#child! lynn loud sr
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askfacultystaff · 2 years ago
Child! Lynn Sr. be like:
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Child! Lynn Sr.: Hmm?? Who are you? 😕
(Looks like he's curious about meeting Neko and Usagi from future -v-)
Question for Neko-Sufi and Usagi-Ijah:
If you two got travelled into long past and sees Lynn Sr. as a child reading his book.
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What would you two do? Say "Hello" to him?
Neko-Sufi and Usagi-Ijah be like:
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Neko-Sufi and Usagi-Ijah: Hello, sweet pea/sweetheart! 👋😊👋😁
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askfacultystaff · 1 year ago
Hmm? Did they just call us? 😕
- Child! Lance Loud to Child! Lynn Loud Sr. as they got called by Neko-Sufi who followed them.
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pepemay93 · 6 years ago
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Happy grandparents day!!
Lois has fun watching the embarrassing moments of their mothers. In other universe, Lara is treated as a princess by her grandparents, especially by Lynn sr
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joshuasumter · 3 years ago
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This is my poster for Justin Quintanilla's YouTube parody of Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Synopsis: Lincoln Loud and his friends - Clyde McBride, Violet and Dash Parr, Agnes Gru, Sid Chang as Chloe Nerson, and his little sibling, Lily Loud - are back! This time, they're going on an epic adventure in Paris alongside new friends, including Ronnie Anne and (of course) Trixie Tang. This family vacation in a stange and exotic land just shows that sometimes wishes do come true and that love makes its way into the hearts of young and old. When Lynn Loud Sr. is being summoned to work at EuroRexland, an amusement park in Paris, to personally fix his invention, the kids, their dog Max, and all their parents travel to Paris to take a vacation. Once the entire crew jet off, the city of light and romance will never be the same as the kids indulge in all of the fun things the capital of France has to offer! It's there that the kids meet some new faces, including Ronnie Anne and Trixie Tang. But it's also where they meet Belle Button, the sneaky and powerful head of the theme park who needs a husband and child as a cover up to take over her boss's job! But while Agnes accidentally helps Belle out in her hunt, the kids try to steer Clyde's dad, Li Shang, towards Belle's beautiful and sweet secretary, Mulan. It's a race against time as Lincoln, Clyde, Dash, Violet, and Lily's adventure is more than just glamour, fashion, and even the smelly cheese. It's one that will shine a light on the power of courage, loyalty, trust, and true love while it also redefine Clyde's bond with his father, and that when it comes to princesses and potential mothers, things are not always what they seem, and for Shang, finding the right woman can be difficult in any language.
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0h-you-kn0w · 4 years ago
⚡What mental illness(es) The Loud House characters have⚡
Lori: Oldest Sibling 💃🏻👹
Leni: Dumb Bitch Disease 💫🤷🏼‍♀️
Luna: Flat Chested ✌🏼😳
Luan: Theater Kid 🤢🤮
Lynn Jr: Short 🤭💢
Lincoln: Middle Child 🤡
Lucy: Goth 👻💀
Lana: Being Twins with Lola 🙄
Lola: Being Twins with Lana 🙄
Lisa: Smort 🗣️🧠👍🏼
Lilly: Baby ✌🏼👶🏻✨
Clyde: Everything 👁️👅👁️ (still love him tho ✋🏼😭)
Bobby: Also Dumb Bitch Disease 💫😍
Ronnie Anne: Skater Girl 🤢
Sam: Gay 😳😳
Benny: Also Theater Kid 🤢🤮
Rita and Lynn Sr: Thinking Having 11 Kids Was A Good Idea 🤦🏻‍♂️
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popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
Toons For Our Times: The Loud House: Strife of The Party/ Kernel of Truth
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Lana plans her and Lola’s party with copius amonts of dirt and garabage while Lola tries sabotaging it and I struggle to figure out which one we’re supposed to be rooting for exactly.  Meanwhile Lincoln and Co find an abandoned news room and attempt to start their own news show with the immediate threat of cancelation hanging over their heads. You know like most shows on nick. Also Rusty gets hurt a lot which automatically makes this a winner. News Team Assemble, under the cut. 
Well this week was a mixed bag.. which granted could apply to this week as a whole but I meant it specifically for this episodes. Like last week one of them is a true classic that uses the series new status quo to create something intresting, and the other... is the worst episode i’ve reviwed so far. Yes not even one week and the show managed to go from having a boring episode to having a truly odious one. Both metaphorcially and literally as there’s a lot of grossout gags this time around. And unfortuantely since i’ts first in the pairing and the airing, I have to talk about it first. Pitter Patter, let’s get this over with. 
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Strife of the Party I”m not exaggerating either. I admit I was hard on Schooled! and Family Bonding, but the former sitll had some good content and the latter was .. well it’s still a boring lazy retread with a bonkers ending, but I admitted to having seen worse. But “I’ve seen worse” is never the best defense. I’ll admit usually I avoided the worse episodes of the loud house. I haven’t seen some of the more infamous episodes of the show like “No Such Luck” or “Kings of the Con”.. because as just a viewer I could skip an episode if it sounded like toilet dinner. Sure i’ve still ran into them: “Study Muffin” was just eh when it aired but now both post me too and post chris savino being rightfully fired for being a harassing dickweasel thanks to said movement, it’s realy fucking creepy, has Lori at her worst (Actively trying to cheat on bobby), and .. I have no third thing. All we really got out of it was Lynn Sr’s obsession with the British. And “The Green House”’s reputation proceeds it and there’s a reason I couldn’t finish it. Point is i’ve been lucky to only step in a few cowpies in the field of this show, and now i’m watching it as it comes out i’m accepting the hard truth that with the show’s hit and miss quality, i’m going to have to go panning in shit creek some weeks if I want to find the nuggets of gold.  Now I will grant this episode doesn’t sound NEARLY as bad as “No Such Luck”.. but as opus would say....
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Exactly my Pengy pal. Again not being worse than the worst episode of the show, still dosen’t make you a good episode. It just makes you marginally less terrible. It’s like saying Creed isn’t as bad as Nickelback. While tha’ts true they both still sound terrible, it’s just playing Creed isn’t a warcrime in some countries. And yes I just compared two episodes of a children’s show to bands my audience thankfully likely weren’t aware ever existed, I don’t care. If you haven’t left my blog running and screaming your either new here or tolerate me being an obscure weirdo.  
Before we get in proper, I haven’t covered the twins yet so let’s do that quick. I haven’t really watched a ton of Lola and Lana’s episodes, their not bad characters htey just don’t intrest me much as i’ve seen their gimmicks a lot, but I will say lola’s slightly better and I will say I like Lana more when she’s doing animal antics instead of grossout. Not terirble characters and their acted well, just not my cup of tea is all. Okay enough stalling , pitter patter!
We open with Lola planning the twins upcoming birthday and talking to her stuffed animals which is cute and all.. before a POSSUM CHESTBURSTS OUT OF LOLA’S UNICORN DOLL. 
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The.. the fuck. Look i’m all for scaring the crap out of kids in children’s entertainment. I loved Courage the Cowardly dog as a kid and as a grown ass man writing about children’s entertainment. I love the lich from adventure time, i’m okay with scaring kids. But this is just.. a bit too realistic. Yes really. While  doll that size probably can’t fit a possum it could sure fit something else and i’ve seen stuffed animals big enough for a posssum, so yeah.. this could actually happen to one of my nieces and that thought terrifies me. It happening to me also terrifies me but I’m a grown man not a small child who’d be scarred for life. Christ.  The episode does get better, for a second I didn’t bitch for a few paragraphs for nothing. Lana comes in, claims the demon possum, and tells Lola she’ll fix the doll. Uh Lana i’m not sure she wants it back.. you’d be better off burning it and setting the possum free in a republican center’s home where it belongs. 
Anyways Lana has a good point, Lola’s been plannig their parties ‘since before they were born”.. literally as the image above shows which is just.. fucking amazing. I cannot belivie they got to go there and it’s glorious they did. I can’t think of many, if any, other chlidren’s cartoons that showed a fetus on screen so kudos. 
But yeah that was the one good moment of the episode. Next our twins go to a party suply store where Lola, clearly knowing the host well because these kids have connections, has her stash all the poop colored stuff away... which backfires as lana instead goes to the garbage for party favors and decorations. It fails to get better: Next they go to a bakery where Lana makes her own literal garbage cake and then go to flips for entertainment i.e. a bull. NOw i’ll grant both stops have good bits: The cake store guy asks if Lana’s a cop when she asks for grime and Flip has them sign a waver for the bull. And the bull being lana’s idea of entertainment makes sense.. but overal it just comes off as gross and mean spirited. I mean yes Lola’s about to do some terrible stuff herself and yes Lola ouvershadowed lana.. but she dosen’t deserve this abuse and none of this is healthy or tolerbale for.. well anyone, and could get the Loud Parents in serious trouble, which also leaves the obvious plot hole of “why don’t they step in in either situation. “ 
The episode would’ve made more snese if Lana went to them to get them to let her host the party and their guilt over letting Lola always do it means they don't’ reign her in despite wanting to. Instead their just.. there at the end for a great bit we’ll get to. It’s always the bad episodes that paint the loud parents as terrible parents honestly. No Suck Luck had them cast their son out into the cold over nonsense, On Thin Ice had Lynn Sr decide forcing his children to embarass themselves was more important than teaching one of them that maybe sometimes you don’t always get to force your family to obey your whims for dumb reasons, and the april fools eps have Lynn Sr so terrified of pranking retribution instead of you know.. GROUNDING Luann for going full joker on their asses. IN most episodes their kind and reasonable but it’s always the bad ones where they instead make Homer Simpson look like a good parent. 
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But yeah my rant aside the episode COULD work if Lola, encouraged by one of her other siblings, Luann would be a good bet as she could easily slide into the party setting when appropriate without being too distracting, realizes she’s been selfish and tries to hold her tounge for lana’s sake. Maybe then she tries sabotage.. or better she DOSEN’T, but both of them realize something; Lola realizes she’s been doing this to lana their whole lives by forcing her into a party she doesn’t  like so LOLA can be happy while Lana realizes she’s being no better. Hell even if Lola did complain, which is in character, this plot woudl still work. instead.. Lana is just as bad as Lola while Lola is still pretty terrible.  See the big problem is that NEITHER girl is likeable. As I’ve made clear Lana pushes a gross, dangerous party on her sister she clearly doesn’t like, and Lola, instead of trying tot alk to her parents or get Lana to tone it down.. tries to guide her to what she wants, then when that fails sabotages the party, makes it so Lana has nothing and gets her party. Both sides are being really bad, but instead of them realizing this, lana is treated as the one we should be sympathetic to when she gets mad when she finds out about Lola even though NEITHER of them are sympathetic or likeable and deserve to win 100%. But Lana does, lana gets her way, Lola apologizes and hte paradigm just shifts from one sibling being unhappy to another. We do get that one gag I talked about where when lola goes to make things right she has Lynn Sr stall and he pulls out a cowbell “You thought I wasn’t going to need this”. No bud, Rita HOPE you wouldn’t need this. There’s a difference. Thank god it’s the end. 
Final Thoughts for Strife of the Party: They should be obvious but to be clear this is hippo excrement. i’ts not funny, it makes both it’s leads look bad, the parents look worse by inaction and  just isn’t pleasant ot watch. I do GET the show has a young audience, and they like grossout, I get i’m not the target demographic, so I probably would just be okay with a good version of this episode.. but even with that in mind both twins come off so unlikeable it’s just not fun to watch or to see Lana win as she didn’t feel like she earned it. It’s bad and it should feel bad, and i’ts the first truly odious episode i’ve had for weekly coverage. I’ve had okay or eh ones, but this one is truly bad and belongs in the pantheon of bad loud house episodes.. or at least in the honrable mentions. Good gravy this blew. 
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Kernel of Truth
Okay now we’ve panned the gold nugget out of the crap creek, we can get on with the GOOD episode this week. I was excited for this one.. I was excited for both actually, even not being a huge fan of the twins I liked the idea of a loud birthday but as we just saw,.. didn’t work out so good. But this one while I thought it would just be average, promised another lincrew shenanigan and I like most of those i’ve seen, and plus I knew it’d allow me to refrence anchorman a bunch so i was llike :Fuck it let’s go”.. and this one ended up being REALLY damn good and probably one of the best episodes with this group i’ve seen, right up there with “Be Stella My Heart.” I’ts good stuff. But before we get into it you probably noticed my ranting about girl jordan but turns out, while I haven’t watched that episode, she’s in the sand field trip episode from last season hanging out with stella so I have an answer to if they forgot abotu her, they didn’t they just need to use her more, and a new ship so i’m satisfied and I apologize for bitching about it. Next time i’ll just check the wiki and see before I bitch about something. ON with the review. 
We open with our motely crew searching for a hidden Game Room rusty’s cousin claims exists, with Stellas as lookout and the guys.. er all in stacks that make it look like their doing a team up move from donkey kong country 2? 
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I mean I have been playing the game a lot since it came to switch online, seriously if you have the service go play it, but i’m not hte only one seeing this right? Right.  So yeah the kid stack fails and Zach doubts Rusty’s story.. because when has rusty ever been right.. well apparently just this one time, but we’ll get to that. They even checked the boiler room. 
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And then promptly vowed never to go back to the boiler room while Principal RAmierz just sighed at having to deal with a freddy kruger infestation again. They loose more children that way and the school board JUST got him out of the high school.  Liam also gets the line of the episodes when he calls the group “Fellas and Stellas” Which is just objectively amazing and needs to be used every time this group appares from now o. Luckily= Stella noticed another closed door, this one taped off instead of just with a keep out sign and the Fellas and Stellas make their way inside and find themselves in.. a news room! But it’s nto a fox news room so it actually had news in it once and not Tucker Carlson, the answer to what happens to an 80′s or 90′s yuppie scumbag villian after they fail to get the orphange paved over for condos
Anyway, our heroes alll ohhh and all while Zach thinks this is where children are harvested. Nah Zach they just call them up on the pa system.
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So everyone does what’s natural to them: Zach and Liam inspect the cameras, Stella looks at the old mic because she’s a natural for being an on camera personality and Rusty.. oggles an old group shot of the news team. You know I may not hate him with the hatred of a hundred suns, but he’s still objectively the worst. Zach gets mad at him over it because “That’s my mom”. Rusty defends himself by calling her hot and while th. no please god no dont’ talk about women like that you creepy little weatherbeaten Chucky doll that somehow became a real boy, or had dustin diamond transfer his soul into it befrore he died. Either is possible. The point is Ewww. The other point is while Rusty’s being his usual living proof of while he’ll die alone Zach has no right to get upset , AT FIRST because how the hell would Rusty know that’s hsi mom. You two have the combined braincell of a dead feret. Stella is the only one out of all 6 of you evenmy boy liam who has more than one brain cell. This argument is stupid and I hate you both,  just settle things in the most humane way possible.. or at least THIS is what I consider the most humane way possible. 
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So while those two are being as stupid as expected, Lincoln suggets fixing the place and becoming the new school news crew. I mean they’d need new equipment since even if the stuff there still works’ it’s all worn out 80′s tech none of you know how to use but given their seen with a modern camera later int he episode, I assume they just sold this off and got new cameras. Even if the show flopped, more on that in a minute, the principal could still use those for other projects so it’s a win win. Stella Zhau agrees.. and FINALLY has a last name. Like holy shit i’ve been waiting a full season for this and it feels like that bit was JUST to give her a last name. Now they just need to do Liam but still, I needed this one more. Plus it also means we can now firmly say she’s chinese. Neat!
So after that blockbuster reveal Stella wonders where Rusty is, because fuck if I know, and they all find him continuing to oggle zach’s mom at their age....
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Zach snatches it away and crumples up understandably annoyed. Rusty’s response is about what you’d expect. 
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So once Liam’s done throwing that calender into the school furnace, and saying hi to freddy as he passes the boiler on the way, our team heads to the principal to plead their case. They run into Meryl, the identical in personality, plot function and apperance outside of wearing pink instead of yellow to Cheryl, the receptionest at the elementary school who I really liked and it’s a clever way to keep the character at both schools and pays off the runnig gag of Cheryl asking liincoln or clyde who looks better her or her sister by having said sister show up and ask the same. Good stuff. 
Meryl ends up agreeing to let them go see the wizard, I mean Principal Rameriz, because her soap is on. Also clyde’s a fan to his friends blank stares. Come on guys he watches romance movies, of course he’s going to love drama shows, even the non teen ones. I now imagine he joins the loud sisters on their riverdale nights. Riverdale the clusterfuck that has something for all of them: Teen drama and shirtless hunks for Lori and Leni, Music and scantly clad “teens’ of both genders and neither gender for Luna, something to laugh at for Luann who probably loves mst3king stuff, and violence for Lucy.. dosen’t seem like it’d be Lynn’s thing honestly but I rest my case. Also the rest of the sisters are too young but the parents figure Lucy’s desentised enough to violence and blind enough to sex to make an exception. 
Now that fun headcanons out of the way our heroes pitch the principal whose skeptical, as the 80′s news show ended because it was boring, much like why that 80′s show ended. That and it was a bunch of 80′s pop culture refrences strung together. I do have a minor nitpick that it seems odd a school room would be in disuse for this long, but given the Principal has apparently spent years looking for aformetioned game room as we find out in the end, the school blueprints are apparnelty lost to the ages or if they exist are some sort of ancient treasure map buried beneath the school drawn in blood by an old witch. I mean this universe has cherry hating peach loving spies now, i’ not ruling anything out. 
But our heroes beg them: Clyde has journalism experince on the school paper, Stella has the dedication and heart and Rusty .. thinks people need to see his face on camera. Rusty as far as we know your face functions like the vdieo from the ring and everyone in school is going to die 7 days after seeing it on film. That’s my theroy and i’m sticking to it. Thankfully everyone else is just as annoyed with him as me for once, and we get the glorious shot above of everyone just looking.. done with his antics and wondering why they keep him around. Finally for once I agree iwth the characters on something rusty related. Let’s show that agian. 
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Poetry. You can just feel the levels of “So done with this crap” seeping from every poor.. except for Poor Lincoln who just wishes his best friends and rusty woudl stop using him as furniture, and Liam whose covered but probably very much on team “Rusty Stop Being Yourself your blowing this for us”. They even have an action news pose.. which is botha dorable and breaks the principal’s bust of herself, so she relucntantly agrees to get them out of there. Plus as I said there’s really no loss for her here. If their sucessful the school gets a new elective, something to put on the tv’s every morning, a way to do announcments so she dosen’t have to, and free good publicity for her next bonus. If not.. then she has somehwere to store her new cameras she can use for other stuff, and come up with something else to do with the media lab. Either way she wins. Plus iwth phones and stuff noawaydays they only need the one new camera.  Okay before we move on confession time: I was on a school tv news show’s crew myself. Not in middle school, we werne’te that lucky but in high school we had video media, an elective where seniors edited news segments and what not for the school’s WhamTV program. I hope i’ts still around honestly. I started on a field crew doing stories but my awkardenss and a blow up at my partner where my awkward rage prone ass threatned him by accident, got me bumped to doing credits.. which I genuinely loved. I got to something fun, creative and unique, I was still part of hte intros every week, and I got plenty of time to goof off and watch videos. It’s how I found channel awesome and first got to watch atop the fourth wall since it wasn’t on youtube back then, back before you know, it turned out Doug was abusing all of them and younger me was just unaware of it. But it was still good times so this episode does feel a bit nostalgic for me. But enough teary eyed reminciings of ten years ago, back to the plot. Our heroes air their newscast. It’s the Middle School Action News with with your Anchors Lincoln Loud and Clyde McBride, Stella Zhao in the field, Rusty Spokes on Sports for.. some reason, Cameraman Liam Wedon’tknowhislastname and Zach Gurdle somewhere out of the way. Middle School Action News, always on, always free.. no wiat tha’ts pluto. Middle School Action News, Taste the rainbow. Middle School Action News.. The Good Guys Always Win, Even in The 80′s. Yeah that’ll do! 
But yeah while our heroes try their best, and to their credit this does feel like a middle school news show. The writers not our heroes. Anyways Lincoln and Clyde banter and we get our first segment Stella trying to interview mr. Bohlmer about his birthday.. which goes about as well as doing anything for him on ron swansons’ birthday. 
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Next we have Rusty on sports.. which I questioned when I first say this but as obonxious as Rusty can be.. yeah this is the best place to have him. Stella has the drive and the talent to be their field reporter, Clyde and Lincoln have a lifelong report that does well for the desk, Liam is nice and patient enough for camera work, and Zach is a paranoid weirdo so he probably has experince editing since thats where I assume where he is since htey ddon’t do weather and even if they did Liam’s just not the right shade of oblivoiusly nuts. 
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I do however at least get why they keep him around as Rusty needs someone to get fed up with him.. but as the above moment showed Clyde and Stella can do that easily, as can Lincoln, so he really has no functional purpose other than as a B-Grade dale gribble. ANd I know kids don’t know who that is but they frankly deserve better. Seriously Zach...
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Okay getting back to the segement. For starters Rusty does a breath spray first.. but suprisingly despite interviewing a lady, specifically Lynn, he DOSEN’T hit on her and is actually professional and manages to get a quote despite her disintrest. LIke I know it’s the bare minimum but you’ve met rusty right? the Bare Minimum is hard for him to grasp. Earlier this episode he was oggling old pictures of his friends mom and saying he should take it as a compliment which, Hard No. So the fact hours later he’s talking to a woman without radiating creep after that is an achivment. For him and him alone mind you, most kids should know better. But still I may be hard on the kid, because DAMN is it fun and damn if he dosen’t give me plenty of joke fodder, but I will give him credit even if it’s the bare minmum. Good job rust you passed the very basic plateau of human decency. 
Stella wraps things up with a look at the cafteria that’s about what you’d expect from a kids cartoon, shoe int he beans etc. Unfortuantley bean shoes, sportz and angry assholes aren’t enough to float the show and the principal is ready to can it.  On hte bright side they have their first lawsuit from Mr. Bohlmer. I mean John Olvier idnd’t start getting sued by dickheads with no real case till he was 30, nicely done kids. And it’s not even why, it’s just boring and the kids aren’t enjoying it. So Stella, being again the one with her own brain cells here, proposes to let them find a big story, and Ramirez reluctantly but graciously agrees. And that’s why I like her so far. Don’t get me wrong having Steven Tobolowsky as principal was great, but I like Rameriz better: she’s smart, weary of the crap she puts up with and tough but fair.. which is a cliche btu fits here: She’ll be honest with her kids but will give them an honest chance and sees our news team really doees want this bad and her giving htem one more day to find something actally intresting is more than fair.  So our heroes spitball about what to do for news. LIam suggests alien because again he has about one character trait, so everyone tells him for hte last time no. I mean it isn’t much worse than his last suggestion. 
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So once agian it’s RUSTY who saves the day, bringing in beet snacks.. which he tries to get them not to stone him over over the fact the popcorn was all gone.. which okay 1) I get the show’s tring to be healthy so maybe ther’es not chips, but I have a hard time buying that there’s no Chez Its, snack packs or other goodies between “Popcorn’ and “something with beetz that only two men would eat” For the record those two men are Dwight Schrute, for obvious reasons, and this guy my boy Tony Chu. 
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I highly recommend this comic, Chew for the record, to anyone. Just.. anyone whose not a children it gets voilent, but it is sublime. We’re not here for that, but I thought i’d plug it. It also has a spinoff currently running, Chu, following his criminal sister. Also real good and dosen’t really spoil anything for hte main series thus far so you can hop in there instead. Either way your in for a ride.  Back on topic, while Rusty failed with snacks he actually brings up a good point: The popcorn isn’t just gone because it’s late in the school day, but because as the kids notice, it’s just missing in general despite the trucks arriving. They have their story and head out to investigate.  And suprisingly, unlike last week’s investigation they find something: A mysterious hooded figure bribing the driver for popcorn, and taking it off somewhere. They fail to catch her, as Rusty dives over her telling Liam to “Make sure you get this”.. he instead gets a shrub and video of him attacking a shrub. I’ts a good runner and shows the writers are leanring to use Rusty better.  They take the footage to the principal, who is impresssed, but states they need to find out who dun it for the story to be complete which is fair enough. They stalk out the nexxt delivery time later that night, but find the drivers have been switched and the mystery person has fled to canada. Rusty once again tries catching her and fall sin the water. Liam once again responds with a cheerful “Don’t worry rusty I got it”.. okay this dynamic is honestly better than him and Zach: Cheerful oblivious Liam and scheming dumbass rusty. Why isn’t THIS the “Those Two Guys” dynamic in the group, honestly. 
Anyways Lincoln is dispondent the next day as iwth no leads, they have no programa nd prepares to do a spider-man no more with his anchorsuit.. which okay 1) you can use that for other things man. Peter Parker can’t really use a spider-man suit for anything but spider-manning but you can use that suit for dates and dances and stuff. and 2).. whya re he and the clyde the only ones with outfits? I mean.. it’s clear from this episode there will be more school news stories nad it just looks weird that they get to play dressup in suits but the rest of the crew isn’t. Liam at leat is working the camera and Zach is Zach but rusty and Stella are field reporters. Field reporters, while not always, usually get nice suits too guys. 
ANyways Lincoln finds something in the garbage. And not his sister this time, as Lana oscar the grouched it up lat episode in sadness. Which to be fair will be her future career mark my words. At least I think that’s a career. Anyways, our heros find a ferry ticket meaning whoever fled to Canada is in the building. They trail some popcorn from the ticket to the locked door from earlier, which Rusty, finishing the rule of three, tries knocking it down hwile Liam gets it. Stella, again proving to be the real hero of this tale, uses her hair as a lockpick. Is.. is there anythign this child can’t do? She and Marcy should swap notes sometime damn. 
And the culprit is MERYL! She was using the popcorn for insulation to get a quite room to herself and begs the kids not to tell which. is the weaker part of the episode> We don’t have the investment in Meryl we do in Cheryl, and she did you know.. steal school property.. or at least buy it off under the table. But the kids being the sweet kids they are understandably, schemes or not don’t want her  to loose her job, and agree to not tell on her even if they loose their show. And to their creid and what keeps this from sinking the episode Meryl is genuinely greatful for this gesture, and gives them the scoop.  And as i’ve been mentioning turns out RUSTY WAS RIGHT. Yes Rusty. That Rusty. Was Right about something. The Game Room exists. They find it thorugh a hidden locker entrance and unlock it from the inside, with af lodo of viewers coming in. Granted at first I didn’t know why Meryl didn’t just use this room but then I thought “Oh yeah she’s a full grown adult and can’t fit in the entrance and i’m assuming it was locked from the other side to the rest of the school”. So the kids have a new hangout and as the principal joins them, they havea  show! Turns out she’d been looking for this place for years.. and doesn’t turn it into something else. What a legend. She plays Air Hockey with Meryl, is there something going on there or are my shipping goggles acting up.. probably both. Anyways our heroes have genuine thanks, a fun new hangout at school, their own headquarters and their own news show. It’s a heck of a day but it’s no time to rest as Rusty tells them he has another tip and i’ts off... to pick up a broom to sweep up the gumball machine they knock over.. THEN they can go find the hot tub for the teachers lounge. 
Final Thoughts:  OH me mow, this was a great one. For one the main complaint I had I mentioned at Schooled! of it not feeling like Lincoln’s friends were given enough personality sometimes? Gone enitrely. Everyone except Clyde and Zach get a moment and Clyde is still fully present and has gotten several focus episodes at this point, while Zach again should just leave already. But the rest of them? All on form. Stella continues to prove her competence, energy and adorability, Rusty is not only actually useful for once but was actually really funny his episode. The gag with Zach’s mom was actually pretty hilarious, my jabs at him aside, and the runner of him trying to do some epic stunt, telling Liam to film it and then humiliating himself while his pal cheerfully tells him he got it is just great and Lincoln’s Spider-Man no more moment with his suit was both said and kinda funny and I love him and Clyde’s reporter outfits. It’s why I wanted everyone to have them, especially since this will be a recurring theme and looks to be a fun one. It was fun, creative, and took me back a decade. It was a REALLY damn good one and I’m glad I watched this one first, a true highlight of the series and a true good sign that the season can, even with some hiccups, will apparnetly have some REALLY great episodes on average even with the weaker ones.  That’s it for this week... and somehow for loud house coverage as, for now, their doesn’t’t seem to be any new episodes in October, but that could change. Until then, follow this blog every Monday for regular ducktales coverage and come back in October for more loud house, more the Casagrandes  and some spooky spooky fun Until then, Go team venture. 
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diefakekalvingarrah · 5 years ago
October 22 2019 12:22 PM
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Kin List (Order of Importance)
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MePhone 4 (Inanimate Insanity)
Kuzco (The Emperor’s New Groove)
Haida (Aggretsuko)
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Teacher (The Girl From the Other Side)
Zim (Invader Zim)
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Prisoner 777 (Invader Zim)
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Ballister Blackheart (Nimona)
Rigby (Regular Show)
Tatsuo Kusakabe (My Neighbor Totoro)
Ren Hoek (Ren & Stimpy)
Buster Moon (Sing!)
Hanna (Octopus Pie)
Lynn Loud Sr. (The Loud House)
Tamatoa (Moana)
Twiggy Ramirez
Rachael Stair
Garrett Watts
Alfred Alfer
Freaky Fred
Maiko Hakaine
White Diamond
Prisoner 777
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toonrandy · 6 years ago
I enjoyed "Recipe for Disaster” -- it's really funny and we see more of Lynn Sr. as a child! And I love that some of the other Louds also appear, which they contribute to the story well!  I always liked most of the Lincoln and Clyde episodes -- I know that a lot of people don't like them and believe the series is doing too much of these, but that's not true. And Lincoln's obviously the face of the series and can also have a best friend, so why not? :)
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wyomingparmesan · 6 years ago
Happy One Year Anniversary to Unexpected! In honor of the occasion, I have decided to make a “5 hour rant” about just how much this story means to me.
I guess I’ll start with the most important thing. This rant comes with a spoiler warning as I will be discussing the story itself, so if you have not read it, this is your warning.
Now, let’s get to how I came up with the idea for this story. I’ll be throwing it way back to when I was a child. I was probably…four years old, and my mom was pregnant with my youngest sister. The doctor had given her this magazine that had photos of babies in the womb, and I was absolutely delighted by these images. From then on, I became fascinated by anything having to do with pregnancy. Throughout my childhood, when there were no good cartoons on, I’d watch pregnancy and childbirth shows on TLC. In high school, I knew I wanted to be an OB/GYN.
I also found myself being fascinated by the subject of teenage pregnancy, like wow you can have a baby in high school? When I was ten, I watched this show on ABC Family called The Secret Life of the American Teenager, where the main character was a fifteen year old girl who got pregnant. Then, when I got into high school, I had a few friends who got pregnant. This made me become very supportive of teenage mothers.
Now onto the fanfiction side, my very first fic I ever read was actually a teen pregnancy fic. This was when I was about thirteen years old. From then on, I always wanted to write my own teen pregnancy fic, but alas, I wasn’t a good writer.
Then we skip ahead to 2016, when I decided to write my first fanfiction ever, and of course, it was for The Loud House. Once my writing improved, and I became more confident, I decided to was time to finally fulfill my dream. I wanted to write a teen pregnancy story.
Now, as for the idea itself, I definitely pondered it for awhile. What ship should I do? What should the baby be? What will their name be? What will their family think? There’s lots of questions involved with a story like this. At the time, I was super into Ronniecoln so that’s who I wanted to write about. Then came the fact that I’ll have to age them up, and I wasn’t super into that idea. After that, the obvious choice was, of course, Lobby. I’ll be honest, at this time I wasn’t a super big fan of Lobby. I shipped it, but it wasn’t my OTP. Lori is one of my favorite sisters though, and at the time I hadn’t written many stories with the siblings at canon age so, it was perfect. Now I just needed a general plot besides the fact that Lori is pregnant. One night, it hit me.
I tend to daydream a lot before I fall asleep. This is really how I come up with the ideas for my fanfics. Well, one night I had a daydream about Lincoln. He was crying while holding a baby. I didn’t see which sister it was, but I knew it had to be Lori. Anyone who knows me or has read my stories knows how much I love Lincoln. He’s the subject of many things I write, and often times it involves angst. There was another thing that enticed me about this daydream that also led me to write “Unexpected”. This is where it gets into spoiler territory, so you’ve been warned yet again. I knew that the baby absolutely had to be a boy.
I’ve always wondered what it would be like for Lincoln to have another boy in the house, and giving him a brother just wasn’t an option for me. How about a nephew instead? In the story, Lucy overhears Lincoln talking about how sometimes he feels lonely. This leads Lori to ask him what’s wrong, and they have a very cute brother/sister moment that I will insert down below:
After checking up on Lisa and Lily, she had one destination left. This was the one she always looked forward to the most.
Lincoln had his lamp on, letting her assume that he was still awake. She grabbed the doorknob and poked her head inside.
He was laying on his bed, in his orange pajamas, just staring at the ceiling.
"Hey, Linc," she said, softly as to not startle him.
He looked up at her. "Oh, hey Lori"
Lori looked at him. He had been acting strange for the past few weeks. She'd often ask him if he was alright, to which he'd answer, "Yeah, I'm okay."
As an older sister, she couldn't help but feel concerned. She knew he was lying, and this time he wouldn't be able to get himself out of it this time.
She went over and sat next to him. "Look, Linky," she began.
He sat up and looked at her. "Yeah?"
She put her hand on his leg. "You know that if something is bothering you, that you can talk to me about it, right?"
He nodded.
She turned to him. "So, is there anything you wanna talk about?"
He looked down. "Yeah…I guess so."
She frowned. "Does it have anything to do with what Lucy said a few weeks ago?"
He nodded.
"Do you wanna tell me about that?", she asked gently.
He sighed. "It doesn't matter." "Why would you say that?", she asked. "You always matter."
"No, it doesn't matter because well," he began.
She scooted closer to him. "What is it?"
"You already have enough stuff to worry about right now," he continued. "I don't want you to worry about me, too."
"Oh, Lincoln," she said. "You're my little brother, you'll always matter to me." She said, grabbed his hand. "No matter what I'm going through, you can always talk to me."
Lincoln looked up at her. He had a little smile on his face. "Thanks, Lori," he said. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain."
"I'm all ears"
He sighed. "Well, do you remember a few weeks ago, when Lucy said something about me feeling alone?"
She nodded.
"She overheard me talking to myself, I guess and well," he started. "It's just sometimes I feel like the odd one out."
"What do you mean?" "You have Leni, Luna has Luan, you all have each other," he continued. "I don't have anyone."
She looked at him, confused. "So, you don't like having your own room?"
He shook his head. "No, it's not that," he said. "You have sisters, other girls you can talk to about girl things. Me? I don't have a brother, the only other guy I have in this house is Dad."
Lori nodded, as she was started to understand. "So what I'm getting at is that, you sometimes feel left out because you're the only boy?"
He nodded.
"But what about Clyde?"
"He's my best friend," Lincoln said. "But sometimes I wish I had a brother, ya know? Someone I can share my room with, someone I can talk about boy things with."
Lori saw the sad expression on his face. "I know you said that you feel alone, but the truth is Lincoln," she said. "You're never alone." "We may not be boys, but you're our brother, and we love you so, so much."
"I know, and I love you guys, too," he said. "But there's just always that feeling ya know?"
She used her hands to call him over to sit with her. He crawled over and climbed into her lap. She wrapped her arms around him.
"I hate that you feel that way, Linky," she said. "Just know that me and our sisters, we love making sure you're included in things too." She kissed his hair. "You're part of this family too."
Lincoln sniffled. "I know, and I'm sorry that I feel this way," he said.
"Don't be," Lori said. "Your feelings matter too."
Lincoln wiped his eyes. "Thanks Lori," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you."
"I love you too, Linky," she said. "And I bet your hoping I have a boy, aren't you?"
He nodded. "Yeah, that would be awesome," he said. "But I'd love it even if it's a girl."
"Me too," she said. "I love them so much."
"I love them too," Lincoln said, smiling.
"I'm glad you feel better, Linky," she said. "Now get some sleep, you've got school tomorrow."
She released him, and he crawled into his bed. Lori gave him Bun Bun, and she kissed his forehead.
"Good night, Linky," she whispered as she headed out the door.
"Night, Lori," he whispered.
She slowly closed the door behind her, leaving a small crack. She stood there and watched his eyes flutter closed as he drifted off to sleep.
"I love you, Lincoln."
Lincoln and Lori’s relationship is one of my absolute favorites in the show, so this scene was very pleasing to write. I have another scene to share, but I think it would be better to wait for the end. Now back to the writing process. The thing that scared me the most with this story was how Rita and Lynn Sr would react to Lori’s pregnancy, as well as Bobby. I’d never really written Bobby before, so it made me nervous.
Throughout the process of writing Unexpected though, I began to fall in love with Lori and Bobby’s relationship. I knew that he’d always love Lori, no matter what. Pregnancy is no easy thing, and I’m so happy that Lori had someone like Bobby there to support her through it all. I wanted to exploit Lori’s insecurities with her feeling fat and ugly due to her pregnancy. This led to some cute moments between her and Bobby.
Lori laid in her bed. Her head on a pillow, and her feet propped up. She watched as Bobby came back into the room, a bag of chips in his hand.
"Here ya go, Babe," he said, handing her the bag.
"Thanks, Boo Boo Bear," she said as she grabbed it. She opened it up, and began stuffing chips in her mouth.
Bobby laid down next to her, rolling over on his side and putting an arm across her belly. He made a funny face. "Are you really that hungry?"
Lori swallowed. "I can't help it, ever since I got pregnant, I eat like a horse."
"A cute horse"
Lori frowned. "You really think I eat like a horse?"
Bobby raised his eyebrows. "You're the one who said that." "But you're supposed to disagree with me," Lori said, her voice getting louder. "You-you did this to me, Bobby!"
He was taken aback. "What are you talking about?"
"Just look at me," Lori said, moving her arms down her body. "I'm fat, my face is broke out, my feet are swollen, all I eat is junk food, and yet." She turned to him. "You're still here."
He moved in closer, putting a hand on her cheek. "Of course I am, Babe," he said softly. "I don't care if you're fat, or have zits all over your face." He put a piece of hair behind her ear. "I love you, no matter how you look."
Lori's lips quivered, and she felt tears threatening to run down her face. "You're just being nice," she said, sniffling.
He turned her so that she was looking at him. "Look, Lori, I mean what I say." He grabbed her hands. "And I mean it when I say…I think you're beautiful."
Lori closed her eyes as she felt the tears escape. "Oh Bobby…". She snuggled into his chest, his shirt becoming damp with her tears. He laid his head on top of hers, his chin brushing against her hair. He rubbed her back, and pushed her head further into his chest. "I know that you probably don't see it the way I do, especially right now, but you are so beautiful."
"You think I'm beautiful even though I'm fat?", Lori asked.
"You're not fat, you're having a baby," Bobby said. "That's a wonderful reason to be 'fat'. When you told me you were pregnant, I was shocked, but I wasn't upset." He rubbed her hair. "I think I was more worried about how we would make this work. I had a job and a home in the city, I left my family, but I wouldn't do anything different."
He moved Lori up towards him so that she was facing him. He put both of his hands on her cheeks. "I don't hate you, Lori, I never could." He began wiping her eyes with his thumbs. "There's nowhere I'd rather be than with you." He pulled her in for a hug. "And there's no one else I'd rather have as the mother of my child."
Lori let out a sob as she put her arms around him. The last few weeks, she's felt so different. The rapid changes in her body made her feel fat, and ugly, and undesirable. The more she thought about it though, the more she knew she had picked the right guy.
"I love you so much, Bobby," she sobbed, snuggling into his shoulder. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too, Lori."
They didn't even notice it when they fell asleep. All they cared about, was being in each other's arms.
The last thing I wanna talk about ,because this rant is already super long, is how throughout the course of this story, my writing style changed drastically. I began to show more than tell, and I was able to add in more details and really amp up the emotion. I’m so proud of how it turned out, and I continue to use what I learned from this story in my current writings, as well as the stories that came after this one.
This story is my legacy as a writer in this fandom, with it now being my most viewed and favorited story, sitting at over 36,000 views and ninety-four favorites. It’s the story that made Lobby my OTP, it’s the story that gave me my little “meme baby” and first OC, and best of all, it let me fulfill my dream of writing that teen pregnancy fic that I’ve always wanted to achieve.
Now, for the end of this rant, I will leave you with something special. Remember that daydream I talked about earlier? Well, that scene came to fruition in this story. I’ll leave off with that, since you’re all probably tired of me rambling now. Thanks for listening to me talk about something that means so much to me, both as a person as a writer. Now, for the moment you’ve all be waiting for.
Suddenly, everyone looked at the hallway entrance, as footsteps could be heard. Rita appeared, causing everyone to stand up.
"So, guys, the baby is here," she said.
Everyone began to talk excitedly and ask questions.
Rita motioned with her arms. "Settle down everyone, Lori and the baby are just fine. She's pretty tired, so she doesn't want many visitors right now."
A collective "Aww" could be heard. "But, she did have a special request." She walked over to Lincoln, sticking out her hand. "Come on, sweetie, Lori has asked that you see the baby first."
Lincoln looked up at his mom, his mouth dripping open a bit. "R-Really?"
She nodded. "Yep, let's go."
He handed his comic to Ronnie Anne, who gave him a smile. He stood up, grabbed Rita's hand.
She led him down the long hallway. He could already feel the sweat beginning to form on his face, and his legs became shaky. His breathing became heavy as he felt his heart racing in his chest.
They stopped in front of a plain, white door.
"Okay, here we are," she said. She pushed the door open and they stepped inside. Lincoln saw his sister laying in the bed, a small bundle in her arms. She put a finger to her lips, indicating that he needed to be quiet.
He stepped as close as his legs would take him without collapsing.
"Hi, Linky," she whispered. "Are you ready to meet your nephew?"
A shaky smile quickly spread across his face. Nephew? He had a nephew?
Lori held the baby out to him, but he stepped away.
"I-I c-can't," he started. "M-My hands are too shaky, what if I drop him?"
She smiled at her brother. "It's okay, Lincoln, you won't drop him."
He let her put the baby into his arms. His breathing became slower as he looked at his adorable, sleeping face. "His name is Luis," Lori said, softly.
"H-Hi Luis, I'm your Uncle Lincoln," he said.
It took him a few moments to realize it. He had a nephew, his sister had a son. There was another boy in the family. He gently rocked Luis in his arms, and caressed his cheek. His lips began to tremble, a few tears running down his cheeks.
Lori frowned. "Oh, Linky, are you crying?"
He nodded, sniffling. "Y-Yeah," he wiped his eyes. "I just love him so much."
Rita held out her hands, and Lincoln handed her the baby.
He walked up to his sister, placing his arms around her.
Lori hugged him back, as hard as she could, and laid her head on his.
He let himself cry into his big sister's shoulder. She rubbed his back as he whimpered loudly.
"I-I-I'm s-sorry, I just…I just…", he sobbed. "Shhh, it's okay, Linky. I love you," she said, running her fingers through his hair.
"I-I love you too," he said, sniffling.
For a little while, it was just him and his big sister. She laid there, caressing him as he let out all of the happiness and feelings he was experiencing. Lori hadn't expected him to react this way, but knowing her little brother already felt such a strong attachment to her son, made her heart melt.
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What are rita and lynn sr like in your headcannon?
Ooo I never thought hard about them! Tbh, I think their personalities would simply be reversed. But I’ll add a little more ^^ Thanks for asking!
Edit: Updated!
Rita Loud:
Rita is the cool parent. She’s very caring and loving toward her children. She literally gets them whatever they want if she has the money. She also acts like she’s still a teenager and had a rebellious past. She loves spoiling her kids and being cool.
Rita also has a childish side, even taking part in the kids’ antics sometimes when it’s all good and fun.
Her kids love the cool side of her and see her as the fun parent. They call her “Fun Mom.”
But she is also smothering, which her kids are embarrassed by. When she gives them sappy names like “soldier,” “swagger,” etc. or asks them for kisses, they cringe.
But this doesn’t keep her from being stern with them, as she often calls a halt to their fights.
She loves her husband very much and often acts playfully romantic toward him. The kids groan at their PDA (as expected).
Rita is the more sensitive of the parents. She doesn’t like the thought of her kids growing up and sometimes needs to step in to pull herself together.
On a side note, she is a very good cook and dreams of opening her own restaurant. She also seems to enjoy dancing, and is shown to dance on many occasions, and has won a contest. She has also mentioned she enjoys karaoke and jokes.
She’s a tiny bit of a coward. She is scared of horror movies and Halloween, and screams when she encounters a spider.
The siblings often playfully argue about who her favorite kid is, even though she doesn’t have one and constantly reminds them.
Overall: cool, spoils her kids, somewhat childish, “Fun Mom”, smothering, stern, loves her husband and children, sensitive, a little bit cowardly
Lynn Loud Sr.:
Lynn Sr. is the definition of “man of the house.” He handles most of the responsibility and is very serious about them. He is always on guard to protect his family and he always makes sure his kids are on their best behavior and does what he tells them to.
Lynn Sr. is the more serious and level-headed parent. He is often concerned for his childrens’ well-being and what they’re doing with their time.
He might think her childishness can be a bad influence on the kids sometimes, he loves his wife very much and acts playfully romantic toward each other.
He isn’t afraid to punish his kids if they go too far, but he dearly loves him.
He is a bit overprotective of the kids and shows concern for them constantly. And yes, he’s an overprotective dad to Linka.
He doesn’t like it when his kids tease him that he’s not fun. And he tries to prove he is. But it often backfires.
Lynn Sr. dreams of being a novelist, but seems to lack a creative side. He doesn’t know what to write about and his ideas are usually boring. When he does spark up a good idea, he has Linka and her brothers to thank most of the time.
He really likes to read novels, too.
He is proud of his sons for constantly protecting their sister and keeping her happy. But sometimes, he worries that he doesn’t have a close relationship with his only daughter like his sons do.
The siblings also joke about who Lynn Sr.’s favorite child is, and he constantly reminds them he doesn’t have a favorite.
But the kids “know” it’s Linka.
Overall: “man of the house”, serious, level-headed, stern, loves his wife and children, overprotective, wants to become a novelist, uncreative
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shinovii · 6 years ago
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Ah, yes! It's that festive time of the year. No, not you Christmas! Wait till Black Friday's done, then we'll start the Xmas stuff. I'm talking about Thanksgiving, the one holiday that's practically been erased from the calanders in recent years. Thankfully, The Loud House hasn't forgotten it, as we take a look into the half-hour special......
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We start the episode off with.......Flip!? Oh crud, the penny pincher is at it again, no doubt. Actually, he's here to tell the tale of how the Grinch trolled the Smash fans-er, I mean, how the Louds and The Casagrandes went head to head in Thanksgiving competition. All is going well for both families as they prepare for the festivities. However, it seems Lori and Bobby have plans on celebrating Thanksgiving with each other, leaving both families (thanks to an eavesdropping Lincoln and Hector) to believe the teens are looking to celebrate with the other family instead. Thanksgiving may be in jeopardy, and a family rivalry is starting to brew........
So, a Thanksgiving special disguised as a Lori and Bobby episode.......okay, cool. But really, this was a rather hectic special, and it did a pretty good job with the back and forth between both families. They went pretty overboard for the sake of the two lovebirds, and the snide remarks clearly didn't help much. Gotta say, though, the Casagrandes certainly know how to throw down in the food department (Sorry Lynn Sr., but three birds in one seems a bit much. Points for effort, I suppose). Also, special mention to Lincoln trying to fight the itis (passing out or sleeping after a big dinner), the ice bucket would've worked perfectly kid. The ending moments summed up just how messy Thanksgiving can get (dare I say "literally"), and the resolution was quite the touching conclusion. All said and good, but what's a half-hour Loud House special without a charming musical number, especially with spanish guitar thrown in? Pretty solid special, good to watch, and now I'm hungrier than ever for a Thanksgiving feast!
Also, Lily continues her animal costume trend again. It's getting hard to not go "aww" at this adorable little child.
So, it seems the next time we catch a new episode will be the musical special "Really Loud Music". Knowing how musical episodes are on most shows.........well we'll find out next time!
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neko-sufis-world · 2 years ago
NekoColn SuLoud AU
*Sighs in disappointment* You know what? You guys are lucky Lincoln doesn't call law enforcement. Why? It's because he told me he doesn't want to. You know the way you letting him sleeping outside the house, leaving him in cold and no any warm place for him is called.... "Child abuse"? 😒💢
-Neko-Sufi to Rita and Lynn Sr. Loud, along with the girls.
And now, if you excuse me, goodbye. Also, Lincoln is in his room, busy -_-
-Neko-Sufi to Rita and Lynn Sr. Loud and the girls again as she closes the door
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askfacultystaff · 1 year ago
If Child! Lynn Sr. and Child! Lance got sent into current
Don't you think this place has changed, Lance? 😕
- Child! Lynn Loud Sr. to his brother, Child! Lance Loud, walking together and looking around.
Dunno, Lynn 😐
- Child! Lance Loud to Child! Lynn Loud Sr., without their knowledge, Neko-Sufi and Usagi-Ijah noticed them for first time.
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ptbf2002 · 3 years ago
Animated Atrocities - No Such Luck
Show - The Loud House Episode - Season 2, Episode 8, Segment 1 Air Date - March 13, 2017 (United States) May 4, 2017 (Canada) May 27, 2017 (France & Switzerland) June 5, 2017 (Portugal) June 11, 2017 (Russia) June 12, 2017 (Africa) June 18, 2017 (Israel) June 22, 2017 (Italy) June 28, 2017 (Spain) August 28, 2017 (Poland) September 5, 2017 (United Kingdom) September 26, 2017 (Germany) November 22, 2017 (Malaysia) April 4, 2018 (European Union & Malta) October 22, 2018 (Greece) October 28, 2018 (Finland) February 12, 2019 (Philippines) June 2, 2019 (Vietnam) September 16, 2020 (Sri-Lanka) Writer(s) - Karla Sakas Shropshire Director(s)/Editor(s) - Chris Savino, Darin McGowan (Storyboard) Episode Rating - 6/100 Other Note(s) - Oh Boy, Does This Episode Makes Me Feel Bad For Lincoln, And Makes Me Hate Lynn Jr. the title says is a Saint Patrick's day themed episode, but instead it's a very harsh Lincoln torture episode. Not even the previous episodes had such cruel moments.Lynn Loud is at her absolute worst in this episode, as she rallies the family to kick Lincoln out of the house and all his furniture is sold off, all becauseshe lost a baseball game and blamed it on him. For The Love Of God! That Is A Stupid Reason To Blame Sublings When Someone Lost The Game. Everyone else in the Loud family is stupidly unlikable and mean-spirited for kicking Lincoln, an eleven-year-old minor, out of the house and treating him like he isn't even part of the family, For The Love Of God! Why Would They Kick Lincoln Out Just Because Lynn Jr. Lost The Game?! This Doesn't Make Any God Damn Sense, And Even Had To Get Rid Of Lincoln's Stuff! And Why Would Lincoln Didn't Called The Police That His Family Kicked Him Out? Also, They Forced Lincoln To Come To The Baseball Game By Wearing A Stupid Squirrel Suit! And Even In The Beach. Does The Louds Should've Know What Could've Happen To Lincoln When He's In A Squirrel Suit?! He Could've Got Sunburned!!! The Only Good Thing Is Lily says Lincoln's name for the first time, which is rather cute and heartwarming. And Lynn Sr. Rita, and sisters (including Lynn) have apologized to Lincoln. Which The Ending Was Good. Oh And By The Way I'm Pretty Sure That It's Against The United States Laws To Kick minor kids out of the house, And Another Question, WHO WROTE THIS?! This Episode A Lot Of Negative Criticism From The Loud House Fans, But Chris Savino replied to them on his Facebook and said that Lincoln deserved to be punished the way he was, thus making everyone that is a Loud House fan or not even more furious, not to mention that it shows that Chris Savino is completely unable to handle even the slightest bit of criticism. Both Chris Savino And Karla Sakas Shropshire Should've Been Fired For Horrible Directing And Horrible Writing, This Episode Should've Been Banned Due To a Criminal Act: Child Neglect. Which Is Illegal. And The Rest Of The Louds Are Out-Of-Character In This Episode. And This Episode Is Very Poorly Written And Mean-Spirited! Original Meme Template: https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/196127392/MrEnters-Notebook The Loud House Belongs To Chris Savino Jam Filled Entertainment (Canada), Boat Rocker Media, Nickelodeon And ViacomCBS
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weloudfollower · 7 years ago
The Loud Farm AU Info Part 1
The Loud Farm is the country version of the Loud House.
The Loud Family:
Some of them have the same dreams as their show’s counterparts. Including some likes and dislikes. They even care about one another and stick together as a family. But friends,pets,what rooms they live in,and love interests? Nope.
Lori Loud: “Bossy sister who’s always on the phone for long periods of time” are the siblings exact words. But there are times when she goes from bossy to kind and carring big sister to all of her little siblings. Her boyfriend’s name is Richard, who she talks to a lot on the phone.
Leni Loud: Very naive and quite ditzy. She’s the family’s expert on all things fashionable yet she wears clothes that only someone born on a farm wears. Her dream is to make fashionable country clothes that everyone in the world would love.
Luna Loud: One day, she went to a Country Music concert and saw Snake Boot Sam playing. She was inspired by his music and decided to become a country musician. Her dream is to become famous and become number one at the top of the charts. She speaks in a normal accent rather than a country accent. She’s also the middle child of the older siblings.
Luan Loud: A prankster who loves to tell jokes to people and do pranks. She tells her jokes to either people,he family,or to a group of practice dummies a.k.a. scarecrows. Her dream is to either be a rodeo clown or become a famous comedian. Her family really hopes it’s the latter.
Lynn Loud: A jock who enters any competition that involves the human body, meaning sports and eating competitions. RIght now, she’s a part of her school’s football team and a part of the hog wrestling competition. She has a crush on her little brother, Lincoln.
Lincoln Loud: Just like the Lincoln Loud of the show, he’s the middle child of 11 siblings and he’s also “the man with a plan”. Loves his sisters,reads Ace Savvy,watches ARGGH!,listens to music made by the band “SMOOCH”, you name it. Heck, he even likes eating Peanut Butter and Sauerkraut Sandwiches. He's dense about the crushes a few of his sisters have on him.
Lucy Loud: Unlike her counterpart, she’s not a goth despite having gray skin and black hair. She had inherited it from her Great Grandma Harriet. But she does love to make poem sometimes. They’re usually filled with happiness or her current emotion(s). Her dream is to open up her own flower shop. Leni usually helps with gardening when it comes to the flowers in her garden. She has a crush on her big brother Lincoln. She sees Lynn,Lola,and Lana as rivals. 
Lana Loud: Loves animals,playing in the mud,getting dirty, you name it. Her dream is to either become a veternarian or a farmer one day in the future. Her pets,just like her family, are the farm animals. She sometimes fight with her younger twin sister, Lola. Sometimes it’s about something important, other times it’s completely over nothing. Just like a few of her sisters, she has a crush on Lincoln.
Lola Loud: “A bratty and bossy girl”, in some people’s words. She competes in pageants, and her dream is to become the next Cute and Mean Pageant winner. She’s the middle child of the younger siblings and is the family’s tattletale. She either blackmails her siblings or she tells her parents. She has a crush on Lincoln, but the only one who knows is Lana. Because of that fact, she and Lana would get into a fight if they’re conversations involve talking about Lincoln or who will “marry him”, which would accidentally drag Lucy and Lynn into the fight.
Lisa Loud: Like her show’s counterpart, she’s a scientist. Sometimes her inventions fail, other times they explode. In fact, she has her own barn where she conducts her private experiments. Mainly because the family don’t want to be mutated or have the house destroyed in an explosion. There are times when she uses her own family as lab rats for her experiments.
Lily Loud: Cute as a button,loves her parents and siblings,and pretty much says “poo-poo”,”Linky”,etc. She has some things in common with her siblings.
The Parents:
Rita Loud: She met Lynn Sr. back when they were younger. She had came to California to find inspiration for a book, but then she met Lynn and fell in love with him. Many years later, she had a family of 11 kids with him. Her dream is to one day create a best selling book. Her current book is about *censored*. For now, she works at the Rodeo, riding horses in front of an audience.
Lynn Loud Sr.: He was a farmer when he met Rita. It was love at first sight. He would speak in a country accent but his family don’t like it since he might embarrass them in front of people and/or their friends. His dream is to open up his own restaurant where people are eating the food that his family worked had to grow for months. While the crops are growing, he works at an office.
Random Facts:
Each universe has their own alternate universe counterpart where things are different (alternate timeline universes). For example: In one universe that is the exact counterpart of this one, Lincoln’s four big sisters Lori,Leni,Luna,and Luan have a crush on Lincoln instead. 
There’s even one where all of Lincoln’s big sisters have a crush on him, and in another, all of his little sisters instead.
In some others, there are age reversal and/or gender swap universes with different or the same shippings. 
If anyone has any country music lyrics for Luna to sing that is not from a song that already exists nor based on or off of it, I’ll put it in the next chapter.
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literally-loud-house · 7 years ago
Learning a Lesson
The Loud House was a lot less chaotic than usual. All that could be heard was the sounds of the television at high volume and girls laughing. It was early in the evening, and Lynn Sr was making dinner for the family. It was nice to not be interrupted by kids, since they all were occupied with something. That is, until he heard the pitter patter of small feet on the kitchen floor. He turned around to see his son, Lincoln, who was wearing nothing but a t shirt and a diaper. He was running a spot on his face, and had tears coming out of his eyes. Lynn turned off the stove and kneeled down to the child. "Aw hey buddy, what's the matter?", he asked him. "L-Lynn hit me", the toddler told him. "Oh she did, did she?" He picked up Lincoln and brought him into the living room, where he and his sister Lynn had been playing together. The girl tried to hide once she saw her father enter the room, but it didn't work. "Lynn Loud Junior! Come here right now, young lady", he shouted to the one who shares his name. She came over to where her dad was standing. "Yes, daddy?", she said as she looked up at him with "puppy eyes". "Oh now don't pull that face on me", he told her. "You are in trouble". She finally gave in, and sat down on the couch. Lynn Sr sat Lincoln down next to her, as he kneeled down in front of both of them. "Lynn honey, did you hit your brother?" She looked away. "Yes, I did". "Why did you do that?" "Because he was being annoying" He frowned at her. "Now that's not a very nice thing to say". "Well, he was", she insisted to her father. “And I can tell you the whole story” She began. “I was sitting here, playing with my new tea set. Me and my teddy were having a fun time at our tea party. Then Lincoln came in here, and wanted to play too. I told him no, but he kept trying to touch everything”, she said as she looked at her father. “So I hit him so he would leave me alone”. Lynn Sr looked at his daughter. “Honey, you know that he just wanted to play. He likes playing with you and your sisters”, he told her. “If you didn’t want him to play with your things, you could’ve came and got me instead of hitting him”. “I’m sorry, Daddy”, she said. “I’ll try better next time”. “I’m glad to hear it, sweetie”, he said as he turned to Lincoln next. “Now son, you can’t just go and take whatever you want, okay? You need to ask your sisters before you can play with their things”. The three year old nodded his head. “Ok daddy, i un-erstan”. "Good. Now apologize to each other" Lynn scooted closer to her little brother. "I'm sorry, Linky", she said to him. "I won't do it again I promise". She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the spot where she hit him. "I sorry too", Lincoln told her, "I ask next time". "I love you Lincoln" "I love you too" Lynn Sr smiled at his kids. "Well, now that that's settled, who'd like to come help me with dinner?" "Me!", both of the kids said at the same time. From then on Lynn tried harder to control herself, but Lincoln somehow still ended up taking a few hits. Siblings, what can you do with them?
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