psycadenza · 1 year
@chimugukuru / plotted starter .
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it was quiet .
tristan never liked this lab - it’d been the site of many battles he’d rather not have had to fight . against mom, and dad . … he supposed he’d never have to fight them again . it was over, done, and his home was safe . maybe, in that moment the whole world was .
it hurt .
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his entire body ached with agony . he was bruised up and down, gashes deep through his arms, his legs, even his neck . worst of all, his right side was practically a gaping wound . he could barely take a breath . it felt like his insides had been ground up . he wasn’t sure how long he stayed curled up propped up against the crumbling walls of the lab, but every moment felt like days .
and yet he didn’t have the will to get up . to even move . even when he heard the rapid approach of someone, he didn’t shift, half sitting and half laying against broken stone covered in his own blood . what was the point ?
nobody could save him now .
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buckfell · 5 months
@chimugukuru * liked.
"You ever try brown rice pasta? You know, it's not that bad."
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exiitiosus · 6 months
ushi higa « @chimugukuru » tested the spirit box; kisses Nick silly to shut him up
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☾⋆。✦₊˚  Despite being used to Ushi's antics, there was no denying how Nick seemed to find her more and more adorable with each time she did something rather silly so to speak. Perhaps he should have saw it coming after he had been speaking without much of a break for the last twenty minutes, a rare occurrence, but even him from time to time was in a talkative mood. However it seemed that Ushi had enough of such thing, not that the vampire minded the touch of familiar soft lips against his own. The action bringing a smile upon his features, the corner of his mouth curving upward as one of his hand came rest against the side of her neck, a possessive gesture in nature.
" What ? Was I boring you that much ? " A whisper against her mouth. " Or were you so desperate for my attention, love ? "
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legbite · 6 months
❝Why does everyone expect me to be a hero just because i have some powers i didn’t ask for?❞ -chimugukuru, Kamado
@chimugukuru ... superpower starters.
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"i blame marvel movies. seriously. had someone ask if i had considered fighting crimes on full moons before." and yeah, he does turn into a big wolf man, and he could do some damage, but that didn't make austin a conflict kind of guy. he would much prefer to just talk things out, anyways.
"also, comic books. terrible for us weirdos."
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insidi0summoved · 9 months
ushi higa « @chimugukuru » cast a spell : 🌿🍒 / for Ushi ;) 〃 ⛧
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One of his arm so easily wrapped around her waist when he approached her from behind, pulling her close to him as he moved slightly to the side, he shoulder pressed against his chest.  A hum leaving his mouth before he lifted his free arm above the both of them, fingers holding a little piece of mistletoe.  " Would you see that ?  What are the odds of us ending under it, mh ? "  His words playful especially given his antics.  " I guess you have to kiss me now. "  He added, leaning in so their mouths were close, just not enough to touch.
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nadinehunt · 1 year
@chimugukuru ... continued
"Okay. Please, please. Just... please don't go." Nadine is holding onto the phone so tight that they're afraid they might somehow break it. Mostly, though, it just feels a little bit slippery. Just like everything, the blood has stained it. They haven't really noticed it yet, and they don't even know what to fucking do. There are so many thoughts all trying to take over, and not a single thing they can do right now.
Legs keep wobbling, so they decide to kneel down a bit. It only helps a little. "I don't... I don't fucking know. I don't know what's going on. I can't. I don't think I'm hurt but. I don't... I don't. I think I should... be hurt? I don't know." Have they started crying? Or were they already doing that. They really can't remember, at this point.
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tremblesigh · 8 months
"You drool when you sleep." -chimugukuru, Ushi bc she's gotta tease her boy
he laughs at the words, shaking his head. "that is not true. i drooled at a sleepover once! once. and you've never let it go." okay, so he's a bit of a liar. he does drool in his sleep, and he is well aware of that fact. he's not even really ashamed of that fact, but it's just a bit funnier if he plays along, isn't it?
"besides, drooling isn't nearly as bad as your snoring. i dunno how you don't wake yourself up every night! just terrible."
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endtown · 11 months
@chimugukuru ... continued.
It takes a second for him to put together that something has hit him and knocked him down, and that it was not just her. There was a machine of some sort, with big wheels, and he had no idea what the fuck it was. Should he be scared? Was hitting people with it the point?
"I-I'm uhm. I." He's stuttering, too lost in his own thoughts to come up with a good answer yet. "Sorry. I'm fine." Maybe if he can just get her to go away, then he'll be safe again.
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freezegirl · 8 months
five times stayed: ( five times the Ushi stayed with Kie ) -chimugukuru
5x // @chimugukuru's ushi
01: "you can stay, you know," kie tells ushi while she pats the seat next to her. the couch in the living room's certainly big enough for two. "i'm watching the artful dodger. there's snacks in the fridge." healthy ones and not so healthy ones. "that one lady - belle fox i believe her name is - kind of looks like jess shepard, if you squint and tilt your head just so."
02: [text to: ushi] i don't know about you but the sinister sixteen? that doesn't sound right to me. can you stay? just for the night? my parents will be back tomorrow afternoon.
03: "thanks for coming to get me. i mean, my dad told me he was gonna pick me up after i'd be done with practice for the day but, you know how it is: his work got in the way," kie holds her mobile phone to her ear. "hey, i was thinking about ordering something from the paper lantern. do you want something too? my treat. it's the least i can do for inconveniencing you."
04: [text to: ushi] that's okay, i was already done with practice; i'm on my way back. the snowstorm's picking up, though. so maybe it's a better idea that you and kamado stay the night and then you two can go home tomorrow when things have quieted down a bit.
05: "call kamado. we can make this thing a slumber party. i've said it before and i'll say it again, ushi. you and your sister are always welcome here, whether i'm around or not. both of you will always have a seat at the table and you can both stay the night whenever you'd like."
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lovehoned · 9 months
“The first time I met you, I had no idea you'd mean this much.”
-chimugukuru, Kamado
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she's hanging upside down on the dorm bed for no particular reason other than she wants to, and she can. her hair swings upside down and there's a grin on her face. a few pencils are floating midair, and she's been thinking of puns and giggling to herself for a good ten minutes.
"duh," she says, still with that grin. "we were made roommates. i sort of thought as soon as you realized what i could do you'd ask for a new roommate."
at the best. the worst case scenario didn't bear thinking about.
she does finger guns.
"but you didn't!"
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psycadenza · 8 months
"How many fingers am I holding up?" -chimugukuru, Kamado (aka she's been worried about him but this is what she says instead XD)
@chimugukuru / kamado :
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he blinks at her, tilting his head to the side . he squints .
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❝ thirteen ? ❞
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buckfell · 5 months
@chimugukuru ... plotted!
he hopes that he isn't being too upfront about this, but he got the idea from maddie and chimney! something about being nice to your neighbors, getting to know them, and all that. ushi had been a part of the reason he moved in, after all. (that, and the fact that the commute to and from the diaz residence was shorter than any of his other options).
a little knock on the door, and he shuffles his feet a bit, but stops when he hears the lock undone. a bright grin appears, and he's holding out a casserole dish that doesn't even have casserole in it. "uh! hi!" he thinks this is supposed to be the other way around, but oh well! too late!
"funny meeting you here, neighbor!"
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dumbthink · 9 months
From out here on the balcony, the noise of the music and people inside is barely dulled, but it's just enough to help calm Ushi's mind. The night is chill. The breeze smells clean from recent snowfall. Ushi looks up at the now-clear, moonless sky, and the stars seem to shine all the brighter for it. With each breath, she slowly melts against Nadine's side.
The music inside fades as the countdown begins. Ushi only moves enough so she and Nadine are face-to-face. One hand cups their cheek, and the next moment her lips meet theirs.
"Happy New Year," Ushi whispers. "I love you."
Nadine has spent a lot of time alone. New Year's Eve was often among that time. Maybe it counted, kissing a random person at a stupid party when the ball dropped, but Ushi made them feel different about all that. No one made them feel the same that she did. And even this kiss. Well, it has them rethinking everything.
Yeah, as long as they have Ushi, the new year will be okay. They're certain.
"I love you too." A hand lingers for a moment or two longer on Ushi's cheek, even after the kiss has ended. It's just nice. To feel the love from them in such an intense fashion.
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oftomorrow · 11 months
@chimugukuru ( plotted )
It was a typical Tuesday for Clark -- life pulling him in about eight different directions at once, when he could only go maybe three. But he'd made promises, to himself, to the world, and now to his neighbor, and he was going to do his absolute best to keep them.
He didn't know the Higas terribly well. The older one worked at the Planet, and they'd made friendly conversation a few times. At some point he'd pieced together that she was the sole guardian for her younger sister -- a tremendous burden to take on at such a young age. Once he'd learned that, he'd done his best to keep more of an eye out for them, though there was only so much he could do between his full-time job and his full-time Superman obligations.
Ushi had caught him at the end of the work day, looking very stressed, asking if he could drop in to check on Kamado that night. He'd agreed immediately -- she probably wouldn't ask if there wasn't something urgent. Unfortunately, Superman obligations were keeping him busy. First a robbery, then a fire, then a massive car accident just outside the city. By the time he'd remembered that he still needed to check in with Kamado, he was half an hour late.
Shoot. Better late than never, though. With a polite nod to the paramedics on site, Clark blasted into the air, soaring straight towards his apartment building. He stopped just long enough to change into his regular clothes before heading down a few floors to knock on the Higas' door.
"Hi!" he greeted brightly when Kamado answered. It had been a while since they'd talked, but hopefully she remembered him. "Sorry I'm late. You hungry?"
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insidi0summoved · 10 months
ushi higa « @chimugukuru » cast a spell : 🎲 kiss roulette for Ushi  [ rng ⇢ 24. a sleepy kiss ] 〃 ⛧
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Truth to be told the vampire didn't need any sleep, he long lost the need of such thing the day he was cursed to live a life of darkness.  However that didn't stop him from enjoying laying in the plush bed of his own room when she was to spend the night over, after all while he would gladly keep her awake, she was only human and he wasn't going to compromise her wellbeing due to his own whims.  Even if it was quite the hard task when she looked absolutely ravishing and adorable at the very same time while trying to fight away the last remains of sleep that were still clinging to her mind and body.
" You are being stubborn. "  The spoken words holding a hint of mirth behind them, one mirrored in the fond smile gracing his features while he looked down at her from his position onto his side and propped onto his elbow.  The fingers of his free hand tracing over the clothed skin of her stomach before they settled against her side when he leaned down, stealing a kiss from her warm mouth.  " Oh, so very stubborn. "  Each and every word punctuated by a peck onto those lovely lips of hers.  " You could get some more sleep. "  A chuckle escaping from him then.  " I promise I'm not going anywhere. "  He added, as if trying to get her to agree.  However despite his own words, his actions told a different story when he found himself capturing her mouth into another soft and yet far deeper kiss.
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amoriscustos · 1 year
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❝  𝘆𝗼𝘂  𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱  my  argumentation--  i'm  not  willing  to  die  on  this  hill,  but  i  am  willing  to  kill  you  on  it.  ❞  well,  now  she  knows--  never  mess  with  mina  and  her  idols.
ft. @chimugukuru // kamado hida // sc ( accepting ! )
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