#chelsea czerny.
whteorchids · 5 months
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“ who knows, right ? i mean, who’s to say what happens once we ' shuffle off this mortal coil, what dreams may come ' ?  ” / @cotiere
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musealist · 2 years
(for chelsea) 💍 faith, micah, mj
THREE (3) CHOICES  — 💍- fuck, marry, kill.
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" Oh, uh — fuck Faith, marry MJ, kill Micah. "
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esoteristic · 2 years
FT   .   CHELSEA CZERNY continued    from    here    !
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          ❛          not really         —–        sorry , it ' s just like . . .    family stuff , you know ? . . . anyways , um . . . what ' s new with you ?    ❜
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cotiere · 2 years
chelsea czerny   /   @whteorchids​!
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     “   well   —   i think one day pretty soon, we're all gonna have a good laugh about this.   i know that day feels far off   …   but comedy is just tragedy plus time.   ”
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deathborne · 4 years
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        𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 in the back of the store, restocking records and lost in thought. camelot music is always quiet, but it’s quieter than usual today    ————     the only sound besides the rustling of her movements is the sound of billie jean playing over the speakers. she’s not opposed to the quiet    ————     in fact, she welcomes it. in comparison to the loudness at home, it’s exactly what she needs    ————     and work has always been the perfect excuse to get out of the house.
        she doesn’t hear the chime of the bell as a customer enters, too absorbed in her own head. she finishes restocking the upper wall    ————     they keep the newest records on the top shelf, and at five foot five she needed to stand on a chair on her tippy - toes in order to reach. noise behind her causes the blonde to start, losing her balance and tumbling off the chair. whoops. ever the accident magnet.
        she looks up in embarrassment, cheeks flushed pink, and clamors to her feet.
 ❛   welcome to camelot music. sorry, i didn’t hear you come in.   ❜   smile is sheepish, and she winces slightly as she motions with her arm in a welcoming gesture. that was going to smart.
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deathwalking · 4 years
@enstatued​ ( for chelsea !! )
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         there was never a particularly bad time to peruse the records in stock, as nothing in their town was ever quite crowded, but this time of day had him the only customer in the store. just how he likes it — the only other human beings he wants to deal with that aren’t stone cold are employees. they’re hardly ever interested in small talk, either.
         ❝ hey, ❞ he takes a moment to pull someone aside; ❝ you don’t happen to have any black sabbath laying around, do you? ❞
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exfilcd · 5 years
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙟𝙪𝙡𝙞 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙨 ( @jawbroke )
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fingers drift listlessly along the edge of her coffee mug, and she tugs at the ends of her sleeves. cool september air wafts through the open window, and she sighs, turning towards juli with a tired expression. “ y’know, as a kid, i used to hate the end of summer. it meant school, being indoors ... nothing i wanted to deal with. now ... now i can’t wait for classes to start again. ” expression shifts slightly, and she knows it’s giving away more than she wants it to. she hurries to provide an excuse, adding a brightened expression. “ i’m taking a film class this semester ━ i think it’ll be fun ! and i’m going to pick up a few more hours at work. ” she smiles, taking a quick sip of coffee. “ how are things ... y’know, with you ? ” she waves her hand in his direction, expression turning quizzical.
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warfear · 4 years
STARTER FOR CHELSEA CZERNY     /     @deathborne​ !
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HE’S DONE WITH IT :     the wallowing, the bingeing, and smacking the self - destruct button as if it was a game of whac - a - mole.   so then, how come this is where he ends up?   passed out on the apolskis’ front lawn, damp with the day’s drizzle, a head pounding.   julian wasn’t equipped to deal with— well, life itself.   coping strategies hadn’t ever been much of strategising, more of jumping in headfirst.   blindfold on.   he never caught himself, either.   never ever landing on his feet…   but before a voice draws him out of his MISERY, and slumber, julian was sure he’d at least made it inside.   this proves to not be the case.
❛     ——     i’m up, i’m up !     ❜
huh.   NOT HOME…   although, in all fairness, he was only a couple dozen feet from the mark.   deducted by a fuzzy mind, in the blinding dark, still     —     he was grading himself a C.   speaking of C’s…   it takes a moment for it to register :    the when’s and where’s and the who’s. he was lost on the when.   he was convinced of the where.   and he’s just now figuring out the WHO.   how long had it been, two weeks?   a month?   some reunion…
❛     fuck…   what time is it?     ❜
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kingpins · 4 years
starter for chelsea czerny     /     @voidedblade …
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she’s the future and the past, he’s misery and nothing else.     present day :     slow - paced, unpromising    —     bleak without what was and what will be.     julian lacks balance, overarching but presently as well.     athletics hadn’t ever been an option     ——     bones fragile to the touch, shattering beneath the simple imagery of contact sports.      coordination lost since before he even knew.     and his leg followed suit nineteen years post.     alcohol takes advantage.     he wobbles some more now.     beer and a shot and another beer …     and something of chelsea’s.     it must mean he got the brunt of it.      sure doesn’t look that way, though.     not with a boozed - up girl splayed across his made bed     ( a job done poorly but done nonetheless )      and himself—staying upright—with eyes set on the inadequate pull - out at its opposite.                    ❛     guess that leaves me the couch, then.     kicking a man out of his own bed, huh.     s’plenty rude, czerny.     and just so you know, when i wake up with an early on - set case of scoliosis     ——     i’ll be sending you the bill.    yeah, it’ll be fat one, too.    healthcare ain’t cheap.    it’s just not.     ❜                   whining complete, julian drops down onto his new sleeping quarters.     ouch.     the apolskis’ sure didn’t splurge, now did they.
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enstatued · 4 years
📂 (all 3)
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
all my headcanons are useless (((:
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chelsea czerny        ————        
useless headcanon: chelsea once broke her record player when she was trying to get her winter coat out of the closet because she’s so fucking clumsy that she fell on top of it.
malachai knox       ————        
kai absolutely despises his name. he would’ve rathered he be named something like paul, or something he considers more normal.
stephanie hugo        ————        
stevie doesn’t know how to ride a bike and she refuses to ever learn.
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whteorchids · 1 year
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 “  that boy needs therapy.   ”   / @glcriousx
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musealist · 2 years
❤ + chelsea and pandora ???
send me “❤ + ship” and i’ll fill in the form of what my character would do with yours.
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they’ve never interacted ic i’m so sorry ❤
Affectionate: Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex: Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates: Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No  Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No  Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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calcmitous · 4 years
starter for: chelsea czerny / @enstatued​
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the record store isnt her usual venue unless she was buying some sort of gift for julian. although their current state means less money spent. walking into the record store, she walks up and down the aisle until she spots chelsea and a bright grin graces her features. their own friendship is unlikely as chelsea is yasmin’s complete and polar opposite but yasmin welcomes the friendship. Approaching behind her, yasmin rests a chin on her shoulder, “whacha doin? i think when you get off you should hang out. with me.”
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rpctts · 4 years
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MADS did it, and i’m nothing if not a little bitch who wants plots, so i wrote up my own connections list for my kiddos over at nex. WHICH HAS been around for five years and is still going strong, baby ! anyways, i play five bitches over there right now, and you’ll find my blog in the source link. anyways, WITHOUT FUTHER ADO !
if any of this appeals to you, or you want to join but not with any of my connections and you still want to plot ? feel free to hit me up on DISCORD : 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓#1978. or shoot me a dm !
general trigger warnings : abuse, death, alcoholism, rape, murder.
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CAROLINE SARAH CRANE. nurse, thirty - two.
the lowdown :  she’s too sweet for her own good, and she’s often letting people walk all over her. she had a SHITTY ex - fiance who was abusive, so she’s taking her time getting back into the dating game      ————      there’s this guy, though, but she keeps trying to SELF - SABOTAGE to keep them apart since she thinks she’s the reason people leave. her parents died when she was pretty young and she and her sister moved to fort elms to live with their aunt. she was brought up like a traditional southern gal, born and raised in mississippi until she moved to with her sister claire.
sister. they have a relatively close relationship, but her sister was always liked a little - bit - more than caroline was, solely based on the fact that she was more outspoken. which is surprising, since they were raised in the south in mississippi. their parents died when caroline was fourteen, and they moved in with their aunt in washington, which is where they both live now (: requirements : mid - to - late thirties. 1/4 black and louisiana creole, unless adopted    ————      however, preferably still a poc. would have a connection with brandon ( played by mads ), who is her ex - husband’s brother.
coworkers. as you’ll see later, i play two nurses. i’m like, 90% of the hospital staff right now, and i’d love to see more people who work there ! be it doctors, nurses, techs, whatever. i’d love for her to have a mentor or someone to look up to. requirements : none, besides being able to work in a hospital. would also be connected to nat ( played by alex ), and probably malachai ( played by me <3 ).
friends. everyone needs friends, and caroline’s no exception. right now she’s kind of limited on being friends with the guy she’s kind of dating and her sister’s ex’s brother. requirements : in their thirties. would possibly be connected to jack ( played by tasha ) or brandon ( still played by mads ), who’re the aforementioned characters.
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CHELSEA ELISE CZERNY. college junior, music store clerk, twenty - one.
the lowdown : she has her own love life issues, and is a store clerk at camelot’s music. the shop across is where her best guy friend and long - time crush julian works, and she’s stupid and in love with him. recently she found out one of her best friends hooked up with him at a party, and that’s really put a damper on their friendship. :zany: anywho, chelsea didn’t have a great life. she was born in louisiana, but her folks moved to washington when she was four. she’s the youngest of five girls, and her parents wanted a boy, so she was chucked to the side unless she was being her dad’s punching bag. her mom was an alcoholic like her dad, and while her mom never laid a hand on her, she didn’t do anything to stop her dad and so of course chelsea resents her. her sisters tried their best to shield her, but she’s five years younger than the next sister, and thus they weren’t always around. she had a stint in a mental hospital, but then cps let her go home to the family because they’re big dumb. she also had an awful experience at a party her freshman year of college, where she was drugged and date - raped, so she’s very selective with who she allows physical contact from. she’s my saddest and most damaged character and honestly she deserves better !
sister. she already has one around, but there’s three more to go, baby ! i feel like the czerny girls very much have a relationship like the march girls, with chelsea being very much like amy outside of being a little shit ( love you amy ). they’ve always been very close, and while she’s not closest with the oldest, who’s in her late thirties, she has a very good relationship with the other three. requirements : mid - twenties to late - thirties. the youngest would be twenty - six, and the oldest can be whatever, just under fourty. should be blonde, which makes it pretty easy. would also be connected to christina ( played by mary ), who’s the second oldest, and julian ( played by mads ), who’s been chelsea’s best friend since he moved to fort elms, and is also their neighbor.
potential love interest. chelsea’s bisexual, even if she’s not fully aware of it yet. she’s spent the last five years of her life hung up on her best friend      ————      very much a betty and archie situation, and now she’s crushed that he not only slept with her bff, but also that he probably doesn’t return her feelings. so she really needs someone to come in and swoop her off her feet. requirements : in their twenties. could be connected to kevin ( played by mads ) and pippa ( played by meredith ).
coworkers. chelsea works at camelot’s, which is the record store in fort elms’ mall. right now, she’s the sole employee     ————      which is dangerous considering she’s a klutz and has already fallen off a chair once ! so please give her people to keep her company at work. requirements : none.
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STEVEN MICHAEL KINNEY. chemistry teacher, twenty - six.
the lowdown : middle child, perpetual grump. his parents died when he was sixteen, and his baby sister was the only survivor. steven was left with a lot of anger that he didn’t know how to control or get rid of, so in college he joined the boxing team and eventually joined an underground fight club type of thing. he was good at it, and ended up being a crowd favorite and pretty popular with the crowd too. that changed when he hit a guy so hard he passed out, and the guy ended up dying in the hospital. steven wasn’t left without injuries, but his guilt is what’s really done him in. he’s pretty much ruining his relationship with his sisters because he’s punishing himself for the guy’s death by pretty much throwing himself into fights recklessly, hoping to get beat up and d*e. pretty dark and DEPRESSING, if you ask me !
cousin(s). after their parents died, the kinney trio were adopted by their uncle and moved in with him. well, steven and sawyer did. sienna had already yeeted herself away. steven would’ve been relatively close to any cousins his age, and they probably would’ve pranked sawyer and any younger siblings. probably would’ve grown apart when steven moved out for college and started withdrawing. requirements : it’d be nice for someone around his age, though maybe a little younger, so early - to - mid twenties. we never specified in canon whether it’s their mom or dad that was japanese, so it would be up to you on whether it’s the side of the family that their uncle’s on ! would also be connected to sienna ( formerly played by meredith, now dead in a ditch somwhere ), who’s the oldest, and sawyer ( played by mads ), who’s the baby.
ex - boyfriend. COLLEGE. a time for learning yourself, and reinvention. steven’s pansexual and he had a secret boyfriend in college. i say secret because it’s the 80s and sawyer is uber - religious. they dated their sophomore year into their junior year, and ultimately the other boy broke things off because, unfortunately, the guy that steven accidentally killed was in fact his best friend. and now that steven’s on the road to love, it’d be fun if someone came in and fucked with that a little bit. requirements : twenty - six / twenty - seven, to be in line with steven’s age. preferably a poc, but not a necessity.
coworkers. give me more TEACHERS ! who will teach the children math in the apocalypse ? it could be you ! requirements : if they’re a teacher, they gotta have a teaching degree sorry babie ! no fifteen year olds allowed.
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MALACHAI COLSON KNOX. nurse, thirty - four.
the lowdown : he’s also a nurse, and he ALSO has romance troubles     ————       that appears to be a common trend. he’s in love with his best friend of over twenty years who’s daughter he also raised. they have a complicated history, it’s fine. grew up in chino, they moved to washington after ava was born, and they’ve been living there since. everyone calls kai a simp, which i GUESS he technically is, because he’d do anything for odette. BUT THAT’S BECAUSE HE LOVES HER. gross. there was a time in his mid - twenties where they weren’t living together ( he was living with his ex - girlfriend, who wasn’t an ex at the time ), but THAT was a whole mess. homegirl was emotionally manipulative and a fucking bitch, which wasn’t great. he eventually got out of the situation and moved back in with odette, who he’s now dating     ————      even though no one knows. honestly, he doesn’t even know, because odette’s scared of labels. they make her cry.
ex - girlfriend. she's crazy, and a bitch. she manipulated kai throughout their entire relationship, and it really fucked with his mind and is part of the reason he was so hesitant on things with odette. there was probably a lot of gaslighting in that relationship. he did love her, however, and if she showed back up in fort elms that would certainly make things difficult for him ! so of course i love it. requirements : mid - thirties, looks like a bitch. would also be connected to odette ( played by mads ), who she probably hates.
friends. kai needs some buds. mads has a wanted connection for a childhood friendof theirs, which would be great, but i’d also just love some new friends as well. people he can go grab drinks with, or do other friend things with ! requirements : in their thirties, probably, but no specifics. 
coworkers. see above, in caroline’s wanted connection. requirements : should be old enough to work in a hospital.
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NOAH HASTUR WRIGHT. contractor, twenty - four.
the lowdown : former football star and resident player. UNFORTUNATELY. for me, anyways. he had lots of relationships in high school, but his most frequent was sawyer, with whom he was very on - again - off - again with. at the end of the football season in his senior year, he tore his acl, which ruined any shot of a football scholarship to a big university. so instead he went to trade school, joined his cousin julian’s band, and now he also deals pot to the town of fort elms. it’s very opposite of who he was in high school, though he’s still a big player. has a shitty relationship with his dad, because who doesn’t ? and also doesn’t believe in LOVE. though he’s pretty sure he might be in love with sawyer, so that’s real rough on him.
ex - girlfriend(s). like i said, in high school he was a player. he was also attractive and popular, so he was a good target for flirtaionships. if he wasn’t dating SAWYER, he was hooking up or dating some other girl, and i’m sure he probably strung some girls along. give him some evil exes that someone has to fight, or girls still really hung up on him. requirements : twenties, between 20 - 28, i guess, since he definitely would’ve dated older girls as a freshman / sophomore. would also be connected to julian ( still played by mads ), who’s his cousin.
friends. a clear trend with my characters is that they need more casual friends / acquaintances. he’s buds with the boys in the band, but he really needs people outside of it to hang out with too. requirements : in their twenties.
buyer(s). he’s a pot dealer, and i’m sure that lots of people in fort elms buy ! it’d be cool to have a relationship that’s like a i’ll text my dealer, he’s cool kind of deal. he’d definitely come by and play video games, maybe even give you a discount on prices if you kicked his ass. requirements : none.
hookup. he’s pansexual and very sexually active. like said, he’s a player, so he’d definitely still be sleeping around with people, but it’d be nice to have a consistent person he can turn to. the kind of person he can call at 3am and they meet in a parking lot, or something. the kind he can count on. requirements : no minors.
his mom. he has a great mom    ————     she’d rival juli’s, if i were strong enough to go against mads. but i don’t. she is a great mom, though, and she raised both noah and his teen sister to the best of her abilities. she’s been a single parent since his sister was born, and she’s now fourteen, so their mom’s had a little bit of learning to do. she forced her kids to learn polish, even though she’s not as in touch with her heritage as her sister is, but it’s there    ————     paczki every saturday morning with breakfast. she’s not very overbearing, but she is a little nosy, and she gives noah grief for dealing out of her house, but he pays rent so she lets it slide. requirements : early forties, can be any white lady, though preferably jewish. would be connected to julian ( yep, still played by mads ) as his maternal aunt.  
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nexrp-a · 4 years
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𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐍𝐄𝐗, 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ! You’ve been accepted as Mason Channing, Emily Jones, and Christina Czerny with the faceclaims of Brenton Thwaites, Zendaya, and Amanda Seyfried.
☢      —     ( BRENTON THWAITES, CISMALE, HE/HIM )     Trading in their phone for a machete might not come easy for MASON CHANNING. This twenty-eight year old bartender brings charming personality, boy scout knowledge and good looks to the table … but their ego and violent tendencies could drag the group down. And while their resourceful nature might raise group morale, their violence might give them a few enemies. That’s the last thing anyone needs right now. Hopefully, in the apocalypse movie that’s now their life, this CATACLYSMIC will make it to the end credits.     ( MARY, 19, SHE/HER, EST )
☢      —     ( ZENDAYA, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER )     Trading in their lipstick for nun chucks might not come easy for EMILY JONES. This twenty year old waitress brings great hacking skills, military expertise and great combat skills to the table … but their wounded arm and memory loss could drag the group down. And while their outgoing nature might raise group morale, their sarcasm might give them a few enemies. That’s the last thing anyone needs right now. Hopefully, in the apocalypse movie that’s now their life, this MILITARY BRAT will make it to the end credits.     ( MARY, 19, SHE/HER, EST )
☢      —     ( AMANDA SEYFRIED, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER )     Trading in their notebook for pocket knives might not come easy for CHRISTINA CZERNY. This twenty-nine year old store clerk brings quick thinking, fast reflexes and great fighting skills to the table … but their low confidence and shyness could drag the group down. And while their motherly nature might raise group morale, their scared might give them a few enemies. That’s the last thing anyone needs right now. Hopefully, in the apocalypse movie that’s now their life, this DAMSEL IN DISTRESS will make it to the end credits.     ( MARY, 19, SHE/HER, EST ) *chelsea czerny wc
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hazyblooms · 4 years
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new dash style means i can’t find any of the old sarah gifs i used to use i am depressed to say the least !
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gee that fuckin’ SUCKS for you.
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