#chicago trance family
megalony · 4 months
A Family Gathering
As promised, here is a new Eddie Diaz imagine, I'd love to do a follow up to this if anyone is interested.
Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: (Y/n) and Eddie are close to their due date with their twins. But when they go to a family meal with her siblings and parents, it doesn't go as planned and family secrets are revealed.
(Reader is Buck and Maddie's sister)
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The knocking at the door brought (Y/n) out of her trance and she leaned forward, lowering her head down towards the sink that she was leaning heavily against. Her lower back arched out, trying to relieve the pain in her back that felt like it was snapping in three different places, all at once.
Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes and she couldn't stop them from falling down her face as her nails started to scratch against the porcelean sink.
A twinge rolled through her back and her knees bent forward into the sink that felt like (Y/n) was about to rip it off the wall.
It took more effort than (Y/n) would of liked for her to open her eyes and it caused more tears to trickle down her face which she hastily brushed aside. She didn't want Chris to notice she had been crying, it would only panic him and that wasn't fair.
She tried to straighten up but the movement caused her spine to click oddly and send a loud crack through the air which had her quivering on the spot.
One hand moved to her lower back and the other pushed up off the sink that had been keeping her upright for a while now.
(Y/n) danced her eyes around the bathroom for the rest of the clothes she had brought in with her.
"Mum," Chris knocked again, followed by a giggle that almost lifted (Y/n)'s heart. She knew he was getting impatient both to use the bathroom and for her to hurry up because Buck was coming over.
He was picking (Y/n) and Eddie up and taking them round to Maddie and Chimney's apartment. Chris knew this, he knew his uncle wasn't going to see him for long and he knew Carla would be round anytime now so she could babysit him for the evening. But Chris was still excited to see his uncle even for a few minutes and he had a few games picked out for him and Carla to play tonight.
"I'm coming, just- just one minute."
Her legs quivered when she slowly eased down to sit on the toilet so she could get dressed without falling over. She kicked the lounge set she had stole from Eddie this morning to one side. The shorts had been a little uncomfy because they didn't stretch properly over her stomach anymore, but there was very little that still fit (Y/n) these days.
She reached out for her maternity leggings and when she stood up, she grumbled to herself and raked them upwards until they were over her underwear.
They didn't feel as comfy as they used to. Not now her stomach yet again seemed to stretch and grow in the last week. There was less than two weeks left until (Y/n)'s due date and she was becoming restless. Her stomach was bigger than ever, the twins were twisting and kicking and moving all the time and making it so hard for (Y/n) to try and sleep or sit down without any discomfort.
And now her back ache seemed to triple in the last two weeks and she didn't know what to do with herself.
She dragged the leggings as high around her bump as she could before she reached out for her dress. Another maternity dress that (Y/n) wasn't fond of wearing. It had been alright in the beginning, but now most of her dresses looked strange and just made her look an odd, rounded shape. (Y/n) had been living in Eddie's clothes these last two months but even his clothes were starting to become tight.
Tears welled up in her eyes again when she dragged the dress down over her bump.
This wouldn't do.
(Y/n) wasn't going to a family meal looking like this. She looked like a strawberry. An oddly shaped, deformed strawberry, thin on the top and wide around the middle.
Her back strained as she grumbled and fought to get the dress off again. She looped it over her arm and grabbed the loungewear set she had worn all afternoon.
When she finally opened the bathroom door, Chris grinned cheesily and flashed his teeth up at her. He wormed his arms around her and gave her a hug, nuzzling his face into her bump before they switched places and he headed into the bathroom.
Her hand pressed against the wall, using it as leverage to get herself further down the hall towards the bedroom. She had only just got up and already she wanted to sit back down again. She just wanted to sit down and try and get some sleep which had been evading her for the last week or so. (Y/n) had never had to take so may naps during the day as she did now to catch up on all the sleep she lost when she couldn't get comfy at night.
Something soft formed on her lips when she headed into the bedroom and looked over at Eddie.
He was stood in front of the mirror, buckling up his belt and tucking his shirt into his high-waisted jeans that fit snugly over his waist.
(Y/n) liked the shirt he was wearing. He had a light beige button up shirt on that looked a size too small for him. It stuck to his shoulders like glue, tensed and bunched up around the elbows whenever he flexed his arms and his chest was straining against the buttons that looked like they were about to pop. But he looked good.
His head turned in her direction and he quirked a brow as he looked her up and down. Stood there near the bed in her leggings and her bra and most of her stomach exposed for his flooded eyes to drink in and observe.
"Are you going like that?" He danced his eyes up and down her frame while he turned away from the mirror to face her instead.
"The dress didn't look right, think I'll have to raid you instead."
She tossed them in the hamper and looked in the wardrobe for a shirt that would look half decent on her and not make her look a fool or like a football. Her eyes locked on a dark navy blue button up and she swiped it from the wardrobe, smothering a groan as she clicked her spine into place, again, and dragged the shirt over her head.
"Oh no." Her head tilted to one side as she tried her best to wriggle into the shirt.
A quiet grumble left her lips and she felt like crying again when she tried to stretch the shirt over her large bump. When she pulled the shirt down, she gasped as the top few buttons popped undone. These kind of shirts used to hang off (Y/n)'s frame and stretch down to her thighs. Not anymore. Eddie's clothes always used to be loose because her husband was taller and broader than her. But now his clothes didn't stretch over her bump anymore.
She tried again to pull it down a bit more but the buttons kept popping open.
Her lower lip sucked between her teeth to stop herself from crying as she undid the buttons at the bottom of the shirt and stretched it down before doing up the buttons near her chest. It would be better to let her stomach be on show rather than her cleavage, and she had her leggings pulled up as high as she could get them.
She fiddled and pulled the shirt to try and cover her cleavage, but she paused and held her breath when a pair of arms circled around her waist.
"Looking good." Eddie murmured, punctuating his words with a kiss against her shoulder and travelling his lips up to the side of her neck.
He slid his hands beneath her shirt and danced his fingers across her stomach and beneath her leggings that were pulled up near her belly button. His words made (Y/n) smile but she didn't quite believe him. She didn't feel like she looked good when her leggings were getting tight, her dresses didn't look right on her anymore and even Eddie's clothes were starting to become too small for her.
"Hm, I don't think so."
"Why not?"
The genuine disappointment in Eddie's voice had (Y/n) shivering and she leaned her head back on his shoulder, pressing her forehead against his neck. She felt him lean his cheek on top of her head while his elbows pressed into her waist so his arms could squeeze her lovingly into his chest.
"Look at me, I can't even wear your clothes anymore." Her hands travelled down to hold Eddie's wrists and she lifted her head from his shoulder when Eddie leaned forward into her.
He nudged the collar of her shirt out his way, moving his pointed chin across her shoulder so he could pepper kisses across the front of her neck, feeling each shallow breath she took.
"I am looking, and I love what I see." He punctuated each word with a kiss up and down her neck before he lifted his chin and connected their lips. She felt him murmur "All my girls," against her lips and his hands pressed into her stomach as if to reassure her and punctuate his words even further.
They broke apart when they both heard Chris's excited squeal of "Carla's here!" and the sound of his footsteps clamouring down the hall to go and let her in. That was good. That meant that whenever Buck arrived, they could head off to Maddie's house.
(Y/n) wasn't ready. As much as she loved her big sister and her twin brother, it wasn't just them that they were having dinner with.
Their parents would be there.
Their parents had made the trip down since (Y/n) was a week away from her due date and Maddie had two months left before she would be ready to have her baby. This would be the first time they had seen their parents in over a year, the first time both sisters would see and interact with them since being pregnant.
And (Y/n) knew just what their mother would be like. Insufferable. She would be nit picking at any little thing she could, commenting on (Y/n) choice of clothing, how big she looked now, if she had decided to have a home birth or a hospital birth. Anything she didn't approve of would be outspoken and (Y/n) wasn't ready for that.
It was why Chris wasn't coming along with them tonight, it was just a small family gathering and (Y/n) didn't want him there in case her parents said anything out of order or upset him.
They barely acknowledged him as their grandson and they weren't so keen on him calling (Y/n) his mum because biologically, she wasn't. But they couldn't understand that (Y/n) loved him as her own and Chris thought of her as his real mum.
"Do you really think I look okay? You know what they're like." (Y/n) glanced towards the mirror before she looked over her shoulder at her husband.
He didn't look phased or disapproving and all she could see in his eyes was love and a while lot of lust.
His hands continued to roam across her stomach and as if to prove his silent point, he rolled her shirt up so it bunched beneath her bra, exposing her stomach to his eyes.
"Mi amor, you look beautiful… although I'd prefer you without these on." He gave a sharp tug on her shirt and pulled the elastic waistband on her leggings so they snapped back on her hips. Not enough to hurt, but enough to send an electric jolt through her nerves.
"Eddie…" (Y/n) latched her fingers into his hair when he shifted round to stand in front of her.
Her head tilted to one side and she watched with a quickening heartbeat as Eddie's eyes clouded over. Her fingers dragged through his wavy curls and her other hand clamped down on his shoulder while he roamed his hands across her stomach and round her hips. She tightened her fingers in his hair when she felt him try to drag down the hem of her leggings.
If he started this game they wouldn't end up leaving on time, and her brother was going to be round at any moment.
Her weight shifted from foot to foot when Eddie started a trail of kisses along her stomach and she could of cried when she heard him muttering 'beautiful' between each kiss.
Eddie grumbled quietly against (Y/n)'s stomach but his lips curved into a wide smirk when he felt a kick beneath his lips. He pressed a few more butterfly kisses against her skin, running his fingertips across her hips before he pushed to stand back up to his normal height.
His fingers glided up her sides and he stole a kiss while he slowly pulled her shirt back down from where it was bunched beneath her bra. He much preferred the sight of her without anything on and he wanted nothing more than to strip her down here and now in the bedroom. But they both knew they had no time for that. Not now, not yet.
He stole a feverish kiss from her lips, inhaling every ounce of air she had in her lungs and (Y/n) could barely see when his fingers brushed beneath her chin and his thumb swiped across her lips when they parted.
(Y/n) moved her hands to her hair, fiddling to put it into a bobble while she slowly followed Eddie out the bedroom.
Once her hair was up, (Y/n) trailed one hand along the wall and pressed the other to her lower back. She couldn't move very fast these days, not when her back was throbbing and her stomach was weighing her down. She constantly felt like she needed to walk doubled over to ease the pain in her back and let her stomach hang forward like it clearly wanted to.
The twins were weighing her down and (Y/n) was desperate for her body to go into labour. She was close to her due date now. The midwife had warned her that she might go into early labour since she was having a multiple pregnancy.
She and Eddie had been on red alert since she hit thirty three weeks, but she was almost thirty nine weeks now and she hadn't gone into labour yet.
Eddie kept saying the girls were clearly too happy and comfy to meet them.
While Eddie headed into the dining room where Chris and Carla were, (Y/n) aimed for the living room. She wanted to sit down, again. She got one foot into the living room before the doorbell rang and had her groaning and turning in the other direction towards the hall.
"Chris, Buck's here." She could hear Chris dropping whatever was in his hands onto the table and she knew she heard Eddie moving about, but (Y/n) was closer to the door than the boys.
As predicted, when (Y/n) opened the door, it was her brother standing there on the other side. With a bright smile and sunglasses pushed up into his hairline now that he was on the doorstep to his second home.
"Come in." (Y/n) shuffled out the way and beckoned Buck inside, noticing the smirk on his lips when he looked up and down her attire. She knew she looked far from her best, doubled forward and tiredness clearly written on her face. When she noticed him raise a brow, she looked down and gave her shirt another tug so it covered her stomach a bit more.
"Are we ready for a family gathering?" He headed inside when (Y/n) moved out the way but he stayed close.
"No." (Y/n) grumbled, binding her arms around her waist while Chris pelted forward and barelled into Buck. She leaned back into Eddie when he stood behind her with his arms around her and his lips pressed against the back of her head.
She just wanted tonight to go smoothly and swiftly, but (Y/n) had a feeling tonight wouldn't go well at all.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned her head back until she could tuck her face into Eddie's neck. She felt his arm loop around the back of her shoulders, holding her against his chest while he put his drink back down on his table and wormed his other arm around her waist.
His lips pressed to the top of her head and his hand feathered up and down her stomach while he glanced around the apartment. Out of them all here, Chimney seemed the most relaxed. Both twins were uneasy, they never knew how to act when they were around their parents. And Maddie seemed uncomfortable now the attention was on her. As for Eddie, he didn't get along well with Phillip and Margaret. Not after a family meal went wrong a year ago just before he and (Y/n) got married. And Eddie ended up raising his voice at Margaret after the way she spoke to (Y/n) and then subsequently told Phillip to fuck off.
They were being civil now because they both knew they had been in the wrong and they were trying to patch things up now both their daughters were about to become mothers.
Eddie was part of the family and if they wanted (Y/n) to stay in their lives, they had to accept Eddie too.
"You okay?" He whispered against the shell of her ear and pecked the side of her head.
"Stiff… give me a push?" She pushed forward, one hand on the table and the other on Eddie's thigh. Her lips curved into a smile when both Eddie's hands moved to her hips and he kissed the back of her neck, carefully helping her up to her feet.
Dinner had tasted great but the atmosphere had been a little tense. No one knew what to say or how to act and now, (Y/n) just wanted to go home. She wanted to curl up in bed with Eddie and try to get a proper night sleep.
Once she was up, (Y/n) gave Eddie's shoulder a squeeze and leaned over to kiss the top of his head. She felt his hand linger on her hip while she rounded the table and slowly padded into the kitchen to get another drink.
Her elbows dug into the kitchen counter and she arched out her lower back, smothering a groan when one of the twins started kicking. She wondered if her mum had been in this much discomfort when she was pregnant with her and Buck. Their mum never spoke about when she had them or when they were little, the only thing she used to say was she had them by C-section and that Buck had been perfectly healthy. While (Y/n) had a few problems to begin with.
"Are you good?"
A soft smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips and she nodded when she felt Maddie's hand on her lower back and then her sister's chin was perched on her shoulder.
Maddie was the mother (Y/n) and Buck always wished they had. She was the one who patched them up and taught them to ride their bikes, she took them to appointments and walked them home from school and helped them with their homework. She gave them the unconditional love their parents didn't know how to give.
Sometimes when she was a teen, (Y/n) thought about telling people she didn't have any parents. She thought about saying that she was raised by her big sister because in a way, she was. It felt like life would have been better if she and Buck cut all ties with their parents rather than continuing to try and win their love and affection when it never worked.
"Yeah, just a bit of back ache, I'm good."
"Not long now." Maddie whispered, giving (Y/n)'s arm a squeeze just as their mother walked into the kitchen.
It wouldn't be long now and (Y/n) would have her two girls, then Maddie would have her daughter and they would all have a bigger extended family together. They would raise their three girls together and make sure all of them had a different, more stable and loving upbringing than the Buckley kids ever had.
"Maybe you should try straightening your posture honey, walking like this won't help you."
A tight-lipped smile grimaced on (Y/n)'s lips as she nodded but stayed leaning over the counter. She felt comfier and more at ease leaning over like this and (Y/n) didn't care about her posture. She felt weighed down and she would do whatever necessary to try and feel more at ease.
Eddie never said anything about her posture. He was forever wrapping his arms around her and holding her stomach up or lying with her and trying to find different positions that relieved her back ache and made her feel better.
"What are you wearing, honey?" Margaret danced her eyes up and down (Y/n)'s frame while (Y/n) slowly straightened up now she felt a bit better.
"Eddie's shirt." She shrugged and took another gulp of her drink but the way her mum narrowed her eyes and looked at her made (Y/n) shiver.
"Maybe you should try some bigger clothes, ones that actually fit… you are quite big now."
She was sure Margaret tried to reach out to rub her stomach but before she could, Eddie was in the way. His jaw was locked tight and his eyes were narrowed while his brows furrowed. He took a deep breath and walked up behind the girls, his hands on (Y/n)'s waist and his lips against her temple.
He kept his left hand on (Y/n)'s hip and his chest pressed into hers, her bump hidden between them so Margaret couldn't get too close. He reached around (Y/n) for one of the beer bottles on the counter behind her before he turned to look at his mother in law.
"It's almost as if we're having twins." He deadpanned, about to say something else until he felt (Y/n)'s hands on his chest and her lips kissing the side of his neck.
"Eddie," She murmured softly into his neck, a quiet warning sign for him not to start a fight right here and now.
"Let's sit down." Maddie's voice broke the tension in the air and she motioned her hands towards the living room where Chimney, Buck and Phillip were all sat with a drink each.
Eddie's arm looped around (Y/n)'s waist and he followed behind her, his lips stuck to the top of her head as he held both their drinks in his free hand. He took a quick look around the living room, debating where they should sit so they wouldn't have to be right next to Margaret who liked to cause arguments recently.
He took note of Phillip sitting in the armchair in the far corner and Buck was on the end of the sofa nearest to his dad. With that in mind, Eddie headed over to the sofa and sat down next to his brother in law and put their drinks on the coffee table. But when (Y/n) went to sit next to him, he shook his head.
He shuffled back and sat up straight, parting his legs with a smile that had (Y/n)'s skin heating up and made her heart add in two extra beats.
(Y/n) felt Eddie's hands on her waist and she pressed one hand onto his thigh while Buck reached out and held her left hand to help her sit down without breaking eye contact or conversation with their dad.
Both Eddie's arms circled around her middle so his hands could spread out across her stomach and his knees pressed into her thighs. Lovingly squeezing her into his embrace.
She felt Buck pat her knee and smile softly over at her while Maddie sank down on (Y/n)'s right next to her and Eddie. And Chimney perched on the arm of the sofa behind Maddie so their mum could sit on the other armchair. It was a bit of a tight fit for them all on the sofa, but they made it work. It was comfortable, cosy.
(Y/n) let herself slouch down into Eddie's chest a little more to try and get comfy and her hands moved down to hold Eddie's wrists. While his hands started to draw aimless patterns up and down her stomach. She knew he was waiting for one of the twins to start kicking or moving around. It seemed to be Eddie's mission to feel every movement during this pregnancy and she couldn't wait to see what he would be like once he finally had their girls in his arms.
"Here, we got you girls a few things."
Her attention turned to the left and she let her cheek flop onto Eddie's shoulder, nuzzling her nose against his shirt while she looked over at her dad.
He got up and came back a few seconds later, placing a few things down on the table in front of each of them.
Something softened in (Y/n)'s eyes as Eddie leaned them both forward so she could reach out and take a look. She caught her sister's eye and both of them shared a smile as they had a look. It was mainly a few baby grows, ranging from Winnie The Pooh to blushing pink, with a few teddies in the mix.
(Y/n) handed a few across to Buck so he could look through and held them up so Eddie could see. Although his chin was already perched on her shoulder so he could take a look.
"Thank you."
"These are so sweet," Maddie folded the clothes back up once she and Chimney had taken a look through before she reached out to look at the teddy bears.
The eldest Buckley sibling couldn't help but notice there were more personalised items in her pile than in her sister's. The onesies Maddie had said things like 'mummy's girl' or 'Granny's little star' and there was a rattle and a Winnie the Pooh bear. Whereas the onesies (Y/n) had were plain except for the one Pooh Bear one she had seen, and there weren't any rattles or bibs and only three teddies.
She tried not to overthink but when she looked at her younger sister, (Y/n) had already put the presents back down on the table. If she had noticed the differences, she wasn't letting it show. And something told Maddie the twins had both noticed, judging by the way (Y/n) snuggled further into Eddie and how Buck ran his hand up and down his freshly shaved jaw, hiding his displeasure.
"I can't believe it, three grandkids at once. You're first kids," Margaret reached across and ran her hand up and down Maddie's knee but she looked across at Buck when he scoffed.
"Chris is your first grandkid."
"Come on Buck, he doesn't count." Eddie muttered quietly, reaching across to grab his beer bottle and take a long swig. He wasn't bothered because Chris didn't care. He didn't think of (Y/n)'s parents as his grandparents. He had Eddie's mum and dad and he had (Y/n) as his mum and another aunt in Maddie and a great uncle in Buck. He didn't want or need anyone else.
And it wasn't as if Margaret and Phillip were around often anyway, they were barely parents to (Y/n) and Buck as it was. The twins didn't care about having a relationship with them anymore.
(Y/n) had her siblings, she had Eddie and Chris and now she had her daughters. She didn't need anyone else and Bobby and Athena seemed to have taken Buck and her under their wing and accepted them as part of their family so all in all, the twins had parents with Bobby and Athena.
"Evan, I meant that this is their first pregnancies, and both at the same time, it's so lovely." Margaret tried to smile before her eyes locked with (Y/n) and something flashed over her face. "Oh, well, the first pregnancy that's worked out, hm?"
Eddie's shoulders tensed and pulled upwards as he slammed his beer bottle back down on the coffee table.
"Jesus Christ." Anger seeped into his voice that was gritty and hard but oddly quiet.
(Y/n) could feel him tensing up behind her, one hand still on her stomach while the other hand dragged through his hair. He leaned forward, tugging (Y/n) back into his chest because he could feel the tremor that shuddered through her system. And his lips pressed against the back of her head, breathing into her hair to try and calm himself down.
"Mum!" Buck barked and leaned his elbow on the arm rest, propping his head up on his hand as he shook his head in anger.
How could she be that rude and inconsiderate? How could she not see that saying something like that was hurtful and would easily upset both (Y/n) and Eddie? That wasn't the kind of thing she should say, especially not to her daughter when she was almost nine months pregnant.
Part of (Y/n) wished they'd never agreed to come here tonight, it wasn't worth the hassle of being around their parents. And the other part of her wished Maddie never told their parents about the miscarriage she had not long after she and Eddie got engaged.
But (Y/n) had been twenty weeks along when she miscarried and by then Maddie had just told their parents the good news that (Y/n) would be the first of the three siblings to have a baby.
"Alright, alright let's not start arguing." Phillip held his hands out in front of them to try and calm the room down while Chimney sat forward on the arm rest.
"Uh, what's in that box over there?" Chimney pointed across towards the pale cream box he could see near the window. Maybe that would prove to be a great distraction for them all and lead them back onto a more pleasant talk for the evening.
"Oh," Margaret seemed to become animated again and she got up to retrieve the box that had Maddie written in cursive writing across the top with glittered letters. "The baby box I made when we had Maddie, here. I thought you might like it, maybe you could make one for your little girl."
A tremor tore through (Y/n) when she looked at the box and she couldn't help but push back into Eddie who gripped her tighter. He leaned his head round to look at her, wondering what was wrong, but he could read her expression like a book he knew off by heart.
All night while they had been here and the other infrequent times her parents had been down while she and Maddie had been pregnant, they had been more pleased for Maddie than for (Y/n). They asked Maddie questions, they wanted to keep copies of her scan photos and know if she had names and see the nursery all sorted out.
Whereas with (Y/n), they seemed to play along like they were feigning interest. Eddie knew it hurt. He knew no matter how much of a brave face (Y/n) tried to wear, it upset her to know she and Buck had to fight for attention that Maddie got without question.
(Y/n) rested her head back on Eddie's shoulder and closed her eyes, looping both hands around his bicep as she looked at her sister. She didn't want to look in the box. (Y/n) didn't want to know what little treasures their mum had kept from when Maddie was little.
But when she felt her twin lean over with one hand on her arm and the other rummaging through the box, she knew Buck felt it too. The slight displacement they had suffered through all their lives.
"That's so cool, did you bring ours?"
One little look at her mum was enough to cause a callous smile to cross (Y/n)'s face and she couldn't hide the tears welling up in her eyes.
"We don't have one Buck. Do we?"
Both parents stayed quiet, sharing a few looks with each other while Buck gripped (Y/n)'s arm and leaned closer to her as if to comfort his twin. He could feel her heart breaking and it made his own chest tighten like he was about to have a heart attack.
(Y/n) wasn't sure what Eddie was about to whisper in her ear when he kissed her neck, but he didn't get chance to say when (Y/n) looked at her sister. She noticed Maddie trying to scrunch up a picture and slide it beneath her leg, something she always did when she was trying to hide something. Whether it was a bad report card she didn't want their parents seeing or a party invite she was trying to hide from the twins to make a big surprise.
She uncurled one hand from Eddie's bicep and snatched the picture before Maddie had chance to stuff it under her leg or the sofa.
She recognised that red bike.
It was the one they used to have in the garage, the one that presumably had been Maddie's when she was younger because their mother kept it even when Maddie outgrew it. She wouldn't allow the twins to touch it, let alone try and learn how to ride a bike with that red, tattered old thing.
But that wasn't Buck on the bike. (Y/n) knew what her twin looked like as a child, and this wasn't him. And when she turned the picture round and saw the date on the back, she noticed it was over a year before the twins had even been born.
"Who is that?"
Eddie peered over her shoulder and Buck leaned over her arm to get a look, but when he looked at their parents, both of them had gone as white as paper. Tears were welling up in their mother's eyes and their dad was scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit he had never been able to hide.
It was the tears in Maddie's eyes that had both twins on edge. Why was she covering her mouth and trying not to cry? Why was she looking at them with such sorrow like that?
"We, um… we had him two years after Maddie. He had leukaemia, he, he passed when you were only babies."
Every thought possible swirled round in (Y/n)'s head as she felt both her brother's hands on her shoulders like he didn't believe what he was hearing. This couldn't be possible. Why wouldn't they tell them? Why would they keep such a secret? Why would they keep this all to themselves? Were the twins not worthy of knowing they had a big brother they never got to meet?
"Wh- no, no. No you never told us- why wouldn't you tell us something like this? Why wouldn't you acknowledge him around us?" Buck's voice grew louder and louder with each word as his head snapped from left to right, trying to look between his parents who he didn't recognise right now.
There was no plausible explanation for hiding something like this. If Buck ever had kids and God forbid he lost one, he wouldn't erase them from existence and pretend they never happened. They had never celebrated Daniel's birthday. They never had pictures of him in the house- there were hardly any pictures of the twins in the house as it was. No one uttered his name or had any memory of him in the house.
"We lost him, Evan. We didn't want to live our lives mourning him-"
"So you chose to forget him?"
"Evan we would never-"
"No, oh no. You… you didn't…" The words wouldn't come out. All (Y/n) could do was let the tears fall from her eyes as she began to shake in Eddie's arms.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Both Eddie's hands moved to her stomach as he sat up straighter behind her and leaned round. Was she having pains? Did she not feel well, was she going to be sick? He couldn't work out what was wrong and neither could Buck who stopped rambling so he could reach out for his sister's hand.
But when Maddie tried to take (Y/n)'s hand, the younger girl shook her off and leaned into Eddie.
"You s-said I wasn't planned, that I- I was the surprise, but Buck wasn't." (Y/n)wiped her eyes but the tears continued to fall. "We were donor babies, weren't we?"
The way Margaret's lower lip wobbled and Phillip refused to look at either of them while he pressed his hands to his mouth secured (Y/n)'s answer.
They were donor babies.
They were designed embryos, made with the exact blood and bone marrow type to match the brother they never knew they had. They were supposed to save him. They weren't wanted, neither of them were born to be wanted or loved or cherished. They were born specifically to save the child their parents did want and they couldn't even do that right.
Everything seemed to slot into place and the more pieces that fitted together, the more (Y/n) started to feel sick and feel bile rising to the back of her throat.
All those times their parents never made a fuss on their birthdays, all those times they barely heard the words 'I love you' unless it was Maddie telling them. Each time they had to get hurt for attention or run away to cause a panic and be shown that they were valued and cherished. Each time (Y/n) asked about when they were born and their mother refused to answer, this was why.
Their mum always used to say that having twins was a surprise. That (Y/n) wasn't planned, she was a surprise since she was the younger twin by five minutes. This was why. They planned to have one more child to save their son but they ended up with (Y/n) too. Neither of them were truly wanted, they were just needed for a short while and then couldn't be returned after they were no longer of use.
This was why the twins always felt disconnected and why there were barely any photos of them growing up. This was why all of the pictures of (Y/n) and Buck as babies were with no one holding them. (Y/n) had been the sick twin, stuck in the hospital for two weeks before coming home and there was only one photo of her in the hospital when she was born.
Did they even visit her when she was sick? Did they check on her, or did they just take what they needed from her and Evan and stay with Daniel the whole time?
"All these years. All this time, we felt so out of place and alone, and this is why. You never wanted us. Did we remind you of him? Did we fail you every day we woke up and he didn't?"
"Evan please, we tried our best-"
"We just wanted you to love us!"
The sheer outburst and the way that Buck bolted up from the sofa sent everyone reeling.
The artery in his neck was close to bursting, his hand was pointing out at his parents and his jaw was grinding tight and about to dislocate. His body was shaking from adrenaline as he glared at them. His parents had lied to him all his life. His big sister who was the only one who loved him, she never told him why he felt so out of place and unloved and misunderstood. The only person he could rely on was his twin and she felt exactly the same as him.
Maddie was leaning into Chimney who had an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. Margaret was crying into her hands, unable to look away from her son for the first time in a long while, and Phillip was now stood up, running his fingers through his hair as he tried not to breakdown.
And then there was (Y/n). Silently crying, rocking back and forth with Eddie's arms around her and his lips pressed against the back of her head.
"I walk into fire every day of my life because of you. I tried everything to get your approval, to get you to love me, to love us the way you do Maddie, but nothing would ever work. And now I know why, because we failed you."
When Maddie tried again to reach out for her sister, she gasped when (Y/n) all but slapped her touch away.
"You should have t-told us." All those times (Y/n) and Buck asked why their parents didn't pay them any attention or turn up for school plays or listen to them or even love them. Maddie had the answers and she never said anything. She should have told them the moment the twins moved out. She had years to tell them and she never mentioned it. Not once.
(Y/n) ran her hands across her face, brushing the tears away before she moved her hands to Eddie's thighs to push herself up.
"I wanna go home."
She could feel both twins wriggling and waking up and she had to lean forward to ease the pain in her stomach and the horrible twinging pains shooting up and down her spine.
One hand pressed to her stomach and the other reached out for Eddie's shoulder, knowing that if she didn't try and prop herself up she was going to collapse. She didn't want to stay here any longer. (Y/n) wanted to go home. She wanted to leave and be alone with Eddie and be home where she felt safe enough to cry and scream and let everything sink in and wash over her.
She felt Eddie grip her elbow and his other hand moved round to her waist as he stood behind her.
"Guys, you don't have to leave." Chimney pushed up from the sofa along with Maddie who tried to reach out for them. But she pushed back into Chimney, smothering a cry when (Y/n) shook her off and moved away.
"I feel sick… please, take me home." (Y/n) pressed her face into Eddie's arm and shrugged back into him when her dad tried to reach out for her.
Why were they all trying to grab her? Why couldn't they just let her go home? She didn't want to be here. She didn't feel safe here. Maddie lied to her. Their parents lied to them their entire lives and now the twins understood why their parents looked at them the way they did. She wanted to leave.
"Alright baby, we're leaving now."
Eddie moved his hands to (Y/n)'s hips and carefully guided her forward while he felt Buck follow swiftly behind them since he had drove them here. And he wasn't staying here to continue arguing. He didn't want to see his parents again for an indefinite amount of time and he wasn't going to forgive Maddie yet for this. He wanted to be with his twin or be on his own.
Reaching across, Eddie snatched (Y/n)'s bag from the kitchen counter and looped it over his shoulder while Buck grabbed his keys and opened the door.
His hands tightened on (Y/n)'s hips as he leaned around her when (Y/n gripped his wrist tightly and moved her other hand to her stomach as they shuffled out the door. Her lower abdomen was aching. She couldn't help but lean forward once they were in the hall and she felt like crumpling over and sliding down to her knees.
Fright dwelled in Eddie's stomach and pierced through his heart with doses of adrenaline when (Y/n) tilted her head over her shoulder to look up at him. He didn't like the way she tightened her hand around his wrist or how she leaned against the wall while they heard Buck slammed the door closed behind them.
"What? What hurts?" Buck rested one hand on Eddie's shoulder and leaned over them both to try and figure out what was going on. He could see Eddie shaking his head and groaning while (Y/n) pressed her hand against the wall so she didn't go down on her knees.
"Christ. I hope you're not going into labour, mi amor."
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marksbear · 1 year
Can you write a lip Gallagher fic where reader takes his anal virginity for the first time and lip is nervous but then ends up cock dumb
I love lip so muchhhh! ❤️ I’ll be glad to write this! This will take place when Lips still in school so like S1 and 2.
Warnings! SMUT, Virgin Lip, first time, soft to rough, makeout, detailed kisses, grinding and humping.
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Y/n and Lip walked around in the sidewalks of south side Chicago. They were walking around from school. The two young reckless boyfriends were doing illegal shit while on their walk. Like smashing windows and smoking.
“We should grab something eat yeah?” Y/n suggests while taking Lips wrist dragging him to follow. Lip loved that about Y/n. How he acted so dominant and controlling but reality he’s just a gentle man.
“Sure whatever.” Lip answers walking with his boyfriend.
“Is your family home?” Y/n asks looking ever his shoulder as he asks. “Nah. There at some stupid place with Sheila.” Lip answers not thinking much of it.
“Cool…Do you know when they’re gonna be back?” Y/n asks while looking for a place that looks good for the both of them can eat at.
“Not until like the middle of the night. But Ian’s staying at Mandy’s for something I think while Carl is at a sleepover.” Lip responds.
“Good. So you’ll have your own room today?”
“Yes babe! Why do you keep asking these stupid questions!?” Lip blurts out.
Y/n stops suddenly looking at Lip with a smirk. “Well because I plan on fucking you today. If your okay with that?” Y/n says nonchalantly as Lip almost choked in surprise. “Wa-wait huh?!?”
“I mean even you said that we should take our relationship to the next level. We already done all the bases now we just have to go home base.” Y/n says with a smile.
“The is that supposed to mean!” Lip knew what it meant but he just had to hear it.
“We’re gonna have sex. And I’ll be the one who’s doing the fucking.” Y/n answers with a quick kiss one the head. “I’ve never done it before.” Lip breathes out as he mentally panics.
“That’s okay. That just means I’m taking your virginity. Don’t worry I’ll be gentle.” Y/n says before continuing walking.
As Lip follows Y/n quickly wonder his mind begins to wonder. Y/n was right Lip did say those exact words. And it’s true they have done every sexual act between them not sex though. Lip couldn’t believe it. Lip was nervous and a little terrified thinking about what’s going to happen.
“What if I’m bad at this. What if it’s to big to fit it…” Lip thinks to himself as he think and think.
“We should eat here. Then after we’re done we can go to your house.” Y/n says opening the restaurant door for Lip gesturing him inside.
As the couple walks to the Gallagher house Lip heart pounds against his chest feeling more and more nervous.
Lip could see his house in the distance as he swallowed the breath he didn't even know that he was holding. As the two held hands they walked to the house with Y/n opening the door for him.
"For once this place is empty." Y/n says playfully as he takes off his own jacket throwing it onto the couch with Lip doing the same. "You've been very on edge y'know." Y/n says cupping Lip's jaw with his hand.
"Don't worry doll, i'll take care of you." Y/n whispers seductively before pulling Lip forward into a kiss. Lip quickly melts into the kiss as he wraps his arms around Y/n's shoulders. Y/n places his hands onto both sides of Lip's hips holding him tight.
Their tongues move against each other exploring the others mouth with such fierce passion. Lip lets out quiet moans into Y/n's mouth.
For the need of air Lip pulls away looking up at Y/n in a trance. Lip didn't even realize that his body was grinding against Y/n's. As both boys collect their breath they move around the dark living room moving into the kitchen and up the stairs.
"Are we really gonna fuck in a bunk bed?" Lip says hiding the full on nervousness in his voice. Y/n only lets out a chuckle before walking inside the room.
"This is our first time together. It has to be somewhat comfortable." Y/n teases back playfully before turning back around to Lip. Lip closes the distance between them kissing Y/n deeply once more. Y/n moves his hands down on Lip's hips lifting him up from the ground. Y/n presses Lip against the nearby wall and pulls onto Lip's clothes signalling him to take them off. Lip pulls away from the makeout as he fumbles around with his shirt taking it off alongside his pants and boxers.
Lip was naked leaning against the wall as Y/n and him makeout.
"Climb up on the bed..." Y/n mumbles against his lips signalling him to get on the bunk bed. Lip pulls his body away before quickly getting on top of the bunk with Y/n following behind him.
While Y/n takes off his own clothes Lip watches him with his heart beating against his chest.
After Y/n was done Y/n crawled closer to Lip giving him one quick gentle kiss before towering over him. Lip was under Y/n as they shared kiss back and forth.
As Lip was distracted Y/n used one of his free hands to run up Lip's thighs going further and further until he finds Lip's virgin hole.
A breath hitches in Lip's throat feeling something pierce inside him.
"F-fuck! O--ohhh god!~" Lip gasps out as his hands grab onto Y/n's shoulders in surprise. Y/n's finger moves deeper inside Lip causing hi to breath out cuss words and complaints.
Y/n moves his finger side to side stretching him out. Lip buries his head to the crook of Y/n's neck as soft moans escape. Y/n begins to finger Lip faster, but still gentle. Y/n's finger curled and grazed into his prostate causing Lip to scream and moan out in pleasure. "I'm going to add another finger alright doll?" Y/n warns before slipping another finger inside.
This time Y/n curled both his fingers inside him reaching inside him deeper.
After a while when Y/n decided Lip was ready he slowly pulled his fingers out gently. Lip let out a quiet whine feeling the emptiness.
Y/n laid Lip down on his back before crawling in between his legs. Lip had his legs spread open wide as he felt the tip of Y/n's cock grind against his hole.
"It's gonna hurt for a while, but then it will go away alright." Y/n says giving Lip a kiss to distract him. With grinding his cock against Lip's hole for a little longer he slowly moves inside him. Lip groans inside Y/n's mouth from discomfort.
Y/n held onto the bed as he slowly entered inside Lip's tight hole.
"Fu-fuck!~ yo- your~ Gah!~" Lip moans out pathetically couldn't even finish his sentence properly. Only inside half way inside Y/n gave Lip a minute to relax and breath. Lip eyes began to water as his body relaxed into Y/n's cock. Once Lip was less tense and uncomfortable Y/n went back to moving slowly thrusting his cock back and forth.
Y/n only fucked Lip with half his cock pulling out until the tip was inside then to thrust forward back to halfway. Y/n rocked his hips back and forth in rhythm. Lip's walls tightened around Y/n's cock as loud moans fell from his lips.
Suddenly catching Lip way off guard Y/n thrust his cock fully inside Lip. Y/n's cock stretched Lip's virgin hole in half. Lip let out a gasp for air from the sudden length inside him. Lip's own cock ached and twitched with precum leaking from the silt.
Y/n began to thrust back and forth cock going deeper and deeper inside him.
Y/n's hips rocked in and out slowly as his thrust began to pick up the pace. Lip held onto the sheets under him as Y/n moved faster.
Eyes rolling back to his head slowly Lip's mouth hung open as long strained moans rolled out. The Gallagher legs quivered and trembled. Y/n's cock drilled deep inside Lip as Lip was completely dazed.
Y/n pulled out suddenly causing Lip to come back to reality.
"Wh--wha?~ Why'd you pull out?! Please get back inside!~" Lip moans out in confusion as he wiggles his ass to Y/n. Y/n only let out a chuckle before moving back inside Lip. Once the tip was back inside Y/n thrusted his entire length inside Lip. Lip let out a loud moan as Y/n fucked him like he hated him.
Y/n's thrust was no longer sweet and gentle and Lip loved it more than anything.
Lip through his head back into his pillow as Y/n drilled his cock deep inside him. Y/n's cock abused and stretched his hole. Loud wet skin slapping against each other filled the room.
At that point Lip moved his hips down and up matching the speed of Y/n's thrust.
Y/n thrust was deep and hard as he felt his cock twitch inside Lip's hole. Y/n's thrust became sloppier and faster feeling his orgasm nearing. The same thing with Lip he felt the knot in his stomach tighten. Y/n moved his hands on Lip's waist hoisting up him in his lap.
Lip began to ride Y/n bouncing on his cock like there's no tomorrow. Lip held onto Y/n's shoulders to stabilize himself as he moved up and down onto Y/n's cock.
With a few more thrust Y/n came deep inside Lip coating his walls white with his hot load. From the sudden feeling inside him Lip shot his load right after his cock shooting his cum landing on Y/n's chest and some landing on himself. Lip bounced on Y/n's cock riding out his orgasm.
Once they both were out of their highs they held onto each other tightly. Both of their bodies relaxed into each others own.
"Hey babe..." Lip breathes out raising his head up from Y/n's shoulder. Y/n let out a hum signalling him that he's listening.
"I want you to fuck me again. And this time don't fucking stop." Lip says with a smirk as he moves back up on Y/n’s cock.
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seeingstarks · 10 months
weight of two souls
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summary : it's thanksgiving and neither you or phil want to leave each others arms to go and meet the family. does it even happen? pairing : cm punk x afab!reader cw : pure fluff, cuddling, kissing, hip/thigh squeezing, cursing, nose nuzzling, babygirl/good girl & king/queen nicknames, innuendos "sound proof walls" / "taking his scepter" a/n : can you tell how much i've been missing the old man? x) i've been working on this for about a week or so and put my entire heart & soul into it. please reblog!! keep rude comments to yourself. <33 there may be a few spelling/grammar errors. word count : 1,291 words tag list : @harmshake gif credit : @adamjf
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once the leaves started to fall your mood did the opposite, haunting month passing by in an instant.
calender flipping to november, the days went by agonizingly slow, this being one of your least favorite months of the season.
thanksgiving was soon approaching and your family always wanted to make it this huge get together. no being anti-social and locking yourself away, wishing you could every year. atleast they allowed you to bring a friend from work, if you could call him that.
the chicago native was more than a friend to you, he stayed up with you through your worst nights, steeping you both fresh cups of tea and/or coffee even if it meant catching up on sleep the next day, as long as he knew you were okay.
ever since he laid eyes on you, he made a best friend with just a simple hello and allowing you to pet his dog, larry. restless nights sharing deep dish pizza and mindy's eventually lead to cuddling, his inked arms wrapped around you, placing a kiss to his scruffy cheek.
the alarm clock chirping as sun peaked through your blackout curtains, neither of you wanted to get up for the morning - well afternoon.
you were the first to wake up, groggy eyed with phil having his arms snug around your waist, sleeping soundly except for his snoring which could wake up the entire neighborhood. larry decided to seek slumber at the foot of your bed, his head propped up on the chicago native's leg.
managing to shift away from his grasp, you hit the alarm clock with a clenched hand in hopes it would stop the commotion.
"rise and shine sleeping beauty, one hour 'til we meet my family. much as i don't wanna' go.. you promised to tag along for the torture."
phil didn't budge until you deciding to smack him with a pillow, "i'm up! i'm up!" he half-yelled, removing his hands from under the warm covers in an attempt to shield his face.
"a simple g'mornin' kiss would've woken me up too, y'know."
yawning and stretching his arms out, phil took his sweet old time getting ready while you on the other hand began to brush your hair out. bristles making contact with the h/c strands, they untangled after a few more brushes, setting it to the side and entering your closet.
luckily, you prepared your ensemble a night beforehand, slipping out of your clothing from the previous evening and stepping into a pair of black underwear with white polka-dots.
lifting your arms up to put on a shirt, you were met with a firm pair of arms which wrapped around your curvy frame, his lips placing gentle kisses along your neckline.
"mm, phil- could stay like this forever but we gotta' finish getting ready." you informed and looked up into his light brown hues with a playful smile.
"not complaining but i'm more ready than you are- atleast i have pants." shaking your head at the chicago native who indeed had pants on, but no shirt.
you raised an arm up to trace his pepsi tattoo, almost lost in a trance - simply enjoying the moment and his warm embrace as you remained standing still, being held close.
glancing over at your alarm clock, ten minutes seemed to pass by swiftly. spending all day in with your love would usually be no issue, but today you both had plans.
pouting softly and burying your head into the crook of his neck, you debated staying in and bailing on family dinner.
"so cozy.. don't wanna' move." you peeked up at phil, removing your head from his shoulder as he kept his arms securely around your waist, giving your hips a slight squeeze.
tongue darting out between his lips, the chicago native licked them, "i know babygirl... but think of all the cuddles we can get in afterwards. you're my favorite little spoon."
"i better be your only-" before having the chance to finish your sentence, phil captured your lips in a deep kiss one which you returned happily, "you're the only person i want to wake up next to every morning, binge watch horror movies with and much more. i'm so fuckin' lucky to have you in my life, y/n - but we truly should get goin' soon if we don't want to be late." he spoke sincerely although a half-chuckle escaped his lips, a few noticeable smile lines showing.
nodding, you captured his gaze only looking away when blinking - "you mean so much to me, phil. i felt as if there was a missing puzzle piece in my life.. and no matter how hard i tried nothing seemed to fit until you came along. we're the perfect match." placing your forehead against his, the two of you nuzzled noses briefly prior to pulling away from one another.
phil finished getting ready by throwing on his t-shirt which read i'm a collision girl in white letters across the back, tying up his sneakers. you did the same, sporting combat boots and a pair of black pants.
it was a miracle you and phil managed to make it out of the door in time, grabbing your keys and starting the engine up as larry sat buckled in the backseat pampered with dog treats.
"first time i'm officially meeting your family. do they know what to expect?" the chicago native asked, you had told your family about phil countless times.
the fact he was your boyfriend going on six months now and how he treated you perfectly. his queen who could hold a throne all on her own, independent but yearning for a partner. someone to feel safe with - who wouldn't hurt you like past partners. phil was your king - protecting you from harm, trying his best to keep the dark thoughts at bay, you doing the same for him.
"haven't shut up about you ever since we met. if my father heard the words cm punk or phil leave my mouth one more time they may have tried to disown me." you laughed, keeping your eyes on the road.
"ah, well it's a good thing we have sound proof walls - ever since the neighbors complained and when my babygirl gets needy, isn't that right?" you nodded, cheeks a bit flustered as phil placed a hand to your thigh, giving yet another squeeze, while you reached a stop light letting out a whine.
"what's the matter?" phil asked with a smug smirk along his face, causing you to roll your eyes over at him.
"best behavior, daddy-" words betrayed you while squirming under his touch, desperate for more. a loud horn halted you from any obscene thoughts running through your mind, the light turning from red to green as you began to drive again.
the ride wasn't too much longer, a brisk breeze going throughout the car as you cracked the window open for larry, he would let out the occasional bark when stopping by his favorite restaurants, one bakery in particular catching your own eye.
"want to make a quick stop for some sweets?" you asked already entering the parking lot.
"hell yeah, but won't be be late?"
"exactly my point." phil took your suggestion, wishing to spend the rest of the holiday with him only and not your family.
bell dinging as you two entered the bakery hand in hand with fingers linking together, a variety of treats on display behind glass.
"let's get some muffins to go. 'wanna spoil my queen," he leaned closer and whispered against your ear, "while you take my scepter like the good girl you are."
mr. and mrs. best in the world has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?
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saintescuderia · 4 months
pancakes: the recipe!
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for the version of pancakes published here, i have tried to make the character as generic as possible in terms of reference (pronouns etc.) however, the one thing i have kept is the last name: tessio.
should you be curious as to find out more about the character, here is some more information which is used for the alternate version of pancakes (linked here: coming soon!)
NOTE: this story has additional fics that are a part of the 'pancakes!universe.' these supplement the overall story arc. also are just a bit of fun, really
+++ ANTINAL // CS55 AKA carlos gets sick in jeddah - complete (read here) +++ LOS BLANCOS // CS55 AKA the first time carlos sees you wearing a real madrid jersey makes him question everything
+++ STOMACHING YOU // MV33 AKA max comes to you after winning abu dhabi 2021 - complete (read here) +++ JUST AN INCHIDENT // MV33 AKA you hurt your wrist - and jos verstappen's face
+++ STUCK ON THE PUZZLE // DR3 AKA how daniel's famed 2018 monaco win was the beginning of the end
+++ HILLBILLES // OP81 (ft. kendrick, keem + tyler) AKA you help increase oscar's street cred by getting him into a music video with a bunch of rappers
+++ SIL16 // CL16 AKA - charles debuts in F1 and almost says i love you
+++ FAST AND FURIOUS // LL40 (ft. LH44) AKA - now that both your calendars line up, you and liam can finally go drifting in japan
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FULL NAME: elena marie 'tezza' tessio DOB: 6/3/97 PLACES: born in monaco. raised in australia. lived in america. FAMILIAL SITUATION: auntie nadia is the goat. and just not because her brother is football's Don. GENERAL: gymrat. hip-hop head with far too many shoes. introverted. monolingual. 400mg of caffeine is a guideline. bryan o'connor was a sexual awakening - to boys and cars. burned too many times. protein pancakes are the goated form of breakfast.
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a pancakes moodboard
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the pancakes 'let him cook bake' playlist
note: there is no correlation where certain songs are for certain scenes. these are just the songs i listened to when i wrote this story.
too many nights - metro boomin
no eres tu (soy yo) - kali uchis
is there someone else? - the weeknd
benthi - khaled + melissa m
avec moi - PLK
ma bansak - zeyne (colours show ver.)
miami - kali uchis ft. bia
self love - metro boomin
in my head- tertia may
no ordinary love - sade
smooth operator remix - sade (ofc)
bonbon - era istrefi
4eva (extended mix) - shygirl
don't forget my love - diplo
slide - HER
bathroom - montell fish
p power - gunna
trance - metro boomin
orange soda - baby keem
realism v idealism - $uicideboy$
shook ones pt. ii - mobb deep
link here
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@eugene-emt-roe @spookystitchery @vicurious28 @taytaylala12 @c-losur3
@hiireadstuff @samantha-chicago @fionaschicken @casperlikej @bookstore-of-dreams
@itsjustkhaos @sam-is-lost @laneyspaulding19 @formula1mount @bokutos-babyowl
@stampiej @alilcloudy @bingussthirdtoe @lilymurphy03 @inlovewmarlenemckinnon
@charllleclerc @richardniixon @sp1rl @nikfigueiredo @lozzamez3
@butterfliesflyaroundmymind @vellicora @ellen3101 @michelleyw81 @samantha-chicago
@bloodyymaryyy @a-beaverhausen @bokutos-babyowl @tsireyasgf
message me if you would like to be added :)
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Distance makes the heart grow fonder (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
It's been a long month and a bit but things are finally settling down and I'm back! Posting might not be as frequent for a while though I'll try my best to get my motivation back.
I started this like a week after the world cup started, but it's finally finished. Hope you enjoy :)
Words: 4.1K
Two years ago, I made the hardest decision of my life. I left the person I was madly in love with, the person I thought I would marry. Leaving Alyssa was the hardest thing I had ever done, but at the time, I needed to be home.
After my mum had died, my family needed me and I needed them. Even though with Alyssa I was the happiest I'd ever been and she was the most supportive, loving partner. It wasn't enough. We knew we wouldn't survive distance that large so we ended it before the possibility of maintaining friendship was ruined. Even two years later, she was still constantly on my mind, no matter how much I tried to forget about our relationship, it never worked. We still kept in contact occasionally so I guess that didn't help. I could never fully let her go though. 
Missing Alyssa may have been the motivation behind packing up and moving to Auckland for the duration on the world cup. When I lived in Chicago, I trained and worked as a physio, but when I moved back, I never had the motivation to do the things needed to work as one in New Zealand. So instead I just went into security. Maybe it wasn't what I wanted to do, but it was easier at the time. 
I hadn't noticed anyone in the hallway with me, but a voice calling my name stopped me in my tracks. That voice is one I would always instantly recoganise no matter how much time had gone by. 
"Alyssa." We just stood staring at each other for a few seconds before I broke out of the trance. The women I was still madly in love with, was actually standing in front of me for the first time in years. "Do I get a hug Lys or are you just going to stand there?"
Alyssa's arms wrapped around me tightly as she spun me around, I giggled, burying my face in her neck. She refused to let me go when I tried to pull away. I didn't fight it though. After two years without her, being back in her arms was the best feeling in the world. "What are you doing here?"
"Working. I got a security gig for the duration of the world cup."
"Well I'm glad you're here. I've missed you."
"Me too Lys."
A clearing of the throat behind us, made me aware of the fact that we weren't alone. Once Alyssa had pulled away, I was bombarded by hugs from the girls that were on the team when I worked with them. "Alright, alright, I missed you too but please let me go now."
We spent a few minutes catching up, but I had to go before I got in trouble for being late. "I have to go."
"Me too. Come by my hotel later? It would be good to catch up properly." 
"I'll be there. Send me the address."
Later that evening, I was waiting anxiously outside Alyssa's door. Hanging out with Alyssa was a sure way to be hurt again. I had every intention of keeping things friendly, that didn't mean the feelings I had for her had gone away or I wasn't already wishing we could be together again. Two years later, she was still the person who had my heart. Getting to spend time with her made the pain worth it in the end. 
Alyssa opened the door, a small smile appearing as she hugged me quickly, "Thank you for coming Y/n/n."
"Like I would miss spending time with you."
We spent the next hour or so getting caught up on what's been happening in each others lives. Just getting to sit and talk with Alyssa again was amazing. After the initial awkwardness, it was surprisingly comfortable, almost like old times. We used to spend hours sitting or cooking together, while talking about random things. In almost 5 years together, we never ran out of things to talk about.
Alyssa was lying on her back, but when she turned on her side to face me, my heart felt like it skipped a beat. She was looking at me the same way she used to, with so much love and adoration. I quickly looked away before the urge to kiss her got to much. "I thought you were in Wellington with your family?"
"I am, but when I found out you would be in Auckland, I thought I would try my luck and temporarily relocate." I blushed, suddenly embarrassed at the confession. Moving to a different city for over a month in hopes of seeing your ex-girlfriend who you were still in love with, but couldn't have, was a bit ridiculous when you actually thought about it. 
Alyssa tried to hide her smile as she linked her pinky with mine. I didn't even think about pulling away. "You did that for me?"
"Maybe. I kinda missed you."
"I'm really glad you did Y/n/n. I missed you. Even if you weren't here I was hoping to see you anyway."
The first and second night went okay, I ended up back in my hotel despite wanting nothing more than to stay. We were trying to maintain some boundaries knowing that we would be apart again soon. On the third night though, that plan failed. Over the course of the movie, I ended up cuddled with Alyssa. Cuddling with Alyssa felt so natural, I barely noticed it was happening until she pulled me closer, kissing my forehead as I started falling asleep. Everything about it was a bad idea, but I gave into my desire and ended up staying. Before I knew it, I hadn't slept in my own bed for almost a week. 
Once again, I woke up in Alyssa's bed. Well, I hadn't actually slept much so I was more just lying there as she slept soundly, arms wrapped tightly around me with our legs intertwined. It had hit me last night that Alyssa would be leaving in a few weeks if not sooner, that we were moving past our attempted boundaries and into relationship territory again. It was going to hurt all over again if we let it continue. 
When Alyssa started stirring, I let myself enjoy her for a few seconds before reluctantly pulling away. Alyssa pouted, letting out a sound of protest while trying to pull me back in. "Lys, we can't keep doing this. It's just going to hurt in the end when you leave."
Alyssa took a few seconds to reply which was expected since she just woke up, but it didn't stop me getting nervous. I still wanted to see her, I just knew it was going to hurt. "I know. The rational side of me is saying to stop, but I would rather enjoy this time with you and deal with the pain. God I wish I never had to leave, even after all this time, I'm still into you."
I felt tears sting my eyes, trying to escape as I turned away to not let her see me cry. We had an almost perfect relationship, sure we fought occasionally, but we understood, trusted, loved and cared for each other unconditionally. We fit together perfectly. Alyssa showed me her soft side, something that she didn't do easily. We were constantly talking about our life together, hell I was a week away from proposing, but I had ruined that when I left. "I'm sorry I ruined us Lys."
Alyssa turned me around, the most sincere yet serious look on her face, "Don't ever apologise for that Y/n. You did what you had to for yourself and your family. It wouldn't have been fair for me to ask you to stay knowing why you had to go. It sucked beyond belief, but I understood then and still do. Please don't blame yourself because I never will."
My brain was telling me no, but my heart won as I lent forward, connecting my lips with Alyssa's. All the feelings, love, butterflies and tingles came back full force. Everything I had felt for her 2 years ago came back just as strong if not stronger. I guess it's true what they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Alyssa cupped my cheek softly, pulling me so I was practically on top of her. Hands slipped under my shirt, my skin feeling like it was burning at the touch. Yet again, I reluctantly placed my hand on her chest, pushing her away.
"You have practice, I have work."
"I wasn't doing anything."
"Bull shit Naeher. I haven't forgotten your tricks."
Whatever boundaries we had set, had completely gone out the window after our kiss a few days ago. I hadn't slept in my bed again and there had been a fair few make out sessions. Tonight I had come back to her room after work to find her dressed up in slacks, a button up and a leather jacket. I was confused until Alyssa directed my attention to the clothes laid out on her bed. "Get dressed, I want to take you out tonight."
"Is that any way to talk to a lady Miss Naeher?" 
"My sweet, beautiful Y/n, if you could please change and accompany me on a totally platonic, non-romantic evening?"
I held back my laugh as nervousness started growing on Alyssa's face. It was subtle unless you knew Alyssa like I did. Alyssa could be sweet and caring, anyone who knew her could tell you that, but there was a soft, gentle, loving side to Alyssa that only the people she was in love with got to see. I just happened to be lucky enough to still be that person. "I would love to accompany you on a totally platonic, non-romantic evening."
Alyssa had taken me to a little beach to watch the sunset. It was one of my favourite things from when we were together.  Whenever we got the chance we would go watch the sunset. Whether it was the beach, park or just our backyard, it didn't matter. It was our time away from the world, our way to keep connection with each other even during our busiest times. 
I sat between Alyssa's legs, cuddled as far back into her as possible with a blanket wrapped around us. Maybe winter wasn't the best time to be watching the sunset on the beach, but between the warmth of Alyssa and the blanket, I wasn't feeling the cold yet. 
Alyssa kissed my cheek, breaking the silence with a whisper, "You know I forgot how much more beautiful your are in person than in photos, which is saying something because you look incredible in photos."
I giggled, pecking her lips before settling back to my original position, "I forgot how soft you actually are."
"You know it's only ever been for you."
"It's one of the things I love most about you. I know it's kinda ridiculous, but honestly, I've never felt more special then when I was with you Lys. You made me feel like I was the most important person in your life. I could do anything with you by myside." 
"You are special Y/n. You are one of the most special and important people in my life. No matter what happens or where you are, that'll never change."
There was no response coming to mind that would properly portray what I was feeling, so I just cuddled further into her. The words swirling around my head. I knew this would destroy me, having her back then losing her again, but I was so in love with her, that it didn't matter because even if it was just for a few weeks, I got to be with her again. Alyssa kissed my temple, fingers lacing with mine. "Are you okay Y/n/n?"
"I am. Just enjoying the moment. Even though I don't have the words to describe what I'm feeling, just know you mean the world to me."
We sat cuddled on the beach long after the sun had set, talking about anything we could think of. The temperature had definitely dropped, my fingers and toes becoming colder the longer we sat there. Alyssa's nose sent shivers through me as she nuzzled it against my neck. I felt the vibrations of her chuckle despite her trying to hide it. "Are you cold darling?"
"Your nose is freezing, but I am getting quite cold now."
Alyssa laced her fingers with mine, wrapping her arms around me tighter, "Me too. I had dinner reservations for us, but I think we've missed them now. How does pizza sound?"
"Pizza sounds amazing. Can we go for a spa afterwards? I think the hotel one is still open."
There was no one else around so I settled myself in Alyssa's lap, head resting against her shoulder as I enjoyed the warmth after hours in the cold. Her fingers traced patterns along my back as I played with the string of her bikini. Everything tonight had taken me back to when I was happiest in life. It took me back to the countless nights spent cuddled with Alyssa, whether it was watching the sunset at the beach, watching tv or reading. They were some of my favourite moments in life. They were intimate and safe, the moments where I felt most at peace and loved. Of course I knew I missed Alyssa, but tonight made me realise just how much I missed those moments. It also reminded me that I only had it back for a limited time. 
Thoughts of moving back started swirling around my mind, but they were joined of thoughts of leaving my family and having to start over again. Honestly, it scared me. What if I decided to do it, then Alyssa didn't want me back? What if we got back together and we didn't work as a couple anymore? I know what we were doing and how we were acting. We're in this weird space of together, but not. 
Alyssa kissed my temple, arms tightening around me, "You've been more quiet than usual since we got back, everything okay?"
"Yeah. Don't worry, I'm just tired."
"I don't believe you, but I won't push it. Just know if you want to talk about it, I'm here."
I kissed Alyssa's shoulder before cuddling back against her, "I know. It's nothing serious though so please don't worry. Thank you Lys."
It was one of those days where there was too much going on in my head. Mostly about the situation with Alyssa, but also the thought of moving back. I had pretty much resigned myself to being hurt when Alyssa left. However, I also felt stuck. My plan was always to go back to the states at some point, I felt like I couldn't leave though. My family was here and after mum dying we had become so much closer. It felt wrong to just leave them again. 
"Hey Y/n. You okay?" Julie asked, steadying me as I almost walked into her. 
"Shit, sorry. I don't know."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's okay, I know you're busy."
Julie looked at me like I had just said the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. Then she wrapped her arm around me and guided me to sit down, "Never too busy to talk. What's going on?"
I groaned, hiding my face in my hands, "Have you ever done something you know will destroy you, that you know you should stop, but you can't. You can't because you are so in love with that person that the pain is worth it because you get the little bit of extra time with them."
"Yeah. I've never loved anyone as much as I love her. Even after all this time, the feelings I have for her never went away. I miss her like crazy. Hell, I'm thinking about packing up my life again for her. I know I should stop this, not for me, but for her. To stop her from feeling more pain then she needs to. I just can't do it. I don't know what to do."
"Maybe that is the best thing to do, maybe it would save some heartbreak. Though, something tells me that even if you tried, Alyssa wouldn't let you without a fight. During tournaments, she usually does everything to stay focused and in game mode. Sleep overs would never have been an option, but you come along and you're sleeping in her bed every night. Alyssa is obviously happier and seems more free than we've seen her in a long time. She's more focused because of it. Alyssa loves you, you love her, but you need to decide if the pains worth it in the end, that's not a decision we can make for you."
"Yeah I know. Thank you for listening. Can you not tell Alyssa about this conversation?"
"Of course. If moving is something you want to do, what's stopping you?"
I sighed before letting out everything I was thinking about the situation. It felt good to finally be able to talk to someone that was impartial in the situation. That I could just be completely honest with and not have them be upset or get their hopes up. Julie just listened as I talked, offering comforting arm squeezes every now and then. "I know it's scary and you'll miss your family, but you need to do what is best for you. If that means moving back to Chicago then they'll understand. They supported you the first time didn't they?"
"I guess so. Thanks Julie, everything just feels like a mess at the moment, guess I have a lot to think about."
It had been days of non-stop thinking. Just when I thought I had decided on what to do, the what ifs started. What if Alyssa was it for me and I wouldn't ever find anyone else? What if my family hated me? What if something happened again and I had to move back? They were just some of the many thoughts that ran constantly through my mind, sending me back to square one every time. Alyssa could tell something was going on, but thankfully wasn't pushing me to talk about it. I didn't want to talk to her before I had things sorted and end up hurting her even more. 
Alyssa had left early this morning, leaving me completely stuck in thought until my phone ringing brought me back. I was planning on ignoring it, but it was my dad so I sucked it up. We went through the normal stuff, how are you? What are you doing etc until he finally called me out.
Are you okay? You sound off.
I sighed, deciding it was finally time to talk to someone in my family about it. You remember Alyssa?
Your ex?
Yeah, well she happens to be here for the world cup and I've been sleeping in her bed pretty much since the world cup started.
Oh right. So what's the problem?
I'm still madly in love with her dad
Okay, so get back with her. If your sleeping in her bed then she obviously feels the same. 
It's not that simple. We live in two different countries, thousands of kms apart.
You could always go back. 
I can't.
Why not? If you love her as much as you claim then make the move Y/n.
But you guys are here, I can't leave you again.
You've done it before. You always said you would make the move back once the time was right and if you ask me the time is right. We're okay. Do you really think your mother is happy that you're not where you want to be just because of her? She was always so proud of you for taking the chance and doing something you really wanted to do. We'll miss you, but please don't hold back for us. You deserve to be where you want to be, doing what you worked so hard for and be with the person you love. You loved being a physio, you worked so hard to get there, please don't let that go to waste.
I'm scared dad
I know, but you've never let that stop you before so why start now? Being scared isn't a bad thing, just don't let it stop you from doing things you want to do. At least think about it okay?
I will. I have to go. Love you.
Love you too Y/n
There was a time where I never imagined my life without Alyssa, but it had happened and it was the worst 2 years of my life. With the encouragement from both Julie and my dad, my decision was a little bit easier. Now that I had Alyssa back, I never wanted to let go of her again, even if that meant moving away from my family for a second time. The last thing to do before solidifying the decision was to see if Alyssa was even interested in me moving back. Honestly, that's what I was most nervous about.
We had just gotten back after a game and Alyssa was on the verge of sleep as we cuddled up in bed. Maybe it wasn't the best time to bring it up, but I couldn't wait. The nerves were building too much, almost too much to handle. 
"You played great today Lys."
"Thank you. I'm so ready for our day off tomorrow though."
I kissed Alyssa softly before sitting up, successfully getting her attention. "I know you probably just want to go to sleep, but can I talk to you about something?"
Alyssa sat up next to me, concern starting to show on her face, "Anything."
My fingers laced with hers, bracing myself for whatever her response may be. "I love you Alyssa, I've never stopped and I don't know if I ever will."
"I love you too Y/n, but-"
"I know, I know what you're going to say, but please just listen to me. Back then I didn't have a choice, I needed to be with my family so we could heal together. It's still hurts, but we're living life again. Now I need to live life for me. There's not a day that went by where you weren't on my mind. Where I didn't wish things could go back to the way they were and I could be back with you. I finally got you back Lys and I don't want to lose us again. I want to try again, I want to try us again."
Alyssa looked as if she was processing. I knew it was a lot, but every second that past I was getting closer to freaking out. After what felt like forever, Alyssa squeezed my hand, "What are you saying?"
"If you think maybe you might want to be with me again then I'm ready to move back to Chicago."
"Are you sure? I love you Y/n, but I don't want you to feel like you have to or do something you're not ready for."
"I'll miss my family, but they'll be okay without me. I have the ability to come back and visit more then I did before. I'm serious Lys. This isn't something I just decided on a whim. I've been thinking about this since before the world cup even started, but my dad told me to go. He made me realise I was holding back because I was scared."
Lips collided with mine, the kiss quickly turning salty and tears fell down Alyssa's cheeks, "I love you, I love you, I love you."
I giggled, "So is that a yes?"
"Yes. I would love to try again."
"I need a couple of months to sort stuff out. You know job, housing, visas."
"You can move in with me again, one less thing to worry about and maybe you could get your old job back. I think one of our PTs is leaving after the world cup."
"I was hoping you would say that. I would love to live with you. And I'll get in contact with my old boss, see what he says. Can I just say, no one would ever believe your reaction to this. The stoic Alyssa Naeher could never be so soft."
"Shut up," Alyssa muttered pushing me away slightly only to pull me back next to her again. She turned, letting our a quite sigh as I wrapped my arms around her. It wasn't an everyday occurrence, normally I was the little spoon, but sometimes Alyssa preferred to be held especially when she was tired. I was never going to say no to it though. "So considering I'm going to move back in with you, will you be my girlfriend Lys? Again."
"Hmm I suppose so."
"Good because this would be awkward otherwise. I have one more question before you go to sleep. Do you think you might be able to stick around after the world cup? Even if it's just for a few days, I would like you to meet my family in person."
Alyssa cuddled further against my side, eyes already starting to drift closed, "That could be possible. I would love to meet your family, I'll talk to coach."
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vexfulfolly · 3 months
i’m the guy who drew your boy Leo for artfight, and (for no particular reason) i was wondering. uhm. Enoch siblings reveal? also, what’s his relationship to Leo and Mick? are they friends? how do they behave with each other? not to bombard you with questions, it would just help me out a little. answer whatever you feel like, or don’t answer at all, it just changes how many drawings you get this time around. good morning! or afternoon..! or evening? well, whether morning, noon, or night, have a lovely day!
Crying shaking omg I am so excited to answer this!!
Enoch & Co.
E’s got three younger siblings: Willow, Vida, and Clem(entine).
Willow is the same age as Enoch and could NOT be more different! She’s essentially a social media influencer/ YouTuber, minor actress, and has been a model for a few years. Her abilities came in pretty late, and due to her more “public” status, the gov has had issues trying to corner her or bring her in. Enoch is constantly scrubbing her social media and technology to keep her safe from being tracked, and in return she pays for their apartment (and desperately tries to get him to interact with humans). She will nag, unplug the wifi, pour water on him, anything and everything to get him out in public and seeing the sky. E values her input and leans on her in a personal/ emotional/ leadership capacity. She’s his #2 and has been by his side the longest!
Vida is the middle child and a finicky little shithead. He’s 21, a sophomore in college, and has discovered that drinking is an activity to do, and that he’s literally being hunted by the gov so he can do whatever he wants. He’s got sticky fingers, puppy-dog eyes, and an edge of unaddressed hysteria that makes him a loose cannon. He won’t eat Enoch’s “homemade meals”, complains about the cleanliness of the apartment, and puts out his cigarettes on the doorway. He’s kind of a mess! But like, graceful with it, you know? He usually hangs out with Enoch during the day, or brings home guys and gals (to the detriment of E’s blood pressure). He’s the newest of the bunch, and still getting acquainted to everyone—occasional screaming arguments still happen, but they’re growing fewer.
Clementine is the youngest, at 18. She’s a runaway, who struggles immensely with her powers. After accidentally using them in front of her family she ran, accidentally crossing Willow and E’s path in a grocery store. Her ability is like putting someone in a trance—when it is activated, those close to her relive their most painful and frightening memories and cannot stop. She is finishing her final year of high school, and is the only one not actively being hunted by the gov (she’s just a missing person’s case, lol). She’s very nervous, and Enoch is like a mentor. No one will never replace her actual family, but the unyielding support, lack of expectations, and the personalities that surround her are helping her come out of her shell. She is baby <3
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(Click for better quality)
E’s Crew + Leo & Mick
Leo is (essentially) Enoch’s information broker for Chicago’s nightlife. E has some minor blackmail on Leo (aka: that he ISNT actually an ability user), and so Leo lets him know where he should or shouldn’t be. Enoch also tells him if the feds are closing in on any of their locations/ holdings.
Leo takes great delight in making Enoch meet him at fancy and very public locations, forcing the man to be as uncomfortable as possible. Neither of them particularly want to be there, but it’s that weird veneer of political politeness and fake nicities. Smiling with hatred in their eyes and trying to crush each other’s hands during a handshake.
Mick & Vida are best bros, so the older siblings HAVE to get along. Vida isn’t in Leo and Mick’s gang… but he’s definitely Around™️ and participating™️ in some of the violence. He’s a good post-battle nurse (and definitely DEFINITELY doesn’t have a crush on Mick, why would you say that?)
I hope this answers all your questions!!! But feel free to ask more if I missed anything!!
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Ex-Moonie recounts his life as a follower of the Rev. Moon
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Chicago Tribune March 1979
By Michael Hirsley
One week, he was a Yale University graduate with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and philosophy, considering graduate school and beginning summer vacation in Berkeley, Calif.
The next week, he was on a farm with his new friends, jumping and pumping his arms up and down while chanting, “Choo-choo-choo-choo,” like a “choo-choo” train in a sort of rural Romper Room gone wrong.
After four weeks, he called his parents to assure them he was doing well. Within six months, his new California friends had become his only family.
He turned over to them his earnings from selling flowers, then from washing dishes, while settling for peanut butter sandwiches as nourishment, and four hours for sleep. Once, he sneaked away and bought himself a glass of milk and a cookie. After he finished them, his shame was instant. He threw up.
Why would a 22-year-old man with a college education begin acting like a child, pliantly follow orders and work for next to nothing, and be unable to eat a cookie in solitude without feeling like a traitor?
He met them that first week in Berkeley. A man who had been kind enough to direct him to a hotel invited him to dinner. There, he met the group.
“They didn't say anything about being a religious group. They were friendly and paid incredible attention to everything I told them about myself,” Edwards says. ‘‘I liked the atmosphere better than social hours in college.”
But still, it is disquieting to imagine that someone like Christopher Edwards — who still fits the Ivy League image in a vested suit, and still looks like a college student as he sips a cup of coffee in a Chicago hotel room — “gave” his soul temporarily to a cult.
His credentials are non-radical, middle-of-the-road: Son of a doctor, member of an upper middle class family, spent summers traveling in this country and in Europe... Was he really the typical college graduate he seemed to be when he became a Moonie?
“What’s typical?” he asks. “One of the last memories I have of college is sitting with a friend and watching (on television) the last troops leave Vietnam. I was somewhat disillusioned with the war and our society.”
He said his peers in the Moonies included many white, middle-class, college-educated men and women in their early 20s.
“There are people who are more susceptible to a religious group like this, people coming out of college, a little disillusioned, looking for a loving community,” he says. “But I really fight the notion that something has to be wrong with you to get involved in a group like this. I think only an extremely selfish, narrow-minded person would not be susceptible.”
He accepted the group’s invitation to go to the farm in California for the weekend. Once there, he ignored guards at the front gate, the silly “choo-choo” game and the fact that “someone followed me everywhere I went, even to the bathroom.”
Edwards admits he found those things “silly and embarrassing, and very odd, but they seemed harmless. I thought theirs was a simplicity that could be trusted.”
And, he concedes, that as a psychology student, “part of my motivation for staying was pure curiosity. Their tactics attracted me.”
His early days with the group consisted of repetitive exercises and lectures in which “you were praised for following directions and accepting repetitive boring speeches without questioning them,” he says. “I felt confident that I couldn’t be manipulated, but I was.”
Those childish games and dogmatic speeches were exercises to break down resistance to brainwashing, he says. “I was put in a hypnotic state,” he says. “I was in a trance.”
For nearly four months, his parents — Dr. Charles Edwards. a surgeon, and his wife, Betty, of Montclair, N. J. — were blissfully unaware of what was happening to their son. It wasn’t unusual to hear little from him when he was traveling on his vacation.
Even a letter, in which he described to them his work with a Creative Community Project in Oakland, caused them no anxiety until they saw the project name again in a newspaper article.
“It was about a meeting for parents who had lost their children to cults. It indicated that Christopher’s project was part of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, the Moonies,” Dr. Edwards said in a phone conversation from his New Jersey office. “We were shocked.”
The Edwards attended the meeting, and were shocked anew. “It was supposed to be a one-hour meeting, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.,” Dr. Edwards recalled. “It lasted until 8 p.m. There were over 500 parents there.” Unification Church membership is estimated at 80,000.  [There were never more than about 10,000 core members in the US and many of those were imported from Japan and Europe. If everyone who ever had any connection with the UC was counted the number of 30,000 might have been reached decades ago.]
After the meeting, the Edwards’ contacted Ted Patrick, the controversial “deprogrammer” who assists parents in kidnapping their children from the Moonies.
“Patrick had a three-and-a-half month waiting list,” Dr. Edwards said. While he waited for Patrick’s call, he read everything he could about the Moonies.
In January of 1976, Dr. Edwards met with Patrick to plot Christopher’s kidnaping.
The doctor closed his practice for three weeks. He flew to California, found his son after considerable searching, and said he just wanted to be sure Christopher was all right.
“I met him in a coffee shop were he worked,” Dr. Edwards said. “I saw all these kids there walking around with passive looks and mechanical movements. I thought they were in a trance, and I have had some training in hypnosis.
“I didn't say anything against the cult, and I was invited to lunch the next day. I watched recruiting techniques used on me. They looked me in the eye and spoke lovingly, flatteringly, and made me feel important.
The next day, Patrick and assistants helped Dr. Edwards pull his son out of a car and away from a fellow group member.
Dr. Edwards said the weeks of deprogramming that followed — including plane fares for five deprogrammers and assistants and a detective after the family received threatening phone calls and suffered two break-ins at their home — cost “tens of thousands of dollars.”
Christopher Edwards now lectures on cults, and has written a book about his experiences, entitled, “Crazy for God.”
“Its just coincidental that my book is coming out just when Guyana and Jonestown are making us worry about cults,” Edwards says.
“The People’s Temple suicides in Jonestown and thereafter; and an “informal” congressional hearing on cult worship last month; are heightening public anxiety about cults.
Edwards’ book provides fuel for such concern, citing mechanical movements, glassy eyes, and loss of intelligence and initiative as changes which cult members undergo hypnosis.
In one small section, where Edwards expresses hope that “a psychological test will one day emerge to verify these changes,” the book provides a scary glimpse at the potential for “psycho-war” between cults and deprogrammers.
“I fought against the deprogrammers for quite a while, and I told them I would die for my cult friends and leaders,” Edwards says “That still worries me a great deal.”
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
The Social Organization of Recruitment in the Unification Church PDF  
 by David Frank Taylor, M.A., July 1978, Sociology
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie)
Unification Church’s deceptive recruiting tactics - Part 1
4:00 Ford Greene “At the outset there is never a disclosure: 1) We are the Unification Church
 2) We believe that Rev. Moon is the second coming of Christ
 3) We believe that you are dominated by Satan 
4) The way for you to become free from Satan is by being unconditionally obedient to Moon because he is the only human being who has ever conquered and defeated Satan.”
1:30 Allen Tate Wood
“…The purpose of getting there is to get them off to a training center, run them through a training regimen of 7, 21 or 40 days. When that is complete that person is going to be on a bus for the next seven years, working 16 hours a day. They are not up front about that.”
Unification Church’s deceptive recruiting tactics - Part 2 5:00 Ford Greene:
 “The pitch that is always made is a pitch to conscience, is a pitch to a person’s highest, most moral inner yearnings and the ultimate result is enslavement.”
Ford Greene on Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church
Allen Tate Wood (was also interviewed by News Center 4) LINK to a webpage of interviews with Allen Tate Wood
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Thanksgiving Films You Forgot: Home For The Holidays
Originally posted November 9th, 2015
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Every year the holiday seasons roll around, and with each season you see celebrations of films centered on the holidays. Halloween has the entire horror genre to look at, Christmas has hundreds of films dating back to the beginning of film history, and Valentine’s Day has any film with a romantic subplot (which is just about any film ever made).
There are two holidays that often get left out of this fun, though. When was the last time you heard someone talk about a Thanksgiving or New Year’s film? I want to fix that. That’s why this November, each week I’ll be watching and writing about a different film set around Thanksgiving. To start off, I’m going to talk about "Home for the Holidays," a strange little romantic comedy directed by Jodie Foster.
"Home for the Holidays" is a weird film. It starts with a close-up montage of Claudia, our protagonist, painting with egg yolk on a very large canvas. After this montage, we watch her as she goes back to her boss’s office, walking in a trance-like state until she sinks into one of his chairs. He then fires her, and in the process of being comforted by him, Claudia makes out with him before rushing away embarrassed.
She then is driven to the airport by her 18-year-old daughter Kitt who informs her that she won’t be attending her family’s Thanksgiving dinner, preferring instead to join her boyfriend at his parents’ house. She also tells Claudia in very clear terms that she’s going to have sex with her boyfriend while she’s there.
That all happens in the first five minutes, and it gets stranger from there. Claudia’s uncomfortable flight is followed by an uncomfortable drive home with her parents, and once she gets home, she and her mother have a surreal conversation about children thinking their mother is crazy, which happens as Claudia’s mother undresses for bed.
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The very next morning, their entire family is woken up by Claudia’s brother Tommy, who we first see sneaking around their house with a set of spy goggles and a Polaroid camera. We also see that Tommy has a habit of taking intrusive pictures of his sister, at first ripping off the covers of her bed to snap a photo of her underwear, and later taking a picture of her as she showers. The strange behaviors escalate with the introduction of the rest of the family attending Thanksgiving dinner, with each new member having a number of strange quirks that seem like they might be a little less than socially acceptable.
All of the strange behavior comes to a head at the actual Thanksgiving dinner, where each individual's quirk is escalated to the point of insanity and played off the others' wonderfully in what is clearly the best scene in the film. And the high level of insanity only lowers slightly after the dinner, with Tommy getting into a fight with his brother-in-law over a game of football. It all blends together beautifully, with each and every quirk and escalation feeling surreal and believable at the same time.
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Unfortunately, the film falls apart after the Thanksgiving dinner, losing most of the tension and development of the characters that had been established before. It attempts to shift its focus away from the family relationships in favor of a romantic subplot between Claudia and Leo, Tommy’s friend that she met that morning.
Their romance is contrived as hell, and none of their interactions feel natural, despite their relatively solid chemistry. The film also attempts to provide closure on a conflict between Claudia and her sister, but because of its focus on the romance, it doesn’t have the time to commit to reconciling their differences or giving a failed reconciliation actual depth and meaning.
That, of course, could be the point, and it’d certainly be an interesting point to make, but the final scene of the film has Claudia and Leo flying back to Chicago together, with Leo telling Claudia that it doesn’t matter if they never see each other again, since they’ll still have the time they spent together. That being the film’s final statement makes it clear that Foster wants us to see the focus on romance as her showing us the one thing that will make Claudia the most happy.
But, while I’m willing to buy that the romance is what will make Claudia the happiest in that moment, I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if she’d spent that time focusing on her relationship with her sister, because even if she was unable to change anything, it would’ve been far more interesting for us if we had seen her try, instead of spend all her time focusing on a man she’s known for less than 24 hours.
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scentedchildnacho · 5 days
Jon Hopkins - RITUAL (palace) (Official Audio)
Why is this sound system states trance...pb told me if I was around long enough I truly would find camelot
The sponsoring shelter church said they have had to be homeless in a small town in Wisconsin without a shelter so that's why they do this for us
My friends from small towns if their parents finally told them the rules ran to larger cities if they couldn't mellow out and get married
Small towns have housing through energy company unions and public unions and if your not there to manage things for the union you had better leave or your on property without authorization
Its my experience that my friends from small towns if their family isn't in system anymore then they had better start again elsewhere
Tranes...its tranes
Wisconsin is a very strict right wing place people do their duty to the military marry a nice hetero normative partnership or neo liberal behaviour does not provide the calvinist work ethic required
Nice french ethics don't though get to into the gay world it is superficial and without moss and roots to be to flippant in personal interaction....learn to really love someone of the opposite gender or your partner settle down and do the right thing though
Small towns are more emigrational....so they are sold like big cities that people who don't know why they experience bad business instinct and can't feel secure and accepting and at ease can go to wealthy emigration groups and learn to better personally manage
A lot of people dont clearly see difference.....between urban and rural
Sociology out of Chicago to me it's kind of impossible to escape.........so you can't really do anything without requirements in civil unrest studies and why from a labor standpoint the esoteric requirements of being on routine tasks is a much higher pay scale then the business can give and nothing steps up to get these missing wages to people who earn networking evolution
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chicagotrancefamily · 5 years
Above & Beyond with Gabriel and Dresden at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago this Friday October 25th! #anjuna #anjunabeats #Aboveandbeyond #Trance #TranceFamily #ChicagoTranceFamily #Chitrancefamily #JawbreakerFest
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djjeremyp-blog1 · 5 years
Here is my Vocal Trance Mix for United States of Trance on Tempo-radio.com from last Saturday. @djjeremyp @chitrancefamily
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piscesfics · 2 years
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Lip sneaking into his best friend’s room through her window (fluff)
pairing ➵ lip gallagher x reader / friends to lovers
words ➵ 1.6k+
warnings ➵ 18+ kissing, nudity, mentions of lip’s struggles, shameless themes, implied sex scene (no smut)
a/n ➵ inspired by fallingforyou by the 1975
The fresh wind blew through your window and chill of the evening began to set in. You’d been watching the night air dance with the lace of the curtains in a trance. They brought memories of Lip Gallagher’s soft traces on your skin leaving goosebumps in their absence now.
It had only been a few hours since last seeing Lip as your day was spent with him at a pretty park. Moments you’d spend in his arms and sharing soft glances filled with admiration could feel like hours. 
You’d wondered if you had the same affect on him. Lip was known for his smart mouth and mind, you’d seen him struggle at taking on the responsibilities of protecting his family as the now man of the house once his parents neglected them. 
His cold walls built up to combat the pain and abandonment he’d experienced from such a young age seemed to fall at ease whenever he’d picture you. Your light was apparent from childhood days, and the memories he’d shared with you cherished had a warm glow in Lip’s mind. No matter how dark things got in life, the tenderness of your love brought him more comfort than he’d ever known.
Lip had fallen for you. Much earlier than he’d ever realised. The feeling had now become overwhelming in his small shared room, he had to see you and be with you again right now before the sky started loosing light.
The light of the moon kissed your bedroom walls and floor, now becoming blue and you checked the time on your phone. Was it too soon to call Lip and hear your favourite voice. He made you laugh like no one else, erasing all of your worries and intense teenage life in the south-side in an instant.
Unknowing to you, Lip had begun riding his bike to your enormous house. Enormous in comparison to his crowded with 6 siblings at times, and sometimes Frank. He was so excited to be just with you he sped down the Chicago streets and clouds of fog blew from his lips.
The pair of you had knocked around together since you were Carl’s age now, but Lip was much closer to your height as the puberty blues and growing pains you’d shared now felt on the other side. Lip was more grown up than ever before. The days at a time he’d spend longing to see where things could go in when you were both older taxed the young boys mind.
It was like his chance had finally arrived. All of the stars aligned and Lip couldn’t bare to miss it. The reward towered the risk. His whole life felt like a shitty draw of the deck but this one possibility made it all worth it ten fold. Lip couldn’t let it slip by like the potential he’d let slip away from the self-destruction, a common symptom of being an adult child of an alcoholic.
A few minutes that felt like an eternity passed that you spent laying out on your bed picturing if Lip was already asleep in his bunk bed, and how his messy curls laid on his pillow. Or could he be staring at the roof fighting the urge to text you too?
A thud broke you from your daydreams and you turned to face where the noise came from. You sat up slightly on your forearms, uncertain if you should do something to investigate it further or let the sound of the night pass.
A crunch below the window made you stop dead in your place. You thought of Lip again immediately cursing at yourself for not calling him when you had the chance especially now that you felt in danger. He’d always protected you from everything. Bullies at school, gross men int he streets, even your parents and siblings. You sat frozen and thought of Lip and if you knew what he’d do.
You heard a faint voice outside. Your brows furrowed for a moment at the familiarity of the sound, it couldn’t be him?
Keeping your distance you peered over the window ledge at a pair of calloused hands attempting the climb up to your window sporting a ring you recognised. The gift you’d given Lip for his 16th birthday.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You almost shouted in a whisper, “You scared the shit out of me Lip!”
He stopped struggling and dangled from bellow you. Those blue eyes sparkled brighter then you’d ever seen them under the pale night light. He tried not to laugh realising you’d caught him before he could surprise you.
“I wanted to see you now” Lip professed.
“Why didn’t you text me, I could of just let you in.” y/n laughed
“I don’t know, you know your dad would kill me. I couldn’t wait anyway.”
Lip continued scaling his way into your room and you pulled up his arms to try to assist your most dumb, smartest best friend. You both tried not to laugh too loudly, fits of faint giggles left you breathless as you fell onto each other on your bed.
Caught in each others embrace, limbs tangles as your chests rose and fell heavily. Lip apologised shyly for causing you to stumble into his grip, you’d never seen him so bashful as his attraction to you was hot-blooded he feared he couldn’t hide it much longer.
You could see Lip in the soft moonlight. The haze of cold airy fog in his eyes. You saw all of him. He looked so alive.
“Oh no,” you barely breathed, almost dizzy, “It’s fine.”
He was staring at all of your features as if he’d never seen you look so beautiful before. He’d lusted over you a million times subconsciously, but the overwhelming reality that you were here, so close and intimate brought a hitch to Lip’s breath too.
Your own heart beat out of your chest. On this night everything had become so clear. You wanted him now. More than ever and without a doubt. As you laid over Lip in each other’s embrace, you knew he was all that you needed.
“You and me, what are we?” Y/N whispered hesitantly. 
They’d never had this conversation before. I was always implied that they would end up together but speaking it aloud for the first time almost felt like curse if they were to take the risk.
“We’ve always been just friends.” Lip thought out loud. It was true. They had only every been just friends up until this point, no matter how much he wished otherwise.
Y/n was the only girl Lip truly trusted with his family, his secrets and to get so close to. She helped him get into school programs he didn’t see himself getting until her or praising all the small opportunities he found to bring home extra money to his siblings She held his hand on the L, resting her hand over his on the overhead train bars like it was the most casual thing in the world. She stayed up for hours to give him advice whenever he needed and fixing Lip up after fights on the school yard, kissing his bruises softly and cleaning up his blood.
Lip played his fingers through y/n's hair whenever they sat in her reserved seat beside him on the Gallagher couch during family movie nights. He’d hold the small of y/n’s waist gently as they walked through the halls at school. He’d dry her wet tears with his fingers and stroke her rose cheeks whenever she cried, held her to sleep, kissing her forehead then and with every goodbye after he’d walk you home from school, snow or sunshine.
These innocent actions became a habit they never questioned before, were they not all deliberate?
“Just friends?” y/n questioned once more, maybe he’d change his mind.
“Yeah,” Lip answered, “Friends like to do this.”
Lip broke the distance between them finally. As their lips met and danced with all the passion that had been suppressed over a childhood of stolen glances and missed opportunities. Lip kissed y/n with his hands gently holding her face and her fingers left his broad chest and went straight between Lip’s curls.
“You’re all I need,” you told Lip between kisses.
The feeling of Lip’s strong arms holding you close as you kissed brought a feeling to your whole body you’d never anticipated. It was better than you’d ever dreamed and fantasied, Lip would agree faster than any thought had ever crossed his mind. You didn’t have to ask him twice.
Lip thought you tasted like heaven and your kisses were even sweeter. After he pulled on your bottom lip your head leant back, exposing your gorgeous and enticing neck to him.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Lip swore he’d never been so lucky, “I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your neck.”
As his kisses painted your neck like the bruises they may leave in the morning, Lip wanted to touch your light. He slowly began to undress your silk night gown after asking if it was okay. You really took him there beyond his wildest dreams with every whimper and moan that escaped your lips.
Your place in Lip’s heart was as evident and purposeful as ever, as was his place in yours. Fate was being carried out under the moonlight and the ‘one day’ you’d both always hoped and was destined for this night.
“Soon you will be mine,” Lip promised and kissed your head before cuddling you into his arms and into your bed. Not wanting to ever let go. You could bring Lip along for the rest of his life if you wanted to, and he wanted didn’t want to stop now, making every moment count while the first night of forever was still young.
△ shameless masterlist
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hockey-lover-22 · 3 years
Brendan Brisson Housemates, Friends, to Lovers Part One
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It all started when y/n and Brendan were living together at her billet family’s house in Chicago…
It was your senior year of high school when the two of you met each other. Y/n had arrived at her billet family’s house in August just after her volleyball summer training camps ended.
You knock on the door and patiently wait for the family to answer the door, when this young but very good-looking guy (around your age) answers the door, “hello, can I help you?”
“Hi, I’m y/n. Is this the Carter’s house? I’m one of their billet students for senior year,” y/n says.
“Oh y/n, it’s so good to finally meet you! We’re so happy to have you and Brendan living with us this year!” said Jess Carter, the billet ‘mom’.
“It’s nice to finally be here! I’m so excited to start playing for the Chicago Lions!” Y/n said.
The Carter’s proceed to show you around the house and what room will be yours and that you’re sharing a conjoined bathroom with Brendan. You start to unpack all of your clothes and room decor when you hear a knock on your door.
“Come in,” you say. The boy knocks while walking in, “hey just wanted to let you know that dinner is ready.”
“Oh, thanks for letting me know.” You say.
“I never actually got to introduce myself when I answered the door. My name is Brendan,” he says, holding out his hand.
You laugh, shaking his hand, “Hi I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” When you shake his hand you feel sparks, which is odd because you two had just met.
You both make small conversation while heading downstairs to eat dinner. You learn the little things about one another, like his favourite colour, why he started playing hockey, etc.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind sitting beside each other at the table,” says Todd Carter, the billet father.
“Oh no worries,” says Brendan, winking at you.
You sit down and start eating dinner when you feel a hand on your thigh. You turn and make eye contact with Brendan glaring at him. “What do you think you’re doing?” You question him.
He just smiles and keeps his hand on your thigh. You don’t fight it though… it feels comforting, you liked it. Dinner ends, you and Brendan offer to do the dishes to make a good impression on your billet family. You two just do the dishes in silence, but can’t help but study Brendan… He is a very attractive guy, with dark brown hair, he’s taller than you, which is hard being 5’10, he’s got dark eyes, he is muscular from playing hockey and training all the time. You snap out of your trance because you can’t be thinking this way... He’s your billet brother. If something were to happen between you then you would lose your billet, you both would… You finish doing the dishes and head up to your room to finish unpacking your stuff. Brendan walks in again (without warning) and comes very close to you, like less than a foot away from one another, “Can I help you?” You ask.
He doesn’t end anything just proceeds to get closer to you. “Stop!” You say.
“Why?” He asks.
“We can’t do this, we’ll lose our billets if we get caught doing it.” Y/n says.
“I didn’t see you complaining at dinner when my hand was on your thigh the whole time,” Brendan says to you.
“That’s different…” you say. “How so?” He asks.
“I don’t know if it just is okay! I don’t know how else to say it. But we can’t do this.” Y/n says.
“Okay, but I want to try something to test out a theory I have,” Brendan says.
“Ok—,” you get caught off by Brendan kissing you. It was odd at first like rushed. He crashed his lips to yours and your teeth clatter against each other. Then it starts to settle into a rhythm, your lips work in sync, he grabs your chin tilting your head up to meet his so he can get a better angle of your mouth. He places his other hand on your hip and pulls you in closer, but before the kiss can go even further y/n pulls back. You stare up at him “that was your theory?” You ask.
“I wanted to see if you would kiss me back, and you did so, yes my theory was proven,” Brendan says. “You have a good night now.” He says leaving your room.
Your days continue and weeks pass by, your school and volleyball season started, you’re swamped with school. It’s tough keeping up your grades so you can get into your dream school and keeping up with training so you could be the best on your team so then you would hopefully get a scholarship. You’re so stressed out right now you didn’t even realize you were starting to cry… you walk to the bathroom not paying attention to the fact that Brendan had just gotten out of the shower and had a towel around his waist.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Brendan asks you.
You jump at the sound of his voice, “oh my god, I am so sorry I didn’t know you were in here.”
“It’s okay, but you still haven’t told me what's wrong.” He says heading into his room to get changed, You start to do your skincare routine and refresh yourself and tell him what’s on your mind. You tell him you’re super stressed out with school and volleyball season, you miss your family back home in Ontario. You then go into his room and sit in his bed and continue to talk to each other about life. It is a super good conversation… like really deep. He tells you that he is also feeling stressed because he hasn’t had any schools come to his games yet for scouting or anything like that. You interrupt him talking and yawn. “It’s getting late… I should probably head to bed.” You say.
“What if you stayed here?” Brendan asks.
“Really? Why?” You ask.
“It’s late, and after that conversation, I feel like you just want someone to hold you and just be there for you.” He says.
“I really do. Thank you.” Y/n says.
You get under the covers and lay with Brendan and put your head on his shoulder. He starts to play with your hair and holds your hand. Y/n start to fall asleep.
Even more, weeks pass by, and sneaking into Brendan’s room has become a routine for the two of you. You become very close and your feelings are no longer just physical with him, they’re emotional as well. You both agreed that you couldn’t risk losing your billets and you love your billet family so you also couldn’t do that to them either.
Months start to pass by and your billet has come to an end. “I’m going to miss this,” Brendan says to y/n.
“I’m going to miss this too. It’s going to be weird not seeing you every day.” You say to him.
You two had become very close, your late-night talks and basically always sharing the same bed. It has been fun and good, it was nice to have someone that actually understood each other. You can’t help but be sad because not only did you like Brendan as a friend but you started to fall in love with him throughout this billet. It was hard to say goodbye to Jess and Todd Carter, but it was way harder to say goodbye to Brendan because you weren’t sure if you were going to see him again. You were about to get into your car when you got a text from Brendan, “I’m going to miss you so much y/n. I really enjoy the friendship we developed throughout this year and I really appreciate you being there for me this year. I hope we can stay in contact with one another!” the text read. You started to tear up when reading the text. You replied, “I’m going to miss you too Brendan… this has been such a fun year and I am also so grateful for the friendship that we created. And yes, I would love to stay in touch throughout the years! I hope you have fun playing hockey for your college!” You replied.
The months passed and you were starting your freshman year of university. You had accepted the scholarship from the University of Michigan, little did you know that this is where Brendan is going too. You both followed each other on social media and stuff but you weren’t very active on it, very different from Brendan. It looked like he had a very fun summer, which made you sad because as much as you tried… you two didn’t stay in contact. You ended up dropping your phone in the lake at your cottage and you lost almost all of your contacts. It’s not like you were going to DM him on Instagram asking for his number, you were too prideful for that. You didn’t have Snapchat so you couldn’t keep in contact that way either. Brendan was wondering why you never returned his calls or texts, he maybe thought you had lost interest in being friends with him, but little did he know you were just on the other side of the universities campus.
Your volleyball season came to an end and so did Brendan’s hockey season, he came to an abrupt halt because of a positive covid-19 case. It was a tough season not being able to socialize with other people outside of the hockey team, for you your best friends were on the volleyball team so it didn’t really change your life that much. Your volleyball season ended after the quarter-finals of the NCAA championships, you saw that Brendan was liking your volleyball team's photos and stuff but it never clicked that he was going to the same school as you. You just thought it was his way of keeping up with what you were doing with school and volleyball.
Your first year of university was coming to an end and exams were stressing you out. So you decided to DM Brendan on Instagram to see if he was wanting to talk. He thought it was weird that you were messaging him on insta but he went with the flow. He talked you down and told you that everything was going to be fine and you were going to crush your exams. Your conversation was short and sweet but it made you miss Brendan even more. Your feelings for Brendan never went away. You were in love with him and you didn’t know how to express it before, but you know if you saw him now you wouldn’t hesitate.
During the summer you spent a lot of time hanging out with your family friend Victoria, who is dating Owen Power who you found out goes to school with you. It was this summer that y/n discovered that Brendan went to the same university as you.
“So, you do realize that Brendan plays with Owen right?” Victoria said to you. You nearly choke on your spit.
“WHAT???” You exclaim.
“Yeah, he plays hockey with Owen, and they're really good friends actually.” She said.
“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? I could’ve told him that I had feelings for him months ago.”
“I don’t know, I guess it slipped my mind.”
“It didn’t occur to you that I was across campus from the person I am in love with?” Y/n exclaims.
“Well, I am going to be at a lot of their home hockey games this year if you want to join me?” Victoria says to you, trying to make the situation better.
“Yeah for sure… but like do you think Brendan would want me there?” Y/n asks.
“GIRL, he would love it if you surprised him at one of his games!” Victoria exclaims.
@owenpowpow @1-800-iluvhockey
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Love In The Bureau
Part 3
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They hadn’t seen one another in 8 years until her boss decided to leave, leaving the position of Team Leader up for grabs. Kate wasn’t the happiest when she found out who it was, but maybe something can change this time round...
Enemies to friends to lovers. CM level violence. AU!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
By the time the team landed back at Quantico they were all hoping to go home, dropping off the last of their stuff before doing so. However, as they made their way from the elevator, smiling and laughing about some joke Alvez had told them, Dean seemed to stop in his path after he spotted someone standing in his office pacing back and forth.
"Was I expecting anyone?" Dean asked aloud.
"Er...no." Garcia replied a little confused. "They weren't here a minute ago. Let me check."
However, as Garcia pulled up her ipad to check to see if Dean had a meeting with anyone, he placed a gentle hand on her ipad, lowering it down.
"No, it's okay." He told them. He'd managed to get a look of the guy's face.
"Dean?" Kate asked, looking up at him. "You okay?"
This seemed to knock him out of his trance. "What? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Just...give me a sec."
"Sure." Kate nodded.
Dean pulled his bag up further on his shoulder, making his way towards his office, closing the door behind him, leaving the rest of his team to keep their eyes fixed on his office as they slowly walked towards their desks.
"Do you know who he is?" Luke asked Kate.
Kate shook her head, trying to get a good look at the guy but the office blinds were making it difficult. But she could see Dean.
She shook her head. "No. No clue." she looked to Luke for a second before looking back. "But I think he does."
Meanwhile, inside Dean's office, he was stood behind his desk, arms folded across his chest as he stared at the man in the suit across from him.
"I'm gonna take it you're not here for a family visit?" Dean asked after they had made their 'hello's'.
The man shook his head. "Not this time."
"Then why are you here, Sam?"
Sam, from his side, lifted the case file. "Inviting you onto a case."
He handed the case over to his brother, Dean looking over it whilst Sam stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets. "The Sheriff has already sent through the paperwork asking for you, but I wanted to tell you about it face to face."
"You could have done this over the phone." Dean pointed out, flicking through the paperwork.
Sam nodded. "I know. But, I wanted to see you."
Dean just looked to his brother and nodded. Sam went on to explain the case.
"Four vics in four weeks. They think they've caught the guy, but my client is denying everything. Wrong place, wrong time. And I believe him. And so does the Sheriff but they've got no other leads."
"The what can we do?"
"Take the case back to the beginning." Sam told him. "The Sheriff wants to make sure they've got the right guy. Not a lot of homicides take place in their town. Robberies, hold-up, GTA's? Yeah. But never a homicide. And now they've had four in the last month."
Dean continued to look over the case file before nodding. "Okay. Give us 30 minutes and we'll be ready to go."
"I wish I was seeing you on different circumstances." Sam admitted.
"Me, too." Dean replied as he opened up the door.
"Everything okay?" Emily asked as Dean made his way down the few stairs from his office. "We've got a case. Sorry, guys."
"What's the case?" JJ asked.
"4 homicides. I'll explain on the jet. Wheels up in 30."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
By the time they landed in Sioux Falls it was close to midnight. They had been given a couple of cars but Dean offered to drive the luggage down, Kate and Sam going with him.
"I thought you were up in Chicago?" Dean asked from the driver's seat.
Sam was sat beside him and Kate was sat in the back.
"I was." Sam said. "My client. He's an old friend from college. Moved out here a couple of years ago with his family. Tripplets. He's an architect, ran his own firm in Iowa city. Now, he works from home mostly."
"And now he's up for 40 to life?"
"Between you and me, he didn't do it. Even the Sheriff thinks so. He's a good guy. And not a 'Gacy' type, either. Everyone knows everyone's business in this town."
Dean sighed. "You can't always go off a feeling."
"I know." Sam agreed. "But...please, just, do everything you can."
"We will."
After a few minutes of silence, Kate spoke up. "So, um...how come I never knew you had a brother?"
"You didn't tell her about me."
"Don't take it personally. He doesn't really speak about his family much. None of us do really." Kate explained. "But I know everything about you. How come I didn't know you had a brother? Let alone that he's a lawyer?"
"You never asked."
"Yes, I did."
"Third day of training. I tried to make conversation with you because I was getting sick of the awkward silences." Kate explained before turning to Sam. "He was such a grouch."
Sam smiled towards Kate before looking at his brother. "I like her."
"I was not a grouch."
"Oh, please." Kate spoke. "Not long after that I started to hate you just as much as you hated me."
"Oh! You're Kate." Sam said, emphisis on her name.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked Sam before turning to Dean. "What's that supposed to mean? You told him about me?"
"I told him you were annoying the shit out of me because you couldn't hit the target." Dean said, eyeing Sam up quickly before looking at Kate before looking back at the road.
"Please, I'm a better shot than you."
"And then." Kate replied.
However, Sam couldn't help but smirk. He knew everything about what happened between Kate and Dean whilst he was training her. He also knew his brother's thoughts - as much as his brother didn't tell him what he was thinking. He also knew now that they had clearly made up and were closer than ever.
"Alright." Dean said, ending their conversation over who was a better shot.
"So, tell me something about yourself, Sam?" Kate asked. "All I know now is that your name is Sam and you're Dean's brother."
Sam smiled and went on to explain a couple of things about himself. "Well, I'm a lawyer. Graduated from Stanford. That was also where I met my wife. Jess. We live in Chicago. I work for a law firm there. Jess works as a financial investigator in the Bureau."
"She's in the FBI?"
Sam smiled and nodded proudly. "Yep."
Kate now hit Dean on the arm with the back of her hand. "Why didn't you tell me this? Is this why you disappeared for half an hour when we were on the Smith case?"
Dean didn't really reply, so she took that as a yes.
"Anything else?"
Sam thought about it for a moment. "For now, I guess?"
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you even if I didn't know you existed."
"Likewise." Sam said, shaking her hand.
"You two done?" Dean asked.
"Ignore him." Sam told him. "He doesn't like to be left out."
"Sorry." Sam apologised before looking at Kate and giving her a look.
Kate just smiled back before patting Dean twice on the shoulder.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"So that's Kate."
They had been in Souix Falls for a day and a half now, only just getting to the hotel.
"Sam." Dean warned. Truthfully, he didn't really know what he was warning Sam about. But he knew it was something.
"I'm not saying anything." Sam smiled, holding up his hands as he moved to sit on the bed.
"I thought you were here to drop off a file box." Dean told him.
"I am...I was." Sam corrected. "Come on, man. You still like her. It's okay, you can admit it."
"I like her because I get along with her. She's my team-mate."
"You and I both know that that wasn't what I was getting at."
Dean just kept his back to his brother as he flipped the lid off the box and began looking through it. "Look, if I can see it, then I'm sure the rest of your team can. Aren't you all trained to read people? Study their body language?"
"No one knows."
"How do you-"
"Trust me." Dean told Sam. "No-one knows."
"Does Kate know?" Sam asked.
Dean sighed, "I don't know."
"What do you mean, you don't know? How can you not know?"
"Because I'm not meant to read my team." Dean told him. "I'm their leader. I'm not meant to read into their feelings without their knowlegde. Not deeply, anyway. Besides, it wouldn't matter anyway because it's not allowed."
"Says who?" Sam asked.
Dean couldn't really give him a straight answer. It wasn't in the FBI handbook - he should know, he could practically read every page word for word without even looking at it, he's taught it long enough to know.
"Dean, if you like her, you should tell her."
"No, I shouldn't." Dean said
Sam was now stood in front of his brother, mentally forcing Dean to look at him. "What was it that you told me when I first met Jess and told you I liked her?"
Dean now looked at him. He remembers what he told him. He told everyone at their wedding in his best-man's speech.
"That doesn't count."
"What do you mean, it doesn't count? Dean, if you hadn't told me to just tell her, I wouldn't be married to her right now."
"Are you kidding me? If you didn't ask her out, she would have asked a couple of months later. I only saved you a couple of months."
"It still makes a difference, Dean." Sam said.
"Not in my world, it doesn't."
There was a knock at the door.
"No, Sam. I'm not having this conversation."
However, as Dean opened up the door, he found Kate stood on the other side.
"What conversation?" she asked.
"Uhhh...nothing. I said I wasn't having a conversation." Dean replied.
"Okay?" Kate said, furrowing her brows before dropping the subject. "Is, uh, is Sam here?"
Now Dean furrowed his brows. "Yeah? Yeah, come in."
Kate nodded a thank you before entering, Dean closing the door behind her before shooting his brother a slightly confused look as Kate appraoched Sam - Sam giving a similar look to his brother before looking to Kate.
"Is...everything okay?"
"Where was Harry the night of the first homicide?"
Sam looked to Dean who just shrugged before they both looked back to Kate. "Jones' Roadhouse."
Kate pointed to Sam as if the words he'd just spoke had come out in a speech bubble. "That. That's what's not okay."
"Okay?..." Sam asked, focusing on whatever the point she was about to make.
"I've just finished the geo profile." Kate explained, moving so she could see Dean who was now sat at the end of the bed, a hand on his thigh. "And there are two bar's closer than Jones'. So, what kind of man like Harry would go nearly 15 miles from his house when there are two a helluva lot closer than that one? We know Harry, he's your standard protective-nice guy. Doesn't like spending too much time from his family. Doesn't want to miss his children grow up. If he did, he would have taken that job in Chicago. It's a lot more money, his family would be well-off. But, he didn't. Crime rates have risen. He wants to keep his family safe. So what kind of guy like Harry drives 15 miles away just to grab a beer. I bet you he doesn't even drive if he's drunk."
"He doesn't." Sam said. "Even in college, if we all went out, he'd make sure to stay sober so someone could drive. He'd only drink when he knew he didn't have his car so he'd have to get a cab."
"And his GPS only shows him going from A to B. It would be easy for someone to track his every movements. He always stays close. He has three kids, who wouldn't be? Any one of them could climb a tree and fall and break an arm." Kate explained. "Anyway, what if Harry went there to meet somone? He says he has no memories of the night before, during or after the murders. I want to have him drug tested. There's reports of a new drug being on the market. I can have the results before 12 o'clock tomorrow. I just need you to get him to agree to it."
Sam nodded. "I can try."
"Thank you."
A day later, they had their proof Harry hadn't been the one knowingly doing the murders. But it still didn't free him from the charges until 48 hours later when the team had given out their profile of the Unsub and had 7 tips on the tip line about some new go-er at Jones' pub. And the moment they brought him through the doors, everything came rushing back to Harry leading to Derek and Dean having to hold him back.
Before long, they had a confession. He'd contacted Harry after he refused to do a job, acting like some long-lost brother. Harry was only slightly convinced since he seemed to know everything about his family. From there, he'd drugged him, used his car, Harry's clothes that he'd kept spare in the car for work and gone around to do his 'jobs'. After that, he caught Harry in his home town in random places, following him every where he went.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As Dean was packing up the last of his things, a knock came to his door.
"Sam, I told you I'm not having this- Jess."
"Hey, Dean."
Dean smiled, hugging his sister-in-law. "What are you doing here? Does Sam know your here?"
Jess nodded. "Yep. We're gonna fly to New York for a couple of days. I just wanted to see you before I left. Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure. Come on." Dean opened up the door wider, letting Jess in. "I'm just waiting for the jet to be ready before I get the team."
"I met some of them in the lobby." Jess smiled before turning around. "I met Kate, too. She was in a deep conversation with Sam about Peggy Carter."
"Yeah, he'll probably be talking to her about that for years."
"She's nice."
"Dean." She replied in the same tone.
"Did Sam put you up to this? I already said-"
Jess nodded. "I know what you said. Sam told me. But, I wanted to talk to you myself anyway. Why don't you tell her?"
"Because I'm her boss. She's one of my agents."
"Then don't tell her while you're at work." Jess offered. "No-one can stop you from asking her out for coffee."
"Yes they can, and I would loose my job."
"No, you wouldn't." Jess corrected.
"Yes, I woul- wait, how do you know?" Dean asked.
"Because two agents in my team fell in love. The Director didn't say anything other than it is frowned upon by the board. Work-Life balance is needed, so marrying your co-worker isn't the most ideal, but they don't hate it."
"No, Dean." Jess cut him off. "I have seen you be alone - not that there is anything wrong with that - for years. But you're also lonely. You deserve to be happy and, from what I've heard from Sam? You've smiled and laughed more with Kate than you have ever done. You both work well together. You understand one another. And yes, you might have got off on the wrong foot, but you're both happier when you're together."
"Jess, I can't."
"Yes, you can."
"No, I can't."
"Dean, no-one can stop you from falling in love." Jess told him, placing a hand over his. "Not even the FBI."
Dean gave a weak smile. "Thanks, Jess."
Jess leaned back in her chair and gave a knowing shrug. "What are sister's for?"
Half an hour later, the brothers parted ways, Dean going with his team and Sam going with Jess. However, as Sam and Jess stood waving them through doors as the BAU made their way onto the runway towards their plane, the couple pulled each other closer.
"How long do you think it'll take before they do something about it?"
"I don't know. But, I hope soon. We can only wait and see."
"Maybe I can call Penelope." Jess thought aloud. "Maybe she can pull a few strings. Get them to open up just a little bit more."
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
12 - His One Chance
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Part 13
Princess more than a Nickname
@the-big-bad-klaus @alanaangie24 @lxna-mikaelsxn
Elijah's POV
"I don't see why we can't just force her to turn it back on." Rebekah scoffed through the phone, feeling that she couldn't rant to Niklaus. And in my opinion it was better that she hadn't. He had called me that he had a plan of his own to bring her back. He was determined to bring her back because if he didn't he had promised that he would turn off his own humanity. Which wouldn't be good for anyone. Two powerful supernatural creatures with no feeling for the people they kill. Pinching the bridge of my nose I sighed in response to her. "Because our brother demanded we stay out of it. That he gets to fix this on his own. She is after all his happiness and his humanity. If he loses her I doubt - he'll snap for certain." Rebekah groaned hanging up the phone mentioning before hanging up. "Well you’re probably right, Lijah. He's been carrying around an engagement ring for years." Hanging up the phone I headed to the cemetery of Mystic Falls needing to visit someone close.
Y/n's POV
Getting out of the car I flip my hair over my shoulder slightly bored from this mysterious trip where Nik refuses to tell me where we are going. He just drove me to the airport from Chicago without an explanation. I'd much rather be chasing for human blood through the streets. He closed his car door removing his hands from over my eyes after we walked a little ways. Blinking a couple times to adjust my eyes to the bright sunlight I gasped feeling a twitch of emotion flash through my mind. Before me is a building I thought would have been gone after all this time, yet here it remains. The place where Brooke died, the place I used to call home...my family's castle.
Strolling through the empty hallways I stop in my tracks seeing the family line portraits hanging on the wall. My portrait was supposed to be super professional but Brooke popped her head in at the last second making me snort. So my nose is all scrunched up with me hanging on her back where we almost fell over. Foosteps approached beside me where I glanced over my shoulder seeing Nik wearing a grey tea shirt with a black jacket, crossing his arms over his chest eyeing me. "Still as beautiful as the girl in the portrait." He compliments making me roll my eyes wanting to leave. "How in the heck is this place still standing. I thought it would have been gone ages ago?" He stepped closer to me hearing thunder roaring off in the distance from our special spot underneath the tree by the water most likely. "I compelled the family who wanted to sell it to keep it without question. I inhaireted it actually, it's our home love." Waving my index finger at him I clutched my other hand tightly until it turned red feeling my magic surfacing again. "It's not our home anymore, those people are gone!" Nik bent his head down sadly, his eyes drifting up to meet mine determination visible. "We promised to always hold the others heart. 500 years apart hasn't changed that one bit for me."
"Sweetheart, I don't think it's wise for you to be outside during a storm." Nik warns as I drag him outside one of the guards towers hearing the rain hitting against the castle. "Oh come, where's your sense of adventure?" I playfully asked leaning over the railing so the droplets can hit my face, feeling his arms snake around my waist. "My adventure is turned off at the moment, love. Concerned with keeping my girl alive." I grab his arm dragging him down stairs and out into the middle of the woods where my father goes hunting. He tilts his head down a smile forming on his lips watching me hold my arms up spinning as the rain fell between the leaves and tree branches. "Y/n, from this day on I want to promise you something." Breaking me from my trance I draped my arms over his neck I smiled lovingly. "If it's to call me your girl. I'd be flattered." Nik shakes his head cupping my face in his hands, his blue eyes pouring into mine. "I promise to always love you and guard your heart with my life, immortal or not princess." Leaning up on my toes I kissed him softly feeling the rain get harder but it didn't matter. "I promise the same to you, Nik. Vampire or human ill love you."
The sun is almost set as I burst through the doors wanting to leave this place. There's just one problem this place is like a maze to me now. So I've made multiple wrong turns in this castle. Clutching my hands in my hair I moaned in frustration, needing to sink my fangs into someone again. "Argh, Nik can we go already. I don't want to be here anymore!" He leans against the stone wall arms over his chest. "The deal was I get one day to try and flip your switch. One day and then I'm yours. So let's take a stroll shall we." He tilts his head towards the backside of the castle and I feel tears trying to form in my eyes, recognizing the area he's leading me to. The dirt patch is still visible where her body layed even though rain has washed away the blood. He comes behind me and I stiffened hearing him whispering in my ear. "Elijah and I put her to rest under our tree by the water. He even laid her with her favorite flower." I forced myself away from him spinning around in the dirt to face him.
"Stop it, stop it right now. You don't know what she wanted ' she would've wanted to live!" I shouted baring my teeth at him. He lightly smiled seeing me show some form of emotion even if it was anger. "That's a start my princess. Show me your anger." He taunted so I vamp sped him harshly against the stone wall, pressing my hands against his chest. "Why is it so important that I become a weak vampire again. Do you not like me this way, Klaus. I mean tell me why can't you look at me like you once did. Why don't you want to make me yours and only yours!" I released some tears feeling the walls starting to break. He slowly raised his hands wiping away the tears with his thumbs, hating to see you break. But it has to be done. "I do love you, but I have to be honest love. This part of you isn't the real you. You're acting like the person you think you should be, your acting like me. Like the person you're grandmother labeled you a monster....I know the real you Y/n as did Brooke. Let that girl out, for Brooke."
Klaus doesn't dare remove his gaze from yours watching your features changing right before him. Throwing my head back I retract my fangs away releasing a sharp cry. My knees give away but I don't fall to the ground when he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me up. "Y/n...look at me sweetheart...please." He begs in a shacky voice tilting my chin up to his seeing heavy tears clouding my vision. I grip his black jacket in my hands sniffling through more tears falling. "Nik I - I'm sorry. I'm sorry for turning it off - its just Brooke - and then God I murdered people. Nik, I'm a murderer - I feel sick to my stomach!" Burying my face in his I started staining his shirt with tears, feeling him slowly wrap his arms around my waist just letting me sob. He buries his face in my hair releasing a slow breath knowing you are back to your old self. "I - emm - don't want blood - anymore." I mumbled an unclear sentence into his chest, feeling him plant a kiss to my hair. "Don't worry love. I assure you. I'll help you through this...You'll never want to drink any blood bag or from the vein again." I prayed that he was right about that. I didn't want to become a monster ever again.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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shijjii · 3 years
5 alarms that woke Chad up and 1 that didn't
Pretty self explanatory, noh?
(also, Chad has three siblings, two siblings that are two years older than him (twins, Fynn and Esi) and a sister younger than him by one year only (Adia), and he has two mothers Brianna Johnsons and Aimee Danforth (Fynn, Esi and Adia are Brianna's children) wow this is a long explanation I'm so sorry, please enjoy this thing)
One; cookies and lavenders
Sophomore year was something that he was supposed to enjoy, or at least, that's what his older siblings had told him.
Chad groaned as he sat by the window and waited for someone to sit beside him. Troy was somewhere near his dad, it was Mrs. Bolton's request that her baby boy not be separated from his father while travelling, so Chad was left to his own device, sitting by himself in the bus, looking outside the window as if he's in a movie
The others were already paired off when Troy told him his mother's request, making Chad unable to ask anyone else to sit with him
"you okay there, man?" he looks up to see Zeke standing from behind him. He was paired with Jason, who was already catching his sleep. It was way too early in the morning to even be awake but he did not complain as he knew how long the trip would be
"yeah, man. Just a little bummed, I guess?" Zeke hummed, disappearing into his seat for a moment and popped up once more with a Tupperware in hand "here, help yourself with these. I-Mom made it last night for me" Chad stared at it and took the container from his teammate's hand, thanking him before settling down as the bus started to move
He was too focused eating the cookies that he didn't notice someone sitting beside him until someone elbowed him due to the fact that the person beside him was almost tangled up with his bag
"oh, sorry" Chad looks up to see Ryan Evans, adjusting his lavender newsboy cap
"ish okay" he replies, mouth filled with cookies, Ryan was almost out of the bag's grip on him but he made one mistake and all of a sudden, it seemed like he was back to square one, making him click his tongue in annoyance. Chad settled the cookies in his lap and helped the boy out of his misery
"thanks" once the bag was now on the floor, Ryan thanked him and Chad just quietly hummed as he stared at Ryan and his lavender cap and lavender pants. He looked at the container in his hands before offering some to Ryan, who smiled and took one. He thanked Chad once more before Chad decided he had enough of the cookies and rest his head on the window to catch some sleep
He woke up when something was ringing and vibrating underneath his butt, groggily looking for whatever that was, he finds a phone that was definitely not his, he turns off the alarm and looks at Ryan who was asleep, with his arms crossed and head facing up the ceiling as his newsboy cap covered his face
Chad also noticed that he was shivering slightly and took off his jacket to put it on the boy, adjusting it a couple of times so that it won't fall off, he had to tuck in some of thr fabric and smiled to himself once he was satisfied with it
looking at the phone that was in his hand, he wasn't sure where he'll put it so he puts it inside the pocket of his jacket, hoping that Ryan will notice the phone once he wakes up
Two; illegal
Chad was waiting for Taylor to finish her daily 'light' reading in the library, he didn't really have anything else to do since Troy was off canoodling with his girlfriend
he made an impatient noise once more, making Taylor put her book down "if you don't want to read then just sleep" he looks at her for some time before deciding that she was right. He can just take a nap, so he made himself comfortable and crossed his arms, tilting his head down and closing his eyes. Tuning out the quiet chatter of some students who were discussing the theory of general relativity
He was startled awake as he hears a loud ring from somewhere inside the library, Taylor was almost finished with her reading when she too, was startled by the loud ring
"what the heck" she mumbles under her breath as she looks at the source of the noise, only to see Ryan scrambling to look for his phone to turn off the alarm
He was hatless and one side of his face was red, there were outlines on that side making chad presume that the boy had fallen asleep with his head on the table
The way Ryan rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and look for his fedora that fell on the floor when he was woken up by the alarm was doing things to Chad, and he didn't mind being suddenly woken up if the view was like that
"keep staring and he might melt" Taylor smirked at Chad as she closed her book, he huffs out in annoyance "let him melt then, it's illegal to look that good when you've just woken up" Taylor lets out a breathy laugh and stand up "come on, lover boy. Gabriella just texted me, saying that Troy's looking for you"
They both make their way out of the library, completely unaware of the eyes that trailed after Chad's back
Three; dreams don't count, but if it feels real...
The face Ryan had after he saw the enormous amount of collection of DVDs in their living room was amusing and cute, he had invited the boy over to watch some recorded musicals and Ryan said he'll bring some over, not expecting to see tons of playbills and DVDs. Chad explained to him that his mothers, Aimee and Brianna were quite the theater nerds themselves
The musical that they were watching was long finished and Chad had said something about Troy that just made the blonde burst out laughing, holding his stomach with his hands as he bent over. Chad laughed along with him, but he did not let this opportunity to look at Ryan go to waste. He just stared at Ryan, laughing with him, in hopes to not get caught. The way that the sun shine on him through the window made him look like an angel
After Ryan had calmed down, Chad only noticed how close they were together. He looked at the bright cerulean eyes that seemed to shimmer as the setting sun disappeared into the horizon through the open window
Chad doesn't know who leaned in first but the next thing he knew was that Ryan's lips were on his-
Chad groaned and opened his eyes. He was just having a good dream when his alarm blared out through his room
"fucking-" he sat up and annoyingly stopped the alarm on his phone. As he sat on his bed in the quiet room, he thought back to his dream and smiled as he remembers the last part before he was rudely woken up by his alarm
"Chad!" snapping out of his trance, he hears Brianna call for him for breakfast
"coming, ma!" he shouted, finally getting up and fixing his bed quickly before making his way downstairs where he hears his mothers and sistsr, singing along with a song that he knows Ryan had sung once under his breath
sitting down on the table, ignoring his family's singing, he had a smile on his lips while his thoughts were filled of Ryan's face and laugh. Ever since the baseball game, Ryan would invade Chad's head at any point in time and it would sometimes get annoying because he can't focus but honestly, it was better than anything else
"mooom, Chad is smiling creepily at the table" Chad snapped out of his trance and kicked his younger sister under the table
"mom, ma, Adia is being offensive" Adia lets out a dramatic gasp and sets her spoon down with a slight thump "what?! I'm not offensive!"
"your face is offensive!"
"alright children, settle down" Aimee said with a snort and put down the food on the table, then they discussed that next week both mothers will have to travel to Chicago to visit their older siblings
Four; let the nightmare pass
Chad asked Mrs. Darbus for a quick break time as he was tired, he was surprised that she allowed an hour of break time. He had not slept very well yesterday night as his mothers got into a car crash. They were lucky that Brianna did not have any major injury but Aimee was the unfortunate between the two mothers as she has a broken arm and a couple broken ribs
the jock lays down in between the seats at the back, not even caring if someone sees him there, he just wanted to sleep somewhere quiet and far away from people. He set a quick alarm on his phone and laid there quietly
with his eyes closed, he thought how were his mothers doing? Were his mom doing okay? Did they eat? And if so, did they eat enough? Was Adia doing okay? He was sure that she was just as sleepy as he was feeling right now but how was she feeling? Was she scared? Of course she's scared, it's their mothers
and before Chad could even worry more, his mind and body has shut down
Ryan was tasked to search for Chad as they were going to start their rehearsal again, he searched every part of the theater for him, only to see the jock laying down at the very back, in between the seats and it was pretty obvious that he was having a nightmare, with the way he was twitching, the way his face would scrunch up and the occasional whimpers that he'd let out
Chad looked very vulnerable to Ryan at that time, he heard from his mother that they shouldn't wake up a person who's having nightmares, you have to let it pass. So he gently raises Chad's head and puts him on his lap, softly pushing his curls away from his forehead and with his other hand, he held Chad's, hoping that the nightmare will go away with the soothing actions that he was doing, not even noticing that he himself was falling asleep
They were both woken up with the alarm that Chad had set, Chad felt something quickly raise his head, a small thud and a sharp intake of breath
He opened his eyes to see Ryan's eyes tightly shut, holding the back of his head with one hand, he had his lips pursed. Quickly turning off the alarm, he then focused on Ryan
"what happened?" Chad rasped out, slowly sitting up and noticed that they were holding hands. He gently squeezed it to get Ryan's attention "I was so startled by the alarm that I hit the back of my head on the chair" Chad snorted and used his free hand to gently caress the back of his head as if it will relieve the pain
Ryan subconsciously leans into Chad's hand and softly smiled at his attempt, he feels Chad's hand carefully move from the back of his head to his cheek and he finally opened his eyes to scan the jock's face "you still look tired" Chad slightly opened his mouth to say that he was fine but closed it when he realized he didn't have to hide anything from Ryan
He smiled and put his forehead on Ryan's, closing his eyes "I am. Stay here for a little while, so I can recharge and everything will be okay again" he hears the blonde hum and lay his hand on top of Chad's, sitting there in the comfortable silence between them.
Five; apologies for the intrusion
Chad slowly opens his eyes as he reached out to his phone that was ringing, he looks at the time and sees that it was nearing the time to attend the last graduation party. They've already graduated and Troy was hosting one last party for their batch before they all go their own ways
Before Chad could even think of sleeping more, a message from Troy came in then suddenly his phone rang with Ryan's name
he dismissed the text message and quickly answered the call "what's up?"
"I had a feeling that you're going to sleep more so I've taken the liberty to come to your house right now and give you a ride to the Bolton's"
"what?" Chad sat up and made his way to his door but then he hears Ryan knock the same time someone knocked on their door
"Coming!" he hears his ma, Brianna, shout and walk to the front door
"wait, ma!-" too late, Brianna had already opened the door, looking at Ryan who was smiling brightly at her, phone still up to his ear
"oh!" Ryan's smile turned into a grin, he did a curtsy and said in his most posh accent
"Apologies for the intrusion, Madame. I'm Ryan Evans, I'm here to take lord Chad to lord Troy's party" Chad groaned as he ended the call and made his way down, he sees Ryan's amused expression, he was assuming that his hair was a mess and he did not care one bit that Ryan saw him like this if he get to see that amused cheshire smile on the blonde's face
"so this is Ryan Evans?" Brianna asked, smiling at the blonde who was standing by the door
"yes, ma. This is Ryan" Brianna opened her arms and hugged the boy, thoroughly surprising him "I've heard so much about you! Come in, come in" she ushers the blonde inside their home, Ryan regained his composure and followed Brianna inside
"Aimee can't greet you since she's resting right now"
"that is completely fine by me, I'm the guest and unannounced too, you don't have to inconvenience yourself because of me" Brianna chuckles "I like him" she points at Ryan and grins at Chad who was rubbing his face
"alright, you two go and get to know each other. I'll just get ready" he mumbles under his breath, waving his hand and not even looking at the two who was beaming at him as he make his way back upstairs
As he goes back downstairs, fresh out of the shower with a new set of clothes, he sees Ryan and Brianna talking about musicals and theater, quietly leaning on the wall as he observed the two talk in a quick manner. Chad just can never get enough of Ryan
Ryan finally notices him and stopped, smiling at Chad "you ready?" Chad nodded, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek and bid her goodbye
"take care of my son" Brianna says and waves them goodbye as Chad and Ryan get into the blue convertible
"so what did you two talk about?" Ryan chuckled under his breath, as he put up the hood of the car and closed the windows as it looked like it was about to rain "you ask as if you didn't listen in our conversation"
"yeah, but I wanna hear you talk. More so, I want to hear you talk about it because I know you two talked about musicals and that makes you excited" he sees as the tips of Ryan's ears turn red and started to talk about what he and Brianna discussed. He liked making Ryan blush, he liked it more when he sees him excited over something and happy
Ryan finally parked near by the Boltons and looked at Chad who was staring at him with love and adoration, there was a soft smile on his lips as he raise an eyebrow at the thespian
"nothing" Ryan said as he shook his head, answering the unspoken question
"sure?" Chad asked, Ryan hummed in response, there was a long comfortable silence between them, they were just staring at each other as if it was a competition but then Ryan made the mistake of looking at Chad's lips, and all of a sudden he leaned it. When he realized midway that he was going in for a kiss that may or may not destroy his friendship with someone he really got along so well, he decided to kiss Chad on the cheek
"you missed" the jock said, he managed to sound teasingly and breathless at the same time and that did things to Ryan
"did I? Where should I have kissed you?" he smirked at him, both eyes were challenging each other
"here" Chad whispered and leaned in, giving Ryan a kiss on the lips. They both sigh in relief, Ryan's hands snake up to Chad's arm, gently squeezing it, slightly opening his mouth, kissing Chad Danforth was not something he expected to be doing but his whole body felt like it was on fire and Ryan deepened their kiss more, making Chad groan
Before they can even do anything else, someone knocks on the window of the car making the two slightly part away from each other and Ryan click his tongue in annoyance
"later?" Chad asked, not really letting go of Ryan
"later" Ryan smiled and gave him a quick kiss before they made their way out of the car to greet Sharpay (she's the one who knocked on the window) and Zeke
+One; my knight
there was a ringing in the room, making him sigh and quickly turn off the alarm. Finally opening his eyes, he scanned the room that he has been sleeping in for the past six years. His eyes landed on the body that laid beside him, breathing slowed and relaxed, lips slightly agape and both their hands were intertwined. The two golden bands on their ring fingers glinted in the morning sun that was peaking through their curtains
Ryan smiled as he caressed Chad's cheek and sat up so he can become more awake. He remembers the day that Chad gave him a promise ring back in 2012, doing a wedding vow because they knew it wasn't legal to get married yet, and when they both proposed to each other back in 2015 when same sex marriage was finally legalized then got married in 2016, Ryan thought that getting into Juilliard was a happiness that cannot be replaced by any other, but now, with his memories with Chad, waking up beside him, were memories that Ryan will never get tired of.
Chad groans and snuggles closer to Ryan's body warmth, he can't believe that this man has stayed with him for thirteen years and that they're married for six years now.
the door of their room slowly opens and two children popped their heads in, Amara and Aidan Danforth-Evans blinked at Ryan in surprise. Clearly not expecting for their father to be already awake
Ryan smiled at them and motioned for them to come into the bed with him and Chad
Aidan quietly moved but Amara had different plans as she ran and jumped on Chad's sleeping figure, making both Aidan and Ryan snort
Chad made a sound as if he was dying "oh nooo, the horrible horrible monster has me! My knight, save me" Chad rasped, reaching out to Ryan
"you can save yourself"
"hey!" they all laugh at their antics, Chad maneuvers himself and had Amara up on his shoulder as he stood up from the bed
Aidan was now trying to save his twin sister from the horrible dragon as Ryan just watched them from the bed. If someone asked him thirteen years ago where he sees himself in the future, he'll probably say that he'll be alone and happy, dedicating his time and life to work
If someone told him that he'd get to marry his long time crush, Chad Danforth and get to take care of two adorable little monkeys, he'd probably laugh at them and tell them they were crazy
But looking at the scene that was unfolding in front of him, the way Chad slowly went down to the ground with equal amounts of drama, and the twins laughing at him, Ryan would not trade this for anything in the world. It was not something he had foreseen in his teenage years but it was definitely better than anything
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