#cheating mess with KamiDeku
raverin-2 · 1 year
Your Lyrics Move Me (Take My Heart) | BKDK | Patreon Preview
Summary: Katsuki fell in love with the song-writer, the lyrics had his heart from the moment he heard them, but things don’t always turn out the way we want them to. Katsuki’s heart breaks when he realizes that he’s been lied to this entire time, but he knows he’ll get through because he has his friends by his side.
~inspired by this free use idea on Twitter: https://x.com/sharkofchaos/status/1689975652882034688?s=46&t=NYl0ZW_rIYeymY2MWrSFeA ~
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Public Release Date: September 1st
lil Sneak Peek:
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n0t--applicable · 6 years
KamiDeku Request 1
TW: Passionate Kisses
WC: 1,205
(“Quick! Hide behind the sofa!”)
“Alright honey, I'm about to go out for the weekend. Stay safe okay?” Denki Kaminari's mother smiled at him, and he nodded. “Of course mom.” He replied, standing up to meet her height. “I'll see you Sunday, okay? Drive safe. Dad should be home before you are, so I'll leave the key under the mat.” He added. Mrs. Kaminari sighed and smiled, clearly not liking the thought of leaving her son by himself for the weekend. At her signs of dismay, Denki laughed softly to ease the tension. “Don't worry mom. I'm nearly 17, I'll be fine.” He said, trying his best to reassure her of his well-being.
She smiled and nodded. “And no girls over either, got that?” She raised her eyebrow, but her eyes were bright with cheer. “I love you munchkin.” She added, planting a big kiss on his cheek. He laughed and smiled. “Love you too ma.”
“Bye Mom! See you Sunday!” The electric boy called out of the doorway as his mother got in the car, waved goodbye, and left. He closed the door and flopped onto the couch, kicking his feet up onto the ottoman and letting out a sigh. He knew his mother would be gone for the weekend on a trip, and his father was out at work. That gave him about 9 hours a day all weekend. He smiled at the thought and grabbed the remote, flicking through the channels in search of something to watch.
Realization of how boring this weekend would be struck as he couldn't find anything to watch. He grumbled and instead picked up his phone, scrolling through a few social medias and plenty of memes.
The more he thought about it, the more lonely he became. He sighed a bit and thought, before picking up his phone and dialing a contact labeled “babe <3”. He smiled as the other end picked up and a voice greeted him.
“Ooh, Hi Denki!” The other voice was soft, and tired as though they just woke up. Denki smiled slightly. “Hey babe. Wanna come over? My mom's out of town and my dads at work.” He said, sliding down into the couch cushions. “I mean, if your moms okay with it!” The other end replied. Kaminari rolled his eyes. “She said no girls. She never said anything about boys…” He smirked, his voice cocky. A loud sigh came from the other end. “I'm pretty sure that's cheating. But I'll see you in a few. Front door unlocked?” Denki stood and walked over to the door, unlocking it before slumping back onto the couch. “Is now. See you soon babe.” They both hung up, and Denki stretched. He ran his fingers through his hair, waiting for the other to arrive.
Several minutes passed before Denki heard someone messing with the door handle. He stood and went to the door to greet them. He smiled as the door swung open, and Midoriya looked back at him, a smile on his own freckled face. “Hey babe! Took you look enough.” He teased, closing the door- and locking it, behind Izuku after he came in. They both flopped on the couch, Izuku leaning against Denki's shoulder. “So what are you gonna do tonight?” Midoriya mumbled as a conversation started, noticing the room had grown quiet.
Denki laughed. “Hopefully you.” At the comment, Midoriya flushed bright red, his eyes widening as he sat up to look at Denki, shock plastered on his features. “D-Denki!” He stuttered, trying to hide his blush with his hands. Kaminari laughed. “I'm kidding! I'm kidding!” He snickered, enjoying teasing Deku a little too much. He grinned, looking at Izuku. “Why are you covering your face?” He questioned, tilting his head.
“So I don't have to look at you.” Deku muttered sarcastically. Denki hummed at his embarrassment. “Aw c’mon now, let me see that beautiful face of yours.” He mused, pulling Izuku's hands away from his face. Midoriya pouted playfully at Denki for purposefully making him blush. Kaminari smiled and tilted his head. “Oh you don't hate me now, do you?” He said, which came out almost a purr. He leaned in and pressed his lips to Izukus, which made him gasp at first, but he eventually fell into Denki's kiss.
Denki smirked a little at how easily Deku gave in, but said nothing. Izuku on the other hand, was smiling through the kiss. Denki put one hand on Izuku's neck and the other on his opposite forearm, using it to pull him closer. Midoriya didn't mind, and in fact was working with Denki. He pressed his body closer to Denki's, before pulling them both down into a lying position. Denki smirked slightly, that now he was essentially straddling Deku. He broke away for just a second to look at Izuku, biting his lip slightly. It was Midoriya who reconnected the kiss, eager to continue.
Denki managed to slip his mouth away, bringing it to trail down Midoriya's neck, making him shiver under his breath. He left slight red spots in a trail along his collarbone, though was still subconsciously careful enough not to go too rough. He didn't want to hurt Deku, though he didn't seem to mind at all. Midoriya panted a bit, out of breath as Kaminari continued to leave a trail of hickeys down his neck.
They both froze as they heard someone rattling with the doorknob, and a man's voice. “Denki? I'm home early from work, unlock the door.”
Denki gasped and Midoriya lay frozen. “Shit, my dad’s home.” He whispered. “Quick! Hide behind the sofa!” He said, scrambling off of Izuku. The green haired boy leapt behind the couch and Denki threw a blanket over him to help possibly hide him better. Red in the face and out of breath still, he wiped the spit from his mouth and stood, walking over and unlocking the door. He urgently fixed his hair by running his fingers through it, trying to get his breathing under control. He forced a smile as he opened the door to let his dad in. “Pops! Home early! Of course..” He said, muttering the last part. “What was that son?” His father mused, raising an eyebrow. He laughed, ruffling Kaminari's hair with his hand. “Well anyway, I'll be in my room if you need me.” He said, and walked toward his room. He paused when he noticed a blanket balled on the floor. “Why is that blanket on the floor?” He questioned. Denki froze, and opened his mouth to reply but was cut off.
“Ah it doesn't matter-” His dad chimed in. “It's probably your mom's mess anyway.” He hummed, walking into his room and shutting the door. Both Denki and Izuku let out a sigh of relief. Midoriya, who had calmed his breathing, stood and lay the blanket on the couch. “I should probably go, my mom's expecting me for dinner soon.” He said, walking to the door and opening it, leaving Denki feeling slightly dejected. “But…. This again tomorrow night? Only this time… In your room?” He said, which caught Denki off guard. He stuttered, searching for words, to which Izuku only laughed and winked, shutting the door behind him.
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