#chase plays p3r
thanksvideogames · 7 months
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theoneprecioustome · 1 year
The Journey: Aikoto Chronology
With P3RE on the horizon, I thought it'd be useful to gather the Aikoto moments that happen in The Journey across the various P3-related releases.
The list will cover:
Vanilla P3 (OG)
Drama CD
Just in case, given that Atlus seems to be taking some inspiration from the movies, I'll also list some of the stuff the movies added
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(Spoilers for the entire game below the cut!)
Note: Out of the Drama CD, there are some that are meant to be considered as canonical, official side-stories. These are Daylight, Moonlight, New Moon and Full Moon. I'll mark the rest with a * since I'm not sure whether they're meant to be considered canon or not.
Note 2: Moments that have been confirmed to be in P3R will be marked with a ✅. Meanwhile, moments that have been confirmed not to be in P3R will be crossed out.
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✤ Fateful Meeting:
OG/FES: Aigis is introduced with an animated cut-scene. Makoto gets a heart over his head when he sees her and is also disappointment when he doesn't get to approach her first.
Movies: Makoto is "into it" for the first time when he sees Aigis, and he's blown away when she turns to face him.
✤ Reunion:
✅ OG/FES/P3P: Aigis goes into the woods and Makoto has to chase her. Aigis hugs him (in OG/FES, she stops hugging him when Ikutsuki gets there, while in P3P she hugs him for way longer).
Movie: Makoto doesn't chase Aigis; there is a shadow attack that night and Aigis comes to save him, leading to the Aikoto hug from the game.
✤ OG/FES: Akihiko and Junpei are shown to be disappointed when Aigis is revealed to be a robot, but not Makoto.
✤ ✅ OG/FES/P3P/Movies: Aigis wakes Makoto up "five minutes earlier" and proposes she be allowed to stay in his room. In the games, Yukari's last dialogues imply Makoto wasn't against the idea (either "I don't care" or "She can stay"; knowing him, likely the first lol).
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✤ Movie-Only: Aigis tries to protect Makoto during the Justice & Chariot fight. Makoto worries for her and tries to reach her when she overheats.
✤ ✅ (Optional) FES/P3P: You can walk Koromaru with Aigis (the very first Koro walk!) on August, 15th. Aigis keeps her distance.
✤ (Optional) Summer Festival:
OG/FES: When you go alone to the Summer Festival, Makoto runs into Aigis and Mitsuru. He tries to call out to them, but neither of them hear him.
✅ P3P: When you turn everyone down, the game defaults to sending Makoto to the festival with Aigis and Mitsuru. Once there, Makoto and Aigis share some takoyaki and you even have the option to make them hold hands.
Movie: Makoto goes to the festival with Aigis and they play at the stands. Instead of going with Mitsuru, they run into Shinjiro and Ken.
✤ (Optional) FES/P3P: You can go to the Film Festival with Aigis on August, 28th (the game gives you a heads-up about it the day before).
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✤ Movie-Only: Aigis drops by Makoto's room and the two talk about his motives.
✤ ✅ OG/FES/P3P/Movie: Aigis starts going to school (and gets assigned the seat next to Makoto). She tells the entire class that she wishes to always be by Makoto's side.
✤ Drama CD (Daylight): It features various events and a lot of Aikoto stuff, including Aigis & Makoto going with Junpei to visit Chidori at the hospital, Aigis & Makoto patrolling the city together, Aigis being curious about ice-cream and Makoto promising to buy her some, etc. It also features the introduction of the "Mysterious Girl" that would later become relevant in Arena thanks to Labrys, as well as a direct tie-in with Labrys' wish and Aigis' route in P4A.
Security Camera:
FES/P3P: When Makoto gets sick because of the typhoon, Aigis goes to his room to look after him. Despite confirming he's doing fine, Aigis decides to keep watch over him. In FES, she sits on the ground; in P3P, she sits on the bed by the side of his head.
Drama CD (Character Drama Vol 3*): It shows Aigis' thoughts as she decides to "follow her heart" and muses on how illogical she has become.
✤ Drama CD (Character Drama Vol 5*): While this CD focuses on Akihiko and Shinjiro, there is some slight Aikoto, since Makoto immediately recognizes Aigis' handwriting and is the only one to figure out what she meant by her note.
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✤ Drama CD (P3P Vol 2*): Makoto and Aigis tease Junpei, plus Aikoto + Koromaru go look for Bunkichi when he goes missing. (The screenshot above is unrelated to this.)
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✤ OG (Cutscene)/FES (Cutscene)/P3P/Movies: Aigis breaks out of Ikutsuki's control as she and Makoto stare at each other (this isn't shown in P3P, so we have Aigis stuttering Makoto's name instead). The movies add Aigis falling due to the effort and Makoto holding her in his arms, as well as Ikutsuki trying to control Aigis a second time and Aigis resisting to not shoot Makoto.
✤ Drama CD (Full Moon): Aigis is paralyzed by her fear of hurting those who matter to her. Pharos reaches out to her, reminding her that she has to fight if she has someone who is truly important to her.
✤ Movie-Only: Aigis reassures Makoto that she will never leave him (a moment based on her S-Link with him). Makoto hugs her close.
✤ Drama CD (Episode Luck*): Ryoji thinks Aigis is glaring at Makoto rather than at him because she fears Makoto likes another girl. Makoto corrects him: Aigis' animosity is very much reserved for Ryoji lol
✤ Movie-Only: In the game, the girls comment on how much better Junpei is doing now that he is friends with Ryoji. In the movies, they give Ryoji's friendship with Junpei to Makoto, so the girls say this comment to Aigis, who starts thinking about what matters more: Makoto's well-being or her mistrust of Ryoji.
✤ Kyoto School Trip:
OG/FES/P3P/Movie: Aigis wants to share a room with Makoto.
Movie-Only: The movies add a hilarious scene where Aigis takes matters into her own hands lol Also, since Ryoji hangs around Makoto during the trip, Aigis makes sure to tag along.
✤ OG/FES/P3P: As everyone leaves to study, Makoto briefly hangs back with Aigis. As he makes it to leave, Aigis tells him that thinking of anything happening to him and of not being able to be by his side again (this dialogue is present in Japanese, but missing from the ENG translation) has made her understand the concept of "loss". She also tells him that while she doesn't know why, he is very special to her and she wishes to protect him and to always be by his side.
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✤ Moonlight Bridge:
OG/FES/P3P/Movie: Aigis gets her memories back and realizes why she wanted to be by Makoto's side.
OG/FES: Aigis reaches out for Makoto, who kneels down to hold her hand without player input. When Aigis passes out, he touches her head.
Movie-Only: Since Aigis is laying down instead, Makoto holds her in his arms.
✤ Movie-Only: Makoto goes to visit Aigis at the lab.
✤ OG/FES/P3P: Aigis comes back to the dorm and apologizes to him for what she did 10 years ago. All of Makoto's dialogue choices are supportive of her, showing he doesn't hold it against her: “It was the only way”, “You had no choice” and “You did the right thing”.
✤ Movie-Only: The movies merge Aigis' resolution with the Aikoto scene that takes place in January during Career Counseling. The movie's version notably features Makoto asking Aigis to go see the cherry blossoms with him next spring.
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✤ (Optional) FES/P3P: Last walk with Aigis and Koromaru. This time, Aigis sits by Makoto's side like everyone else.
✤ (Optional) FES/P3P: You can start Aigis' S-Link on January 8th.
✤ Drama CD (Moonlight): The most Aikoto out of the Drama CD. Words don't do it justice, so here's a link!
✤ OG/FES/P3P: Toriumi asks Makoto to call Aigis for Career Counseling. He finds her on the rooftop, and Aigis proceeds to confess that even though Death is gone now, she still wishes to be by his side. This scene is titled "The Promise Between Aigis and the Main Character".
✤ (Optional) FES/P3P: First and last group walk with Koromaru on January 29th! Everyone tries to "make the most of this moment", as Makoto and Aigis hang out together playing with Koromaru.
✤ The Battle for Everyone's Souls
OG/FES (Cutscene): We can see Aigis looking at Makoto and trying to stand up while they’re crushed under gravity.
Movie-Only: As the shadows swarm SEES, Aigis protects Makoto before being overpowered herself. Makoto screams his heart out. (Note: This scene likely inspired the Aikoto Dance at the Persona Concert 2022, where Aigis gets taken by shadows and Makoto falls to his knees in despair).
OG/FES (Cutscene)/P3P/Movie: Aigis cries out “No, don’t go!” as Makoto levitates away from them. In P3P, we're shown Aigis calling out to him is the last thing he hears before his consciousness fades.
Movie-Only: Makoto's Evoker falls from his hold and Aigis grabs it. He turns to her and says his last words to her, "Live."
OG/FES/P3P: Aigis and Shinji are the last voices Makoto hears before he casts the seal. Aigis says that she won't allow the world that gave birth to him to be destroyed.
Movie-Only: Instead of her line from the game, Aigis reminds Makoto of the promise they all made and tells him that he has to come back no matter what.
OG/FES/P3P/Movie: Aigis laments her lack of strength because she couldn't protect the one she cherishes. The English translation of the games omitted the last part.
OG/FES/P3P: Tiny detail, but it’s only after Aigis calls out to Makoto that we get a >everyone is calling out to you and the option to reply. Her reaction is also the first we see.
OG/FES (Cutscene): A cutscene shows us Makoto returning to SEES. In the cutscene, SEES are split into groups and only Aigis is shown on her own. We also see Makoto's smile widening and his eyes trembling as Aigis sheds tears for the first time. P3P has none of this, but Aigis is the first one to notice Makoto coming back to them.
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✤ OG/FES/P3P: Aigis sadly watches Makoto from afar (March 3rd).
✤ Movie-Only: Aigis watching Makoto happens on March 5th. Seeing her triggers Makoto's memories, and he struggles to make his way to the rooftop. Aigis is waiting for him there. As the two make their way towards each other, Makoto collapses. Aigis catches him in her arms and hugs him close, welcoming him home.
✤ OG/FES/P3P: Aigis comes to find Makoto on Graduation Day. She picks him up in his room and together they go to the rooftop to wait for everyone. As they wait, Aigis thanks Makoto for everything and reaffirms her desire to protect him and to always be by his side. In OG and FES, Makoto wipes her tears away (once again without player-input).
✤ OG/FES (Cutscene): He falls asleep with a smile on his face, laying on her lap.
✤ OG/FES: Memories of You opens with Makoto and closes with Aigis.
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thanksvideogames · 1 year
been following the Persona 3: Reload voice actor news on twitter this morning and honestly it's been such a delight. for those who don't know atlus is basically replacing the whole original case with a new generation of voice actors and with how earnest they are I'd say its a well deserved opportunity for them. just look at zeno robinson as junpei. and yuri passing the torch to aleks? its all is so beautiful
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full cast for anyone who's interested:
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thanksvideogames · 5 months
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makoto yuki screenshot dump
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thanksvideogames · 5 months
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thanksvideogames · 1 month
babe wake up, new depression dropped
lyrics under the cut
Leave me out I don't want to fight But if you insist There will be consequences It's like l'm getting stomped on my face When I'm down on the ground Do I survive the worst? But the worst has yet to come And I Don't do this to me now I'm going numb now
Do not make me
Already lost my keys To the door once shut Only have one wish Now it's never gonna come true Trapped in time Forever in remorse How could I ever be In peace when nothing else matters to me? Don't you make me do this Don't you make me do this Don't you make me Don't you make me Don't even try What'd you want from me? Better stop pushing... Cause I won't tolerate it There's no returning, no matter how much you want it (want it) It burns me to the core on my body (no one knew it) Now it's not the right time for anything So stop loading Stay away from me
Already lost my keys To the door once shut Only have one wish Now it's never gonna come true Trapped in time Forever in remorse How could I ever be In peace when nothing else matters to me?
If you wanna battle then I'll take it to the street Win or defeat, it's empty Gonna feel incomplete Feeling half awake and half asleep l'd rather be asleep and dream the days of peace I'm becoming everything that I weren't meant to be Someone tell me What should I do next?
So don't make me
Already lost my keys To the door once shut Only have one wish Now it's never gonna come true Trapped in time Forever in remorse How could I ever be In peace when nothing else matters to me?
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thanksvideogames · 7 months
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very relatable how there's clear room on the couch for aigis to sit but instead of imposing she parks herself on the floor like an animal
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thanksvideogames · 7 months
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nonbinary erasure
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thanksvideogames · 8 months
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girl who spends her whole day digging up & reblogging yaoi discourse posts from ten years ago because she thinks its funny
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thanksvideogames · 8 months
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thanksvideogames · 7 months
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thanksvideogames · 6 months
i love him
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thanksvideogames · 7 months
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thanksvideogames · 7 months
The Answer DLC for Persona 3 Reload is real btw
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thanksvideogames · 7 months
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thanksvideogames · 6 months
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(me texting the boy I like): im in your walls
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