#chief hey.... hey lil guy... why so self destructive
shacklda · 2 years
@lieshou cont.
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“You want to take me to dinner?” Brows raise in question, gaze lingering for a moment over Quanxi’s lips on bandaged arm before flickering away. Contact brings eyes back over, but despite attempts at making them meet they seem content to settle on everywhere except her face, staring at nothing and everything all at once. 
Yes, maybe she was avoiding looking and seeing that worry she knew was there - did she even deserve that concern? After what she...
Ahem. Throat clears and she jerks her arm free, uncaring about the waves of pain that resulted in the motion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jaw clenched, tugging Quanxi’s wrist from her and considered, for half a second, smacking that away too... but then fingers intertwined, and she let out a heavy sigh. “And what if.... what if I say I only want the bad?” 
There it was, out in the open. Hand raised, still holding Quanxi’s and it was there she pressed it against her chest, heart rate there for her to feel speed up. 
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