shikiimim · 1 year
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behold : RinChia! (or ChiaRinne) it's chiaki wearing rinne's headband :)
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teasinterests · 1 year
Happy birthday, Chiaki!
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Based on an rp I had with a friend! I loved it so much, and adore ChiaRinne sooo.. (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
Do enjoy!!
Ler! Rinne x Lee! Chiaki
No CW’s or TW’s apply! 💕
With a few bags in hand, Chiaki sighed to himself as he drew closer to his dorm. The party had ended, he was full of cake and a plentiful of cookies his grandma had baked for him. His arms were also full of gifts everyone had given him, he honestly didn’t expect so many to show. Especially due to recent events. He had been working so much, having zero time to spend with friends, and properly focus on his unit.. Ryuseitai. They’ve had a multitude of problems. Many stemming from his behavior. But, he didn’t want to think about those events as of current. He was tired, and he had a good day today. It was nice to have a day off from work and stress, and have a day to himself. Surrounded by friends that cared about him, and loved him. Now he had so many treats, and gifts, and.. he was more than tired.
Rubbing his eyes, Chiaki raised his gaze, just to let out a startled yelp as he was suddenly tackled to the ground. Bags falling from his hands as his back hit the floor. Completely knocking the wind out of him. Desperately grasping onto whatever had pushed him down..
“KYAHAHA! Look at you!! I’ve never seen ya so fearful in your life, Chiakkun!~ Did I really scare ya that badly?”
Ah. Rinne Amagi.. He had grown closer to the unit leader amongst time. He actually wasn’t too bad, and he found himself enjoying the bee’s company. Though at times like this…
“Rinne-senpai… DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO DO THIS TODAY?! You’re so cruel!! You made me drop everything!! You didn’t even show up at my birthday party!!”
Chiaki exclaimed as he tried wrestling Rinne off of him. Struggling and kneeing the other in the back. Causing the taller idol to laugh and grasp at Chiaki’s wrists.
“Hey, hey!! Calm down now little hero.~ What do ya think i’m here for, eh? I’ve got a special birthday gift for ya!”
Rinne smirked as the duo wrestled a little with their arms. Though Rinne had seated himself atop of Chiaki’s waist. Squeezing the other a little with his legs before he had pinned the brunette’s arms down.
“Ugh.. Can’t you just give it to me normally..?”
Chiaki questioned which earned a head tilt from the monarch on top of him. Chiaki definitely wasn’t as playful currently. The hero must be tired..
“KYAHA! Nope, not at all.~ Now tell me.. how old are ya, Chiakkun?~”
Rinne questioned in turn now. That mischievous fox-like smirk returning. Chiaki couldn’t help but shrink a little internally. He didn’t like the look he was being given..
“Ah… Twenty..? Why do you ask..?”
The brunette says with a nervous tone, earning a chuckle from Rinne.
“Becaaause.~ Twenty years old means you get twenty minutes of your present! And the timer staaarts- NOW!”
And before Chiaki even realized it, his arms were free, but other hands were quick to dive straight into his armpits. Causing the birthday boy to instantly burst into a squeal of laughter. Snapping his arms down, and trapping the monarch’s fingers within his pits.
The brunette exclaimed as he kicked his legs against the floor. Laughing and struggling to wiggle around beneath Rinne. The redhead whom smirked and continued digging his fingers into the younger idols pits.
“Oho!~ Someones reeeally ticklish, eh? Come on Chiakkun! You’re all grown up now! A manly man such as yourself should be able to withstand.. what.. twenty minutes of birthday tickles?~”
The monarch teased with a smirk as Chiaki frantically tried pushing Rinne’s hands out from his pits. Gripping tightly at the others forearms.
Ah.. his cheeks were burning red. First Rinne didn’t bother showing up to his party, knocking him to the ground, and now he was being tortured?!
Chiaki exclaimed as he continued trying to shove Rinnes hands back to free himself.
“KYAHA! Is that so?~ Huh, Chiakkun is trying to push my hands quuuite a bit.. is he trying to tell me to tickle here instead?~”
Rinne questions as his hands move down to start tickling the hero’s ribs. Earning another delightful squeal from Chiaki. One that settled a genuine smile upon the bee’s features.
“Damn! You really are ticklish, eh? So cute!~”
He continued to tease as Chiaki successfully grabbed at the idols wrists now. Struggling to wrestle him away as his knee hit the redheads back.
The brunette exclaimed as Rinne would jerk his hands free and dive back into Chiaki’s ticklish ribs. Snickering with amusement from the others words.
“Oh come on now! You’re kinda a touch guy arent’chya?! It hasn’t even been ten minutes! Buuut~ Since it is your birthday, i’ll be kind and get to the last spot just reeal quick. How ‘bout that?”
Rinne questioned, only to see Chiaki shake his head frantically. Continuing to laugh and squirm beneath the monarch. Unfortunately this act was.. rather normal for the hero to experience. His ticklishness being something plenty of people have exploited. Wether he was upset or just being plain stubborn. From those within Ryuseitai, to Rinne Amagi, and shockingly Eichi Tenshouin at times. Though with the leader of Fine it was a different story.. with Rinne he could fight back! Though being a part of sports survivors and martial arts clubs didn’t help with the strength difference the duo shared.
Chiaki practically whined, his reddened cheeks burning a tad darker as Rinne pinned the hero’s hands above his head once more. Gripping Chiaki’s wrists with one hand, he raised his free one up. Wiggling his fingers, and laughing as Chiaki tensed beneath him.
“But I haven’t even gotten to your stomach yet! And I have a feeling those armpits were the weak point.~ Are you suuure I should stop?~”
Rinne questioned, earning an instant nod from Chiaki.
“Yes! Stop now!!”
He exclaimed, earning another laugh from the monarch.
“Alright, alright.. i’ll stop.. only if ya agree to come back to my dorm with me.~ My roommates should be out and about..”
He knew for sure Kanata had gone out for Chiaki’s party. He hasn’t seen the oddball since…
Though Chiaki’s expression read that his mind had wandered into other territory. Brown hues staring in shock up towards mischievous blue ones.
“A-Ah… I guess I could spare some time… anything to get you to knock it off..”
Chiaki spoke with pants in between. Absolutely breathless from all the laughter. Even more exhausted than before..
“GREAT! Lets get ya up then, Birthday boy!~”
Rinne exclaimed as he jumped up to his feet. Assisting Chiaki up with a twinge of concern. The poor guy looked ten times more tired than earlier.
Turning around, Rinne began picking up Chiaki’s bags.
“I’ll carry these, just follow me!~”
He exclaimed as he quickly lead the tired hero through the halls and to his dorm. Adjusting some bags so he could open up the door, and allow Chiaki inside.
“Make yourself comfortable, Chiakkun! I’ll just set these right here…”
He said as Chiaki watched him with a curious expression. Making his way to the monarchs bed, a small sigh escaping him. Only to blink in surprise as a gift box was set on his lap. Staring up towards Rinne now, the redhead averted his gaze.
“Just found it. Probably from Kanacchi or somethin’.”
He commented as he crossed his arms over his chest..
So shy.. Chiaki couldn’t help but smile as he began to open the gift. Knowing Rinne’s boisterous personality was part of the show, but when it came to stuff like this. The gambler became distant. Unfortunately for Rinne, Kanata had given Chiaki his birthday gift at the party. Though he wouldn’t say that..
Soon enough, Chiaki’s eyes were lighting up. Pulling a basket ball from the box, he examined it, and gasped upon seeing the signature.
“This is signed by Rui Hachimura!! The basket ball player!”
Chiaki exclaimed with excitement as Rinne plopped down beside him.
“That so..? Huh, cool I guess. But, not as cool as the gift I gave ya in the hallway.~”
The redhead smirked, only to blink and avert his gaze as Chiaki stared towards him fondly.
“You’re right… your gift was amazing, Senpai..”
Setting the ball aside, he wrapped his arms around Rinne. Squeezing the idol within a gentle embrace. Causing him to groan a little and pat at Chiakis head.
“Don’t get all mushy on me, hero.. but, uh… it’s getting late ya’know.. and you’re all tired- probably- sooo… if you wanna stay the night..”
Rinne awkwardly drew out his sentences, earning a small laugh from the shorter idol.
“That sounds nice..”
And that it was.. especially since Chiaki had passed out beside Rinne only twenty minutes later. Munching on a birthday cookie, Rinne stared down towards the sleeping idol cuddled up to his side. Earning a smile, he gently rubbed his hand along the others back.
“Happy birthday, Chiaki..”
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teasinterests · 2 years
Cleaning up my page so here’s all my ES fics lined up!
★ A quick pit stop. ( TatsuHime )
-★ Cheer up Eichi! ( Wataei + Tatsumi )
-★ Within my reach. ( Madara & Eichi )
-★ Don’t ignore me! ( ChiaKao )
-★ My turn! ( TatsuHime )
-★ Bed time. ( IbaYuzu )
-★ Do it and die. ( IbaYuzu )
-★ A simple request. ( TatsuEi )
-★ I’ve never heard you laugh before! ( Alkaloid )
-★ A different kind of hero. ( ChiaKuro )
-★ A wide smile ( Souma & HiMERU )
-★ In need of a break. ( Rei & Chiaki )
-★ Time to relax.. ( TatsuEi )
-★ Spoiler alert.. ( Chiaki, Kaoru, & Izumi )
-★ Happy birthday, Chiaki! ( ChiaRinne )
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