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bdprimetv · 2 months ago
ছাতু খাওয়ার উপকারিতা | benefits of sattu
প্রতিদিন সকালে ছাতু খাওয়ার উপকারিতা!
"ছাতু খাওয়ার উপকারিতা" ভিডিওতে আমরা আলোচনা করেছি ছাতুর পুষ্টিগুণ, স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য এর অসাধারণ উপকারিতা এবং ছাতু কেন আপনার প্রতিদিনের খাদ্য তালিকায় থাকা উচিত। ছাতু এমন একটি সুপারফুড যা শরীরকে সুস্থ রাখতে ও বিভিন্ন রোগ প্রতিরোধে অত্যন্ত কার্যকর।
এই ভিডিওতে আপনি জানতে পারবেন: ✅ ছাতু কি? ✅ ছাতু খাওয়ার স্বাস্থ্য উপকারিতা। ✅ ওজন কমাতে ছাতুর ভূমিকা। ✅ ছাতু কীভাবে শরীরের এনার্জি বৃদ্ধি করে। ✅ ডায়াবেটিস রোগীদের জন্য ছাতুর সুবিধা। ✅ ছাতু কীভাবে ত্বক ও চুলের সৌন্দর্য বাড়ায়। ✅ ছাতু খাওয়ার সঠিক পদ্ধতি।
ছাতু স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য প্রাকৃতিক ভিটামিন ও মিনারেল সমৃদ্ধ একটি খাবার। এটি আপনার হজমশক্তি উন্নত করে, রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়ায় এবং দীর্ঘ সময় পেট ভরা রাখে। এই ভিডিওটি দেখুন এবং ছাতুর স্বাস্থ্য উপকারিতা সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানুন।
ভিডিওটি কার জন্য উপকারী? 👉 স্বাস্থ্য সচেতন ব্যক্তি। 👉 ওজন কমাতে ইচ্ছুক। 👉 শক্তি ও এনার্জি বাড়াতে চাচ্ছেন। 👉 প্রাকৃতিক ও সাশ্রয়ী খাবার পছন্দ করেন।
আপনার বন্ধু ও পরিবারের সাথে শেয়ার ��রুন ভিডিওটি ভালো লাগলে লাইক দিন, শেয়ার করুন এবং "BD Prime TV" চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন নতুন নতুন স্বাস্থ্য বিষয়ক ভিডিও পেতে।
#ছাতু, #ছাতুর_উপকারিতা, #সুপারফুড, #পুষ্টিগুণ, #স্বাস্থ্য_পরামর্শ, #ডায়াবেটিস_কন্ট্রোল, #ওজন_কমানোর_টিপস, #প্রাকৃতিক_খাদ্য, #শক্তি_বৃদ্ধি, #BDPrimeTV
ছাতু, ছাতুর উপকারিতা, ছাতু খাওয়ার পদ্ধতি, ছাতুর পুষ্টিগুণ, ছাতু ওজন কমায়, ছাতু ডায়াবেটিস, ছাতু শক্তি বৃদ্ধি, সুপারফুড, স্বাস্থ্য পরামর্শ, প্রাকৃতিক খাবার, ছাতু ত্বকের জন্য, ছাতু চুলের জন্য, Chatu benefits, Chatu health benefits, Chatu for weight loss, Chatu for diabetes, Chatu nutrition, Chatu superfood, Health tips in Bangla, Healthy food, Natural food, Weight loss tips Bangla, Energy boosting food, Chatu recipes, Chatu for skin, Chatu for hair, sattu, chatua
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ramayantika · 2 years ago
My exam superstitions:
Don't cut nails for a week before exams
Bhagwan ki photo on insta (new) because I get good marks on those test days
Eat chatua that day
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magaratimes · 7 years ago
#DW: Kimbunga Irma chatua Florida | Masuala ya Jamii | DW
#DW: Kimbunga Irma chatua Florida | Masuala ya Jamii | DW
“Ombeni, Ombeni kila mtu jimboni Florida”. Gavana Rick Scott aliliambia televisheni ya Fox News. Huku karibu watu 227,000 wakikusanyika katika vituo vya muda jimboni humo, kimbunga hicho kilipiga visiwa vya Florida Keys kikiandamana na mvua na kukata nguvu za umeme kwa watu milioni moja kote Florida.
Karibu watu 30,000 waliutii wito wa kuwahata kuhama visiwa vya Keys wakati kimbunga hicho…
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odishaphotos · 3 years ago
Gorumara National Park
Gorumara National Park
Gorumara National Park (গোরুমারা জাতীয় ବ in Bengal) is located in the state of West Bengal. Located in the foothills of the Himalayas, it is also a national park. The Gorumara Sanctuary is adorned with grasslands, forests, and so on. The national park is known for its Indian ganda. The Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Government of India declared it the best protected area in the country in 2009.
History-- Gorumara has been a protected forest since 1895. It was declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1949 due to the large number of rhinos already in existence and the possibility of increasing their numbers. On January 31, 1994, Gorumara was recognized as a national park. Originally starting with a 7 (km) 2 area, Gorumara has now expanded to an area of ​​80 (km) 2.
Geography --- The national park is located in the Malbazar sub-division of Jalpaiguri district in the state of West Bengal. Gorumara National Park is located in the Terai belt of the eastern Himalayas. Wave-like forests in the highlands, riverine grasslands are a feature of this national park, and in West Bengal it is called the Duars. Located on the plains on the banks of the Murti River and the Raidak River, the main river is the Jaldhaka River, a tributary of the Brahmaputra River. Therefore, it is a watershed between the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. Located near Gorumara National Park, there is the Jaldapada National Park and the Chhapramari Wildlife Sanctuary. The area of ​​Gorumara National Park is about 79.99 sq km. . Climate: Temperatures range from 10-21 ° C between November and February, 24-27 ° C in March-April and 27-37 ° C in May-October. The monsoon rains here from mid-May to mid-October. The average annual rainfall is 382 cm.
History-- Human habitation has never been seen in the national park. The forest department of the park was built during the British rule in Bengal. In Bengali, all history is recorded again. There are many small villages around Sarumati, Budhuram, Bichbhanga, Chatua, Kailipur and Murti around Gorumara. The locals make a lot of money from tourism and forestry.
Plants-- Some of the main trees in the forest are: willow, shaguan, spruce, forest mustard, and so on. Bamboo forests and grasslands are also found on the banks of the river. Various types of orchids are also found in the forest.
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plxyboi-blog · 6 years ago
In A Nation Awash In Eggs, A State Struggles To Get Them To Children |
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/in-a-nation-awash-in-eggs-a-state-struggles-to-get-them-to-children/
In A Nation Awash In Eggs, A State Struggles To Get Them To Children |
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "books009a-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "eb6b8d82602b7891da759d9bf5221f00"; amzn_assoc_asins = "162315944X,B00UJIXKL4,B07CZ837VB";
Angul, Odisha: When Rebati Naik, 23, was pregnant she been given chatua (a combination of dry pulses and cereals), ladoos made of almonds, and eight eggs per month as the ‘take-home’ ration less than the government’s supplementary nourishment programme, four less eggs than she is entitled to. Now her son, Shyam Naik, is 9 months outdated, and she also receives sooji (semolina), as element of the ration.
Eggs are abundant sources of digestible protein, vitamin A and B12, crucial for maternal and little one nourishment, and the nourishment program in Odisha supplies 12 eggs to pregnant and lactating mothers until the little one is 6 months outdated. The little one receives 12 eggs when   but all by means of her being pregnant and now her lactation, Rebati Naik been given four eggs less than she is entitled to. These eggs are 1st shared with her husband, mom-in-legislation and two brothers-in-legislation. “I get eight eggs a month, we make a curry and try to eat it jointly,” Naik said. She eats very last, depriving herself of an crucial resource of vitamins.
This is specially crucial in Angul district in Odisha–exactly where 31.8% of kids less than five decades ended up stunted (small for their age), and 37.four% ended up anaemic in 2015, data from Nationwide Household Wellness Study four (NFHS four) clearly show. Throughout India, pregnant female, lactating mothers and kids require greater nourishment–38.four% kids throughout India ended up stunted, 35.8% underweight, and fifty eight.six% anaemic in 2015-sixteen, NFHS four data clearly show.
The government’s supplementary nourishment programme, less than the Integrated Child Development Solutions (ICDS), started out in 1975, entitles every pregnant female, lactating mom and little one, three-to-6 decades outdated, acquire-house rations and very hot cooked meals to assistance guidance in a child’s 1st one,000 days–a window of option in early childhood when a child’s development and cognitive enhancement is highest.
Eggs give crucial vitamins but several females, kids take in eggs in India
Eggs are a abundant resource of quickly digestible protein this kind of as important fatty acids, vitamin A and B12, hormones and immunity-expanding substances, conveniently absorbed and metabolised by the mother’s entire body. Taking in eggs helps raise the nutritive value of breast-milk, assisting little one development.
Eggs are comparatively quick to obtain, adaptable to several diverse sorts of cooking strategies and an affordable resource of extremely digestible protein, in accordance to a 2018 analyze on sustainable solutions of egg creation by Kalpana Beesabathuni, Srujith Lingala and Klaus Kraemer of Sight and Existence, a nourishment assume tank primarily based in Switzerland.
In most lower-cash flow nations around the world, intake of eggs among the females of reproductive age was uncovered to be very lower, specially among the females from households in the reduce prosperity quintiles, in accordance to a 2018 analyze by the Worldwide Food items Policy Investigation Institute (IFPRI), a investigation advocacy primarily based in Washington D.C. 
When India is the third-most significant producer of eggs in the world, 14.seven% of kids consumed eggs in a 24‐hour time period right before the survey, a degree a great deal reduce than other South Asian nations around the world (25%), the analyze uncovered. Despite eggs being much less expensive in India than other South Asian nations around the world, only 19% of mothers who said they ate eggs, consumed an egg in the 24-hour time period right before the survey.
Regular development in desire of eggs has retained costs reduce in India than other South Asian nations around the world–it is four.seven times as high priced as rice, in accordance to the 2007 analyze on the poultry market by R.G Nambiar and Rajesh Mehta for the Investigation and Facts Program for Acquiring Nations, a coverage investigation institute primarily based in Delhi. In the rest of South Asia, eggs are about 6 times as high priced as rice. In sub‐Saharan Africa, the world’s poorest location, eggs are nine.five times as high priced as cereals, on normal, the analyze uncovered.
In India, Only 14.seven% of Kids Consumed Eggs in a 24‐Hour Remember Period Class Eggs readily available for intake per capita per year Kids, six-23 months, who consumed an egg in a 24-hr recall time period (In %) Ratio of egg price to cereal price Significant-cash flow nations around the world 265 NA 2.three Latin The us and the Carribean 218 forty two.8 four.8 Middle East and North Africa 129 30.8 five.four Eastern Europe and Central Asia 238 34 three.six East Asia 241 20.8 seven.one South Asia excluding India 50 25 five.nine India 52 14.seven four.seven Sub- saharan Africa forty 12.six nine.five
Source: 2018, An egg for all people: Pathways to Universal Obtain to One of Nature’s Most Wholesome Food items, IFPRI
In India, Odisha supplies the next highest amount of eggs to kids
Of the ten states with the highest proportion of stunted kids in India, only three–Bihar, Jharkhand and Karnataka–give eggs to kids as element of the supplementary nourishment programme, as IndiaSpend noted in July 2018. Of all states that give eggs, Odisha which has the thirteenth highest proportion of stunted kids, supplies the next-highest amount of eggs to kids in anganwadis. 
In Nandapur village in Odisha’s Angul district, anganwadi worker Sushma Rao (still left) at a make-shift centre, exactly where products for the Odisha Livelihood Mission is retained. Only 11 of 22 kids enrolled ended up existing in course the centre is far too much for the rest to show up at routinely.  
Odisha has 34.one% of kids less than five who are stunted as in contrast to Uttar Pradesh (UP) with forty six.three% of its kids stunted. UP does not give eggs as element of the plan.
Quite a few females, kids never obtain acquire-house rations, very hot cooked meals
Rebati Naik lives four km absent from the village anganwadi centre. She said she doesn’t know when the acquire-house ration is distributed and is frequently late to obtain her share. “We are not informed by the anganwadi didi when the ration is distributed and it is often concluded by the time we arrive at the centre,” she said. 
Rebati Naik, 23, of Maanpur village, Angul district, Odisha feeds her 9-month-outdated infant. Since she lives much from the anganwadi, she did not know exactly where to sign-up for the acquire-house rations provided by the governing administration. It took her three months to sign-up at the anganwadi. 
It took three months for Naik to sign-up herself at the anganwadi centre, and she did not obtain the acquire-house ration for these three months. “We do not have an anganwadi in our village, so we did not know exactly where to go,” said Bhishu Naik, 28, Rebati’s husband, and an agricultural labourer.
Additional than 50 percent of the females did not obtain acquire-house rations right before the fifth of every month, as the suggestions of the programme stipulate. Nearly a person-fourth been given the acquire-house rations after the 20th of the month.
For the acquire-house rations, eggs are been given when a month, by means of a corporation that gained the governing administration tender.
“We are only given Rs seven.70 per little one per day for very hot cooked meals,” said Anita Das, forty, an anganwadi worker in Maanpur village of Angul district. “We have to procure eggs from the open market place at Rs five, and often even Rs six, for the very hot cooked meals. We are only still left with Rs 2.70 in which we have to control early morning treats, rice, dal, oil and haldi.
“The amount of eggs ended up improved by the governing administration from eight to 12 in 2018 but the rates have not been improved appropriately. We have to often make adjustments from the acquire-house ration so that the kids who arrive to the centre do not go hungry,” she said.
In a person anganwadi centre in Nandpur in Angul, exactly where three- to 6-year-olds shared the area with applications and products from Odisha’s livelihood mission, only 11 kids attended out of 22 enrolled at the centre. Most of the kids not in attendance ended up from, Namogo, a further village three km absent, which does not have an anganwadi of its personal.
As these kids are unable to wander by itself to arrive at the centre, they pass up out on their very hot cooked meal of early morning treats, egg, chattua and semolina. The leftover eggs are given to the kids who arrive to the anganwadi, said Sushma Rao, forty two, an anganwadi worker at the centre, but this could not be independently verified.
Earlier, this anganwadi operated less than a tree or at someone’s home, and now it operates at a panchayat (village committee) meeting corridor, Rao said. “We ended up allotted the panchayat meeting corridor after five decades, we continue to you should not have a designated anganwadi centre. I have made many tries to ask for the sarpanch (village head) to come across a alternative, but we have been informed there is no land readily available for the anganwadi,” Rao said.
Anita Pradhan, 39, the village head, was oblivious of the problem, and questioned us to talk to her husband about the situation. “I have spoken to the little one enhancement challenge officer and we have been informed to detect the land for the anganwadi centre ourselves,” said Jayant Pradhan, 44,  Anita Pradhan’s husband. “But there is no land still left in the village.” 
(Ali is a reporter with IndiaSpend.)
We welcome suggestions. You should write to [email protected]. We reserve the ideal to edit responses for language and grammar.
Angul, Odisha: When Rebati Naik, 23, was pregnant she been given chatua (a combination of dry pulses and cereals), ladoos made of almonds, and eight eggs per month as the ‘take-home’ ration less than the government’s supplementary nourishment programme, four less eggs than she is entitled to. Now her son, Shyam Naik, is 9 months outdated, and she also receives sooji (semolina), as element of the ration.
Eggs are abundant sources of digestible protein, vitamin A and B12, crucial for maternal and little one nourishment, and the nourishment program in Odisha supplies 12 eggs to pregnant and lactating mothers until the little one is 6 months outdated. The little one receives 12 eggs when   but all by means of her being pregnant and now her lactation, Rebati Naik been given four eggs less than she is entitled to. These eggs are 1st shared with her husband, mom-in-legislation and two brothers-in-legislation. “I get eight eggs a month, we make a curry and try to eat it jointly,” Naik said. She eats very last, depriving herself of an crucial resource of vitamins.
This is specially crucial in Angul district in Odisha–exactly where 31.8% of kids less than five decades ended up stunted (small for their age), and 37.four% ended up anaemic in 2015, data from Nationwide Household Wellness Study four (NFHS four) clearly show. Throughout India, pregnant female, lactating mothers and kids require greater nourishment–38.four% kids throughout India ended up stunted, 35.8% underweight, and fifty eight.six% anaemic in 2015-sixteen, NFHS four data clearly show.
The government’s supplementary nourishment programme, less than the Integrated Child Development Solutions (ICDS), started out in 1975, entitles every pregnant female, lactating mom and little one, three-to-6 decades outdated, acquire-house rations and very hot cooked meals to assistance guidance in a child’s 1st one,000 days–a window of option in early childhood when a child’s development and cognitive enhancement is highest.
Eggs give crucial vitamins but several females, kids take in eggs in India
Eggs are a abundant resource of quickly digestible protein this kind of as important fatty acids, vitamin A and B12, hormones and immunity-expanding substances, conveniently absorbed and metabolised by the mother’s entire body. Taking in eggs helps raise the nutritive value of breast-milk, assisting little one development.
Eggs are comparatively quick to obtain, adaptable to several diverse sorts of cooking strategies and an affordable resource of extremely digestible protein, in accordance to a 2018 analyze on sustainable solutions of egg creation by Kalpana Beesabathuni, Srujith Lingala and Klaus Kraemer of Sight and Existence, a nourishment assume tank primarily based in Switzerland.
In most lower-cash flow nations around the world, intake of eggs among the females of reproductive age was uncovered to be very lower, specially among the females from households in the reduce prosperity quintiles, in accordance to a 2018 analyze by the Worldwide Food items Policy Investigation Institute (IFPRI), a investigation advocacy primarily based in Washington D.C. 
When India is the third-most significant producer of eggs in the world, 14.seven% of kids consumed eggs in a 24‐hour time period right before the survey, a degree a great deal reduce than other South Asian nations around the world (25%), the analyze uncovered. Despite eggs being much less expensive in India than other South Asian nations around the world, only 19% of mothers who said they ate eggs, consumed an egg in the 24-hour time period right before the survey.
Regular development in desire of eggs has retained costs reduce in India than other South Asian nations around the world–it is four.seven times as high priced as rice, in accordance to the 2007 analyze on the poultry market by R.G Nambiar and Rajesh Mehta for the Investigation and Facts Program for Acquiring Nations, a coverage investigation institute primarily based in Delhi. In the rest of South Asia, eggs are about 6 times as high priced as rice. In sub‐Saharan Africa, the world’s poorest location, eggs are nine.five times as high priced as cereals, on normal, the analyze uncovered.
In India, Only 14.seven% of Kids Consumed Eggs in a 24‐Hour Remember Period Class Eggs readily available for intake per capita per year Kids, six-23 months, who consumed an egg in a 24-hr recall time period (In %) Ratio of egg price to cereal price Significant-cash flow nations around the world 265 NA 2.three Latin The us and the Carribean 218 forty two.8 four.8 Middle East and North Africa 129 30.8 five.four Eastern Europe and Central Asia 238 34 three.six East Asia 241 20.8 seven.one South Asia excluding India 50 25 five.nine India 52 14.seven four.seven Sub- saharan Africa forty 12.six nine.five
Source: 2018, An egg for all people: Pathways to Universal Obtain to One of Nature’s Most Wholesome Food items, IFPRI
In India, Odisha supplies the next highest amount of eggs to kids
Of the ten states with the highest proportion of stunted kids in India, only three–Bihar, Jharkhand and Karnataka–give eggs to kids as element of the supplementary nourishment programme, as IndiaSpend noted in July 2018. Of all states that give eggs, Odisha which has the thirteenth highest proportion of stunted kids, supplies the next-highest amount of eggs to kids in anganwadis. 
In Nandapur village in Odisha’s Angul district, anganwadi worker Sushma Rao (still left) at a make-shift centre, exactly where products for the Odisha Livelihood Mission is retained. Only 11 of 22 kids enrolled ended up existing in course the centre is far too much for the rest to show up at routinely.  
Odisha has 34.one% of kids less than five who are stunted as in contrast to Uttar Pradesh (UP) with forty six.three% of its kids stunted. UP does not give eggs as element of the plan.
Quite a few females, kids never obtain acquire-house rations, very hot cooked meals
Rebati Naik lives four km absent from the village anganwadi centre. She said she doesn’t know when the acquire-house ration is distributed and is frequently late to obtain her share. “We are not informed by the anganwadi didi when the ration is distributed and it is often concluded by the time we arrive at the centre,” she said. 
Rebati Naik, 23, of Maanpur village, Angul district, Odisha feeds her 9-month-outdated infant. Since she lives much from the anganwadi, she did not know exactly where to sign-up for the acquire-house rations provided by the governing administration. It took her three months to sign-up at the anganwadi. 
It took three months for Naik to sign-up herself at the anganwadi centre, and she did not obtain the acquire-house ration for these three months. “We do not have an anganwadi in our village, so we did not know exactly where to go,” said Bhishu Naik, 28, Rebati’s husband, and an agricultural labourer.
Additional than 50 percent of the females did not obtain acquire-house rations right before the fifth of every month, as the suggestions of the programme stipulate. Nearly a person-fourth been given the acquire-house rations after the 20th of the month.
For the acquire-house rations, eggs are been given when a month, by means of a corporation that gained the governing administration tender.
“We are only given Rs seven.70 per little one per day for very hot cooked meals,” said Anita Das, forty, an anganwadi worker in Maanpur village of Angul district. “We have to procure eggs from the open market place at Rs five, and often even Rs six, for the very hot cooked meals. We are only still left with Rs 2.70 in which we have to control early morning treats, rice, dal, oil and haldi.
“The amount of eggs ended up improved by the governing administration from eight to 12 in 2018 but the rates have not been improved appropriately. We have to often make adjustments from the acquire-house ration so that the kids who arrive to the centre do not go hungry,” she said.
In a person anganwadi centre in Nandpur in Angul, exactly where three- to 6-year-olds shared the area with applications and products from Odisha’s livelihood mission, only 11 kids attended out of 22 enrolled at the centre. Most of the kids not in attendance ended up from, Namogo, a further village three km absent, which does not have an anganwadi of its personal.
As these kids are unable to wander by itself to arrive at the centre, they pass up out on their very hot cooked meal of early morning treats, egg, chattua and semolina. The leftover eggs are given to the kids who arrive to the anganwadi, said Sushma Rao, forty two, an anganwadi worker at the centre, but this could not be independently verified.
Earlier, this anganwadi operated less than a tree or at someone’s home, and now it operates at a panchayat (village committee) meeting corridor, Rao said. “We ended up allotted the panchayat meeting corridor after five decades, we continue to you should not have a designated anganwadi centre. I have made many tries to ask for the sarpanch (village head) to come across a alternative, but we have been informed there is no land readily available for the anganwadi,” Rao said.
Anita Pradhan, 39, the village head, was oblivious of the problem, and questioned us to talk to her husband about the situation. “I have spoken to the little one enhancement challenge officer and we have been informed to detect the land for the anganwadi centre ourselves,” said Jayant Pradhan, 44,  Anita Pradhan’s husband. “But there is no land still left in the village.” 
(Ali is a reporter with IndiaSpend.)
We welcome suggestions. You should write to [email protected]. We reserve the ideal to edit responses for language and grammar.
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "books009a-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "eb6b8d82602b7891da759d9bf5221f00"; amzn_assoc_asins = "162315944X,B00UJIXKL4,B07CZ837VB"; Source backlink Nutrition For Pregnancy
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bongoexclusive · 6 years ago
Kikosi cha Sevilla Chatua Dar Kwaajili ya mechi na Simba
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2jamespeterson · 7 years ago
#DW: Kimbunga Irma chatua Florida | Masuala ya Jamii | DW
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