#childhood besties with robin / s. harrington
liveshauntedmoved · 2 years
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❝ so, um, are we just not gonna talk about it? ❞ | @midxnights​ | meme [ accepting ]
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                   There was a small hitch to his eyebrow as he looked over at his best friend, “I mean...” Steve gave a slight shrug of their shoulders, that was their preferred method of dealing with a whole lot of things - not talking about it. “Nothing new ‘round here. What’s there to talk about?”
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chervbs · 2 years
the barber predicament— s. harrington
pairings: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 3.6k
synopsis: when steve complains that he can’t find a new barber after his old one retired, eddie recommends you; an old friend of his that’s a stylist. and you seem to know the way right to steve’s heart-through his hair. based on this request.
warnings: reader and eddie are besties, brief mention of eddie and max’s shitty childhoods, probably incorrect depictions on what it’s like to be a hair stylist, FLUFF to the max and terrible writing
a/n: I really really don’t like how this came out but I loved to request so much that I forced myself to finish it. everything I know I about being a hair stylist is from getting my hair done so much and from tiktok, so I tried to keep the details I wasn’t sure of vague. I apologize if anything is wrong, please let me know if it is. also I completely guessed on how much hairciuts were in the 80's so sorry if thats wrong too. otherwise, like always, i’d love any feedback you guys give me
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“Steve, I sympathize with you, I really do, but if I have to listen to you complain that you can’t find a barber for another second, I will tell Keith that you’ve been letting pretty girls get away with their late return fees.”
Steve’s jaw fell open, staring dumbfounded at Robin. “W-well, excuse me,” He stuttered, offended. “For wanting to confide in my best friend about my troubles. Truly, Robin, I don’t know why I assumed you’d be supportive.”
The blonde rolled her eyes, shaking her head lightly at her friends dramatics. “I was supportive up until the fourth time you talked about it. What’s the big deal, anyways?” She asked. “There’s like 3 different barbers in town. Go to one of them.”
Steve stared at her incredulously, as if she’d just told him to shave his head. “Are you being serious? Do you know me at all?”
Robin sighed, pulling the bin of returned movies out from under the counter. “Yes, Steve, in fact I do. I know that your hair is weirdly important to you. But what do you expect me to do about the fact that you won’t trust any of the barbers in town?” She asked, organizing the movies by genre on the rolling cart next to her.
“You looking for a barber, Harrington?” The additional voice caused the two Family Video employees to jump, looking over to see Eddie leaning on the counter casually.
Recovering from the startle, Steve nodded skeptically. “Yeah, I am. Why, you have someone you know?”
Eddie nodded with a grin. “Indeed I do. This girl that graduated the first time I was supposed to. She was in Hellfire. Went to school for hair and everything. Even does mine on occasion for a discount.”
Steve’s eyes shot up to his hairline, head nodding slowly. “Right.” He said, drawing out the vowel. “Well, listen, Munson. I mean no offense when I say this, but I don’t know if I trust someone with my hair that leaves you looking like that.” He explained, gesturing to the other boys head.
Eddie looked at him blankly. “Offense taken.” He deadpanned. “You think I want my hair like this simply for convenience?”
Both Steve and Robin stayed silent, giving Eddie knowing looks instead. He sighed in defeat. “Okay, fine, that’s partially why. But, I also have to give credit to my ultimate role model, Kirk Hammett.” He grinned.
He received blank looks from his friends and the metal head threw his arms up in exasperation. “Really? Kirk Hammett? Lead guitarist of Metallica? Nothing? Why am I friends with you guys?”
Before either of them could respond with a witty remark, Max came skipping up to the counter with two movies in her hands, throwing them down onto the counter. “I’m ready.”
“2 movies?” Eddie glared at the redhead. “Really, Maxine?”
Eddie and Max had a very odd brother sister relationship that was built almost entirely on a consistent basis of bickering and shoving each other around. Still, they looked out for one another, and Eddie felt responsible for making sure the little bit of Max’s childhood that was left was positive. Which he did so in different ways, including bringing her to rent movies for their movie nights.
“Yes, 2. Because you still owe me for the last movie night you forgot about.” She spit back. Eddie gritted his teeth, sliding over the correct amount of money to Steve for the movies.
“As I was saying,” He sent the redhead one last glare. “Even though my hair is convenient for my lifestyle, I ask for it to look a certain way to resemble someone I look up to. She’s the only one who’s ever gotten it to how I want.” Eddie told Steve, snatching a pad of sticky notes and a pen from behind the register.
He scribbled down a series of numbers before sliding it back. “That’s the number for the salon she works at. Give her a call. If you want.”
You were on your lunch break when the call came in. On a Wednesday, there was no need to have many stylists in the salon at once. Most appointments and walk ins would happen in the afternoon and as a younger stylist you were more often than not told to come in during the day for walk ins. The other women in the salon were older, more experienced stylists that didn’t need the extra cash you normally got for the services.
The food on your fork was midway to your mouth when the phone rang and you let it fall back onto your plate with a sigh.
“Thanks for calling Hawkins #1 hair salon, how can I help you?” The slogan spewed from your lips like a broken record.
“Uh..hi.” You straightened at the deep voice that came from the phone. Of course, you had men in the salon, usually though just to wait for their wives or kids to get their hair cut. There was the occasional male client, but most went to the local barbers and wouldn’t be caught dead getting their hair done in your salon. As if getting a haircut from a woman made them more feminine.
“Hello!” You chirped. “How can I help you today?”
The man on the other line hesitated for a second. “I’d like to book a haircut? With, um…Y/N.”
You perked up at the sound of your own name, a bashful smile appearing on your lips. Someone had recommended you?
“That would be me.” You chuckled. “Can I ask who referred you?”
The nameless man gave you a polite laugh, the deep timbre of the sound sending a warmth to your cheeks. “Uh, yeah. Eddie? Eddie Munson? He said you guys were friends in high school. Said you were good at what you do.”
The kind words certainly did nothing to quell the heat in your skin, but you still beamed at the mention of your friend. “Yeah, Eddie, of course. I’ll have to give him a discount the next time he comes in.” You joked. In all seriousness, you already didn’t charge Eddie the normal amount that you did for haircuts, fully aware of his financial situation. “But, yeah, I can put you in for a haircut. What day were you hoping to come in?”
“Is tomorrow okay? It’s my only day off.”
You opened up the binder that kept track of all appointments, making sure there were openings for the next day. “Yeah, it says here I have an opening at 10am and another at 1. Either of those sound good?”
The line went silent for a second too long, and you have a feeling the man nodded before remembering he was on the phone. “1pm would be great, thanks.”
You grabbed a pen and crossed out the 1pm slot. “Awesome. What’s the name I can put down for you?”
“Steve. Steve Harrington.”
Steve was irrationally nervous for his haircut. Never mind the fact that he was risking, in his opinion, his best feature, but the thought of meeting you was annoyingly nerve wracking. The way your voice sounded over the phone was borderline angelic, and he could only imagine what kind of beauty you radiated in real life. Not to mention, you and him briefly walked the halls of Hawkins High at the same time, and he wondered if you were aware of his reputation back then. He couldn’t recall your presence, but then again, he had his head so far up his own ass that he didn’t recognize most people from high school.
He was so antsy that morning that he was ready to go by 11, leaving him to pace and try to find little things to keep himself busy. The second it hit 12:50, Steve was sprinting out the door, making it to the salon in a record 5 minutes.
The bell above the door rang as soon as he stepped in, alerting the few stylists and customers that were there of his presence. One of the stylists, an older, heavier set woman took a glance at him as she blow dried her client.
“Y/N!” She called towards the back of the salon. “Your 1 o’clock is here!”
A second later, a woman stepped out, who he could only assume was you. You emerged from a beaded curtain, a sight to behold. Steve felt his breath hitch and he tried to wipe the sweat from his hands on his jeans.
You weren’t doing much better. Of course you knew who Steve Harrington was. He’d been a year younger than you, but he’d quickly climbed the social ladder in school. Every party was a big deal when it was held at Steve’s house and if you were friends with him, you were automatically cool.
You hadn’t cared much about the social aspect of school, focusing only on passing your classes and playing DnD. It’s where you met Eddie, who had easily become your best friend. It had been upsetting when you found out he wouldn’t be walking the stage with you, but you’d been supportive of him ever since.
And like every girl, you’d had a crush on Steve Harrington. How could you not? He was a total dreamboat and you’d be crazy not to find him attractive. You’d always been able to push that desire to the back burner, considering your best friend was continuously labeled as The Freak and you certainly didn’t gain any popularity by being associated with him.
When Eddie told you that he’d befriended the former King of Hawkins High, you truly believed he was fucking with you. But he claimed that the man had changed; matured. He told you that Steve’s best friends were a senior girl who Eddie knew band from marching band and a freshman that was in Hellfire. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious about this new man Steve Harrington had apparently become.
Oh, and that crush you had? Definitely still there. That much was evident by the dryness of your mouth that occurred the moment you laid eyes on Steve.
He was even more handsome than you remembered. Long legs clad in light blue Levi’s, polo shirt fitted nicely to his toned chest and big brown eyes looking back at you with an expression you couldn’t read.
Steve wished he remembered you. He couldn’t help but wonder if things had been different, would he have noticed you? He wanted to kick himself for not having. You were probably the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, and he realized now that describing you as angelic didn’t do you justice. You were ethereal–otherworldly.
He could see why you and Eddie were friends. Your outfit was mainly made up of black articles with a few splashes of color here and there. Your makeup was dark, creating a contract between the black eyeliner and the color of your iris’s. You were stunning, to say the least.
“Hi!” You exclaimed breathlessly. The sound of your voice broke Steve from his jumble of thoughts, only making his brain fizzle further. Your voice was even sweeter in person. “Steve, right?” You asked, though you knew the answer.
Steve cleared his throat, nodding. “Yeah, that’s me. You’re Y/N?”
You grinned so brightly it nearly made Steve’s heart stop in his chest. “That would be me. You can come sit at my station.” You said, patting the chair you’d stopped at.
He obeyed silently, taking a seat in the chair. You had to crank the lever a few times, lowering the height of the chair to accommodate for his large stature. You tried not to focus on the intoxicating smell of his cologne and he tried not to focus on your hands taking through his hair.
“So, what were we thinking of doing to your hair?” You asked, leaning your arms on the back of the chair.
Steve made eye contact with you through the mirror and hoped you couldn’t tell how red his cheeks were, because he definitely could. “Um, I was hoping to keep most of the length. Shorter on the sides, longer in the front?” He was really just spitting out words, hoping they made sense. Honestly, he was finding it difficult to focus on your question when he felt your fingertips on his scalp.
“So..we’re thinking Swayze but longer?” Steve’s jaw fell slack, staring at you in awe as you put his thoughts into words with incredible ease. You really did know what you were doing.
“Yeah, exactly.” He responded quietly, a little stunned.
You sent him that brilliant smile once again. “Cool.” You stared thoughtfully at his reflection, head tilted to the side. “Can I-could I suggest something? And you can totally say no, but I personally think it would look really good.”
Steve thought that you could ask him to commit arson and he’d say yes. “‘Course. What is it?”
You pulled a couple of strands around his face, trying to visualize your idea. “How would you feel about getting a little bit of highlights?”
His eyebrow cocked in questioning. “Highlights? Don’t only chicks get those?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a bit, and Steve’s stomach immediately dropped. He fucked up, he offended you, he–
“No, silly. There’s actually a lot of actors recently that have been getting them. It wouldn’t be any drastic, just a few streaks that would be a shade or two lighter than your natural color. I think it would compliment your skin tone, bring out your eyes.”
The boy found himself nodding before he really considered what you were telling him. “Yeah,” He blurted, realizing he had yet to give you a verbal response. “If you think so. I trust you.”
“Great.” You laughed. “I’ll get you mixed up.”
Steve didn’t know what that meant, but he did know that his haircut had now upgraded to a lengthier process, and he was just happy to have a reason to be around you longer.
As promised, you came back out a couple minutes later, using a brush that looked like a big fork and mixing up a gooey mixture in a bowl. You were quick to start slathering the light purple substance in his hair, carefully applying it to chunks that you had placed over a piece of foil. Each section was enclosed and folded into a little square.
“So what brings you to me? I know you said Eddie referred you, but guys aren’t usually very willing to go to a stylist rather than a barber.” You said.
Steve shrugged a little. “I had a barber before, but he retired and moved out of Hawkins. He’s the only one that’s ever gotten my hair exactly how I want it.” He blushed, reluctant to reveal the reason he’d agreed to be there. “My hair is kinda important to me, I didn’t wanna go to just any barber and risk them fucking it up. Eddie said you were great and I really just needed a haircut.” He explained.
You nodded understandingly, finishing up the last couple sections of his highlights. “I get that. Hair has always been really important to me too. Obviously.” You gestured around you. Steve laughed and you felt the sound bring a warmth to your chest. “It’s always been the easiest way besides my clothes to express myself. And it’s nice to have control over something as an adult when so much is out of your control.”
Your eyes met in the mirror once again, his big doe eyes staring deep into your soul with an understanding that only came from shared experiences. You didn’t know much about Steve’s home life, only what you’d heard during school. His parents were loaded but were often never home. As a teenager, that’s the best thing that could happen to you, but as an adult, you saw how that could get pretty lonely.
The time passed by far too quickly for either of your tastes. You and Steve hadn’t even noticed the time flying so quickly as you talked about anything and everything. It was crazy to think that this man, this sweet, charismatic, beautiful man, used to be a douchebag in high school.
Steve was in heaven as you washed his hair, not even bothering to hide his bliss as your fingers massaged the hair products into his scalp. He could die happy right now, he was sure of it. You held back a giggle as his eyes closed and a convent hum came from his throat. Not wanting to embarrass him, you refrained from commenting and continued your routine.
After a few cycles of shampooing and rinsing and conditioning and rinsing until Steve’s hair was clean and silky smooth, you shut the water off and gathered his hair in a little towel.
“Okay, all done. I’m just gonna blow dry your hair, style it a bit and you’ll be all set.” Steve couldn’t help the frown that appeared, not wanting your time together to end.
It seemed like you read his mind, commenting as you dragged a hairbrush through his brunette locks. “If you’re happy with how your hair came out, you can always come back for trims, o-or touch ups on your highlights.” You stuttered, smiling sheepishly and silently praying that he couldn’t tell how desperate you were to see him again.
“Yeah?” He asked. You nodded, biting your lip shyly as you refocused on his hair. You sat in a forced but comfortable silence as you blowdried his hair. Once it was all nice and fluffy, he watched as you poured a series of liquids into your palm, raking them through his hair. You messed with the strands for another few minutes, doing stuff he didn’t understand but somehow styling his hair exactly how he likes it.
He had to admit, you were definitely right about the highlights. They brought a brightness to his complexion that hadn’t been there before. He felt like he looked younger somehow, which was surprising, considering the kids he always hung around with made him feel like he was pushing 80 sometimes. He told you as such, reveling in the sweet sound of your laughter.
“Well, that’s my job. Just glad you trusted little ol’ me with your most prized possession.” The words came out teasingly. Steve grinned back at you through the mirror, shrugging slightly.
“Guess I owe Munson, huh?”
You agreed, guiding him back to the front to check him out. You typed something into the register at the counter. “Your total is gonna be $10.”
Steve’s eyebrows almost touched his forehead. “That’s it? For the haircut and the highlights?”
“Yeah, it’s with a discount. You are Eddie’s friend after all.” You were almost charging him just for the haircut, and Steve was not having it.
He frantically shook his head in protest. “No, no, Y/N. You don’t have to do that. I can pay you the full price, trust me.”
“Steve,” You chuckled, “It’s okay. I don’t give out many friends and family discounts, it’s not like I’m losing all that much money.”
He cocked an eyebrow at you challengingly. “Oh yeah? How much is the full price for highlights.”
You poked the inside of your cheek with your tongue, reluctantly mumbling out the price, which was much larger than what you were asking. “Absolutely not. Charge me the right amount.” Steve was not about to leave and let you basically have a free service. Not when you worked so hard.
“I’ll just tip you the rest if you don’t.” He smirked, eyes peering at you fondly when you sighed in exasperation.
“It’s seriously fine. I offered the extra service, you don’t have to pay for it.”
A lightbulb lit up in Steve’s head, eyes shining at the obvious opportunity. He’d be an idiot not to take it.
“Fine.” He sighed dramatically. “At least let me do something to pay you back for it. A service for a service, huh? What do you say?”
The corners of your mouth tilted up, betraying your efforts to keep a serious face. Steve was clearly not backing down. “Okay. What’d you have in mind?”
A pink rose to Steve’s freckled cheeks. “Let me take you on a date?”
Your breath hitched. You certainly felt the tension between the two of you ever since he walked in, but you really weren’t expecting anything to come from it.
Steve took your silence as a negative reaction. “Or-I could do anything else. Doesn’t have to be a date, really. I could buy you lunch one day or-“
“I’d love to.” His big brown eyes snapped up to meet your in surprise.
You nodded gleefully, unable to keep your grin from growing. You could feel your cheeks beginning to ache with how much you were smiling.
“Okay.” He whispered, ducking his head bashfully. Steve quickly pulled his wallet out, handing you the 10 dollar bill.
It took less than a minute for you to input his money in, ripping the receipt that printed it. Before you could hand it to him, you grabbed a pen and scribbled something on it.
“My house number. Give me a call?” You asked in a hopeful tone.
“Definitely.” Steve grinned and you repressed the urge to swoon. He sent you a cute little wave, leaving you in the salon smiling like an fool. As soon as he was out the door, your fellow stylists squealed, crowding around you and demanding details.
Steve faintly heard the high pitched noise, smirking to himself. Sliding into the drivers seat of his BMW, he sighed happily. “Yeah, I definitely owe Munson.”
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Why Stranger Things Messed up their Gay Representation
****Season three spoilers****
As you know, of course assuming you’ve seen season three of Netflix’s Stranger Things, our beloved and loyal character Robin, introduced early in season three, is gay. This seem to have been one of the biggest plot twists in the entire show, and explains so many of Robin’s behaviors.
While I could write for years about all the cool things the writers did leading up to Robin exposing her big secret to Steve whilst sitting on the Starcourt Mall’s bathroom floors, that is not why I’m here. 
I’m here to tell you why Robin should not have been gay. 
Wait wait wait. Before you go attacking me in the comments saying I’m homophobic and shit, let me explain myself.
While I can totally agree that what the Stranger Things writers did was completely genius, making Robin act in a way that originally had us thinking Robin was jealous of the girl Steve liked (which was actually Robin herself) but actually turned out to be Robin feeling bad that Steve liked her because she could not return the feelings, something just isn’t sitting right. 
Number one: Steve’s reaction.
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I’m pretty sure we can all agree Steve Harrington is one of the best characters on this show and has probably the most intense character development out of all the characters seen on that show. From the way he becomes litteral besties with Dustin, to the way he acts naturally as opposed to how he did in season one, all of which confirms that he is just a great dude. 
But Stranger Things was set in the early 1980′s. Women are just barely entering the workforce but still aren’t being treated fairly (we can clearly see that with Nancy and her internship) and some things tale awhile to get used to. 
And I can tell you that being gay wasn’t exactly applauded in the 80′s.
Steve Harrington, no matter how cool or chill or nice the guy actually is, would’ve 100% been totally weirded out by Robin’s confession.
It would’ve even been kinda interesting to see Steve’s character development turn around in that bathroom scene. Have him react in a way that season one Steve would’ve, perhaps getting angry and embarrassed which also would’ve been the more historically accurate reaction. 
Steve would’ve/should’ve been shocked (not saying he wasn’t) in a negative way. I will agree that Steve Harrington would’ve totally kept Robin’s secret, he’s not a total douche after all, but he would in no way have continued a friendship with her. Homosequality was definately taboo. 
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Reason number two: too stereotypical. 
Let’s keep this one short and sweet.
Upon first glance, Robin is a stereotypical “weird girl”. We can all tell by her smokey eyes and edgy jewelry that she was not popular, didn’t talk, didn’t go to parties, was exceptionally quiet ect. We know she was probably really awkward as a kid and this is all something that can easily be pointed out about her in the first few episodes.
Which provides to the later painful obviousness of Robin’s sexuality which we find out about at the end of the season. 
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But I’m not joking when I say painful obviousness.
It seems as though the writers created Robin to be such a stereotypical lesbian character that they were doing it only to get representation points. And if the fact that she was only created to give them clout in the LGBTQ+ community isn’t obvious enough, need I remind you she wasn’t brought in until season three, right when they realized a gay character would benefit them seriously. 
Reason number three: the writers missing the most obvious choice for gay representation.
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Now I’m not going to get to much into this because this is something that definitely could happen and probably will in my mind.
Will, “I’m not going to fall in love”, Byers. That line in itself is a total giveaway to the fact that Will is gay. Well that and, “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls”.
At some point I’ll probably write about why Will is gay in immense detail but for right now let’s keep this simple. 
Will has yet to have a love interest, weather you blame this on him being in the Upside Down for most of season one, him being possessed in season two, and him dealing with the trauma and post traumatic stress of both these things in season three, you cannot deny that he obviously seemed jealous that all his buddies got girlfriends. 
Some may say that Will is simply desperately clinging to his childhood, which he most definitely is (due to his post traumatic stress he longs for times before he had to deal with such hardships) but you cannot deny that Will drags his friends away from their girlfriends for another reason. 
He wants them to connect and be friends in the old ways, by playing dungeons and dragons, versus the new ways which has become having a girlfriend. 
Will feels left out because he does not like girls and never has. While the only thing his friends can talk about is their relationship Will doesn’t show any interest because he can’t relate.
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And that’s just the start of the Will being gay conspiracy. I won’t even go into the fact he’s in love with Mike at the moment. 
I hope you guys now realize what a mistake it was to make Robin gay whilst there was an obvious choice for representation starring them right in the face.
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