silvrtcngue · 5 years
“”, ??, & xoxoxoxoxo harry
send  “”  for  a  letter  that  WASN’T  SENT.
dear  harry  ,
         things  are…  worrisome  around  here.  whispers  are  all  around  me  ,  yet  i  can’t  understand  what  they’re  saying.  i  worry  about  my  father’s  involvement  with  cedric’s  death  ,  &  what  will  most  likely  be  asked  of  me  in  the  future.  things  must  not  be  easy  for  you  ,  i  know.  but  there’s  a  plot  ,  &  although  i  don’t  know  what  that  is  i  know  it’ll  be  bad  &  well  ,  ——  i  can’t  tell  you  anything  otherwise  i’ll  be  considered  a  traitor.  i  suppose  there’s  no  way  i  can  send  this  to  you…
send  “  ⁇  ”  for  a  DRUNK  letter.
potter  ,  
         i  keep  trying  to  think  of  a  way  to  tell  you  the  truth.  it’s  very  nearly  come  out  in  uh...  certain  conversations.  so  ,  with  a  bit  of  liquid  courage  i  just  want  to  say  how  terrified  i  am  of  the  future.  i  don’t  want  a  war  ,  or  anymore  deaths.  i  want  a  normal  life  ,  outside  of  pureblood  expectations  &  such.  my  family  would  never  allow  such  things  &  i  hate  to  think  of  what  would  become  of  them  if  i  were  to  escape.  it’s  a  scary  world  out  there  now  ,  it’ll   only  get  worse.  hence  ,  why   i  spend  most  of  my  time  hiding  out  in  various  pubs.  anyways  ,  that  is  all  i  can  say  for  now  if  i  don’t  want  this  ending  up  in  the  wrong  hands.
———  draco  malfoy.
send  “  &  ”  for  a  LOVING  letter.
dear  harry  ,  
         i’m  not  really  sure  how  to  put  these  words  onto  paper.  they’ve  been  stuck  in  my  head  for  some  time  now  ,  but  i’m  not  sure  how  i  can  articulate  them  correctly.  i’ve  been  taught  to  hate  you  ,  but  truthfully  i  don’t.  now  don’t  go  around  thinking  i’m  suddenly  in  love  with  you  or  something…  i  definitely  don’t.  there’s  a  part  of  me  that  wishes  things  were  different  ,  that  we  were  different.  maybe  we  would’ve  been  friends…  or  something.  anyways  ,  i  just  wanted  to  get  that  off  my  chest.  please  ,  let’s  keep  this  between  us  ?
———  draco  malfoy.
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castclever · 5 years
ツ ?? @
⤷  Send “ツ” for an EXCITED letter.
i know how unenthusiastic you’ve been about S.P.E.W., but i have to say that things are slowly starting to pick up. i finally wore some other’s from hogwarts down with that small advertising charm i found last year. isn’t that wonderful harry? also there’s been some odd rumors going around lately, care to delve into them?
                                                                                                    love always,                                                                                                          h.g.
⤷Send “⁇” for a DRUNK letter.
did yknow that keeping secrets from your best friend is, well like, BASICALLY a crime? yea, it’s actually not a new phenomenon, it’s called pick up the quill HARRY. hedwig deserves someone who will actually write to their friends. i can’t believe the dursley’s are such right pricks about it all, magic & such. just promise me one day we’ll be happy forever. just tell it to me, please. 
                                                                                                   love always,                                                                                                         g.h.
⤷Send “@” for a SCARED letter.
dear harry,
i’m not sure why i’m so pressed on writing to you. mom and dad have been saying that i tend to act different when i’m worried about something, so surely i’ve been dreadful to deal with. if i’m being completely frank with you, i’m worried about you. and i’m scared about you know who being back in the flesh. i don’t know what it means or what the intentions are but i can’t shake the feeling that nothing is going to be as good as it once was. i won’t lose you. i need you to promise me that you’ll keep yourself safe, especially when ronald and i can’t be there to help you.  and i expect you to write to me every week to let me know how awful your summer has been without us. 
                                                                                                  love always,                                                                                                        g.h.
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weaselyrn · 5 years
[ comfort ]
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at the hug, ron froze mid rant. he had been ranting about percy and how he had decided to abandon his family for the ministry.ron was feeling frustrated and hurt that his own brother left them. harry didn’t usually give out hugs, ron was pretty sure that this was the first he could remember. ron slowly reached around harry and squeezed lightly. he put his head down on harry’s shoulder and felt himself slowly relax.” this is a new way to get me to stop talking.”
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ofwclf · 5 years
[ sleepy ] for your muse to slowly fall alseep on my muse’s lap .
     he didn’t mean for it to happens. wolf looked up, watching through the window the almost full form of the moon, her delicate light warm on his skin and there was a song in his head, full of howling and growls. it was calming in a way he craved right now, steeling himself for what he needed to do.
     wolf didn’t mean to get so close that he almost tasted the betrayal on his tongue.
     loyalty wasn’t something he could leave behind a door and pick it up on his way out ; he couldn’t in full say that he was doing everything in his power to keep the pack safe and then cuddling with the chosen one ; he couldn’t... there was so many thing he couldn’t do without deciding where his loyalty lays and wolf, probably for the first time in his life, was terrified to the core. 
     he took a deep breath, pulling in all his strength and opened his lips.   “   listen, harry----   “   he started, his voice cracking slightly, throat suddenly dry and itching. wolf looked down, at the mess of dark hairs, eyes slowly traveling over the weird position gryffindor took to lay down and still have his head on wolf’s laps. his chest hurt and he couldn’t breathe, like something --- someone --- was sitting on him and he couldn’t... he couldn’t...
     there was a sleepy   “   what’s up, wolf?   “   ;   and he looked at the half-closed green eyes, the small, almost shy smile and shake his head, lifting his hand to gently move fingers through harry’s hairs.   “   --- nevermind. go back to sleep, you need it.   “   his voice was soft and low and he watched in silence as the other just fell asleep, so trusting, so open, right here.
     ‘   next time,   ‘    wolf thought, closing his eyes shut and trying to keep howl full of sorrow inside.   ‘   next time.   ‘
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trcydvis · 5 years
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“ The Ministry of Magic is hosting this gala but they seem to have neglected bringing good food.” Tracey said, standing at the buffet table. There was a lot of selections and Tracey was glad that she could pick and choose but nothing was catching her eye. “ Do you recommend anything on here?” She asked, turning to the person next to her to get their opinion. Perhaps, they saw something she hadn’t.
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weaselyrn · 5 years
[ sleepy ]
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“ i still can’t believe they blamed sirius for the break out in azkaban. have they met sirius? “ ron chuckled, expecting a reply. after not hearing harry respond for a few seconds, ron heard a small breath and looked down to see harry sleeping on his lap. ron subtly adjusted his position to be more comfortable for harry. he knew harry struggled with sleeping and if this was going to help, ron wasn’t going to complain. 
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