#cheesus this is making my back hurt
thalialunacy · 1 year
Hello, yes, help please? ^^;
I was in fandom many internet years ago, but this summer (June 2023) got pulled hard back into it by a ridiculous little show called Sherlock... I've even managed to write a Johnlock or two! And now I find myself embarrassingly lost, despite months of lurking obsessively.
How do I... get my fic in front of people who will enjoy it?!
I've seen certain folks get @ -ed. Is it generally culturally accepted to @ strangers in one's fic post? How does one know who to @ ?
I'm just gonna... @ three people I know from the olden days who seem to know things, then go hide under the covers with my cat.
la la la nothing to see here @raina-at @a-victorian-girl @artgroves <3 la la la
[relevant meme for tax]
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ishipthis · 1 year
It was always you.
A fluffy (with a little angst) oneshot dribble that takes place post 303 confession, but pre I love you. Or, Carly realises that Freddie is her home.
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“Did you really mean it?” Carly asks, her toes brushing against Freddie’s under the mountain of blankets that surround them on the couch. It’s been three days since they finally admitted their feelings for each other, and while the majority of those three days had been spent making up for lost time, it also felt like they were tip-toeing around another pretty important conversation, the where to now kind of conversation.
“That Olivia Benson is a better detective than Nancy Drew? Uh yeah, Carls, I think I do” He smirks, his eyes lifting to hers as his foot brushes back against hers. Such a simple movement, probably one they’ve done a million times before, she thinks, but like everything over the past few days, it still feels like more.  
Freddie’s smile drops as he notices the downturn of her lips, a sure sign if any that he realises they’re not talking about Law in Order anymore. “Did I mean…?” He begins at the same time as she blurts the words from her mouth.
“Was It really the worst night of your life?”
It had been bothering her since he said it, the realisation that to him she had been the cause of the worst day of his life. She had been there at the implosion of his marriages, brought him food while he hauled up in his room, rubbed his back as he cried into her shoulder. She’d been there. So how is it that she could have hurt him more?
“Uh..” He hesitates, taking a second to process her question before grabbing the remote from the cushion between them, pointing it towards the TV. ”This kind of seems like a turn the TV off kind of situation” he explains with a nervous chuckle. She nods, a sad smile of her own making its way over her lips. “Maybe”
“Carly… I..” He hesitates again, and she swears she can see him going back to that moment mentally, as if he’s fact checking their night in Italy before her eyes. He swallows, his breath coming out a little shallow as he turns his full body towards hers, bringing his feet up beneath him to sit cross legged. “It’s not… It’s not your fault, okay?”  
She shakes her head. “That’s not what you said la…” He cuts her off again, his hands coming up to wrap around hers as if to ground her back to the moment in front of them. “Let me finish” he insists, squeezing her hand once as his eyes find hers again. “It wasn’t the worst night of my life because you called me your friend, like I said the other night, being your friend… It’s the best thing I get to be. Anything with you is the best thing I get to be.”  He squeezes again and Carly feels the heat rushing over her cheeks. How did it take her so long to realise he was right there in front of her.
“I shouldn’t have said that, but I was mad and hurt and it might not make much sense...” He continues, imploring her to look at him. “But when I said it was the worst day of my life, I said it because that was the day I realised I actually had to give you up…”
It hurts even hearing those words, and seeing the look on his face as he says them definitely makes it worse. She looks away, her teeth coming to rest on her bottom lip as she looks for anything around the room to distract them. “How about that pizza tonight, for an establishment boasting nuns and axes you wouldn’t think their pizza would slap so hard.”
“That gives me an idea for a segment, American cheesus and the mother mary of…”
His fingers reach up to gently rest under her chin as he turns her face towards his, his brown eyes searching hers earnestly. “I’m sure this will come as no surprise to you, but I have been…had been” he corrects, shaking his head slightly. “I had been in love with you since I was a kid. And I think for the most part that was pretty innocent. When you’re a kid, everything feels like it’s the biggest thing there is…” She nods a little, frown still firmly planted over her lips as she tries to still the tears that are threatening to fall.
“You felt like the biggest thing to me. You were my best friend, sure, but you were more than that, and those moments where we… where we pushed that line, it was like for a second, maybe I was the biggest thing to you too.”
“You were..” Carly whispers still reeling from the way he’s looking at her mixed with the feeling of the butterflies that had erupted in her stomach the moment she heard him say ‘I have been’. Present tense.
 “I wasn’t” he corrects her, a sad smile overtaking his features that causes those butterflies to plummet. “And that’s okay. Deep down I knew that, but when you kissed me before you left for Italy, it stupidly felt like maybe you were saying that I was.”
I…” She doesn’t even know what she’s correcting. He is right, she’d said as much to him the other night. That kiss to her was closure, an ending to a chapter of a story they’d been writing in exchange for the excitement of the unknown. At the time it was easy to look at it as a mutual thing, but it wasn’t, and if she'd really given her actions some thought before diving in, she knew deep down she would have seen that. But he was Freddie, and she was Carly and she was… selfish and in that moment she just wanted the comfort that only he could bring. It didn't matter how it would affect him, she never gave it any thought. What a fool she'd been.
“Freddie” she begins again, her fingers dropping his as she moves her hands to cup his face, cradling his cheeks as best she can. He's not close enough and she needs him to understand, she's not that girl anymore. He has to see that. "That’s not how I feel now… You know that right?”
He nods, a small smile pressing against his lips as he leans in closer. “I know that.”
“Good” she whispers, tongue darting over her lips nervously as her gaze flicks between his own and his eyes. How did she not know? How could she have missed this.
She’s going to kiss him again when he continues. “I realised in that Airport that I couldn’t keep believing that one of these days you were going to feel the same way. It wasn’t fair to you and it wasn’t fair to me, and I knew” he pauses. “I knew it was going to tear us apart, because I’ll be honest, in that moment I didn’t think I ever wanted to see you again..”
His nose bumps against hers, as if to say past tense, I am here, remember, and she feels it, grounding her in a way that only he knows how to do, but it still hurts, god it still hurts. The idea that he could ever not want to see her, that she almost lost him, it’s unbearable.
“But then that moment passed,” he continues, “and I realised there was never going to be a me, that didn’t want you, and so if that meant pressing all those feelings deep deep down and choosing to let you go… then I could.. I would.” He delicately lifts her hands off his cheeks, bringing his fingers to lift her chin again so their eyes could meet. Her stomach flips.  “So yeah, it was the worst day of my life, but it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t have to love me, I wasn’t owed your love, you didn’t owe anything to me, Carly. I felt what I felt, and maybe past us should have probably sat down and talked about boundaries, maybe that would have saved us some pain, but at the end of the day, I think I needed it too, you know? I needed to close the door on the idea of us, because it wasn’t real…’
“but..” She whispers, her eyes searching his as the tears begin to slip down her cheeks.
“Don’t cry..” He breathes out, his breath catching in his throat betraying his own composure as he speaks. “What I mean is…this..” his fingers swipe at her tears, catching the moisture with his fingertips. ”This is real. And I’m not sure that we’d be here... without having been there.”
The butterflies are back, and she can feel it as the heat rises back up to her cheeks, the anticipation, and the intense feeling of home threatening to swallow her whole. He is that feeling. He is home. It had taken her fifteen years to figure it out, fifteen years of searching for that feeling in all wrong places to finally be here, in this moment, home.
Freddie smiles, the first real smile either of them have really expressed since this spur of the moment heart to heart began. “I’m going to kiss you now, okay?” It’s so cute the way he says it, still a little unsure, but also strong in the way he takes the lead, coaxing her out of own head and back into the reality, the here, the now, the real.
She nods, her hands sliding from their place on her lap to thread around his neck as her fingers sink into the soft little curls that are all but hidden unless you’re really close, something she had the pleasure of learning over the past seventy-two hours and something she plans to continue to study for the rest of her…. Life. Its him, her heart practically screams at her.
They grow closer, a soft sigh slipping from her lips before he finally breaks the anticipation and gives her exactly what she’s needed this whole time, him. His lips meet hers, gentle yet sure, as if saying ‘I know’ and ‘It’s okay’ and ‘We’re here now’ all at once, and it’s everything, everything she didn’t know she needed and everything she always knew she did.
Her fingers knot into his hair as she deepens the kiss, needing to pull him closer, to show him just how much she’s with him now. Maybe back then the reality was that they were on different pages, but now, she’s here, she’s right where he is, on the same page, reading the same line, here.
She pulls back, breathing heavily as her nose brushes against his, the need to press her lips to his once more almost more overpowering than the need to tell him how she’s feeling. “I..” she puffs out a breath practically whispering the words against his lips. “I’m sorry it took me this long… It’s you..”
He smiles, returning each brush of her lips with his own. “It’s you.”
“Can we make up for lost time in my room?” she whispers, her fingers giving his hair a little tug as she brings their lips back together again.
He grunts. ”Yes, yes we can”
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
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I posted 396 times in 2022
285 posts created (72%)
111 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 339 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#tokyo revengers - 241 posts
#cheesus answers - 229 posts
#tokyo revengers x reader - 167 posts
#yandere tokyo revengers - 166 posts
#yandere tokyo revengers x reader - 163 posts
#tokyorev x reader - 123 posts
#tokyorev - 92 posts
#sano manjiro - 79 posts
#mikey x reader - 75 posts
#yandere platonic toman - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#also i accidentally deleted the hanma one before i could save what i wrote because the shame is too much
My Top Posts in 2022:
Which of the boys give the best hugs?
maybe a quick rating this time instead of a ranking? didn't do all cause feeling a bit lazy... long drop should be (hopefully) either tonight or tomorrow akjsndkalsndlakj i'm so happy the prize fic is almost done! meanwhile will probably take some time off to answer some asks or smth
Platonic TR Boys Hug Ratings
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Kazutora: 6/10. Very nice hugs, warm and tight, perfect height as well, but loses points because sometimes hugs can become tight to the point of suffocating, and he absolutely will not let go unless someone intervenes. Will not hesitate to hug you anytime and anywhere, especially when he gets jealous of the attention you were giving someone else, or receiving from strangers.
Baji: 8/10. Shy hugger, doesn't dare to ask for hugs from you or return your hugs in front of anyone else, because that's not what a big bad delinquent like himself does. Will freeze up if you try to hug him in public, face burning bright red. But when the two of you have some privacy, this baby boy's hugs has to be one of the best hugs out there - soft, gentle and warm. Will instantly let go if someone interrupts though.
Mikey: 2/10 Lazy, lazy boy. Any hug either turns into an impromptu cuddle session or a carry, because Mikey basically is ready to melt into your arms in a split second. Whenever this baby boy wants a hug from you, be ready for him to basically just drape himself all over you, demanding you give him a hug. Doesn't ever initiate, but will cling to you like a leech the moment he gets a hug from you. Will make you carry his full weight if he can latch on to you, will fall asleep in your arms standing straight up.
Draken: 10/10 Perfect hugs every time. Not afraid to dish out hugs anytime he feels like it or when he feels like you need one, but will not initiate in front of the Toman gang because he doesn't want the members to start to think he's soft. Unless its you who initiate - and then all of a sudden its not a problem anymore. Doesn't even question when you suddenly want one, just bundles you into a warm hug.
Mitsuya: 9/10 one of the best huggers around, had a ton of practice giving hugs to his little sisters. Just right tightness and always comfortable - can even detect when you need a hug, and dish one out on the spot. Doesn't matter where or when, will give you a full hug or even a side squeeze if you look even the smallest bit down. Loses a point because sometimes he forgets his sewing needles stuck in his jacket.
Pah: 5/10 Too impatient to stand still for long, so his hugs never quite last long enough for it to feel particularly comforting. Hugs also sometimes become tight enough to feel more like a squeeze instead of a wrap.
Hanma: -1/10. Doesn't bother with returning a proper hug most times, doesn't even pat your back. All this boy does would be give a lazy drawl about being clingy, even if he does enjoy the hug. Also too bony ouch, be careful if you're looking for someone to glomp, those sharp edges bound to hurt.
Izana: 3/10. Honestly Izana's hugs are great, warm, comfortable and long, even lets you snuggle your face into the crook of his neck (though he will demand payment for the favour), but loses a lot of points because this baby boy has zero social awareness or built-in danger sensor. Will demand a hug in the middle of a pedestrian crossing, will absolutely throw a tantrum if you don't give him his hug right there and then, and will proceed to make you stand there in his arms as long as he wants to.
Kakucho: 11/10. Not only does he make up for Izana's absolute lack of social awareness by picking up and moving the two of you off the road and somewhere safe while you are trapped in Izana's hug, he also will take the risk of facing Izana's wrath for giving you the hug you deserve in front of his boss whenever you look like you need one but Izana is too busy ignoring you during his bouts of jealousy.
Ran: 4/10 Great hugs, probably from all the practice he got when Rindo was younger. No shame in dragging you singe-handedly into a one-sided squeeze no matter the situation the two of you were in, even if it was right before he got into a fight. Would be higher if he stopped shoving your face into his armpit after returning your hug.
Rindo: 8/10 Nice, comfy hugs, knows where to put his arms when he hugs you so that you get just the right tightness, likes to rest his chin on the top of your head as well. Loses points cause he keeps making fun of you for the hug even though he was the one that initiated, will tease you even harder if it was you who hugged him first.
South: 7/10. Makes sure to watch his strength around you, so his hugs always feel like you're hugging a warm teddy bear. Though because of his physique, can be a bit too hard to snuggle, so loses points for that. Also loses points because South will pick you up, tuck you under one arm, and forget that you are there as he goes about his day because you weigh essentially nothing.
859 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Uuuuhhhhhh izana relationship hcs? Like when reader and izana was still dating.
comfort posting.... i hate this ride im on - these HCs can be for both regular darling or boss from the Reds' universe! not edited, i will when i wake up tmr zzz
Red Dragonflies Masterlist | Masterlist
In a Relationship with Izana HCs
Yandere Izana
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dating the 8th President of the Black Dragons is as wild a ride as it sounds, because Izana plays by no other rules but his own
not that you knew when you first accepted his hand
the only person that Izana has ever considered his equal, you can be sure that this boy has never seen you as below him even once ever since you caught his eye
the light of his life, its your bright smile and loving hugs that keeps him from spiralling completely into madness
he loves you so, so much - every waking moment he is apart from you is spent thinking about what you're doing and when he can see you again
Izana looks forward to nothing more than doting on you more and more, and of course, having you dote on him
this usually brutal, uncaring gang leader melts away into a soft, needy boy around you - even if he is the middle of a gang meeting, everything stops so that he can carefully take your delicate hand into his
needs you to be threading your fingers through his hair while he is cuddling, needs you to give him all the kisses (both light pecks on his lips and cheeky ones on the top of his head)
needs you to let him hug and cuddle and kiss you on your shoulder and your lips and breathe in your scent
maybe even to nibble on your collarbone and the shell of your ears so that everyone would know who you belonged to
a very clingy boy, if he can get away with being superglued to your side, he will
wants to follow you everywhere, fingers lightly trailing on your skin below your shirt or holding your hand no matter what you were doing
tries to follow you into the bathroom as well, hadn't worked so far
can't sleep well without being huddled right up against you, listening to your breaths trail off into light snores
will absolutely make a scene if he's right there and your full attention is not on him - from whining and whimpering, pulling on your clothes, gently tugging on your hair, burying his face into your chest all the way to throwing a full fit, the whole waterworks or grabbing whoever dared steal your attention from him by the collar and demanding they leave immediately
he is your boyfriend, not this piece of scum
its a cold day in hell when Izana doesn't accompany you throughout the school day, insisting that you seat in his lap while he seats in your chair, or cuddling and having a nap in yours
your teachers and classmates have learnt to ignore him a long time ago
even rarer that you don't also find this white-haired boy already busy intimidating every last male schoolmate walking out your school gates while leaned against his motorbike
because you know he will make the special effort to come every day - despite knowing that you loved him as much as he did you, his ingrained trust issues were hard to shake
what if some shithead thought he could pick on you? unlikely, given he had the Black Dragons personally intimidate and threaten every last student in your cohort
but what if you fell and no one helped you? or what if someone else thought it was a good idea to make a move on what was his when he wasn't present?
plus you're not allowed to ride a motorcycle yourself, or anyone else's, and Izana doesn't trust the public transportation system as far as he could throw a bus
See the full post
881 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Ok but imagine Rindou losing it when he’s taken to juvie and realizing he can’t see his friend anymore or “protect” them from others
yup yup yup absolutely, have more HCs cause brainrot goes brrrrrr
Link to previous HCs
Rindo in Juvenile HCs
Yandere Bestfriend Rindo
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not gonna lie, this poor boy will probably go mad with the stress of not being able to see you everyday, and having to think about what you were doing without him there to watch over you
honestly didn't think much about it when he was first detained along with Ran since he had already seen you this morning at school
the realisation only started to dawn on him when it turned dark outside and Rindo found himself starting to get jittery, unable to sit still - now that he was trapped here, who was going to check in on you?
he would usually swing by your house twice every night - once before you fell asleep
And then a few hours later after he was done beating up the scum that inhabited his streets and your school, to make sure that you were actually in bed and sleeping, and that your main door was well locked (he can just shim your window open if he needed to after all)
Ran could practically see the gears turning inside the head of his younger brother as Rindo slowly pieced together his growing fears
If he was locked inside here, that meant that there was no one to accompany you at school, which equals no one around that could protect you, scare off potential bullies or worse (potential friends, he shudders at the thought)
plus, you weren't exactly the brightest of the bunch - Rindo was absolutely convinced that you would follow some stranger home just because they asked you to
or what if you ran across some delinquent scum that would take advantage of your kindness and naivety??
The absolute horror - Ran had to bascially whack Rindo in the back of his head and knock him out because this baby boy was on the verge of a breakdown and couldn't stop pacing around the brothers' shared cell
turns out, you really were as airheaded as Rindo had feared - you simply assumed that your bestfriend was not feeling too well and had decided to stay at home for the day, and you had gone about your day as usual
and you did this without first checking by calling him like he told you to, even though he had drilled this into your thick skull multiple times
he knew you didn't even try because you were surprised to learn that Rindo had been arrested when he could finally call two days later
which was the first thing Rindo did the moment he had access to a phone, much to Ran's amusement
you even had to ask him what juvie was
it wasn't the first time the two brothers spent time being locked up, but it was sure as hell the first time Rindo did after taking you under his wing
the older Haitani thought it was absolutely hilarious all the different shades of red Rindo was turning as he shouted at you through the phone, before quickly paling when he listened to what you had to say
took pity on his younger brother and stole the phone from him (which Rindo gladly handed over) so that he could properly explain to you the situation
Rindo insisted you come to juvie everyday despite only being able to meet you once a week, and of course you being you, obediently followed his instructions without a second thought
you quickly made friends among the guards, though they were nonetheless very confused at seeing you popping up everyday asking to see the same person again and again
but they always came out with either Ran or empty-handed
the times when Ran came out instead, you were still happy to chat with him, the older Haitani listening amused to you rambling on and on about school and life and the past day/week since you've spoke with Rindo
See the full post
917 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Am I Ugly?
Yandere TR Boys
A/N: some random thoughts, might not be fully coherent (edit: consider joining us on discord! we have cookies and a side of big brain ideas)
Another day, another after-school outing with your friends. The question of whether your friends thought you were pretty had begun its rent-free life as a random thought you had after your teacher had brought up the saying "Beauty is in the eye of its beholder". It wasn't something you had ever bothered about previously, but the quote somehow managed to hook itself into your brain, and you spent the rest of the day wondering about it.
Did your friends think you were ugly? They did still spent all this time with you, so it probably mattered not to them (and by extension, you), but the curiosity was eating you alive until it wasn't, and the thought was pushed to the back of your head for the rest of the school day. You trotting down the familiar stairs back home after your usual after-school shower to where they were waiting for you near your front door, only to have the thought suddenly rear up again as your friend asked if you were to go.
"Am I ugly?" Well depending on who you dropped that bomb on, the fallout and extent of damage control needed would vary greatly.
Izana would immediately assume that someone had dared utter such blasphemy to you, grabbing you by the arm and insisting you tell him where you had heard that. And when you fail to respond in a timely manner, caught off guard by his reaction, he instead snatches up his gang jacket that he had left draped over your sofas, marching straight for the door before he even put it on fully in an attempt to go and strangle whatever scum dared say something so foul against you - and you knew his first destination would be your school and your poor classmates, given you hadn't been anywhere else. You, of course, were being dragged along so you could point out to him whoever he needed to kill punish. This baby boy is fuming mad, and you better quickly intervene and explain yourself before he has a chance to pull out his phone because oh boy, this is going to get messy real quick. Someone is still going to land in hospital though, whether you know it or not - Izana needs to take his anger out somewhere.
Kazutora, on the other hand, would instantly go into a panic attack, thinking that he must have done something wrong, something that might have implied you were not the most beautiful person he had ever laid their eyes on. This poor baby boy bursts into tears and come running for your arms, trying to tell you that he thought you couldn't be further from the truth but it only comes out as blubbering and whimpering. You were a bit slow to bundle him into your arms like you always did, surprised by his reaction, but Kazutora only took it as a sign that you now hated him for whatever he did, which only makes the waterworks more dramatic as he begs you not to leave him while making a mess on your shirt. Your outing at this point would turn into a stay-in with lots of cuddles and ice-cream as you reassure your friend again and again that it was just a thought from a quote brought up in class, and that yes, you didn't hate him one bit.
Ran would just pause to stare at you for a bit, before burst out laughing at your question. You're a bit puzzled to say the least, but at least you get concerned when he starts doubling over in pain from laughing too hard. One of the few boys who absolutely knows what's up and what you were asking, this boy finds it hilarious that of all the things you could ask him, of all the questionable things your friends had been subjecting you to - it was this that you were the most curious about. Never going to give you a straight answer, instead be prepared for Ran to tease the ever-loving shit out of you for bringing up the question as you two left for your outing, only finally claiming to stop because of your cute pout and whining. Buys you ice cream so that you would stop faking being mad at him.
Mikey would take a moment to look you over with a critical eye, before he would give you his very honest answer with no filter - that he liked this look much better than your usual outfit, and that you should wear this more often. This poor boy probably thought that you were asking for his opinion, which you were to be fair, just not actually on your outfit but on generally what he thought of you. Only realizes that he might have done something wrong when you don't reply him immediately, before quickly (and poorly) trying to backtrack and say that he never thought you looked ugly. You, of course, just burst out into laughter with how innocent your friend really is, before having to stop and promise Mikey a taiyaki because of how hurt he was (or so he claimed at least).
Draken is probably one of those in the privilege group who can easily read your flow of thoughts and know what you were trying to ask - the question was probably just another one of those that you had to blurt out before you self-combust with curiosity. Smoothly tells you that you would always be a cute little bunny no matter what you wear or how old you were, only for you to pout and start insisting that you were strong like them, and that you were absolutely not a bunny. Cue this boy playfully rubbing his knuckles into the top of your head while you squeal. It was a mission accomplished for him - your train of thoughts had been redirected and you were distracted from questions that Draken didn't particularly want to answer on a chance that you thought he was lying (even if he would never).
Baji turns around so fast to blurt out a "Absolutely not!" that he got whiplash. You think he might have strained his neck with that speed since you even got a little jumpy, but obviously that didn't quite seem to bother him. This baby boy grabs your hands and starts blabbering right away but how pretty you looked no matter what you were wearing, his mind in turmoil trying to think of any possible reason why you could be feeling insecure around him, then finally realising what he was saying when you start chuckling and his face instantly flushes red. Don't tease him too much about what he said in his moment of panic because you know he meant it - Baji is just way too shy to admit it. Would still make sure to hint at how pretty you were to him throughout the outing and the rest of the day though.
Hanma would throw one arm around you, tattooed hand pinching one cheek as he bend down to meet your face, asking if you rather he answer yes or no, all the while with his signature sly smile plastered across his face. Similar to Ran and Draken, this boy knows what's turning in your head, deduced that rather than insecurity or bullying, it was probably just something brought up in your classes earlier that day. The question he threw back made you stumble a little, before you realized what he was doing and started whining that he was dodging your very legit question. Hanma would just brush off your accusations and start walking, making off comments about killing to get some karaage now while you hurry to catch up, your thoughts instantly turning to food when he brings up that new store that had just opened down the street.
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1,198 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Reader will spend a fortune on hair ties. Baji stops bringing his rubber bands and asks for them from the Reader. Mikey suddenly starts to lose it. Draken pretends that he did not have time to braid at home and does it next to the kira in order to borrow her rubber band. Some boys, who rarely collect their hair, suddenly start doing it more often in front of Reader (*cough* Chifuyu *cough*). "Oh, is that a scrunchie on your arm? Give me please. Mine is torn." Do they return them? Not
nsalkjdnaslkjdnals this is cute and sweet too :') i think imma save up all the dark stuff to hit yall in one go so that i don't accidentally spoil anything ayyy
It all started when you offered your hair tie to Baji - you probably shouldn't have offered your spare to anyone to begin with, no matter how miserable Baji looked with his hair down in the middle of summer, whining and complaining about how the only hair tie he had on him broke. Doesn't matter when you pass your hair tie to him, whether if it was just you and him, or you were in the midst of your whole group of Toman friends, the moment that band changes hands, everyone knows about it and that's all it takes to cement the idea in your friends' minds. The game begins.
Begins as just Baji, then Mikey, asking to 'borrow' your hair tie, either using the excuse that theirs had snapped or they had lost it, but Kazutora and Draken quickly catch on to what the other two are doing. And sure enough, the two of them start getting in on the game as well. Draken complaining that his hair tie broke again so could he pretty please have yours, and Kazutora, to your surprise, starting to tie his hair up as well. Mitsuya and Pah are sadly left out because neither have hair long enough to tie, but that doesn't mean they are below swiping those scrunchies from the others. But the game was taken to the next level when Kazutora one day decided to ask if you could help him with his short ponytail (since he didn't have much experience tying up his hair, but insists that its too hot not to do so) after borrowing yet another hair tie from you, and now everyone comes whining asking for you to do their as well.
Mikey coming straight with his bedhead so that you can brush his hair for him as well, Draken snatching you up from your seat while class goes on around you so that you can braid his hair just the way he like it, Baji tugging at your sleeve and refusing to let go until you put his hair up in a ponytail for him. The most prized hair tie is of course the one that you are currently wearing, so the boys are definitely playing a game of chicken, trying to goat one of the others into being the first to borrow your hair tie so that they get the spare, and then quickly being next in line to get your generously offered scrunchie straight off of your hair.
And mind you, it doesn't matter if the hair ties or scrunchies you lent them were pink, frilly, covered with Hello Kitties. Nope, the boys wear those as a badge of honor, since the other Toman founders, and the boys from the other gangs recognize them - even start to subtly flex their collection. Begins by wearing one spare on their wrist, then two, then hanging them secretly off their bags, or on their pants hoops especially if they were going into a fight. And no doubt the Black Dragon and Tenjiku boys get jealous - how could they not having to see Toman with collections of your stuff?
Your scrunchies become almost like a currency, with everyone looking to swipe some of your precious hair ties for themselves. Ran and Rindo found they had the best luck with obtaining some by simply asking you for them, which you were more than happy to "lend" them should they manage to catch you alone without your Toman guard dogs. Izana personally preferred relieving Mikey of his collection, though this usually ends in a fight. This boy didn't mind helping himself either, simply pulling off the scrunchie you were wearing and insisting that you helped him put it on his wrist, much to your amusement. Koko and Inupi earned theirs through a combination of wit and nimble fingers, proudly showing them off against their white uniforms.
You of course had no idea that all this was going on under the surface, only becoming slightly sad at the number of hair ties and scrunchies that were going missing, and at the disastrous amount of money you were spending on replacing them. Never once angry at your friends for not returning them, since you didn't doubt that they would return them eventually, and they must really need those hair ties.
The scrunchie war would rumble on until Baji one day absentmindedly returned the spare scrunchie he had on his wrist to you, realizing what he had done a moment later and having a mental panic, yet only to have you immediately brighten and thank him enthusiastically, lavishing your attention on a now very smug boy while the rest could only watched on jealously. And now the reverse game would start - paying you for your attention in returned scrunchies and hair ties.
1,526 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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lusthurts · 11 months
glee tag game
I was tagged by @daisyishedwig - thank you!! :)
Favorite Season 1 Episode: is it cheating to say the pilot?? I think it's either that or Journey to Regionals, because I love how it sets up season 2 while also tying up loose ends. Also, there is literally nothing better than Quinn screaming and giving birth while Vocal Adrenaline does that insane choreography to "Bohemian Rhapsody."
Favorite Season 2 Episode: Probably "Blame It on the Alcohol" because that's one of my favorite episodes in the whole show - it's comedy gold despite the fact that the blatant biphobia that's never resolved makes me so angry it almost overshadows the rest of the episode. "Prom Queen," "Rumours," and "New York" are all runner ups though because I think Blaine, Kurt, and Quinn's storylines in "Prom Queen" are fantastic, the music in "Rumours" is unmatched, and New York is my favorite place in the world so it was really fun to see Rachel and Kurt and everyone finally get the chance to go.
Favorite Season 3 Episode: Hard to say, I love a lot of episodes this season. "The First Time" comes to mind because it's one of my favorites of the musical episodes, and it introduces us to Sebastian. The performances + plot lines in "Hold On to Sixteen" are some of my favorites as well, plus we get Sebastian again. I could go on and on listing all my favorite episodes this season, but I think my ultimate favorite is "Nationals" because it's so rewarding to see all the work they've done finally pay off and all the happiness that brings. It feels like a very complete way to end the season, and nothing makes me feel as good as that episode.
Favorite Season 4 Episode: You may be sensing a theme (Sebastian is that theme lol) but I think "Dynamic Duets" is one of my favorites. It's very ridiculous and goofy while also dealing with the pretty serious storyline of Blaine getting over the breakup and learning to forgive himself, plus it's really what solidifies the Blam friendship which is one of my favorites. I also love "Guilty Pleasures," also because of Blam and Blaine's storylines + "Against All Odds" is one of my all time favorite Blaine songs. I'm also a big fan of "Thanksgiving" because it's so fun to see Quinn again and to get the whole group back together. But yeah, think I'm gonna go with "Dynamic Duets."
Favorite Season 5 Episode: "Movin' Out" comes to mind because A) I love Billy Joel, B) more Blam content, and C) the New York vibes are so fun. But I also love the Blamtina content in "Trio" and the Finn tribute in "City of Angels." This is probably my least favorite season overall, but I do enjoy some of the McKinley episodes before the New York transition happens, even if there are some small things I like at the end (like Rachel getting her dream role in "Funny Girl," the comedy in "Tested," the Blam content in "New New York," etc.)
Favorite Season 6 Episode: again, hard to say, but this time it's because I genuinely don't enjoy most of the plot lines this season. I kinda like "The Hurt Locker" mostly because the Klaine hurt locker is one of the funniest storylines in the entire show, and I'm a Samchel apologist (please nobody come for me). I kinda like "Jagged Little Tapestry" because of the music and "Homecoming" because of all the OGs that come back, but I'm not sure passionate about any of these takes.
Episode that make me cry: "The Quarterback" is an obvious one, but I cry every time I rewatch it (which I only do willingly when I'm doing a complete rewatch). I also cry during "Funeral" and "The Breakup," and I remember I used to sob during "Goodbye" as well.
Episode that make me laugh: basically all of the first half of season 1, the funny bits of "Grilled Cheesus," pretty much all of "Blame It on the Alcohol" except the biphobia, the "Hurt Locker" episodes in season 6, and like honestly most of the show lol
Favorite tribute episode: "Rumours" is one of my favorites because I LOVE Fleetwood Mac. It's not necessarily my favorite for plot, but the music is fantastic. I also like "Michael" because of the Sebastian content, but I'm not the biggest MJ fan. I also want to shoutout "Dance With Somebody" and "Saturday Night Glee-ver" because I really enjoy most of the storylines and music in both episodes.
Favorite Christmas episode: gotta go with "Extraordinary Merry Christmas" because I think it has my favorite Christmas music and I like the silly little TV special.
Episode with the best songs: I seriously cannot pick. There are so many good ones. Again, inclined to say "Rumours" because it's my personal favorite type of music, but I also love the music in the show as a whole so I honestly can't even think other than that. I will say "Cough Syrup" is one of my all time favorite songs even before I saw it on Glee, so "On My Way" gets an honorable mention just for that.
Favorite sectionals episode: "Hold Onto Sixteen" for sure - love the Sebastian content, love the Jackson medley (I know I just said I'm not a huge MJ fan but something about this performance does it for me)
Favorite regionals episode: I think I'm gonna go with "On My Way," although "Journey to Regionals" is a close second. "On My Way" features "Cough Syrup," "Glad You Came," and "Here's To Us" which are all some of my favorite Glee songs plus I enjoyed Sebastian's arc in that episode as well as the Karofsky storyline which I think was done pretty well.
Favorite nationals episode: definitely "Nationals" - I love the setlist, and it feels very rewarding to see the payoff of everything from the first three seasons. I enjoy Rachel's arc and it feels like a nice end to the high school Finn that we've gotten to know (setting him up decent for the last episode and the next season). It's also just fun to see everyone working together. Also, "Tongue Tied" is one of my all time favorite songs and that moment with the champagne and the celebrating is so fun (if we ignore the weird Will/Emma stuff going on at the same time).
Episode most people like but I don't: I mean I'm a Klaine hater lol so a lot of the Klaine episodes that people like such as "Love, Love, Love" and "A Wedding" are episodes I don't particularly enjoy. Even though I love Brittana, I can't get over how young everyone is getting married, especially Klaine who literally just got back together like, an episode earlier??? After resolving zero of their issues?? It makes it so hard for me to enjoy it.
Episode most people dislike but I don't: Okay I have a couple - I admittedly had to look up "most hated glee episodes" to figure this one out though. First is "Lights Out" - which I totally get the hate for, Artie is awful in this episode, and Sam makes me mad too because it's so out of character for him to react the way he did to Ryder. But I do appreciate the Ryder and Kitty character development - it gives nice insight into some characters that are pretty disliked among the fandom. I also kinda like "A Katy Or A Gaga" even though I do agree it's probably the worst tribute episode. The performance of "Roar" is pretty cool imo and I enjoy the acoustic "Wide Awake" and the performance of "Applause." The storylines are mid, but I guess I just kinda like the performances lol
I honestly do not know who to tag lol so I'm just gonna leave this here, and if anyone who follows me watches glee and hasn't done this yet, please do! it's a fun thing to do to reflect on your thoughts on this silly little show :)
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Hello! a while back you did a scenario where the player was gone for a long while then when they came back they just stared at the character then started crying I was wondering if you could do that with Jamil, Riddle, and Idia?
if you don't want to that's perfectly fine. thank you btw!
Why do you all always say “You don't have to do this.”? My friend, requests were open...
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, religion, implied murder, violence, obsession, obsessive behavior
Riddle Rosehearts/Jamil Viper/Idia Shroud-Seeing you in pain
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I'm worried about his blood circulation
But let's start from the beginning
So, you haven't come in quite some time
Riddle is afraid that he might have broken a rule which you deemed especially important
The day you return he hears a imaginary fanfare in his head, that's how desperate he was
But dear Oveerseer, why are you starting at him like that?
Riddle checks himself out in the reflection in one of the windows of Ramshackle
Nope, everything is as it should be
So why... oh... OH??!
Riddle wishes that he could just grab through whatever is separating you two but the threats binding him to Twisted Wonderland won't let him
Cue him returning to being desperate
This time because of not being able to help you
What is he good for of he can't help you??!
Now onto that blood circulation business
Riddle is famous for being able of having a extremely red head whenever he is mad
Now it's the exact oppesite
He is a sheet of paper, no joking
If you were able to see through th image created for the screen then you would suddenly be the one worrying instead of him
But dear Overseer, don't leave them for so long!
They are lost without you!
Who knows what happens when you leave them alone the next time?
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Jamil is one heck of a busy person
But even he notices that something is wrong
Why aren't you coming back?
He can't focus on his work like this
Once Kalim was almost poisoned because of this
But who cares??!
If you aren't here then why is he even trying to be his (allowed) best??!
He looks unhealthy
I'm talking about loss of sleep, his figure becoming thinner... you catching my drift?
So the day you return he thinks he finally snapped
Oh well, he already thought this would happen sooner or later
But then, oh wonder! He is suddenly attending a class which he doesn't remember entering!
It's you! It's truly you!
But... why did you suddenly stop making him attend these?
And why are you starting??!
And why aRe yOu SuDdEnLy CryInG??!!
He wishes he could do something
You have luck those threats are holding him back
If he were there in your world he would force you to stay with him until you tell him what happened
50/50 chance of it being the time of your life? (No)
His food is given to be good so... why not become his prisoner? (For the love of God run!)
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Idia is calmer than most
He knows that you can't be there all the time
Total understanding because of his gaming (that takes time as well after all)
But... this is starting to get weird
Never in his life did he ever imagine that you would be gone for such a long time
It almost feels like the time before he me your eyes for the first time
But no, he can't return to these time!
Your presence was a gift more generous than anything ever given to him!
Carrying him out of the loneliness
Idia tries to find out what is happening beyond the woven threats
But nope, he can't even catch a glimps
This is where he starts to panic
Usually it's easy to find out what he wants but now...
He is a wreck from that point on until you return
And then he finally catches a glimpse of your light
Ah, your holiness! You finally retuned!
I hate to repeat myself but be happy you two are seperated
He would panic so much he would just lock you up so that nobody could ever hurt you again
But at least you are back!
Sweet Cheesus, be happy that there is no way for their magic to work on your side or the person being responsible would be... they wouldn't be in piece (to say it in a more Tumblr friendly way)
It doesn't matter who protests, after this he is getting you there
Even if you, God, forbids it
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gleeincorrectquotes · 4 years
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𝕊𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥’𝕤 𝕒 𝕨𝕣𝕒𝕡 𝕠𝕟 𝕁𝕖𝕟’𝕤 𝕘𝕝𝕖𝕖 𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘
These were super fun to make, I hope they were fun for you guys too.
Master post:
121) 4x20 Lights out 120) 1x16 Home 119) 1x08 Mash Up 118) 6x10 The rise and fall of Sue Sylvester 117) 4x02 Britney 2.0 116) 4x18 Shooting Star 115) 5x08 Previously Unaired Christmas 114) 1x11 Hairography  113) 4x19 Sweet dreams 112) 4x03 Makeover 111) 1x03 Acafellas 110) 6x01 Loser like me 109) 3x06 Mash Off  108) 4x05 The role you were born to play 107) 1x21 Funk 106) 3x04 Pot O’ gold 105) 2x17 Night of Neglect 104) 6x04 The Hurt Locker part 1 103) 3x16 Saturday night glee-ver 102) 1x05 The Rhodes not taken 101) 3x10 Yes/No 100) 2x11 The Sue Sylvester shuffle 99) 6x05 The Hurt Locker part 2 98) 4x22 All or nothing  97) 6x09 Child star 96) 3x12 The Spanish teacher 95) 4x08 Thanksgiving 94) 1x19 Dream On 93) 4x01 The New Rachel 92) 6x03 Jagged little tapestry 91) 5x17 Opening Night 90) 5x04 A Katy or a Gaga 89) 3x07 I Kissed a girl 88) 2x13 Comeback 87) 4x09 Swan song 86) 5x18 The Back Up plan 85) 6x12 2009 84) 5x10 Trio 83) 5x07 Puppet Master 82) 4x12 Naked 81) 2x09 Special Education 80) 2x15 Sexy 79) 3x14 On my way 78) 4x11 Sadie Hawkins 77) 2x01 Audition 76) 3x02 I am Unicorn 75) 4x07 Dynamic duets 74) 3x09 Extraordinary Merry Christmas 73) 2x12 Silly love songs 72) 2x07 The substitute 71) 5x09 Frenimies 70) 4x16 Feud 69) 1x14 Hell-O 68) 5x02 Tina in the sky with diamonds 67) 2x03 Grilled Cheesus  66) 3x01 Purple piano project  65) 2x21 Funeral 64) 3x18 Choke 63) 6x08 A Wedding 62) 3x03 Asian F 61) 2x05 The Rocky Horror Glee show 60) 6x06 What the World needs now 59) 1x02 Showmance 58) 5x20 Untitled Rachel Berry Project 57) 3x08 Hold on to Sixteen  56) 5x13 New Directions 55) 5x12 100 54) 3x20 Props 53) 6x11 We built this Glee club 52) 1x06 Vitamin D 51) 3x19 Prom-asaurus 50) 3x13 Heart 49) 4x10 Glee, actually 48) 5x15 Bash 47) 6x13 Dreams Come True 46) 1x01 Pilot 45) 5x05 The End of Twerk 44) 5x11 City of Angles  43) 3x22 Goodbye 42) 1x07 Throwdown 41) 4x13 Diva 40) 2x04 Duets 39) 6x07 Transitioning 38) 1x09 Wheels 37) 2x10 A very Glee Christmas 36) 1x13 Sectionals 35) 4x21 Wonder-ful 34) 3x15 Big Brother 33) 2x14 Blame it on the Alcohol 32) 5x06 Movin’ Out 31) 5x19 Old dogs, New tricks 30) 4x06 Glease 29) 4x17 Guilty Pleasures 28) 1x17 Bad Reputation 27) 2x02 Britney/Brittany 26) 1x10 Ballad 25) 1x22 Journey to Regionals 24) 4x15 Girls (and boys) on Film 23) 6x02 Homecoming 22) 2x19 Rumours 21) 3x21 Nationals 20) 5x16 Tested 19) 1x12 Mattress 18) 3x17 Dance with Somebody 17) 2x22 New York 16) 3x11 Michael 15) 3x05 The First time 14) 4x14 I Do 13) 5x14 New New York 12) 5x03 The Quarterback 11) 5x01 Love, Love, Love 10) 4x04 The Break Up 9) 2x08 Furt 8) 1x15 The Power of Madonna 7) 1x18 Laryngitis  6) 2x16 Original Song 5) 2x20 Prom Queen 4) 1x20 Theatricality 3) 1x04 Preggers 2) 2x06 Never Been Kissed 1) 2x18 Born this Way
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Author Spotlight: Mikeysgerard Day 2
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Author: @mikeysgerard​
Share one of your strengths.
I always get back up on my feet, and God knows there have been times where I didn't want to. But I still did and I think and HOPE that'll never change
Share one of your weaknesses.
I'm very egotistical and I hate nothing more
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
My current one, as it is nearly 100% based on my life and I'm not too happy with my life right now. It hurts to revisit the tough parts
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Oh that's embarrassing but smut is always easy to write so I'd probably say my latest CC one-shot
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
No it's definitely a passion.
Is there an episode or character or arc above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Grilled cheesus. To never give up hope...and to trust and believe just a little bit more sometimes, even if you don't want to.
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Don't shy away from your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Raw makes it more realistic. P
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Only write in your mother language. I'm german and I've never enjoyed reading or writing in German. I've basically learned everything about the English language through reading and writing in English.
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Again, my current one 'Who Knew, because basically seeing my life on film and how I went through dark and painful times but never stopped fighting would be very inspiring, I hope.
What’s your process? Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines? What are the perfect writing conditions for you?
I always finish a story before I start to post it chapter by chapter, simply because I'd be always nervous the other way around. I use word to write and then grammarly to help get rid of very embarrassing mistakes haha:p
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theghostofashton · 3 years
you said " the lack of intimacy is painful, for kurt. " and " physical intimacy is very important to him" . in s6 ep1 Kurt says to Rachel that he went to a therapist who told him that he had a thing with love , and that Blaine wasn't afraid of intimacy . even after watching it multiple times , i'm not getting the whole meaning behind it and Kurt's intimacy issues. could you expand on this ( you can take your time and can respond after you are done with the show )
sure! i might add on to this after i get to 6x01, but i can definitely talk about it now (i’ve spoiled myself enough for s6 to have a pretty good idea of how things go down lmfao)
here are two links to meta on this that i really love, for further reference (those are also people who have finished the show lmfao)
i think the big thing to remember about intimacy is that there’s physical intimacy and emotional intimacy. in my opinion, kurt struggles a lot with both. emotional intimacy is definitely harder to spot than physical, but i see it as an undercurrent through his character throughout the whole show.
physically, think back to s1 and s2, when he wouldn’t let people touch him. that moment in theatricality, and then again in grilled cheesus, where finn tries but kurt refuses? he associates touch with pain (locker shoves, dumpster tosses, etc), so no wonder he struggles with people touching him, even if it’s positive. blaine, from the moment they meet, is touching him. hands on his shoulders, adjusting his jacket, taking his hand, etc. blaine is his first time, and it’s something straight out of a fairytale. touch with blaine is just wholly good, and he gets used to that. (and then there’s the breakup and the cheating and blaine’s touch becomes a lot more complicated, but the point is, kurt is very selective about who touches him)
ultimately, human beings need touch. we get touch starved after going for long periods of time without it. in both dance with somebody and tested, kurt notices when blaine pulls away physically. it confuses him, but particularly in tested, he’s hurt because blaine is in the mood, but would rather watch porn, than be intimate with him (this is how kurt perceives it). the fact that he picks up on it after objectively short amounts of time, the fact that he is scheduling time for them to make out........it is very clear that he values the physical connection he has with blaine and he wants to devote time to furthering it. when blaine pulls it away, kurt notices and it visibly bothers him. after spending years being told he was undesirable, treated like a disease for being gay, having someone who wants to touch him and be close is everything to kurt.
i like to think of it as a quota he has, of physical touch that he can handle, before he gets overwhelmed. blaine touching him normally is enough for him to feel okay, but he notices when blaine pulls away because he’s come to expect and actually love that touch.
(imo, kurt’s love language is physical touch but he is terrible at asking for it. he usually doesn’t need to - blaine is naturally incredibly touchy feely. this only becomes a problem when blaine is struggling with something and pulling away)
as for emotional intimacy, have you ever had a friend that you feel like isn’t as invested in the friendship as you are because they never talk about themselves? they listen to you, but they don’t ever open up, and it feels like there’s distance between you? that’s kinda how i imagine kurt is, especially at first. he’s not an easy person to get to know because he isn’t emotionally open in the same way blaine is. blaine forms connections with people a lot easier.
intimacy is needed, in a relationship. in friendship too, in general, intimacy is the basis for the connection that forms between people. kurt struggles to open up to people. he struggles letting people into his space, both physically (5x14), and emotionally. remember a katy and a gaga? kurt rejected elliott, but it wasn’t until santana told rachel what happened that rachel went to him and got the full story of why he was against elliott joining. that’s when we learn that this is a lot deeper of an issue about wanting to be valued and successful and not be relegated to a sidekick. but kurt didn’t offer that up himself, he didn’t go to his friends for reassurance or comfort, he kept it in until they had to ask him what was up.
kurt is incredibly guarded with himself, who he opens up to, etc. think about jan and liz from 4x22. blaine immediately forms a connection, kurt doesn’t. blaine is emotionally open (recognizing kurt was struggling and immediately providing a story of how he could relate during their first conversation, to make kurt’s struggles feel valid and heard) in ways kurt is not. blaine isn’t afraid to open up the possibility of a connection to a random stranger, but kurt is. 
he keeps so much hidden that people in his life can even struggle to connect with him. i know people have a lot of reasons to dislike hummelberry, and i do agree with most of them, but i also think it’s important to note, when you watch them interact, how open each of them are. rachel cannot have a thought without verbalizing it, and kurt.......listens. he listens, and he offers advice, but he doesn’t frequently give up his own feelings. he needs to vet people very carefully before he’s comfortable opening up, and that sometimes keeps him from being able to form an intimate connection. it’s difficult to get to know someone like that.
i know he gets therapy in s6, but it’s my headcanon that he (and blaine) both continue well after the finale. they both have a lot to work through. i also fully believe that once the show ends and they stop putting him through one traumatic event after another and let him breathe jfc, he starts to open up more and more and get progressively comfortable with emotional and physical intimacy.
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merinelsa · 3 years
Have you ever done a ranking list of your favourite episodes?
not really , the thing with me is that i never rewatch tv shows . i binge through them once and then just watch few scenes in yt , but never rewatch any of it even if it was one of my favourite show. Glee is the only exception , though i really only watch very few eps from the earlier seasons and rewatched s5-s6 twice , though i’d skipped 100, new directions and the wedding during both my rewatches. there are eps like new new york and wonderful that i watch time to time as comfort eps playing in the background . from s3, first time and big brother are the only eps i have rewatched 
i’d only watched glee for the first time last year , so like it’s not been that long to warrant a rewatch , but since i’d binged most of it in one stretch ( had taken a one month break b/w s3ep7 and ep8 because of how much i was getting tired of the shitty storylines of s3 , hence it being my least fave ) i forgot a lot of the non klaine stuff.
but i’ll try to rank the eps , just know that i’m very biased to klaine/kurt/blaine storylines . and the seasons too are ranked in the order i like them 
6 . season 3
22. i kissed a girl
21. pot o gold
20. prom-asaurus
19. yes/no
18. i am unicorn
17. mash off
16. the spanish teacher
15. asian f
14. on my way
13. props
12. choke
11. hold on to sixteen
10. saturday night gleever
9. michael
8. goodbye
7. big brother
6. nationals
5. heart
4. extraordinary merry christmas
3. dance with somebody
2. purple piano project
1. first time
5. season 1
22. the rhodes not taken
21. funk
20. showmance
19.  vitamin d
18. hairography
17. ballad
16. mashup
15. throwdown
14. the power of madonna
13. mattress
12. acafellas
11. dream on
10. home
9. pilot
8.  hell-o
7. sectionals
6. preggers
5. bad reputation
4. wheels
3. journey to regionals
2. theatricality
1. laryngitis
4. season 4 
22. britney 2.0
21. sweet dreams
20. lights out
19. shooting star
18. all or nothing
17. feud
16. thanksgiving
15. the role you were born to play
14. glease
13. swan song
12. sadie hawkins
11. naked
10. makeover
9. girls and boys on film
8. diva
7. glee,actually
6. i do
5. dynamic duets
4. the new rachel
3.  break up
2. guilty pleasure
1. wonderful
3. season 2
22. britney/brittany
21. the substitute
20. comeback
19. special education
18. a very glee christmas
17. the sue sylvester shuffle
16. night of neglect
15. new york
14. funeral
13. never been kissed ( except for the klaine part, the whole ep is a mess)
12. rocky horror glee show
11. rumours
10. audition
9. sexy
8. grilled cheesus
7. blame it on the alcohol
6. prom queen
5. born this way
4. silly love songs
3. duets
2. furt 
1. original song
2. season 6
13. the rise and fall of sue sylvester
12. hurt locker part 1
11. child star
10. homecoming
9. we built this glee club
8. what the world needs now
7. hurt locker part 2
6. a wedding
5.  dreams come true
4. 2009
3. jagged little tapestry
2. transitioning
1. loser like me
1. season 5 ( i’m not going to rank the quaterback )
19. opening night
18. 100
17. tina in the sky with diamonds
16. city of angels
15. bash
14. a katy or gaga
13. new direction
12. end of twerk
11. previously unaired christmas
10. trio
9. movin out
8. the back up plan
7. puppet master
6. love love love
5. old dogs new trick
4. untitled rachel berry project
3. frenemies
2. tested
1. new new york
now top five glee episodes over all
5. original song : don’t ask me what happened besides klaine in this because i truly don’t remember . but the klaine parts are pure heavenly. s2 klaine is something i missed a lot and didn’t appreciate enough during my first watch but rewatching some klaine centric eps has made me appreciate their friendship a lot more. even the stuff leading upto the kiss is fantastic , it’s also an ep that shows how rachel and blaine can get similar but how they react to criticisms and how blaine tries to include everyone when pointed out unlike making a fit out of it with rachel is where they diverge and makes these incredibly different personalities .and the kiss was just to good and sparks were flying everywhere and it is something that glee could never recreate with any other couple. and “ reminds you of your mom’s funeral doesn’t it “” the casket was bigger but yes “ just proves that they are equally dumbasses that fit each other so well
4. wonder-ful : this is just pure comfort ep. it’s so bright and upbeat in the middle of the previous dark eps. so much kurt and klaine . a bit more focus on kurt’s mental health issues, which will later be forgotten but it’s good over here. supportive blaine as always just highlighting how much they understand each other. a lot of burt which is always a plus . a very good mercedes plotline which should’ve been given more time but still is one of the better ones she gets.just seeing how light and loving kurt turns once burt is finally in the safe zone. and ‘you get kinda cute when you get nervous’ and ‘with you in it a wondeful life’ and whatever homoerotic stuff that is going on b/w rachel and cassie
3. Loser like me : the pure angst . i love storylines where they hit the rock bottom from such a happy place and have to find their way to the top by leaning in on each other and supporting each other. great klaine scenes, s5b we where pushed to believe that kurt had it all together, but we finally got to see kurt being an absolute mess and realizing how he contributed to their relationship not working out instead of pitting it all on s4 cheating . confident got help all by himself in a better position blaine , rachel finally getting a storyline that’s interesting and makes her one to root for . This ep always gives me the chills and makes me excited for the rest of the season
2. Tested : It’s genuinely one of the funniest eps ever. amazing rachcedes moment . the guys presenting one of my fave family dynamics in the show. great samcedes and klaine plotline . and i love the way liab is shot , such a well choreographed performance and it really looks like chris and darren had so much fun doing it.
1. New new york : this ep is the perfect mixture of fluff , comedy and angst. And on top of that we get never tried before combination of dynamics like rachel and artie as well as our favourite dynamics like klaine, blam, kelliot . also , out of all the klaine plotlines, this feels to me the most realistic one and really shows how much they want to work out their highschool relationship into an adult setting but they’re still young clueless inexperienced couple who doesn’t really know what they’re doing but still trying to work it out the way they think is the best one to protect their relationship , showing how much they care for each other as we enter into the crazy hard parts of their relationship. also , to see these whole set of highschool friends trying to navigate their way into this busy adult life is so fun to watch .  
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angelhummel · 4 years
I made lists of my fave songs of each episode, so now I’m gonna do one big list of my least favorite songs per each episode. Just for me
Pilot - Can’t Fight This Feeling (out of the songs actually listed as songs)
Showmance - Take A Bow
Acafellas - I Wanna Sex You Up
Preggers - n/a
The Rhodes Not Taken - Last Name
Vitamin D - Halo/Walking On Sunshine
Throwdown - No Air (the second crustiest number they ever did)
Mash Up - Thong Song, but also all of them
Wheels - Proud Mary
Ballad - Lean On Me
Hairography - Imagine
Mattress - Jump
Sectionals - You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Hello - Highway To Hell
The Power Of Madonna - What It Feels Like For A Girl
Home - Beautiful
Bad Reputation - Ice Ice Baby
Laryngitis - One
Dream On - Dream A Little Dream
Theatricality - Beth
Funk - Another One Bites The Dust
Journey To Regionals - Bohemian Rhapsody (is it obvious I don’t like Jesse??)
Audition - Billionaire
Britney/Brittany - The Only Exception
Grilled Cheesus - Only The Good Die Young
Duets - Don’t Go Breaking My Heart
The Rocky Horror Glee Show - There’s A Light (Over At The Frankenstein Place)
Never Been Kissed - One Love
The Substitute - Make Em Laugh
Furt - Ohio
Special Education - Hey Soul Sister
A Very Glee Christmas - Welcome Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle - Need You Now
Silly Love Songs - Firework
Comeback - I Know What Boys Like (but none of these are good)
Blame It On The Alcohol - My Headband
Sexy - Kiss
Original Song - Only Child
A Night Of Neglect - Turning Tables
Born This Way - I’ve Gotta Be Me
Rumors - I Don’t Want To Know
Prom Queen - Rolling In The Deep
Funeral - Pure Imagination (but all the songs are good)
New York - I Love New York/New York, New York
Purple Piano Project - It’s Not Unusual (but I like all these songs)
I Am Unicorn - Somewhere
Asian F - Out Here On My Own
Pot O Gold - Being Green
The First Time - One Hand, One Heart
Mash Off - You And I/You And I
I Kissed A Girl - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (the first crustiest number they ever did)
Hold On To Sixteen - Red Solo Cup
Extraordinary Merry Christmas - Blue Christmas
Yes/No - Wedding Bell Blues (it’s cute but...)
Michael - Ben
The Spanish Teacher - A Little Less Conversation
Heart - Let Me Love You
On My Way - Fly/I Believe I Can Fly
Big Brother - Somebody That I Used To Know
Saturday Night Gleever - How Deep Is Your Love
Dance With Somebody - Saving All My Love For You
Choke - Cry
Promasaurus - Big Girls Don’t Cry
Props - I Won’t Give Up (Rachel just shut up already omg)
Nationals - We Are The Champions 
Goodbye - Roots Before Branches
The New Rachel - Never Say Never
Britney 2.0 - Gimme More
Makeover - Celebrity Skin
The Break Up - Give Your Heart A Break
The Role You Were Born To Play - Born To Hand Jive
Glease - You’re The One That I Want
Dynamic Duets - Superman
Thanksgiving - Whistle (surprise!) 
Swan Song - Being Good Isn’t Good Enough
Glee Actually - Feliz Navidad
Sadie Hawkins - Baby Got Back :/
Naked - Let Me Love you
Diva - Make No Mistake She’s Mine
I Do - You’re All I Need To Get By
Girls (And Boys) On Film - In Your Eyes
Feud - I Still Believe/Superbass (but it’s still hilarious)
Guilty Pleasures - Creep
Shooting Star - More Than Words
Sweet Dreams - Literally just pick any of them
Lights Out - Everybody Hurts
Wonderful - Uptight
All Or Nothing - To Love You More
Love Love Love - Drive My Car
Tina In The Sky With Diamonds - Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Quarterback - No Surrender
A Katy Or A Gaga - Wide Awake
The End Of Twerk - You Are Woman, I Am Man (again, surprise)
Movin Out - Honesty? I really don’t remember any of them except 1
Puppet Master - The Fox
Previously Unaired Christmas - Love Child
Frenemies - Whenever I Call You A Friend
Trio - Danny’s Song
City Of Angels - I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
100 - Happy
New Directions - Don’t Stop Believin
New New York - Best Day Of My Life
Bash - You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman
Tested - I Want To Know What Love Is
Opening Night - NYC
The Back Up Plan - The Rose
Old Dog New Tricks - Memory
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project - Glitter In The Air
Loser Like Me - Uninvited, Sing, Dance The Night Away
Homecoming - Problem (but I don’t hate any of these songs)
Jagged Little Tapestry - So Far Away
The Hurt Locker p1 - All of them
The Hurt Locker p2 - Also all of them
What The World Needs Now - I’ll Never Fall In Love Again
Transitioning - Same Love
A Wedding - Hey Ya. So fucking dumb
Child Star - Break Free
The Rise And Fall Of Sue Sylvester - The Trolley Song (every other song feels like a waste of time but this one takes the cake)
We Built This Glee Club - Listen To Your Heart
2009 - I’m His Child
Dreams Come True - Teach Your Children
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kyoujurous-eyebrows · 5 years
Erm, is requests open? If not, please ignore this, I'm so sorry. But if it's open, may I please request Kyojuro saving his fem (and future!s/o ;3) tsuguko from a demon? Like, he loves her deeply but hasn't confessed. Please fLUFF but I don't mind if you add a pinch of angsty...just please don't kill Kyojuro, I don't think my already unstable mental health can take it— I'm sorry if I'm asking for much, you can ignore this if you want 😅😁😁
I apologise to everyone for taking forever, I have had a bad streak of busy weeks and zero motivation for whatever reason.
Sorry it took so long to respond! I hope you enjoy this and it’s not too far off of your request :)
They Can’t Hurt You Anymore
Rengoku Kyoujurou x Fem!Tsuguko!Reader
Words: 1.5k
The day started out like any other one for you. Wake up at the crack of dawn, go for a jog to warm up your muscles and return by early morning to start your training. You had been fortunate enough to become the tsuguko of the Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyoujurou, and it was everything you could have asked for and more. He was passionate, can be very loud, and worked you to the bone, but all of it was under the pretence of making you stronger.
“(Y/N)-san! Are you feeling alright? You seem to be spacing out a little!” Rengoku called to you, snapping you out of your reminiscent thoughts. You smiled at your teacher and shook your head.
“Feeling just fine! I let my mind wander for a second. What were we working on?” He gives you his signature smile and dives back into explaining the motions of the current technique you were focusing on. You were not a Flame Breath user but taking those techniques and mixing them with your own breath style has shown an increase in power and performance on your end.
Rengoku finished re-explaining, watched you perform for a bit and then called for a lunch break. You grabbed your two wrapped lunches and gave one of them to Rengoku. It had become a routine of sorts for you to make lunch for him as he often skipped out in the beginning saying he “didn’t have enough time to make one in the mornings, and he wasn’t going to bother his younger brother when he could be focusing on his own things.” You offered to bring him a lunch after he tried some of yours one day and shouted “Tasty!” so loud that Uzui shouted at you both from the other side of the compound.
The sight of your crow hovering above prompted you to reach out an arm for it to land on. “Mission received! Head to the village due south of here! Demon activity has heightened recently!” You gave a nod to your crow and they took flight again.
“Sorry to cut training short today. It’s nearby so I’ll hopefully be back just after supper!” You waived to Rengoku as you retreated into the main hall to change into your slayer garb in your room. Once ready, you set out at a quick place, hoping to keep your word of when you’ll be back.
Rengoku watched as you disappeared around the corner with a fond smile on his face. He had found you training on your own about two years ago and was quite impressed with your skills. After witnessing a battle you had with a tricky demon, he offered to make you his tsuguko, wishing to see how you would grow as you became stronger. He was quick to realise that your two breath styles worked well when combined together and was very pleased to see you grow stronger every day. He also quickly realised how beautiful and strong you were, how your smile would send butterflies to his stomach, and how just seeing you everyday brightened up his moods. He had fallen for his little tsuguko quite hard.
Glancing to where you were sitting just moments ago, he noticed something. A small omamori amulet that you always carried on your person wherever you went. He asked about it once, and you said inside was a keepsake from your father who passed away due to a disease a few years prior. Grabbing it, he set out to follow you, knowing you would worry if you realised you didn’t have it on your person.
The village was not that far away, just like your crow had said. It was a small and quaint farming village that seemed to be suffering from a minor draught right now. The crops didn’t look very healthy and the soil was not a good colour. Whatever nutrients that used to be in it were now absent. Asking around you found that the village had been terrorised at night by some beast that would sweep through and kidnap a child or two every night. All the parents were worried sick, especially because even children that had not gone outside for a full 24 hours were disappearing.
The orange colours of the setting sun diminished as you went on full alert. You surmised the demon had some sort of spatial blood art or was just extremely quick and quiet for even kids indoors to go missing. You walked cautiously, listening for anything that sounded out of place. A few minutes passed until you heard an unnatural movement rustle some nearby leaves. Quickly you rushed in that direction, Nichirin blade drawn, hoping to spot the demon you were after. You happen upon not a demon, but a young boy no older than eight years crouching in a bush. He yelps at your sudden appearance and runs away.
“Wait! Come back it’s dangerous to be out here this late!” You chase after the boy following him through alley way after alley way until you cornered him. “Please stop running, it’s not safe out. I’m not going to hurt you, so let’s get you back home.” Suddenly the situation seemed suspicious to you. Why would a small child run so far away when frightened rather than returning home? You gulped and took half a step back, reaching instinctively for the omamori you always kept you on… except it wasn’t there.
Panic began to rise in the back of your throat as you watched the skin of this young boy melt away and transform into a grotesque looking demon. It licked its chops as it looked you up and down.
“A pretty young lady has come to serve herself to me tonight? Well, while I normally go after the young tykes, you definitely look good enough to eat. And a slayer to boot, He’ll be happy if I’m able to take you out!” The demon lunged at you as you took a defence stance, not willing to lose your life here.
By the time Rengoku reached the village, the sun had just barely set. His father had tried to pull another lecture on him as he was leaving after grabbing his sword, which only delayed him further. A sense of dread crawled across his skin as he quietly walked through the eerily empty streets. Hand on the hilt of his blade, he advanced further until he heard a shout of pain coming from somewhere behind him and to the right. He dashed in that direction at full speed, hoping he wasn’t too late to save the one being hurt.
Popping around a corner into a dingy alley way his eyes fall upon your slightly slumped figure. You were picking yourself up off the ground after having been smashed into the wall next to you. Rengoku’s blood boiled at the sight of the small stream of blood leaking down the side of your face, however he took a deep breath and drew his blade. Before the demon even had time to react, his head was sliced clean off. Rengoku faced away from you as he looked down at the decaying demon’s face with a look of disdain.
“(Y/N)! Are you alright? You seem to have hit your head so don’t move around too much!” He sheathed his blade and stepped carefully towards you as you took a few steps forward and stumbled into his arms. Your head was swimming and your vision was a little fuzzy at the edges.
“Rengoku-san…” You whispered quietly, the action causing a headache to arise.
“Don’t speak you might have a concussion. I’ll help you back to the Butterfly Estate and have Kocho-san look at you.” His voice was impossibly soft, a tone you had never heard from him before. Despite the pain, you looked up into his face, and you felt your heart skip a beat. His eyes swam with worry, a small frown in place of his usual smile and he looked about ready to cry.
“Don’t look so sad… I’ll be okay with a bit of rest…” You raised a hand up to rub across his cheek, and he grabbed it with the hand not supporting your weight.
“(Y/N), you don’t understand, I-” But he cut his confession off upon seeing you go unconscious. Placing your omamori back into one of your pockets, he took out some gauze and disinfectant he had on him whenever he went out. After quickly wrapping the wound on your head, he picked you up bridal style, as well as your sword, and hurried back to the Estate so that Shinobu could look at you; taking care not to jostle you too much.
There would be plenty of time for him to express his feelings for you after you were back in perfect shape. Until then, he would be by your side to make sure nothing bad could ever reach you. Actually, he thinks he’ll just continue to watch over you even after he confesses; whether you accept his feelings or not.
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gorgxoxus · 4 years
Least favourite song from each episode of Glee:
Season 1:
Pilot: Can’t fight this feeling
Showmance: Take a bow (omg I have like never listened to this song and it’s a snooze fest big time)
Acafellas: I wanna sex you up
Preggers: N/A
The Rhodes Not Taken: Last name
Vitamin D: Halo/ Walking on Sunshine
Throwdown: No air
Mash up: Thong song
Wheels: Defying Gravity
Ballad: (You’re) having my baby
Hairography: Bootylicious (but they’re all great)
Mattress: Smile (Finchel version)
Sectionals: You can’t always get what you want
Hell-o: Hello/ Goodbye
The Power of Madonna: What it feels like for a girl
Home: One less bell to answer/ A house is not a home
Bad reputation: Physical
Laryngitis: The Lady is a tramp
Dream on: Dream a little dream of me
Theatricality: Poker Face
Funk: Loser
Journey to Regionals: Bohemian Rhapsody
Season 2:
Audition: Billionaire
Britany/Brittany: Toxic
Grilled Cheesus: Papa, can you hear me?
Duets: With you I’m born again
Rocky Horror Picture Show: Dammit Janet
Never Been Kissed: Teenage Dream (sorry not sorry)
The Substitute: Make em Laugh
Furt: Ohio
Special Education: Don’t cry for me Argentina
A Very Glee Christmas: You’re a mean one, Mr Grinch
The Sue Sylvester shuffle: none
Silly love songs: Fat Bottomed Girls
Comeback: Baby (or all songs except for ‘Someone to Love’ because it’s an actual bop).
Blame it on the alcohol: Blame it (on the alcohol)
Sexy: Afternoon Delight
Original song: Big ass heart
Night of neglect: All my myself (but kinda none)
Born this way: Barbra Streisand
Rumours: Never going back again
Prom Queen: Jar of Hearts
Funeral: Back to Black
New York: Bella Notte
Season 3:
The Purple Piano Project: Anything goes/ Anything you can do
I Am Unicorn: Something’s Coming
Asian F: Run the World (Girls)
Pot o gold: Bein’ Green
The First Time: One hand One heart
Mash off: Hot for Teacher
I kissed a Girl: Girls just want to have fun
Hold onto sixteen: Man in the Mirror (for salty Kurt isn’t part of the boys number)
Extraordinary Merry Christmas: Christmas Wrapping
Yes/no: Wedding Bell Blues
Micheal: Scream
The Spanish teacher: A little less conversation
Heart: You’re the Top
On my way: Here’s to Us
Big brother: Fighter
‪Saturday night glee-ver: How Deep is your love? ‬
Dance with somebody: I wanna dance with (somebody who loves me)
Choke: Cry
Prom-a-saurus: Dinosaur
Props: I won’t give up
Nationals: It’s all coming back to me now
Goodbye: Forever young
Season 4:
The new Rachel: Call me Maybe
Britany 2.0: Oops... I did it again!
Makeover: Celebrity Skin
The Break Up: Teenage Dream (acoustic) (again, sorry I don’t like the song)
The role you were born to play: Juke Box Hero
Grease: Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee (Kitty version)
Dynamic duets: Superman
Thanksgiving: Gangnam Style
Swan song: Somethin’ Stupid
Glee Actually: Feliz Navidad
Sadie Hawkins: Baby Got Back
Naked: Torn (but I actually enjoy all these songs)
Diva: Nutbush City Limits
I do: I enjoy them all, every one of them
Boys (and girls) on film: You’re all the world to me
Feud: Bye Bye Bye / I want it that way
Guilty pleasures: Against all odds/ take a look at me now (in terms of performance)
Shooting star: Your Song
Sweet dreams: (You gotta) fight for your right (to party)
Lights out: Everybody Hurts
Wonder-ful: You are the sunshine of my life (unfortunately, but also I love this WHOLE episode)
All or nothing: All or Nothing
Season 5:
Love, love, love: Yesterday
Tina in the sky with diamonds: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Quarterback: No Surrender
A katy or a gaga: Roar
The end of twerk: Blurred Lines
Movin out: An Innocent Man
Puppet master: The Fox
Previously unaired Christmas: Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree
Frienemies: Don’t Rain on my Parade
Trio: Jumpin’ Jumpin’
City of angels: I love LA
100: Defying Gravity
New Directions: Party All the Time
New New York: You make me feel so Young
Bash: Broadway Baby
Tested: Addicted to Love
Opening night: N.Y.C
Back up plan: Piece of my Heart
Old dogs, new tricks: Take me Home Tonight
The untitled Rachel Berry Project: Glitter in the Air
Season 6:
Loser Like Me: Let it Go
Homecoming: Problem
Jagged Little Tapestry: So Far Away
The Hurt Locker: Vocal Adrenaline’s numbers
The Hurt Locker Part 2: Dalton Academy’s numbers
What The World Needs Now: Wishin’ and Hopin’
Transitioning: Same Love
A Wedding: Hey Ya!
Child Star: Friday I’m in Love
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester: The Trolley Song
We Built This Glee Club: Mickey
2009: Popular
Dreams Come True: The Winner Takes it All
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
Which episodes do you think have the best character development for Kurt and Blaine? I read one of your asks and it mentioned 6x03 for Kurt, which I agree with completely, but which other ones would you pick?
Oohh, interesting question! I honestly think a lot of them do, I’ll give Glee credit that with Kurt and Blaine, they did get the better end of character growth on the show.  There are a lot of them -- I’m going to list the episode and next to it put next to it a ‘K’, ‘B’, or ‘KL’ to designate Kurt, Blaine or Both.  (Keep in mind that the ‘both’ episodes might have individual development as well as relationship development.  Like Sadie Hawkins develops both of them individually, but their romantic story line doesn’t progress.) 
Acafellas - K
Preggers - K
Wheels - K
Ballad - K 
Hairography - K (Lite)
The Power of Madonna - K (lite) 
Home - K
Bad Reputation - K (lite) 
Laryngitis - K
Theatricality - K
Grilled Cheesus - K
Duets - K
Never Been Kissed - KL 
The Substitute - KL (lite) 
Furt - K
Special Education - KL
A Very Glee Christmas - KL
Silly Love Songs - KL
Blame It on the Alcohol - KL
Sexy - KL
Original Song - KL
Born This Way - KL
Prom Queen - KL
Funeral - K
New York - KL
The Purple Piano Project - KL
I Am Unicorn - K
The First Time - KL
I Kissed a Girl - K (Lite) 
Extraordinary Merry Christmas - KL 
Michael - KL
Heart - KL
On My Way - K 
Big Brother - B 
Dance With Somebody - KL
Choke - K
Promasaurs - KL (Lite) 
Goodbye - K
The New Rachel - KL
Makeover - KL
The Break Up - KL
Glease - KL
Dynamic Duets - B
Thanksgiving - K 
Swan Song - K
Glee Actually - KL
Sadie Hawkins - KL
Diva - KL
I Do - KL
Girls and Boys on Film - K
Feud - B
Guilty Pleasures - KL
Wonderful - KL
All or Nothing - B
Love Love Love - KL
The Quarterback - K
A Katy or a Gaga - K (lite) 
The End of Twerk - K (lite) 
Movin’ Out - KL
Puppet Master - B
Frenemies - K 
Trio - B 
New Directions - KL
New New York - KL
Bash - KL
Tested - KL
The Back Up Plan - KL
Old Dogs, New Tricks - K
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project - KL
Loser Like Me - KL
Homecoming - B
Jagged Little Tapestry - K
The Hurt Locker pt 1 - K
The Hurt Locker pt 2 - KL
Transitioning - B 
A Wedding - KL
2009 - K
Dreams Come True - KL
That’s 78/121 episodes which focuses on either Kurt, Blaine, or Klaine development.  And of course, the ones I didn’t list still have tiny bits and pieces in most of them. (This is why I just say -- go watch the series as a whole, there’s so much!) 
Makes me wonder what has zero development for either character, another list!  Okay, the next is a list of episode that I think has zero Kurt, Blaine, or Klaine related anything in it (most of it is season 1, lol) 
Rhodes Not Taken
Vitamin D
Mash Up
Dream On
Pot o Gold
Britney 2.0
Shooting Star
What the World Needs Now
Child Star
Huh Interesting - so out of 121 episodes, you’re going to get at least a little bit of one or the other.  There are only 2 in the series that have zero Klaine (Comeback, Child Star) and only 1 where Kurt is seen and not heard (Dream On).  Otherwise, with the exception of early season 1 - there are tiny bits even in this list.  
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THIS IS GONNA BE ALL THE ODD NUMBERS FROM THIS POST (feel free to still send even ones in pFFFFffffFFFt) so I’m putting it under the cut!! Gonna be looong!! If you wanna learn random stuff about The Matt, click read more. :P
1.if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Read: Bird by Crystal Chan. Watch: Sense8. Listen to: this song.
3.three songs that you connect with right now.
this - this - this
5.have you taken someones virginity?
Nope. Not… yet? XD
7.if you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Haven’t had a proper one yet, unfortunately.
9.what was the last concert you saw?
Never been to one, too much noise and flashing lights and people = complete sensory overload and panic attack. Cinemas are bad enough. XD BUT I would be pretty tempted to see Coldplay live!!
11.do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Sweet Cheesus yes please.
13.a song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
this :D jk jk if it was somebody I rlly cared about it would be my favourite song probably
15.do you want to have kids? How many?
*hYsTeRiCaL lAuGhTeR* buddy I can barely take care of my own impulsive ass let alone a kid. But I’m never one to say never, so… I really don’t know. I’m not gonna be the one getting knocked up though, so adoption or… something else, depending on my eventual partner’s gender.
17.do you miss anyone from your past?
Yes. The two people I really miss though were slowly killing me so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ better off!!
19.have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I sure hope not! D:
21.have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
1) Haven’t had one yet :’) 2) I really really hope I never make them cry, I’ll never intend to. D’:
23.favourite weather?
A nice, cloudy, kinda chilly day with steady rain.
25.do you wanna get married?
Honestly I really don’t mind either way so it’ll depend 100% on my partner. If they want to, sure!! If they don’t, I won’t care. I do have this thing though where I tend to pass out if I stand still for a long amount of time so that’ll be… interesting. X’D my only thing will be that I want the ring bearer to be either dressed up as a Hobbit or to be a v good dog so those are my only conditions to marriage 😂😂😂
27.what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Frodo reaction memes. X’D
29.what’s your favorite pasta dish?
Ravioli is pretty hecking good! I’m getting back into pasta recently, I never used to like it bc we used to have gluten pasta and it made me feel sick. But now I can find out which pastas I like!!! :’DDDDD
31.what’s your favorite eye color?
Blue eyes are stunning. It’s funny, my Mum has blue eyes and I’m so bitter that I didn’t inherit them. :((( But rlly all eye colours can be super pretty!!
33.are you a morning person?
Yes in the fact that I LOVE mornings. I can be grumpy first thing sometimes when I’m still half asleep but I get really happy and energetic from overtiredness lmao quickly!! :DDDD
35.what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
My boots. I’ve had them forever and I don’t own any other shoes, apart from some runners that are still practically brand new bc I never wear them. XD
37.tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Okay so normally when I’m awake at 3AM it’s one of 3 scenarios: 1) I got fixated on something and don’t know how much time has passed, or 2) my insomnia has flared up yet again and I am this close to having a mental breakdown because I’m so tired, or 3) I got overtired and now act pretty much drunk and have too much energy to go to sleep. One time I sent Enna three separate rambly stupid asks about her OCs and I was so tired that the next morning I remembered I sent them but I couldn’t remember anything I said. She was super sweet about it. The end. X’D
39.who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
My Dad. We both love the stars. We were also talking about Pokemon and DND. XD
41.do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
I don’t particularly like it, I prefer just downloading songs now. Mainly because I don’t like a lot of songs from the same band and buying a whole CD or record just for ONE song that I like on it is… meh. XD The last one I bought was an Ed Sheeran CD and it was for my mum.
43.what are your favorite memes of the year so far
I haven’t found any yet that really grab me, we’ll see. X’D
45.what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I got my Dad a One Direction calendar once. We both hated One Direction. (When the cashier gave 12-year-old me that kind of ‘stupid teenaged girl in love with a boy band’ look I stared right back at her and told her with a straight face we were going to light it on fire. I’ve never seen anyone look so pleasantly surprised in my entire life.) My Dad loooved it. X’DI asked my Dad for a toothpick a week before my birthday once and he didn’t have one. Guess what my “present” was that year. Guess. XD
47.describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
V tol and thoughtful and pretty and talented and nice and spams me and sends me pics of cute dogs occasionally. 11/10 good fren, would befren again. :’)
49.is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Yup. Should be writing 2 things and maybe doing something else but idk if I should do the thing or not so. Procrastination it is. :))))
51.what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Any mutual of mine who just sends me nice messages or asks me stuff warms my heart so much. And anyone who has ever shown interest in my OCs has my eternal gratitude, if y’all ever need a kidney you caN HAVE MINE.
53.what’s some of your favorite album art?
Literally anything Coldplay has ever had ever.
55.do you like concept albums? which ones?
They sound pretty cool but I don’t think I have any favourites…?? Idk.
57.list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
This one (This one. This one.
59.what do you do when you’re sad?
Isolate myself + throw love at my online friends so hopefully they don’t feel like I do. Also drink warm drinks and reading and spending time with my pets bc they always help.
61.what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had?
I read this as sex thing wooPS. X’D Best non-romantic night I’ve ever had.. hmm… the night we got our German Shepherd. It was Good Friday. We’d finally gotten our puppy. We stayed up super late watching her toddle around and fall asleep on us. One of my absolute favourite memories. :’D
63.what’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
“You will only find your special someone when you are perfectly happy with the idea of being single forever. You can only be in a comfortable and loving relationship with somebody else when you are in a comfortable and loving relationship with yourself.”
65.what’s your secret dream?
Be in a Marvel movie one day. ^-^” oof
67.three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
The only things that come to mind are P!nk songs ASDFGHJKL XD
69.three last songs you listened to
Pffft the songs I put on this thing X’D
71.have you ever had a friends with benefits?
Nope but I’d be open to the idea! (i may even have plans with one fren lmao)
73.Is there anyone you would die for?
My family (friends included), my pets, what’s right: if the world could be magically fixed but I had to die I’d do it on the spot.
75.do you give out second chances too easily?
I used to. But then I used up all my second chances on people who didn’t deserve them. Normally if somebody really seriously hurts me, I give them one more chance and make it very clear for them to please not do that particular thing again. Everyone makes mistakes, I get that. But if they do that exact same thing again, I’m normally gone. I’m done with waiting around and getting hurt over and over just to “be a good friend.” That’s not being a friend, that’s being a doormat/punching bag.
77.is this year the best year of your life?
So far, nope. We’ll see though!!! :DDDDD
79.who/what was your last dream about?
I think it was about Shameless?? I heard there was a trans character so I watched just those clips and I think I dreamt about it. X’D
Thank you so much for asking, Em!! ^____^
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klaineship2 · 7 years
TDB Rewatch       Duets      Episode 2x04
“When you’re different, when you’re special sometimes you have to get used to being alone.”
Some weeks must have passed since Grilled Cheesus happend, because Burt is already back from hospital and seems quite recovered and also Sam's dislocated shoulder seems to be almost back to normal, though he still winces when he puts weight on it (lifting books at the locker, boxing -- yeah for continuity) Kurt seems mostly back to his old confidence and his interest is piqued when Sam joins Glee Club.
Right after Kurt and Blaine, Sam has always been my favourite male character on the show!!!  Obviously the writers haven't decided yet to make poverty Sam's problem. Right now his biggest secret is his fake blonde surfer hair-do, he went to an (expensive?) Boarding School after all. I wonder if that school was similar to Dalton and affected Sam's opinion on homosexuality, because he reacts so so differently to an openly gay Kurt than every other boy at school  Every other boy would avoid being too close to Kurt to not fall down the social ladder. But Sam who isn't aware of Kurt's social position yet is completely unprejudiced --  Sam doesn't get defensive in the least, not before Kurt mentions the hair dye. It's not Kurt's obvious gayness that makes Sam defensive (that's an interesting point considering the reaction of almost all the other boys in Kurt's environment.)
The fun thing is, that not Kurt has ‘painted a target on Sam's back’ but Finn himself did. Sam doesn't get slusheed for being seen with Kurt but for being in Glee Club and for that, Finn is responsible. Finn is very manipulative and though he's Kurt's friend and soon to be brother, he is still way too much focused on his popularity status, whereas Sam, who also wants to have a good start at his new school still values other things higher than popularity (friendship, promises, a given word, honour...) He'd never break a promise he made and he genuinely admires Kurt's talent and doesn't let get homophobia in the way of it. Though at first Sam is concerned of being approached by another boy in the shower, his embarrassement soon is replaced by disappointment of being rejected as Kurt’s  duet partner and he is worried that he might have offended Kurt in some way..
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But I like Sam's smirk when Kurt reveals that he wants to sing with 'someone that matches his passion and talent level’  it seems to me that he already knows Kurt good enough to realize that he’s up to something special. And may I mention that I loooove Sam’s smile. He has such a beautyful smile!!
Some great Sam-meta-thoughts by @star-spangled-capn
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And now to Kurt: I think his interest in Sam isn't primarily romantic it's more like sensing / hoping he might be gay because of his obviously dyed hair and testing the waters by approaching him with the offer of doing the duet together. Of course Kurt is longing for a romantic relationship like most of his peers but than he might as well just welcome the chance of meeting another (possibly openly gay) guy who would understand his situation so much better than everybody else, just as a friend. (that’s what he’ll value the most at first, when he meets Blaine, after all)
Though Finn isn't very subtle with Kurt, he is right when he points out that Kurt HAS acted quite pushy with him the year before. But with Sam Kurt is different. He never pushes himself on him, but tries to convince him properly (by sending 60 mp3s, lol) and I am sure he wouldn't have chosen a romantic duet, there are other options. So I get why that conversation with Finn leaves Kurt deeply hurt. The fact that he can never approache a boy (even in an innocent friendly way) without his sexuality / homophobia getting in the way . His conversation with Burt on top of that makes him rethink everything. Kurt follows Finn’s advice and frees Sam from his word to save him from problems, and Sam almost takes it as an offence! I had to look-up Shawshanks  ‘cause that movie title isn't known in Germany (the German dub version changes the lines into “I won’t make a joke about ‘dropping the soap’.“ Funny coincidence:  Saturday, 11.11.2017 .The Shawshanks Redemption -- Die Verurteilten”  was on VOX (German free TV) at 08:15pm -
Different perceptions of sexuality, queer behaviour etc....The duets take place inside the choir room and if they would CLOSE THE DOORS just this one time nobody else would know about the duets. But still Glee makes a big problem of the fact that 2 boys sing together. There are so many examples of non romantic male duets on film, radio, whatever, but Glee handles duets like an equivalent to a romantic relationship..Though Santana and Mercedes DO a duet about love together, they don’t really sing it to each other, it’s more like they sing it to the audience. But nobody thinks it was inappropriate or a hint of a lesbian relationship between the two, though Santana refused to sing a romantic duet with Brittany.  .. To me it's interesting that it would have been inappropriate for Kurt to sing together with another boy but it is not inappropriate to perform on stage in a very gender-fluid appearance and dance with other boys who he physically gets very close to.. (and the entire Glee Club cheers them on). Then Mike and Tina’s duet isn’t romantic, as well. but I always wondered why Kurt looked so stunned when they start singing, it can't be out of surprise about Mike singing, 'cause he is member of glee for a year now and has sung a lot, (even if only in the background)  On the Podcast @januarium  mentions that Mike and Tina sing a gender reversed version of Sing! I didn't know that. So maybe that  is why he looks so surprised and obviously it is a big difference if a gay guy is singing a girl's song / female part or if it's a straight guy or maybe just nobody realizes that fact because they don't have the knowledge of old broadway classics that Kurt and @januarium  have.
I hurt with Kurt when he watches Sam and Quinn singing. It's obvious that it is not just regret for not being able to sing with Sam but for the huge difference in perception of his actions just because of his sexuality and him being ’special’. On top of his lack of a romantic relationship he also can't even act friendly with another guy because his behaviour will always be percepted as predatory by his environment. He feels so utterly alone and misunderstood. Hold on Kurt.... soon you’ll find a boyfriend
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other Kurt things
Kurt’s wearing a FOXTAIL
he puts flowers on Burt’s ‘dinner table’
his eyeroll, when Burt says: “You’re my stress test.”
he looks so small when he sits on that couch with his head on Burt’s shoulder
everything about ‘Le Jazz Hot’ is so so amazing!!!!!
Other things
Mercedes: “You’re crazy circa 2010.”
Rachel wants to lose a singing competition!!
fortunately finally Rachel senses Kurt’s unhappiness and loneliness and that is how the Hummelberry-friendship starts.
“I know you’re lonely but you’re not alone.”
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Phantom bride event-Player is their last option Pt.5
Characters: Epel Felmier, Ace Trappola, Riddle Rosehearts
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, murder, killing, blood, death, possessiveness, imprisonment, kidnapping, obsession
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Oh dear.... oh boy....
Ok, you enter, make him think he ascended to haven because he can see you in such clothing and then crashes like a caffeine addict after they don't get enough of their stuff after realizing that... well... you are more or less a sacrifice
So, Epel is panicking, you are proposing, the world ends in his eyes
All these hours upon hours upon hours of praying just to see his God die is something he had hoped to never witness
But, oh happy day, here we are
If you were just here proposing then he would just have the urge to... uh poison and put you into a glass coffin
But congrats! He is way too scared for your safety to do that
One good thing at least....
Epel is devastated
Even if he could move he would still be absolutely useless!
A small, weak guy like himself could never change anything about the situation
And look at the competition! She is literally royalty!
But, oh well, even royalty can be disposed off
The poisoned apple is a powerfull tool after all
Do not understimate him
Once he is free again he will find a way to harm her and keep you to himself. Only him. Him. Him alone. Did I mention he will find a way to bind you to him?
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Oh uh…. how about we call a doctor?
My man over here looks everything else but good
Why? Can't you see the color of his face??!
All I can say that he plans to show Crowley his opinion on sending you as the last DEFENSELESS person
He painted the roses red, And many tears the crow shed, He dare not to stop, Or spare a drop, …. (Cheesus!!! What the heck did I create here??!)
But *ahem* bloodlust aside, he is terrefied
What if you get hurt?
Or even worse, you might even mean those words!!!
And he is also at fault for your situation!!!
If only he had tried harder! If only he didn’t try to act all above and better than her...
And also, for some reason he feels like he is failing you
Not only as a friend
But also if he was someone responsible for your safety
Then again, he was raised with the believe that you are the true ruler, the hidden monarch, of the Queendom of roses
So in other words, you got a friend who will end anbody if you wish so
Oh and also, he will lock you up for your own safety. Just some unimportant information here.... RUN!
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I have never seen him so pale
No joke, all the blood which rushes up to his head when he is angry (QUESTION MARK) Gone.
My man has gone pale
Red Queen? More like white Queen!
*sigh* When will I ever get in my head that the live-action… ok, moving on
But then again you could die
So his worries are somewhat understandable
If only he wouldn’t feel so guilty….
He made a promise to Draconia, to save his dorm member and failed
Now you had to pay the price for his pathetic attempt at saving Lilia
Fire is a bit useless if your opponents are ghosts….
Oh and his dreams could die just now
Riddle knew that loving the hidden monarch was a bit much even for Queendom of Roses standarts but it is what it is
The Queen likes the crow red, If he saw black instead, He’d raise a fuss, And the crow under us, Would quickly loose his head…. God, I need to stop…
Safe to say that Crowley is in danger like never before….
And maybe uh... leave the place before he forces you upon that throne back home because then that was your last free second
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