kingconsorts · 3 years
@chevalors asked  [ HANDS ] : our muses’ hands touch.
AS A ONCE-NOBLE social customs and the culture of Orlais was not lost on Augustus, however every once in a while it would still catch him off guard in the most bizarre way possible. In this case, it was in the form of a ring—a gift. Not to him, but for Elise. 
The ballroom was filled with milling upper-class citizens and nobles. Augustus himself wore his best clothes reminiscent of his previous life—a deep burgundy suit and a gold half-mask he had dug out of his closet. It was from his pocket that he drew an intricate ring and presented it to Elise near the sidelines of the ball.
“One of the lords insisted he gift this to you as thanks,” Augustus explained. The ring was reminiscent of popular Orlesian art works. With the care of someone who was handling fine china, he lifted the chevalier’s hand, giving her all of the time needed to withdraw if she desired. His hand was warm and rough against hers as he slowly slid the ring onto her finger until it fit snugly at the base.
For a moment, he just stood there, looking with her hand in his.
“Looks like it fits perfectly. Besides, I think he may fancy you,” Augustus suddenly spoke as he released her hand. He softly smiled at her and motioned his head to a wealthy-looking gentleman across the ballroom.
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hcroesjcurneya · 3 years
@chevalors: [ TUG ] : sender tugs receiver closer to them by the waist. (Mahanon?)
mahanon laughed as he felt strong arms pulling him in to a body, strong and muscled. the chevalier, elise, had grabbed him, had grabbed him by the waist. he offered her a wicked grin in response. he also rolled his hips into hers, just for a dramatic affect. he looked up at her, enjoying the fact that he was smaller than her. 
“well my dear warrior! i did not know how you felt,” he teased. 
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dullahaunt-a · 3 years
@chevalors (continued from here):
Standing in golden armour, a hand resting idly upon the hilt of her sword, Élise felt strangely out of place and yet a part of the scenery; a gilded ornament to be admired, standing out but only to herself. She noticed how some actively avoided coming too close to her, put off by the warrior’s presence, others passed her pleasant greetings that she met with a small smile or a nod. She was far more comfortable on a battlefield than in dealing with small talk and nobility and niceties... even though, technically, she was one of them.
It took her quite some time to meet the gaze of the merchant and a few seconds longer to acknowledge that he was smiling at her. She had stared back, brow barely lifted, until it hit her that his attention was on her. Once it did, Élise returned the smile, small but genuine unlike the sly smirks of those higher ranked.
She smiles back, so small, so sincere. He slinks forward and spreads a hand down the bannister. "It has been long," his echo oozes softly, "that I've seen an honest smile. A kindly one."
Eeenie-meenie-miny-mo, catch a black sheep by the toe. Here is the chevalier, glinting bright and out of place. She fits better in war with her boots suck-slapping in the mud, still warm and gushing red. Instead she's here as the nobility party. They drink wine. Rumors drop juicy plump from their lips.  
By the end of tonight, someone will try to have the host stabbed in the back by a dagger or three.
"The battle of swords is simpler.” He turns, and candlefire, warm and glowing, dances over his face. Simpler for her. "Easier the blade you can see than the knife you can't."
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fitztrevelyan · 3 years
❝ you know cautionary tales won’t work on me. ❞
the witcher (show) starters||accepting!
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"Will my daggers do then?"
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lcgacyofages · 3 years
Random Sentence Starters (3/?) | ACCEPTING
@chevalors sent:  "Oh, sit down before you get in trouble." seigfried lmao
“You say that like I still wouldn’t get in trouble sitting down,” Seigfried remarked cheekily, rotating the blade in his hand as he stood in the training grounds in the Emerald Greens. “Which means you doubt my skills in troublemaking, and I am insulted!” He gave a swipe of the sword, testing its weight before smirking and winking at her. “After all, there’s a lot of naughty things someone can do sitting.”
Maybe he was pushing, but he did so like to tease and rile people up, especially when they reacted hilariously to it.
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lavellanshe · 3 years
❣ oop
✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Squishing ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
Low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ High
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neveragreeable · 3 years
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@chevalors​ said: ‘ what you call “sliding carefully” is “seriously slipping out of control.” ’
       ‘  WHAT ,   TO  YOU ,  MAYBE  !  ’    the  laugh  the  elf  lets  out  is  raucous  &  near-hysterical ,  a  rising-pitch  giggle  that  ends  in  a  loud  snort .     ‘  slipping  out  of  control ,  ’   she  mocks  —   not  mean-natured  —  while  hefting  her  jar .   jar  of  bees .   another  helpless  giggle .   ‘  it’s  not  slipping  out  of  control  if  you’re  not  getting  stung ,  yeah ?   ’
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contrariian-archive · 3 years
@chevalors said: 29. a kiss on the inside of the wrist
        TO  SAY  THAT  THEY  ARE  UNUSED  to  such  true  tenderness  would  not  be  a  lie .   they  find  moments  of  it ,  of  course ,  in  the  beds  of  strangers  or  in  that  of  their  benefactor ,  but  they  hardly  expected  it  from  her .   they  have  exchanged  formal  kisses  before ,  of  course ,  on  knuckles  at  parties ,  but  this  is  no  party .   in  a  secluded  hallway  of  their  father’s  estate ,   showing  her  a  gentle  unseen  side  of  them  that  is  far  less  a  calculated  manipulation  than  it  should  be .   but  who  could  blame  them  for  wanting  her ?   who  could  not  want  her  themselves ?   rhys  is  many  things ,  but  they  are  not  blind ,  and  they  are  not  a  fool .
      élise  had  begun  innocently  enough ,  a  brush  of  her  lips  against  their  knuckles ,  the  same  as  a  thousand  times  before — but  then  she  turns  their  hand  over  and  lifts  their  wrist  to  her  mouth ,  kissing  them  on  the  soft  skin  there  as  she  makes  unfaltering  eye  contact  with  them .   so  often  the  pursuer ,  rhys’s  breath  hitches  and  they  grin  easily  at  her .   ‘  dame  clérisseau ,  ’   they  tease ,   ‘  do  you  think  nothing  of  my  honor ?  ’   as  if  they  have  any  LEFT .
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varbjxrn · 4 years
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Chevalors Sent : [ guard ]
Word Prompts! || Accepting ! @chevalors​ [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger
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Finishing his last mug of mead, Sverre seemed content. The tavern provided good food, better drink, and atmosphere that felt like home, of course the Bear was thinking a fight would fit right in! However, he didn’t engage, if only because he had just finished dealing with constables in another town. Told him to get out or he dies, just because he killed a man in a bar brawl. Maybe don’t go around smacking people over the head with a bottle! Just the thought sparked ire in him, and he decided to leave before something broke out.
Stumbling out of the entry into the night air, he gave a sigh of relief, quite enjoying the brisk night air. But even in his enjoyment he didn’t miss the fact that someone had followed him from the bar. Was he going to get his fight after all? A smile curled his lips, stretching his arms above his head in a drunken way, playing it up in order to make it look like he was too inebriated to put up a struggle, stumbling his way to a darker part of the night. 
They followed, perfect. Obviously his purse was the prize, but this man was going to die. Once he was sure he had been followed into the far darker part of the road, Sverre turned, those blue eyes slowly turning color, visible even in the dark. “Hello there~” He cooed in an amused way, making the man freeze. He was aware now that Sverre had known about the man following him, and now there was a decision to make.
And then a woman was standing between them.
Sverre leaned back in surprise, finding himself staring at the woman’s back while she confronted the man in front of him. He might be some level of drunk, but that didn’t stop him from paying her a good bit of attention. Tall, taller than him, and big. She looked like she was going to bend the thief in half and not notice she was doing so. He didn’t mind a woman like that.
However, now the thief was just gone, and Sverre wasn’t at all pleased. It didn’t take a genius to understand that between someone who had been on to being tailed, and a woman as stand out as this one, and he was in for a fight he wasn’t going to win. So now it was just him, and this mysterious woman. “The fuck was that?” He growled in a less than pleasant way, tensing as if he intended to fight her instead. 
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kingconsorts · 3 years
@chevalors continued from here
“Is that it then? You’re just going to give up and accept it?” Élise rolled her eyes, not at all liking his attitude. That sort of attitude was going to get them both killed.
Certainly it was a pickle and not one they would get out of too easily but she had not endured years of training for nothing. “Surely you do not rely on your weapons so much. We can get out of this, if only we find our opportune moment.” Whoever placed the trap for them would be in for a treat once Élise got out; she did not need a weapon in order to win, in order to kill someone. A weapon only made it more efficient. As they waited, Élise tested the boundaries of their cage, not seeing a weak spot but thinking it prudent to check for one regardless.
“Rely on my weapons? I am a pirate, not a knight or—whatever you claim to be,” he scoffed. “If I don’t have something I may as well rely on my disarming charm and wit, and that will surely get us killed.”
Boots dug into the grass of the ground with an extra kick as he turned grumpily, circling the cage as well as Elise. On one hand, he was getting bored, but on the other hand, he was beginning to get more than a little hungry—and irritated.
With a sigh, he collapsed on the ground, though it made a suspicious thunk. Puzzled, Augustus shuffled out of the way—and began digging with his hands.
“What...” he muttered. Slowly, rotting wood began to surface along with an ancient-looking brass handle.
“A fucking tunnel,” Augustus realized.
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hcroesjcurneya · 3 years
@chevalors: ❝ Discretion isn’t really your thing, is it? ❞ [mahanon]
mahanon laughed at her comment, as he had come out of nowhere and sat down on her lap. they were mostly alone, so he’d felt perfectly comfortable in the action knowing that she probably wouldn’t panic at it. “it can be at times. you forget that i’ve been an assassin before. but do you want me to be discreet? sneak up behind you? come into your window quietly? or do you want me on your lap?”
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despiour · 4 years
@chevalors liked for a starter.
“I shouldn’t even be here.” Michel voiced from out behind his ornate mask. To wear a mask, especially at a party, was typical of almost all Orlesians, but it was something foreign to him.  As a Chevalier, albeit former now, Michel had never worn a mask. A luxury afforded to few others, as Chevaliers enjoyed a kind of exemption from that expectation. Though his need for disguise was obvious. He would not be particularly welcome or inconspicuous here. Yet the known threat Corypheus posed to Empress Celene’s life was too exigent for him not to come, champion or not. 
“And this mask─ Suffocating!  For something meant to conceal my face, I have never felt more exposed.” 
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dullahaunt-a · 3 years
❛ Duels only lead to dead men, not respect. ❜
reign sentence prompts (accepting) 
Today, someone has died. One of thousands. A mother wails ruddy-cheeked and wheezing until she crumbles and folds in on herself, and a guard drags the man like a dead dog, all limp limbs and swaying. The man was in his thirties. Deserved it, people curse. He spilled blood all over the road and leaked honey-warm down his belly.
Where has his killer gone? Back home. He will lay his head on a pillow and dream of nothing he will remember come morning. And soon, no one but the ruddy-cheeked mother or her husband will think of their dead, pale boy or the way his head jostled down the road. 
Duels only lead to dead men, not respect.
The candlemaker is beside her. His face glows dim. "Only for the men who lose.” 
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klren · 4 years
𝑨 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻 𝑰𝑵 𝑪𝑹𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫 ... ( plotted starter with @chevalors )
Ah , rain. something he had started to love so much. the sound of storms always temporarily waved away the dreadful thoughts he so often had —— for once Kolren felt at peace. though , in Crestwood , there was no peace to be had here. demons , as always , did wander. the inhabitants of Crestwood were cautious people , having seen their fare share of Hell , just like everyone else. Kolren has met only a few in his and his companions journey for shelter —— they had been refused by everyone. he simply looked for somewhere to dry off and replenish energy after quite some time spent walking.
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“ well ... “ the mage sighed , running a hand through sodden silver locks as he turned to his trusty Companion. “ Crestwood certainly has issues. “ an obvious statement after dealing with possessed undead and seeing strange lights beneath their lake. the statement was more meant to assure him that his time wasn’t being wasted here. “ let’s find somewhere to sit and think about what we’ll do. you —— “ a laugh came quickly , lips spreading into a grin as his icy gaze greets her golden glow. “ you look like a drowned rat , hah ! “
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magicalled · 4 years
1. hand kiss for erin!
@chevalors | give kisses
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❝ ah! my knight in shinning armor. ❞ she laughs, maybe giggles, before taking her hand back from the other girl.
❝ slippery bastards, they are. ❞ a glance given to the now dead body of a red templar, one that elise had struck down right before it could catch erin, for a moment. ❝ do hope you save me more often, you’re better than most of the men here. & quite cuter than them doing it. ❞
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lcgacyofages · 4 years
morning after starters | ACCEPTING
@chevalors sent:  “ why are you looking at me like that? ” @seig OOPS
He had woken up before her and was relishing the look on her face as she slept. Seigfried brushed back a strand of hair from her face before stretching and getting up. He rubbed the back of his neck, taking in the morning sun and looking back to her again.
He couldn’t help the smug smirk on his face and that, of course, was when she woke up. He gave a bit of a lighthearted laugh at her question, turning to face her fully (stark naked, of course).
“Just thinking about how you said ‘never going to happen,’“ he jested lightly, moving to sit back on the bed beside her. “Of course, if you need more convincing, we can continue last night....”
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