#chat: tommo
rainc0at · 14 days
s2 n s5 tommo i need u i need u pls pleeaaseeee pleeaaaaaaseeeee one chance one chance pls pls please pls
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Could you write a little something about the reader walking in on Niall recording "Steal My Girl" in his underwear? Your choice on how they know each other. I just think it's funny as hell!
What Did I Miss?
Niall Horan x Fem!reader!
Note: Thank You for requesting this, anon! I hope I did your request justice! I tried my very best!
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It was a long day, and all I wanted to do was see my boyfriend, so that’s exactly what I decided to do. Since he’s in town with his band, I took advantage of the rare opportunity that I do have with him.
I look down at my phone, looking at the text he sent me just a little while ago.
Irish Blondie💚
Hey, Petal! We’re just doing a bit of recording. I’ll be in room 647! Just knock! Everyone knows you’re coming!
Okay, sounds good babe! I’ll be there soon!
I look back up as I walk through the hallway and I manage to find the room. I knock on the door and step back, waiting for the door to open.
Not even a minute later, the door opens to reveal Louis. His eyes light up when he sees me and he pulls me into a hug.
“Mrs. Neil! Great to see ya, love. How’ve ya been?”
He lets me go and we go inside, Louis closing the door behind us.
“I’ve been good Lou. Just been itching to see Niall.”
He nods in understanding.
“He’s been itching t’ see you too, Y/N. Believe me. Yer all he’s been talkin’ about.”
I blush as I follow him through the room and my mouth gapes, unprepared for what’s in front of me.
“I don’t exist if I don’t have her, the sun doesn’t shine, the world doesn’t turn, alright.”
Before my eyes is my boyfriend. Dancing around. In his underwear. Next to me, Louis bursts out laughing and Niall turns around, his face burning bright red as soon as he sees me.
“Y-Y/N! I-I’m sorry Petal! I’ll um… Just give me a minute to um… Get some clothes on…”
I nod, averting my eyes as I turn around, my face burning just as bright as his. As Niall gets dressed, I chat with Zayn.
“Ya should’ve seen your face, Y/N! You and Nialler! Looked like a couple o’ tomatoes! Lou! Did you get that on video! We gotta show Payno and Harry!”
I cover my face with my hands in an attempt to hide my embarrassment and the two laugh, Zayn pulling me into a hug.
“Stop laughing, you two! It’s not funny! I’ve… Never seen him like that before… He just kind of surprised me… But I told him I was coming! Why was he in his underwear?!”
Both men just shrug when John, one of the producers chimes in.
“That might be my fault. He was in the middle of changing and I sort of had an idea for one of his verses and I distracted him. He’s been like that for about an hour and a half.”
I nod, beginning to understand. It took me a while to get to the hotel since I live about an hour away and my car is in the shop, so my only mode of transportation was the bus.
Zayn pats my back with a smile before he lets me go.
“Don’t look so nervous. He’s Niall, I’m sure this won’t be the last time you see him naked.”
Louis bursts out laughing again and everyone leaves the room as I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Niall, now dressed and ready to go.
“Sorry about that Y/N, guess I just got a bit distracted… Promise it won’t happen again.”
He holds his hand out to me and I take it with a smile, although the blush is still visible on my face.
“It’s fine, Niall. But you should know, Louis got it on video. He and Zayn and probably showing it to Harry and Liam as we speak.”
His eyes widen and his cheeks tint again and he pulls me out of the hotel room.
“Tommo! Delete that video, ya fucker!”
Niall lets go of my hand and begins to chase Louis down the hall of the floor, laughs echoing as the video goes around to all. I sigh and shake my head, somehow only falling more in love with him.
WC 700
Requests are open lovelies! Feel free to send them in!
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@be-with-me-so-happily @violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @kaminokatiee @cherryscinema @swiftmendeshoran @harrysmimi
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daisyblog · 1 year
Ed Sheeran Concert
When We Were Young Masterlist Summary: Louis and YN finally make the first move.
"Tommo you're overthinking this" Liam spoke as the Yorkshire boy paced back and forth, in front of the sofa where the four other boys were currently sitting.
"I'm fookin' nervous..what if I mess this up..it's my only chance" Louis argued.
"Lou, what are you nervous about..she's already agreed to go with you" Harry questioned as his eyes followed Louis as he continued to pace.
"'cause she thinks we're going as friends-".
"Well be bold and just make a move" Niall shrugged, almost like it was the most obvious thing to do, making Louis stop and look at him.
"Yeh..thanks smart arse why didn't I think of that" Louis sarcastically said.
"He's got a point" Zayn spoke up for the first time.
"Lads..I can't just make a move..it's not that fookin' easy" the four boys sat silently looking at Louis "Whot...why are you all looking at me like tha'?".
"'cause it is that easy Lou" Harry answered.
Louis signed, getting frustrated and regretting asking the boys over to his and Harry's flat for help. Louis had asked YN the previous day if she wanted to go to Ed Sheeran's concert with him in Manchester tomorrow night as the band had a couple of days off.
The band had just finished an interview and were waiting in a room backstage for their team to finish what they were doing. YN was talking to Louise and the boys were sat on the chairs in the corner of the room.
"Go and ask her Lou" Harry encouraged, nudging his arm.
"I'll ask her later" Louis tried to avoid talking to YN at that very moment.
"No..do it now because you'll chicken out" Liam said.
"Fine" Louis snapped at the boys nagging him.
As Louis walked over to where YN is talking, he took a deep breath, preparing himself to be rejected. He fluffed his hair with his hands, making the boys snicker and giggle from where they watched their nervous friend. YN had finished her conversation and turned around as Louis approached her, making her bump into him.
"Oh sorry Lou" YN gently smiled up at his slightly taller frame.
"Sorry love" Louis nervously said "Um..I..uh".
"Everything okay?" YN asked with a giggle watching the boy stutter.
Louis opened and closed his mouth a few times, making Niall cover his mouth to avoid his loud laugh coming out. "Uh..I..I wanted to..ask you something".
"Yeah..sure of course you can babe" YN smiled up at him.
"I'm going to Manchester..to see Ed..Ed Sheeran..and..do you..I wanted to ask if..you know.." YN smiled encouraging Louis to continue "If you wanted to come with me..to the concert?".
"Oh Lou...I'd love to" YN leaned up to wrap her arms around his shoulders as she leaned her head on his shoulder, making him do the same. From where he stood he could see the other boys high-five each other and give Louis a thumbs up, making him roll his eyes at their childishness.
"How is it easy?...I end up stuttering every time it's just us and looking like an idiot" Louis argued as he sat down on the chair opposite.
"Start off slow..it's gonna be a busy crowd so hold her hand and play it off like you don't want to lose her or something" Liam suggested.
"I say just go for it...you're already her cuddle buddy" Niall teased, making Zayn flick his ear.
"Lou...don't listen to these two idiots..just go and enjoy yourself..you'll know in the moment if something feels right or not...don't think too much about it" Harry spoke sense to his best mate.
"I agree with Harry man..you'll just know..you can't plan stuff like that" Zayn agreed.
As planned Louis had picked YN up to drive up to Manchester ahead of the concert. Music playing from the radio, YN would sing along now again when the pair weren't chatting.
"Are you sure your Mum doesn't mind me staying the night too..I can book into a hotel or something still?" YN spoke. As Manchester wasn't too far away from Doncaster, Louis' hometown, he wanted to make most the time off and see his family too.
"Love..for the millionth time she doesn't mind...in fact it was her idea so stop worrying" Louis reassured her "Plus...my sisters are so excited to see you..my Mum too..I think they love you more than me" Louis joked.
"I doubt that..you're a proper Mummy's boy" YN teased him.
"I am" Louis agreed nodding his head.
"I think it's cute" YN complimented as she turned to look at Louis in the driving seat. Was he blushing?
"You're cute" Louis spoke without thinking, making his eyes widen, secretly hoping she didn't hear him.
As they both entered the venue where the concert was being held, they both stuck to the back of the crowd trying to blend in. They had taken the risk of going without security, a couple of fans had noticed them and asked for photos which they happily took. The fans respected the pair's privacy and went back to their original spot and only glancing at them now and again. Louis had realised that this was not the place to make his move with so many watching eyes. But it didn't stop him from admiring her from where he stood, YN was carefree, lived every moment as if it was her last and didn't care who watched her.
As Ed sings 'The A Team', YN can't help but sing along and as notices Louis standing there just watching. She entwines their hands and lifted them up in the air, nudging him to join her singing.
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
In that moment, he knew he was in too deep and had fallen for his bandmate.
It was around 11:30pm when Louis and YN arrived at his Mum's house in Doncaster, meaning his younger sisters were asleep. He knew his Mum was awake as she had text him earlier in the evening to say she would wait up for them. Hearing his car pull up in the driveway, his Mum stood by the front door waiting to see her son and, his bandmate.
Louis pulled his Mum into a tight embrace "I've missed you my baby boy", YN couldn't help but smile at the loving moment. "You too my love" Jay spoke to YN whilst pulling her in for a motherly hug.
"Thank you so much letting me stay" YN thanked her.
"You don't need to thank me darlin'" Jay spoke sweetly "C'mon in you both come". As the three walked into the lounge, Jay added "Plus the girls are so excited to see you..so prepare yourself for the chaos in the morning"
"I feel like they're growing and changing every time I see them" Louis commented "The photo of the twins you sent me the other day…they look so much older"
"They are..they're like stroppy teenagers already" Jay joked.
"Alfie's the same" YN began "I feel like he's going to be off to uni before I know it"
After catching up with Louis' Mum, the three decide it was time to call it a night before their early wake-up call from his younger siblings in the morning. Louis was staying in his childhood bedroom and YN was in the guest room, further down the hallway. After an hour of tossing and turning, not being able to sleep, Louis decided to go downstairs and get a glass of water to drink. As he entered the kitchen, he was startled to see YN standing against the counter sipping on what looked like tea.
"Hey" Louis spoke into the dimly lit room, making YN jump.
"Fucking 'ell Lou..you scared me" YN tried to whisper, so she didn't wake the others.
"Sorry love" Lou chuckled, walking over to where she stood so he could make a cup of tea for himself. "Can't sleep?"
"No..I don't know why..I hope it was okay to make myself some tea..it usually helps"
"O'course it is love" Louis reassured her before pouring the hot water into his own mug.
"Why are you awake anyway?" she asked him.
"Dunno...just thinking"
You "Nothing" he shrugged.
He turned to look at the girl next to him, even when she was wearing her unmatching pyjamas, hair in its natural state and a bare face, she was still beautiful in his eyes. "I..um..I need to tell you something" Louis spoke softly, "I..I..I don't know how to te-"
Louis wasn't sure if he was dreaming or if it was all in his head but time stood still when YN leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. It was so soft and gentle, he could have missed it. As she quickly pulls away, she whispers a quiet 'sorry' and looks away from his gaze. Taking her face in his hands, he places his lips back onto hers. Whilst the kiss is still gentle, their movements are a little more rushed. YN's hand find their way to grip his t-shirt, one of Louis' hands is placed on the back of her neck keeping her close, whilst the other one has moved down and is pulling at her hip. After a few minutes lost in the moment and each other, they pull apart, unable to hide their smiles.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" Louis admits as he leans his forehead on hers.
"Me too" YN leans up and leaves a peck on his lips. Now she's had a taste, she can't get enough.
"C'mon lets go and cuddle"
Louis woke to the sound of voices and movement downstairs, letting him know his sisters were awake. He looked to his side and YN was fast asleep, her hands tucked under her chin. Wanting to let her sleep, he placed a gentle peck on her head and got out of bed, putting on his t-shirt and shorts. As he walked through the door to the kitchen, he could smell breakfast cooking and was immediately greeted by his four sisters.
"Morning Kiddos" Louis messed up Daisy and Pheobe's hair.
"Where's YN?" Lottie eagerly asked.
"Aw thanks Lot...never mind about me..I see who's your favourite" Louis teased "She's still sleeping"
Once her had made a fuss of his younger siblings, he wrapped his arm around his Mum's shoulder as she was buttering some toast "Morning Mum"
"Good morning my darlin" Jay greeted him, with a little smirk.
"Whot?" Louis looked at his Mum suspiciously.
"Aw nothing" Her smirk still present.
"Mum..whot is it?"
"Did you sleep okay?"
"Uh..yeh?" Louis said, almost asking a question.
"Any midnight kisses?" Jay teased.
Louis closed his eyes and cringed with embarrassment "Muuum"
"Hey..it was the last thing I expected to see when I came down for some water" Jay spoke as she passed the twins their toast "But..I can't say I'm surprised either...you couldn't hide your feelings if you tried"
Interrupting the conversation, YN appeared at the door "Morning" causing the girls to run and hug her, Jay looked on and smiled at the scene. As Louis caught YN's gaze, he sent her a little smirk and wink, a blush coating her cheeks. Maybe it was that easy!
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @peterholland04
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barkrry · 2 years
athazagoraphobia - h. styles x 1dbandmember!yn masterlist
Of course she was the last one to go solo. The last one to bring out an album, the last one to showcase her own talents without the band. Part of her felt like it had all been a gift, one that she didn’t deserve at all. One that had been snatched away when she stopped cherishing it enough. And that is what happened. One Direction had gone on hiatus, and the rest of the boys had gone on to succeed. But there was always one question always mentioned whenever one of the boys succeeded.
Where was YN?
After hiatus started, the five remaining members had all promised to keep in contact on the group chat. They’d all support each other through everything. But then solo contracts were being signed, tabloids were spilling the latest details of upcoming albums. They were all getting their own versions of success.
All except YN.
The second hiatus started, YN had gone silent on social media. Her last post being one about the band. There will never be a day where I don’t think about the barriers we broke. You’ll always be my home. Goodbye isn’t forever. It had been her most liked post on all of her socials. And it was evidently clear to her when the first story broke about one of the boys signing a solo contract, that she was alone with that statement.
YN got to watch as each of her best friends, her brothers, her lover, started to succeed on their own. The group chat had been silent for a while now. Yet there wasn’t a day that went by where she didn’t check it, to see if anyone was typing. And somehow, there never was. It was like the history of them, of the band had been forgotten by the other members.
It took her too long to channel that sadness, anger and sorrow into something productive. Two years of silence, two years of zero movement from YN YLN. And she was going to break the internet.
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liked by louist91, hannahtownsend, zayn and 7,329,456 others
yourinstagram forgotten. coming soon.
view all 4,238,554 comments
1dfan nobody panic-- NOBODY FUCKING PANIC
niallhoran can’t wait!!
She had signed a contract and fully produced a whole album, without tabloids, fans or anyone catching a whiff of it. It felt extraordinary to her, there was relief in her bones. Her brain felt empty, a warm smile spread across her lips as she watched comment after comment flood on her post. Excitement building in each of the fans.
Tommo: aye saw your post sweetheart, excited to hear your solo stuff!
Payno: ‘bout time you joined us.
N: miss you, coffee soon. X
inZayn: I know it’s been a while, but I’m really proud of you. I can’t wait to hear the album.
Maybe she hadn’t been forgotten, maybe it wasn’t all that bad. Her phone was flooded with similar texts from industry friends, people she had met while in the band but never really spoken to again. But there was just one person missing.
Yet, she knew he wasn’t the most active on social media these days. Maybe he hadn’t seen the post. Or maybe he had blocked her and she hadn’t realised. Why would she have realised? The app hadn’t been installed in two years. She tried to not let it bother her, because it shouldn’t. They had broken up for a reason. They had agreed to be friends, but even that had been reluctant. So she shouldn’t have been surprised to not hear from him.
When her lead single, It Was Fine, was released, with the music video to match, the hype surrounding her and her album intensified. Her manager, Hannah, genuinely couldn’t believe it. They had been preparing themselves for a quiet launch, a few OG fans from the band who had stuck around, sure. But nothing of the scale that they were on.
I said it was fine, I never said it didn’t hurt.
YN felt on top of the world, her own words, her own lyrics were being repeated all around the globe. By fans who had been awaiting her return. By people who had stuck by her, though she had never made a single hint that she would be returning to music. It felt surreal to her, that she was getting such a wide amount of support. Even the boys had been singing her praises in their own interviews and social media posts. And it was only then that she got the message.
H. Styles: single was good. we should talk. meet up soon? x
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
hello, can you recommend stories were they are texting with each other but don’t know that it’s the other one. (Something like “after hours” by velvetoscar) Thank you
Hi, anon! I can think of a few for you now! If you'd like a full rec of them, please check out the "Suggestion Box" on the pinned post!
blend into my favourite colour by rainbowninja167 / @rainbowtitania
Harry often wonders if they’ll ever meet in real life. And if Harry will recognize Tommo the instant they see each other, like somehow their souls will just know. Or maybe Harry’s soul is shouting “Louis!” too loudly for any other signals to go through.
Harry is a barista with a secret Werewolf High fan blog, a desperate crush on a customer named Louis, and a best friend on Tumblr who always makes him laugh. Louis can't figure out why the barista at his favorite coffee shop keeps creepily staring at him, and to make matters worse, he may be slightly in love with a friend he met online.
A love square involving two boys, one TV fandom, and one food fight.
Your secret's safe with me by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic
He knew almost everything about Haz, considered him his best friend. He knew his favourite movies and books, how he liked his coffee, knew how many pets he had and what he was most afraid of. Louis knew how to calm him down when he was panicking, and that he’d lost his virginity to his ex-boyfriend when he was 17. He knew that Haz had curly hair, green eyes, that he was tall and considered himself slightly awkward. He knew his Instagram account that only had aesthetic pictures or ridiculous jokes, but in the all the time that Louis had known him, he’d never learnt, or been allowed to know, Haz’s full name, what he sounded like, or what he looked like.
Louis didn't care.
Or, when Louis' favourite singer comes back and announces he's performing again, him and the rest of his group chat decide to go. When Haz, the man Louis' fallen in love with without meeting him, says that he can't, Louis tries his best to convince him with a drunken phone call, hearing his voice for the first time. It's not until he's at Royal Variety that he swears he can hear it again.
You Were Mine by brightlyharry / @brightlyharry
Harry and Louis hardly speak to each other unless they're fighting. Harry has ran out of ways to try to repair their broken marriage and Louis can't be bothered to even try. When the loneliness becomes too much, he joins a new social media app. It doesn't take him long to make a new friend on there that helps pull him out of his solitary hell. The more they talk, the more Harry finds comfort in his anonymous friend. He is smiling and laughing again for the first time in months.
He soon discovers that Louis is smiling again too, and it's not because of him.
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
sunday snippet
I've been writing so I wanted to share something! This is from my Nouis fic for @louisrarepairfest!
It had been three days.
Three entire days without seeing Niall smile. Louis watched him walk by his cubicle, still without his perpetually sunny grin. He wasn’t weeping into his tea or anything, and maybe others who didn’t pay quite as much attention to Niall’s demeanour would say he seemed entirely normal. 
But Louis knew this was far from normal. For one thing, Niall had worn the same cardigan twice in three days. Niall never wore the same cardigan twice in the same month, much less three days. 
It was time to call in reinforcements.
He texted his work group chat. Need a cup of tea?
Louis did not in fact need a cup of tea at the moment, but that was not the point of the text. And all members of the group chat would know that.
Within five minutes Liam, Harry, and Zayn had congregated with Louis in the small kitchen on their floor of the office. Only Zayn actually bothered to make a cup of tea.
Harry’s eyebrows furrowed together so closely he appeared almost angry if Louis didn’t know him better. “So what’s going on, Tommo?”
“Does anyone know what’s wrong with Niall?”
Liam put a hand to his chest. “Christ, I thought you were going to say we were being made redundant.”
Harry sighed. “You always say that, Liam. How many times does Tommo have to tell you that he’ll never use the code to tell us that?”
I'll tag: @nouies @voulezloux @ladyaj-13 @justanothershadeofblue @lululawrence @reminiscingintherain and anyone else who wants to share something!
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zaynontour · 2 years
these are some things about me. thank you tagging me lovely, @tommos 💞💞
Are you named after anyone? nope! my name is quite unique-ish which is what my dad wanted when he picked it lol.
When was the last time you cried? jan 25 per my whatsapp chats💀💀
Do you have kids? nope!!!!!
Do you use sarcasm a lot? i do. but mostly with people whom i'm familiar with so they don't take it the wrong way.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? their eyes
What’s your eye colour? dark brown
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings. but scary movies are fun to watch.
Any special talents? i'm quite flexible? i can bend both my knees on either side like >< which i'm told by most people is uncomfortable/painful but is my go to way to sit lol
Were you born? i like to believe not💀
What are your hobbies? i'm an avid reader and sometimes i seriously prefer books over existing.
Do you have any pets? nope but i'd like to own a cat someday
What sports do you play/have you played? i used to play basketball for my school team and i'm decent at badminton.
How tall are you? 5'1"
Favourite subject at school? english/accountancy
Dream job: a marketing professional (hopefully everything works out)
i'm tagging @kingonafiftymetreroad @medicinehrry @louisgayvodka @harryshandbag @medicinelarrie @paradise-compass and anyone who wants to do it. (no pressure ofc) <33
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soundbord · 3 days
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 — thomas ortesky 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 — outside the frat house
business didn't stop because of the project. hell, all this meant to milo was he needed to work more and faster. who knows if he'll even be able to make anything once whatever the fuck this was blew up. frat guys were always good business, and they were just leaving from a deal when they saw thomas up ahead, seemingly also having just left the house "hey, shithead!" they can't help the, ironically, shit eating grin that spreads across their face. this wasn't what he intended to do, in fact, it never had been even back in the group chat the day before, but he had to have some fun in this fucked situation.
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taking a white lighter from his pocket, they wave it like a tiny flag, words laced with laughter "i jest, of course." being confrontational with tom was a new thing, a result of being on edge, really. usually, they'd keep their shit talking to private chats with kody (lest he suffer his ex girlfriend's wrath). milo would normally try to be slightly civil with thomas, it was ortesky privilege, which usually meant sitting as far away from him as was acceptable to not acknowledge one another's existence "my bad, by the way." sort of an apology, if you squint. they're walking slightly faster now to catch up (was tommo avoiding them or did he just take really big strides?), fumbling in their pockets once they're walking side by side "look, are you going anywhere? let me smoke you out, we should talk." since, sadly, they seemed to be on the same page about something.
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tommaso-gatti · 4 years
He was dreaming of home again. It had been four months since his last visit, only a few weeks in the winter to spend a hasty Christmas before rushing to New York for New Years, then Lovell for the new term. Homesickness spread like a rot, lying wake in his marrow— he’d always been a sentimental person, but as days stretched on, his dreams formed memories of places he missed, painting them in colours of his imagination in desperate attempts to ensure that he didn’t forget the details.  
He grew up in Porta Romana, and his family still lived in the townhouse that he’d been raised in.  He’d been born in that house, with a midwife, in the old way. His dreams open to him waking up in his bed, as if leaving Connecticut in one state brought him back to this one in another. April is warmer in Milan than it is in Lovell, and their home is painted in bright tones— mimicking sunlight in the rare parts of the house that it doesn’t leech in from large windows. The house is never quiet, he’s not often alone there. In the kitchen his mother and his aunt bickers over the proper ratio of coffee to milk for the perfect coffee and the sweet smoke from tobacco floats in from open windows where his father and uncles are having morning cigarettes. In his dreams, these senses are so vibrant he’s woken up in a start, terrified that the house he is sleeping in has been lit ablaze by a tipped over ashtray.
Other dreams begin with him walking down the street, each step amplified against cobbled stone. He’s alone, but surrounded by people. It’s not a lonely city, not like Berlin, and it’s not as beautiful as Venice, or Paris, but Milan feels like being swallowed by history. Years immersed in art and architecture from centuries long gone have dulled their fascination in him— each neighbourhood of the city wraps around Il Duomo, stemming off like a ray of sun. He can’t recall the last time he’d been inside, just that the past seems to nip at the heels of everyone who walks through the streets. Dante was alive nearly seven centuries ago, but he can still recall passages verbatim from school— despite never knowing really what they mean, just that they’re important. They’re something to hold onto, and he finds himself late at night rereading paragraphs to keep them in his memory.
Sometimes, he dreams of Bernardo, Lodovico and Viridiana. He never sees his cousins’ faces, just Viry’s red hair as she turns away, or Bernardo’s booming laugh. They spent every holiday together and he’d never wanted much for siblings because of their closeness. He grew up in a three story townhouse, but Lodo and Viry were on the same street, bursting through the doors on mornings that they didn’t simply fall asleep there. They’d spend a whole summer at Lake Como, or Bernardo’s family home on the Ligurian coast. He recalls long days in the sunshine, where they’d stretch out and dry their clothes after swimming in the clear waters. When he dreams, he’s back there, jumping barefoot off of the wooden dock— jolting up in bed when his mind begins to reenact a fall.
When he dreams of winters, he’s in the Valle D’Aosta or Las Condes. He has dreams of white capped mountains in Italy, and of careening down the Andes with his cousins behind on skis and snowboards. In the memories, he always finds himself freezing— waking up to a blanket thrown off and his limbs goose bumped and cold. Other nights, when it’s too warm, he is back in Santiago. Milan is home, but Chile feels like stepping into the house of a friend; it is familiar and he is comfortable there. His mother speaks of Neruda in his dreams like they are old friends and in the morning, he’ll rise and look at his ceiling, recalling words of poetry that untangle in his mind like yarn.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
The warmest memories are of his mother. Sometimes in sleep, he is a little boy again, alone with her when his father is in Rome again— an ambassador never has too much time for his family, not when he’s representing the whole of a country, leaving them together for stretches as long as a week. They’d dance to records, filling the home with the full and lively notes of Chilean music. She’d tell him that he reminds her of old home, tugging on his dark curls to distract him when her dark eyes got glassy. When he called her now, he knew that she was alone in that house, that the records went unplayed. Tommo had carved her name into the bark of the Wishing Tree, Florencia. He wished her happiness.
Some days he wakes with heartache so violent he feels as though he’d never make it out of bed. He was fifteen when he left, barely grown up— he’d been excited to go to America then. Years passed without him and he feels disjointed, half present and half somewhere else. Last summer he spent three weeks (his longest visit since leaving) in Milan and he documented it all on video, so that when the memories grew hazy around the edges and slipped away from him he would have something to hold onto, to keep them vibrant. His baby cousin, Lucia, features in all of them. She looks like him, with her rounded face haloed by pin-tight curls. They’d spent most of the weeks outside, sat on the sun warmed terracotta tiles of the terrace. She’d held up her hand and he’d pressed his own to it, dwarfing tiny fingers and nails. His aunt told him that she was twice as big now, her cheeks dimpled like an angelo and that she asks for him. Tommo is certain that she doesn’t remember who he is, but he accepts the lies gladly.
He’s dreaming of a place that he isn’t sure exists anymore. Memories have shaped a world that he barely recognizes when he returns to and familiar streets and faces have faded into strangers.
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bluegreen-280913 · 4 years
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tobesoloney28 · 4 years
I wanna join a harries or larries discord cause my friends don’t understand :/ pls send a link or like if you wanna join and I’ll make one!! 🥺❤️
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aoi-ajisai · 4 years
BIENVENIDOS a 1D Universe, un grupo donde podrás hablar de cualquier cosa y entretenerte en dinámicas diarias compitiendo contra otros teams. ¡Sólo ingresa, completa tus datos y elige tu team para empezar a divertirte! 🚀🎠🎡
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larrythetease · 5 years
Harry: Lou look! 😃
Louis: ...
Harry: Louis, come on! Look 😀
Louis: ...
Harry: Lou? 😕
Louis: 🙈
Harry: What are you doing?
Louis: Management told me I’m not allowed to look at you anymore. So... 🙈
Harry: 😂 perfect solution Lou
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inmyblueparadise · 2 years
The 6th member of One Direction 
Headcanon: P3 of being the sixth member of 1d (Imagine One Direction x reader)
Here is a Part 3 ! Thanks to @deamus-liv for the request ! xx
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Being a mess after your final performance on the X-Factor
« What do we do now ? » « Now we rest and enjoy our lives ! » « But are we still going to be mates ? » « Of course angel, we are family, always and forever »
hugs and kisses all around
Getting one last drink with the boys at your house, to celebrate the hiatus
« To us boys ! » « Yeah to us and to finally chill for a few months »
Spending the first few weeks with your parents, after years of being on the road
Taking a break off social media, because it broke your heart to see the fans sad
Going on vacation on a tropical island
Texting with the boys non-stop on your group chat - yes it’s called « Wrong Direction »
« Guys I just saw a shark !!! » « Did you put sunscreen on ? » « Yes Liam I did, jeez I’m on vacation ! » « Don’t come complaining if you get a sunburn »
Getting a sunburn…and complaining 
« Told you Angel » « Shut up Payno »
Coming back home and finally unpacking, and organizing everything
Creating a wall, with pictures and memorabilia of the band
And crying about it - a lot
Visiting Louis and your godson Freddie
« Oh my god Lou’ he’s getting so big » « I know it’s crazy innit ? »
Niall trying to teach you golf, and failing miserably 
« Jesus you suck at this ! » « that’s because my teacher is a dumbass » « fuck Off I’m excellent »
Reconnecting with Zayn
Starting to get restless and trying to occupy yourself
Going to the X-Factor to support Louis
« I’m so proud of you Lou’ and I know that your mom would be too » « Thank you Angel, I love you »
Crying and hugging the others while watching him 
Writing music 
A lot of music 
Releasing a single 
Starting to discover yourself, and most importantly your sound
Finally quitting Syco and MOdest! (because fuck them anyway) 
Being invited by Louis for his judge’s house
« It is my pleasure to welcome two incredible people to help me, they’re my bestfriends its Y/N L/N ans Liam Payne » « Hi Tommo » 
Going to Jamaica with Harry to help him write his fist album 
« Thank you for coming love » « Thank you for having me Haz! » 
Appearing on his little documentary - making the fans go crazy
And being here when he cuts his hair
«  I can’t belive him, it’s going to be so weird » « Omg, you look like you’re 18 again » 
Making an album alone 
Going on tour, alone, but enjoying it so much
the boys coming to support you - obvs
Supporting the guys during their shows
« GO NIALL ! » « There is someone special here tonight, everybody make some noise for my little Angel » 
And showing your support during interviews
« What do you think of the boy’s songs ? » « They are incredible I’m really happy for them » « They are doing amazing and I’m so proud of them for finding themselves and enjoy everything » 
Meeting Bear
« Damn now you’re really Daddy Direction » « After taking care of all of you on the road, I’m ready for anything » « Oh ! Sod off Liam we were not that bad ! » « You and Niall got stuck in a kitchen for 2 hours, because you were hungry ! » « I don’t see the problem, we found the food, that’s being responsible » « That’s being pains in my ass ! »
Overall, love your life but missing the boys dearly, and knowing that one day you will reunite stronger and happier than ever
Because this is not the end of One Direction. 
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Summary: Y/N applies to be a styling intern for the One Direction crew during the Where We Are tour. As she gets better at her job and closer to the band and crew (especially Harry Styles), some of her dreams seem to be coming true, but so are some of her fears.
A/N: Trust me, this one has less of Sarah. Some, but way less. Promise.
Warnings: Some language, alcohol consumption, jealousy
Jan 21st, 2015
The past week has been full of meetings and smug looks from Sarah. It has actually made it easier to get back to having control over your emotions. You feel like you can handle it now.
:liam: hi darling
:you: payno!
:liam: tommo and i are in town now
:you: yay!
:liam: want to go for drinks tomorrow?
:you: yes please
:liam: bring the girls
:you: send me the details of when and where
Jan 22nd, 2015
Against your personal preference, you let Sarah know about the bar invite. You're not going to be petty, or decide who can and cannot hang out with the guys. You're not a big fan of hers but you figure you'll have others to talk to.
"Ryan said he is coming, right?" Natalie asks.
"Yeah. He said he'd meet up with us after work." You respond.
You are wearing a white t-shirt with a leopard logo on the front in black. You've paired it with an extra long black blazer jacket that ends just above the hemline of the gold sequin shorts you've got on. You add some black boots, roll up the sleeves of the blazer, add some gold bracelets, and you feel sexy as hell.
"Well, with the outfit you're wearing, someone will be… cumming… for sure…" She winks.
"You're actually gross." You laugh.
"Come on Y/N, I think he's being so patient." She whines.
"Why do I have to get with him? He knows I just had a breakup. You seem to have forgotten, but he knows."
"He likes you. I just thought it could be something more." She shrugs.
"I don't know. Not now."
You, Natalie, and Levi arrive at the club. Again, you're allowed to take advantage of the 'One Direction perks' you've acquired and walk right in.
You're taken to a private alcove on the back side of the large, open club, seeing Liam and Louis sitting in the booth with Jade and a few of their other friends.
You give everyone hugs and Louis calls out "looking good, love" as he motions you over.
"Replay!" You shout back, amusing yourself by using one of their own pranks against him.
He rolls his eyes. "Looking good, love."
You walk over, slide into the booth next to him, and he waves down a waitress to take your drink order.
"Right, what'll you have?" He asks.
"Margarita please." He nods, gives your order to the waitress, and sits down next to you.
"How's it going?" He asks.
"Good, the meetings have been… packed with details, so I'm ready for the tour to start. You?"
"Yeah, yeah, ready. Are… you gonna be alright with it? With everyone?"
"I'm fine. I'm there to do my job, I'm an intern, nothing more." You assure him.
"You're our friend too Y/N/N."
"Damn, guess I have two jobs now." You joke, and he pokes your side. You know what he means. Those guys are your buddies. Your friends. You love them.
Your drinks arrive and you both take a couple of sips.
"I'm 'appy you're still coming."
"I wouldn't miss it. I can't miss it, it's my job, but I wouldn't miss it either. I guess I love you guys." You smile.
Louis is easy to be around and likes to keep the mood light, and you find yourself laughing and laughing until your stomach hurts. You order another margarita then chat with Liam for a bit, asking about Sophia and his family. You dance around in your group's little alcove with Jade. It's fun. It's been a fun night so far.
The vibes are dimmed when you see Sarah walk in through the front door. She starts to walk over towards the table but is distracted by something near the bar. Your eyes follow as she makes her way over and stops right in front of Mr. Harry Styles, who suddenly shifts his staring from (what looked like) your group over to her.
[How long has he been here?]
You check the time on your phone to gauge when Ryan will arrive, and notice that Harry had sent you a text.
:harry: can we please talk over here real quick?
It was sent half an hour ago, which means he had been standing over there for at least that long. He had been waiting over there, hanging back and away from the group, waiting for you to even just see the message.
You start to feel a little bad. Just a little. He has been a major asshole lately, so you are a bit pissed off, but maybe he wanted to at least be cordial with each other tonight. That could help make things easier on tour too.
:you: sorry. we can still talk real quick if you want
You look over and see him subtly check his text. His head darts in your direction, darts back down to his phone as he nods, and then lifts back up to Sarah as she continues to talk.
You slam down the rest of your drink and make your way to the bar, using the empty glass as a reason to be over there.
"Hey guys." You say, as you reach the counter and motion the bartender for another.
Sarah is leaning against the counter and her back is towards you. She partially turns around to acknowledge you with just a sound, and then turns back to Harry.
"Hey Y/N." Harry replies. "Oh, actually Y/N, I need to… talk to you about some of the outfits we had picked… back at that X-Factor gig."
You look at him, puzzled. "Okay... now?"
"Yeah, b'fore I forget." He replies, just staring at you. You realize he is trying to suggest that you talk in private, and hint for Sarah to leave. But she doesn't move, just sips on her drink.
[Does she not get it, or just not want to?]
"Where should we…?" You point around, pretending to look for a place to chat.
"Here's fine, won't take long." Harry replies, glancing at Sarah.
"Okay." [For fucks sake Sarah…]
"Sarah, can you grab a spot at the booth, this'll take a minute then I'm headed over there." He finally suggests, and she sombers over to the group.
You watch him as he watches her walk away. It's not clear if he is making sure she is out of earshot, or if he is checking her out as she leaves.
But you find yourself taking the moment to admire his face. The angle of his jaw, the stubble he has been trying to grow out, the comforting sea-foam green of his eyes, the way his curly hair is now hitting just below his shoulders, and how he looks like he is on the verge of either a frown or a smile.
You catch yourself before you whimper at the thought of missing all of it.
He breaks his glance and places it on you. He uses his whole chest and shoulders as he lets out a huge sigh.
"Hi." He starts, as he musters a smile and shifts his gaze to the ground. "I… umm… I really don't know what I wanted to say, if I'm honest."
"It's not about the outfits… is it?" You state.
He clears his throat, "no."
[Is he nervous? He's still cute when he's nervous]
"I can come back later…" you offer.
"No, umm…" he frowns and his gaze slowly makes its way back up to you, stopping quickly where that one piece of special jewelry lays at the base of your neck. His frown softens. He looks up but his attention quickly shifts to something behind you, and his frown reappears.
"Nevermind." He sighs.
It's your turn to frown. You swear he really wanted to say something and you swear that his tone was gentle, and friendly. But now his demeanor has shifted.
Suddenly, you feel someone's shoulder bump up against you.
"Hey punk." You turn to see Ryan now at your side. "Hey man, I'm Ryan, didn't get to introduce myself the other day." He reaches to shake Harry's hand.
"I'm Harry."
"Nice to meet you man." He smiles.
"You too, mate."
Ryan looks at you then back at Harry. "Is this one rocking it as a stylist, or what?
"She's actually the best one." Harry admits, looking down at the ground for a minute before meeting your eyes again with a disappointed expression. "I'm gonna head to the booth, maybe we can go over… those style options… later." He walks away.
Ryan orders a drink and turns towards you again, interrupting your befuddled gaze as you watch Harry head over to the group.
"He seems like a nice dude." Ryan states.
"Yeah." You snap your attention back to him. "They're all pretty cool and down-to-earth, considering how ridiculously famous they are." You admit. "They are my best friends, actually."
"That's really cool. Who's your favorite?" He chuckles.
"I can't answer that!" You gently hit his arm. "It's Niall." You laugh.
Ryan's drink comes and he starts making his way to the group, but you let him know you're going to grab another margarita.
[This is your fourth one…]
As you wait for your drink, you lean against the bar, realizing that this whole situation is making it a bit harder to control your emotions than you thought it would. He hurt you, but you care about him, and you miss him. And then there's all the bullshit with Sarah. It's so messy.
[Are you actually going to be able to handle this?]
Natalie sneaks up next to you. "Hey honey, we need some air, wanna come?'
"Yes please." You look up and see that Jade is with her. You grab your fresh drink and follow them out to a small patio on the side of the club building. The three of you sit at a table in the back corner.
"So… is it me or is Sarah just on another level of annoying now?" Jade asks.
You and Natalie laugh.
"Girl, it's frustratingly comical at this point.' Natalie states.
"What's gotten into her?" Jade asks.
"It's more about what hasn't gotten into her… or who hasn't gotten into her…"
Natalie busts up laughing and you two join.
"She's so vain." Jade states. "But doesn't… well, doesn't Harry like you, Y/N?"
She throws her hands up in defense. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry. It just seemed like he would walk through fire for you or something."
You can only try and clear the lump in your throat.
"Yeah… well…" you shrug.
"Ryan seems really nice though." She adds.
"He is. He's a good friend."
"You're not dating him?"
"No, she's not." Natalie chimes in. "And I don't know why…"
You roll your eyes and your phone buzzes.
:harry: where'd you go?
:harry: can we talk now?
:you: i needed some air
:harry: can i meet ya out there?
:you: sure
You look up at Natalie, who has seen you texting. You motion your head to the door and she stands up. "Jade, wanna see if we can score some free drinks from that bartender you thought was cute?"
"Absolutely!" Jade giggles then looks at you.
"Go, girl. I need a minute to myself anyway. Bit tipsy I guess." You wave to the door and as they walk in, Harry walks out. You hear Jade chuckle as the door closes.
"Hello again." He slightly smiles, as he sits down.
"Hi." You reciprocate. "So, what's up?"
He sighs. It takes him a minute to say anything, but he throws his hair up in a small bun and starts talking.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry I was rude."
"Okay. I forgive you."
"Just like that?"
"Yeah, just like that." You assure him.
"Umm… okay."
"I love my job Harry, and I want to keep doing it, so I'm moving past it."
"Right. Professionalism."
"Exactly. Back to business." You add.
"So, we're alright then?"
"Yeah. I don't want tension on the tour, I'm sure you don't either. So let's just…"
"Be friends?" He asks, hopeful.
"Let's… let's just start with a friendly work environment first, okay?." You reply.
His head lowers, but he nods. "Yeah, I can do that." He sighs. "I… I just miss you."
"Don't do that, Harry."
"M'sorry. I… I just… I do." He whimpers slightly as he shakes his head.
"If this is gonna be too difficult then-"
"No!" He cuts you off, and quiets his tone. "No, you love this job. I don't want to keep you from… from doing what you love. I don't mind having you around." He pauses. "I'll keep it professional."
[Wait, why did that hurt a little bit?]
"Sounds good to me."
"Can I just say one more thing?" He mildly pleads.
"What's that?"
"You look really, really pretty."
[Nope. Nope. No blushing. Nope.]
Jan 23rd, 2015
You wake up with your head in a daze. Partially from the multiple margaritas, and partly because of how the night played out. You are thankful that it ended cordially, at least between you and Harry. Once Sarah saw you and Harry walk back inside together, she just continued to stare daggers at you and also ramped up the flirting. But you and Harry were both able to enjoy the rest of the night around each other, even exchanging smiles if you were involved in the same conversation. It was nice. You didn't let it bring your walls down, of course, but it was nice.
You lounge around in bed and open up social media. Twitter is flooded with photos of Liam, Louis, and Harry from the night before. Obviously you know their celebrity status, but it still manages to surprise you at how a simple night out at the club can end up plastered all over the internet. You don't really notice it when it's happening, or you are at least not bothered by it, because you are just living in those moments.
You notice that you are in some, laughing with Louis, or just talking with Liam. You didn't even know the photos were taken, and you really don't even care. However, you do feel some relief seeing that there are not any of you and Harry having your little chat out on the secluded patio. He would probably feel relieved, considering how he reacted the last time the paparazzi snapped some shots of you with Liam and Sophia.
It's been another relaxing day, which you are taking advantage of, since you'll be flying all over the world in a few weeks. After dinner, you take a nice long shower and settle into bed right before your phone rings.
:harry: hi pretty girl!
:you: it's jeff's party tonight isn't it?
:harry: yup! why?
:you: are you drunk?
:harry: it's hard to tell
:you: it's really not
:you: just… go have fun bud
:harry: okay, call ya later
:you: no harry don't
[What is going on in that kid's brain?]
You lay down. You remember feeling hurt, you remember breaking up, and you remember him being a total asshole about two weeks ago. Yet you can't help but to smile at the thought of him wanting to text you when he's been drinking, of him missing you that much, of how cute he is when he does it.
[No, what is wrong with you? This can't happen again. At least keep your distance, keep it at a friend's level and nothing else.]
You shake off the thoughts. You've done so well putting the pieces of your heart back together already and guarding it again. You don't want to undo that progress. You snuggle under the blankets, close your eyes, and let your mind drift off.
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing, again. It's completely dark out and you fumble around to find your phone on the bed. You growl as you see that the clock says it's 2 am. You answer the phone with a whisper.
"H- hello?"
"Hey love."
"Harry? It's 2am."
"Are you okay?"
"I… I just miss you."
"Where are you?"
"At home. Will you come over?"
"What? No."
"Do you miss me too?"
"I… it's just…."
"You don't miss me."
"Harry, this isn't fair."
"No, it's not. Now you have him…"
"Him, who?"
"That Ryan guy."
"We can't do this."
"He likes you."
"Okay. We can't do this."
"I want it to be me."
"Harry. Stop."
"I fucking hate this Y/N."
"Please, stop."
"I hate that he gets to be with you."
"Knock it off."
"Every time I see you, I miss you more."
"Harry. Please, stop. This is mean."
"Fuck... I just fucked it up again."
"I should go."
"I'm so so sorry."
Series Masterlist || Chapter 14 || Chapter 16
Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @slut4lilyrose @pinktakeaway @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @his-only-angel-1989
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coffee-styles · 3 years
QUICK CHAT: Hello my beans, I’ll be gone for the 24th until probably the 3rd of Janurary for Christmas time and New Years due to driving around and packing for vacation. Sorry, I’ll have to leave for a bit, ill try to keep in touch. But anyways, onto this personality question post, I wanted to say thank you to @liberty-barnes for answering me asap for a little question I had her do since she’s much more important than the dumbass who was a chicken and didn’t answer first *cough* Sammy *cough*. So, thx to her, and yeah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
About me🦋
Birthdate ➪ September 27th Pronouns ➪ she/ her Ethnicity ➪ Mexican & Ecuadorian Gender identity ➪ woman Sexual orientation ➪ bisexual Personality ➪ the mentally unstable bitch with ptsd and anxietyyy Zodiac ➪ Libra Favourite colour ➪ light blue, vintage brown, light purple and black Where I live ➪ Florida🌴☀🤟🏻 ( the question for @liberty-barnes  ....welp...this is about to get personal and embarrassing )
daddy kink | slapping kink | choking kink | hair pulling kink | sugar daddy kink | spitting kink | RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGSSSS | role play
CELEBRITY CRUSHES🔥 (uuu spicy -Harry Styles)
Harry Styles | Louis Tomlinson | Sebastian Stan | Chris Evans | Aaron Taylor-Johnson | Matthew Gray Gubler | Johnny Depp (oh my god, im so weirdddd) | Charlie Gillespie | Owen Joyner | Scarlett Johansson | Florence Pugh | Ariana Grande | Hailee Steinfeld | Millie Bobby Brown | Nailea Devora |
Health Problems✌🏼
anxiety | ptsd | little bit of asthma | mental breakdowns daily | suicidal thoughts | insecure ass self | social anxiety (im and introvert most of the time) |
Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish | Jealousy, Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo | Happier by Olivia Rodrigo | She by Harry Styles | Kiwi by Harry Styles | Sunflower Vol. 6 by Harry Styles | Miss You by Louis Tomlinson | Wake Up by Madison Reyes | abcdefu by GAYLE | KESI by Camilo & Shawn Mendes | Botella Tras Botella by Christian Nodal & GERA MX | Sobrio by Maluma |
Indie | Vintage/Retro | Dark Academia | Euphoria | Elegant | Music |
Describing my perfect day🌻 (imagining this...sadly)
brown baggy/oversized zip-up jacket | scary book | coffee | Criminal Minds | rainy day | big view of outside (im imagining this somewhere in New York) | cuddle buddy (if it ain’t Hazza or Tommo, i don’t want it) | painting | polaroid's | music | comfy blanket | 
Pet Peeves🙄
fake friendships | manipulative people | good liars *cough* Louis *cough* 18 months *cough* | taking forever on texting back | “im too busy” answers, like bitch, IM more important | talking shit about me behind my back | talking shit about my besties | jealousy (hehe, even tho im mostly jealous) |
@liberty-barnes (no bitch is more important than my child✋🏼🙄)
@randomlyblue (she too supportive and kind❤)
@hermionestyles (FOOK everything else for today, you do this or 18 months will haunt you😃)
@chrisappointedbutnotchanprised (i literally thought of you when I was writing my aesthetics and idk whyyy😆)
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