#chats cradle
I sent you some mermaid themed brain rot a long time ago. And guess what...I've still got more so here you go *dumps and runs.*
(Ignore that it's approaching the end of May ik I'm late lol)
Trainer/handler reader for sea monster legacy. He's terribly anti social at first in the aquarium. Doesn't like the bright lights and bring prodded (deep sea creature and are all of these vet check ups really necessary????) But reader is chill and isn't invasive. Is fine with just sitting near the tank, being quiet, and letting him approach in his own time. They grow closer, legacy feels comfy occasionally going up to the glass to play with kids, and tolerates vet check enough now that his molting scales due to stress or injury got fixed. Thoughts???
(As always, as a person with one of those hyper realistic mermaid tails, I've got more)
MORE SEA MONSTER FOUL LEGACY YIPPEEE (also can i see the tail)
your coworkers warned you that Legacy was unruly- he's scared away every handler before you, the last one resigning after just a month, although there were never any injuries which you think is very interesting. deep sea monsters like him usually resort to using their teeth and claws if they feel threatened, and your friends tell you as much as you enter the dim, empty room. for a while you barely see anything in the enormous tank, only the hint of a tail swimming by or a distant shadow as you sit on the bench and wait, flipping through a book you brought. Foul Legacy is so quiet, in fact, that you don't notice that he's been curiously watching you until he lets out a faint hum, an echoing tune like a whale's song. you don't say a word, allowing him to swim around and examine you as best as he can- you're different from the others. not as loud, devoid of the horribly bright lights they usually bring- instead you just place your hand on one side of the glass with a kind smile, and after a moment Legacy's webbed claws reach out and mirror your action, a soft trill bubbling up from his fanged maw
as your coworkers quickly discover, Foul Legacy absolutely ADORES you. he swims by your side as you walk by his tank, turning happy flips and shivering his fins when you look over at him, because he knows he's safe in your presence, that you'll treat him like a person and not an animal. you're the only one allowed to treat his injuries or give him checkups, since you're the only one who handles him gently, giving him treats and scritches as rewards for staying still- Legacy willingly comes to the top of his enclosure, where it's bright and full of lights, just to snuggle his head against your lap. once in a while, on warm days, you'll be allowed to go swimming with him, and he wraps his long tail around you in delight, just holding you close and purring as you brush a hand over his delicate fins
no matter how good or bad the pay might be, you know that you're staying just for him
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batbabydamian · 1 year
Met Joshua Williamson at NYCC during one of his signings! He said of all the characters he wants to protect the most at DC, it would be Damian because that’s his “baby boy” 🥺 Said he’s tired of people hurting Damian since he’s already gone through so much his whole life.
Asked him 2 questions!
What accent does Damian have?
Others have asked him but he doesn’t want to say, because he wants people to talk about it! He mentioned Damian has only lived in America for 4 years, and would naturally have an accent.
Who decided on Damian’s new hair?
Simone - Joshua said he didn’t notice it at first and then he was like “UMMM IT KINDA LOOKS LIKE TIM…”
He let it go because he thought about how Tim has had different hairstyles, and Damian is young and still growing.
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merakiui · 7 months
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Yes I'm 1~2 day late because I keep on getting distracted but this has been rotting in my brain, the idea of giving tako his booba mousepad... and Idia being there is priceless to me,,,
YAAAAYYYYY!!!!!! 🎉 BOOBIES FOR BIRTHDAY!!!! He says it's for good wrist support (and it is), but mostly he's just happy to be able to rest his wrist on the lovely thing that is tiddy mousepad. <3 he's so cute at his computer!!!! (๑-﹏-๑) and Idia..... his expression,,, it's too funny. (⊙_⊙) since when was Azul-shi so cultured?!?!?!
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m1d-45 · 2 years
More unrelated Bird Xiao blurbs because this idea has me in a chokehold.
Xiao always felt guilty about the scar he left on your hand when he but you. He nuzzles that scar with his little feathered head every chance he gets.
Zhongli noticing Xiao is in a much better mood these days. When the former archon asks the yaksha about it, he swears he saw Xiao give a small smile before he left to pray to the creator.
Xiao gets hurt in his bird form. He can't fight back in this little body and ends up with a broken wing. When the true creator finds him, he can only chirp sadly and apologetically. 'I'm so sorry,' he thinks, 'I just wanted to find you.' But instead of leaving him there like he expected, you oh-so-carefully pick him up and use what little powers you have to heal him. His heart aches for you when he hears you murmuring comforting words to him while you hold him close. He never wants you to let go of him.
-sibling anon, who is currently fixated on all the fluff+angst material of this idea
honestly i could probably post this stuff as like. a Genuine Post. but i wanna answer this now and also have a really sad post right after valentine’s day (which is already q’d) so… here’s 800 words of bird xiao :)
xiao’s fond of sitting in your palm, head resting on the small scar on your finger. he feels so bad for it, always, the glimpse of blue engrained in his memory, but he hopes by covering it you won’t hate him for it.
you don’t hold it against him (honestly, you probably forgot) and treat him as you always do: with kindness. you pet over his wings and give him your almonds, and in return he sings you a gentle song.
he’s seen at the inn less and less often, it’s so quiet on the balcony that verr ends up calling zhongli over. the consultant knew the yaksha, somehow, and she hoped he could find out what was wrong. zhongli wasn’t expecting anything serious, but when the balcony was empty even after he called for him…
(across liyue, xiao stiffened in your hands. you frowned, but he only flapped up, up, and away, leaving you as suddenly as he arrived)
xiao appears a moment before zhongli was going to call again, seeming… almost relaxed.
they talk, and though xiao swears he’s keeping up with his duties… zhongli knows he isn’t lying, but he can see how his debt has lessened. his shoulders are straighter, he isn’t as hunched over, and his hands aren’t balled at his side.
zhongli eventually shrugs it off. hes not surprised xiao hasn’t been hanging around as often when the traveller recently went to sumeru; love does strange things to people.
xiao’s only seen you in his mortal form once, and it was entirely by accident.
he’d been traveling from one hilichurl camp to the next, and your paths had crossed. he’d frozen, unused to seeing you when he want the size of your palm, but even from a distance he could see the terror in your eyes.
he hated it.
he couldn’t move for you if he wanted to—he did, he wanted to stop and hold you like you’d held him, wanted to brush his hands over your skin and assure you you had nothing to fear—as you turned and fled, leaving him alone on the trail. he couldn’t blame you, in truth, not when his spear was drawn and his face was taught with irritation. it made sense you’d be afraid of him, just… he wasn’t prepared for it to hurt this badly.
he’s been careful to only approach you in his smaller form ever since, no matter how far he had to fly. it wasn’t worth scaring you.. not after he’d already hurt you once.
he was distracted as he flew, not seeing the hawk that was diving for him until it was too late. the claws of the larger bird slammed him into the earth with a sharp crack, and he let out a cry. he couldn’t shift, not now, not when it was the time when you were usually walking about-
the bird didn’t pay attention to your call, only pressing xiao down further, but he did. he tried to wriggle from the hawk’s grip, to avoid the sharp beak that could spell his death in this smaller form. all he needed to do was get out, to slip free- but what if you saw him? would you still be afraid of him?
a large stick hit at the hawk, knocking its beak from xiao. you’d picked one up, one of the many splintering sticks scattered in liyue. you.. were protecting him.
the hawk cried and let him go, flapping backward, but you continued to jab at the dirt in front of it until it caved in and flew away.
xiao tried to flip to his feet, but one of his wings was hurt badly, pain shooting up his shoulder when he tried to move it. another weak chirp slipped out of him without his meaning to, and you turned, worry on your face.
you knelt—you shouldn’t be doing that, not to him, not when he was so dark and you were such a bright light—and carefully picked him up, cradling his small form in your palm. the warmth from your hands quickly covered his body, seeping into the definitely broken bone and easing some of the pain.
you carried him back to your messy camp, carefully hand-feeding him bits of almonds. if he weren’t covered in feathers, he’d surely have flushed a bright red, but he couldn’t deny that the food did help slightly.
for the rest of the day, he sat in your palm in a quiet half-sleep, weakly chirping whenever you checked on him. other birds came and went, but you kept him sheltered in your hand, wiping away any dust on his feathers.
by the time morning came, his wing was barely even sore.
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sttoru · 10 months
i desperately need gojo to hug me to his chest whilst he fucks himself into me tenderly and slowly. . .
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volostogekiss · 1 year
Nobody really talks about it, but I can't get over how ROUND Volo's face actually is in the game.
His cheeks look like they'd be soft, and I just want to hold his face in my hands and squish them gently.
...And maybe chomp them. But also gently.
ooh YES, you're very correct! they remind me of soft rice cakes or mochi. you can also take this little doodle and scenario you have inspired :3c
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No warnings. GN!reader.
Whenever Volo is actually in town, you could confess that you don’t really visit him to buy anything out of dire necessity (since you could technically gather your own supplies and make whatever you’d need yourself), but…
…he’s really too handsome to not look at (occasionally, you swear!), so you do end up buying from him anyway.
Currently, while you do feel a little badly that he’s forced to waste his time explaining the differences between the Hopo and Pinap Berries on his cart (because you’re not listening to him despite asking, but really only for the purpose of hearing him talk more), you feel less guilty when you catch glimpses of his smiling face out of the corners of your eyes.
His cheeks look soft… I just want to hold his face in my hands and squish them gently.
“But although its skin is hardy, don’t let that fool you!” You don’t notice how he peers in your direction, with a slightly confused, albeit still polite, expression. “The Pinap Berry is actually very—”
...And maybe chomp them. You giggle to yourself. But also gently.
“—susceptible to the wind and cold…”
Volo promptly stops. His index finger droops for a second, before straightening again. “Eh? Excuse me?”
“Oh,” you say shortly, blinking as if shocked (although you’re really not, since this was bound to happen at some point), “did I say that out loud?”
Turning his head to look at you, the merchant nods slowly, one of his hands subconsciously raised and rubbing at his face. He’s clearly thinking about what you accidentally revealed to him. “Well, yes, you did.”
“Oh,” you simply repeat again. There’s a mixture of bewilderment and amusement on Volo’s face, so you can’t help thinking that he’s not… too upset at your rather uncouth observation.
Still, you glance away, stuffing your hands into your pockets as the realization hits you fully. “I’m sorry. I just made things awkward, didn’t I?”
Volo just laughs. His laughter is bright and melodious—lovely, you think, while your own cheeks warm—and when you finally do manage to peek over at him, he’s staring at you with a grin that you probably could admire forever.
“No, no, while I do think that was rather unexpected,” Volo admits, trying to reassure you, “I will take that as a compliment. Thank you.”
A smirk then flicks at the edge of his lips, and he pats his cheek jokingly for good measure. You half-suspect that he’s teasing you, but you don’t know what to say.
He does. As if he’s sharing a secret, Volo leans in closer to you, mischief alight in his eye.
“Next time, though, if you want to stare at me, you can just tell me! I would happily sit before you instead of minding the guild’s cart. It would be rather enjoyable for the both of us, no?”
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storgicdealer · 11 days
OKOKOK so im re classpecting the sticks bc i understand much more abt classpects now than i did when i first classpected them. i hope you dont mind if i drop em here bc youre very smart and you know both avam and hs so
tsc - lord of space (this stays, its way too narratively relevant for it not to)
green - prince of breath (very passionate, perfectionist, tries to be carefree even when he cares way too much about what other people think)
yellow - mage of light (moreso on the knowledge front than the luck front, similar to rose but more active in his role, likes to figure things out but using what shes previously learned)
blue - witch of life (FEFERI WOOO obv shes very witchy, leaf feels like theyd be more rebellious, life player bc its very energetic and tends to take on a healer role in the group)
red - knight of heart (tends to jump straight to protecting her friends, very impulsive and passionate/soulful, acts confident but is sometimes more hesitant than others realise)
victim - thief of hope (man i was so on point with this one)
chosen - mage of doom (has a lot of firsthand experience with doom and suffering, also suffers from their aspect, and very good at causing doom *cough* chosen has never won a fight on the right side *cough*)
dark - heir of time (very destructive by default, causes a lot of death, RED 🔥🔥🔥, but also logical, at times a bit too laid back and chill)
striker - maid of mind (maid im not sure on i just wasnt sure what else to do, mind bc shes very straightforward, thoughtful, plans ahead, very serious and logical)
purple - prince of blood (accidentally or on purpose fucks up almost all his relationships at some point, at the same time is also the reason most of his friends met in the first place, Prince = royalty theming, also matches with green)
mango - rogue of life (acts very skeptical and un-lifey but takes life from others to give to the people they care about)
gold - sylph of hope (loves to cheer people up, very hopeful and energetic demeanor, fairly childish, wants to make everyone happy all the time!!!)
hangman - bard of rage (calms people down, fairly chill compared to the other players, prefers to support and wishes people were more peaceful and mature)
ballista - knight of breath (session lacks breath for reasons i dont feel like describing rn, acts chill but actually feels like he cant live up to the title of Hero and isnt that carefree, protects the few people he attaches himself too <- that one scene in his original short where he draws upon the memories of his friends to open the door)
hazard - seer of void (ngl this is mostly just process of elimination but hazard feels pretty void oriented tbf. hes so chill hes not minding anyones business)
paleo - witch of heart (same as above </3 very passionate headstrong etc etc)
sorry for the word vomit in your inbox i want to talk to you more and idk how to initiate conversation other than random infodumps
oh this is so good. this is so good
my knowledge on classpects is probably slightly closer to surface level than yours lmao but from what i get GOD yes !!!!!! yellow being a mage of light / red being a knight of heart is literally them hello. absolutely. its in their code
PRINCE OF BLOOD PURPLE !!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO !!!!! thief of hope victim OH this is so good. im eating this up (id say my victim leans towards being a rogue a little bit. my whole rambling on how much i associate the motif of them being a "divine being sharing the gift of the animators with the outernet" typa thing) mage of doom chosen DONT even joke with me lad. im shaking him shaking him so hard
MAID OF MIND AGENT !!! MAID OF MIND AGENT !!! (even if not a maid shes still very much a mind player methinks)
oh knight of breath ballista oohhh ... this is so smart oh my god (and very obviously. already fits with one of his forms in "wanted" of literally looking like a knight lol)
wait i just realized green & purple knight and princ. cinder im gonna. im. oh this is SO good
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 3 months
🧸 - ?
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
this is EASY i love making friends and i will be mutuals w anyone who talks to me at all (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ community is one of my fav parts of fandom in general and svsss fandom in particular, bc everyone here is so nice and funny, so i love chatting and sharing stuff we all love
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
No but for real, they made Daigo (in my opinion) the most beautiful man in the Yakzua Series. Like everytime he on screen I just stare at him enamored.
he's sooo handsome aint he :)))))))
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thesamestarlight · 2 years
the ladybug sentimonster episode has to be one of the most underrated episodes of miraculous of all time, if only for this exchange:
“release him!”
“release. HER!”
“don’t listen to him!”
“don’t mind me.”
like. ????!!?!!?!!?!??? brb gnawing through concrete.
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kaoharu · 8 months
me when i get to think for a bit
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Hello!!! Or rather, hello officially, I think I've finally gathered enough courage to start sending off anon now!! Because why not this is so much fun askjkbskbsnsosjksjsksnz <3
Since winter is coming if not practically here already tbh
Bonus points if this is in Snezhnaya!!! Because I'm not sure Liyue is capable of sending down that much snow.
Like,,, for a few days being unable to leave the house because snow has literally covered everything and opening the door means being met with a wall of solid ice. But of course in Snezhnaya that's to be expected so the house is fully stocked in supplies – so there's no need to panic! It's just that you just can't leave. (Cue mental image of Legacy attempting to burrow out before giving up because it's too much trouble.)
But sir mothman? Sir mothman is delighted he can keep you all to himself for a few days, without having to wait for you to return home from work.
Yes this does mean cuddle time under lots of fluffy blankets. :3
I'm so sorry lmao I'm literally freezing over here I need warmth and comfortttttttttttttt
you are so right about winter practically being here already because it has been FREEZING this past week!!! what on earth!!!
Snezhnaya was stuck in a particularly bad set of snowstorms at the moment, so it wasn't much of a surprise when you woke up one morning to the front door completely frozen. it's covered in a sheet of ice, and the windows are much the same- they won't budge no matter how hard you try- so you not-so-reluctantly put down your work bag and return to your bed, carefully sliding back under the covers. Foul Legacy, still asleep, stirs a little, letting out a drowsy, questioning trill, and you simply kiss his forehead and snuggle into his chest, happy to be under the warm covers again
Legacy is ecstatic when he fully wakes up a few hours later, nudging you gently and chirping happily- normally you'd be at work by now! but you're here with him! he glances out the window at the snow, falling without pause, and nuzzles his face against the crook of your neck with a purr. if snow means that you'll stay home with him, then he's more than happy to watch the snow fall for weeks on end. he only gets up when you get up, following you to the kitchen and plonking his chin on your shoulder as you make hot chocolate, rumbling in delight when you reach up to scratch behind his horns
oh and he DOES try to burrow out through the snow, less to actually get outside and more just to make you laugh- but he forgot how biting the cold can be, and hastily crawls back into the house covered in snow and ice crystals. Legacy whines, shivering as you attempt to brush the snow off his armor before wrapping him in a blanket and guiding him to the fireplace. he curls around you, his claws wrapped around your wrist as you bundle him in more quilts and covers until he's an Abyssal moth blanket burrito, toasty and sleepy and letting out soft snores
Legacy's a little sad when the snow finally melts and you can go to work, but he knows that it'll happen again- you're in Snezhnaya, and the next snowstorm is always just around the corner
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carothehotmess · 2 years
The truest romance of House of the Dragon is Helaena x bugs
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merakiui · 1 year
I’m lowkey embarrassed to send this cause I’m high key insecure of my art since I haven’t drawn since 2020, but that Riddle thought of him jacking off to reader’s notes went so hard it brought me out of doodle retirement at 1 am. Warning: I didn’t use a reference while drawing Riddle, plus I can’t draw eyes for my life so it might be a bit wonky, and a little unfaithful to Riddle, but I hope it’s decent looking. Also I’m too poor and under skilled to do digital drawing so I could only make do with traditional.
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omg omg Riddle is so pretty in your art!!!!! ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ I adore the way you drew the scritches on his sweater (if that makes any sense)!!! And his hair... so fluffy and cute aaaaaa!!! I love your art style!!!!
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 10 months
Guess who changed up the vibe, juuuuuust a little bit. 🤏🏼 Made a couple of monetary tweaks to the sound system. Modified the generator right quick. Edited the shades and lighting.
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@kittykittyanon >> honorable mention to this cutie patootie. 🍮🥥🌼🥞🧡 you inspired me, little artist!! You like the vibe? (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و
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Apple :)
Legend kissed Alphon's head, lingering a moment to nuzzle his son's hair. He breathed in deep, enjoying the smell of apple blossoms and ocean spray. His son was truly the best of both worlds, and Legend felt like he was always home as long as he had Alphon.
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