gogetyours · 1 year
ChillGo Foldable Neck Fan - 4 Turbo Bladeless Fans
This week its sunny here in the UK so we needed something to test that would go hand in hand with aiding us to cool down and still being able to move around the studio. So this item we have tested is the ChillGo electric foldable neck fan that has 4 built-in bladeless fans that can supply 3 levels of cool air to the front or rear of the neck.
This portable fan, actually looks very modern looking with fan vent covers in place to help prevent hair pinches if the neck band is indeed place over you head in a incorrect way. The whole unit measures around 8inches in length, very easy to carry with an working time of up to 2hours on the maximum speed level. the neckband can be adjusted for the best possible comfort and not only that but you can also direct the air away from the rear of the neck to the front with a simple press of the pause button upon the fan unit.
For more info about this product please check out our full review right now on our YouTube channel. 
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 5 months
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Who cares about canon when you can draw Johnny in a wolf t shirt and a trans sweater
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demonlattee · 11 months
I have discovered your male MJ and now I want to know MORE about him-
Aka bls gush about him so I can learn all about him and Noir.
OH, BOY. ARE YOU ASKING FOR MY MALCOLM?? ✨💖✨💕💖 I have written a little lore of it! (I warn that I am not a writer and English is not my first language, in case it looks too messy!!)
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This is Malcolm Jarvis Watson! He's 34 years old and he's a journalist of the Daily Bugle 🖤
(I ship him with Noir's 2020 comic, In that comic Noir adopts more the personality of the character in the movie. But in general his lore is set in the comics.)
Backstory: Malcolm Jarvis was born into a loving family in the heart of New York. From an early age he was drawn to the world of theater and dreamed of becoming an actor. He often spent his evenings rehearsing monologues and singing songs from shows he attended with his parents. However, tragedy came to him when he was only twelve years old; when the letter arrived from the army advising that his father was missing in action (MIA). Malcolm was devastated by the news and with no other options he had to grow up quickly to protect his sister and help his mother at home. After school, Malcolm did small jobs to help them meet their basic needs. He gave up his dream of becoming a stage actor, focusing on his responsibilities to his family.
When he turned eighteen, MJ left home and moved into an apartment, although he never stopped visiting his mother and sister, providing support with money he saved for them. Desperate to find a way to make ends meet, Malcolm turned to journalism. During this time he discovered that he had a talent for writing and storytelling. His charismatic personality and natural curiosity helped him land a job as a reporter at a local newspaper: the Daily Bugle. He discovered he enjoyed the thrill of chasing news. But the more he rummaged around the city, the more he found New York's dark secrets; cops and politicians commissioning criminals to do their dirty work, mobsters taking over the streets; people starving and attacks on activists fighting for their rights. This only increased Malcolm's determination to show the truth. MJ never forgot his dream of becoming an actor. He attended performances in his spare time, remembering his childhood dream.
• MJ unknowingly went to Aunt May's Bowery welfare center to help her out a little on the days her nephew Peter was not around. He meets Spider-Man Noir by chance, arguing a bit for meddling in crime scenes. But gradually their relationship changes for the better when they notice that the two have a common goal. They started working together in some cases because of the trust they had with each other.
More silly facts:
• Malcolm's birthday is 08/8
• He loves birds! his dream is to have a small cockatiel as a pet.
• Big nerd of musicals/theater(?
• They act like an old married couple. (that's the way you act with your job partner, detective-?)
• Personality: spontaneous, smooth Talker, thrill-seeking, optimistic, chillgoing, gentleman, polite, talkative, social butterfly, “Old fashioned” (and an ESFP! 💛)
• I think about his Voice Claim: Gerardo Reyero (in spanish 🇲🇽) Barry Bostwick (in english 🇺🇸)
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A tiny draw in Spiderverse's style! ❤️
And that's all, I guess! I'll post more about them and their lore!! Thank u so much for ur interest in my baby MJ ;v; <3
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k1rameki · 10 months
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yippee its that time again, long hc post about dalia YAY ‼️‼️ i wouldve posted this last week but a bitch has been busy working on otha projects yo 🫡🫡 im hustling atm
also i am on an absolute ROLL with these rn because its fun to hc stuff for my favs (WHICH BTW IM ALSO WRITING UP MY HCS FOR ALDRYX SO STAY TUNED FOR THAT >:3)
@beans2cheese ik youre currently lookin forward to this >:3 thank you for being patient w me its much appreciated ^_^
first and foremost we gotta get the neurodivergency outta the way bc my autistic ass loves making all my favourite characters nd,, also shes got social anxiety and depression bc i have social anxiety and depression ion make the rules
also bigender she/him dalia bc im a she/him pronoun using bigender and i said so
ive spoken about my deaf dalia hc before (AND CROW HAS A SIMILAR HC WITH TABI THAT WE TALKED ABOUT TOGETHER ON DISCORD) but turning off her hearing aid whenever noise is too overwhelming or whenever she cant be bothered to deal with people's bs
CRAZY HIGH SPICE TOLERANCE. she and ayana are the kinda people who eat ghost peppers for fun and feel literally nothing at all
chronically late to every single outing with his friends. like tell him to get there in an hour and she will use that time to nap and get ready five minutes before shes supposed to be there
taller than ayana but not by much, boots on, dalia's 5'10/11, without em then he's 5'7
competitive as fuck and will rage at you for screwing her over in board games or video games, expect to hear a plethora of curse words in both english and spanish
generally speaking too dalia has an incredibly short temper (which im pretty sure is canon???) and literally anything can set him off
she and aldryx are sparring buddies you cannot convince me otherwise, hes the one teaching dalia all these nifty tricks and such ^_^ (also shes a kickboxing pro no questions asked)
once dalia tried b-boying to impress ayana and ended up in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder and a bruised ego
🔻: "babe????? are you okay 😭"
🎧: "psshh im fine the sigma grind never dies" (said dalia as she looked away cringing at herself for flopping that so hard)
and trust me, nobody was letting her live that down
has special nicknames for all her loved ones ^_^ they're either something really sweet and sentimental or incredibly fucking stupid
emoticon user!! over text dalia loves using those cute kaomojis (trust me thats not the energy she gives off around other people especially not her close friends)
has a lot of niche interests and will reference something that either nobody knows like AT all or that is something so embarrassingly unfunny that its painful to listen to
🎧: "damn this greedler fanart goes crazy"
📼: "the WHO NOW"
she has the WORST sense of humor ever. literally anything is making this mf laugh
when dalia and ayana first started dating she made an attempt to keep up this persona of just being incredibly suave and chillgoing but the moment aya kissed her for the first time dalia just fucking melted and turned into a complete dweeb right then and there (she looks back on it and is very embarrassed)
OH AND SPEAKING OF HER AND AYA,, café or shopping dates where they just get food and wander around town together not wanting the day to end, bonus if they stay out late and theres a light display going on outside (boy im boutta make ship hcs for them now hold awn im insane)
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originfurtkm · 11 months
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Ref sheet commissions for Chillgo 🌲
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
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Ask and you shall receive @likesaly
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(ripping this one from the tags of my other hc post since I'm not sure if anyone reads those)
-That said she actually was practicing coding before she ran off, although the hacking was a more recent development.
-Growing up she had a tendency to jump between hobbies before getting bored and moving to the next one. Her family was rich enough to pay for classes and tutors so it was feasible, even if they found it annoying. Learned some of her trades while freelancing but she already had a pretty sizeable skillset.
-Between her and the other hackers, she empathizes the most with Mikado, having been deemed unreadable and difficult to understand herself. Which isn't to say she necessarily likes or goes along with him, but she goes easy on him.
-Perpetually winking because she's blind in her right eye.
-Familiar with Momori's work and admires her as a designer(<-mentioned this under the relationship chart post but dropping it here for posterity's sake)
-Has gotten into an argument with Kotora over whether tea was better than coffee(although neither of them dislikes the other, they do have, preferences) and it was the singular time Kirai and Nomiya were actually scared of either of them. Mikado insists milkshakes are superior to both and hell is unleashed on him.
-Does typically get along with Kotora though, finds more common ground with him than Kirai or Nomiya on account of both of them being the Mature Reasonable Adults of the group(even if she thinks he's a pushover and he thinks she's a little too easygoing about the crime stuff)
-Worked at the drugstore with Shitara at one point. Both big gossipers. While Tobari may not have been as good at seeing through the twins' bullshit as she was her resolve was unwavering, the prank that ends up getting to her(and even then she only gets frustrated, but it's enough to scare the twins) ends up being something completely trivial.
-Takes up work at Flower Bee after her stint as a hacker is over(tea buddies with Chino and omitted a Lot of details about her line of work). That goes about as well as you'd expect, with Haruya being one of the hackers' targets (Haruya is incredibly suspicious around her but they warm up to each other, sort of. Tobari helps Haruya learn to stand up for himself at least)
My Nanashi-Shinobu hc is 10 other hcs in a trenchcoat so it's a bit hard to get into that but a couple of somewhat unrelated ones are that
-He reads a lot, but is partial to mystery novels. Has a knack for trying to replicate cases from them.
-Shitsuna actually was influenced by Shinobu into saying she wished Merue had died(re. at one point she mentions the garden being her favorite area in the hotel. I'm thinking Shinobu finds out that their relationship had gotten a bit rocky after the accident and used that to his advantage). -The fatcats are chillgoing enough but Shinobu is bad with pets by default. They just don't like him. Either avoids them entirely or puts them under some weird kind of pet trance. -Started working at the hotel soon after Misane and Nanase placed their reservation there. Don't ask how he got the info.
-The Shinobu Kasuga alias was based around "Izuchi Nasuga" (in a similar sense as the Mikado-Misane deal) hence him being the only side character who makes a reappearance despite not having any plot relevance. (this one is related I just wanted to mention it)
Misane -Plushie collecter! Partial to cats ofcourse, big fan of whatever the 1bit equivalent of Hello Kitty is(maybe it is just hello kitty. Maybe Hello Kitty is timeless). Kind of embarrassed about it so Toukai and Nanashi are the only ones who know about it but that won't stop her from staring one of them down into buying her one whenever they come across a novelty plushie rack. -Mother died when she was fairly young, so she only has spotty memories of her. For how professional and pragmatic Toukai may appear he did spoil her a bit growing up. He's not perfect but he's trying. -While it wasn't the last or even necessarily the one that convinced the higher ups to take her on as an apprentice detective, her mother's death was one of her first big cases and the one that pushed her to trying to become an actual detective. It was essentially a cold case she dug up and solved behind Toukai's back, and is to some extent the root of her strong sense of justice. -Other than that she was more isolated to local cases, finding missing pets and lost jewelry and the whatnot(with maybe some more serious stuff sprinkled in. Kid sticking her nose where it doesn't belong with an alarming success rate type beat). Looked up to her dad a lot and was really perceptive for how clumsy she was. -It still took a lot of persistence to get him to let her though, since she was so young. Was 13 when she became an apprentice. While he may not be entirely aware of how it affected her(growing up too fast and all) he doesn't doubt her skill. -Most of her work as an apprentice is supposed to just involve following other detectives around and helping them out/observing them, even if she does have a tendency to take charge when she comes across a case on her own. -The pressure of trying to live up to the position only amplified how nervy she was and caused her to fuck up a lot(enter her speech about Nanase being there for her). -Also a big reader! Always has been but she also. Is partial to mystery, although after she starts pretty much living that life she finds them kind of predictable anymore and sees herself drawn to more escapist stories(fantasy and the like). -Tendency to climb up into trees to clear her mind when she gets frustrated. Probably has gotten stuck a couple of times but now just skitters up and down like it's nothing. Falls asleep up there sometimes. -Toukai was worried about her falling out but despite her assertions that it was Fine he resolved to build a treehouse for her. Which basically ended up going unfinished for the longest time because he can't build for shit. Nanashi does eventually help finish it(can't really build either but probably knows someone who does. And hey, two heads is better than one) but alas, while Misane appreciates the sentiment she just continues falling sleep on the adjacent branches. Uses the house more to store snacks than anything. -Carries cat toys everywhere in case she meets a cat. Always ready always prepared. (Tends to find herself fidgeting with them herself but shush. they're for the cats) -Has 2 cats herself! I haven't decided their names yet but they're there. -Reconnects with Natsukage and Miumi after the events of XXX.
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reallythunder · 3 years
Its soooo ambient.
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oatmilfcoffee · 7 years
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go flex - post malone // talk is cheap - chet faker // big jet plan - angus & julius stone // resolution - matt corby // acquainted - the weekend // georgia - vance joy // skinny love - bon iver // let it go - james bay // to build a home - the cinematic orchestra // only love - ben howard // rusty - hein cooper // waves - dean lewis // redbone - childish gambino // bloom - the paper kites // heartbeats - jose gonzalez // cherry wine - hozier // bitch, don’t kill my vibe - kendrick lamar // jazz - mick jenkins // old money - lana del rey // mykonos - fleet foxes // ride - lana del rey // ophelia - the lumineers // paint - the paper kites // white winter hymnal - fleet foxes // home - dotan // seaside - the kooks // santa monica dream - angus & julius stone // la vie en rose - daniela andrade // all the pretty girls - kaleo
listen spotify // listen apple music
follow my accounts for more playlists
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