bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
First off like to thank @timlucys /chenfordsource for reaching out to me and letting me know how to properly gif credit. Apparently I was not doing that right like at all LOL Apparently there is gif Library that does it for you who knew? haha Thank you again, Nothing I wanna do more than properly thank and credit all the beautiful gifs on this site. Tumblr wouldn't be a thing without all you gif makers so thank you for showing me the ropes yesterday on how to properly tag/credit our hard working gif makers. You being one of them.
Wanted to round out the weekend with one more review.
Off we go onto ep 7!
‘The Ride along’
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The look on Tim’s face when Lucy comes rolling up late LMAO He's checking his watch and doing everything but pacing. His body language is anything but relaxed while he waits. Lucy is doing what she does best....rambling. I love her nervous rants with him. She has zero filter when it comes to him. Makes me so happy haha
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He's not in the least amused by her usual charm today haha Tim is definitely edgier than usual. She tries to lighten the mood with her snow joke to no avail. Starting the day off with hard ass Tim it would seem....
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Gotta love Lucy's company line reply. Beautiful thing about Lucy. She knows when not to push it with him. Picks her battles as it were. Is very attune to when to fire back. This is not one of those moments. They unfortunately get interrupted by Grey needing to talk to Tim before they head out.
Sadly the reason he's been pulled over is because of Isabel...*sigh* Every time Tim thinks he can breathe, resurface emotionally, and just have a handle on his life Isabel drags him back down. Grey pulling him into his office is heartbreaking. Telling him she’s been arrested for possession/dealing. Eric absolutely kills me with how he conveys what he’s feeling in that moment. I wish there was a gif set of this scene. The minute they bring Isabel in, there is instant concern on Lucy’s face. She’s already gearing up for an emotional battle for Tim.
They make it back to the station after Grey sends them out on patrol. Tim bringing in a guy that clearly didn’t need to be processed. Just so he could be back in processing for an update. Lucy knows this and says she’ll keep an eye out for the detectives for him.
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What absolutely kills me about Isabel in this stage is how quickly she can utterly destroy him. Anytime he’s getting his head above water, she’s there to shove him back down. Pains me to watch him get eaten alive emotionally by her. Any conversation he has with her wrecks him. He loves Isabel and it’s actually killing him. The hurt he carries around is on full display in this scene. She is asking the world of him right now. Baiting him with promises of rehab. Manipulating him to help her. The inflection in his tone is so tragic. He's trying so hard to not break.
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Once again I applaud Eric for being incredible at his job. He’s wearing his heart on his sleeve while he talks to her. The emotional manipulation she thrusts upon him is brutal to watch. She's saying all the things he's longed to hear. Probably dreamt about the past year or so with her gone. When Tim Bradford loves he loves deeply. Isabel knows he still loves her. So she is very aware he would/could cross this line for her if she begged him to. What she doesn’t realize at this point is how it’ll destroy him if he does. Lucy is watching all this in the distance. It’s written all over her face something is very wrong.
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This scene is HUGE. Lucy once again swallowing her fear for him. Standing in front of the raging sun that is Tim. The way he slams that car door and storms over to her. Phew Lord. She is bracing herself for Hurricane Tim, He is ready to chew her a new one. You can see she is not excited for this fight. But she also knows he needs to hear what she has to say. Because if she doesn’t he will do something he will regret forever. She's seen the good in Tim. She can't allow him to take on this burden for Isabel.
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Tim my sweet boy she is right in her depth with this. Lucy is spot with her assessment. He does project being rogue with her and she sees through it. Knows his moral compass runs deep. That in the end he would regret compromising it. Even for Isabel. So he lashes out in response because he knows she’s right. Whenever she pegs him like this he defaults to being defensive. Like I've said before he's never had someone fight for him like this. Or stand up to him even when he's being obstinate as hell. Especially when he is.
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There is no way Lucy is walking away from this fight. Not before she says her piece. She continues to try and protect him emotionally. By firing back with her caring. He’s never asked this of her but she does it regardless. She can't stand by and watch him destroy his ethics. Just like he could never truly live with himself if he did.
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The look on his face after she tells him this. Ugh My heart Tim. She already knows him better than he would like to admit. In the back of his mind Tim knows taking the drugs is only enabling her. When he came back out to his car he sure as hell wasn't expecting to see Lucy there. Not only was she there but she was fiercely battling for his soul. To keep it intact even if he was livid about it. You can see it in his face. The words are registering with him. She’s breaking through a bit.
Even though what she's saying is hitting him, he’s so full of anger and conflict he just walks away from her. Leaving her standing there wondering if she made a difference at all. All she can do is watch him drive away angry and hurting.
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Lucy being Lucy wants clear the air about last night. Tim shuts it down right away. Letting her know this isn't to be discussed further. Ah bristly closed off Tim. You’ll get there Lucy keep trying haha I love that she gets to hear about Tim leaving the drugs behind. Grey comes up to report and apologize to Tim they were found in her apt.
Whether he wants to hear it or not she tells him he did the right thing. He’s still conflicted and says ‘Not for Isabel.’ oh Tim.... I think he had crisis of conscience before her arrival. Then when she showed up it only reaffirmed he did the right thing. He was still feeling guilty/conflicted but Lucy helped him decide what he did was right. Even if he was raging about it when she was there.
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That final scene with Isabel with Tim hurts my soul. He knows he did the right thing even if she hates him for it. Brutal to watch happen. The tears in his eyes. Oof. Talia and Angela finding him after is so sweet. Just being there for him even when he protests. The Tim Bradford special haha Being good friends just in case he might need them. Love them for it. Taking him out for drinks just what he needs.
Side notes.
Not a ton in this ep for me.
Wes’s first episode yay I do love me some Wesley Evers.
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