#check out stateposting as thats the main tag I use for things like this and maybe polposting and fascism tags on my blog
niconiconwo · 2 years
Kinda random but I found your blog while on mobile so I can't see your about page but wdym by "left-fasc" in your bio
I use it to indicate while I largely agree with Fascist political theory and anti-Liberalism (philosophical sense not the American usage), I also lean towards Marxist sympathies and distinctly Marxist anti-capital ideas. Important to note that I make a distinction between Fascism and National Socialism as two separate sets of incompatible ideas and reject Fascism as an umbrella term as is commonly used in the West and especially Anglo-American spheres. I also reject historicalism because socio-historical circumstance does not reflect upon the mechanisms of theory and is a poor substitute for critical analysis of structuring systems.
I'm "fascist" but don't really see a need or use of propounding excessive violence for example; Italy in the 20s/30s was in the midst of a social upheaval following a costly war and the tensions of the day were more of a contributor to street violence than any particular ideological leaning. Partisans of all stripes conducted extra-legal bloodshed as happens when armed clashes occur and in the early 20th much of it was inspired by intense hatred between former comrades (most Fascists including Mussolini were originally Socialists or Communists and the split deepened ressentiment tremendously). It is erroneous to conflate historical circumstance of its birth with the system of Fascism itself, same as when Communists are accused of wanting to commit atrocities etc.
Originally I started out as a Stalinist tankie in my early teens and just can't shake it entirely. Instead of pretending I'm not, I adhere to a policy of syncreticism. Good ideas are good regardless where they come from. Hence "left-fascism". Additionally because I'm anti-traditionalist and don't subscribe to conservatism in the typical sense. More commonly I'd be described as generically Third-Positionist but that's just as heavily loaded as any other unconventional ideological term. There's a lot more but I won't bore anyone with an even longer post. Hope this answers your question, if there are any others feel free to ask.
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