#chile motorcycle importers
importerslist · 5 months
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zelihatrifles · 2 months
Motorcycle Diaries
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Che Guevara was not very different from your average young adult. He also wanted to travel the world, had a charming wit, made pretty bad choices, took quite idiotic life risks, and he too experienced the immense joy of being young and free. He was initiated into the beauties of remote nature, and was assailed by the ever-present desire to escape the worldly woes and live in the Andean lakes, like Lacar lake (Argentina) and Lake Osorno and its volcano (Chile):
"Perhaps one day, tired of circling the world, I'll return to Argentina and settle in the Andean lakes, if not indefinitely then at least for a pause while I shift from one understanding of the world to another."
But he was not an ignorant brat. In his motorcycle trip with Alberto, he met countless underprivileged people, and wondered miserably at the absurd conditions of mine workers:
"The only thing that matters is the enthusiasm with which the workers set to ruining their health in search of a few meager crumbs that barely provide their subsistence."
He came across and was welcomed by marginalised people like lepers, Indians, drunkards, poor people. Steadily, his journey paved his life-path too, to his persona that we know today, the revolutionary. Revolution must come, "... and there is nothing that educates an honorable person more than living within a revolution."
He underscores the importance of humanity and kindness and how they form an integral part of the revolution:
"In fact, the revolution today demands that they learn, demands that they understand well that the pride of serving our fellow man is much more important than  good income; that the people's gratitude is much more permanent, much more lasting than all the gold one can accumulate."
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Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Tim goes back in time to avert the end of the universe, but things quickly go awry and he’s left with an important decision to make: Carry through with the plan as he originally intended; Or make a risky play to change things for the better.
Argothia’s Notes: Sorry for the wait! In return have a 3379 word chapter. With the next chapter this fic will officially beat out A Cradle Song in word count!
Of the few things Bruce hasn’t been too much of a worrywart to let Jason do in the last few months, Jason’s probably most grateful that he’s had time to get used to the new motorcycles. It makes things just that much easier that he can use Bruce’s network of shortcut tunnels normally reserved for the Batmobile. The sound of the motorcycle’s engine echoes off the rock walls as he speeds towards the hidden exit behind one of Bruce’s safe houses.
As he zips out of the opening and the wall starts to lower behind him, Babs contacts him. “Welcome back, boy wonder.
He smiles. “Thanks, O.”
“I’ve got some news that’ll probably interest you.” She jumps straight to business, exactly what Jason wanted. “Lonnie Machin tried to break out of Juvie last night. Sounds like he would’ve gotten away with it too, nobody noticed he was gone until one of the guards found him tied up just outside the main entrance. In the security footage of them taking him back in you can hear him yelling about how he swears he didn’t know. He hasn’t told anyone one what exactly it is that he didn’t know yet though.”
“Shit.” That sucks. That sucks ass. Makes Jason feel pretty bad for Lonnie. Sure the kid needs to work some shit out, but his heart’s in the right place. Bruce even said as much, he tried to work out something better for Lonnie but some fucked up bureaucracy kept getting in the way. Now the kid’s gotten wrapped up in something so much worse than inciting a riot. It’s really not fair. Maybe Robin can help with that. “Hey, you’ve got contacts in the Juvie staff, right? Could you set up a meeting with him for me?”
“Easy.” She must set to work right away because Jason can hear the clack of her keyboard and a moment later she continues, “He’ll be waiting for you in the main office on the second floor. Security on first window on the north side of the building is disabled. Be prepared, he might not want to talk to anyone, especially not someone associated with Batman.”
Sliding the motorcycle around a tight turn to head in the direction of Juvie, Jason smirks. “Of course he won’t! But he’s not stupid either. It won’t take much to get him to talk to me.”
“Good luck then. I’ll keep an eye on Chiles and let you know if he makes a move.” And the line goes quiet.
Jason slows his bike to a stop in the alley across from the Juvie building and takes a deep breath as he lifts his helmet off his head. With his nerves suitably calmed he steals across the empty street and up to the building. Climbing to the second story is easy, he it barely feels like he was away from this at all. Makes him feel a little more confident as he opens the window and slips inside silently.
Lonnie is seated in front of a huge desk all alone in a folding chair. His head bowed, his left hand gripping his right forearm so tightly it’s definitely going to leave a mark. Deep in his own thoughts apparently, he doesn’t even notice when Jason closes the window only a few feet behind him. Keeps glancing at the door opposite the window like he expects it to explode.
At least that gives Jason a little more time to compose himself. He’s got something of a plan and he knows he has to approach this a bit more delicately than a lot of other interrogations he’s done in the past. It shouldn’t be too hard to work this out though, as long as Lonnie’s smart enough to have some self preservation instincts. Jason starts making his way around the room to the desk. “Hiya, Lonnie.”
With a startled yelp, Lonnie spins half around in his chair and stares at Jason. He looks about as confused as he does surprised.
“Listen, we don’t got a lot of time and I don’t got much patience.” Jason stops behind the desk, resting his hands flat on the wooden surface and leaning over ever so slightly. “I need your help.”
Lonnie’s eyes dart towards the door again then back to Jason. “Wh-what’re you talking about?”
“Look,” Jason sits down on the chair, heavily. “I need Nathaniel Chiles to go to jail for what he’s done and so do you. We both know he’d not the type to let a loose end just hanging there for too long and he’s gonna do everything in his power to pin everything on you. So you can help me put him away for good or you can put faith in Gotham’s legal system and hope you don’t get charged with conspiracy to commit murder.”
Biting his lip Lonnie looks down at his hands and doesn’t respond.
Dammit. Jason softens his tone a bit and tries again. “Lonnie, you don’t deserve to go be stuck in here ‘til you’re eighteen because some asshole lied to you.”
“…I really didn’t know,” he says at last, quietly. “He said if I helped him he’d get me out sooner. That he was trying to get DI shut down from the inside for a long time because they were exploiting people in third world nations. Which that last part was true.”
“Yeah, usually is.”
Lonnie shakes his head almost ruefully. “The money… he told me it was all going to local businesses around one of the factories that makes the parts that DI sells so the small businesses could employ more people and out compete the factory. I thought… I don’t know… he seemed like a good guy. And this place sucks so much, I just wanted to get out.”
With a nod Jason starts--
“I swear, if I’d known he was using the money to kill anybody – even the Drakes – I wouldn’t have touched it!” Lonnie insists, suddenly lifting his head to look right at Jason. Then the fire seeps out of him and he slumps back in the chair. “I don’t want to be a murderer.”
“I believe you, kid.” Jason tries to assure him, a little taken aback.
Lonnie’s expression twists slightly as he grumbles, “Then could you tell her that?!”
“Her?” Who the fuck is he talking about?
“Catwoman!” Lonnie answers, his voice cracking with frustration.
Jason can only stare for a couple of seconds before he finally manages to say, “What?”
“She’s the one who tied me up outside!”
That makes no sense. “Why the hell would Catwoman do that?”
Lonnie gestures irritably with his hands. “How should I know!? All she did was ask me who I got all the money for, then she tied me up and dumped back here.”
“O…kay.” Weird. Really fucking weird. Jason stands up and takes a business card out of his utility belt. “Call this lawyer, tell her, Robin said it’s paid, got it? Listen to her and don’t talk to cops! And don’t ever let me catch you getting in trouble again.”
That seems to confuse Lonnie even more, but he does pick up the card at least.
Jason doesn’t wait for thanks or response, he just heads back out through the window. He waits until he’s back on solid ground before he contacts Babs. “O, where’s Chiles?”
“He just left DI headquarters heading north,” she answers immediately. “Looks like he’s heading for his Penthouse in Gotham Heights. He booked the next flight to Russia out of Gotham International just before he left. He’s acting like something spooked him.”
“Yeah, probably Catwoman.” Jason says as he reaches the bike and grabs his helmet. “Lonnie says that’s who dumped him back in Juvie.”
She sounds just as confused as Jason was as she says, “Why would Catwoman…?
“I don’t know either and it doesn’t seem like she gave Lonnie any reason.” He starts up the bike and guns it back out onto the road. “But I got a feeling if I don’t get to Chiles first it ain’t the law that’ll get him out of our hair for good. Lonnie sounded pretty shook up by the whole thing.”
Babs’s laugh sounds half-hearted. “Yeah, I’d be pretty shook up if I pissed of Catwoman that bad too. I don’t envy you a collision course with her either. Be careful, Robin.”
“Will do.”
Jason doesn’t think Catwoman would be crazy enough to try anything while Chiles is on the road – Gotham traffic is fucked up on the best of days and they do not stop for god nor villain attacks – so he focuses on getting to Chiles’s penthouse ahead of both of them. Better than trying to find one car in the mess that is the main streets. He takes the backstreets and maybe a few unsanctioned shortcuts to reach the ritzy residential area of the city proper. All fancy apartment buildings and expensive cafes.
He’s sure Chiles isn’t too far behind as he parks the bike in a hidden space. It’s not as close as he’d like but, what the hell, it’s a decent chance to get back into the swing of… well, swinging. He checks to make sure the coast is clear then makes he heads for the rooftops. The climb is more difficult than he expected after scaling the Juvie building. Not too surprising he supposes, since it’s significantly further and training in an underground cave could only prepare him for so much. Still he’s not terribly winded when he hauls himself over the parapet and onto the rooftop. From here things get easier. There’s only two buildings between him and the penthouse now.
He shoots his grapple gun at the top of a nearby taller building. When he’s sure the claw opened properly and the line is secured around the neck of a sturdy gargoyle he takes a deep breath. Giving himself no time to second guess he takes a running leap out into thin air. The familiar rush of wind fills his ears as he swings in an arc over an entire building to the next rooftop. A wave of exhilaration washes over him in the same moment. Damn. It’s good to be back out here. He lands expertly and presses the button that recalls the grapple line.
As the line reels back in he scouts his next jump. Should be easy enough just hook the parapet and climb up to the penthouse. Piece of cake.
Except Jason just saw something fly across from another nearby building to a balcony lower down on the same building as the penthouse. Fuck. Jason moves as quickly as he can because that ‘something’ was way too big to be a bird and Jason’s the only rooftop hero in the city right now. He shoots a line and it hooks around a balcony railing as he takes another leap, swinging out just right. Momentum carries him around the building at thankfully the perfect time.
“Fuck off, Cat!” Is all the warning Jason gives before slamming into Catwoman’s side knocking her off the side of the building towards the rooftop she came from. The angle was perfect and he sees her grip slip from the wall. Everything should go fine, she’s skilled enough to catch herse--
An abrupt yank on his cape and with a startled yelp his grip on his grapple gun slips. All at once he’s tumbling through the air with Catwoman. Shit. He can’t get at his spare line fast enough. This is gonna hurt!
She wraps an arm around him suddenly and to his surprise their fall slows to a graceful swing. They touch down softly on the rooftop and Jason stumbles as Catwoman lets go of him. He turns quick and watches warily as she pulls the claws of her gloves free from the hem of his cape. Explains the yank at least.
For a long moment she just stares at him a look that might be awe on her face then before he can react she wraps her arms around him and squeezing him tightly to her. “You’re alive! Oh my god, he was right! You’re really alive!”
“Wha—” Jason freezes. How the fuck is he supposed to deal with this? What is she-- A hug? Why is she hugging him? Why would she? Doesn’t she not like him? He thought that was their whole thing. Wait… Fuck! He squirms free of her embrace and quickly checks his utility belt. Kinda surprised to find everything still there. Was that a real hug? This doesn’t make any sense. He glares at her though he knows he can’t look any less confused than he feels. “Of course I’m alive. Why the hell wouldn’t I be?”
With a sad smile she crosses her arms across her body and replies, “You were gone a long time, little bird. And Joker…”
As she falls silent and looks away, Jason feels his blood turn to ice at Joker’s name. Is he really alive then? Is he back already? Shit, Jason isn’t… he’s not--
“Joker’s men have been bragging that he killed you before he disappeared.” Catwoman says quietly as she seems to compose herself.
Releasing a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding Jason runs a hand through his hair and tries to at least sound confident. “Yeah, well, what do they know? Joker didn’t do shit!”
“Thank goodness.” She looks like she might cry.
Feeling awkward, Jason tries a cocky smirk. “What? You really that worried about me?”
“We may not always be on the same side, little bird,” she begins as she steps a bit closer. “But I would never wish you harm.”
Fuck… she really means that, huh?
“Inconvenience? Yes. But never harm.” She continues with a smile as she reaches out and ruffles his hair fondly.
Embarrassed, Jason pushes her hand away and steps back. “Oh fuck you! Nevermind that! Why are you after Chiles?”
“Oh…” Catwoman looks up at the penthouse high above them. “Is that why you’re here? To protect that murderer from me?”
“He’s not a murderer yet!” Jason answers firmly, as he adjusts his cape. “And neither are you. Neither of those statements are going to change today if I have anything to say about it.”
With a laugh she rests a hand against the side of her face and tilts her head into it slightly. “Aw, are you worried about me crossing Batman’s line? You’re so sweet.”
“I…” Yet again Jason is thrown for a loop. “This is serious!”
“Deadly.” She agrees. “And you know as well as I do that Chiles is entirely capable of getting out of facing any consequences for what he’s… tried to do.”
Jason grimaces. Yeah, he knows that, but, “If he dies then all the blame for this could fall on the kid he tricked into this. Lonnie’s a brat but he doesn’t deserve that.”
The sunlight reflects off her goggle lenses and makes her expression a bit more difficult to read. Time feels like it stretches out impossibly long as Jason prepares himself to have to fight over this. She moves and Jason almost jumps out of his skin, but she just puts her hands on her hips. With a deep sigh, she says with resignation, “You’re a good kid, Robin.”
“No shit. That’s the job description.” Jason snorts incredulously, then puts up his arms in a tentative ready stance. “So are you gonna let me handle this or are we gonna have to brawl about it?”
She shakes her head and spreads her hands in surrender. “No brawls. We’ll do this Bat’s way. You handle Chiles and I’ll watch your back. Deal?”
“Deal.” Probably as good as it’s gonna get. Jason glances up at the penthouse and notes that there’s a light on in a window that was dark before. “Come on, I’ve got an idea.”
With more speed than care Nathaniel Chiles shovels belongings into his suitcases as he tries to maintain his composure. Shit. Shit shit shit. All his careful plans are going to hell. Calm down. Calm down. Just stay calm. The secretary said Batman was nosing around last night asking about Machin, but that doesn’t mean he’s put it all together yet. It’ll be fine. It’s fine.
It won’t be long before he does figure it all out though. If he knows that brat is up to something and goes to talk with him… Machin can’t keep his damned mouth shut. Fuck. He never should’ve relied on someone else for any part of this. He’d just needed to throw her off the scent at first. If she hadn’t… Yes! It’s all that bitch’s fault. None of this would’ve had to happen if she’d just kept her nose out of his fucking business. If she’d just kept to herself and stayed out of the way of his revenge then everything would’ve gone smoothly and maybe he’d even have left her and her bumbling husband and their stupid brat some of their fortune.
He slams the suitcase closed and zips it shut. Taking a deep breath he smooths his hair with trembling hand. Calm down, Nathaniel. There’s still a chance for this to work out alright. Besides he might’ve been just being paranoid about that shadow earlier. After all the Batman’s plane was seen leaving Gotham heading south only a few hours ago. Robin hasn’t been seen in months. No other vigilantes have been seen in Gotham for nearly as long. Even if Batman knows he’s prioritizing rescuing the bitch and her husband. There’s time. He can get away. Like they promised the mercenaries will wait until they spot authorities to finish their grisly job.
By the time anyone gets evidence enough against him to prove anything he’ll be thousands of miles away in Montenegro living in luxury off the rest of the money he stole – No, the money he earned – from that bastard judge’s company.
How dare that old man treat him so poorly after Nathaniel had gone to such trouble to keep the judge’s mafia connections a secret for him. God, it’s a wonder Jack’s the old fucker’s child and not that woman. Doesn’t matter. None of this matters. He’s got everything he needs.
On his way to the elevator he sneers at the view from his window. He won’t be missing this horrid view any time soon. For all that he’d rather have had more time to take his vengeance at least he won’t have to look at this disgusting city ever again. At long last he steps into the elevator and begins his journey to a new life. Just a little longer.
Ground floor, through the luxurious entry, a nod to the doorman. Once he’s en route to the airport he’ll know everything’s worked out perfectly. Just a little longer now. Down to the street where his car is waiting, the bodyguard spots him and opens the door. It figures right at the end of his employment this lout would finally start doing some part of his damned job. Can’t even wear his goddamn hat properly. No time for that.
Nathaniel bundles himself into the backseat, clutching his suitcase to his chest, his leg bouncing with nervous energy. The bodyguard takes his sweet time getting in the other side of course. Doesn’t matter to that boar that they’re on a deadline. Finally the lout is seated and Nathaniel jumps a little when the doors lock. The driver asks, “Where to now?”
An answer dies in Nathaniel’s throat as a realization strikes him. That was not his driver’s voice. Looking up quick he finds a masked woman staring back at him. He sits in stunned silence opening and closing his mouth in a futile attempt to form words.
“Damn, seems like the cat’s got your tongue, Mr Chiles.” The unfamiliar voice makes Nathaniel jerk his head to the right so fast he’s certain he’s given himself whiplash. Casually the person Nathaniel had mistaken for his bodyguard takes off his hat and spins it expertly on one finger. His face adorned with a cocky grin and a very recognizable domino mask. Robin leans back resting one arm over the back of the seat. “Can I make a suggestion?”
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thewul · 8 months
Far Point South, page 25 to 33
About Christophe Noel: Fueled by his personal mantra––the Earth is cool––Christophe Noel has dedicated his life to exploring as much of it as he can. His words and images have appeared in a number of print and digital publications as well as manufacturer websites, catalogs, and ad campaigns. When not tapping away at a keyboard as a freelance journalist, or looking through the clear glass of a camera lens, he can often be found riding motorcycles, bicycles, or shuffling through an airport on route to his next adventure.
January 2018 issue, issue number 17, was available for download as a PDF from upshiftonline, and reading the article I knew I struck gold the tone of it was perfect and matched with the novel, out of sheer luck really because that it's not every magazine that is going to propose you to download their past issues, and here I was with the content that I needed without a glitch
So being consistent pays off always, being stubborn about what you want, but in a good way we wanted the best content we could get for the chapter about Chile, and we have successfully obtained a first person account from someone who has been there on Carretera Austral, done that
The second lesson was to adapt, and so rather than taking the boat to Tierra Del Fuego our character is going to make way to Puerto Varas, and enlist the services of Daniel from Moto Patagonia, an American expat who organizes biking trips on Carretera Austral and it takes a lot to do that, because as I found out its a lot of logistics, 2855 km, 4 ferries, you need to gas up sleep eat all of those things
Also because while we played the card of the budget backpacker we shouldn't lose sight of our audience, HUGO BOSS clients, who can well afford to pay for that same biking trip if they wanted, our novels are meant to inspire and to inform our readers, keeping the readers in mind is important
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#moto #motorcycle #110cc #125cc #FOX110 #OEM #chinamoto #EFi #Bolivia #Peru #motors #Dominica #Guatemala #Chile
China Factory Looking for Importer! #CUB
#Iran #MOTOCICLETAS #Chongqing #honda #motorbike #quality #warrant #design #motocicleta #engine #africa #america #distribution #factory #export
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themarketinsights · 2 years
Private Motor Insurance Market to See Huge Growth by 2027 | Admiral Group, Liberty Mutual Group, Zurich Insurance, Progressive
Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on “Global Private Motor Insurance Market Insights, to 2027” with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the study, you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market-associated stakeholders. The growth of the Private Motor Insurance market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Major players profiled in the study are:
Aviva plc (United Kingdom), CIS General Insurance Limited (United Kingdom), Admiral Group plc (United Kingdom), Liberty Mutual Group (United States), Zurich Insurance Group Ltd. (Switzerland), Axa S.A. (France), Progressive Corporation (United States), Berkshire Hathaway (United States)
Get Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/157754-global-private-motor-insurance-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Scope of the Report of Private Motor Insurance
Private motor insurance provides an insurance policy for covering the uncertain cost of a vehicle which is mandatory by the government for safety. It covers all types of private motor vehicles such s motorcycles, cars, jeeps, etc. The private motor insurance depends on the type of vehicle and amount of coverage required by the insurer for their vehicle. Its insurance coverage includes engine protection cover, roadside assistance, tyre protect cover, consumable cover and others.
The Global Private Motor Insurance Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Private Car Motor Insurance Policy, Two-Wheeler Insurance Policy, Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy, Others), Application (Passenger Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle), Service (Online, Offline), Coverage (Engine Protection Cover, Roadside Assistance, Tyre Protect Cover, Consumable Cover, Others)
Market Opportunities:
Surging Investment of People in Private Motor Vehicle will Boost the Private Motor Insurance Market
Market Drivers:
Rising Number of Private Vehicle Accidents
Need for Reducing the Burden of Cost in Case of Any Uncertainty related to Private motor Vehicle
Market Trend:
Rising Importance of Private Motor Vehicle Coverage and Telematics for Individuals
What can be explored with the Private Motor Insurance Market Study?
Gain Market Understanding
Identify Growth Opportunities
Analyze and Measure the Global Private Motor Insurance Market by Identifying Investment across various Industry Verticals
Understand the Trends that will drive Future Changes in Private Motor Insurance
Understand the Competitive Scenarios
Track Right Markets
Identify the Right Verticals
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Private Motor Insurance Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/157754-global-private-motor-insurance-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Private Motor Insurance Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Private Motor Insurance market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Private Motor Insurance Market.
Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Private Motor Insurance
Chapter 4: Presenting the Private Motor Insurance Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2021
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Private Motor Insurance market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2022-2027)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Private Motor Insurance Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=157754#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)
AMA Research & Media LLP
Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ
New Jersey USA – 08837
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darwinp10 · 4 years
“ Beautiful and headstrong, Irene Beltrán works as a magazine journalist—a profession that belies her privileged upbringing and her engagement to an army captain. Her investigative partner is photographer Francisco Leal, the son of impoverished Spanish Marxist émigrés. Together, they form an unlikely but inseparable team—and Francisco quickly falls in love with the fierce and loyal Irene. When an assignment leads them to a young girl whom locals believe to possess miraculous powers, they uncover an unspeakable crime perpetrated by an oppressive regime. Determined to reveal the truth in a nation overrun by terror and violence, each will risk everything to find justice—and, ultimately, to embrace the passion and fervor that binds them. Profoundly moving and ultimately uplifting, Of Love and Shadows is a tale of romance, bravery, and tragedy, set against the indelible backdrop of a country ruled with an iron fist—and peopled with those who dare to challenge it”.(Goodreads)
“ The young Che Guevara’s lively and highly entertaining travel diary, now a popular movie and a New York Times bestseller. This new, expanded edition features exclusive, unpublished photos taken by the 23-year-old Ernesto on his journey across a continent, and a tender preface by Aleida Guevara, offering an insightful perspective on the man and the icon”.(Goodreads)
3. BY NIGHT IN CHILE. “ During the course of a single night, Father Sebastian Urrutia Lacroix, a Chilean priest, who is a member of Opus Dei, a literary critic and a mediocre poet, relives some of the crucial events of his life. He believes he is dying and in his feverish delirium various characters, both real and imaginary, appear to him as icy monster”.(Goodreads)
“ In one of the most important and beloved Latin American works of the twentieth century, Isabel Allende weaves a luminous tapestry of three generations of the Trueba family, revealing both triumphs and tragedies. Here is patriarch Esteban, whose wild desires and political machinations are tempered only by his love for his ethereal wife, Clara, a woman touched by an otherworldly hand. Their daughter, Blanca, whose forbidden love for a man Esteban has deemed unworthy infuriates her father, yet will produce his greatest joy: his granddaughter Alba, a beautiful, ambitious girl who will lead the family and their country into a revolutionary future”.(Goodreads)
5. A NATION OF ENEMIES. “ How Chile, once South America's most stable democracy, gave way to a culture of fear. The authors explain and illuminate the rift in Chilean society that widened dramatically during the Pinochet era”.(Goodreads)
6.  Heading South, Looking North: A Bilingual Journey In this remarkable memoir, Dorfman describes an extraordinary life, torn between the United States, South America, and his Jewish heritage, between English and Spanish, between revolution and repression. Interwoven with the story of how Dorfman switched languages and countries--not once, but three times--is a day-to-day account of his multiple escapes from death during Pinochet's military takeover of Chile in 1973. Combining eight vignettes of his life before 1973 with eight scenes from the coup, Dorfman filters these events through an engaging, hybrid consciousness.A beautifully written and deeply moving auto-biography by one of the "greatest living Latin American writers" (Newsweek), Heading South, Looking North is at once a vivid account of a life as complex and mysterious as the fictional characters Dorfman has created, and an enthralling search for a permanent home, a political cause, and a cultural identity”.(Goodreads)
“In this remarkable memoir, Dorfman describes an extraordinary life, torn between the United States, South America, and his Jewish heritage, between English and Spanish, between revolution and repression. Interwoven with the story of how Dorfman switched languages and countries--not once, but three times--is a day-to-day account of his multiple escapes from death during Pinochet's military takeover of Chile in 1973. Combining eight vignettes of his life before 1973 with eight scenes from the coup, Dorfman filters these events through an engaging, hybrid consciousness.A beautifully written and deeply moving auto-biography by one of the "greatest living Latin American writers" (Newsweek), Heading South, Looking North is at once a vivid account of a life as complex and mysterious as the fictional characters Dorfman has created, and an enthralling search for a permanent home, a political cause, and a cultural identity”.(Goodreads)
“  The story of the daring rescue of 33 miners trapped in a Chilean mine in 2010″.(Goodreads)
“ Born into a poor family in Spain, Inés, a seamstress, finds herself condemned to a life of hard work without reward or hope for the future. It is the sixteenth century, the beginning of the Spanish conquest of the Americas, and when her shiftless husband disappears to the New World, Inés uses the opportunity to search for him as an excuse to flee her stifling homeland and seek adventure. After her treacherous journey takes her to Peru, she learns that her husband has died in battle. Soon she begins a fiery love affair with a man who will change the course of her life: Pedro de Valdivia, war hero and field marshal to the famed Francisco Pizarro”.(Goodreads)
“ Meet New York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende’s most enchanting creation, Eva Luna: a lover, a writer, a revolutionary, and above all a storyteller—available for the first time in ebook. Eva Luna is the daughter of a professor’s assistant and a snake-bitten gardener—born poor, orphaned at an early age, and working as a servant. Eva is a naturally gifted and imaginative storyteller who meets people from all stations and walks of life. Though she has no wealth, she trades her stories like currency with people who are kind to her. In this novel, she shares the story of her own life and introduces readers to a diverse and eccentric cast of characters including the Lebanese émigré who befriends her and takes her in; her unfortunate godmother, whose brain is addled by rum and who believes in all the Catholic saints and a few of her own invention; a street urchin who grows into a petty criminal and, later, a leader in the guerrilla struggle; a celebrated transsexual entertainer who instructs her in the ways of the adult world; and a young refugee whose flight from postwar Europe will prove crucial to Eva's fate”.(Goodreads)
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newstfionline · 4 years
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Climate Change Means Trouble for Power Grids (NYT) Huge winter storms plunged large parts of the central and southern United States into an energy crisis this week, with frigid blasts of Arctic weather crippling electric grids and leaving millions of Americans without power amid dangerously cold temperatures. The grid failures were most severe in Texas, where more than four million people woke up Tuesday morning to rolling blackouts. Separate regional grids in the Southwest and Midwest also faced serious strain. As of Tuesday afternoon, at least 23 people nationwide had died in the storm or its aftermath. Analysts have begun to identify key factors behind the grid failures in Texas. Record-breaking cold weather spurred residents to crank up their electric heaters and pushed power demand beyond the worst-case scenarios that grid operators had planned for. At the same time, a large fraction of the state’s gas-fired power plants were knocked offline amid icy conditions, with some plants suffering fuel shortages as natural gas demand spiked. Many of Texas’ wind turbines also froze and stopped working. The crisis sounded an alarm for power systems throughout the country. Electric grids can be engineered to handle a wide range of severe conditions—as long as grid operators can reliably predict the dangers ahead. But as climate change accelerates, many electric grids will face extreme weather events that go far beyond the historical conditions those systems were designed for, putting them at risk of catastrophic failure.
‘A complete bungle’: Texas’ energy pride goes out with cold (AP) Anger over Texas’ power grid failing in the face of a record winter freeze mounted Tuesday as millions of residents in the energy capital of the U.S. remained shivering with no assurances that their electricity and heat—out for 36 hours or longer in many homes—would return soon or stay on once it finally does. “I know people are angry and frustrated,” said Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, who woke up to more than 1 million people still without power in his city. “So am I.” In all, between 2 and 3 million customers in Texas still had no power nearly two full days after historic snowfall and single-digit temperatures created a surge in demand for electricity to warm up homes unaccustomed to such extreme lows, buckling the state’s power grid and causing widespread blackouts. More bad weather, including freezing rain, began arriving Tuesday night. Making matters worse, expectations that the outages would be a shared sacrifice by the state’s 30 million residents quickly gave way to a cold reality, as pockets in some of America’s largest cities, including San Antonio, Dallas and Austin, were left to shoulder the lasting brunt of a catastrophic power failure, and in subfreezing conditions that Texas’ grid operators had known was coming.
Military recruitment (Foreign Policy) A meager job market has given military recruitment a boost around the world, the Wall Street Journal reports. In Canada, applications to join the armed services surged 37 percent over the last nine months of 2020 compared to the previous year. Australia reported a 9.9 percent annual increase in applications. The United Kingdom met its military recruitment targets for the first time in seven years and in the United States, 92 percent of eligible personnel re-enlisted, compared to just 83 percent the previous year.
Volunteer paramedics patrol streets of Venezuela’s capital (AP) Venezuela’s deepening crisis has gutted emergency ambulance services, so a group of volunteer paramedics has stepped into the void to offer life-saving help on the tough streets of Caracas. Calling themselves Angels of the Road, the volunteer corps relies on donated medical supplies and funding from international organizations. Despite receiving no paychecks, its roughly 40 paramedics are ready at a moment’s notice to jump onto motorcycles and fire up their single ambulance and race into the streets. Jonathan Quantip, 44, said he and co-founder Zuly Rodiz launched the project two years ago after watching their native Venezuela precipitously decline over years of political and social crisis. “We Venezuelans have to solve our own country’s problems,” Quantip said. “We have to use the skills we’re each good at.” The group works on a shoestring budget with nothing left over for wages, so each paramedic relies on another source of income. Some donate their off-time after working in hospitals and firehouses. Others flip burgers in fast-food restaurants.
‘We are like captives’: life in Britain’s quarantine hotels (Reuters) Mohamed Noor faces 10 days in COVID-19 quarantine in a hotel room near London’s Heathrow Airport after falling foul of new border controls because of a flight delay. “I don’t have a book. I don’t have a Koran. I don’t have nothing here,” Noor, a 55-year-old Muslim, said by phone after his arrival on Monday, a day later than planned, landed him with a 1,750-pound ($2,400) bill. In another hotel nearby, 61-year-old Sole, who declined to give her surname, said she realised too late that the new rules would kick in before she returned from visiting friends in Chile. “We are like captives in these rooms,” she said. Britain says the measures, effective since Monday, are needed to protect its COVID-19 vaccination programme and guard against new coronavirus variants. People returning from any of 33 “high-risk” countries where travel to Britain is banned must pay 1,750 pounds for a 10-day quarantine hotel package. After being taken by bus to government-contracted hotels, they must spend most of the time in their rooms and have meals delivered to their door.
Toothless travel restrictions (Foreign Policy) Irish holidaymakers have suddenly shown a keen interest in dental hygiene as they attempt to shirk strict lockdown measures to escape the bleak North Atlantic winter. Traveling for “essential medical, health or dental services” is allowed under Ireland’s coronavirus restrictions, leading to a surge in dental surgery appointments in Spain’s Canary Islands. Roberta Beccaris, a receptionist at a dental surgeon’s office on the island of Tenerife, reported taking multiple calls from prospective Irish clients, who have demanded e-mail confirmations of the bookings. Police can issue fines to rule-breaking travelers of roughly $600, although they are powerless to stop those with proof of a medical appointment. “Obviously as they are not turning up, we now understand it is just an excuse for a holiday,” she told RTÉ radio.
Spain betting on vaccine passports to revive summer tourism (Reuters) Spain hopes the introduction of vaccination passports combined with pre-travel COVID-19 testing will allow British tourists to return to Spanish destinations this summer, a tourism ministry source told Reuters on Tuesday. The government has no plans to introduce quarantines on foreign visitors, and was also counting on a wider agreement to be hammered out between Europe and Britain to remove restrictions on non-essential travel, the official added. Over 2020, as global travel was dramatically curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic, foreign tourism to Spain—one of the world’s most visited countries—fell 80% to just 19 million visitors, a level not seen since 1969.
China steps up online controls with new rule for bloggers (AP) Ma Xiaolin frequently wrote about current affairs on one of China’s leading microblogging sites, where he has 2 million followers. But recently, he said in a post, the Weibo site called and asked him not to post original content on topics ranging from politics to economic and military issues. “As an international affairs researcher and a columnist, it looks like I can only go the route of entertainment, food and beverage now,” the international relations professor wrote on Jan. 31. Ma, who often posted on developments in the Mideast, is one of many popular influencers working within the constraints of China’s heavily censored web who is finding that their space to speak is shrinking even further with the latest policy changes and a clean-up campaign run by the country’s powerful censors. Beginning next week, the Cyberspace Administration of China will require bloggers and influencers to have a government-approved credential before they can publish on a wide range of subjects. Some fear that only state media and official propaganda accounts will get permission. The latest move is in line with ever more restrictive regulations under President Xi Jinping that constrict an already narrow space for discourse. The Chinese leader has made “digital sovereignty” a central concept of his rule, under which authorities have set limits and increased control of the digital realm.
Japan’s ruling party wants more women at meetings—unless they talk (Reuters) After a sexism row sparked by Tokyo Olympics chief’s saying women talked too much at meetings, Japan’s ruling party wants women at key meetings—but only if they don’t talk. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party has proposed a new plan that allows five female lawmakers to join the party’s key meetings as observers. Toshihiro Nikai, the party’s 82-year-old secretary general, said on Tuesday that he heard criticism that the party’s board is male-dominated, but added that the board members are elected. But it is important for the party’s female members to “look” at the party’s decision-making process, he said. Those female observers can’t speak during the meetings, but can submit opinions separately to the secretariat office, the daily newspaper Nikkei reported. Requiring female observers at meetings to remain quiet has drawn criticism that the party is out of touch.
Big protests across Myanmar as UN expert fears violence (AP) Demonstrators in Myanmar gathered Wednesday in their largest numbers so far to protest the military’s seizure of power, as a U.N. human rights expert warned that troops being brought to Yangon and elsewhere could signal the prospect for major violence. U.N. rapporteur Tom Andrews said he was alarmed by reports of soldiers being transported into Yangon, the biggest city. “In the past, such troop movements preceded killings, disappearances, and detentions on a mass scale,” he said in a statement issued late Tuesday by the U.N. Human Rights office in Geneva. “I am terrified that given the confluence of these two developments­—planned mass protests and troops converging—we could be on the precipice of the military committing even greater crimes against the people of Myanmar.” Wednesday’s turnout in Yangon appeared to be one of the biggest so far in the city. Protesters have adopted a tactic of blocking off streets from security forces by parking vehicles in groups with their hoods up and the excuse of having engine trouble.
Anti-Chinese Sentiment in Myanmar (Foreign Policy) Widespread protests against the Feb. 1 military coup in Myanmar have taken on an increasingly anti-Chinese tone, with rallies held outside the Chinese Embassy in Yangon, Myanmar and calls growing for boycotts of Chinese goods and services. Misinformation is spreading, including rumors that Chinese soldiers have infiltrated Myanmar and that Chinese software will be used to set up a Great Firewall. On balance, it seems unlikely that China supported the coup, especially given its relatively good relationship with the National League for Democracy. Anti-Chinese sentiment has a long history in Myanmar, both on the national level and at the local level, due to conflicts among ethnic Chinese communities and others. Chinese investment projects have been major flash points, especially the Myitsone Dam, which was suspended in 2011 following the move toward democracy. Locals have decried the environmental impacts and forced relocations associated with such projects, while Beijing has been keen to get them restarted. There is also growing anti-Chinese feeling across Southeast Asia. Many young people see parallels between the 2019 Hong Kong protests and their own resistance against local authoritarianism. China’s tactless authoritarianism and resentment toward outsiders contributes to that solidarity, but the main driver is the willingness of local autocrats and the uber-rich to suck up to China for their own ends. That can mean, as in Myanmar’s case, that China is blamed even when it hasn’t actually done much.
Sidelining MBS (Foreign Policy) The United States will downgrade its engagement with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as part of the Biden administration’s drive to “recalibrate” relations with the kingdom, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday. President Joe Biden will instead conduct diplomacy through Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, dealing a blow to the crown prince’s standing in Washington.
Gunmen kidnap at least 20 boys from Nigerian boarding school (Washington Post) Gunmen stormed a north-central Nigerian boarding school early Wednesday, kidnapping at least 20 teenage boys, the local governor said—the second mass abduction of children to shake the country in three months. The attackers raided the Government Science Secondary School in the town of Kagara before sunrise and dragged the classmates into the dense woods. Three teachers and 12 family members also vanished into the night, Abubakar Sani Bello, the governor of Niger state, said on television. Schools in the region have been shuttered. Helicopters hovered over the treetops as security forces continued their search and, by midmorning, authorities were still counting the missing.
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avajones · 4 years
Lead Acid Battery Market Size, Share, Growth & Analysis By Products, By Applications, By Regions And Segment Forecasts To 2027
The Global Lead Acid Battery Market report gives a comprehensive overview of the Lead Acid Battery market scenario to present accurate forecasts of the upcoming years with special focus on the competitive landscape, market segmentation, current and emerging trends, and strategic recommendations to help readers gain a robust footing in the market. The report also focuses on the comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape along with descriptive company profiles, market share, product portfolio, financial standings, market reach, global position, and strategic business expansion plans. Market Size – USD 61.74 Billion in 2018, Market Growth - CAGR of 5.4%, Market Trends – Rapid Industrialization in developing nations.
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The report is furnished with the latest market scenario pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic and its after-effects on the Lead Acid Battery industry and the key segments. The pandemic has disrupted the workflow of the industry and created financial difficulties. The report assesses the complete impact of the pandemic on the market and offers key insights into the market scenario along with trends and demands disruptions. The report also offers an outlook on the market scenario in the forecast timeline.
Get the sample copy of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/1043
Some of the players profiled in the report are Johnson Controls, Exide Technologies, GS Yuasa Corp, ATLASBX Co. Ltd., East Penn Manufacturing Co., Crown Battery Manufacturing, C&D Technologies, Inc., Narada Power Source Co. Ltd., Amara Raja Batteries Ltd., Leoch International Technology Ltd.
The Global Lead Acid Battery Market is segmented as follows:
Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018-2026)
Construction Method Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018-2026)
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018-2026)
End-Users Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018-2026)
Sales Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018-2026)
Control & Switchgear
Grid Storage
Fork Lifts
Oil & Gas
Original Equipment Manufacturer
Aftermarket Sales
Request a discount on the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/1043
Market Segmentation by Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Key Point Summary of the Report:
The global Lead Acid Battery market research report is an investigative study offering key insights into the latest growth trends, developments, technological and product advancements, and the research and development scenario. The report also covers the market aspects that directly influence the growth of the market. These features include strategies undertaken by the prominent players, their expansion tactics, and the product portfolios of the companies, and micro and macro-economic factors.
Access complete report description, toc, chart, etc.@ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/lead-acid-battery-market
The study also analyses the crucial market aspects, including R&D, product launches and brand promotions, mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, joint ventures, and the growth pattern on both regional and global levels. The report offers an in-depth evaluation of factors such as cost, capacity, rates of production and consumption, gross revenue, profit margin, demand and supply ratio, import/export, market share, market size, and market trends.
The Global Lead Acid Battery Market includes relevant and verified information relating to the overall market, key players, and their market position and financial standing. The report utilizes advanced analytical tools such as SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, investment return analysis, and feasibility analysis to offer a comprehensive view of the market position of the major players of the industry.
Key Coverage of the Lead Acid Battery Market:
Insightful information regarding the global Lead Acid Battery market
Identification of growth in various segments and sub-segments of the Lead Acid Battery market
Strategic recommendations for investment opportunities
The report covers significant statistics related to the industry along with products, applications, price analysis, demand & supply, and production and consumptions rate
Emerging trends and current market segment analysis to help investors formulate new business strategies
Accelerates the decision-making process through the availability of the drivers and limitations
Request customization of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/request-customization-form/1043
To summarize everything stated above, the report offers key insights into the Lead Acid Battery market to allow the reader to gain a complete understanding of the Global Lead Acid Battery Market through accurate estimations, a panoramic view of the market scenario, competitive landscape, factors influencing the growth of the market, driving factors, restraints, regulatory framework, growth prospects and opportunities, and factors propelling the market forward. The research study offers an in-depth view of the industry to offer a competitive edge to the reader and help them in formulating beneficial investment plans. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the market with facts relating to the past, present, and future of the Global Lead Acid Battery Market.
Thank you for reading the report. The report can be customized as per the requirements of the clients. For further information or queries about customization options, please reach out to us, and we will offer you the report best suited for your needs.
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Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries and help client’s make a smarter business decision. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware about the latest trends existent in the market.
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bryonysimcox · 5 years
Driving round the world in an old van? You’re crazy!
Living in unknown places in a confined space and with little money is a dream for some and a nightmare for others. As I prepare to embark on a two-year overland adventure, I reflect on the plan for our trip and my motivations behind it.
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WHAT So. What’s the plan?
In short, we’d like to end up in Chile, having driven eastwards from England to get there. I know, it’s a mammoth task, but for my partner George and I, it’s about the process of getting there (or attempting to!), and not the final destination. So we thought we’d set our sights on something totally aspirational and see how far we get!
Step one is to prepare the vehicle. We’ve always known we wanted to do the trip overland, seeing all the borders and in-between-places rather than just hotspots and capital cities (as you’d usually experience on a trip reliant on flying). We also knew we wanted a van that would serve as our home, to find comfort and constancy in as our surroundings change.
Step two is doing the travelling itself. Starting in the UK, our provisional route will see us moving through the south of Europe, down into Greece and Turkey, then eastwards into India. From there, we’ll go across into China or down into South-east Asia. At that point, assuming the van is still intact and the numbers stack up, we’ll ship the vehicle across into Canada - a considerable journey but one which other overland adventurers have proved is possible. And then from Canada, we’ll head south, down through the United States and Central America, across the Darién Gap, and eventually, down into Chile.
We know, it’s crazy. And possibly not possible. (But that’s sort of the point!)
Step three, as if we don’t already have enough on our plate, is to launch a documentary channel along the way. Rather than just share the same old #VanLife photos of dreamy sunsets and coffee in the van (which I’m sure we’ll do some of!), our channel, called Broaden, will document the stories, people and places we find along the way, in what we hope is a meaningful and engaging way.
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(image)  Broaden will be our storytelling platform
WHEN When was this wild idea born?
It all begins with eighteen year-old George. Inspired by Ewan McGregor’s motorcycle travels in ‘The Long Way Round’, George decided he wanted to undertake his own epic adventure - from the northernmost part of Scotland to the southernmost part of Chile. But why Chile? Well, George’s best friend is half-Chilean (they later travelled to Chile together in their early twenties), and I think the extreme distance of this trip appealed to George; this idea of going from two polar opposite places, north and south. 
As with many wild dreams, George slowly let go of his Scotland to Chile idea. Life got in the way, but his passion for mechanics and do-it-yourself projects didn’t. He’s a real self-starter and the subsequent years saw him open his own recording studio and then teach himself video production, making films for a living both in the UK and Australia. Not long after I met George in the summer of 2014 at Spanish music festival, he told me about his overland pipe-dream.
The audacity of the idea, the sheer insanity of driving that far, living on the road and making do with very little somehow made a lasting impact on me.
As an architecture graduate, I’m interested in problem-solving. Even though my career path took me away from architecture specifically, I still love strategising, designing things and finding ways to make projects work. And the idea of building our own van to drive around the world seemed like the ultimate design and project management challenge!
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(image) The early days: George and I working together at a festival, Summer 2015
George and I started dating, and moved to Australia. Gradually, we re-ignited George’s idea about driving to drive to Chile. It started as a ‘one-day’ idea that we’d talk about, and gradually became a tangible plan that we could aim towards - saving money up for it and setting milestones. Once we’d told other people we were going to do it, we knew were accountable and it all suddenly felt real.
And so a date was set to move back from Australia to the UK to buy a van and start the trip - April 2019. Since then we’ve been heads-down and knee-deep in van-building (more info on that in a later blog post).
WHO So who’s going to be part of the adventure?
It goes without saying that I’m mainly embarking on this with George - I hope we get along because we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other! Really though, I’m pretty sure we’ll be just fine in each other’s company, considering we’ve forged on through the van-building process together. In fact, these last few intense months have surely made us stronger, and proved our compatibility (or maybe just our mutual stubbornness!).
What I lack, George makes up for with his ‘we can fix this’ attitude, his mechanical-mindedness and his courage to tackle the big scary things head on. And what he lacks, I make up for with my love of planning (a.k.a. list-making), my upholstery skills and my interest in interior design.
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(image) Building cabinetry for the inside of Suzi
But really, part of the very raison d’etre of the trip is to meet OTHERS! Having four seats in the van was always a big priority for us, so that we could pick people up along the way, sharing the experience and splitting fuel costs. These people may be strangers we meet en-route, or perhaps even friends who come along to visit us. There will be nothing quite like the sight of a Brit or Australian we know and love so dearly catching up with us in some far-flung place!
There is a considerable #VanLife community across the globe, so we’ll likely meet up with and travel with ‘vanlifers’ too (I’m still coming to terms with that word, feels so super-cheesy). It’ll give me a chance to snoop on other people’s van interiors and get top tips on places to visit, things to do, and hopefully some hidden campout spots.
HOW But how will you survive?!
Firstly, there is so much planning we could’ve, should’ve, but haven’t done. I know part of this ‘travel round the world’ plan probably comes over as very naive, and I’m not even going to say it’s not. BUT, there is also a lot of planning and prep that we have done, and there’s no better way to find out where the gaps are than just set off and start living it.
One of the biggest hurdles to living on the road will be financing it.
Living in Australia was really the first thing that made this trip feasible. Wages are considerably higher over there and, although it is tempered by the extortionate cost of living, George and I were still able to put some savings aside. Month-by-month we saved what most sensible people would tell you to use for a deposit on ‘that first flat’, but what we decided to put towards a van.
Needless to say, the van cost more than we expected to build and kit out (a lot more). So we’re not necessarily starting with as much of a financial safety-net as we would have liked. But our van overspend and tighter budget was probably to be expected, and it will surely force us to innovate. 
Having both worked in design, George and I are familiar with freelancing. We plan on building our portfolios on the road, whether that be shooting and editing videos, doing graphic design, writing articles, or making collages. Our channel ‘Broaden’ will serve as a ‘production-house-on-wheels’, and we imagine video production to be our main income stream, through both YouTube and traditional commissions. We’re also exploring subscription content services like Patreon, where subscribers can back the films that we make in exchange for exclusive content. Whilst planning to get paid for making the videos/photos/art that we love making feels like a leap of faith, we take comfort in the fact that so many other inspiring people out there are making this model work and proving that you can fund life on the road! 
Of course, for all the pennies that we earn, we’ll be saving those pennies at every possible opportunity. This’ll mean camping freely, conserving gas and fuel, generating solar power, eating locally and living frugally.
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(image) Suzi, our 1994 Toyota Hiace 
WHY Okay. But why on earth would you undertake this whole project?
This is the most important question of all, and also the hardest question to answer (hence why I’ve left it until last!). I can thank my dear friend Chris for inspiring me to write this blog post, as he asked me this very question in a recent letter he wrote to me: “but why are you actually doing all of this, Bryony?”. Whilst his letter left me frustrated that I couldn’t answer it immediately, I was so grateful for the challenge to think long and hard about the motivation behind our plans.
Simply put, the reason why is: Why not? In true ‘YOLO’ spirit, I can honestly say I haven’t got a good enough reason not to want to go and explore different parts of the world. 
To add to that, there’s a practical side of things. If we’re going to do something like living and travelling in a van at some point in our lives, it seems like the ‘right’ time - we’ve got no children, we are miles away from even contemplating a mortgage, we’re not deep into careers, and we’re in good health. Doing something like this is also bound to give us heaps of life experience which will no doubt add value to other parts of our life, like problem-solving, collaborating (and persevering!) with each other, engaging with different people and cultures, being outside of our comfort zones and perhaps even finding a place where we’d eventually like to live.
Whilst all of the above are valid reasons to be setting off into the unknown in a 1994 Japanese van, I think there are other, more intrinsic reasons that I’m embarking on such a massive project. And it’s so hard to put my finger on what those reasons are, because they’re so deep down (and have, until recently, been buried by the everyday frustrations of building the van itself), but I’ve tried to dig them up from inside of me and put them into words:
1. The bigger the project you attempt, the greater the sense of achievement when you succeed.
I think that’s why this project is about proving something to myself (and perhaps others). Whether that is healthy, I’m not entirely sure, but I can see that I’ve set myself a goal that is far bigger than any of the ones I’ve ever set before, and I want to prove that it’s possible.
2.  Living and travelling in a van also reduces life to something very fundamental.
By being so far removed from the comfort zone of a stable city, house and job, the very act of surviving each day will be a cause for celebration. The ‘mental clutter’ of social pressures, disposable income, hobbies, norms and status will go completely out of the window, and be replaced by primitive needs and desires like finding somewhere to park up at night and making sure we have water to drink and gas to cook with.
3.  Taking ourselves on this journey maximises the opportunity for revelatory moments.
This last point is the crux of it all for me. I’ve come to realise that when the stakes are so high, and when you live a life centred on fundamental daily needs, the potential joy you receive is unlike any other. And although I am sharing this journey with George, I can already say that I’ve had some of these moments of deep internal joy in a very personal way. I feel immense gratitude and appreciation for the experience so far and the lessons I’ve learnt both about myself and the world around me. That’s not to say I haven't felt pain, anger, frustration and helplessness too but, along with the ‘revelatory moments’, they have put colour into my life and given me perspective about what really matters. And what are life’s highs if you they aren’t seen in light of the lows?
So yeah, it is all a bit of a crazy plan. To drive to Chile in a van together with your boyfriend, picking up people along the way, making films and living frugally is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. But it is for me.
It’s a chance to set the stakes high, live life fundamentally, and hopefully experience moments of joy along the way.
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is6621 · 6 years
A Delivery Unicorn! - by Andrea Ramirez
Alright, no magical creatures, but definitely a magical startup. Privately held tech startups become unicorns once they reach a $1 billion valuation, and the Colombian startup Rappi has reached an estimated market value of $1.1 billion through its latest funding round. It is only a three-year-old company, but they have expanded their reach from one small city in Colombia to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay.
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Rappi is a delivery service that as Bloomberg says, is a “mashup of UberEats, Instacart, and TaskRabbit.” Rappi has a mobile app where users can order a wide variety of things from. You can get your grocery shopping done, order specific items from shops or malls, drugstore items, cash, a package from a friend’s house, or even something from your favorite food cart across the city. There are even Rappi Favors where you can hire someone to walk your dog for an hour or help you with something around the house. All orders are placed through the app where you can see different categories.
For food, there are many restaurants that partner with Rappi so that users can see the entire delivery menu with pictures and descriptions. But if your favorite restaurant isn’t there, just go to the Cravings section and order from any restaurant you want! Just provide the address or name of restaurant and location, and as long as they have a takeout service, a Rappi delivery person will get it for you. This is how most orders work within the app. Grocery shopping is similar where you can explore different supermarkets or order from convenience stores you already know. For some of these, the app even offers the guarantee that delivery will be within 35 minutes or the order is free.
Here’s a quick video showing the interface: 
When an order is placed, the closest available delivery person is alerted through their smartphone. They are then connected with the customer for any questions. These could include any doubts about the order or checking in for directions to the delivery address. The user sees the delivery person’s name and location throughout the entire order as well. Deliveries can either be charged to the credit card on file in the app or paid in cash when it arrives.
One growing service they offer is the delivery of cash through RappiCash. Your card is charged for the amount of money you want and the small delivery fee.
This playlist of youtube videos has other how-to videos that explain how to get around the app.
One unique thing about Rappi is how much people trust the service. While there were some customer service issues last year due to upgrades in the app messing up some orders, most people trust the company not only with their information but with their personal items too. While some might order over $100 in cash, others might send a folder or envelope of documents from one office to another. This is something that really important when building such a versatile app and is likely one of the factors that have led to its success.
Another factor for success is undoubtedly the convenience of using the service. One of the primary reasons the service launched is that traffic can be very heavy in Colombian cities and a short errand can become a couple of hours in traffic. The three entrepreneurs who started Rappi realized the cities were lacking a service that avoided this, and since most of their delivery fleet is comprised of motorcycles and bicycles, orders can be more efficient than a user driving their car to the place and back. Rappi saw an opportunity to combat the difficult logistics in Latin American cities by offering a service that caters to what a lot of people would be willing to pay for.
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Rappitenderos, the delivery people referenced as Rappi Athletes in English communications, also stand out around the city with bright orange jackets and hats. Motorcyclists and bikers can choose to either set up an insulated container in the back of their ride or use a large orange backpack with the easily recognized Rappi logo: the mustache. With the bright colors, these people are not only easy to spot on the street, but they lead to conversation. “They are everywhere!” “There’s so many” “I want one of those hats!”
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You can even order these as costumes for Halloween!!
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Understanding the model that Rappi has built in these different cities includes thought into what was missing from each one. This service found something that was not necessarily underutilized but was not optimized to the requirements of the city or the preferences of the people living there. The typical delivery apps were using motorcycles, but each one was very limited in terms of restaurants. And while this could be a whole other blog post, Rappi also managed to gain a lot of recognition in its second year through a lot of events and giveaways of merchandise. With coupons for signing up and even a subscription service paid monthly that eliminates the delivery fee, this service is not only investing heavy towards developing new technology to keep up with what customers are demanding, but they are also building a strong reputation across Latin America that is likely the reason it is now a magical unicorn 🦄.
Sources: Business Insider, Bloomberg, Fortune, ZDNet, Rappi, Rappi Blog, Tech Crunch, Bloomberg (2), Rappi YouTube channel,
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mariacallous · 2 years
Editor's Note: Vanda Felbab-Brown explores the changing presence and increasing drug-product diversification of the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación in Europe. This piece was originally published by Mexico Today.
The bipolar competition between the two largest Mexican cartels — the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) — has spread around the globe. In Latin America, as I have written in this series, the competition has pushed up violence – dramatically amplifying conflict and homicide rates from Colombia to Ecuador and Chile. In the Asia-Pacific region, the foreign policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG have in recent years also become more provocative, as I detailed in my second column in this series. In Africa, the presence of the two cartels has been often behind-the-scenes and through proxies, but it is far greater than many imagine, as I showed in the third column. In today’s column and the next one, I explore the changing presence and increasing drug-product diversification of the Mexican cartels in Europe.
Starting in the late 1990s/early 2000s, the first phase of the Mexican cartels’ European presence centered on the supply of the cocaine to Europe and in the second, from 2015 onward, on the production of methamphetamine for export to the Asia-Pacific region. The third phase entails the production in Europe of highly potent cocaine, which I will discuss, along with key on-the-horizon questions and issues and the Middle East, in the subsequent and concluding column in this series.
Not surprisingly, the first entry point of the Mexican cartels into European crime markets was through cocaine. After a 15-year lag behind North America, cocaine consumption finally took off in Western Europe in the second half of the 1990s, and drug traffickers rushed to supply the new market. Colombian drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) and eventually the Mexican ones rapidly developed wholesale supply relationships with Italian mafia groups, especially the Calabria-originating Ndrangheta whose workforce is believed to have some 30,000 and whose budget is estimated in the tens of billions annually. As the fortunes of the Colombian cartels waned and the Mexican ones rose to the top echelons of the global drug trafficking pecking order, they also came to dominate the European cocaine supply just when cocaine consumption eclipsed heroin in Europe.
With an estimated minimum retail value of US $11.5 billion in 2020, cocaine is the second most commonly consumed illicit drug in Europe, after cannabis, and the Sinaloa Cartel is likely the premier wholesale supplier of cocaine for Europe. But it does not have anywhere near a monopoly on cocaine supply to the old continent. Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) has followed it to Europe, like it did to the Asia-Pacific and Africa. Other wholesale, distribution, and retail criminal groups operate in Europe, such as Colombian, Albanian-speaking, British, Dutch, French, Irish, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish, and Moroccan criminal groups as well as outlaw motorcycle gangs.
Indeed, consistent with the Mexican cartels’ behavior and foreign policies in Africa and for a long time also in Asia, the cocaine business partnerships have entailed a quiet and relatively limited presence of Mexican criminal operatives in Europe and up to now no significant presence in European retail markets.
As Elisa Norio notes in her innovative article “Why are tourist resorts attractive for transnational crime?,” tourist hubs in Italy, Spain, such as Marbella, and the Mayan Riviera in Mexico provided crucial and convenient meetings hubs for the emissaries of the Mexican cartels and Italian mafia groups to liaise.
Beyond making it easier for the DTOs to hide from law enforcement, there were other reasons why tourist resorts and important transportation ports and hubs in Italy and Spain as well as in Belgium and the Netherlands developed into some of the key bases of operations for the Mexican cartels’ cocaine trafficking to Europe. Italy and Spain are conveniently geographically connected to what emerged as key drug shipment routes from Latin America through the Caribbean and West and North Africa, such as Morocco. And the Low Countries operate some of the largest ports in Europe and have their historic connections to the Caribbean. The transportation hubs of Antwerp in Belgium, Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and Algeciras in Spain have become some of the largest cocaine valves into Europe.
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avalonglobal · 2 years
Chile - A far away land of opportunities - Avalon Global Research
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Chile has been known for its modern, diversified and stable economy. Several recent events have dampened the economy but looking at the past the country is sure to make a comeback. Read this article (about 3 mins read) to find out a little more about Chile and its economy.
On my recent visit to Chile, I was lucky to experience a rather unique culture – both social and business. It took almost a day and a half of travelling across two continents to get to the capital city of Santiago.
On arriving in Santiago, I was pleasantly surprised. The business district is very modern with tall glass façade buildings, high-end malls and swanky restaurants. There are other parts of the city with neoclassical architecture and small side streets with people displaying art and decoration for sale and the occasional street musician. Almost anywhere you go in the city, you will see the grand Andes mountains overlooking you.
The Costanera Center, a high-end business and commercial complex, has one of the highest observatories in South America and offers an amazing 360 degrees view of Santiago and the Andes mountains. A friend suggested that I visit Santa Lucia, a hill in the center of the city. The climb up the hill was not such an uphill task but you do encounter some narrow stairways. At the top is a viewpoint, again offering a breath-taking view of the long Andes mountain range and the city.
The country is famous for its traditional cuisine. I relished the Pastel de Choclo, a traditional corn pudding dish served with olives, onions and meat. Chileans love their sandwiches. Almost every evening Chileans have the El Completo which can contain meat, but certainly has avocados and mayonnaise in it. Chile also has some of the world’s finest wines and is slowly becoming popular for its beer.
Coming to the Chilean Economy…
The World Bank ranks Chile as a high-income economy. In fact, it is one of the most advanced and competitive economies in Latin America. With a GDP of close to USD 300 bn and growing, the country holds promise for businesses. Some of the large sectors of the Chilean economy include mining (copper mining capital of the world), fishing (world’s second largest salmon producer), food (meat, seafood, prunes and other fruits), and forestry among others. Many other sectors that support these key sectors have also been growing strongly, for instance machinery, packaging and transportation. The Chilean Government aims to strengthen domestic capacity, promote exports and attract foreign investment.
Bilateral trade relations with India…
While moving around Santiago, I was happy to see a large number of Bajaj motorcycles, Mahindra SUVs and pickup trucks and Indian made Suzuki and Hyundai cars. Chile’s imports from India stood at about USD 900 million in 2019. Automobiles and components, pharmaceuticals, machinery and textiles were the top exported categories. Exports from Chile to India totalled USD 1.2 billion, mainly in the form of copper ores and concentrates.
Civil protests that began in mid-October due an increase in cost of living and the ongoing pandemic have had a negative impact on economic conditions in Chile. However, it would be prudent to be optimistic, that a once stable economy would only want to prove its resilience once this wave of difficult situations passes.
Chile is truly a global economy (although my Chilean colleague laughed saying that “we are only recently seeing people from other parts of the world coming here and working, and we rarely travel to other parts since we are so far away”). Latitude and longitude aside, Chile offers great opportunities in terms of investment, production, exports and imports.
Would you like to learn more about the potential for your company and products in Chile? Get in touch.
The opinions expressed in this article are mine and do not reflect the views or opinions of Avalon Global Research. Also, Chile would definitely have more to offer, this article is solely based on my personal experiences.
Author: Levin D Souza
Levin is an Associate Director at Avalon Global Research and is primarily responsible for project delivery, client management and business development. He has over 12 years of experience in business research and consulting. At Avalon, his focus industries include transportation & logistics, travel and industrial goods. Outside of work, he loves reading, sports and traveling.
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jackssresearch · 2 years
Europe Motorcycle Gear Market Growth Will Witness Substantial CAGR in the Upcoming years by 2029
Europe Motorcycle Gear Market Highlights:
The European motorcycle gear market was valued at around USD 3,297.64 million in 2019 and is likely to reach USD 4,451.61 million by 2029, with a CAGR of 4.3%.
Europe Motorcycle Gear Market Growth Report provides in-depth information on the Market trends, size, share, growth factors, innovations, competitive landscape, business challenges, and more. The historical data in this report confirms the growing demand on a Global, national and regional scale.
The study of the Global industry covers everything from comprehensive research to Market forecasts, prospects, risks, and vendor knowledge. Research on Europe Motorcycle Gear helps to understand the industry prospects and growth opportunities. The report utilizes advanced tools such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis to accurately estimate Market and revenue growth. The report also provides an extensive analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has contributed to the progress of the Market.
Click the link to get a sample copy of the report: https://straitsresearch.com/report/europe-motorcycle-gear-market/request-sample
Major Market Players:
Dainese S.p.A, Alpinestarts S.p.A, KTM AG, KW RaceWear Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., UFO PLAST S.r.l., Schuberth GmbH, Carberg S.p.A, Bell Racing Europe SA, Spidi Sport S.r.l., REV’IT! Sport International B.V., Scorpion Sports Europe, and Belstaff, among others.
Market segmentation by Type and Application:
By Type Riding Gear Jerseys Jackets Pants and shorts Protective Gear Guards Chest/Roost Protection Helmets Boots Armored Jackets Armored Shorts By User Group Men Women Kids
Regional Analysis:
Global Europe Motorcycle Gear Market Trends in key regions:
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, etc.)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Southeast Asia, etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, etc.)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, etc.)
Each of these regions are analyzed based on Market research results across major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the Market.
Impact on Industry Due to COVID-19
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the world as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a public health emergency. The Global impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is already starting to be felt and will have a major impact on the Europe Motorcycle Gear Market in 2020. The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected several aspects such as flight cancellations, travel bans, quarantines, restaurant closures, restrictions on all indoor/outdoor events, more than 40 countries declared a state of emergency, massive slowdowns in supply chains, stock Market volatility, Declining business confidence, growing fears of the population, and uncertainty about the future.
Market Factors Described in the Report:
Market Overview: Includes other chapters briefly describing the scope of the Europe Motorcycle Gear Market research, Market analysis by major players, Market analysis by segments, applications, types, and the study.
Summary: The Europe Motorcycle Gear Market share report evaluates key Market functions such as revenue, price, capacity, utilization, gross production, production, consumption, import and export, supply and demand, cost, Market share, CAGR, and gross margin. Additionally, the report offers a comprehensive study of key Market dynamics and latest trends, as well as relevant Market segments and sub-segments.
Regional Survey: All regions and countries analyzed in the Europe Motorcycle Gear Market report have been surveyed based on Market size by application, Market size by product, key players and Market forecasts.
Market Forecast: Here, the report offers a complete forecast of the Global Europe Motorcycle Gear Market size by product, application, and region. It also provides Global sales and revenue forecasts for all years of the forecast period.
The survey includes historical and forecast data that makes the report easy to access documentation, including industry executives, marketing, sales and product managers, consultants, analysts, and clearly presented tables for stakeholders looking to the core. Industry data. It will be a valuable resource and graph.
You can Buy This Report Here: https://straitsresearch.com/buy-now/europe-motorcycle-gear-market/global/
The following questions answered in the Europe Motorcycle Gear Market report:
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the Global Europe Motorcycle Gear Market Players?
What is the essential strategy available for the growth & development of the Global Europe Motorcycle Gear Market?
What are the key segments explained in the Global Europe Motorcycle Gear Market report?
What are the strategically phases determined for marking an entry of the players in the Global Europe Motorcycle Gear Market?
What are the major governing frameworks and technology trends involved in the Europe Motorcycle Gear Market?
Trending Report:
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easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/best-places-to-see-fall-colors-in-washington-d-c/magazine/
Best Places to See Fall Colors in Washington, D.C
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Rock Creek Park
Lucas Keene/Getty Images
Washington, D.C.’s largest park (and the third-oldest in the nation) stretches 30 miles from Montgomery County, Maryland, to downtown D.C. Here, you can enjoy some leaf peeping and a picnic, take a hike, bike, or horseback ride, or attend a park ranger program.
Admission to Rock Creek Park and all attractions within the park is free. Throughout the year, you can explore the Rock Creek Park Nature Center, the historic Pierce Mill, or Old Stone House (temporarily closed).
Popular annual events each fall include the Rock Creek Park Day in late September and the Fall Heritage Festival in early-to-mid October.
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C & O Canal National Historical Park
Starting in Georgetown in Washington, D.C., the C & O Canal National Historical Park stretches 184 and a half miles to Cumberland, Maryland, and offers guests breathtaking vistas and plenty of opportunities to hike, bike, fish, boat, and horseback ride along the towpath.
Access to the park is free, but you can purchase National Parks passes at the Great Falls Entrance Station. Popular events this time of year include the Dulcimer Music at Great Falls series, “A Very Retail Georgetown” walking tour, and Scary Stories on the Canal at the Great Falls Tavern.
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United States National Arboretum
Connie Coleman/Getty Images
The United States National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. is a living museum that showcases 446 acres of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. You can tour the gardens on your own by foot, car, or bicycle or take the 35-minute tram ride and hear an informative narrative about the Arboretum, its history, and the display gardens and collections.
The National Arboretum offers a variety of hikes and public education programs throughout the year, but they typically wind down for the winter season. In October, you can catch the annual Under the Arbor: Chile Pepper Celebration at the first of the month in the National Herb Garden or stick around later for a new program series about herb-based lifestyles.
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Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
The 500-acre estate of George Washington, located along the shores of the Potomac River in Mount Vernon, Virginia, is especially beautiful during the fall foliage season. You can take a tour of the estate while you’re there, but make sure you spend plenty of time outdoors exploring the gardens and taking in the natural scenery, too.
General admission costs $20 at the door ($18 online) for adults and children aged 12 to 61; youth admission is $12 ($11 online) for children aged 6 to 11, and free for children 5 and under. Fall Harvest Family Days, Fall Dried Wreath Workshops, and Trick-or-Treating at Mount Vernon are among the most popular annual events on the estate.
Continue to 5 of 11 below.
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Great Falls National Park
Stretching from Great Falls, Virginia, to Potomac, Maryland, Great Falls National Park has some of the most spectacular views in the region. At various overlook points spread throughout the park, you can witness all of the vibrant fall colors from 50-foot cliffs overlooking the Potomac River. Great Falls also offers hiking and biking trails, picnic areas, and overnight camping.
Due to flooding during the hurricane season (September through November), some trails and locations may be inaccessible. Swimming is prohibited at the park due to deadly currents and flood possibilities. Admission to the park is $10 per vehicle or $5 per person entering on foot, bike or horseback and grants access for three consecutive days.
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Seneca Creek State Park
Located in Gaithersburg Maryland, Seneca Creek State Park spans over 6,300 acres alongside 14 miles of Seneca Creek. During the months of October and November, you can spend an entire day hiking through the park snapping pictures of the fall foliage reflected in the water.
The park is also home to a 90-acre lake, hiking trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, a disc golf course, and a restored 19th-century cabin. You can witness all the brilliant fall foliage from the lake by renting a boat, canoe, or kayak (or bringing your own), and there’s also plenty of opportunities to fish from the shore.
There is a $3 service charge for Maryland residents and a $5 service charge for out-of-state guests to enter the park.
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Sugarloaf Mountain
Matthew T. Carroll/Getty Images
This small mountain in Dickerson, Maryland is a National Historic Landmark with an elevation of 1,282 feet and a vertical height of 800 feet above the surrounding farmland. In addition, Stronghold Mansion on Sugarloaf Mountain is a popular destination that hosts events year-round.
Hikers can enjoy striking views of foliage along the trails, including several well-marked loops ranging in distance from two and a half to seven miles. Those driving can also pull up to the Sugarloaf Mountain lookout point get equally stunning views. Access to both is free year-round.
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Cunningham Falls State Park
In the Catoctin Mountains near Thurmont, Maryland, Cunningham Falls State Park has a 78-foot cascading waterfall, a lake, campgrounds, and hiking trails ranging from half a mile to eight miles long. The park is a great place to enjoy outdoor recreation all year, featuring special camping and recreation events throughout the summer and fall.
Access to Cunningham Falls State Park is free of charge, but you can rent camping and hiking gear from the store, and there are a few other services on-site that come with a fee.
Continue to 9 of 11 below.
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Black Hills Regional Park
Covering over 2,000 acres in Boyds, Maryland, Black Hill Regional Park offers a wide variety of activities including hiking, boating, picnicking, and guided nature programs. Visitors can enjoy spectacular views over Little Seneca Lake, and hikers, bikers, and horseback riders can explore miles of trails in the park. There is also a visitor center that hosts nature programs and offers interpretive tours throughout the year.
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Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Walter Bibikow/Getty Images
Harpers Ferry National Historic Park is located about an hour outside of D.C. in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, and was the site of an important battle in the American Civil War. Visitors can enjoy a variety of scenic hiking trails and exploring the historic town, which offers ranger-guided tours, museums, restaurants, and craft shops.
Harpers Ferry National Historic Park is open year-round, but some areas may be inaccessible in the winter months. Admission to the park is $10 per vehicle or $5 per individual arriving on foot or bicycle, and you can also purchase an annual pass for $30.
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Burke Lake Park
Burke Lake Park is located in Fairfax Station, Virginia, and offers a wide variety of recreational activities including camping, hiking, fishing, and boating on the 218-acre lake. There is also a miniature train, a carousel, an 18-hole, par-3 golf course, disk golf horseshoe pits, an amphitheater, and a miniature golf course on-site.
Burke Lake Park is open daily from Memorial Day to Labor Day each year, then on weekends until November 13, 2018. There is no entrance fee for Fairfax County residents, but non-residents must pay $10 for cars, $5 for motorcycles, $10 for large-capacity vans, and $40 for buses on weekends and holidays only (weekdays are free).
Special events at Burke Lake Park include a sunset cruise, the annual Fall Family Campout, and the special Halloween campfire in October, as well as several fall foliage boat tours offered throughout the month of November (until the leaves fall).
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marketerefforts · 3 years
Two Wheeler Lighting Market Research Report 2023 - Industry Size, Share, Demands, Regional Analysis & Estimations Till 2028
The Two Wheeler Lighting Market Report, in its latest update, highlights the significant impacts and the recent strategical changes under the present socio-economic scenario. The Two Wheeler Lighting industry growth avenues are deeply supported by exhaustive research by the top analysts of the industry. The report starts with the executive summary, followed by a value chain and marketing channels study. The report then estimates the CAGR and market revenue of the Global and regional segments.
Base Year: 2021
Estimated Year: 2022
Forecast Till: 2023 to 2028
The report classifies the market into different segments based on type and product. These segments are studied in detail, incorporating the market estimates and forecasts at regional and country levels. The segment analysis is helpful in understanding the growth areas and potential opportunities of the market.
Get | Download FREE Sample Report of Global Two Wheeler Lighting Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-17921
A special section is dedicated to the analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the growth of the Two Wheeler Lighting market.  The impact is closely studied in terms of production, import, export, and supply.
The report covers the complete competitive landscape of the Worldwide Two Wheeler Lighting market with company profiles of key players such as:
AMPAS Industries Co., Ltd.
Cobo SPA
Federal-Mogul Goetze (India) Limited
Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Lumax Industries Ltd.
Rinder India, Pvt. Ltd.
Stanley Electric Co.
Susquehanna Motorsports
UM House
Varroc Group
Want to add more Company Profiles to the Report? Write your Customized Requirements to us @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/get-custom-research-17921
Two Wheeler Lighting Market Analysis by Technology:
Halogen Light
LED Light
Two Wheeler Lighting Market Analysis by Applications:
Motorcycle Headlight
Motorcycle Rear Light
Two Wheeler Lighting Market Analysis by Geography:
North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, South-East Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Key questions answered in the report:
 What is the expected growth of the Two Wheeler Lighting market between 2023 to 2028?
Which application and type segment holds the maximum share in the Global Two Wheeler Lighting market?
Which regional Two Wheeler Lighting market shows the highest growth CAGR between 2023 to 2028?
What are the opportunities and challenges currently faced by the Two Wheeler Lighting market?
Who are the leading market players and what are their Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)?
What business strategies are the competitors considering to stay in the Two Wheeler Lighting market?
Purchase the Complete Global Two Wheeler Lighting Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-17921
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DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research report provider, enriching decision-makers, and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports, company profiles, and industry databases across multiple domains. Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise, and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
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