#childe x any character with a predominantly blue color scheme is so canon actually
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(joker voice) how do you feel about … chiscara, batman?
I thought I had already responded to this, but I just typed it out and forgot to post it??? I’m sorry for the super late response, omg.
You poor soul, you don't even realize what you've asked.
-> These are just my head canons so this may be very ooc. I'm sorry if that bothers you.
They’re 100% angst, no happy ending (I'm so sorry, joker </3).
The way Childe forgets about him in game is actually really funny. Imagine being so deeply in love with someone and then suddenly forgetting their existence entirely. My condolences chiscara fans.
We need to open up a case study on their relationship, I think.
They’d be so unhealthy for each other(least during pre-scara redemption arc, not sure about post, but we’ll see once they meet again). Scara seems like the type to bottle up his emotions and blow up when they get to be too much. Childe would probably push his boundaries, unknowingly. A tiresome on and off, but I wouldn’t necessarily say couple. They seem like they would be unlabeled (they are only together when scaramouche feels like it, with no regard to Childe’s feelings).
Doomed lovers.
Cringe analysis and HC warning !!
They’re perfect opposites of each other, but not in a "haha, opposites attract" kinda way; more like in a “I genuinely cannot fathom a way either of you two would get along or even see eye to eye.” They’re on both opposing sides of a spectrum.
Family isn’t a concept Scaramouche is all that familiar with, he’s been wandering around with all this resentment and anger towards Ei in his heart. The earliest and closest thing he’s ever had to family or at least what a mother is (he's had others, like kazuha's grandpa, but this experience with Ei was the catalyst for it all), or at least the concept of it, was probably what ever small time he spent with Ei in trying to become the stand in for the electro archon.
-> I’m delusional (and also a firm believer in trans Scara 🙏 so this would all be pre-transition), so walk with me for a second. I fully believe EI created Scara with the similar traits to Makoto (whether it be intentionally or unintentionally) because she could not come to terms with her sister’s passing, in futile attempt to lessen her grieving, she made him. But instead of bringing her closure, of which she desperately needed, he ended up becoming an ever present reminder of Makoto's death. Naturally, It eats away at her. He's so gentle, so human (as human as a puppet can be ig)... just like her (I wouldn't be surprised if he shares similar ideals to Makoto during this point). She doesn't dispose of him, like Yae suggested (and was more than willing to go through with, if given the chance) not only because she loved him, but because in doing so it would feel like loosing her again. She instead drifts him off into a peaceful slumber (but not without tears nor heartbreak).
Which is in stark contrast to Ajax. Now, that's not to say Childe's childhood or family (him and his father are definitely not on the best terms) was any better, but he is indeed a family man. He would have most likely gone even more insane after his time in the abyss if it weren’t for them. So a lot of what he does is for their sake (even if his father may not agree). He’s only ever thinking about them. He is devoted to two things, the tsaritsa (silly God-fearing man, lmao. tbh, he's got that catholic guilt look to him) and his family.
I feel like scara resents him the moment they meet. Ajax’s really ran away from home because things back home were getting boring. Scara would kill to be in his position honestly; a warm home and the loving embrace of a mother. Scara constantly battles with the feeling of being unwanted or replaceable (oh he needs so much therapy). Which is why he is constantly pushing others away, better to be by yourself than open yourself up to the possibility of getting abandon again and again.
#asks#writing this while in a delirious state at 3 in the morning#they’re one of the few actually interesting mlm ships imo 🫡#childe x any character with a predominantly blue color scheme is so canon actually
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Lasabrjotr Chapter 23: The Workers of Sacred Metal
Chapters: 23/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: None Relationships: Loki x Reader (Let’s try this again) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader, Brunnhilde(Marvel), Thor(Marvel) Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Here Have More Hedacannons, Loki Can Be Thoughtful, Thoughtfulness is A Form Of Scheming After All, Reader is Always Curious, Nidavellir Has The Potential to b Really Cool. Summary: Reader returns in triumph, Loki goes into Teacher Mode.
Loki kept his expression polite and even as Andsvarr presented him with the gift of a cinnamon roll, but internally he was dancing. A treat for him! From you! Yes, it seemed like several others were also receiving them, but he had got one, and that was the most important part.
He took it back to his desk, shoved the papers aside, and dug in.
Loki had never tasted a cinnamon roll before. Humankind had created such an incredible variety of pastries; it would probably take many years to sample them all. This was a good start. This was the best start!
He let himself melt away into silly little daydreams. Your flour-dusted apron, your shining eyes, your deft hands, kneading the dough. Wiping your face, smearing your cheek with flour.
Himself reaching out to wipe it away. You leaning into the touch instead of shying away. You don't hate him. You make him cinnamon rolls.
Loki was brought back from his lovely reverie, by an insistent knocking. With an irritated sigh, he rose, and found Andsvarr at the door, with a wide-eyed young child.
“Your Highness, she says that-”
The child began babbling, and all Loki could really make out was that you had been struck by Stormbreaker out on the Valkyries field, and now you could not get up.
He dashed down the hall at a dead sprint, not caring who might see. Stormbreaker weighed around ninety pounds. It was solid uru and living wood, nearly always charged with electricity. There was no angle on the thing that wasn't deadly.
Would he actually feel it, if you died? Would the rune flare, or fade, would he feel pain, or a sudden emptiness? Or would he be unaware, until someone like that child back there informed him?
He did feel a tugging on the mark, as he approached, gravel crunching and flying under his boots. Brunnhilde and his brother were kneeling in the field, while the trainee Valkyries huddled at a distance.
What nightmare awaited him? A crushed or mangled corpse? Was he to lose you now, after everything? After surviving an assassination attempt, did you now fall to an accident? Was there to be no reconciliation, the half-eaten cinnamon roll your parting gift to him?
The knot tightened in his chest with every speedy step. Thor and Brunnhilde moved away at his approach, leaving him to kneel next to you. You were shivering violently, and he nearly collapsed onto the ground next to you in sheer relief. Shivering meant life!
He gathered you into his arms, cradling you to his chest. The Valkyries were watching, but he didn't care. All of Asgard could see, and he would not care. As your shivering subsided, he felt the satisfaction of a purpose fulfilled, a service that only he could provide. You sighed softly, delivered from the discomfort of magic fatigue.
“Thor...”Loki growled. Thor made a nervous noise and glanced at Brunnhilde, who answered with a look that said he was on his own.
“You hit her with Stormbreaker?” Loki accused. “What in the soaring, glacial hel were you thinking? You can't swing that thing at mortals!��
“I didn't!” Thor defended. “I absolutely didn't! I would never!”
“The child said you did!”
“Valda may have been mistaken.” Brunnhilde cut in. “I should have sent someone older. He's right, he did not swing at her. Use your head now, you can tell he's not lying!”
Loki harrumphed and turned away from them both. Yes, he could tell. But this had left him agitated, defensive, like a ruffled rooster.
You cracked your eyes open to gaze tiredly up at him. “I did it.” You whispered. “I did the magic all on my own. I'm...seidkona...” You yawned wide.
“You did? Is that what happened?”
“Yes.” Thor said, smiling fondly. “Stole it from my grasp and brought it right to herself. It was too heavy for her to hold, though, and it knocked her down.”
Loki stood, lifting you easily in his arms. “You shouldn't be out here in the dirt. I will take you somewhere better. I've...Well, I've redecorated your room. Would you, perhaps, like to go there? I can also take you to Bjarkhild, or back to the Valkyrie's barracks, or wherever you would like, of course.”
“Yes. Would you like to see? I've wanted to get your opinion on it. It's not quite finished, but we've got all the basics laid out.”
“I'd like to see.” You agreed. “I don't think I'll be walking around much more today.”
He didn't bother trying to hold back his smile. “Then let me see to your needs today. In exchange for the gift you gave earlier.”
“You got the cinnamon roll?”
“Is that what it's called? Such a simple name for such blessed ambrosia.”
“Oh, you don't have to...It's just a simple recipe my Nana taught me...”
Loki could practically feel the heat radiating off your face. Was that all it took to make you show him that adorable flustered expression? Just flowery compliments? If he'd known that, he would have taken a different approach.
He headed off the training field. Aides and secretaries approached, but seemed to unanimously decide to present their business at a later time, leaving him free to carry you back to your room. You hardly recognized it. There was color. Blue, and green, and gold, and silver, predominantly, with the bed in a warm terra cotta. That bed looked so soft and inviting now, with it's fluffy pillows and heavy comforter.
Loki sat you down on it, and you wiggled your way slowly under the blankets.
“Will you tell me about this Nana, of yours, who taught you the mystical art of the cinnamon roll?”
“Wow, you really liked it, huh? Well, Nana wasn't really my Nana, she was my aunt. Mom died when I was still a baby, and Beth was my aunt. She always wore yellow, so when I was a little kid I tried to call her Banana Beth, but it just came out Nana Beth. She taught me how to bake. She wanted kids, but she thought it was better that she didn't have any...Um. I should tell you, there's a medical condition that runs in my mom's side of the family. I might die early.”
Loki took your hand. “Not while I breathe.”
“Ah, um.” Your gaze fell. “It's not that simple. It's brain stuff, there's not much that can be done about it.”
He placed his other hand over the top of yours, forming a little shell of sincerity and reassurance. “I promise you that we can. We have the knowledge, we have the technique. Put that fear to rest. You will not die of any tumor. I will not allow it.”
“You can just...decide that.”
“Yes.”He assured you. “I can.”
“Well...that's...um. Ok.”
The face you wore now was less embarrassed, but no less adorable.
“How are you feeling now?”
“Like I bench-pressed an elephant. My arms feel so heavy; my whole body does. I know I'm gonna have a bruise. What is that thing made of anyway?”
“Stormbreaker? It's made from uru.” Upon your stumped expression, he held up the illusion of a lump of metallic stone. “It's a very rare metal, very hard to find and even harder to work with. There is none naturally occurring on Earth, and unlike nornbein, it cannot even be artificially created here. It comes from stars that have destroyed themselves by becoming supernovas. Hence it's rarity. Not many stars do that, and some of those that do, then go on to become black holes, which consume all the uru. Thus, we must find stars that have exploded powerfully enough to create uru, but not so powerfully as to swallow it all. And of those, some form nebulae, and new planetary systems, all of which are difficult to navigate, especially when one is looking for lumps of metal that can be of any size, and separated by millions of miles. Mjolnir was made of uru as well, and my father's spear, then gilded in nornbein.”
“The hammer? Whatever happened to that?”
“Eh, I'll show you later if you'd like. There is a hall we have set aside for Asgardian history, and there are several things resting there that I might show you.”
“I think I'd like to. It would be good to know more history. I mean, I guess that's going to be expected of me now. How do you work with uru, if it's so hard? Special forges?”
Loki smiled. “Oh yes. The most special of forges, unlike any others. Behold, Nidavellir.”
The image formed in his palms, cradled like a pearl.
You leaned forward to get a better look at the illusion. There was a strange light, and an even stranger ring-shaped structure surrounding it.
“Is...is that a star?” You asked, pointing at the little light pulsing slightly in the center. Loki nodded. “How?” You exclaimed. “That space station or whatever would have to be gigantic! Like, beyond reason!”
“Oh, no no. This is a neutron star. It's what you get when a collapsing star is too big to make a white dwarf, but still too small to create a black hole.” Loki explained. “This one is about the size of one of your larger cities. This ring is rather like the outlying suburbs that surround your cities. So yes, the structure is impressively large, but not quite to the degree you are imagining. This was the last of the eight realms to be added to the count, discovered by my father shortly into his reign. Being so small, neutron stars are not so easy to locate, though it does seem that even human technology has been able roughly estimate where some are.
But when Odin found this one, when he realized what he was looking at, he refused to attempt to conquer them through any violent means. Though there were protests, he could not bring himself to destroy even one member of a race capable of such craftsmanship. This star created the largest amount of uru in all of Yggdrasil, and the entire ring is made of it. The Dvergar that live within it have plenty more stored away as well. They are the only people we know of that can smith the metal.”
“Why?” You asked. “What's so different about the way do it?”
“For one thing, they have a resource that no one else does. They use the star to power everything. The radiation of a neutron star is enough to melt uru for forging. They are also the only people who can withstand that radiation themselves. Someone like myself could not stay for long on Nidavellir. Perhaps only to make an order, or to pick it up. And as for you...well, unfortunately this is another realm I can never take you to see. You'd burn in minutes.”
“Oh. Uh, yeah. No thanks. So how did they become one of your realms, if they were never conquered?” You asked. Loki couldn't help but notice the disapproval you placed on the last word. He understood that you found the concept distasteful, but didn't quite understand why. The entire history of your species was one of conquest. Not a single tribe or clan in all of human history was innocent of it.
But there must always be those who try, mustn't there? There must always be those who think and act differently. There must always be a new way. That was the kind of thing that resonated with him.
“Through trade and treaty. We could offer them things they could not get on their own, such as other kinds of metal, not native to the system, and also safe escort to other worlds.” At the inquisitive tilting of your head, he continued. “The Dvergar never managed more than very local space travel, just enough to sweep their system for all the materials it held. Mostly, they had uru, iron, and nickel. That was pretty much it. We brought in metals that, to them, were bizarre and exotic. They loved it! We also provided transport to other worlds, and kept them safe until they went home. You might well imagine that there were plenty of people out there who wanted their own, private, uru-smith, or who wanted to destroy the workers of the metal, so that it couldn't be used against them. And so, a Dvergar abroad is in danger all the time, and they are very limited in number.
So, often for only the price of the materials, they provided us with the finest metal crafts Yggdrasil has ever known. They created Stormbreaker and Mjolnir, my mother's sword and my fath-my spear. Several of my knives, and the enchanted berserker's staves. The Valkyries weapons as well, though only one of those is still extant. And that's just the weapons! We gave them silver, gold, and platinum, and they created the most exquisite artworks. We gave them copper and bronze, and they created the finest wire, the most delicate mechanisms.
Of course,” He said regretfully. “That treaty with them is now null. We can no longer provide them safe escort, or metals in any quantity, so I feel our usefulness to them is at an end. Even when we get the bifrost running, I know of nothing we can offer them that they would want.”
“It couldn't hurt to talk to them though.” You said. “Let them know how your circumstances have changed, and why. You lost your whole world after all, surely there can be some arrangements made. Especially if there's no bad history there.”
“Now that's what I like to see in a seidkona.” Loki praised gently. “Optimism, and a willing-to-try attitude. This is what we need in this time, in this place.”
“Oh, uh, um, thanks.” You mumbled, looking shyly aside.
Oh yes, that was fun.
“How did they make it?” You asked. “The ring I mean.”
“From what they tell, they originally lived on the belt of asteroids that it has replaced. They built bridges linking the larger asteroids together, with their little, local ships, and gathered up the smaller ones as they went. And they just kept building, and gathering, and expanding, until they had an entirely enclosed ring around the star, built up out of the very asteroids that once orbited freely. Technically it is the asteroid belt, only now in the form of one of the most stable structures in the galaxy.”
“I'd like to meet one, someday.” You said idly.
“They are not a handsome people. Also secretive and quite brusque. If they truly evolved on the asteroids, and were separate most of the time, that only makes sense. There are only about thirteen-hundred of them in all, and though they can share a fierce camaraderie when a challenge is laid before them, they more often go for decades without seeing each other. Just working away at whatever project occupies their thoughts at the time. They, unique among all the eight realms, are not a social species. However,” Loki amended, thinking that perhaps he was painting the Dvergar in too negative a light. “They are the ultimate crafters, perhaps in all the universe. They do not know cruelty, or war, only creation. They are honorable people; a Dvergar will never go back on their word, nor ever present less that perfect craftsmanship for trade. And though they are short of speech, that does not mean they are impolite, or inhospitable. Just that they do not share personal information, and they do not waste words.”
You lay back against the pillows, and Loki let the little image dissipate. You looked tired. Perhaps he should let you sleep now, and make the room your own.
“You can use a spear?” You asked suddenly.
“What? Yes, I can. I am trained in the use of a variety of weapons. Most of us are; we simply have weapons that we prefer over others. I like the swiftness and precision of small blades, Thor prefers something heavy enough to destroy armor and knock foes down, and father preferred...distance.”
“And you inherited your father's spear? Is it just because the king doesn't like to use it?”
“Sort of. My brother bequeathed it to me in something of a ceremonial act. Every king since Buri has held that spear, but it was given to me in acknowledgment that I was king before Thor. Also that he intended to break certain traditions, and also because I use it better than he does.”
“Can I see your spear?”
Loki kept his face very carefully neutral. He definitely should not say that you already had, no, he should absolutely not say that. You were tired, and not thinking about your phrasing.
“Later, yes. It is being kept in the History Hall. I'll show you the whole thing. Who knows, perhaps someday you will find mention there. The first human member of the royal court. A bridge between us and Midgard, in this dawning of a new age...”
But you were already asleep.
“Oh. Well. Being the first of anything is always difficult.” Loki whispered, drawing the blankets up around your shoulders. “I know. It's confusing, and there are no instructions, no rules. You must make your own. Tomorrow.”
He left just as you began to softly snore.
You walked the road along the fields, whistling cheerily to yourself. Your garden hoe across your shoulders, a spade in your tool belt, and a song in your heart, you crossed over to an empty plot.
These were not the fields of home; there was no corn to be seen, and the white and purple flowers of Iceland dotted the verge. This was more of a community garden, and each plot bore strange plants, significant to the person who grew them.
You had no seeds, but intended to work the soil of your little plot, so that it would be ready whenever you got some.
You chopped at the soil with your hoe: how dry and hard it had become! How stony from neglect! Nothing had grown here for a long time, but soon it would. Just as soon as you had all the supplies...
You saw Loki approaching from a distance, resplendent in the heat shimmer, the eternal summer sun glinting off his fine armor, his gilded horns. In all his finery he came to you, and said nothing, just held out a handful of seeds. You did not recognize them, did not know what kind of plant would spring from them, but you decided to take a chance on them. You sprinkled them carefully over your plot, Loki standing silently at your side.
What would grow? What would it say about you? And would it be what you needed? Only time, care, and tending would tell.
You rolled over in your sleep and snuggled a pillow. You could almost smell the freshly turned earth.
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