museguided · 9 months
( My friends, I would like for you to check out Mika's adorable son @childoflegend—the light of his life and one of two reasons to smile in a post apocalyptic world— and Rise, Guren's beloved, wayward daughter. I fecking love catching both muses and their shenanigans on my dash, and the mun's super sweet and welcoming, making the ons fandom feel like a big family. Please go give them some well-deserved love uwu )
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medicusviridis · 7 months
❝ i think i just killed someone. ❞ { from Rin }
🥀 - Kurumi furrowed at the other. “You think? You're not sure.” She stepped closer to him and said, “Bring me to them, immediately!” Clutching her medical bag in hand, she impatiently waited for him to guide her to the person.
"I might still be able to save them."
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lendmeyourpower · 9 months
@childoflegend liked this for a starter.
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-🌙 It had been one of his usual days, work load wise, however thankfully he was able to get through it faster than he normally did. Not getting disturbed by brats, helped, so for once he actually went home for the evening meal instead of just having it in his office.
-🌙 "Brat?" he called out, of course meaning Rise, he called out as he came in. He could tell someone was here, and Yu normally did not come over, and if it wasn't it his friends, that left her.
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soundingstars · 11 months
@childoflegend liked for a starter!
Yoichi was one of the newest to join the ranks of the JIDA along with the friends who he was able to form a close bond with. Friends who ended up becoming his teammates while it was obvious that they were a good team. One that relied on one another from the moment that they managed to cross paths, he was their sniper. He was someone who became their eyes when it came to situations that needed to rely on his skills as a sniper though.
There was still plenty for the brunette to learn for the sake of defeating the enemy. An enemy who wouldn't hesitate to sink their hungry teeth into anyone that was living, they needed blood to survive. They needed blood to live.
Preparations were being made for the next trip into the field while he was grabbing food to bring back to his teammates from one of the trucks. They needed to eat, they would need to keep up their strength for the fight that was going to come since there was a chance it was going to be difficult. Things were never easy when it came to fighting against vampires though.
Before he had the chance to leave the trucks, he ended up turning a bit too fast causing him to run into the one who was standing close to him. It was a complete accident while he hadn't expected someone to be standing that close to him despite everyone coming here for the sake of food.
Dropping his head just a bit, he moved to pick up the can that decided to roll out of the bed "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."
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ofsavior · 1 year
belated guren birthday. || @childoflegend
“I know you told me not to get you anything, but I just couldn’t help myself…. So, here,” the girl handed a rather sloppily wrapped box over to the man with a warm smile on her face, “happy birthday, Dad! Thank you for everything you do for me, I couldn’t have asked for a better Dad.” { for Guren, from Rise <3 }
Violet eyes peer down, curious and wondering. In this world, there's not much to share which made any gift that much more meaningful. Reaching a hand forward, he takes the gift in hand and offers a smile before ruffling her hair with his free hand.
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“ You really don't listen, do you? ” He teases, voice entirely endearing. “ Sheesh. Well I'm sure I'll put whatever it is to good use. ”
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worthlivingmuses · 1 year
@childoflegend liked a started from Akane !!
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"Have you eaten yet? You shouldn't go anywhere with an empty stomach. Come, sit down and have have a bite to eat. I've made plenty--!"
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cursed-ichinose · 1 year
-The newest game had just come out. Hiro of course had played part of it before. As a part of the Hiragi family his opinion was something the creator had wanted to hear so badly. So testing it, also gave him a free copy of the finished product.
-"I'm logging in," he called out to his mom, before he heard her leave. He might still be playing when she came back.
-A few more minutes.
-Hiro smiled when it turned to noon. "Link start,"
-Everything was a go. When they asked for his id he typed in Takeshi.
-And than he was there in the place he had wanted to be back in since the testing was over. "I'm back," he said with a smile. Heading off from the main square.
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midnight-fantasm · 1 year
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My muse is blindfolded and listening.
Anonymous: The boy leaned in from behind the other, a warm smile on his face as he examined the blindfold covering his eyes. "Thank you for everything. You're always trying your best and that's all I could ever ask of you. I know I'm not something you asked for, but you've cared for me anyways. I always thought you hated me, and that's okay with me, because I still love you anyways."
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He recognized that voice immediately, despite the anonymity. How could he not? Hearing what he had to say...did hurt, but because it did hold some truth.
He did hate the child, at first.
He hated him for the position he was forced into, much like he hated Ferid...Krul...the vampires. He never asked for any of this, never wanted it, and had been ready to die...
He wasn't sure he could say he had that strong of feelings regarding Rin. Much like his own...
He was a bad father.
"You didn't...ask for this, either..." he whispered quietly.
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"I should've...been a better parent..."
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cpirits · 1 year
(( UNPROMPTED •• @childoflegend said: [ "What if my best isn't good enough...?" { Rise @ Guren -- I hope you don't mind!! } ]
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Putting on his stark white gloves, they slid over a thin hands as he listened to the other. He frowned, not at them, but his eyes narrowed at a loose thread on one fingertip. He'd have to burn it off later.
Turning his head, his eyes stayed narrowed but his voice was lowered, as if he had heard a silly question. Guren, of course did find such a question from Rise silly, as he had heard it so many times.
"If you think that, you'll be dead before you swing your weapon." He said bluntly as he had to many other cadets under his command and not alike. "You need to take hold of the Demon within your CURSED GEAR, and control it, not let it control you."
Flexing his hands, he palmed the KASHIRA (*butt cap) of his sword. Guren was a bit of a hypocrtite, as he had allowed his CURSED GEAR -- Mahiru Hiragi -- to take his body, surrendering to the only woman he had loved... His frown deepened as his gaze shifted from Rise to his side, the weapon. His hand shifted and grew tight upon the ITO (*handle wrap) surrounding the SAME (*rayskin) handle.
"If you do this, and work as a unit, you won't have to worry about anything." Also said hypocritically as Guren preferred to work alone, even when he was younger, he'd often ditch his friends.
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deathfavor · 1 year
 @childoflegend​​​ said: " i want something to go right. just once. " { Rin to Horn }
garrus vakarian sentences
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   “  Oh Rin...  “
   Horn gives a gentle smile as she gracefully kneels down in front of the boy. It could be difficult when just ONE thing went wrong, let alone several. Especially if one or more of them were important things, or at least something that had caused excitement and anticipation. It would always sting, no matter the gentle words offered. But that didn’t mean one should do nothing. Support was important, even if it wouldn’t fix everything. It could offer support when there otherwise was none.
   “  I know this is hard. I’ve certainly had my fair share of times like that over the centuries.  “  Even her, who made grace and elegance seem timeless and effortless. She had more than her fair share of them.  “  But things will get better. Things will go right. Even if right now you don’t believe a single word that I’m saying. I’m still here to support you, and I’m sure Chess and Lord Crowley would as well.  “
   It was easy in the passage of time to forget things. Forget what new experiences were like, forget the struggles of youth. Years and decades blended together until they faded. It became harder for something to stand out. On one hand, it was nice in a way to remember it, to see someone still young and experiencing life. But this? It was always a bit painful to see them struggle.
   “  Don’t despair. Perhaps there’s ways to turn this around, hm? I do have experience on my side after all. Why don’t you take a moment to yourself, maybe a walk in the gardens to help clear your head, and then we can have a drink and talk it over?  Does that sound like a good plan to you?  “  She had the time after all, and it was some way she might be able to help.
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seraphguided · 6 months
❛  i'm gonna get there someday. i'll get out of here for sure.  ❜ { from Rin, to Sika Madu }
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"Hope is a wonderful thing, isn't it?" Their ambition led them to progress, to get stronger, to reach greater heights. They tread upon the forbidden, risking everything to fulfill their selfish desires. He could almost feel a sense of pride toward his creations, likening the experience to that of a god. Or what a god should feel.
A ghost of a smile lifted the corners of his mouth while ethereal hands rested on the boy's shoulders. Mikaela's progeny wasn't destined to sit in his cage much longer. Being restrained and supervised hardly left room to grow; to kick-start the experiment, he would have to find his own way out.
These days, Sika Madu barely had to lift a finger to witness the end result.
Rigr may have interfered with the process, but he's failed to cut all the strings tying Rin's very existence to the First. His free will continued to lead him on a path to witness Hell in its entirety, then would he understand his purpose. "A wonderful and terrible thing. Hold that desire to your heart, little one. That's what you were made for."
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museguided · 10 months
@childoflegend sent: “FOUR SEASONS” { for Mika :o }
Send " 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 " and I'll tell you which season your muse reminds me of and why
Autumn came to mind, with dying leaves changing color and falling away. The colder winds bit at exposed skin to redden their cheeks and noses as solemn emotions swelled toward the end of another year. But he had fonder memories of finding the perfect spot to curl up beneath a thick blanket, a pocket of furled warmth while nature passed away in beautiful colors beyond a closed window.
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But when he thought of Rin, he thought of the laughter they shared, bright fond eyes watching and learning from him. The way he kept up a cheery disposition despite the circumstances eager to drag him down, reminding Mika of the way he once was. Rin brought new perspectives into a room, like a breath of fresh air, like—"Spring," he answered.
"When I look at you, it feels like I can still have hope for a better future."
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preciousangelyu · 10 months
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“And heeeere’s a big happy birthday to my favorite brother ever~” the girl chirped as she placed a gift into the other’s hands, a big grin on her face. “Of course, my Bubby got the best present ever because he has the best little sister ever. Happy birthday, Yuu!”
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-"Who says that you are my favorite sister?" he asked simply, tone flat for a moment, sounding more like Guren than himself. It was almost as if he was mocking their father figure.
-He laughed than, not bothering to open the gift as he looked at Rise. "You realize that I don't care what you got me, right? You already gave me what I wanted." Yu paused as he set the box aside. "You woke up," he said simply.
-Yu had watched Rise be stuck in that death game for so long, to come out when she did. It was so close to his birthday that he even said to everyone that he didn't care about a party for him, use the cake to welcome his sister home.
-"I actually got you something, but I guess you will refuse to take it, until tomorrow, knowing you."
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lendmeyourpower · 9 months
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[ death ] sender just died, receiver finds out -Rise
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-🌙 Guren sat at his desk in his office as he read the report. The mission he had told Kureto that Rise was not ready for had gone horribly wrong. The Hiragi leader had ignored Guren due to one simple fact, Guren was the subordinate. Kureto's word was law. And it had cost Rise and her squad their lives.
-🌙 The lieutenant colonel just looked at the details feeling numb. One more person he failed, one person that he could not protect. And to think that kid liked him, called him dad after he saved her.
-🌙 Guren laughed, even though nothing was funny about this situation. He was only laughing at the fact that the fact that everyone that knew him died at some point. Here he was trying to fix it, and they were still dying.
-🌙 Finally a single tear went down his face. "You little....I told you to be careful. You never listened to me."
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soundingstars · 10 months
'i'm not giving up on you.' { From Rin, to Mika }
‘i love you’ prompts |still accepting|
Mikaela didn’t know why she was determined to give them a helping hand since everyone who traveled with him and Yu were considered a traitor. They had turned their back on the military, one the forces who were once allies, but it became quite clear that humans couldn’t be trusted. A truth that the blonde vampire knew from the beginning while he couldn’t bring himself to trust them that easily because of what he was able to learn. Yu was the only one who actually had his trust despite slowly learning that his friends could be trusted. It wasn’t going to be an easy matter when it came to trust though, it had to be earned. 
He was the only vampire among them which did make things more difficult, they were enemies once. Now they were willing to help him because of the bond he had with Yuuichirou, a bond that has been there since they were children. 
The group had found a place for rest for the evening since they had spent most of the day wandering the streets once more. They needed to rest even though they would be sharing taking watch throughout the night. 
Eyes that were no longer blue glanced upwards at the girl before a small breath escaped from him. There only was one thing he could think of to say
“Why are you trying so hard? I’m not human anymore.”
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ofsavior · 1 year
somewhere in a meme tag far, far away... || @childoflegend
* it’s not my fault, it’s 4am and you’re fucking yelling at me! { Rise @ Guren }
“ Haaaa?! ” His eyes were bloodshot, tired, and had bags under them that looked aged. To say he was exhausted was an understatement, and here his kid had the audacity to backtalk him?
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An authoritative hand rose sharply, and he snapped a finger to the adjacent hallway. “ YOUR ROOM. NOW. GO TO BED! ” He demanded. “ We'll talk in the morning. ”
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