#ches elswood
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softceleste · 1 year ago
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"You didn't even falter, didn't look back once, did you? So Samson blamed Delilah, but given half the chance I would have made him weaker too."
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gccdwitch · 11 months ago
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Alfie is incredibly good at plans. This is a fact, even though all of his friends refuse to acknowledge it. One forms in his mind the moment he spots Ches in the crowd and he inches closer to her, barely containing his giggles as he leaves his friends behind so he can go through with this. Oh, this is brilliant! “Oh my Gods,” he gasps and points to one of the windows behind her, trying his best to look shocked. “Elswood! Look at that Pegasus over there!” Taking advantage of the distraction that he’s created, he sticks his foot out right in front of her, staring down at it like that would somehow help trip her.
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gccdwitch · 1 year ago
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Solomon’s heart sinks at Ches’s words. Was he a better man than James, though? Was he really? Most days he thought he was nowhere even close to being a good person and he was sure that most of his old friends would eagerly agree with that assessment. Things with Amber, after all, wouldn’t have ended the way they did if he was a good person. He doesn’t want his best friend to be aware of such morbid thoughts, though, so he just smirks at her. “Now why are you buttering me up so much today? I’d do anything you ask me to even without the compliments. Feel free to do it some more, though. I’m enjoying myself.” That out of the way, his expression grows softer, more genuine. “You’re my favorite, too. Just promise not to tell Parker.” Solo just nods through her worried speech. It’s far from the first time he’s hearing some variation of it and it’s definitely not going to be the last if the way most of the people around him were determined to remind him how shitty his nutritional habits are was anything to go by. “Absolutely not,” he tells Ches firmly, shaking his head. ���You have more than enough on your plate, you don’t need to worry about my diet on top of everything.” He sighs and barely resist the urge to run a hand through his gelled hair. “I appreciate the gesture, I really do, and don’t get me wrong, I’d love to get to see you more often but it’s just not something you should be concerning yourself with. You’d be wasting too much of your time and your energy and you need both of those things.”
He snorts at her, shrugging his shoulders. “I guess you will. I look forward to whatever you come up with eventually.” Ches’s flirting brightens his mood further and he easily slips into the familiar cocky grin he so often wears. “There’s no way I’m even half as pretty as you are when you’re being my passenger princess.” Solomon taps his fingers on the desk, a rhythm even he’s not sure of before he pockets his car keys from the desk. “Flattery will not get you anywhere near the bill, though. But I guess, it’s settled, I’m going to be driving.” He shakes his head, taking the letter out. “I’m not nervous, at all,” Solo assures her, beaming at her quickly before taking a seat in his chair. “Just wanted to make sure you’re not uncomfortable.” And with that, Solomon practically devours the letter, eyes drinking in every single word. He’s done in record time and quickly starts rereading it. He’s smiling so wide it hurts when he’s done and he puts it back in the envelope with great care before finding a good place for it in his briefcase. “You know I’m seriously proud of you, right?” Sure, he’d reminded Ches of that before almost every show and especially before the one referenced in the letter but it never hurt to say it one more time. “You’re seriously one of the most amazing and impressive people I know. And you deserve all you’ve accomplished and more. And I'd never try to 'get you out of my hair'. I love having you around and I missed you a lot.” / @likeswallowstosea
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For a brief moment, Ches thinks he might speak again, rattling off whatever thought had crossed his mind before he shuts his mouth suddenly. Had she said something wrong? No, not if the way he quickly moved past it and dove into teasing her he’d cry if he wasn’t her favorite with a chuckle and a shrug was any hint. But that twinge of disappointment was still there, her stomach twisting with it as she tried to brush the feeling under the rug. “Sol.” The word feels oddly serious rolling off her tongue as she tries to meet his gaze, looking up at him. “You know you’ll always be my favorite, right? Even when I was with- well, you’ve always been the better man.” She doesn't correct the slip, better man, better lawyer, both were undeniably true. “You might wind up getting the opportunity to remind me every day at this rate. Caffeine is a diuretic, and with the amount you drink I’m surprised there’s any water left in your body at all. Whatever am I going to do with you?” Despite the dramatic sigh, there’s affection in her green eyes. “If I get moving early enough, I probably could start dropping you off a lunch on my way to class in the morning…” Whether or not Solo would actually make time to eat it if she wasn’t there might be another story, but it was worth a shot.
Immune to her puppy eyes? Ches frowns, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “I guess I’ll just have to change tactics then.” She said. To what she wasn’t quite sure yet, but she’d figure it out eventually. In the meantime though, she was content to bide her time. “I’ll let you drive if I can buy, and you know, you look really pretty in the driver’s seat.” She winks, a playful grin on her lips. Sure, she knew that wasn’t going to sway him, but she couldn’t resist the urge to tease him a bit. “Babe, I’m absolutely positive. We’ve got time, I’m not in any rush.” She reassures him, moving to sit on the edge of his desk. “if it’s the thought of me watching you read making you nervous though, I can scroll through Twitter or something while you read. Maybe I’ll find a stupid take to send you?” Maybe if he got so invested fighting someone on Twitter, she’d be able to run off with the bill. Although knowing Solo, he’d probably set it down the second he sensed it was time to pay. @gccdwitch
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silverduckie · 3 years ago
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I don’t want to talk right now, I just want your arms wrapped around me in this moment before it runs out.
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littlcsongbirdmusings · 3 years ago
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of-all-irrelevance · 5 years ago
Fane stared at his phone for far longer than he probably meant to. He’d read Ches’ words over and over again, running them through his head. Fuck. He got up quickly, tucking his phone into his pocket and grabbing one the protein balls from Win. He was going to need a boost for this.
Fane went in search of Ches. He didn’t bother responding to her messages or even sending one of his own. He had somewhere to be, and that somewhere was with his friend. It took him a while, but finally, he managed to track down Ches in the Home Ec room, the smell of cookies accompanying the discovery. Fane took a bite of the protein ball, reminding himself that he needed the protein first, then he could have cookies. He knocked on the door before pushing his way in, finishing off the protein ball quickly. “Hey kid,” he said softly, walking over towards her. “You alright?”
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likeswallowstosea · 2 years ago
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“Does it look like I’m joking? It’s only like $500.” Which, by all accounts, was simply allowance money to Jamie. Okay, so maybe he was self-aware enough to know Spencer didn’t get as much as he did in allowance, and that’s if he even still got it now he was out of his parent’s house. Why was he acting like this was actually something massive? It wasn’t like a down payment on a car, or a house, or something ridiculous, it was just a video game console. “Why not? It’s for self-care, you just finished a college semester, and it’s not that expensive. Pretty sure this shirt cost more.” He shrugs, “so let’s just grab it and a couple games, second controller… what else do you need?” This was more the twins and Effie’s alley, come to think of it. They’d know what to get Spencer. Wait- there was no way Ches knew Spencer wanted one of these. If she had, he would have already had one.
Well, he knew what angle to try next if Spencer didn’t let him buy it.
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"Are you kidding? Fuck no, forget it." Spencer was barely getting by paying his share of rent, there was no way he could justify throwing that kind of money down the drain just for a playstation 5 when he already had a perfectly fine PS4 courtesy of his roommate. He was about to move on until he noticed Jamie pulling out his card. "No way, man, absolutely not." Spencer said, halting him before he could even verbally offer. "Look, it's nice and all, and thanks, but- no thanks. It's not I need it."
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in-the-dark-trees-shadow · 5 years ago
Caitriona fixed the ears on her head, smiling softly. She was trying to keep them on, after all, they were made for her by Balo and she did like them. But she had a habit of taking hats and things off her head, had ever since she could remember. She was looking forward to the adventures in Disneyland though. She had no idea what she was going to do, but that didn’t matter. That was the point of an adventure.
Currently, she was finding her friends, making sure she got selfies with her friends to send to her brother. Which is how she tracked down the pink-haired birthday girl. “Hey, Pink,” she called, waving Ches over. “Two things, one, happy birthday. Two, come get a picture with me. Ruaridh wants pictures. Oh, and I’m making you a cake when we get home. So I suppose that’s three things.”
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luxorgossip · 5 years ago
Did you read that essay Ches texted everyone a few weeks ago? BORING.
I stopped reading after the second sentence. I just want to know what the point was? He’s already in prison. What are we supposed to do?
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littlcsongbird · 6 years ago
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So it’s Balo’s birthday and while this has post-Centuries spoilers lying around, I really hope nobody is able to get what they are 100%. Mostly because I actively tried to ensure I wasn’t making the end obvious. There’s a hint but for now I think it’s fine?
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gccdwitch · 2 months ago
@likeswallowstosea requested a spotify wrapped starter 💿 now playing: #93 - DON'T! by LØLØ
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“Come on, honey, have some self-control.” Lucy folds her legs beneath herself as she takes a seat on the couch, battling between concern and anger as she looks over at her best friend. She passes Ches one of the steaming mugs and tightly wraps her hands around the one that remains for her, gently blowing on the tea. “Don’t think about him, don’t let him back in. You know you’re just going to fall in love again and we can’t have that. Seriously. You deserve so much better.”
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gccdwitch · 2 years ago
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Lucielle’s whole body goes tense as her friend suggests drinking. One sharp turn on her heel later, she’s facing Ches, her expression softening ever so slightly when she clarifies that the drinks don’t have to be alcoholic. “Yes, Ches,” she says. “That is a bad idea and doesn’t sound even remotely fun.” Lucy doesn’t mean to sound mean, but her worry sharpens her words, anyway. The blonde breathes in and looks around, trying to calm down. Ruining her best friend’s birthday because she’s too worried about her drinking is not on her to-do list. “I think this is much better.” Much safer, at least, though she’s not about to word it like that. “I like the rides and… stuff. Besides, you’re with me and that’s all I need to have fun. Are you not having fun? I'm sure we can think of a way to switch things up, just... not that.”
OPEN TO: Anyone MUSE: Ches Elswood PLOT: Your muse ended up getting invited to go on Ches's annual big birthday trip, and Ches is worried they're not having enough fun.
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“Okay, I know this is a bad idea but I’m just saying it’s my birthday and I think if you get bored with rides we could just park-hop to Epcot and go drinking around the world. The rule is I have to get a drink in every country, not that they have to be alcoholic. So it's not like I can't if you think you'd have more fun doing something like that instead.” Sure, Ches would be lying if she said with everything going on that alcohol wasn’t tempting, but she was pretty sure she’d be able to handle it if they wanted to drink. “Like you know me, the adrenaline makes me feel alive so I’d be happy running ride to ride all day but I want to make sure you have fun too. You know?”
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silverduckie · 3 years ago
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Being with you is easy, easy as breathing; only you can see me when the lights go out.
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littlcsongbirdmusings · 3 years ago
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Since I’m casually debating revamping the blog for the lols, divide between old Centuries and new Centuries. I’ll... update the cast list later I stg.
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i-mossy · 7 years ago
This is a callout post for Ches Elswood
Im not calling her out for anything I just really love Ches.
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