#china sheet metal parts
mxmparts · 2 years
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China metal stamping parts manufacturer Custom sheet metal strips.
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innerfare · 14 days
Random Mihawk Headcanons
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Summary: a random collection of Mihawk headcanons
CW: None // SFW
Can’t stop adopting strays to save his life. He’s a sucker for a mangy cat or unwashed pirate. Perona was quite literally the only hygienic guest he’d ever had at his castle. Zoro’s bathhouse allergy only further endeared him to Mihawk. 
Also such a cat person in general. He’s introverted, too. Prefers the peace and quiet, enjoys sitting with a glass of wine, a good book, and a purring cat in his lap. That being said, for whatever reason, he just can’t help but gravitate toward rambunctious dogs who get mud on the carpet (i.e., Shanks). 
In general, has a magnet pull toward things he disdains and even outright despises. In relationship terms, this means he claims to want someone who will make him better, but he will really only go for someone who will make him worse. King of guilty pleasures.
Suffered the loss of someone he loved dearly when he was quite young. Shanks knew the person, too, thus their bond. The person died at the hands of a marine who saw no consequences, thus beginning Mihawk's reign as the dreaded Marine Hunter.
Is actually a horrible shot. Can't fire a gun or bow and arrow to save his life. Claims to dislike these weapons and refuses to fire them because an honorable fight can only take place in close quarters (or something like that) in order to save face. Only Shanks, Beckman, and Zoro know he can't shoot.
Smells so good. Has a fondness for jewels and shiny metal, fine wine, and other such luxuries, but expensive perfume has always been his weakness. A bottle was the first thing he purchased after his first big score as a pirate. 
Complains incessantly about being bored but is such a creature of habit that it’s a cage of his own making, low key. He wants excitement, but he also doesn’t like sleeping in a bed that isn’t his own or sipping wine he doesn’t like from a glass he did not hand select. He’s only grown more particular with age. 
Has a sentimental side. The type to keep small mementos to remind him of various events and people. Sometimes goes back through these mementos when he'd had a bit too much wine to drink. These include everything from his first sword to a copy of Shanks' first wanted poster.
Hates how people act around him- the infamous Mihawk. Be it kissing his ass or tripping over their words because they’re scared, he hates being ogled. Actually bonded with Crocodile over how annoying the masses, as he calls them, are in that regard. 
Claims to hate it when the Red Hair pirates come to stay because they always make a mess of things, but smiles to himself every time he passes the tapestry a drunk Lucky Roux somehow managed to rip a hole in despite its place so high on his wall. 
Though he had a perfectly logical reason for telling Crocodile to spare Buggy, he would have gone to bat for the Clown regardless due to his connection to Shanks, not that he would ever admit to this. Why Shanks is soft on Buggy is completely lost on Mihawk. 
Doesn’t do anything half-assed, and part of that means reading up on everything he does. Gardening? Stack of books. Cooking? Another stack of books. Interior design? More books. 
Total wine snob (obviously). Likes his wine as red as blood and dry as Alabasta. If it’s sweet, he doesn’t consider it to be a wine and scoffs at it. Only respects wine drinkers who share his particular taste. Nearly died when he found Buggy’s cellar full of rosé. 
Has repaired roofs and walls, but is a bit lost on how to decorate his castle beyond high-quality basics (silk sheets, fine glassware, etc.). Would appreciate someone’s thoughts on wall art, fine china, and furniture. 
If Beckman were not in the picture, would take his place as Shanks’ first mate in a heartbeat. Would also never admit this, pretends to hate the idea of being on a crew. Also has sexual tension with Beckman that has never been addressed, probably never will be.  
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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sprnklersplashes · 8 months
(ao3) based on this post
Waking up is a slow process.
The last fragments of sleep slip from her, falling away like dust falls from an old book. Inej rolls and stretches, the sheets coarse against her limbs, before sinking back into the mattress, a heavy sigh escaping her parted lips. For a time, she just floats, half-awake and half-asleep, gently warmed by the blanket encasing her body. 
When she does open her eyes, she doesn’t think about how long it’s been since she’s slept so soundly, nor does she remember what happened last time she slept in. Because she opens her eyes to weak and watery sunlight streaming through the window, and a sight so lovely she thinks for a moment she is still dreaming.
Kaz is curled up on his side, his little bed a twin to hers. His hand is curled loosely in front of him, his mouth half open. In the quiet of the morning, Inej can hear the quiet snores filling the room, and she almost laughs. The Bastard of the Barrel, the deadliest boy in all of Ketterdam, snores. And it’s the sweetest sound Inej has ever heard.
The twin beds were Kaz’s idea. They’d had to let out her room, he’d explained when she docked. They couldn’t justify keeping a room empty. So he moved an extra bed into his room.
“You don’t have to take it,” he’d told her, head bowed to disguise the red in his cheeks. “Jesper and Wylan have a room at the mansion. It’s probably nicer.”
Inej nodded and then dropped her bag ceremoniously on her bed. She turned around just in time to see Kaz smile.
In the present, Inej watches as Kaz in his sleep, the slow rise and fall of his chest, the subtle movement behind his eyelids. There’s a sort of relief in these moments, one that she wouldn’t be able to explain to anyone else. She hears his breathing, sees his small movements, and she’s reminded that he’s still here. They both are, and they’re fine. 
Ka moves then, a twitch in his hand, a tremor in his face. His inhale is slow, deep, the sheets rustle as he turns. When he blinks, it's slow, his eyelids heavy, and accompanied by a smile spreading over his face. Dark hair falls haphazardly into his face, the locks criss-crossing over each other.
“Hello Inej,” he whispers, eyes clouded with sleep. He moves as if to get up, only to then fall back into the mattress, cheek pressed into the pillow. Murmuring something she can’t hear, he wraps the blanket stubbornly around his body, declaring his intention to remain in bed as long as possible. Inej laughs, and the sound verberates in her chest like a summer wind through the fields. 
“Coffee?” she asks. Kaz nods, and mumbles something that sounds like a thanks. When Inej smiles, she feels it in every part of her body. After a quick brush against his knuckles, Inej pulls herself from her bed and feels the cold air on her skin; she grabs a shirt and slips it on over her vest before heading out. 
(She doesn’t need to wonder. The black fabric is rough and warm, the Kaz-scent of coffee and ink lingers on the collar)
This early in the morning, the Slat is mostly quiet, everyone likely sleeping off the previous night’s hangover. The silence is welcome though, calming, soothing, so much so that Inej finds herself yawning as she pads down the hall. Really, the presence of Kaz’s shirt around her shoulders isn’t helping. It’s almost as good as Kaz himself, nuzzling her neck or curling his fingers carefully around her wrist. 
Inej blinks heavily, and rubs the sleep from her eyes as she crosses the threshold to the kitchen. There, she grabs two mugs from the cupboard and lifts the still-warm coffee pot from the fire. She rubs her eyes, stretches her shoulders, grabs a spoon from the open drawer. 
Behind her, something falls, the uneven tinkling of metal on metal. Inej is jerked into awareness and turns around, her cheeks already crimson.
Six or seven of the Dregs cluster around the rickety table. Half-finished meals of eggs and bacon sit on the faded plates, cutlery lays forgotten on the china. Anika, Dirix, and a few others whom she has known for years all gaze at her now with open mouths and bulging eyes. Silent words pass between them as they look at each other and then back to Inej. There’s nothing malicious in their gaze, there could never be, but a shiver runs up Inej’s spine all the same.
With twitching fingers, Inej pulls Kaz’s shirt tighter around her and-
Kaz’s shirt.
Oh. Oh.
Now she gets it. She’s walking around the Slat, in full view of the Dregs, wearing Kaz Brekker’s shirt. No wonder they’re all looking at her like that. Saints, the Ice Court heist was probably a more believable story than this. 
Inej isn’t sure what she’s to do next; explain or joke or run, when another element is added. A cane thumps outside and in comes Kaz Brekker, messy bedhead and sleep-heavy eyes and all. With tender tiredness, Kaz taps her wrist and rubs his nose in her hair, a “good morning” rasped in her ear. If she were alone, this would make her toes curl and she would thank her Saints for this moment with him. 
As it is, her face is positively scarlet, and she responds to Kaz’s caress with a sharp dig in his ribs that shocks him into wakefulness. For a moment, Kaz can only gape at the sight before him; the gaping Dregs, his shirt around her body, her hair still tickling his cheek.
It’s in that moment, pressed into his side, that she hears the hitch in his breath, sees his face change as he registers, then thinks, then reacts all in the span of a second.
“Don’t you all have places to be?” he barks. “Anika, Dirix, Fifth Harbour, there’s a shipment coming and I want eyes on it. The rest of you, find something to occupy your time.” 
And he doesn’t need to say any more; they are already scrambling from the table and making a hasty exit down the hall, breakfasts discarded on the table. Kaz rolls his eyes and gathers the plates. Quiet, gossiping voices can still be heard outside, and Inej can only assume trouble is coming. 
Kaz turns to her, a small grin on his face.
“Everything all right?” he asks. Inej shrugs and runs her hand over the fabric of his shirt.
“They know now,” she says. “Everyone’s going to know.” 
Kaz nods and scrapes leftover eggs onto a clean plate. If she’s honest, Inej is a little surprised at how calm she is about this. Even more surprising is the giggle that emerges in her throat, fluttering like a butterfly against her windowsill.
“Not a bad thing though,” she says. “Right?”
Kaz’s eyes lift to meet hers, peeking out from his dark hair. They’re still a little tired, but what Inej really notices is the way they crinkle at the sides; the sparkle in them reminds her of the rising sun dancing on the waves. 
“Not really,” he whispers. Then, he hands her a plate and adds, “Especially if it gets us free breakfast.”
Incredible. Inej looks at the plate, laden with eggs and bacon and half a smoked salmon, all pinched from the abandoned plates, and does her best to look disapproving. 
“Bastard,” she tells him pointedly. Kaz only shrugs, and then there’s a sight so astonishing even she struggles to believe it.
He winks.
“Your bastard though,” he says, and well, Inej can’t deny it.
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mysynthfetish · 4 months
R-8 backlight DIY
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I picked this up off the Yahoo Flea Market app. It's seen better days but works fine. I had a Mk II aaaaaaaaaaages ago. I forgot how goddam huge these things are. I was killing time on YouTube and saw someone doing Autechre style stuff with an R-8 and was like OH YEAH! That was right around when I had one and I was doing similar stuff, though I was shit at putting actual tracks together. Oh well. Anyway so yeah tharr she blows! As I mentioned, I had the Mk II version and that one has a backlit screen, which the first version does not have, so I thought hmmmm inverters are probably super small to drive that tiny of an EL sheet, and a step-up power converter probably won't be too big, and I can probably find an el-cheapo made in china deal for peanuts on Jamazon or AliExpress, so let's do this! I got the step up converter from Jamazon. I think I had to buy a set of 8 and it was like ten bucks. I tapped the legs of the 7805 +5V regulator for the power source and ground. Set the pot on the step up thing to output +12V, ran that out to the inverter for the EL sheet, cut the sheet to size, wired it all up, plugged it in, turned it on and hoped for the best. Worked fine first time.
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Went with "red" for no real reason. If I get sick of it I'll just buy a blue or blue-green sheet. They're like ten bucks for a sheet. The inverter was about fifteen bucks? I got those from Kyohritsu, a major electronics parts supplier in Osaka. I always use them or Akidzuki. In this case it was Kyohritsu because they make the backlight screen kits themselves, and I've always used them for EL sheets. Here's what the business end looked like when done.
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I used double-sided tape to secure the step-up converter there on the right, but because of me forgetting to trim the legs off the inverter components (not done at the factory, tsk tsk) I used a set of clippers but that didn't work 100% so I hot glued the inverter pcb there on the left. LOTS of free space on that PCB in the R-8. I had to cut a small hole in the metal noise shielding sheet that goes between the main PCBs and the keypad/drumpad PCBs to feed the EL sheet power wires through, but yeah no big deal. I also checked the voltage on the battery while I was in there. It's still fine. Something that surprised me was that there is NO whine at all with this inverter. Super easy job. Yay!
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valpoupdates · 8 months
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here in the Valparaíso Region, we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise, these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the valpocalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
Casablanca Activities:
February 3rd-4th: Aire Libre will be hosting two romance-a-thon nights, one in Spanish and one in English (with Spanish closed captioning).  There will be a Valentine’s Day themed snack box consisting of a metal heart popcorn bowl, pink popcorn, a variety of candy, and heart-shaped alfajores provided by Dulce Sueño’s Sweets and Treats.
February 3rd 5 PM: La vida de los peces: Andrés se reencuentra con su antiguo amor. 7 PM: Play: Dos personas buscan amor, pero nunca se encuentran. 10:00 PM: Los Fuertes: Lucas y Antonio empiezan un gran amor. February 4th 5 PM: Shrek: Un ogro y un burro tienen una aventura. 7 PM: Crazy Rich Asians: El novio de Rachel Chu, una profesora de economía, tiene un gran secreto. 10 PM: The Notebook: Duke lee una historia romántica a una paciente.
February 8th: Casablanca Blooms and Coffee will be hosting two Valentine’s Day-themed events: from 5 PM - 6 PM will be a bouquet-making class where you can create a beautiful bouquet for a loved one, and from 6 PM - 7 PM will be a coffee blending class where you can create your own sweet blend.
February 14th: Dulce Sueño’s Sweets and Treats is hosting a Valentine’s Day dessert decorating session from 12 PM - 2 PM.  Come decorate cookies, brownies, and mini-cakes; then take home your goodies and share them with your loved ones.
Quilpué Activities:
February 9th: Caos Tattoos is hosting the Anti-Romance Tattoo Sale.  There will be affordable flash sheets around themes of anti-love and heartbreak.
February 18th: The Annual Beastly Brunch is happening again at the Quilpué Zoo from 11 PM - 1 PM.  Feast on delicious bites and sip brunch cocktails while learning and celebrating the feathered friends you have in your own backyard!  Brunch will be served.
February 22nd: Plantas Altas is having their Customer Appreciation Day. Plants will be up to 40% off, and there will be complimentary food and a DJ.  First 40 customers get a free t-shirt or tote bag with the store logo.
Valparaíso Activities:
February 1st: A Santa Moneda resident has some dozen leftover tickets for Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and has offered to fly people out to Carnival for a small fee. Carnival takes place February 9th-17th, and it is one of the largest yearly festivals in Brazil that celebrates their history, culture, and traditions. The itinerary is already made, hotel rooms have been booked, and VIP events have been reserved; all you need to do is reach out to Santa Moneda Front Desk and we can get you in touch with the resident. Serious inquiries only!
February 10th: Parque Cultural de Valparaíso is hosting a Lunar New Year Festival from 12 PM - 9 PM, celebrating the Year of the Wood Dragon. There will be foods from many different countries that celebrate the holiday, including China, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam, and Malaysia, stalls that sell clothes, art, and knick-knacks, lion dancing, and presentations and reading corners for people of all ages to learn more about the history, culture, and traditions behind the holiday from each country. The festival will close out with fireworks.
February 23rd: The Universidad de Bellas Artes Poets play against the Pontifical Catholic University Pumas at 6 PM. Come show your school spirit or come support your local fútbol team.
February 24th: Biblioteca Santiago Severín is hosting a community shred day from 8 AM - 8 PM. With a small donation, you can bring any personal papers and documents to be shredded.  Volunteers are still needed; if interested, please sign up on our website, <santiagoseverin.cl>. 
Viña del Mar Activities:
February 11th-24th: The Ballet de Valparaíso will be performing Cinderella at The Teatro Municipal. Come laugh, be surprised, and fall in love with a new interpretation of an age-old fairytale.
February 14th: There will be speed dating in the Jardín Botánico Nacional from 2 PM - 4 PM, with complimentary coffee provided by Combi Coffee. Casual attire; no sign ups necessary.
February 17th: There is free admission for all tours, all day, at Castillo Wulff. If you and your kids or friends are looking for a fun way to pass the time, come learn about the beautiful, historic castle overlooking the sea.
February 25th - March 1st: The Quinta Vergara Amphitheater is hosting the LXII Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña. It is the oldest and largest music festival in Latin America; the 6-day festival is broadcasted on the radio, television, and online streaming platforms. This year’s headlines include Maná, Peso Pluma, Allison Mandel, Andrea Bocelli with special guest Matteo Bocelli, Maria Becerra, and more!
February 29th: The restaurant inside the Casino de Viña del Mar is a popular place for people to get proposed to, and on Leap Year, that popularity dramatically increases as women will propose to their significant others.  No one knows when this tradition started, but it’s been going on for years; the restaurant even has a special menu for this day. Come grab a table and watch some potential impromptu proposals! Who cares if the rumors say most of them are staged!
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jabbage · 1 year
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tamanna31 · 2 months
 Sheet Metal 2024 Industry Report Potential Growth, Share, Demand And Forecast to 2030
Sheet Metal Industry Overview
The global sheet metal market size was valued at USD 188.31 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2024 to 2030. Sheet metal is one of the common building materials used across the construction sector for various applications. Continuous expansion of the building and construction sector is one of the key drivers for market growth.
Sheet metal products have high strength and are deployed in sturdy structures. Moreover, these products are thin and lightweight, which makes them easy to transport. They are ideal for use in various weather conditions and provide moisture and corrosion resistance. Other advantages of using sheet metal include durability, recyclability, and widespread availability, thus making it a suitable choice for use in construction applications.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Sheet Metal Market
The increasing number of single-family construction projects in the U.S. contributes to economic growth and job creation in the construction industry and also caters to the evolving housing needs of individuals and families across the country. This has resulted in a growing population that prefers renting over homeownership, thereby increasing the demand for well-maintained single-family rental properties. This overall trend is expected to positively impact the market in the U.S.
The use of lightweight materials and alloys with titanium and aluminum is likely to contribute to the growth of the sector. Titanium is a stronger and lighter metal than steel. It is alloyed with iron, aluminum, manganese, and other metals to improve physical and chemical properties. Demand for titanium metal is anticipated to grow on account of its extensive use in the aerospace industry for applications, including aircraft skin, structural parts, engine components, hydraulic systems, missiles, and rockets.
Browse through Grand View Research's Advanced Interior Materials Industry Research Reports.
The global turbine control system market size was estimated at USD 18.81 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3% from 2024 to 2030.
The global green steel market size was estimated at USD 2.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 56.7% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Sheet Metal Company Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Nippon Steel Corporation, Baosteel Group, and United States Steel Corporation.
Nippon Steel Corporation is Japan’s largest steelmaker. It operates through business segments, namely Steelmaking & Steel Fabrication, Engineering, Chemicals, New Materials, and System Solutions. Its core segment is Steelmaking and Steel Fabrication, which includes Engineering & Construction, Chemicals & Materials, and System Solutions. It delivers diverse products and caters to all key end-user industries of steel.
Baosteel Group, an integrated steel producer founded by the Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, produces various steel products such as HR steel, CR sheets, heavy plates, pipes and tubes, bars and wire rods, and rail and section steel. It has a total manufacturing capacity of 50.95 Mtpa across four plants in China.
United States Steel Corporation is an integrated steel producer operating in the U.S. and Central Europe. It produces various types of steel products that cater to diverse industries such as automotive, building & construction, consumer durables, electrical appliances, industrial equipment, and energy.
Key Sheet Metal Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the sheet metal market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends.
JSW Steel Ltd
Tata BlueScope Steel Private Limited
Nippon Steel Corporation
United States Steel Corporation
JFE Steel
Baosteel Group
Howmet Aerospace, Inc.
Hindalco Industries Limited
Kaiser Aluminum Corporation
Constellium SE
Aleris Corporation
Hulamin Limited
Norsk Hydro ASA (Speira)
Recent Developments
In June 2024, Malaysia-based BWYS Group Bhd announced that it would build a new sheet metal plant to expand its sheet metal business. The transaction value is undisclosed. The new plant is currently under construction adjoining the existing facility in Sungai Bakap.
In May 2024, India-based Jindal Stainless announced major expansion and acquisition plans of nearly INR 5,400 crores (~USD 64.7 million) to boost its melting and downstream capacities. This investment is in line with its strategic expansion plans to become the largest stainless steel manufacturer in the world. Its product portfolio includes stainless steel slabs, hot rolled coils, plates and sheets, cold rolled coils and sheets, and ferroalloys.
In January 2024, UK-based Lantek, a sheet metal machinery manufacturer, partnered with TECHNOLOGY Italiana, a punching machinery manufacturer, to synergize and collaborate to provide new technology to market.
Order a free sample PDF of the Sheet Metal Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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China Supplier 5-Axis Sheet Metal Parts Custom CNC Precision Auto Spare ...
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businessindustry · 2 months
Eccentric Press Market Industry Report, Share by 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Eccentric Press Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Eccentric Press Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Eccentric Press Market?
The eccentric press market to register a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032.
What are Eccentric Press?
An eccentric press, also known as a mechanical press, is a machine used in metalworking to shape or cut metal through force application. It comprises a motor-driven flywheel for energy storage and a crank mechanism converting this energy into linear force. The eccentric press stands out due to its off-center design, where the crankshaft is positioned away from the ram, allowing for greater force concentration at the stroke's bottom. This design is particularly beneficial for tasks requiring high force at specific points, such as metal sheet bending or stamping. Eccentric presses are widely employed in manufacturing to produce various metal components and products.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/1846
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Eccentric Press industry?
The eccentric pass market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The eccentric press market is steadily growing, fueled by rising global demand for metalworking machinery across industries. These presses are valued for their versatility in shaping and cutting metal, making them indispensable in manufacturing various products. Factors like technological advancements, automation, and the demand for precision in metalworking are driving market growth. Moreover, the increasing use of eccentric presses in developing economies is further propelling market expansion. However, challenges such as high upfront costs and the presence of alternative technologies could slightly impede market growth. Hence, all these factors contribute to eccentric pass market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Type:
Mechanical Eccentric Press
Hydraulic Eccentric Press
Pneumatic Eccentric Press
By Application:
By End-Use:
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
Tier-1 Suppliers
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Market Segmentation By Region:
North America
United States
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
Australia & New Zealand
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Schuler AG
Komatsu Ltd.
Aida Engineering Ltd.
HME Filter GmbH
Siemens AG
Nidec Minster Corporation
Chin Fong Machine Industrial Co., Ltd.
Bruderer AG
JIER Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd.
Danly IEM
Manz AG
Metal Forming and Coining Corporation
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Eccentric Press-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
About Us:
Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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steelrack · 3 months
Sheet Metal and Steel Profile Handling Equipments
In the previous blog, we have mentioned many times that the good partner of the laser cutting machine is our excellent Roll-Out Sheet Metal Rack. However, our racks with laser cutting machines are still a fly in the ointment. The missing link is the equipment to move the steel plates. Only in this way can it be more convenient and fast in the transportation process. Today, I will introduce in detail the equipment and methods for handling sheet metal and taking sheet metal, taking the Roll-Out Sheet Metal Rack as an example.
Three ways to move steel plate bundles onto rack
1. Crane Plus Lifting Chain with Hooks
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2.Crane Plus wire rope or strap
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3. Forklift
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Two ways to access sheet metal
With crane:
In the case of crane, we can use the Vacuum Lifter, Lifting Chain with Hooks and Permanent Lifting Magnet collocation to access the steel plate. This method is not only efficient, but also high security. Vacuum Lifter: At the heart of the Vacuum Lifter lies an imported oil-free vacuum pump and valves that ensure high efficiency, safety, and rapid operation with minimal effort. It’s fitted with an accumulator and pressure monitoring to guarantee utmost safety during every lift. The adjustability of the suction pad positions and the ability to manually shut them off allows for tailored handling for each task, aligning with CE safety standards. For example, in the manufacturing industry, metal processing: in the handling of metal sheets, steel plates, aluminum plates, stainless steel plates and other materials, the vacuum hoist can be efficiently and safely operated to reduce the damage to the material surface. As well as in the handling of various mechanical parts, especially for large size, heavy parts, vacuum suction crane provides a convenient handling method. In the construction industry, like glass installation, in the installation process of building glass, window glass, large glass curtain wall, etc., the vacuum suction crane can easily and safely grasp and move the glass, avoiding the safety risks and damage risks in the traditional handling methods. And stone handling: In the handling and installation of marble, granite and other stone, the vacuum hoist can stably grasp and move heavy stone to improve work efficiency.
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Lifting Chain with Hooks: Crafted from premium grade 100 chains, these lifting accessories are specifically designed to operate flawlessly in environments exposed to heat or chemicals, making them a perfect complement to construction sites and industrial settings, so I would recommend using hooks for the thicker steel plates. We provide a variety of configurations and hooks to suit the unique demands of your lifting operations. Sourced from the finest manufacturers in China and meticulously assembled by reputable rigging houses, our chains are synonymous with durability and reliability. Suitable for construction sites, chain hook is widely used in construction sites for lifting and moving heavy construction materials, such as steel beams, concrete prefabricated parts, etc. Its high strength and durability enable it to cope with a variety of harsh construction environments. At the same time, in the industrial manufacturing process, the chain hook is used for handling and loading and unloading heavy equipment and materials, such as machine parts, large steel plates, pipes and so on. They can withstand high loads, ensuring safe and efficient operation.
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Permanent Lifting Magnet: Permanent Lifting Magnet, which are advanced permanent magnets, generate a magnetic field much more potent than standard magnets due to their composition of rare-earth elements and ferrite alloys. They are extensively utilized across multiple sectors for the purpose of moving metal objects or substantial loads. A distinct category of these magnets, known as permanent magnets, offers the advantage of being toggled between active and inactive states. This feature allows for the convenient relocation of the attached object to its designated location, after which the magnet can be deactivated. Opting for a Permanent Lifting Magnet to handle metallic objects such as plates, pipes, and disks represents a highly effective and economical method. In the automotive manufacturing industry, permanent lifting magnets are indispensable for moving hefty parts during the assembly process, thereby minimizing physical exertion and boosting productivity. And it is also crucial on construction sites and in steel workshops, facilitating the lifting and accurate placement of large steel structures like beams, columns, and plates.
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2. Without Crane
If there is no crane, you can use the KBK CRANE or JIB CRANE with Vacuum Lifter to pick up goods. These two kinds of equipment are widely used in small and medium-sized workshops, flexible operation, and are not limited by the site.
KBK CRANE: The KBK CRANE is a modular design of lifting equipment, mainly composed of rails, brackets, tackles and cranes. Its tracks can be flexibly combined according to needs, suitable for a variety of working environments. The KBK CRANE is usually installed on top of the workshop, forming a lifting system that covers the entire work area. KBK CRANE is suitable for work environments that require coverage of a wide range of operations, especially in line production and large-scale warehousing. Specific applications include:
Automotive Manufacturing: On the automotive assembly line, KBK CRANE can cover the entire assembly area, facilitating the lifting and moving of individual components.
Machine building: In large machine building workshops, KBK CRANE can flexibly respond to different processing and assembly needs.
Warehouse logistics: In large warehouses, KBK CRANE can quickly and efficiently complete the access and handling of the steel plates.
JIB CRANE: JIB CRANE is a kind of lifting equipment with fixed arm, which is mainly composed of column, rotating arm and CRANE. The cantilever can be rotated and is usually mounted on a fixed column or wall, covering a fixed circular or semi-circular work area. JIB CRANE is suitable for small operating areas, especially where materials need to be lifted and moved frequently. Specific applications include:
Process assembly: On a small process assembly line, the JIB CRANE can easily complete the lifting and transfer of parts.
Machine tool assistance: In the machining shop, the JIB CRANE can be used as an auxiliary device of the machine tool for loading and unloading and workpiece handling.
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The importance of handling tools
Through the above introduction, I believe you have a clear idea of what kind of handling tools you need. Handling tools not only play an important role in logistics and production processes.
Increase efficiency
Efficient handling tools can greatly reduce operation time and improve work efficiency. For example, the combination of driving and Lifting Chain with Hooks, wire ropes or straps can quickly and accurately complete the handling and placement of the plate. 2. Stay safe
Safe handling tools can reduce operational risks and ensure the safety of workers. For example, the use of Vacuum Lifter, permanent magnet hoist and other tools can be firmly fixed to prevent the sheet from slipping or tipping during handling.
The perfect combination of handling equipment and Roll-Out Sheet Metal Rack
Combining efficient handling equipment with Roll-Out Sheet Metal Rack maximizes production efficiency and operational safety.
Seamless connection
Efficient handling equipment such as truck, forklift, KBK CRANE and the hand drawer plate shelf seamless docking, can achieve the rapid transfer and access of steel plates. After the handling equipment transport the steel plate to the rack position, the plate can be stored in the drawer by hand operation, greatly simplifying the operation process. 2. Reduce labor intensity
The use of efficient handling equipment can reduce the labor intensity of manual handling and reduce the fatigue of workers during operation. Combined with the convenient design of Roll-Out Sheet Metal Racks, the work burden of workers is further reduced. 3. Improve production efficiency
Through reasonable design and use, efficient handling equipment and Roll-Out Sheet Metal Racks can greatly improve production efficiency. Fast and easy access reduces downtime and improves line continuity and stability.
How to choose the right handling equipment
When selecting transportation equipment, consider the actual requirements and working environment. Here are a few suggestions:
Consider your work environment
Different working environments have different requirements for handling equipment. For example, a workshop with a small space may be more suitable for JIB CRANE or KBK CRANE, while a large warehouse may have the option of a truck or forklift. 2. Consider sheet size
The size and weight of the plate are also important factors in the selection of handling equipment. For heavier plates, it is recommended to choose a driving or permanent magnet crane with strong carrying capacity; For lighter plates, wire ropes or strap with high flexibility can be selected. 3. Consider ease of operation
The convenience of operation directly affects the production efficiency. Choosing handling equipment that is easy to operate and maintain can reduce training time and improve the operational proficiency of workers.
Through the introduction of this article, we explain in detail the advantages of efficient handling equipment and Roll-Out Sheet Metal Racks and the method of combined use. Handling equipment plays an important role in logistics and production processes, directly affecting production efficiency and operational safety. The Roll-Out Sheet Metal Rack as an important supporting equipment of laser cutting machine, through its efficient access, space saving, safety and stability and flexible adaptation advantages, has brought great convenience to the production line. When selecting transportation equipment, you need to comprehensively consider the actual needs and working environment to ensure that the most suitable equipment is selected to improve production efficiency and operation safety. We can not only provide excellent racks, but also handling tools can be trusted! Looking forward to your contact! In the future, we will continue to be committed to providing customers with better products and services to help enterprises achieve efficient, intelligent and safe production management. If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to serve and help you.
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3in1laserwelder · 3 months
ALY-3000 380V,3000W water cooled welding&cutting&cleaning auto wire feeding Dual wire welding Metal sheet cleaning
1、High-power laser welding machine, suitable for heavy-duty industrial welding, can be used with robotic arms to achieve automated welding. 2、Can be used with professional cleaning gun heads to achieve metal laser cleaning. 3、It is equipped with an automatic wire feeder, and the language version of the wire feeder control interface can also be selected. 4、The length of the fiber optic cable is up to 12 meters, which is convenient for working in large construction sites. 5、Choose a double wire feeder to achieve 8 mm wide weld seam welding. 6、Equipped with 10 nozzles to meet multi-angle and multi-scenario welding requirements. 7、It is mostly used for welding structural parts and thin plates. The welding speed is fast, efficient and convenient. 8、Suitable for welding process requirements with wide weld seams.
Call us +86 18262332013 Send us on email [email protected] Visit our factory Factory Building No. 5, Phase II, Pioneer Park, Economic Development Zone, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, China.
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yxtechco · 4 months
Medical Sheet Metal Fabrication
In the modern medical industry, sheet metal products are an indispensable part. Medical device sheet metal product processing is an important manufacturing process that can provide high-quality medical equipment and appliances for hospitals and medical institutions, and provide better healthcare services for patients.
The application of medical device sheet metal processing is very wide, mainly involving medical equipment, medical devices, medical appliances and other fields. Sheet metal processing technology can manufacture medical devices of various shapes and sizes, such as operating tables, surgical lamps, surgical instrument racks, etc. These devices can help doctors perform surgeries and treatments more effectively. Medical sheet metal products can also be used to manufacture medical equipment, such as stretchers, wheelchairs, beds, etc. These tools can provide a more comfortable nursing environment and help patients recover.
Medical Metal Parts Manufacturing Capabilities
The advantage of medical sheet metal product processing is its precision and reliability. As an experienced sheet metal factory in China, we follow the strict quality control system, use well trained engineers and workers, use state of the art equipment to ensure our sheet metal parts have the best precision and accuracy.
We have decades of experience in manufacturing sheet metal parts for medical industry. Because of its complexity in design and aesthetics in appearance, medical device has high requirements on factories, and almost all processes will be involved, such as laser cutting, CNC bending, precision stamping, deep drawing, welding, surface treatment, etc. We already have a deep understanding of medical devices and can meet our customers' quality requirements.
How Yixing Technology Produce Medical Metal Parts
How to make medical device can be mainly divided into below four parts:
Part 1: Cutting Materials
Laser cutting is one of the most common cutting methods in sheet metal processing. Firstly, according to the size specifications of the finished sheet metal parts, stainless steel and other sheets are laser cut into the required dimensions for backup. This process is collectively referred to as cutting.
Part 2: Bending
Bending is the process of CNC bending the finished material according to the size specifications of the sheet metal workpiece. It will be prepared for the next step of sheet metal welding. Take patient transfer device as example, the main parts are square tubes. We use press brake or pipe bending machine to do the precise bending.
Part 3: Welding
Welding can be divided into two methods: manual welding or robot automatic welding. It is a process of welding finished materials based on the cut, bent or formed sheet metal parts. It is combining two or more types of the same or different types of sheets. Shanghai Yixing Technology can do TIG and MIG welding. Material selection and welding quality is the most important because it will influence the load bearing capacity and whether the machine can do straight line rolling. We pay attention on every detail.
Part 4: Surface Treatment
There are many surface treatment we can do such as sandblasting, anodization, polishing, powder coating, electrophoretic paint, hot-dip galvanizing, electroplating or others. For the patient transfer device, the main surface treatment is powder coating. The minimum coating thickness is more than 60um and we do 100 grid test and salt spray test to check the adhesion and corrosion resistance.
Patient transfer device is a complicated design and more process will be involved which is not listed above like riveting, threading, printing, heat treatment, assembly with motors and other plastic parts and hammock.
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rongchentechnology · 4 months
Custom Ticket Vending Machine
The Ticket Vending Machine enables the passenger to purchase a ticket for travel in a station. It also allows recharging stored value cards and the checking of card details. The Ticket Vending Machine can issue contactless smart cards, contactless single journey tickets, or QR-coded paper tickets. It also accepts cash payment and changes giving (Banknotes and coins), mobile QR-coded and other payment platform means, and bankcard payment too.Zhejiang Rongchen Technology Co., Ltd is China Ticket Vending Machine Manufacturers and Ticket Vending Machine Suppliers. The products have been supplied to more than 40 subway lines across the country, mainly producing subway ticket vending machines, ticket inspection machines, screen doors, various communication equipment chassis cabinets, machining center sheet metal covers, various casings, and other sheet metal shell parts, various advertising stations In addition, it also provides optical communication products such as stainless steel optical transmission boxes, cable transmission boxes, indoor and outdoor distribution boxes.
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zjhq · 4 months
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🌟 Discover the craftsmanship of China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturer! 🌟
🔨 Precision and durability are at the heart of every China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturer's product. These cabinets are not just storage solutions; they are a testament to the quality and innovation that this industry represents. 🏭 🚀 With a focus on advanced manufacturing techniques, China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturers are leading the way in creating robust and reliable storage solutions for industries worldwide. 🌐 🛠️ Whether it's for heavy-duty workshop tools or sensitive electronic equipment, China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturers offer a range of cabinets designed to meet the most demanding specifications. 🔩 🌍 As global demand for high-quality storage solutions grows, China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturers continue to expand their horizons, exporting their expertise to every corner of the globe. 🌏 💼 For businesses looking to streamline their operations and secure their valuable assets, China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturers provide the perfect blend of functionality and security. 🔒 🏗️ Investing in a China Sheet Metal Cabinet is more than just a purchase; it's an investment in the future of your storage needs. 💼 👨‍🔧 The skilled artisans at China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturers take pride in every detail, ensuring that each cabinet is a masterpiece of engineering and design. 🛠️ 📦 From the smallest parts organizer to the largest industrial storage system, China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturers have you covered. 🏗️ 🌟 Join us in celebrating the excellence of China Sheet Metal Cabinet Manufacturers and elevate your storage solutions to new heights! 🚀
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downincmi · 5 months
Automotive Aluminum Market Trends: Driving Industry Innovation
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The automotive aluminum market comprises aluminum and aluminum alloy sheets, extrusions and castings that are used in various automotive components and parts due to their light weight and corrosion resistance properties. Aluminum helps reduce vehicle weight and improve fuel efficiency. It is used in engine components, wheels, structural parts and body panels of automobiles.
The Global Automotive Aluminum Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 58.33 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12% over the forecast period from 2024 to 2031. Key players operating in the automotive aluminum market are Alcoa Inc., Arconic Inc., UACJ Corporation, CHALCO, AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group, Norsk Hydro ASA, Constellium N.V., Novelis Inc., and Rio Tinto Group. Second paragraph is talking about the growing demand in market and third paragraph is talking about global expansion of market. Key players related content comprises key players related content. Key players operating in the automotive aluminum market are Alcoa Inc., Arconic Inc., UACJ Corporation, CHALCO, AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group, Norsk Hydro ASA, Constellium N.V., Novelis Inc., and Rio Tinto Group. The increasing production of electric vehicles worldwide is fueling the demand for lightweight automotive aluminum. Aluminum helps electric vehicles achieve longer driving ranges by enhancing efficiency. Apart from increasing electric vehicle adoption, stringent fuel efficiency and emission norms are also driving the need for lightweight materials in conventional gasoline vehicles. This is positively impacting the adoption of automotive aluminum across different vehicle segments. Furthermore, aluminum use allows automakers to meet Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards mandated in the USA and Canada as well as emission regulations worldwide. Geographically, the Asia Pacific region dominates the global automotive aluminum market and the trend is expected to continue during the forecast period. This is attributed to presence of emerging economies like China and India where electric vehicle sales are surging exponentially along with quick growth of the automotive industry. Various automakers are setting up aluminum production facilities or partnering with aluminum producers in the region to ensure adequate metal supply and cost competitiveness. Market key trends:
One of the key trends gaining momentum in the global automotive aluminum market is the rising preference for aluminum-intensive vehicle architecture using principles of modular construction. This allows flexible combination of different body variants on the same platform with aluminum. Using aluminum extrusions and castings enables modular vehicle design and assembly. This helps automakers offer diversified model options to customers while reducing development costs through commonalization.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: New automotive aluminum companies find it difficult to enter the market due to high initial investments and established brand loyalty of customers towards existing big players. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power due to availability of close substitute materials like steel and presence of many established aluminum suppliers. Bargaining power of suppliers: A few large companies dominate the global aluminum supply chain, giving them significant influence on prices of aluminum needed by automotive industry. Threat of new substitutes: Aluminum faces competition from substitute materials like plastics, magnesium and carbon fiber, but it is irreplaceable for its light weight and corrosion resistance properties in automotive applications. Competitive rivalry: Intense competition exists among key players to improve production capacities and offer innovative aluminum solutions. Geographical Regions North America dominates the global automotive aluminum market in terms of value due to large automotive production and presence of key market players in the US and Canada. Asia Pacific is projected to be the fastest growing regional market between 2024-2031 encouraged by increasing vehicle manufacturing and use of aluminum body panels in China and India to reduce vehicle weight for improving fuel efficiency.
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spookysaladchaos · 5 months
Global Top 27 Companies Accounted for 62% of total Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet market (QYResearch, 2021)
Home appliance color-coated sheet is a pre-coated sheet, which is a pre-coated product made of metal coil as the base material and coated or laminated with various organic coatings or plastic films on the surface. The home appliance color-coated sheet series products are widely used and have bright colors. They not only have the strength of steel sheets and good formability, but also have good corrosion resistance and flexibility of paint films.
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According to the new market research report “Global Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet market size is projected to reach USD 3.88 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.1% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Above data is based on report from QYResearch: Global Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet Market Report 2023-2029 (published in 2023). If you need the latest data, plaese contact QYResearch..
Figure.   Global Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet Top 27 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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Above data is based on report from QYResearch: Global Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet Market Report 2023-2029 (published in 2023). If you need the latest data, plaese contact QYResearch.
The global key manufacturers of Household Appliances Color-Coated Sheet include Shenzhen Huamei, Qingdao Hegang New Material Technology, Hebei Zhaojian Metal Product, Jiangyin Haimei, Yieh Phui (China), Suzhou Yangtze New Materials, Jiangsu Liba, Dingchuan Shengyu, Suzhou Hesheng, SAMYANG METAL, etc. In 2021, the global top 10 players had a share approximately 62.0% in terms of revenue.
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