#check out lapistoria dot neocities dot org if you haven't already it's the site ever (biased)
mynarco · 1 year
OMG I LOVE UR ART *Explodes and dies/j*
Anyways, any hcs about kiryu? I’d like to see em because in my eyes he’s the character ever
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Ah, Kiryu! The ultimate Just Some Guy in Lapistoria! I don't have too much in the way of HCs for him but I can try to think of a few...
The former student council president. Once Hiumi came to Lapistoria, she pretty much captured the hearts of everyone (and her prior experience was very appreciated) so she got voted in. Kiryu does respect her, but is still prone to snapping at even her...
Childhood friends with Miyu. They're tea enthusiasts.
In general he enjoys fine arts and classical music- one might find him listening to some of the latter if he's particularly stressed.
Probably aroace.
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