#chayya psas
bijoharvelle · 3 years
joharvele -> harvelleoween
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sleepinnude-blog · 9 years
hey so i made a new tumblr? one that i’ll actually post on and stuff? so if you want to follow that one feel free to drop me a line and i’ll pass you the url. it’s not a ~secret~ or anything & i’ll probably post the url here eventually. i’m just not gonna clog up with “FOLLOW ME AT URL” posts or anything
ok yes
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
joharvele → sweatercas
i missed my soft epilogue boy 0:)
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bijoharvelle · 3 years
follower to friend pipeline hour
hi friends &/or followers! a little while back, i would do follower hours (an idea i stole from @clairenatural iirc), which was basically just a time that i'd be Around for people to send asks/DMs and chat! i am always, always, always open to having fun little convos, but i know some people have anxiety about just starting conversations, so hopefully the fact that this is hour designated JUST for that will help!
SO for the next hour (or longer most likely) i'll be fucking around with my queue and ready to answer any DMs and/or asks you feel compelled to send! whether you're a friends, mutual, follower, or just a bestie who wants to say hi :) whatever the topic (me, you, supernatural, marvel, screaming into the sun about joe biden, my dumb wonderful cat, your dumb wonderful cat, whatever!!).
hit me up (anoymously or not!) or send me a DM!
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bijoharvelle · 3 years
joharvele -> bijoharvelle
it’s pride, bitches! & she bi4bi.
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bijoharvelle · 3 years
sweatercas -> queerforclout
small psa along with the change:
while i'm not "leaving" the spn fandom, this blog is going to be a lot less destiel/spn centered from now on. i think it'll largely be more marvel, merlin, and just movies in general - with still some spn mixed in. if that's not your bag, feel free to unfollow!
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bijoharvelle · 3 years
nynaeveapologist --> ragingsunynaeve
so sorry about this i promise i'll be at this url for awhile i love you all
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
tag list psa!
so i decided not to tag individual users on my fic/ficlet posts anymore. it’s getting a little unwieldy in length (which, is so amazing! wild to me that so many of you care about what i write!!) also i always agonize over whether smaller things like ask prompts or little ficlets ““““deserve”””” the tag list.
INSTEAD i’m just going to tag all my writing as “chayya writes” that way if you want to see my fic, you can just track that tag and bingo-bango, problem solved. plus, this way the power is in your hands, if you wanna start tracking or stop tracking whenever! (also, i’ll be back-tagging all the fic i’ve already posted with that tag, so it’ll all be there in one easy place soon) **if you want to read my stuff but don’t know how to track tags, you can totally let me know & i’d be happy to help.
tl;dr: no more tag list. track “chayya writes” if you wanna read my ficlets/get updates on any longer fics i might be posting in the future (👀)
@prayedtoyou • @evermorecastiel • @valleydean • @good-things-do-happen-dean • @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you • @leftistdean • @bianca29753 • @spaceshipkat • @madronasky • @dizzypinwheel • @kayrosebee • @feraladoration • @destielangst • @destielle • @heller-jensen • @multifandommagic • @fluffiestlou • @geo-val • @top13zepptraxx • @lanaserra   • @dreamnovak • @jazzbabythatsme • @lyndalynn • @organicpurplepants • @cursed-or-not • @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner • @galaxymysteryelephant • @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover • @one-more-offbeat-anthem • @keata-kaylee • @redsconfusion • @bennedict • @mishha • @smushedmuffins • @galaxycastiel • @itsinjustbeing • @winchester-novak • @queen-rowenas • @castielstolemyheart  • @50shadesofcockles
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
hi this chayya just in case you didn’t see my psa over the weekend
i’m still tracking #sweatercas for now
hello i love you
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sleepinnude-blog · 12 years
as i said before, wireless is dodgy at best so i might not be around at all this coming week or i'll be around but only, like at night and stuff
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sleepinnude-blog · 12 years
hey, so.
i'm going away tomorrow night!!!! wireless at the beach-house is usually pretty shoddy and either way i'll be at the beach!!! so i'll either just be on in the evening/night or i won't be on at all. anddddd i'll be back sometimes next saturday.
let's all cross our fingers and knock on wood and hope that chay gets laid at least once while at the beach. 
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sleepinnude-blog · 12 years
the facts of the matter:
HELLO! your friendly neighborhood chayya is going on vacation! in florida! :D so, our hotel is going to have wifi but it's going to be shitty at best and also i'm going to be, like, on the beach and in the city and having fun and stuff. so i'm going to be less-here! i've got something of a queue for some daytime hours because as long as the wifi isn't too sucktastic i'll probably still be on fairly regularly at night, once we're done for the day and all.
JUST SO'S YOU KNOW THOUGH. tldr; i'll be gone from tomorrow (thursday) until tuesday evening and there's something like a queue and internet willing i will be popping in to annoy y'all.
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sleepinnude-blog · 13 years
okay really quick PSA:
I do not ship Blinn :)
nothing against it or anything, it just does not start a fire down below and the few things I've written for it/Kublinn were "gifts" to friends. 
only saying this because I get Blinn prompts and then I feel bad because I can't fill them because I don't ship it.  
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