a hand, then placed it to his chest, “I want someone to investigate it... I am looking for something... hidden deep within its walls...” He smirked then, “Perhaps... by journeying through it... you may be rid of your... uncomfortable... memories...” He began to make his way out, “The place, you see, takes away that which was found, to find what was taken away.”
“Taken... away?” She thought about what Marluxia had lost... his previous memories... his sister...
She didn’t care what she lost if she could get Laruiam’s sister back...
She looked down, thinking about it...
“I already sent a party ahead of you... But I intend to have you research the power of Memories... and how they can help us in achieving our ultimate goal.” he looked only with his eyes back at her, keeping his body forward... “I expect you may be interested... in what was lost...” he then walked forward, “To be found...”
She turned after him but he had already vanished... “He acts like he knows everything!” she gritted her teeth, glaring off at him. “But... this could be kinda interesting...” she grinned in mischievous delight... Deciding to tell Marluxia right away about what she had learned, maybe a good place to stake a rebellion, but she was assigned to the twerp to collect hearts today.
‘UGGGHHHH, how annoying!’ she tried to help him slash through some grubby heartless, hearing him go off randomly about stupid stuff she didn’t care about.
Seeing Roxas and Xion disgusted her. Axel being included didn’t help. It reminded her of when she had a heart, and the feeling of being with someone, a team...
Resentment built in her heart, seeing how ‘cutely lovely dovey’ the trio were acting. As though... a real unity was forged there.
She folded her arms, staring off at them having a little ‘lover’s spat’ between each other when Laur-... Marluxia approached her.
“Have you given it some thought?” He discreetly stated, his beauty still catching her off guard.
If she allowed herself to blush, she would have jabbed her weapons, individually, into her chest till she disappeared.
“Yeah, and I got some good intel, too.” She beamed, giving him her best devilish smirk. She held out a finger up to him, winking slightly, “However... it’s all hush-hush. We have to plan this out carefully...”
Could he regain that which was lost? His memories? His sister..?
“What do you mean? Ah...” He raised an elegant eyebrow before turning to see Zexion walking over to them.
“Do you have a moment?” He seemed to be suspicious of their little ‘war council’ so Larxene stepped forward and poked his shoulder away from them.
“Always the loner~ What? Growing desperate to be a part of a ‘circle’, Zexion?” She laughed wildly loud, making sure the others in the room heard her, to dispel any idea of ‘secret conversations’ that may have been thought by observers like Zexion.
She walked by him but he turned around and his words halted her right away, making her upset at his comeback, “I wouldn’t exactly be this forward about joining any ‘circle’ of yours, Larxene, I’m simply relaying orders. Our research has discovered a young girl with the abilities to manipulate Sora’s memories, as well as those involved with him.”
She stopped a moment, listening intently, “Go on?” She inquired, “Not that it matters to me in the slightest.” She blew him off with a flick of her hand but Marluxia stepped in and she remained silent, watching him.
“Larxene... let’s let the man speak.” he seemed very interested, “Go on, Zexion... I’m listening...” He stared wonderfully intensely at Zexion...
Later on... She was watching Namine draw, seeing the meteor shower that would soon replace that precious ‘Kairi’ girl in his heart, allowing Marluxia’s plan to puppeteer Sora to be in place.
“... Just a star show?” Larxene was growing impatient, what a slow burn! “Boorrrinnngg~” She put a finger to her forehead, spreading out the rest of her fingers to be dramatic.
Namine curled up slightly from her hunched posture, as though to hide her little self-insert desire.
Larxene knew all too well what that felt like... but her pain, as usual, leaked out onto others and she began to feel in a ‘bullying’ mood...
“You want to romance them both, don’t you?” She got up, uncrossing her legs and walking over behind Namine’s chair, but as she placed a hand on the side of it, Namine pulled up her knees and pressed the sketchbook against her chest... blocking Larxene from seeing it more fully.
“Hmph, kinda rude.” she tsked out, “What? Can’t take some constructive criticism?” She shrugged an arm up in the air and walked in front of her, “Hellloo??? I’m talking to you!” she put her hands to her hips and bent down, over and across to try and see Namine’s face, but she was hiding herself so well...
“Heh! Let me give you some advice, even if you don’t like it.” She flicked Namine’s forehead, then moved towards the white window, with the gentle swaying curtains. “You gotta get a boy to feel like he’s your hero if you want him to really save you from this place.” She kept her expression a simple smile of deception... but her hollow hide was softly yearning... “There’s not a dame on this planet or any other who wouldn’t want that...” Only her eyes showed the pain of her previous life... “When a... man makes a promise to you... that you’ll be safe.”
Namine’s head slowly came up, gently from her drawing, to look over shyly to whatever emotion was beginning to stir in Larxene.
Her black cloak swayed with the curtains... protecting her from darkness... or was it... from the light of her previous crush?
‘Shouldn’t I just give it up, already?’ she was remembering... how she was told she was worth something... and that’s why they wanted to rescue her.
“That’s how Sora, even Riku, should feel about you.” she turned around, darkening her expression and stoning her face into a painful reminder of her ‘lack of a heart’.
She marched over to Namine, slamming a hand to her drawing, and pressing her face close up to her own, making her gasp lightly like a mouse in shock and surprise at her abrupt switch in actions and tone. “Make your own hero, Namine. Make them value you so terribly much, that it breaks their heart to disappoint you.” She grinned, “Then, you’ll finally have your freedom. Within their hearts, you’ll feel truly special and wanted. Isn’t that what you want? Someone, anyone, to hold memories of who you truly are?”
That last sentence broke something in Larxene... when she saw Sora again, to fight him, there was no mercy left standing in her way... It was as though she was becoming a Xehanort, a one-track mind and everything...
Was... Castle Oblivion... taking her true self away, too?
Was she just... leading herself further into the darkness in a hopeless chase of a heart she could barely remember and recall ever existed in the first place?
She had hoped this Castle would bring Lauriam, her Union leader, back to her... If he could just remember himself... his sister... maybe even...
When the final battle was to be set forth, Larxene returned from Arendelle, biting her nails and cursing Sora and his friends yet again... knowing she lied to just strike further fear in their hearts...
“What do you want-!?” She was half-expecting the guitar-loser, but when she saw Marluxia she braced herself back, “Mar-... W-what do you want?” She had already steeled herself away, giving up on romance and protecting or whatever else she was trying to do before with him!
Elrena was dead. Simple as that. The past was in the-
                   “I’d like you to fight beside me... at the end of the world.”
Her mouth froze and hung open with her lower lip trembling before closing to swallow hard and try and replay what was just spoken.
“You don’t mean that.” she blurted out, her thoughts becoming unfiltered. “What’s gotten into you, huh!?” She turned around, trying to play it off, raising an eye to him and leaning forward.
“We once fought side by side... is it not obvious I’d want to be paired with you? Another end... but in another time.” His eyes were unwavering, looking down at her in what she felt was all sincerity.
‘Felt!? Give me a break!’ she turned away to avoid any sign of that ‘filthy love’ she once felt creep back into her nonexistent heart.
Sora and his precious Kairi... Roxas and Xion with Axel... Not to mention even Riku seemed to be fighting to rescue Namine...
‘Love like in the other worlds doesn’t exist for me!’ she folded her arms and turned away from him, “If you don’t remember, I wouldn’t blame you, but we kinda lost that round fighting together, if I’m not mistaken.” she puffed up a cheek, hoping that was enough to dissuade him... maybe... he was better off without her ‘meddling help’ as it were...
She didn’t mean anything to anyone, anyway... no one had memories of her to cling to... Not like how Sora chose Kairi over the implanted memories Namine gave him... a better love story didn’t exist in Elrena’s-
Did she... just remember her own name?
She hadn’t really ever felt her old self creep back into her spirit... if she even had one remaining that wasn’t just Xehanort at this point.
She touched her chest, “You’re...” then let an arm dangle down before her. “Better off without me... no one needs me... I’m just a pawn, a fleshy vessel to a madman... Better than not fully being anything, to be honest... Which is all I am... all we are.” she closed her eyes before a hand touched her arm.
She had felt, before that moment, that she had nothing. Lost everything. This was the end and there was nothing left to fight or live for.
She just wanted everyone to be as miserable and forgotten as she was... insignificant… a loathsome mess.
No one need love her... for she wasn’t even worthy enough to exist.
With his touch, she turned around and felt almost life again... Elrena again... as his eyes looked the same way they had when they asked her to allow them to save her...
That memory... she thought she had killed and buried it... at that white castle... when her dreams flew out the soft, curtain window...
“I wasn’t asking for your opinion on your life’s purpose,” he bluntly stated, which took her off guard as he pulled her lightly after him, walking to their set destination to fight the dorky twerps and do their best to clash light with darkness... she guessed.
“Let... Let me go!” She wasn’t really resisting... her eyes twitched because they were filling with emotions she wanted to deny, wanted to leave in the past...
He wasn’t letting her forget... even though he had no memory of her... nothing to tie him to her...
Just like before, he barely knew her, neither of them did, and yet...
“I wasn’t aware our partnership ended at our destruction.”
She lost whatever breath still remained in her lungs.
“You and I... we share a special sort of... bond.” he was looking forward, all she could see was the bouncing and flying of his layered hair... “We may not have hearts, but you’ve proven yourself loyal, even to the end... you fought valiantly... why wouldn’t I respect that spirit of yours and ask for your assistance once more?” He turned around and even though the dirt below them was a barren wasteland... she only saw flowers and a beautiful scene before her...
She ripped her arm out of his and stumbled backwards, gritting her teeth as she looked him dead in the face, ‘How dare he...’ she told herself, ‘How dare he pull me back in when I was so desperate to be out of it!’ she just stared intensely into his eyes, ‘I won’t be hypnotized again!’ she marched more towards him, stopping inches from his face,... but he only looked to her with a muted, almost kind expression of indifference to her little tantrum display of resistance.
“Are you coming... or not?” He lifted a finger to her chin, “I won’t take my words back... I want you to fight beside me... None else will do. As you know, none of these ‘vessels’ are very trustworthy... at least with you... I know...
                                                                  I’m safe.”
She staggered back, her face breaking. “Ah...” she was his hero!? “Give me a break...” She dropped her shoulders down, surrendering to the beautiful words and man before her.
“Ughhh, guess you couldn’t go on without me, anyway, huh?” she put a finger up to her forehead again, shaking her head lightly before looking back to him with a smile. “Alright, Marluxia. But don’t think that pretty face will be any better recompleted.” She walked by him and skimmed a finger against his hair... he seemed to follow the touch and that made her nervous, moving quickly more away and into position to fight whoever would come through this part of the maze. “Honestly... we may not have hearts, but you definitely know how to play one.”
“So do you, Larxene.” She didn’t dare look back. Her back tensed and she just willed this day to be over with already...
So when Sora saw right through her, asking who she was taking the ride with... she looked back at him and realized he knew.
She sighed and dropped the act for just a moment, a small reward for Sora’s intuition and letting go of her resentment towards him, “My little secret~” she chimed, letting him in on her true self... just for that moment... that second... Sora and her had connected.
Though brief, Elrena awakened to the sound of lightning and thunder once more. Her eyes blinked with the raindrops rapidly beating themselves in a kamikaze attempt to keep her long eyelashes down, but failing.
She twitched her hand, rolling over on her back and looking up at the sky.
“... I’m...” She raised her weakened hand, shaking from being recompleted again, and held it with her other, squeezing it and feeling her breath, her heartbeat, and remembering everything so clearly... those dreams... were now colored, detailed memories that were precious to her.
She tried to get up but then panicked as she saw the vultures diving for her yet again.
“Ah! Not you-! Bird brains!” she waved her hands in the air to bat them away before gaining her footing, getting out her-
“Ah... the ...” Keyblade.
She looked at her keyblade in wonder... had she completely forgotten that feeling? Of... being accepted by the light again?
“Khaw! Khaw!” the birds swooped down, but this time, her eyes narrowed and her rage was full.
“Stupid-!” she swiped one down, “Stinkin’-!” she spun and struck the other to the wetted ground below. “BIRDS!” she used the magic she had just remembered from muscle memory to wipe them clean out as their hearts flew up to the sky... “Ah...” She lowered her fist... realizing...
She touched her chest, “... I’m... not just a husk anymore...” Watching their hearts fly away... disappearing, she dropped to her knees, her hot tears mixing with the cool of the rainstorm before her... she was at first still watching where the hearts had gone off to... before slamming her palms down to the rocky ground below her, screaming out her frustrations, her anger, her sadness, her longings... Her keyblade getting bashed against the cliff before some rocks began to shake... as though the ground was going to move from under her again.
“Ah..! Wait, no..!” she scrambled backwards, “Not again!” rushing up to her legs, she tried to outrun the falling stones. “Please-!”, ‘Not when I just got myself back..! Not when I’m human again!’ Her hand flexed out the Keyblade so she could grip any of the loosened rocks for stability, but it was no use...
She was falling... and this time... down the front of the mountain’s cliff... not rolling backwards but falling to a forever death... her life was pointless, meaningless still... wasn’t it?
“Lauriam...” Just as before, his name was the last thing she could think to say in a moment just before the end...
When a face lurched over the edge and a hand reached out and down over the cliff, “Elrenaaa!!” and grabbed her grasping hands to something solid and secure.
Having rushed up the mountain, and slipping to his stomach, a familiar face gripped her hand and began to pull her up from the collapsing cliffside.
“L.. Lauriam..?” Her eyes twinkled with the flashes of lightning, shimmering at a hopeful sight of fated rescue... “W-what..?” She was pulled up, her legs kicking frantically before finally getting a footing and flopping down beside him on solid ground once more.
They both breathed hard... and there was silence for a moment... just the thunder to accompany them.
“Why were you sent to this awful place?” He asked, “The scene is dreary... No wonder your mood was so bad before.” He lightly joked, but was this the time for that?
She couldn’t help a smile grace the side of her mouth, before shaking it off and glaring at him, blushing... the first time she allowed her heart to express such a feeling so...
“How did you get here? How’d you find me?” He had been recompleted along with her, that timeframe seemed too narrow to find her, right?
He gasped for air, having hurried to her side, he looked at her with all fondness, which stole her breath once more. “Elrena... I remember your name... I remember you, and how we all were, once before... Together.”
She remained frozen... blank eyes staring into his full of spring and renewed life... She had been killed, but he was just reborn from his recompletion...
She worried she was dead and gone when she first awoke... but hearing him call her name... was this... the meaning of life?
He began to pick her up, tucking an arm under her legs as she went somewhat limp to his hold, allowing him to carry her as he pleased. “I realized then... How in the organization... you were always beside me because you were protecting me... silently and stubbornly keeping an eye on me... I couldn’t describe the wonderful joy and also immense gratitude when I came to understand that... You were looking out for me the whole time, weren’t you?”
He held her bridal style, lowering his head to her forehead as her hands tightly gripped his shirt, completely overwhelmed as though he was reading her like a storybook... was this... her fairytale ending?
Could she really... have something like this? Was that alright? Did she even deserve it?
“You’ve been so brave for me, Elrena... for the others, I’m sure we can find a way to save them... Thank you, Elrena. Thank you.” He began to carry her off, as though a prince, and Elrena couldn’t deny her existence anymore.
He made her feel things in her newly recompleted heart that couldn’t be put into words or described any less than--Loved.
She moved her face into his shoulder, closing her eyes before a soft smile appeared... her bitter nature suddenly vanishing as quickly as it had grown as a Nobody...
“I’m just so glad...” she admitted, in a timid and shy voice she once knew, mimicking so closely to Namine’s lonely state. “That you’re alright.”
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lila-chantilly · 10 months
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Decided to make a sideblog to put my KHUX OC's in. My main girl is my keykid Lila (proper introduction to follow!)
I liked using the Mad Hatter outfit in the game the most and considered it her "main". That artwork with Chirithy was made for a collab over on Twitter when it was announced that the game would end soon.
But even though the game ended, Lila's story continued. Sometimes OC's just write themselves you know? And take over you like Remy Ratatouille.
That last artwork is the modified version of that outfit, the one that I consider "official" to her own story.
Stick around for more Lila!
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corishadowfang · 1 year
Dandelion Seeds: If you were to write another chapter, or a short story based on Dandelion Seeds, who/what would it be about? 
Fallen Stars: How is Skuld’s Chirithy handling… everything? (Also, does Skuld ever walk around with her Chirithy and get weird looks?)
Bonus question: Do you have any “older” fics you still love? Do you remember your first one?
For Dandelion Seeds: Haha, oh man, I have...a ton of ideas that I didn't end up using for Dandelion Seeds that I kind of wish I'd been able to. A fun one I kind of wish I'd ended up doing was like...Skuld and Lauriam having very different perspectives on being an older sibling to Ven, and that leading to some (comical) clashing. It'd probably be a mostly light-hearted thing, haha!
But also, in general, there were a few relationships between the Union Leaders that I didn't feel like I explored well enough in Dandelion Seeds? Ephemer and Brain and Skuld and Ven, in particular. Especially Skuld and Ven, actually, because canonically...Skuld was kind of the person that Ven seemed closest to? So I would've liked to do at least something more with their relationship.
Something I would like to actually write at some point is the crew all meeting up again in the future. Like--maybe they can't stay together, maybe they've all changed, but just...something to give them time together again.
For Fallen Stars: They're coping! It's definitely a bit of an adjustment, and they're pretty worried about Skuld (and Brain), but they're trying to make do. (There's a part of them that's grieving Daybreak Town, too--and the fact that they don't know if any other Chirithy are left--but they haven't let themself think too much about it.)
Haha, I love the idea of Skuld just carrying Chirithy around and getting double-takes, but she probably wouldn't carry them around Scala just yet. Around the rest of the crew, though? Yes, definitely.
For the bonus: Guardian Twin and Before the Beginning are both very old fics that have very special places in my heart. Guardian Twin was actually the first fic that I published online, and it was kind of like...the first story that really proved that, "Hey, maybe people outside of my friends/family would also like my stuff." And with Before the Beginning, I just...had a ton of fun writing it. The MC's character arc and the ending turned out exactly how I wanted them to, which was just...a very good feeling. I'm sure if I went back and reread them now, I'd probably cringe at a lot of stuff, haha, but it's still kind of cool to like...have those fond memories, you know?
(I guess I kind of answered the second question already, haha; Guardian Twin was the first fanfic I officially published. I think it's also the first one I finished? I had snippets of other things before that, but I don't think I'd ever really completed a fanfic before. ...Although I guess maybe the stuff I wrote for contests on Neopets counts, since those were kind of like...'officially sanctioned' fanfiction, haha.)
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uncommonsprig · 1 year
Coming in with a double post for @khoc-week so let's talk worlds.
In my story the majority of it does take place in the town Aurora that the new dandelion descendants live in, But Faye does receive flashbacks in her dreams from her chirithy about the events that took place in the keyblade graveyard and the war for lux.
Daybreak town also makes its appearence in her flashbacks.
But other than that I haven't done much more writing / exploring in traveling out of Aurora 😅
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