Got it
(+ rips open a portal and pulls koi throw +)
Hello koi mugs needs your help :D
“Oh heyyy koi..hii. Hi.”
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faunandfloraas · 3 months
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a seungift for @sesuavity ♡
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anecdotal-acorn · 2 months
hey hi dont follow me you zionist scum. 💀
hey hi i just liked your takes on kingdom hearts, but apparently since i have the audacity to believe that hamas is bad, islamism is bad, jews should have sovereignty in the levant, and palestinian society needs to unlearn a ton of genocidal rhetoric which is ruining the lives of palestinian children by making them martyrs, you have blocked me. why did you even use anon. i followed you two minutes ago. and also i feel like you're proud of having blocked me so idk why you would wanna hide. you are missing out, when it comes to ventus we share the same brain, we could've had it all
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postingjoost · 4 months
He is so beautiful oml,, literally clawing at the glass of my enclosure LOOK AT HIM.
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ask-v3-kaimiku · 2 months
Miku: Looks like we might not be able to make it to that beach event, huh... ( ´◔‸◔`)
Kaito: Yeah, how unfortunate.
Miku: I really wanted to go! (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Kaito: ...Well summer hasn't ended yet. We could plan a trip of our own, just you and me, yeah?
Miku: You mean it?!
Kaito: Yes, of course.
Miku: Let's go soon then~! I'll get a new bikini, and some new floats, and some cute beach towels... (*´▽`人)♡♡♡
Kaito: You're too cute when you're excited~
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blighted-lights · 4 months
cursed femme 🤝 kingly transmasc besties
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cybersyndicate · 23 days
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Red futuristic Ragna (Blazblue) graphics 〜
F2U w/ credit ✦ for @winecovered ‘s 400+ event!
01 :: “Something that you personally identify, relate, or otherwise associate with”
PSD CRED :: 1 && 2
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AN:: This took me way longer than it should have…. We fw cybercore/future aesthetics heavily so we figured we should do graphics themed off of it! Red is also our fav color, and Blazblue is a fav game of ours that definitely shaped our interests in some way.
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blitzbabysits · 5 months
Uh Blitzi Is tinks da oder cargibers ars gunna needs somes hewps. Somebodys gabe da oder liddles enewgy dwinks & sents dem to cweate caos 4s da caregibers!
Oh no-
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@duckciferthecg , @cannibal-auntie , @cg-sir-pentious , and any other caregiver that needs help, ya can send some kiddos my way ^^
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lazypanartist · 19 days
If y'all have Robotnik, Agent Stone, Stobotnik, or other random Sonic Movieverse headcanons, please hand them over! I'll either add my 2 cents or turn them into a ficlet 💙
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chooh2 · 3 months
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Cursed with the Blood Lust™ and a knack for intimidation but still kinda 🥺✨
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did you steal my chips.
Actually, it was probably cup.
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finnslay · 15 days
Messaging a pretty girl would solve all my problems honestly
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seth-shitposts · 1 month
Lexie: *focused on crafting with Alice*
Seth: hey I need to remind you of something.
Lexie, worried that it's something detrimental important: what is it???
Seth: we're essentially writing entrapdak to the right.
Lexie,trying not to glare: that's important why?
Alice, not looking up from beadwork: he just wants to remind you that you're not escaping Spop no matter how far you go.
Lexie: hey, I wasn't the only one who watched or enjoyed it and we haven't watched it in at least two or three years.
Seth: I just find it hilarious that you could have taken those two characters in literally any direction and Entrapdak But To Tje Right is something we just happened to stumble into.
Alice: I think it's sweet. That entire subplot is sweet and that's something /that/ one needs more of. *vaguely guestures to Lexie*
Lexie: ??? I don't know how to take that. Coming from the gore lover.
Seth: *bursts out laughing*
Alice: I am /happily/ a gore lover. It ain't your thing and angst makes you cry but you'll fight through it for crumbs of happiness at the end. Sweet makes you all gross in gooey, but in the warm and fuzzy type of way. You're a very hard and dedicated worker and to an obsessive and many-are-concerned-for-your-well-being type of way. So you need sickening sweet in your life.
Lexie: i- ...
Alice: tread lightly, sebby, having a good read on all of you is pretty much why the brain created me.
Seth: lmao, read me another day freak[/affectionate].
Alice: Promise <3
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bikananjarrus · 5 months
username change!
it’s been a while and i miss having a rebels username so time for a change <3
hailperseusjackson -> -> -> bikananjarrus
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blitzbabysits · 5 months
Blitzi Is feels weally bads cans Is wambles ah widdle?
You can always ramble to me, even if I take a moment to reply ^^
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katsukikitten · 1 year
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@t-tomuras bullied me and got me another comm by @chuuie-moon please get a comm by them if you can 😭
LOOK AT HOW CUTE WE ARE and his hands 🥺 and his tattoos. And I'm being a brat gremlin waking his ass up for attention HAKUJI MY ONE TRUE LOVE and our CAT
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