#childrens dentist Guelph
woolwichguelph · 4 years
Your child's teeth can last a lifetime with proper oral care and regular dental checkups. By establishing good oral hygiene routines for your children right from the beginning, you can give them the best chance of keeping their teeth healthy and strong for a long time. Visit this webpage to learn more. For more information and to book a consultation with a pediatric dentist in Guelph, visit www.woolwichdental.com.
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emetorose · 2 years
Introducing My OCs
I've been developing this group for over a year now and I'm finally ready to unleash on the tl. They are a four person polycule and they call their 5 bed/3ba house Window To The Moon or Window House for short on account of the half arch driveway and attic window. They are in their late 20s/early 30s and live in Ann Arbor, MI.
The basement is a games/rec room with a bar, laundry room, and one bathroom with a door to the back patio.
The main floor is large kitchen with a kitchen island, a state of the art very large fridge/freezer, a walk-in pantry and dining room and small sitting room with a piano, cello, guitar, two arm chairs and a small couch attached. There's also a large living room with a U-shaped couch, an ottoman, floor cushions, a fireplace, a large flat screen tv and a lot of mood lighting. The master bedroom with attached bathroom. An office/guest room.
There's a backdoor to a large porch with patio furniture and a grill and an above ground pool built in. and there's a large back yard with several trees and a woods at the back. The front door leads to a front porch with a hammock and a couple of chairs and a decent sized front yard. There is a three car garage that houses one car, three motorcycles, five bicycles, various sports equipment and tools.
The second floor is the three bedrooms and one bathroom. Two of the bedrooms have walk-in closets. The third is a guest room.
The attic is just storage but there is a rug, floor cushions, books, mood lighting and plushies.
Window House frequently hosts guests and parties.
There is a bong in every room and plenty of hallucinogens lying around and a well stocked bar in the basement. Avery mainly does drugs and maybe very rarely has a beer or cocktail after having a major drinking problem in her early 20s, Noa is completely sober but doesn't have an addiction problem so doesn't mind it around. Chris and Si are both snobs on all fronts so they don't tend to consume in excess because they'd rather savor.
Avery (Ava) Marie, 5'7", she/they, 33, dentist, medium brown skin, size can be anywhere from M/L to 1X/2X often cycling in a single year. Born in Cuba, moved to the US when she was 9. Originally her parents and her 7 year old brother lived in Miami and were very poor but at 14 the family, which now included two younger brothers, a younger sister and a totally different dad with money who had another two adult children of his own, moved to Michigan. Avery went to Ole Miss for undergrad and had a wild time at her sorority full of drugs and drinking and partying and BDSM. Despite enjoying sex and kink and often using it as a self harm tool, they are asexual. They took three years off working as a flight attendant and then a dental hygienist before going to dental school at University of Michigan where she met Chris. Avery struggles with bingeing and purging and has BPD and bipolar 2 which presents as compulsive lying, stealing and destructive rapid cycling but it's mostly under control now with medications. She has one of the upstairs bedrooms.
Chris (Chrissy, Christopher, Christine but never Christian) Flower, 6'5", they/him, 29, thin with large arms and thighs, short hair in twists, Black, some facial hair, multiple tattoos and piercings. Works as a senior chemist at a cannabis testing lab. Born in Canada he went to school at University of Guelph and got a BS in biochemistry. They're an only child with lots of much older or much younger cousins and grew up with a single very hippie mom. School was incredibly hard for him but they were very good at volleyball and played all through college and are still on a recreational beach team. His boss is a racist dick who's sabotaging their chances at promotion but otherwise they love their coworkers and go out with them a lot. He and Si share the master bedroom although if one of them is feeling vulnerable or isn't feeling well they often go to one of the guest rooms or the attic instead.
Sienna "Si" Ngo, 5'1", she/her, 31, half italian half vietnamese. Grew up in Minnesota and used to be an elite gymnast with an individual Olympics bronze medal at 17 in beam for the US and several world competition medals as well. After she retired from elite at 19 (and then again at 21 after coming back for a second olympics there they got team gold and she got all around silver) she did college gymnastics at UMich. Is now constantly struggling to keep her weight up and has a lot of lingering pain from old injuries and chronic fatigue sysndrome. Her immune system is pretty weak and she picks most bugs she's exposed to. Si writes short stories and comics and games, mostly horror-romance. She also has a successful middle grade illustrated novel series about kids in elite sports in general with each book focusing on one kid or team in one sport and sometimes they pop up in other books and there's big interlude books where several of them are in the same place at the same time like the Olympics or X-Games. She self publishes them and they are very popular among kids and adults. Si has almost no contact with her family after they didn't believe her about the abuses she suffered and completely abandoned her when the case went to court despite being happy to take money from her endorsements. She has one older sister who was always jealous of the attention Si got.
Noa James, 5'11", he/him (trans), 30, half Hawaiian half Filipino, 2-3x and very strong, runs marathons. Is a postdoc at UMich in the geology department. He's a very passionate former theater kid and current dm for a moderately successful dnd live play. He grew up in Hawai'i and is a triplet with one very straight very conservative brother who moved to the Philippines and is in the army there and a passionate activist sister who is a state senator in Hawai'i and contemplating running for congress next election cycle. Noa has the other upstairs bedroom. He is very insecure and unsure of himself and always doubts his abilities until he is in front of a class or with a student or presenting a paper at a conference and then he is flooded with confidence. He also travels for different games cons to do in person plays of their game and is designing a kickstarter for his own. Noa suffers from bad migraines and mysterious gastrointeninal issues that years of doctors visits and experimental treatments still haven't yielded an answer. His sister Malia had cancer when they were 9 and then a relapse when they were 14 and Noa is absolutely terrified that everyone around him is going to die and he'll be left alone. The only place he feels like he can be himself is at The Window House.
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dentalguide101 · 4 years
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What Dentists In St Catharines Can Do For You?
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What Dentists In St Catharines Can Do For You?
We as a whole visit the dentist at any rate once every year at the base, yet we don't know with respect to what they give. Fundamentally Dentistry Plus St Catharines offer a lot of services directly from cleaning your teeth, cleaning them, filling in holes, cosmetic services, and numerous other valuable services. That is the principle reason it is critical to visit your dentist frequently. We should investigate a portion of the primary services intently:
Dental Cleaning of teeth
By a wide margin the most well-known administration that dentists everywhere throughout the world offer would be the cleaning of teeth. For the most part, you have to visit the dentist at regular intervals at any rate so as to get your teeth cleaned.
When you visit, the specialist would intently inspect your teeth and investigate the tartar develop. On the off chance that at all they see any issues, they would tell you and henceforth you would almost certainly keep a great deal of undesirable oral issues.
Furthermore, you could even ask your dentist addresses dependent on your oral health. Since he will clean your teeth, you have a ton of time to talk - obviously, ensure that you talk when his hand isn't in your mouth.
Filling of cavities
Cavities are a typical sight in the two children just as grown-ups. The quantity of children suffering from depressions is generally higher regardless of which city you live in. Essentially, holes are shaped when the tooth starts to weaken and this prompts the root of your tooth.
It could turn out to be extremely difficult if the issue achieves the nerve of your tooth. In this manner, when you visit your dentist they would penetrate through and dispose of the rotted bit before they top it off with a type of filling.
Cosmetic Services
Cosmetic services are simply one more reason with respect to why dentists are so famous. There are times when individuals need to supplant teeth either because of splits or different issues. There are a lot of solutions to each issue and your dentist would tell you about them. When you pick what you need to be done, they would get directly on it.
The absolute most regular cosmetic solutions incorporate including a crown, a fractional or scaffold embed just as the expansion of dentures.
Consequently, we see that Catharines dentist Guelph Line help us in a lot of ways; we may fear the reality of visiting the dentist, at the same time, it's to our benefit. Along these lines, you ought to never pass up a dental arrangement again.
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Burlington Dentist Guelph Line-Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of the Dentist?
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Burlington Dentist Guelph Line-Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of the Dentist?
You frequently partner dread of the dentist with children. The tension of heading off to the dentist additionally influences grown-ups. There are numerous hotspots for this tension. It could have been a terrible encounter, for example, is let you know have a cavity or need a root canal. Perhaps it was a standard technique that turned out poorly arranged. It could have been the scents, and sounds in the workplace or the awful tasting teeth cleaner or wash.
It could likewise be a long pause or impolite staff. Regardless of what is behind your dread of the dentist, it is no motivation to maintain a strategic distance from the dentist by and large. Ordinary visits to your dentist are crucial in keeping up your dental health. Your teeth and gums are imperative. Your dentist is there to enable you to secure them.
Here are a few reasons why you ought not to fear to set off to the dentist:
1. Improved Innovation
Dental innovation has made some amazing progress. More utilization of and dependence on PCs and machines make the Dentist in Burlington Ontario activity simpler and make treatment progressively agreeable, easy and brisk for the patient.
With improved dental advances, dentists can all the more precisely evaluate a patient's dental health in less time, with less extra gear and systems and in less time. The dental innovation goes for improving the patient involvement in giving speedy, effortless, less obtrusive administration. Expanded innovation likewise prompts progressively powerful and right treatment for every patient.
2. Expanded Patient Solace
An ever-increasing number of dentists offer sedation dentistry to patients who are incredibly anxious about heading off to the dentist. More sedation choices enable the dentist to direct the correct dimension to patients. Sedation doesn't imply that the patient is oblivious. Sedation can go from snickering gas that loosens up the patient to infusions that loosen up the patient and numb the region where the dental work is finished. In case you're edgy and fear encountering torment or inconvenience, sedation dentistry can loosen up you and give you a progressively wonderful encounter. A casual patient likewise makes the dentist's activity simpler, which means you'll have a faster visit.
3. Improved Patient Relations
The dental field is ending up progressively aggressive. Dentists in Burlington, in this manner, depending on positive patient encounters to remain in business. Most dentist proceeds with their instruction and learning about the progressions in dentistry and the as good as ever approaches to do strategies that make it progressively agreeable for the patient.
Dentistry Plus Burlington Ontario workplaces endeavor to make the patient experience charming the moment they stroll in the entryway. The benevolent, friendly and expert staff is presently a standard. Banquet halls currently have televisions and other electronic choices to keep patients involved and engaged.
An ever-increasing number of dental schools are showing future dentists the significance of patient relations focusing on that there are currently more dental alternatives for patients to attempt than any time in recent memory. Fewer dentists are going into thin dental claims to fame and are, rather, offering a more noteworthy enhancement of services to make it progressively advantageous for patients. The patient has more power.
Best Dentist in Burlington Ontario is there to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and that you'll appreciate a wonderful and healthy grin for a long time to come.
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Friday, March 10th, 2017... the last post before re-entry
Dear Friends, One final story to leave you all with...one of hundreds of encounters here...one of those heart felt moments that make you smile in its simplicity... There is a young lad...he's about 4 1/2 years old and coming to our school attending the kindergarden class for the first time this year...he's just a wee, bitty, little thing, living somewhere in the community...you can tell the "school community kids" from our "orphan kids" who live at Fodivha, because our kids are so much healthier, cleaner and well behaved. Everyone on the team noticed him yesterday. He was wearing the shirt of the school uniform, with a ripped undershirt underneath, but he didn't have the matching shorts. He was trying to wear pink, high top running shoes. They were girls' shoes, probably handed down from a sister or 2. However we all noticed that they were untied. He was struggling to walk in them as little kids often do. I watched, as many of the teachers and team members tried to tie his shoelaces up and gave up. He was wearing oversized tan socks (no one wears socks in Haiti) and trying to stuff his feet into shoes that were too small. "Someone" had tried to modify his shoes so that he could squeeze his feet into them, by cutting the sides open. It might have worked for a time, but he was obviously growing (a good thing!). He eventually gave up and was walking around in his oversized socks...they were getting dirtier by the minute. I began wondering how he was going to walk the long journey home, that most of our kids have to make from school to home. Then Mamasan, Bertony's mom, was heard bellowing in creole. The child was marched over where she had a selection of shoes in a pile that had been donated from you. She chose the blue crocs that looked like race cars on the side. They had eyes and a smily face on the front of them. They looked like they would fit...she has obviously done this before. Soon he was off running and joining his wee pals, proudly wearing his new shoes. He was taught to say, "thank you" and shake hands in gratitude. I'm sure his parent(s?), who are very poor, will wonder where the Shoe God came from, who dropped a brand new pair of shoes from the sky. Such small gifts that mean the world to those here. Thanks for your giving. We are at the airport, sitting together and playing in the World Tournament of the Phase 10 card game to pass the time before boarding the plane home. It's been an awesome trip and an awesome team. I feel very blessed. They left the kids yesterday; always a hard thing to do. Much of the work has begun but not completely finished. The local tradesmen will continue work for another few weeks. This is the way it should be. They are taking great responsibility for the project. We are there to partner, teach and then "hand it over". It is their country. During a team debrief last evening I reminded the team of what they have accomplished. Although they are the ones physically here, it is only with your monetary support that the work can be accomplished. If you are reading this Blog, you have a great interest in what we do. Thank you for your continued support. It is a good work. Here is what we have all completed together on this trip: 1. Cemented the floor of the outdoor pavilion. This is used for shade during the day. It is where the children often are found playing blocks and puzzles and chatting together. They sprawl on the picnic table that was constructed on a previous visit. 2. The plumbing has been replaced. Much of it was destroyed in the last hurricane, so we sourced better stronger pipe to bring water from the well to the washroom toilets and provide taps around the perimeter of the property for ease of watering trees, etc. New taps were installed, where the rest of the community comes for water. We are the only water well for miles. 2 new toilets will be installed as well as 2 stainless steel sinks for hand washing. The kitchen sink will have running water to it. The plumber has another few days of work to complete his contract. 3. A fresh coat of bright coloured paint was put on the fence separating the orphanage from the school. The exterior of the school and kitchen was painted. The exterior of the library also received a freshening. Ask our team...you've never had a true experience of painting, until you've had to use Haitian paint! 4. JoJo performed dental screenings on all of our kids attending the orphanage. She identified one girl who requires immediate dental extractions. These will be performed by a local dentist later next week. Your support will pay for this. Dental hygiene instruction and new tooth brushes were given to the 200 school children. Two nurses from the community also attended. Knowledge was passed along. 5. New roofs for 4 classrooms, involved the construction of 35 roof trusses. Ask Simon and Nicole how many board feet of 2x4 that was!!! 6. Construction of 2 additional classrooms to fulfill the Ministry of Education requirements for the school. The Mason and his crew continue the work. They are 60% complete as we left yesterday. Looking beautiful! 7. Wide sidewalks and sitting areas are being constructed outside the school classrooms. The sidewalks will prevent water from entering the classrooms during torrential rains. The sitting areas are for the children in the shade. 8. New desks for the classrooms were constructed. Thanks team!!! 9. Construction of 2 kitchen tables (thanks Simon!) and 8 benches for 30 kids to eat at (Thanks Deb and Dani) were constructed and painted the bright colours in the kitchen. New thick vinyl tablecloths adorn the tables. It is a wonderful sight seeing all of our kids eating in community. They are so thankful. 10. The teachers' salaries were paid. There was an outstanding bill from 2016 and they were paid for the first 3 months of 2017. The government has not paid teachers wages in several years. Unfortunately, the money we send in support each month is not usually enough to cover the teachers’ salaries. Many leave as they are not consistently paid. Bertony works 3 nights per week through the night (after being at the orphanage all day playing "Principal" and "orphanage director") in order to pay them some money. Life is hard here. Teachers get paid $100 per month. We have 6 of them. 11. Construction jobs were provided for 11 Haitian men (and their families) for 4 weeks! 12. The children were fed... Again! This is our most important job that we do consistently each month. Thank you. As the truck arrives with much of the month's supply of food, the children each carry an item. They see the food being unloaded and this calms them. They are assured that they will eat for another month. 13. School supplies, clothes, shoes, educational toys and medicines were brought by the team as aid. Valuable items. 14. We provided urgent medical care for Dieusilhomme and treatment for a child who was deathly ill. He has a chance now. Saved life. 15. A year's worth of hearing batteries were bought. Dieusilhomme will hear...something we take for granted. 16. 13 new mattresses with vinyl covers (the smaller children still wet the bed) were purchased for the dormitory. Clean beds for our children to sleep in. 17. A clothes line was installed...even with one of those "pulley things"!!! 18. I'm so excited about this last item...After speaking with a knowledgeable chicken farmer here in Haiti, we have purchased 20 laying hens and a pen will be constructed on site for them to live in. The purchase of proper chicken food and medicine will be provided on a monthly basis by Let's Talk Guelph Inc. These chickens will provide at least one egg per day for each of our kids to eat! This boost in daily protein will make a world of difference to the health of our children. Most of all, the team has brought renewed hope to Bertony. He works so hard to love and care for each of his children...there are 5 new ones arriving from a poor mountain village in the next 2 weeks...love grows.
Thanks for following the adventure.
This is Haiti and these were our days.
Blessings, DEB P.S. Hi Mom! See you Monday!!!! xxx
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Uptown Guelph Dental
When your smile needs extra attention, most dentists would refer you to a specialist. This can often make your care more expensive. Fortunately, we staff General Dentists with expertise in pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and periodontics, who see our patients right here in-house, so that all of your smile needs are completed in one, convenient location. We even have extended Saturday hours. A few types of services that we offer include:
All-on-4 implant supported dentures
Oral surgery including sinus lifts, gum grafts, and gum flap surgery
Dental implant crowns and bridges
Invisalign and traditional braces
Restoring worn dentition
Snoring appliances
Laser dentistry
Why Choose Us
All Insurances Accepted
Family Dentistry
Invisalign Offered
Extended Hours and Weekend Appointments
Caring and Professional Staff
Serving Three Generations in Guelph
Our Services:
Family Dentistry and Restorative Care — We have everything you need to keep your smile strong — from basic fillings and crowns to sinus lifts and dental implants. Patients of all ages are always welcome.
Preventive and Periodontal Therapy — In addition to providing complete prophylactic care, we also have a general dentist on staff with expertise in periodontics. Oral surgeries are performed right here in our office!
Restoring Worn Dentitions and Cosmetic Dentistry — Do you need to rebuild your broken, chipped teeth? Do you have missing teeth that need to be replaced? Let us help.
Invisalign and Traditional Orthodontics — One of our general dentists has expertise in orthodontics, providing both adult and children’s braces (including Invisalign) for your convenience.
Children’s Dentistry — We strive to develop positive relationships and experiences with our pediatric dental patients. That way they can grow up enjoying trips to the dentist!
If and when you do need dental care, our providers use intraoral cameras so that you can see exactly what’s going on inside of your mouth. When possible, we’ll present all of the appropriate options available, so that you can choose the one best for your unique needs.
Uptown Guelph Dental Address: 27 Woodlawn Road W, Guelph, Ontario N1H 1G8 Phone No: (519) 821-1909 http://www.uptownguelphdental.com/
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woolwichguelph · 2 years
If you go to the dentist on a regular basis, you can improve your dental health. We can build a tailored oral hygiene plan particularly for you at Woolwich Dental in Guelph, Ontario, that includes dental check-ups, teeth cleaning sessions, X-rays, and other diagnostic exams to prevent, discover, and treat any early concerns. Our goal is to ensure that your teeth are healthy, functional, and attractive. To learn about it visit https://woolwichdental.com/services/ or call us at (519) 824-8830.
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woolwichguelph · 2 years
Dental fillings as the name implies are used to fill cavities in your teeth to prevent infection from spreading further and damaging your teeth. To learn more about it visit https://woolwichdental.com/fillings/ or call us at (519) 824-8830.
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woolwichguelph · 3 years
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Woolwich Dental Group provides excellent preventive dentistry, restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and technologies that make dental visits pleasant and comfortable. We work with you to achieve a smile that can maximize your personal health, appearance and raise your self-esteem. We’re also a kid friendly office, and we want you to know that we enjoy patients of all ages. Book an appointment with us today, visit https://woolwichdental.com/Guelph-dentist-in-Guelph/ or call us at (519) 824-8830.
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woolwichguelph · 3 years
Woolwich Dental Group strives to deliver quality, individualized care to each and every patient. The foundation of our practice is establishing a trusted relationship with our patients. As a result, we not only give efficient treatments, but we also assist them in overcoming their anxieties and concerns by developing a professional yet friendly dental environment with the support of our dedicated staff. Book an appointment with us today, call us at (519) 824-8830 or visit https://woolwichdental.com/get-the-latest-on-dentistry-from-us-check-out-our-other-pages-online/.
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woolwichguelph · 3 years
Oral health is inextricably related to general health, and poor oral hygiene can lead to serious health problems. It is always crucial to make routine modifications because they contribute to your general health. Here are some strategies for improving your oral health at home that you may incorporate into your daily practice, visit https://woolwichdental.com/routine-changes-can-make-home-boost-oral-health/ or call us at (519) 824-8830.
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woolwichguelph · 3 years
We at Woolwich dental group ensure that our patients feel comfortable and at ease from their first visit with us itself. To know all about your first visit to the Woolwich dental group, visit https://woolwichdental.com/patients/ or call us on (519) 824-8830.
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woolwichguelph · 3 years
To ensure that you may enjoy your favourite delicacies while also safeguarding your teeth as much as possible, and more other oral healthcare tips visit https://woolwichdental.com/blog/ or call us on (519) 824-8830.
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woolwichguelph · 3 years
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Children's dental care should begin at a young age to avoid frequent dental problems later in life. If you live in Guelph or the surrounding region, we provide dependable dental services for kids in a fun, educational setting. Woolwich Dental Group has the area's most comprehensive children's dental program, and we urge your family to schedule a consultation with us. Call us at (519) 824-8830 or visit https://woolwichdental.com/children-dentist-guelph/.
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woolwichguelph · 3 years
Are you having trouble making your child brush their teeth daily? You can make brushing fun and easy for your child by letting they pick their toothbrush and toothpaste. Try to brush with some music on and set a good example by showing them how to do it. To learn more visit https://woolwichdental.com/1165-2/ or call us at (519) 824-8830.
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