#checked the blog that was spouting shit and their a FUCKING YANK
bookofmac · 4 months
still mad over that last post, like im not gonna act like i'm super knowledgeable about the Maralinga nuclear tests but I KNOW THAT IT WAS FUCKED!!! LIKE!!! PEOPLE LIVED THERE!! ITS SACRED LAND
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choisansexual · 5 years
“My Cousin’s Best Friend”
For: @atinypiratequeen Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Fem Reader Genre: Realism/Angst/Smut+ Word Count: 4327 POV: second person POV
Preview: You blinked twice. Then a third time. A fourth. All the air in your lungs suddenly felt like water. Your eyes narrowed. No… fucking… way. Were you dreaming? You were definitely dreaming. Right? No. A doppelganger! Had to be. Because there was absolutely, positively, just… no fucki-- “Hey… nice to meet you. I’m Kim Hongjoong. Well… Hongjoong… or just Joong, is fine, too.” Perfectly articulated english. Fuck…!
“Damnit! Okay, stop. Stop! … Arghhhh, shit!”, you exclaimed loudly as moments of light alternated with pitch blackness. The deep rumbling of thunder followed sharp flashes of lightning as the rain pelted the roof like bullets. The scrolling marquee across bottom of the television screen, read in bold print, warnings of the storm. “Yeah, yeah, yeah…”, you paused in the middle of the living room staring at the screen momentarily. It was rather rare that a strong storm hit your area like this. Much less a storm strong enough to possibly knock the power out. Retrieving your phone from your back pocket, you check the time. It was half past seven in the evening. The sun was already gone from the sky. Checking the time stamp from the last text you’d received from your cousin, it read a quarter past six. Andrew was always the most punctual person you’d known. Always early, hardly on time. When he’d messaged that he’d landed and would be at the door in less than an hour, that’s exactly what you were expecting. Excitement bubbled back up from your stomach as it had been quite some time since you’d seen him. He was your best friend. The big brother you never had, and never knew you needed. So his visits were always a big occasion for you. Especially this one. Your parents had left town for the weekend to visit relatives out of state. You offered to stay and watch the house and surprisingly, they didn’t argue. Now, the entire house was at your free reign for the next 3 days. Not that you had a massive house party planned or anything, but it would definitely be nice to have your own privacy and space. 
Still absent-mindedly glaring at your glowing phone screen, the shadows in your living room began to dance as headlights moved outside of the living room window. Finally! He’s here! A rush of adrenaline shot through your veins and within seconds you were swinging the front door open. “Hey!”, you called out into the steady rain. Huddling into yourself in an effort to shield from the wind, and crossing your arms against your chest as you squinted in the dim porch lighting, Andrew responded with equal excitement. “Hey, you! We got stuck waiting on our rental car!”. Wait ... ‘we’? As you inhaled a breath in preparation to interrogate him, you heard a second door slam shut on the vehicle. There was a dark figure walking alongside Andrew as they approached up the driveway. But… he didn’t mention he was bringing anyone else with him… right? As they stepped onto the porch you were finally able to make out your cousin’s familiarity. Tossing your arms around his neck, completely disregarding the fact that he was absolutely sopping wet from the rain, your happiness over powered all other thoughts in that moment. That is until… “So… uh… yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t mention something sooner. It was literally a last minute thing and I figured since we have the house all to ourselves…”, Andrew’s voice trailed off. Gesturing in the air with his hands as he pretty much failed to present a valid explanation and he knew it. Ceasing to speak and just shrugging his shoulders with his sweet endearing smile, you immediately cut your eyes to the personage situated directly to his left. 
You blinked twice. Then a third time. A fourth. All the air in your lungs suddenly felt like water. Your eyes narrowed. No… fucking… way. Were you dreaming? You were definitely dreaming. Right? No. A doppelganger! Had to be. Because there was absolutely, positively, just… no fucki-- “Hey… nice to meet you. I’m Kim Hongjoong. Well… Hongjoong… or just Joong, is fine, too.” Perfectly articulated english.
Your skin was feeling like it had been set on fire, from head to toe. You stared. A little too hard. You had no idea how long the silence had been present. Andrew laughed awkwardly, snapping you out of your trance. “Yeahhh… so, uh… he’s a foriegn exchange student from Korea that got assigned to my dorm… we got pretty tight, and I didn’t think it would be an issue for him to just… yunno… tag along!” Trailing off, Andrew left you two standing there face to face in the whipping rain as he disappeared through the front door and into the house. Turning on your heels, you quickly followed him inside. Once all three of you were in the warmth and safety of the living room, you were literally unable to peel your eyes from your cousin’s guest. Emerging from the hallway after taking in their small amount of luggage, Andrew prepared to take his seat in front of the television on the couch when you suddenly sprung to your feet. Quickly making your way to Andrew, grasping onto the sleeve of his sweater, you yanked him up and into the kitchen. 
“Have you… any idea…. any… idea… who… that is?!” You tried so hard to keep your voice hushed and quiet. If hissing counted as quiet. Andrew shrugged his shoulders once again. “I mean, he said he was kinda famous in Korea… and that he sang and danced with a buncha other dudes or something… I don’t know…”, his tone of voice laced with nonchalant disinterest. Huffing you rolled your eyes with your hands balled into fists against your hips. “Look, it’s not a big deal, okay? Even he told me that… so… just treat him like a normal person, alright? He’s my best friend at school, and honestly… he’s pretty cool, actually.” You could not believe what you were hearing. Was this even reality right now? What kind of warped dimension was this?! A look of exasperation twisted up Andrew’s features as he gazed down at you. “He’s really chill, okay? Stop acting weird!”, Andrew remarked as he furrowed his brows. Turning and walking out of the kitchen, he left you speechless and still attempting to comprehend the gravity of the confirmation that was just handed to you. So it really is… it really IS him. 
Tapping your nails against the countertop you momentarily contemplated on texting your friends. No. They wouldn’t believe you anyways. What if you took some candids of him and posted them to your tumblr and twitter? Ew, no. That’s creepy. Super creepy. Besides… he’s on vacation… right. In YOUR HOUSE! But still… respect his privacy. And… respect yours. He’s just a regular human being, right? Just like you and your cousin. Sighing heavily and rubbing both of your palms against your face, you wring your hands out and calm yourself enough to walk back into the living room. Sitting yourself down in the same spot on the sofa that you were prior, tucking one leg underneath yourself, your eyes darted across the room and landed on Joong’s face. My god he was just as breathtaking as the fan cams and fan photos you’d filled your blog with. Gnawing on his thumb nail and slowly rocking back and forth in the lay-z boy recliner, his eyes suddenly dart from the television screen and meet yours. Oh, shit! Dropping his hand from his mouth, he offered a partial smirk from the corner of his lips. You unknowingly gasp to yourself. Clearing your throat loudly you whip your head in Andrew’s direction. “So… how long was the flight here? How’s school? What have you been up to…?”, you spouted questions at him. He was unusually quiet tonight. His stories were always mesmerizing and interesting to hear. But tonight the fatigue on his face and in his body language was as loud as a fog horn. Pursing your lips in frustration you looked upon him anticipating an engrossing conversation. “Oh, man… there’s so much. You have no idea…”, he paused momentarily. “I don’t even know where to begin, honestly… my brain is just mush right now, from being so tired.” You knew it. Nodding and looking at the floor, your eyes lift as Andrew rises to his feet. Patting his hands against the sides of his jeans he looks at you and then at Joong and with that, you already knew what was coming next. “Welp… I think I’m going to shower and take my happy ass to bed. I’ll catch you up on everything in the morning, alright? Don’t worry.” His gaze returns to your face. A subtle wink from his left eye has you feeling the urge to sock him right in the mouth, as he shuffles across the living room floor, turning into the hallway and becoming no longer visible. The awkward silence returned like an inevitable looming cloud. 
“If you don’t mind… I think I might lay down, too?”, Joong’s melodic voice finally slicing through the thick tension in the air. “Oh, y-yeah… yeah, sure. Go right ahead.”, you immediately respond. Wondering if there was something you could have said to keep him right in his place and possibly more entertained. “Okay… thanks. Uhm… if you don’t mind… I’m not sure… could you show me where… please?”. He began to sit up from this chair. His eyes steadily trained on you like a sniper. It was almost intimidating. “Oh, sure! I’m… I’m sorry! I’m just so used to Andrew knowing where to go around here, I just--”
“It’s okay…”, Joong immediately cut you off. His tone offering reassurance since it was rather obvious that you were feeling like a total failure of a host, at that point. His lips parting into an almost blinding smile. His features were literally so flawless. So sharp and so overwhelmingly attractive! He gestured with one hand for you to walk ahead of him. Pressing your lips together to stifle a smile that was going to be bigger than it should have, you pass him. His scent being carried in the wind. It was intoxicating. A mixture of masculine fragrance. Slightly spicy with undertones of cool blue water and crystal clear ice. 
You trek down the darkened hallway and turn a sharp right into the guest room. Flipping on a dim bed side lamp, you spin around anticipating to see his gorgeous face again. Hearing soft shuffling across the carpet, several seconds later, he appears. You swore he got more and more attractive every time you looked at him. Inhaling a deep breath, you gesture around the room, pointing at things and offering a short explanation of the sparse decor in the room when you hear the door click shut behind you. Immediately cutting your eyes towards the sound, you’re met with the most devilish grin you’d ever seen in your life. Air catches in your throat. The shadows casting against his handsome features literally have your heart racing. Your mind scrambled to find an explanation for the situation. Your fight or flight instinct was on a hair trigger, until his soothing and melodic voice cut through the silence like a knife. “Thanks… but I’m sure I can figure it out from here.” He nodded. You nodded. Anxiously weaving your fingers together. So… is he going to let you out then? You take an apprehensive step closer towards the door, but he stood stead fast. His back leaning against the wood. “Got something else to do for the rest of the night…?”. Hongjoong’s bottom lip becomes trapped between his teeth. How incredibly sinful. “No… not really…”, your mind on high alert. He raises a single eyebrow. Pushing himself forward off the door, he takes a slow, single step towards you. Dropping his chin and narrowing his piercing gaze, you were sure you stopped breathing. His jaw shifting left to right as he continued to gnaw at his lower lip. He takes another step towards you. Your mind urges you to take a step backwards, but your feet insist on rebelling. The space between you two quickly closing. Another step and— the air catches in your throat. He was absolutely stunning at this distance. Or rather… lack there of. Perhaps star struck, in your mind, you just knew that you probably looked like that emoji with huge heart eyes and a cheesy smile, gazing back at him. One of his hands comes forward. With his palm facing sideways and index finger slightly curled, he slides it underneath your chin. Lightly lifting up your head, he tilts his own to the right. His gaze darting between your eyes and your lips, Hongjoong ever so cautiously dips his head down. Pressing his lips against yours, your eyes immediately flutter shut. Registering the sensation at a slight delay, you’d only began to relish in the softness of his lips when the hand hooked underneath your chin, slides up and around to cup the nape of your neck. Instinctively your lips reciprocate. Molding against his in a seamless seal. Pulling away just as slowly as he brought himself in,  he presses his lips together and drags his tongue between them. Keeping his forehead pressed against your own, he whispers against your mouth, “....okay?”. The only response you can manage is to offer a single nod of confirmation. Within that same second, Hongjoong returns his lips to your own. This time, parting them slowly, his tongue slides out beyond his teeth and into your mouth. The unexpected, forcing a soft whimper from your throat. The most beautiful note to ever grace his ears. His other hand sliding from the side of your hip, under the bottom hem of your sweater, and coming to press against the small of your bare back. His skilled tongue tangling with your own. Your eyes flutter shut and you momentarily lose yourself in the intensity of the kiss. Without even realizing it, the edge of the mattress was pressing against the back of your knees. With his palm still pressed to your lower back, he gently guides your down onto the sheets. His lips moving in the same direction as he peppered feathery kisses along your jawline, and the side of your throat. Inevitably coming to focus in the crook of your neck, his lips creating a light suction against your flesh. Rotating his hips just right, Hongjoong managed to wedge his way between your thighs. With his left arm bent at the elbow propping himself up above you, his right hand gently slides down the length of your left arm. His hand soon finding your own and weaving his fingers within yours. With his lips never leaving your flesh, he trails his way down the center of your chest and into the valley between your breasts. Stopping short only on the cause of the neckline of your shirt. Lowering himself, his eyes cut to your own. Drinking in every reaction he could pull from, his teeth bite down on the bottom hem of your top. Raising himself back up towards towards your face, your shirt bunches up just under your bustline. Immediately returning to his previous position, his lips resume their connection to the sensitive skin of your tummy. Kissing his way down to the top elastic of your pj bottoms, he looks up once again. Hongjoong’s smoldering gaze rendered you barely coherent and it was getting more and more difficult to focus on anything. But there it was again. That sinful tongue of his. Allowing it to slip from his lips, he drags the tip of his tongue along the bottom of his top lip. Left. Right. Releasing your hand, both of his hook into the waistband of your bottoms. His eyes still fixed on yours, he quietly asks again. “...okay?”. Just as before, a quick and single nod of confirmation, and he’s tugging the material down. Leaning back and up on his knees, you rock your hips to assist in the removal. Pulling them off your ankles and dropping them to the floor bedside, he then crosses his arms, gripping the bottom hem of his shirt and yanks it up over his head. The metal dog tags around his neck clang loudly as they fall back onto his broad chest. Swallowing hard, your eyes shamelessly drink in the sight before you. Tossing his shirt to join your pj pants on the floor, he leans back down over your body. Scooting himself back to adjust his position, his head turns to the right and he continues his trail of feathery kisses starting at your knee, moving down the inside of your thigh and ending directly, dead center, at the crotch of your soaked panties. Chewing on the inside of your cheek, your gaze cuts off to the side, then back to him. Off to the side, then back at him. He purses his lips and presses them against the dampened material. The warmth of his breath sends shock waves all the way to your toes. Bringing a hand up between your bodies, his lithe fingers traces the lacy edge of the fabric. Hooking his index finger underneath the material, he pulls it to the side, fully exposing you to him, as his face sat literally inches away. Squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you swallow hard. Fuck… you shaved last night, right? Or… wait… was it the other day? No… it was this morning! It had to be-- “Auuhhhhnnn!….”, suddenly grounded back into reality as your body responded completely on it’s own, a soft moan spills from your lips as the tip of his tongue delves between your dripping folds. Lashing in an up and down direction, he laps at your core. His free hand coming up to gently pull your folds apart, as he flattens his tongue  against your swollen clit. Being able to hear nothing but your own heart beat pounding in your ears, laced with the lewd noises of sloshing wetness coming from between your legs, your chest rises and falls as your body jerks with each pass of his tongue. Strangle whimpers and drawn out whines tear from your throat as the coiling heat in the pit of your stomach churns. Tangling your fingers into the bedsheets on either side of you, you fight to keep your legs open for him. Feeling your thighs beginning to tremble, Hongjoong suddenly stops. Voiding you of any contact with him, you feel the mattress shift underneath you. Snapping your eyes open, just in time to lock gazes with him, he’s now hovering over you at eye level. Pressing your lips together tightly, that same wickedly seductive expression was plastered all over his face, as his tongue glides over his bottom lip. My god… he’s so beautiful. The dim lighting in your room proved to be a curse just as much as a blessing in that moment as you turned your head to the side, momentarily attempting to catch your breath. Catching his perfectly defined silhouette against the far wall, you admire every hard line as your eyes travel it’s length. Inevitably coming to settle on the shameless bulge on the front of his figure, your head whips back to face him. Holding himself up above you via on hand planted beside your head, his other hand was already wedged between your bodies, making quick work of the front of his pants. Searching his eyes, desperate for any kind of communication before anything else happened, he drops himself down towards you. His dewy lips brushing lightly against your own as the words trickle into your mouth. “You want this…?” In the same moment, you feel the large and smooth head of his cock toying between your soaked folds, just as his tongue had done, minutes earlier. 
Fuck! How could you not?! Temporarily unable to answer, as your eyes flutter shut, his lips press against your own and with his free hand gripping the hilt of his shaft, he continues to tease at your pussy. Skillfully rubbing circles against your clit with the tip of his cock, the friction was absolutely knee-buckling. Pushing your head back into the pillow to create enough space to break the kiss, you pant out the answer that you knew he was patiently waiting to hear. “Y-yes….”.
Without a second to spare and his reaction time seamless, Hongjoong rears his hips back, aligning himself with your entrance. Locking his lips against your own in a conscious effort to muffle the sounds that were to come, he applies pressure with his hips. Feeling yourself stretch around him as he entered you, you suck in a sharp breath through your nose, in return, moaning into his mouth. Your hands grip at his bare shoulder blades, feeling the muscles in his back flex as he thrusts forward. Ceasing his movements only once his lower pelvis leaned flush against the back of your thigh, it was obvious that he was silently at war to keep himself as still as possible, allowing your to adjust to him. Squeezing your floor muscles around his shaft, he suddenly breaks the kiss with a harsh gasp. His torso curls inward as his back bows against your fingernails, and his forehead presses against your collarbone. Seconds later, he blesses you with the sweetest sound you’d probably ever heard in your life. “Auhh-Auuugghhhnn… fuck!”, a lewd moan spills forth from him as he grits his teeth in his face. Panting heavily against your skin, your trail your hands down to each side of his hips as a gesture to let him know that you were okay. Only then did he begin to move. 
Starting with slow and shallow strokes, his body rocks gently against yours. His lips busy working the side of your throat. The slick sounds of flesh on flesh echo through your bedroom. Allowing you plenty of adequate time to take this at your own pace, you’re quick to sense that Hongjoong  was fighting to keep himself in tandem. Your hands slide from his hips down to hook into the back of his thighs and you begin to pull him into you with every inward stroke. Able to read the signals like a well memorized book, he begins to quicken the pace. Keeping flawless rhythm for several minutes to follow, it wasn’t until his movements began to stutter and stumble that you knew he was getting dangerously close. Clamping your muscles around him, his groans grew in volume and frequency. “Sh-Shit… Auugghnn…. Augghnnnnn!”, his voice becoming raspy and ragged. Eventually unable to keep your own climax at bay, you decided if you were going over the edge, you were taking him with you. 
Hongjoong’s thighs begin to quiver as your own begin to violently shake. Feeling the swell rise in the bottom of your belly, your back arches at a sharp angle off the mattress and your head tips back against the pillow. A feral moan rips from your throat as you toss yourself over the edge, spiraling head first into your orgasm. Feeling your muscles spasm around his thick shaft, his thrusts become uneven, breaking the prior pattern he’d kept before. Clinging on to each wave of your climax as they crash over you, his labored breathing rings in your ears. Peeking your eyelids open as you feel yourself beginning to come down from you high, there was nothing in this world that was going to make you miss watching him come unraveled. 
As his hips jerk back and forth, he presses harder and longer into you with each stroke. Finally feeling his cock begin to twitch deep in your core, he thrusts inward one last time before holding his body flush against your own. The arm planted beside your head buckles as he leans down onto his elbows. His face buried into the side of your neck, as a guttural moan shreds the quiet ambience of the room. “Hhhhggnn-AUUUHHgggggnnnnn!!! Auugghnnn! Mmmggghhnnn…. Fuck! Fuck!” Each hard jerk of his shaft accompanied with a lewd groan from his lips as he spilled himself inside of you. Immediate warmth coating every inch of your walls, as he unloaded. Struggling to keep enough air in his lungs, his hips rut against your body as his spasms become less frequent and further apart. Combing your fingers through his hair, soothing him as he began to come down from his climax, sweat collects along the ridge of his spine. 
As several minutes pass, he still remains buried deep inside of you. Looking up through sweat laced bangs, he offers a blissful smile. I literally cannot believe that just happened… am I dreaming? Nope. I asked myself that question before. I’m definitely awake. And he’s definitely right here. And… he’s definitely starting to get heavy-- Shifting yourself underneath him, he chuckles softly as a slightly apologetic expression takes over his sharp features. Looking down, he slowly pulls himself out. Hissing and taking his bottom lip between his teeth, as the slight friction faults a shiver down his spine, he flops to the sheets beside you. With your thighs slightly aching, your sit yourself up. Momentarily lightheaded, but still feeling the rush of the euphoria, you blindly grab at the edge of the covers. Tugging them up and over both of you, and adjusting your position to face him, you lay back down, tucking an arm underneath your head. Gazing at his stunning features, as he lay with his eyes closed, you lift yourself and lean towards him, placing a soft kiss to his forehead. Without bothering to open his eyes, his hand searches for your own. Entangling his fingers into yours once he finally did, he brings your hand up and presses his lips to back of your palm, refusing to let your hand go. Settling back into place, unsure if anything more should be said nor if anything more even needed to, considering how cryptic and quiet of a person he turned out to be, you simply whisper, “....wow.” No response, except for the soft purring of his slumber. 
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httpjeon · 6 years
02. hot bot ― jungkook (m.)
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jungkook/reader | android!au, hotbot!au | fluff, smut, angst
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wordcount: 6.2k
contents: dirty talk, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie, cockwarming, panty stuffing, light cunnilingus, cute fluffy forehead kisses, marriage, lots of kissing and hugging, death
― synopsis: becoming jeon jungkook’s wife isn’t what you expected.
note: the feedback was so phenomenal for part 1 i’m still reeling. here’s the much anticipated part 2!
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost or modify.
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The café was busy, as expected for a lunch rush in Seoul. Jungkook was looking down into a glass of coffee, something he exclaimed to never have tasted before. However, he was drawn by the smell, saying it was positively heavenly.
You fought back a smile as you spoke.
“Do androids even need to eat?” You asked, not raising your voice much, knowing he could hear you just fine though the many conversations carrying on around you.
“No,” He answered, still gazing into the black liquid in his cup. “though, we are designed to be able to ingest human food.”
“That’s interesting…” You muttered, smiling again. “Why don’t you taste it instead of just staring at it?”
“Hmm, I guess you’re right,” He wrapped his hand around the mug, lifting it to his lips. However, as soon as the liquid touched his lips, he pulled it away.
“It’s hot…” He mused, bringing it back up. “and bitter.”
“You can taste it?” You asked, taking a sip from your own straw.
“Hmm…I think the way I taste is probably vastly different compared to a human’s,” Jungkook explained, taking another sip of his coffee. “I’d explain it to you, but I think it’d just go over your head,”
“Hey!” You cried, kicking his knee underneath the table, making him grin. “are you calling me dumb?!”
“Not dumb…I’d say…dim…” He muttered, his grin widening as your jaw dropped open in shock.
Your little table in the corner of the coffee shop was filled with your giggles, followed by Jungkook’s. For even just a moment, it felt like the two of you were just a normal couple and Jungkook’s wasn’t an android on the verge of repossession.
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‘Good afternoon, I am issuing this e-mail to those who have unfortunately come into possession of a Hot Bot that is defective. You may have noticed your Bot’s behavior is strange. Unfortunately, this is problem that has arose in the new BTS900 models. Due to this, we have to recall these models, so we are reaching out to you in hopes you contact us to decide on a time best for you to allow us to repossess your Bot. Thank you.’
You read the message a few times before sighing and moving the mouse over to the delete button, where it hovered for a moment. There was only a moment of hesitation, until you ultimately decided it was best to pretend you never received the email.
“Hey Jungkook…” You mutter, drawing the robot’s attention away from the episode of Attack on Titan, his newest obsession.
“What’s up? You look…” He cocked his head to the side, doe-eyes wide. “sad.”
“What happens if I…don’t return you like they ask?” You asked, furrowing your brows as you voice sounded foreign to your own ears. It was shaky and nervous, something you clearly picked up and Jungkook apparently did because he abandoned the show without so much pausing it -something he doesn’t do unless it’s important.
“They’ll come for me,” He responded, sparkling eyes dimming. At his words, you felt your heart pick up. It was almost as if the air around the two of you become cold, sucked of all light and happiness. His shoulders slumped, hiding his eyes underneath his fringe made you unable to read what he was feeling.
“Can we do something?” He asked, cutting off what you were about to say.
“Do…something?” You repeated, tilting your head to the side as you waited for him to continue speaking. He nodded, eyes drifting to the window behind your desk.
“Can you…show me what it’s like to be alive?”
You heart pumped erratically in your chest as his words. Your mouth went dry and it seemed your brain ceased to function as words failed you. With the sun shining through the window, making his skin shimmer and sparkle as if it was dewy, you were breathless at his beauty.
“Of course…” Was your reply, spoken in a soft tone, as through speaking any louder would hurt too much.
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“So, what is this place?” He asked, as the two of you approached the double doors.
“It’s a clothing store,” You responded, sliding your hand into his, which he gave a light squeeze to make you smile.
“I see,” He answered, brows furrowing before he yanked one of the doors open, causing a little bell to chime, alerting the workers inside that a new customer was on the premises. “Don’t you already have enough clothes?”
“Well,” You squinted up at him. “a girl can always use new clothes, Jungkook.”
“I see,” He furrowed his brows, almost as if he was processing your words. “what about boys?”
“What? You want some clothes?” You asked, pausing in your walking to look through a rack of shirts.
“C-Can I?” He asked, voice sounding like a soft whisper – as if he were holding his excitement in. You looked up from one of the shirts to see him grinning at you.
“What the hell?” You smiled and nodded at him. “Go head, pick something out!”
Jungkook’s jaw fell open before he let out a barely-contained squeal. You didn’t have the chance to do anything but laugh before he was dashing to the men’s section to browse the clothes.
It didn’t take you long before you had an armful of clothes and you were going to the back of the store to the changing rooms. Once you reached it, you realized Jungkook was also at the changing rooms.
“What you got there?” He grinned as he saw you approach the room.
“Jungkook- “You spotted the pile in his hands and sighed. “those are all the same shirts.”
“No, they’re not!” He argued, squinting at you in defiance. “They’re all different styles,”
“I- “You sighed, shaking your head as he disappeared into the changing room with his mountain of white shirts.
As much shit as you gave him for choosing similar shirts, you had to admit he looked damn good with every single one he tried on. His broad chest made the t-shirts look sexily tight on him, making his biceps stand out and you hated to admit it but you never wanted to fuck someone in public as much as you did the second you laid eyes on him.
“T-Those the ones you want?” You choked out, feeling your body heat up at the sight of him.
“Yeah!” He seemed completely oblivious to your apparent arousal as he turned back into the changing room to slide into the clothes he had come into the store in, which was a hoodie and some sweats.
He’s going to be the death of me…
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“Good afternoon, It has come to our attention that you have not responded to our recall e-mail. We are sending this out in hopes of getting a response. Please answer as soon as possible, it is urgent business. Thank you.”
The e-mail this time was much shorter and to the point. It almost instills a tiny bit of worry in you but, before you could allow it to fester, you deleted the e-mail, determined to wipe it from your memory. Just as the e-mail disappeared from your screen, Jungkook came bustling out of your bedroom.
“_____!” He called, positively glowing with happiness. “let’s go to an amusement park!”
“What?” You sputtered, his words being the last thing you expected. “Where on earth did you hear about an amusement park?”
“On TV!” Jungkook exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as he practically vibrated with his excitement. “They were showing a roller coaster and a Ferris Wheel! It looks so fun!”
“You want to go?” You asked, closing your laptop as you spoke.
“Yeah! I checked and there’s a bus running in an hour, that’ll give you enough time to get ready because I know how long you can take!” He spoke fast, making his excitement very evident to you.
“What the hell…” You stood up and grinned. “let’s do it!”
Jungkook pumped a fist in the air with a cheer before running down the hallway to disappear into the bathroom.
You couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered as Jungkook took your hand in his once you reached the amusement park.
“Whoa!” Jungkook exclaimed, pointing to the large rollercoaster at the back of the park. “That’s the one that was on TV!”
“It’s getting late already, Jungkook, I’m sure the park will close soon so we better hurry,” You said, tugging him in the direction of the ticket booth.
“There’s a firework show tonight,” Jungkook suddenly said, making you turn to look at him in confusion. “that’s the real reason I wanted to come. I read on the internet that girls like to be taken on romantic dates like a firework show.”
“Jungkook…” You smiled, squeezing his hand in yours. “this is a date?”
“I-I…” Jungkook’s eyes widened and you grinned at his clearly nervous state.
“It’s okay,” You cooed, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I’d love this to be a date.”
Carefully, Jungkook wrapped his arms around you. You could hear mechanical whirring deep in his chest that could almost be mistaken for a heartbeat and breathing. Ever so gently, as if you were made of glass, he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
When you pulled away, you took his hand again.
“Let’s ride some rides!” Your words brought the smile back to his face and he nodded, immediately spouting off the different rides he was interested in.
You groaned as you dropped down into the grass.
“My legs feel like they’re made of lead!” You complained, rolling around in the grass as Jungkook watched on with a goofy smile on his face.
“I had fun though,” He said, taking a seat beside were you were still groaning into the ground in complaint. “the show is going to begin in a few minutes.”
His words immediately brought you back to reality and you sat up. Jungkook chuckled, gazing at you with soft eyes that made your whole face feel like it was on fire.
You opened your mouth to say something but before the words could escape, there was a loud explosion in the sky that made you jump. Looking up, you caught the end of a magnificent red firework dissolving.
The words you were about to say to him dissolved and you were lost in the exploding colors and lights that filled the night sky. Every once in a while, you could hear the other patrons witnessing it shouting out their praise for the beauty of the fireworks.
“Jungkook?” You muttered, glancing over at him, making him look away from the sky.
“Yes?” He answered immediately, smiling at you wide enough to make the corners of his eyes crinkle.
“Thank you for taking me here, I really had fun,” You voice was almost drowned out by the sound of another firework going off, but you didn’t break your eyes away from Jungkook.
He smiled, scooting close to you to cup your cheek. You had never seen him look so tender and happy, it took your breath away.
The explosive sounds in the sky became mute to you as he leaned in closer to you. Your hands found their way to his shoulders before his lips touched yours. You’d shared many kisses in Jungkook’s time with you but this one was by far your favorite. There were so many emotions he was feeling, putting them into the kiss in hopes you’d catch what he felt. And you did, whimpering into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting to feel him close to you.
He pulled away and smiled at you, his lips barely touching yours as he spoke.
“No matter what happens, even if they try to silence my feelings…I’ll never forget this feeling of being human.” His words held so much raw emotion, his fear and happiness all melted into a single sentence.
You both looked away as people began to shout in awe as the finale of the fireworks show began.
“Jungkook?” You asked, gazing at the dark sky above you two. Your head rested on Jungkook’s shoulder, letting you feel the heat he radiated. It was unlike a human’s heat, it was indescribable; almost as if you were hugging an actual heater.
“Yeah?” He asked, his voice much lower than it usually is, almost as if he was falling into a slumber.
“Why did you ask me to show you what it’s like to be alive?” You asked, not bothering to sugarcoat your words. Jungkook’s body tensed a little bit at your words, making you look up at his face. He was frowning, and his eyes didn’t hold the usual sparkle they did.
“I wanted to know…even if it was just for a day…what it was like to be a person before I lose it all,” He said, meeting your eyes. You heart hurt at his words, making your eyes sting with unshed tears.
Out of the corner of your eye, your phone lit up with an e-mail.
Your heart plummeted in your chest as you knew who it was.
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When the sun was barely beginning to light up the sky is when Jungkook came bustling into the room, hair a mess and looking frazzled. You glared at him from where you were buried in a blanket burrito on the bed.
“What time is it?” You grumbled, wincing at how rough your voice sounded coming out.
“5:32 in the morning,” He replied, annoyingly chipper.
“Why on earth are you waking me up so early?” You mumbled, fighting to keep you eyes from sliding shut again. You were so tired, and you were fully prepared to do whatever it took to get him the hell out.
“Well, I wanted to know something,” He said, seeming to calm down quite a bit as he shuffled closer to the bed. Careful not to jostle you, he sat down on the edge of the bed, his back to you while he stared almost blankly ahead.
“What?” You groaned, finally pulling yourself out of the nice warm blanket burrito. You could sense this thing on his mind was plaguing him.
“Tell me about marriage,” He said, looking over his shoulder at you.
At his words, you were immediately sitting up right in your bed. Of all the things you had expected him to come to you about -the new generation of Naruto called Boruto for example, marriage was the last thing you thought of.
“What do you mean?” You asked, finally dropping your grouchy façade to stare at him with seriousness.
“Tell me about marriage between humans. What does it mean? Why do you do it?” He asked, now turning around completely on the to face you.
“I…” You sorted through your sleep-fogged mind and straightened up. “we get married when we love each other. Two people fall in love and…decide to finalize it. Marriage is a symbol that you want to share your life with someone.”
Jungkook was silent after you finished talking. It was during his silence that you realized you could hear the faint rumble of thunder in the distance, signaling the arrival of a storm. Jungkook nodded his head, blinking a few times before he looked at you with wide eyes. His brows were furrowed, and you noticed he had his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“I want to do that,” He said suddenly, making your eyes nearly bulge out of your head.
“I want to marry you!” He said, taking your shoulders in his hands, shocking you by the level of his seriousness.
“W-We can’t,” You cried, grabbing his wrists, beginning to worry about his mental state. “androids and humans aren’t legally allowed to marry.”
“Legally,” He emphasized, making you tilt your head in confusion. “we don’t have to be married according the state. Let’s just…”
“Have a sham marriage?” You finished his thought, making him grin and nod.
“Yeah! Let’s do it!” He exclaimed, jumping up from the bed in excitement.
Suddenly, your phone went off. You took your eyes off of Jungkook, who was now going through your closet with the intention of finding your best dress.
Picking up the device and unlocking it, you were once again face-to-face with an e-mail from Hot Bot Inc.
“This is your final warning. We require the return of the Hot Bot named Jungkook immediately or drastic measures will be taken.”
The short simplicity of the e-mail caused a shiver to crawl down your spine. But as you had many times before, you deleted it and pretended you never got it.
“Alright Jungkook,” You muttered, crawling off the bed to place your feet on the rug. “let’s have a wedding.”
“Really?!” He cried, immediately pulling out a dress he had has eye on that had been shoved to the back of your closet as you had no reason to wear such a nice dress.
“Yeah, why not?” You muttered, feeling the sadness pool in your chest but you covered it up by grabbing the dress he held out to you and jokingly kicking him from the room with a joke about not seeing the bride before the wedding.
“This the place?” You asked, finding yourself beside a secluded riverside.
The water rushed by and you could feel the sun warming your skin through the trees. Flowers were blooming on the shore and frogs were jumping around, making you smile at how cute they were.
“Yeah, this is it,” He muttered, smiling as he looked around in wonder.
You had to remind yourself that this was the first time Jungkook was able to experience something like this. While you may have been by a river plenty of times in your life, Jungkook had not and everything was so new to him that it warmed your heart to see him so excited and enchanted.
“How are we doing this?” You asked, keeping your voice soft to not break the mystical feeling being here granted you.
“I have some vows I’d like to say,” He replied, holding his hand out for you to take.
When you did, he smiled at you, taking your other hand in his and pulling you closer to him so you almost touching chests.
“_____,” He muttered, meeting your eyes. “I take you to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, this is my solemn vow.”
Before you could say anything, Jungkook leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked for a moment, not expecting him to kiss you so suddenly but you immediately returned the kiss. When he pulled away, he was grinning from ear to ear, showing off his adorable bunny smile that you adored with every fiber of your being.
You didn’t make it very far into your apartment before you were lifted off of your feet, making you squeal in shock. Jungkook’s inhuman strength continued to shock you at how he easily lifted you without a hint of strain.
The mattress beneath you caused you to bounce when he deposited you onto it. Immediately, his hands were sliding up the hem of your dress to caress your thighs, causing goosebumps to erupt all over you.
“You’re always so sensitive to me,” He whispered, applying a gentle series of kisses to your neck, laving his tongue over your skin to make you whimper. “my beautiful wife.”
The use of him calling you his wife made you whimper, your pussy already beginning to produce juices as evidence of your arousal.
“Such a good little girl,” He cooed, hiking your dress above your hips to expose your panties to his gaze. With a perverted grin, he played with the little bow on the top of your panties, making you blush. “cute, babygirl.”
His hand quickly became busy between your thighs, running over the lips of your cunt through the material. He grinned as you juices began to seep through them, making the white transparent.
“Such a needy girl,” He whispered, pressing a swift kiss to your forehead before sliding down your body until he was face-to-face with your heat.
“Jungkook,” You whimpered, letting your thighs fall open as his fingers became busy.
Any embarrassment you felt about having Jungkook so close to your core had disappeared a couple sessions into having sex with him. By now, having him so close only filled you with heavy arousal.
“What do you need, baby?” He spoke, voice dropping lower in his own arousal.
His fingers continued to travel over your cunt, soaking your panties in your juices until his hands became wet as well. The panties now stuck to your lips, making your hard clit stand out for him to prod and stroke.
“P-Please,” You whined, arching your hips closer to his fingers, making him smile.
“Good girl,” He praised, once again targeting your clit, this time using the material of your panties to stimulate the little nub along with his movements. It was too much too fast, and it had you falling head first into a blinding orgasm.
“Fuck!” You cried, attempting to close your thighs when Jungkook didn’t let up on his movements on your clit. Jungkook enjoyed the way your body trembled after you just came, finding it fascinating how the same stimulation you were just begging for is now the same as the one you’re trying to escape.
But after a moment of listening to your pathetic whines, he finally pulled away, hooking his fingers into the sides of your panties before yanking them down your legs. Once they were off and, in his hands, he ran his fingers over the wetness in your panties, feeling proud that he had done that before an idea seemed to cross over his mind.
You gazed at him, a lustful haze over your eyes. He brought the panties back down to your cunt, making your thighs twitch.
“W-What’re you—” You squealed when you felt his finger begin to press into you, however the digit was covered by your panties.
He was stuffing your drenched panties into your cunt. You moaned, letting your thighs fall open as far as they could, arching your thighs up to accept more of the material into your hole.
“Fuck…this is so hot…” He cooed, licking his lips as he watched until just a little bit of your panties was left in the open. “I want you to cum again,”
His words had your eyes widening. You had just cum a second ago and he wanted you to cum again.
He was out of his mind.
Just as you were about to voice this thought, his lips were suddenly wrapped around your poor nub. You shrieked, the overstimulation coming to the forefront of your mind. Thought the painful feeling, there was also overwhelming pleasure.
This happened all of the time, every time he tried to force another orgasm out of you…the pleasure always overwhelmed the pain it caused.
Before you knew it, you were grinding your hips to meet his lips, his tongue coming into the mix to tease your bud. Your back arched as you reached down to claw at his hair, tugging at the soft strands as you orgasm crested.
You let out a broken cuss, moaning as your cunt spasmed around the panties stuffed inside you. It felt so dirty, but it was so delicious. When you finally pushed his head away again, he was grinning.
“You’re so sexy,” He growled, gripping the part of the panties visible and pulling them out of you.
The feeling was indescribable, and your thighs snapped shut the moment he tossed them off the side of the bed. You caught sight that they were completely soaked and probably ruined, making you blush.
He took a moment to yank his shirt off and discard his pants off the side of the bed to join your panties somewhere away from you both. As he was busy shedding his clothes, you reached behind you to unzip your dress, not wasting a second to escape the material so you could be bare beneath him.
He grinned at you, laying his body over yours, his hard member pressing against your stomach. He cupped your cheek, pressing his lips against yours. There was a gentle moment passed between the two of you among the heated foreplay, as his lips worked against yours softly.
You broke the kiss, feeling the blunt head of his cock beginning to press into you. Jungkook’s forehead rested against yours, maintaining eye contact with you as his cock sunk to the hilt within you. He paused once he was fully inside you, just feeling the way your walls spasmed around you, still reacting from your previous orgasm.
Pressing another soft kiss to your lips, one you didn’t get a chance to return, he began to pull out and press back into you, creating a pace that was both teasing and exhilarating. The hand cupping your face travelled down to your chest, cupping your bouncing breast in his hand, rolling your nipple against his thumb. You whimpered, your breath mingling with his lips. If he were human, your breath would be mingling together. It was a detail like that that reminded you he wasn’t human, but you erased that thought from your mind by pressing your lips against his once again.
Feeling your need through the kiss, Jungkook doubled his pace, his hips slapping against yours. You cried out against his lips, his cock slamming into your g-spot to make your thighs tremble. He immediately had you on the edge of an orgasm, but he avoided your clit to keep you on edge, making you whine.
“Jungkook!” You complained, attempting to arch your hips into his to have him even just accidentally tap your clit but he was too smart for you. He immediately pinned your hips to the bed, making you sob out a whine.
“Not yet,” He growled, pressing his forehead against yours again, making you meet his eyes. “you’re going to cum with me.”
The finality in his tone made you whimper. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he wasted no time in using your body to get himself off. The intensity in his gaze took your breath away, he was feeling so much, and it was evident in his gaze.
He held so much power in his eyes, enough to bring tears to your eyes. You loved him. You fell in love with him.
Did he love you?
Your thought was cut short by Jungkook’s thumb finding your swollen clit, giving you a couple good thrusts into your g-spot to send you falling into an orgasm right alongside him. Your arms were around him as you sobbed into his neck, your orgasm cresting as his cum filled you up, seeping out the sides of his cock as he rode out your high with his.
You fell limp, releasing him and falling to the bed. You expected him to pull out and go to clean up like he usually did but instead he held his body up over yours. You met his gaze, panting, before you leaned up to press your lips against his.
When you pulled away, he gazed down at you for a moment, cupping your cheek again.
“Don’t worry…” He whispered, smiling at you before he began to maneuver himself, so he was laying behind you, his cock still buried inside you, keeping his cum from spilling onto the sheets.
“What’re you doing?” You mumbled, feeling the tugs of sleep.
“I think it’s called…cockwarming,” He replied cheekily, making your eyes pop open.
“That’s not what I meant!” You cried, reaching behind you to playfully smack his hip, making him burst out into laughter as he wrapped his arms fully around your body.
A moment of silence passed between the two of you. You felt safe and content wrapped against him but you couldn’t shut down your mind; you decided to ask him a question that’s been plaguing you all this time.
“What’s the defect?” You asked, your voice sounding far too loud for the calm room. He was silent and for a second you thought he wasn’t going to answer, but then he spoke up.
“We’re too human,” He answered. It was short and too the point. “they don’t like that. They want to keep us under their control…so we have to be shut down.”
“Jungkook…” You attempted to turn to look at him, but he buried his face in your hair and strengthened his grip on you to keep you where you were.
“Goodnight, my darling wife,”
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The bowl of Lucky Charms in your hands was almost gone. It was an early Sunday morning and the house was calm. Jungkook was sitting directly in front of the TV as usual, no matter how many times you told him not to sit so close. An episode of Haikyuu was playing, a new anime Jungkook had downloaded from the internet.
Knock Knock Knock
It was as if the air had been sucked out of the room. You hesitated for just a moment before placing the bowl down on the coffee table. Jungkook had paused to show to turn around and watch you.
When you yanked the front door open, it was like your worst nightmare had come to life. There stood a man in a suit, arms clasped behind his back. His dark rimmed glasses didn’t help the deadly glare he had set upon you. Flanking his left and right were two men, clearly some kind of security guard or bodyguard.
“C-Can I help you?” You choked out, knowing already what was coming.
“My name is Kim Namjoon,” He said, still glaring down at you. “I am here to repossess the Bot.”
You didn’t even get to answer before the two guards were storming into the apartment. Jungkook stood up, looking as if he were on guard but he ultimately allowed them to slid handcuffs onto his wrists, escorting him to the door.
“Wait!” He shouted just as he stepped foot out into the hallway.
“What is it?” Namjoon asked, his tone of voice almost sounding bored.
“Can…Can she come with me?” He asked, tearing his gaze away from Namjoon to find you. You stood there in your shorts and oversized sweater, looking so small and fragile in his eyes. “I don’t want to die alone.”
His words shocked you, causing your heart to feel empty.
He’s going to die?
“We’ll allow it,” Namjoon said, turning his back on you as soon as he spoke the words. “You’re not the only one to grow attached.” One of the guards nodded his head at you and you quickly ran out the door, not even bothering to lock it as you chased them down the hall. In that back of your mind, the words ‘you’re not the only one to grow attached’ echoed.
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The van you had been escorted into pulled into the Hot Bot Inc manufacturing building. It was large and imposing but there were almost no cars parked in the are Namjoon pulled into.
“You will be escorted to another area,” Namjoon said, not even bothering to look at you as you walked the halls of the building. Just as he said it, another man came up to you. He had broad shoulders and beautiful plump lips.
“If you’ll follow me,” He said, opening a door for you to walk into.
“Wait!” Jungkook cried, trying to get to you but he was immediately yanked into another door, which was closed by Namjoon after he followed in.
You stood frozen in the hallway, watching through a little window in the door as Jungkook struggled to escape the hold of the two guards before disappearing around a corner.
“Please hurry,” The broad-shouldered man said, gently pushing your back to usher you into anther door.
As you walked down the hallway, the man didn’t say a word. You passed many doors in this hallway until you reached the end.
There was a sign that said, “Factory Viewing”. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on edge when the man merely opened the door.
“Good luck,” He muttering, going to great lengths to avoid your gaze.
You crossed your arms over your chest as you stepped in, jumping at the solid clang of the door shutting behind you. Looking around, you noticed there were a couple chairs available for you to sit in but what really caught your attention was the entire wall that appeared to be a mirror.
You walked up to it, seeing your own reflection in it.
“What is this place?” You muttered, wincing when your voice echoed off the wall.  
Just as you spoke, there was a loud thunk and the sound of electricity humming. To your shock, the mirror turned into a window and on the other side, Jungkook sat cuffed to a chair.
The only way you could describe it was a viewing chamber for a prisoner on death row.
Inside the chamber, Jungkook looked up to meet your gaze through the glass. He was shirtless now, wearing only a ragged pair of boxers that you knew he didn’t get from home. There was a man behind him, standing next to a metal tray with all sorts of power tools arranged on top. You felt like you couldn’t breathe as you watched, helpless. The man behind Jungkook, grabbed a couple of tools and to your shock, a panel opened in the middle of Jungkook’s back.
“_____,” Jungkook’s voice echoed through the room, reaching your ears through speakers set up in your room. He lifted his eyes, slowly meeting yours through the window.
“Y-Yes?” You choked out, not daring to break your eye contact with him even as the man began to mess with something inside the panel of Jungkook’s back.
“I love you,” He whispered, his voice cracking as he spoke. “I’m so happy to have met you, you gave me the gift of life and I’ll never forget that…”
You couldn’t muster a response to his words, squeezing your eyes shut to fight back the tears that threatened to fall.
When you opened your eyes at the sound of those words, everything in your world seemed to freeze. Jungkook’s eyes had a glazed over, lifeless look as opposed to his usual bright glow in them.
It hit you like a ton of bricks that the declaration of Jungkook being disconnected meant they had ‘pulled the plug’ on him.
He was dead.
You felt like you were going to sick.
Clasping a hand over your mouth, you ran to the door, yanking it open before flying down the hallway you came into.
Your footsteps echoed down the hallway as you ran. When you reached the first door, the one you were separated from Jungkook at, you noticed a man standing on the other side. He spotted you and opened the door for you.
Tears were still falling down your cheeks as you walked through.
“Mr. Namjoon ordered me to deliver these to you,” He said, his voice monotone as he stared down at you with judgmental eyes. He held out a black bag to you. When you took it from him, he immediately turned his back on you and walked to opposite way down the hallway. You watched him until he disappeared into another room. Once you found yourself alone, you opened the bag to look inside.
“His clothes…” The very clothes you had gotten not-too-long ago at the cute little clothes shopping date you had, were sitting inside the bag. He had chosen them himself and seeing them inside this bag ad knowing he would never be there to wear them again, brought a new flood of tears to your eyes.
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Although you had lived alone prior to Jungkook’s arrival, as you stepped inside a wave of loneliness overtook you. It felt so lifeless and dreary inside without hearing him cluttering around in the kitchen or yelling at the TV as it played an obnoxious gameshow.
You held the bag containing his clothes, close to your chest as you sat down on the couch – the same place you had sat just hours before. Your cereal sat in the bowl nothing but mush and a swirl of mixed colors from the dissolved marshmallows.
Looking up from the bowl, you realized the TV was still paused; right where Jungkook had left off.
You didn’t have the heart to turn it off, it felt almost as if when Haikyuu! disappeared from the screen, Jungkook would really be gone.
It didn’t feel real.
Tears fell down your cheeks as you curled up on the couch.
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7K notes · View notes
the-desolated-quill · 7 years
The Blessing Of Many Fractures - Iron Fist blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
Brace yourselves for a bit of a shock, but I actually liked this episode.
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And when I say liked, I mean really liked. There’s some stuff in The Blessing Of Many Fractures that’s legitimately good. There’s quite a bit of bad as well (this is Iron Fist after all), but nevertheless it’s a relief to be able to talk about an Iron Fist episode in positive terms for once.
Danny, Colleen and Claire decide to follow Madame Gao to China in the hopes of finding out how she knew Danny’s father and possibly finding a way to defeat the Hand once and for all. I honestly think this is a good idea on the writers’ part. Moving the action out of boring old New York and into a new location like China seems to have given the show a much needed shot in the arm. Granted we don’t see much of China, and the Hand’s warehouses do look suspiciously like New York warehouses with a few Chinese signs plastered here and there, but it’s the thought that counts. It marks the characters newfound determination in their quest to defeat the Hand, specifically Claire who has just about had enough of the Hand and wants to do something about it.
The Blessing Of Many Fractures also gives us something that we haven’t seen throughout this season. Actual character exploration. One scene that really stood out was on the plane when Danny was reliving the painful memories of the plane crash 15 years ago during a spot of turbulence while Claire tries to calm him down. Unlike the annoying flashbacks from the first couple of episodes, this actually explores and addresses Danny’s feelings about his past in a fairly effective way. And to his credit, Finn Jones actually does a pretty good job
There’s also some effort to develop Danny and Colleen’s relationship a bit as they talk about how both have lost parental figures in their childhood. I still don’t buy their romantic feelings for each other. Not even for a second. But at least there’s some effort to actually have the two bond in a believable way.
We also get some actual fighting this time around. Most of it is well done, although somewhat implausible. Why is it that ninjas never use guns in these kinds of shows? When Colleen is running toward that woman, wouldn’t it have been easier just to shoot Colleen? Wouldn’t that be a better way of defending these warehouses other than using a poxy sword. Also later on you see these business men whipping out knives and axes and stuff when they could have just gunned then all down. For some reason TV ninjas seem to value theatricality over actually getting the job done. But I shouldn’t complain really. Considering that Scott Buck seems to be allergic to the idea of any kind of martial arts in a martial arts show, I guess I should make the most of this.
And then along came Lewis Tan. The guy who was also in the running to play Iron Fist until he was rejected in favour of Finn Jones, who won the Marvel execs over with his unique acting talents. Talents like... um... er... Oh come on, there must have been something!
Yeah, watching Lewis Tan as Zhou Chen feels a bit bittersweet. On the one hand he’s really cool to watch, but on the other you are kind of distracted by thoughts of what could have been. Obviously I’m not suggesting that the many problems with Iron Fist would somehow magically be fixed by casting Lewis Tan in the role. I would never suggest such a thing and anyone who does clearly needs a reality check. However just casting an Asian person as opposed to a white person would be enough to fix some of the more glaring racial issues, plus Tan just has so much more personality and charm than Jones does. How long is Zhou Chen on screen for? Two minutes? Maybe three? In such a short space of time, I was completely hooked by his performance. The way he drunkenly staggers around before unleashing all these breathtaking martial arts moves, the way he delivers his sarcastic quips, and the way he constantly mimics and mocks Danny’s fighting style just to get a rise out of him, this is a very entertaining character to watch. I hope to God this isn’t the last we’ve seen of him.
But Zhou Chen isn’t just there to be awesome. His main purpose is to put doubts into Danny, and the audience, as to why he became the Iron Fist. The season has touched on this briefly with the whole abuse thing, but frustratingly never developed it until now. Zhou Chen suggests that Danny isn’t taking the mantle of the Iron Fist seriously, saying that he’s using it to punish rather than protect. It’s very hard to argue with this considering what we already know. Cast your minds back to why Danny took the Iron Fist trials in the first place. It was because he was goaded by those around him saying an outsider couldn’t do it. His motivation was to prove them wrong as opposed to a genuinely altruistic desire to protect and serve the people of K’un L’un. It also explains why he left. He doesn’t really care about K’un L’un. Oh sure he spouts their teachings and beliefs, but that’s only because he was effectively indoctrinated. In truth there does seem to be a hint of resentment toward those that raised him. Training him through violent means and controlling every aspect of his life. Hell, he’s even referred to as a Living Weapon, suggesting he’s a tool to be used rather than an individual in his own right. Why else would he leave if not to escape and find his own path? This also bleeds into the whole moral dilemma about whether or not he should kill people. While we’ve seen this played out before with the likes of Daredevil and Jessica Jones, this puts a slightly different spin on it. He’s not just making moral choices.  He’s choosing between following his duties as the Iron Fist to the letter or making his own independent decisions.
This episode ends somewhat anti-climactically. Danny finds out the poisoned weapons the Hand use are the same ones that killed the pilots and caused the plane to crash 15 years ago.
Wait! So the bad guys are really (gasp) THE BAD GUYS?!
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Yeah, not exactly a massive shock, is it? I mean who else could it have been?
One minor nitpick, why couldn't they have ended the episode with Danny smashing the wall and leaving it ambiguous as to whether or not he killed Madame Gao? That would have been an awesome cliffhanger!
As I said, I thought all of this was really good. The best of the season so far (which isn’t surprising considering the shit that came before), but unfortunately this is all undermined by the usual Iron Fist bullshit. China is where all the exciting, interesting stuff is happening, so why the fuck does the show keep insisting on yanking us back to New York? Who gives a fuck about Joy and Ward and who owns Rand fucking Enterprises? I was glad to see the back of them quite frankly. I’ve mentioned in the past that Scott Buck seems to be almost ashamed of the fact that this is a superhero show, and this just proves my point further. Danny’s adventures in China are constantly being interrupted by Joy and Ward’s predicament and it’s really bloody irritated. I don’t care about these characters, this plot doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the Hand as far as I can see, and it’s so unbelievably boring to sit through.
Also Ward is hallucinating now. Because of course he is. At this stage you could tell me he’s an alien from the planet Zog here to steal the world’s supply of cheese to power his electric toothbrush, and I honestly wouldn’t bat an eyelid. It’s become abundantly clear that nobody knows what the fuck to do with this character anymore, and I’m past caring.
If we could just cut out all the boring corporate baggage that’s weighing everything down, then maybe there’s hope for this show after all.
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