#chicka-chicka vroom vroom chicka-chicka vroom vroom
byuluno · 1 year
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pussyandpetrichor · 20 days
Really don't like the quintessential gish class in Pathfinder being called the Magus. Because I want to decline it. "Magi" in the plural. That's fine and well and good. The problem is when you have a girl Magus and by declension the title should then be Maga. And let's be real, I'm not saying that on a regular basis
But otherwise, I do really like the Magus. It really benefits from a lot of party collaboration. You want your Magus getting a circumstance and status boni and the enemy getting penalties to ensure that your burst damage really goes off.
This is pretty similar to a Gunslinger, who really wants all these benefits to get the full workout from the Fatal trait on their weapons, but it is part of why I think a Rapier and a Dex build can be really good for the Magus (especially why Laughing Shadow is my favorite subclass). You already get consistent bonus damage from Arcane Cascade so you can probably afford to lose the strength bonus to damage. Then you add in the burst bonus damage from Spellstrike, but if you're swinging the math so much in your favor anyway, you'll stand a decent chance at getting some good Crits and that Deadly trait on your Rapier can really be utilized.
Laughing shadow then gets some extra incentive to use no armor, so once you get to level 5 and can afford to have a +5 dexterity, you might as well not be wearing armor anyway and now you have a +10 status bonus to speed. Arcane Cascade then becomes bonus damage *and* free Tailwind.
Vroom chicka vroom
I also have some ideas about Sparkling Targe with a Champion Dedication. I just wish there were some way to get Smite before level 12 that way.
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notkjanderson · 4 years
I did something again.
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
Random thought: Prowl manages to escape Polyhex early on, goes into hiding and actually manages to remain escaped. Then the war happens, Prowl joins the autobots, and when he does he soon finds out that the Polyhexians have formed an official alliance with Optimus and the autobots, and that Jazz as warlord is working very closely with him.
Perhaps this Prowl did manage to distract Jazz with a little bow chicka vroom vroom.
Jazz is a little amused by how stiff Prowl is. He's embarrassed. Flushing. It's a good look on him.
Jazz agrees to assist Prime in his war against Dartmouth. He insist OP send his best officer to be liason. Prowl is not at all thrilled with OP suggests him but he doesn't want to confess that a, he was a thief in a past life, b, a mermech.
Prowl may or may not have brought a couple of souvenirs with him when he escaped the archipelago. Jazz would be very interested in meeting them.
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timedontgiveashit · 4 years
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Alison Mosshart: Sound Wheel (2020)
SIDE A 1. Intro – Talk Talk Talk 2. Windows Up 3. Pink Whip 4. Last Pack of Holy Smokes 5. Interlude / Psycho Hwy 6. Salt Lake City Drag 7. Interlude / In or Out 8. Last Pack of Holy Smokes 9. Cables Galore 10. Interlude / The Storm 11. The Distance 12. Interlude / Oh Say Can You See 13. Sonic States of America 14. Interlude / Blah Blah Blah 15. Miami 16. Admit It 17. Angelyne 18. Oh Black Shark 19. S Town 20. Interlude / Chevy Eyes Pepsi Jesus 21. Hold On 22. Interlude / See Ya There 23. Louisiana 24. Around And Around And Around 25. Eliminator 26. Sexy Pontiac 27. Interlude / Horrible Singing Voices 28. Let’s Start A Band 29. Demon Prince 30. She’s a Trip 31. Road Kill 32. Animals 33. Sunday Style
SIDE B 1. High Performance 2. In Between Jobs 3. Returning The Screw 4. High Horses 5. Summertime 6. Interlude / Real Real Real 7. Eastern Standards In The Wild West 8. The Electric Sads 9. Interlude / White Firebird 10. A Dime 11. Little Bottle 12. Mindfield 13. The Daughter Of The American Used Car Dealer 14. Vroom Chicka Vroom Some pages from the Car Ma book, and the tracklist of the Sound Wheel. I’m excited.
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deathvsthemaiden · 5 years
20 random facts about yourself that may surprise people! Tagged by @sjouno (thank you!!🌌)
1. Do you make your bed? Almost never...🙈😣 my room is a constant mess
2. What’s your favorite number? Hmm. 5 is nice! The smallest landmark # therefore very dependable. 5️⃣
3. What’s your job? I work part time at a chain jewelry store 🏬
4. If you could, would you go back to school? I’m in college and you’d have to drag my corpse back to public school!! 💀 College is tolerable tho. Sometimes even fun
5. Can you parallel park? Strictly in theory hardly ever in practice 🚘
6. A job you had which would surprise people? I’ve only had one and it’s my current and I super love jewelry so? Probably not surprising 💍 Maybe the fact that I work arguably of my own volition is surprising to some? I could definitely see that and not blame them shcndndndz
7. Do you think aliens are real? I’m sure we have friends out there! Idk if I’m hyped to meet them but I’m sure some form of life exists somewhere. Kindddd of indifferent ngl. I hope for their sake’s they never meet us🌎
8. Can you drive a manual car? I assume yes? Idk the kinds of cars I just. Drive. Vroom vroom 🚗 I do take pains to control it. Which takes manual effort sncndndnndz
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? Specific books and songs! Also daydreaming excessively, tea and coffee in excess...I’m probably forgetting some things. Excess basically!! I love pushing limits. Usually. Depends on the limit. I’m sensible I promise 🙏🏽
10. Tattoos? I’m a Muslim so nope! I used to love those temp Lisa frank tats tho 💃🐯
11. Favorite color? This is so HARD! Red or purple. Or green. Pale pink is also lovely...🌹 I feel simultaneously there’s not enough colors we can see and too many.
12. Things people do that drive you crazy? I am easily driven to crazy 😔 Idk...when people take being angry as an excuse to overstep all bounds? When teachers give garbage prompts for things and expect more than garbage answers? When people are inconsiderate, when straight haired people pretend they know what a bad hair day is? (I’m softcore Kidding about that last one) Too much to listttt
13. Any phobias? Umm. I’m terrified of committing accidental manslaughter which is why driving was scary for so long. Is that a phobia though? I feel perfectly rational in fearing it. Don’t like multiple eyed spiders!! And when they have FUR?! I’m gone. No thank you. THE OCEAN is the love of my life and one of my biggest fears in general. Like everything in it??.....you’re gorgeous but stay away from me. 🌊 also im afraid of being the only person in the room when an old person unexpectedly dies how do I prove I didn’t do anything wrong and it was just their time how do I prove—?! Starting a house fire also that would be SO embarrassing 🔥
14. Favorite childhood sport? You’re funny. (I like swimming, ice skating, rollerblading and archery but I didn’t really do most of those as a kid. I’ve participated in each of those sports only recreationally and only get the opportunity sometimes) 🏹 🏊‍♀️ ⛸
15. Do you talk to yourself? Constantly and I’m afraid I’m too loud about it. Frantic muttering when panicked and making weird sounds when doing stuff like whoosh whoosh whoosh or chicka chicka chicka. Also I hum a lot and my friends do it to now bc of me ahxjdndndn. Maybe this is why I get along so well with babies. We speak the same language 🤯
16. What movie do you adore? Ooh a challenge! Lately I can only think of movies I hate (my top hated ones are Jane Eyre 2011 (terrible+lifeless adaptation!!), American Sniper (where to begin...) and the Duchess (WHERE do I BEGIN?!) if you were wondering) I love Blancanieves, Hindi Medium, Brother Bear, English Vinglish.....yes I am cheating🎥
17. Do you like puzzles? Sometimes. I like the idea of them more than exerting my brain shcjfnfnf! I do like convincing my family to buy 1000 piece puzzles and having them do most of it over the course of a few days! That’s always fun✨🧩
18. Favorite kind of music? Ugh what’s music. No I’m kidding. Sir Spotify says Pop, Desi, Indie and Rock are my most listened to genres. I’ll listen to anything upbeat with lyrics I can at least tolerate, and I can’t stand crying songs. I make an exception for Tamino and the occasional Adele song but that’s about it! ☝🏽
19. Tea or coffee? Both!! Multiple cups of both every day. 🍵+☕️=🤪
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? F-fashion designer but ALSO!! I wanted to have Maleficent’s ability to turn into a dragon and breathe green fire specifically. That was so rad actually I STILL want that now that I think about it 🤔 🐉
Tagging: @pinkafropuffs @k-amui @obsessedwithallthingsbooks @abyssinah @makruh @jaqenhhgar @frightrider @cosmerelove @tacticalbolt @iwaizuml @bereadynbebrave @ayuumaku @unearthsea @barachiel @hotgirltohru @aochiro @palmtreeexpress and anyone else who wants to do it!
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kmp78 · 3 years
*vroom vroooooom* 🏍
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*boom-chicka-bow-woooow...* 😏🔞
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Bet you that desert was all sorts of moan-y last night... 😏
PS. What country is this? 🧐
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notkjanderson · 4 years
Shit, I forgot to tell you about a new chapter that I posted last week. 
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notkjanderson · 5 years
I can’t believe that I forgot to tell you that I did something. 
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notkjanderson · 5 years
So, I’ve been thinking of how to start the next story in Transmutation. However, I realize I need to go back and re-read the story and make sure I remember it all. The notes help, but not enough. That’s probably going to be my weekend. 
I’m working on Vroom Chicka Bow Wow this week, and Transmutation next week (I have next week off of work). 
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notkjanderson · 5 years
Update: Two for One
Wrote about 2,200 more words for chapter 2 yesterday, and I’m still no where near the end of it yet. 
Here’s a little teaser:
“If my hobby is fucking my way through half of the Autobot army, that is nobody’s business except mine.”  
(Disclaimer: Rough draft. Final version may vary slightly.)
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notkjanderson · 5 years
I did a thing!
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notkjanderson · 5 years
Hey, I updated a thing. Go check it out.
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notkjanderson · 4 years
I did something...
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notkjanderson · 5 years
Catch and Release Ch 5
Only have about 4-5 more pages to edit. Alas, it is bedtime soon. Anyway, last chapter of Evolution is ready to go for tomorrow. 
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notkjanderson · 5 years
Sunday Novel Update
This week I spent mostly rewriting and editing. The novel had become a disorganized mess, and I realized that I needed to whip it into shape before I did any more writing. Otherwise, I’d just be piling mess on top of mess and it would be a lot harder to shovel later. 
Well, now I have Chapters 1 and 2 pretty much nailed down. I also have pieces of chapters 3, 4, and 5 written, they just need more rewriting/editing. I have bits of 5 and 6 plotted out, and a firmer grasp on what the overall story arc is going to be. 
It wasn’t a great week for story count. I am ending the week with only a little over 21,000 words written. So, I didn’t make Nano in the end. However, I’m a bit more optimistic about being able to finish this project. 
I’m giving myself Sunday evening off to work on some Vroom Chicka Bow Wow. I need the break.
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