#chino haneda
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kisekaecharacters · 3 years ago
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Chino Haneda in kisekae from Idol Connect: Asterisk Live
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2daidorumusic · 5 years ago
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andeasariana-official · 7 years ago
Golden Hearts - Chapter 1
An alarm was blaring and she shuddered, awaking herself from her half-sleep, she feared for the worst in that moment. 
The person ahead of her had neglected to remove a metal hair pin and had triggered the metal detector. She relaxed but remained anxious. She was next in line for the metal detector, her bag contained her pistol, spare bullets and knife, and would be sent through the x-ray scanner. She had done her research, her stand power would be able to prevent the alarm from being triggered. It still made the experience incredibly stressful.
She lay her bag down onto the rollers and briefly watched it trundle along. Besides the offending items there were only clothes, she had bought the bag new to make sure there was nothing wrong with it. She stepped through the metal detector, no reaction. She looked back to the opening of the bag scanner, waiting. The man checking the monitor of detector looked up and for what may have only been a moment caught her eye. He looked into her tired eyes and she feared he had seen through her game. But he too seemed tired and made no fuss about the bag as it came out of the scanner. She took her bag and hurriedly walked away.
“See nothing to fear. Your stand makes you untouchable, untraceable and lets you escape whenever you’d like. Have more faith in yourself”
As she sat in a Starbucks, drinking hot-chocolate and waiting, she attempted to wake herself up by recounting the reasons she was here. She wanted to run away from her ‘home’, so she robbed off the SPW and booked a flight out of America. SPW knew she was a stand-user and thus would only involve themselves. SPW would also have the means to find out that her booked flight was to Tokyo and if they had her way she would be shoved into the back of a van as soon as they had the chance. After that, well, it wouldn’t be pleasant. 
She had to look out for one-thing, an SPW informant, since confronting her in the middle of JFK international airport, or any airport in america, was out of the question they would have to intercept her upon entry to japan. Thus the only necessity would be an informant to make sure she got on the plane.
She kept her back to a window and closed her eyes, she had been taught by the best and knew that if you closed your eyes and focused you could use your stand to see instead of your eyes. She didn’t have to worry about the informant being a stand-user, her power would make seeing her stand impossible.
She searched and sure enough, a man’s eyes boring into the back of her head from across the hall, he was sitting on a bench with a phone being charged. He wore a black suit and a Homburg hat. He wasn’t young but had a modern smartphone, it was the only thing he focused on that wasn’t her backside.
She turned her focus to the hot chocolate, It reminded her of the last time she went to Japan. It was just before her 9th birthday, her father and uncle were with her and they were going to see her family members in Japan. Odd, she knew better but it still made sense to call them father and uncle even though they weren’t related to her in that way at all.
5:25 AM The informant, Rikki Illonga, was dutifully checking his phone, writing notes and texting his supervisor every 5 minutes or so. She has been sitting quietly in the Starbucks for about 15 minutes.  She looks up to see a second woman, a blonde, in contrast to her black hair. First glance suggest she was Japanese as well so it was probably dyed hair. No suitcase, only a generic looking black rucksack not unlike hers.
she turns to point something out to the blonde, perhaps giving directions, The woman then walks away. After watching the woman leave she holds her phone up before putting it back into her coat pocket. Illonga checked his phone, 5:28 AM, he knew her flight was boarding at 6:00 AM, not surprising that she would be making her way down to her terminal right about now.
As she walks out of the Starbucks, still carrying her drink, he unplugged his phones charger from the wall socket and prepared to follow. He had also been scheduled for this flight to Japan and would be sitting two rows back, directly behind her.
5:35 AM
She stepped into the women's bathroom, might be here a little while.
5:39 AM
She’s left the bathroom and making her way to the terminal.
6:00 AM
Boarding has begun, she is in the line ahead of me, updates to follow when I land in Tokyo.
Tokyo International Airport, or Haneda Airport, Illonga followed her more closely, shadowing her from the time she got off the plane and as she toured the airport on her way out. She walked out the front door and up to a bus stop, she waited. He didn’t know which bus she was talking, so he approached her. “Excuse me? Do you know where the bus coming will drop us off?” Not realizing immediately that it was her Illonga was speaking to she only turned after he had stopped talking.  When she did it was only then that Rikki Illonga had realized he had been tricked. The woman he was meant to be spying on,  Shizuka Joestar, was not the woman he had been tailing through Haneda airport. 
He had been tricked, tricked so utterly that he couldn’t even begin to fathom how it had happened. She really was like her father.
The day prior..
A blonde woman approached Shizuka as she sat in the Starbucks and spoke to her.
“Excuse me, Do you know where the women’s bathroom is?”
As she asked she tugged on the neck of her T-shirt, on her neck the word “Joestar” was inscribed in what appeared to be whiteboard marker. This was it, this is what she had been waiting for. She tugged on her t-shirt’s neck in kind where she had inscribed the letters “E.I.R.”  “The women's toilet is further down the hall on the left side.” The woman left without a thank you, she probably didn’t need to know where to go, she did need to know where they could duck in for privacy. It was what they had agreed on.
Shizuka followed slightly behind her and they both stepped into the toilet. The blonde woman took a look around before removing her blonde wig.
“Evening Shizuka, may I see the stuff?” “Of course Miharu, but I’d like to see the ticket you have as well”
Each dug into their pockets, Shizuka produced the plane ticket she had paid for and a credit card, Miharu produced a separate plane ticket and a folded piece of paper.
Miharu was an old friend of Shizuka, they had Japanese heritage in common and both didn’t feel like they had anywhere to belong to. Miharu wouldn’t beat the shit out of anybody but she was usually there when Shizuka got into any fights, and she helped her get with a boyfriend or girlfriend along the way; She was quite a good friend to say the least.
“Your ticket to the E.I.R. and a set of note and instructions which will get you to your new apartment, also a list of contact numbers for your pleasure.”
“Thank you Miharu, for you, a ticket to Japan and a credit card which contains enough money to comfortably afford a fortnight in Tokyo and get a plane home.”
“Thank you” Miharu and Shizuka swapped their items. “By the way Shizuka, it looked like somebody was following you, If i’m supposed to be your body-double does this mean I’m gonna get jumped in Tokyo?”
The plan was for Hiharu to play body-double taking her ticket and going to Japan, to this end they wore identically clothes, red chinos, white Nike runners, red v-neck crop tops, and beige woolen cardigans. Miharu was also roughly her height, maybe an inch shorter.
“Its quite likely even if they find out as soon as you touch down or mid-flight that its not me they were following.”
“Who exactly are you running from? You don’t sound very worried for my future.” She replied with an annoyed pout.
“Its just the Speedwagon group, they might try and intimidate you but they won’t torture or kill you, even with Jotaro Kujo in charge.”
Miharu resigned herself to that answer. “Well Shizuka, wherever your choices take you, you’ll still be a friend to ma and the boss, though our names really won’t get you anywhere in the E.I.R.”
“Yeah since there is time, do you mind telling me what the ground situation will look like over there?”
Miharu checked her phone, knowing there wasn’t time to explain. “To make a long story short, the people in charge are ABHAILE, It doesn’t matter what the cops or the government think of you, its what they think of you that is important.”
Shizuka didn’t really get what was being implied by that, she knew what mafias were like, ‘whats the big deal?’ was her only thought.
“well goodbye Miharu, enjoy Japan” “Goodbye Shizuka, don’t get killed”
It was an unpleasant request but Miharu left without another word, Shizuka watched the hall through the door and sure enough the man in the Homburg hat began following Miharu. He followed too far back to really see her face. Shizuka waited for him to pass then left the bathroom. 
she looked up the ceiling for a security camera and when she found it, pointed to it and winked. This whole plan was unnecessary, She could have easily turned herself invisible or slipped through inside a suitcase. This plan did two important things. It got Miharu out of America and it would impress, and also piss off, Jotaro. She never liked to admit it but she always wanted him to think she was smart. He had been an important role model to her and now as she left the country with a shit-tonne of his money she wanted to at least make him smile.
She came upon the turn for her gate, she flipped off the informant behind his back then began to laugh to herself. next stop, The E.I.R.
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segundoenfoque1 · 8 years ago
México fortaleció relaciones con China y Singapur
México.- Se conoció de manera oficial que la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación aseguró que el país trabaja para acrecentar el comercio de productos agroalimentarios en Asia.
La Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA, ministerio) de México, aseveró el día de ayer que su país trabaja para incrementar el comercio de productos agroalimentarios en Asia, donde “representa una gran área de oportunidad por su crecimiento económico a nivel mundial”.
La dependencia mexicana precisó en un comunicado que se intensificaron las acciones comerciales con China, Japón y Singapur como parte de la estrategia de diversificación de mercados de exportación.
Se detalló que para poder reforzar el acceso al mercado chino, se encuentra en Beijing una delegación del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senaisica), que tiene como objetivo acelerar el proceso y conclusión del protocolo que otorgará a los productores de plátano acceso al mercado chino.
Se recordó que dentro de los últimos tres años, China otorgó 11 protocolos a México para la exportación de varios productos, entre los que se encuentran carne de cerdo y bovino, lácteos (leche en polvo y fórmula infantil), berries en tres categorías (frambuesas, mora azul y zarzamora), tabaco en rama y maíz, entre otros.
De esta manera resaltó que en 2017 se comenzó a China el envío de carne de res congelada y, desde 2016, se le vende carne de cerdo.
Por otro lado, señaló la nota oficial, la Consejería Agroalimentaria de México en Japón encabezó una misión comercial con productores pesqueros del estado de Baja California a ese país asiático, para la promoción de sus productos y con ello diversificar nuestras exportaciones en esa región.
La representación de Baja California está conformada por productores que se dedican al cultivo y comercialización de abulón, camarón salvaje, langosta, erizo, pepino de mar, sardina, macarel, huachinango, sierra, baqueta, calamar y anchoas, entre otros, añadió.
De igual forma afirmó que durante esta visita se han realizado 106 reuniones de negocios con más de 20 importadores japoneses, asistiendo también a la feria  “Japan International Seafood & Technology” , la cual constituye la principal exhibición de productos marítimos y pesqueros de este país.
Con respecto a la relación con Singapur, se conoció la subasta de atún refrigerado, congelado y de producto vivo, en el emblemático mercado de Tsukiji, en Tokio y se acudió al Centro de Distribución de la empresa Chihou Sousei Network (CSN), ubicada en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Haneda, así como a diversos supermercados, a fin de analizar el consumo de productos del mar en Japón.
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bunniisenpai · 8 years ago
AICONE: Story 1: “You are the Producer!” Episode 1: “It’s the Producer’s Birthday?”
This is the story of the girls who work in this idol office. The story of girls and idols connecting. Miyu: Today was fun fufufu~n~♪ Fufufu~n~♪ I can't think of the lyrics~♪ Fufu~n♪ This girl's name is Yuzuki Miyu. She's a half Russian girl from Kansai and a new idol with a relaxed personality. Always in a good mood, Miyu opened the door to the idol office she'd joined. Mahiro: Happy birthday, Producer-san! Hearing Office Navigator Sakura Mahiro's lively voice, Miyu stopped. Miyu: Hm? You couldn't miss that voice... Though she did not enter, Miyu's ears quickly clung to the door. Producer: Eh? How did you know? The Producer's surprised voice chimes in. Miyu: Hmmmmm...? Mahiro: Hehe, you told me once when we were talking long ago. It's not much, but here's your present. Producer: A-a present? T-thank you! Mahiro: Please treasure it~♪ Producer: Y-yes, of course! I can't believe Mahiro-san gave me a present... Miyu: Ah, so it is the Producer's birthday.... I may not have a gift, but now I know, fufufu Mahiro: Fufufu, how old are you, by the way? Producer: Haha, 50. Is it not a good age? Miyu: Ah... Miyu was shocked by the conversation behind the door. Miyu: T-this is crazy information... O-oh this quite the situation. In a hurry, Miyu left the place. ***
--A cafe near the office-- The idols of the office gathered around a computer terminal in the cafe, placing orders. Miyu stood in front of the group to deliver the news. Luna: I didn't know this. This is awkward... This girl is Hinomae Luna. A confident idol, she's a girl who's professionalism is greater than any other in the office. Though is is difficult for us, she is not overwhelmed by idol otaku. Sorako: Y-yes. I didn't know it was the Producer's birthday either. This girl is Harumiya Sorako. She has a good personality, spreading happiness to all people; she is a revered member of the office. Hikari: I see... We will have to hurry, but shall we get Puro-san a gift? Takahana Hikari. Cheerful and bright, an honorable type of girl generally liked by everyone. She also has a bit of a lonely side. Miyu: 50 is kind of gross. I was shocked... Hikari: Y-yes, that's right. I can't see it at all... it's surprising. He looks very young for his age. Kaede: Don't judge a person by their appearance. At that age, the Producer is running around everyday. He must be tired. He should eat some food with Vitamin B... This girl is Kohuu Kaede. The youngest in the office, she is a junior high second year idol. 13 years old, she enjoys taking care of the others and the calm atmosphere of the office. Hikari: Kae-chan is so kind... Aah, cute *gyu* Kaede: I'm not saying cute things. By the way, Hikari loves Kaede a bit too much, always give her hugs. Yui: That's right, yeah. I would be happy to show the Producer my daily gratitude. The humble voice came from Sezuki Yui. Though boyish on the outside, inside she has a girlish personality. She is easily overwhelmed by the moment's stress. Chino: Sigh. What present will please the Producer? Says Haneda Chino. A lax girl who works at her own pace, she became an idol because it seemed interesting. Because it is a versatile hobby, Chino focuses on the art direction of the idol group, drawing all time. Yatsuha: I do not know what my favourite Producer likes... uh.... Sakagami Yatsuha's face looks on the verge of tears. She's a bit of a weak crybaby. Like Kaede, she's a junior high schooler; a 14 year old third year. Always driving to train herself, her work ethic is out of the ordinary. Tsukasa: Yes yes yeeees! How about a new game? Izumi Tsukasa raised her hand, eyes glittering. Age 17 and oldest in the office, she is a sheltered girl who just moved to Tokyo from the country, so she is the least accustomed to the city. She is an active and curious girl, easily absorbing knowledge. Sorako, Yui, and Chino for the unit "memoria". Luna, Kaede, and Hikari form the unit "GARNET PARTY". Miyu, Tsukasa, and Yatsuha for the unit "Nachuraiku!". 9 people in all. These are the members of this small idol office. Though they are all in different units, close in age, a common theme runs through them. These girls are working for the future. Luna: Game... That's a good idea, but I don't think the Producer plays games. Tsukasa: Then an assortment of Hokuriku food! Yui: A book, maybe...? I wonder what the Producer's favourite things are, I just don't know. Sorako: Huh. I want to make it a special gift. Useful things are good, but I want to give something memorable. Miyu: Ahh, this is it! As for giving useful things... from yourself... this is a treasure! With a proud face, Miyu showed it to the cafe table. Luna: What is this, just a stone? Luna commented with an embarrassed expression. Miyu: Just a stone. A beautiful stone. After years of collecting stones when I was young, this one is the masterpiece. Luna: So it's not just a stone! Miyu: I feel like I would regret giving this away, though. But if it's for the Producer, I will suffer! Tsukasa: M-Miyu-san... After so many years of collecting... that is... what a precious stone! Miyu: The precious stone from my heart! Miyu almost always acts like this. Luna: My head hurts... Sorako: W-well then, I think I want to give a treasure too! Sorako digs around in her bag. Sorako: How about this? She pulled out a metal mini car. Sorako: It is a car I got from a gacha! It's a premier edition, so it's lucky! It's very cute. The Producer liked cars, so Sorako made a good choice. Yui: Why was that in your bag, Sorako...? Luna: A stone, a mini car, nobody understands. Are you even thinking about it? What would an idol Producer want more than the charms of the head idol? For example, the new signature of Luna! With that, Luna took the signature board out from her bag. Luna is very serious. She is overwhelmed by the nature of an idol. Miyu: W-well, it's for a birthday... Shouldn't that be for something more 'private'...? ..... The room has gone quiet. Miyu: With such a special stone, I'd be happy for it to be the gift. Yui: Well, you'd buy cake, candy, a handkerchief, etc.... normally. Yui's opinion comes out in a small voice. Hikari puts her hands on her shoulder. Hikari: Yui-chan. You may as well give up. Ordinary gifts aren't enough... Yui: Just as I thought... Luna: Haneda! Stop sleeping! Chino: Sigh. Because it's taking too long, I won't decide at all. Nobody's opinions match up, each with a different present set in their hearts. Chino: Since we can't decide, why not give gifts by unit instead of as one? Chino's suggestion was the missing piece. Luna's body trembled with shock. Luna: T-that's it! That's good! This is great. I have always wondered "what is the best unit in the office?". --This is our chance to find out. Whoever makes the Producer happiest is the top unit of the office! Miyu: U-uh. I don't think so. Luna: This is fiery.... A unit opposition, a gift battle. Let's do it. Kaede: It seems the purpose has changed. Hikari: Wait a minute, Luna-chan. What is the gift from us, that signature? Luna: Let's go, Kaede, Hikari. We must show the true value of GARNET PARTY! Hikari's voice could not break through to the fired up Luna. GARNET PARTY-- Luna, Hikari, Kaede, the three unit members. Luna, the leader, followed by Hikari and Kaede, left the cafe. Miyu: A unit battle? Sure, I guess. Let's get going. Tsukasa-san, Yacchan, let's go! Tsukasa: Yes! I will follow you anywhere, Miyu-san! Yatsuha: W-wait for meee Miyu-san, Tsukasa-saaaaan...! Nachuraiku! Miyu, Tsukasa, and Yatsuha, the three unit members. With Miyu at the lead, Tsukasa and Yatsuha also followed her out of the cafe. ....Three people are left. Memoria-- Sorako, Yui, and Chino, the three unit members. Sorako: W-well... Let's not lose, memoria... Yay? Sorako pitifully pumped a fist. TO BE CONTINUED
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idolgamestrash · 8 years ago
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Chino-chan gets new HR!
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