#charsheet sunday
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 9 months ago
Charsheet Sunday the 9th
This week in Pokedungeon, I'd like to take a look at the Town.
During each adventuring day, players can interact with the facilities of Floros Town, in which the guild resides. These facilities have both narrative and mechanical function; for instance, the Dojo allows players to learn and remember moves, the Hypnotist allows players to reallocate their stat points as well as talk through mental issues, and the Boutique allows players to make cosmetic changes as well as purchase clothing accessories.
There's more, including Klefki's Treasure Box popper, Mismagius' Cauldron, and the Guild itself, but tumblr polls don't let you make that many options.
Below the cut: Wobbles the Wobbuffet and his opinions on the town.
Any explorer of the Guild is expected to be familiar with all of the town's facilities, of course. Food, entertainment, and the various goods to buy and sell are all important. But if Wobbles had to choose one, he'd say he likes going to the Dojo best.
Usually as the punching bag.
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-Mod Nines
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companionwolf · 3 months ago
okay. hold on. i'm making a to do list.
write (maybe)
art (maybe)
exercise bike (5mins)
put away the dishes
feed the dogs (uh @ 4pm?)
drink 2 more glasses of water
tomorrow ig
call the hematologist
wipe old phone #1
assemble the media for above
load? media onto old phone #1?
redo the coping ref zine
print and fold the coping ref zine
work on my league spreadsheet
general daily activities (ie fuckedupsportsball, 5+ job apps, fsg workbook work, B/ADLs, etc)
this coming week
try to manually switch out (to give the others some time in front)
therapy on the 6th
prepare for sunday school class
general daily activities as usual
get the new rxs and omega 3 and fiber supplement from the store
work on charsheets with the sysmates who want to play TA
i. think that's everything?
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 8 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 14!
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 7 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 15
I was supposed to present the updated charsheet today but i forgor
Have a silly question instead
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 9 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 10
Have class today, going to make this one quick.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 6 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 19!
We've still got open slots for the two upcoming playtests! If you're interested in playing the system, join our discord and sign up!
Anyways. Question of the week.
It always felt weird to me that Ghost was physical and Dark was special before the gen 4 split. Especially since they made 90% of the ghosts special attackers and 90% of the dark-types physical attackers. Like, Game Freak seriously didn't figure that one out?
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 7 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 18!
Fairy only existed after the physical/special split but you can't tell me it wouldn't have been a special type.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 8 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 13!
Have a quick one. Update to come later.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 11 months ago
Charsheet Sunday!
Mod Nines here, calling all Pokedungeon fans, DMs, players! It's Charsheet Sunday, and you know what that means? ...wait, you don't? Well, Tumblr needs to get in on this then! You know how any player for any TTRPG inevitably ends up with a backlog of characters they'll never get to play? Well, we here at Pokedungeon have decided to institute Charsheet Sunday, an opportunity for everyone to show off their little characters and answer a question to better get to know them! Post your characters and their thoughts on the following question. This Sunday's character question:
Of course, it wouldn't be fair to put all the pressure on everyone else to contribute, so here's a character of our own to serve as an example!
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This is Kent the Torchic (she/her). She's a well-oiled chicken, ready to fry anything in the way of her and the end of a dungeon!
Character Sheet and details below the cut - this is already getting lengthy as it is.
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Little squished because of Tumblr. But the Dynamic Character sheet is integrated with the Movedex and Abilitydex, automatically filling in the details of your chosen Pokemon, Moves, and Abilities with the click of a button. Convenient, isn't it?
Kent, of course, would take the last donut for herself. Can you blame her, though? She's tearing through dungeons at maximum speed - of course she's going to take any chance to boost up her sugar.
She also took the first chance she got to break the game with Speed Boost and Flame Charge feeding into each other for incredible amounts of damage every turn. Which may or may not have caused us to go back and look through every move and ability again.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 10 months ago
Character Sheet Sunday 4
... Honestly, the character sheet isn't actually necessary, but I wanted to show off how the character sheet worked and the alliteration is catchy.
I guess could have called it Showcase Sunday?
Well. Too late for regrets.
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[Mareanie illustration by match, Pokemon TCG Sun/Moon]
Sometimes pokemon's moves and abilities just don't quite line up. For instance, Memeri here is a Mareanie with Corrosion, turning attacks against Poisoned targets into Critical Hits.
(Yes, it's intentional that her name can either be read as "memory" or "meme-ery." Going so all-in on a single strategy is a recipe for disaster as soon as you meet an enemy poison or steel type.)
In the mainline games, Corrosion isn't used much as the Toxapex line has minimal offensive stats, but that's not a factor in this system - all pokemon are capable of distributing their stats in the same way. Combined with Venoshock, and she can hit for incredible damage numbers. Only one problem: Of all the moves that can inflict poison Mareanie only starts with Poison Sting by level up. That's it's only way of poisoning targets until level 30 (Toxic Spikes) which itself isn't reliable, followed by Poison Jab at 45 and Toxic at level 50.
Mareanie evolves at level 38. Which, incidentally, also gives it access to Baneful Bunker, a Protect variant that also poisons attackers.
It's a very fitting signature move, but a little late for a build to come online. Our system will have ways around that - primarily the Dojo, though other methods might also be available.
Question of the day. If you could make a signature move for a pokemon, what would it be?
If Memeri were designing a signature move for herself... Baneful Bunker is okay, but it's more reflective of a defensive pokemon, and she's investing into an all-out offense. A move like Nuzzle but for poison would be much more up her alley.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 8 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 11!
The first playtest of the Pokedungeon system is underway! Reassuringly, the base mechanics have thus far been holding up well enough.
Question of the Week:
Speaking of super effectiveness. One notable aspect of this system is that Super Effective attacks actually have a smaller multiplier than in the mainline games - 1.5x damage instead of 2x. This is actually also true of the Mystery Dungeon games as well, though in PMD it's 1.4x instead of 2x.
We chose 1.5x to strike a balance between not instantly being annihilated if your character has a 4x weakness as well as making super effective attacks rewarding and easy to calculate.
... Not that you should exactly be playing this game without a calculator on standby, and in fact we've developed a damage calculator just for this system - but the principle remains the same.
This modifier also happens to be the same one used for STAB - the damage bonus for attacks that are the same type as the user. That means for optimization purposes, neutral STAB damage is emphasized moreso than coverage attacks... But coverage attacks tend to be difficult to come by in Mystery Dungeons, as they're generally reliant on TMs. On the other hand, we do have the Dojo, which allows most pokemon to learn a much wider variety of attacks than in the mainline games.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 7 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 17!
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 8 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 12
Going through the updated charsheet, plus some of the newer features. Unrelated question of the day:
Character Sheet details below. Today, we'll be going over the travel/action points and tile movement system.
Say hello to Heathcliff the Gyarados - a young man looking to make a name for himself in order to impress his beloved.
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The Character Creation sheet allows the player to fill in most of the relevant details about their character during character generation, such as their name, pokemon species, ability, and moves. Any aspects that get modified during actual play, including move PP, current HP, and status effects, are given a thick black border in order to minimize confusion; the rest of the sheet is protected by a very secure password that totally isn't at the top of the screen to make sure players don't accidentally override important information.
Now, for the travel explanation.
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Each turn is split into a Travel Phase and an Action Phase. The Travel Phase always occurs first; characters can spend Travel Points to travel up to 2 tiles per point. During the Action Phase, characters can spend Action Points to use Moves, RP Actions, or even travel - again, up to 2 tiles per point. By default, all characters gain 1 Travel Point and 1 Action Point on each of their turns.
Certain tiles have special effects. Terrain tiles such as Water and Magma are hazardous, damaging pokemon that don't match their typing - water for Water, fire for Magma, etc. Pokemon that Swim through a tile type will not be damaged, and can retrieve items submerged within. Pokemon can also Walk and Wade through such tiles; characters that Walk will not be harmed by such surfaces, but cannot reach items submerged within. Characters that Wade can swim only for a limited number of turns (up to 1 + their Vit modifier), after which they begin taking damage.
Pokemon that Float will avoid the effects of terrain that they can travel over, while pokemon that Fly can also cross terrain even if their typing wouldn't normally allow for it.
Barrier tiles, on the other hand, will entirely prevent movement for pokemon that don't match their typing, acting as walls instead.
So Heathcliff here can swim through Water and fly over Magma (if he doesn't mind cooking), but the electrical power of Static Fog won't let him through at all.
A character's movement types, including what tiles they can pass through and whether they swim/walk/wade, are determined by their pokemon species and typing. For instance, an Electric/Ghost Rotom will be able to float through Static Fog and Dark Fog, while the Electric/Fire Rotom-Heat will only be able to float over Static Fog and Magma.
To the right of all of that is a dedicated space for the various effects that can affect a Pokemon, as well as their duration. This helps keep track of stat changes as well as other effects such as Leech Seed, Disable, and more.
As "my son who has every disease" can attest, Pokemon has a lot of those effects.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 10 months ago
Charsheet Sunday...6!
Show off any of your characters below!
Question of the day:
In this week's newletter: a sneak peek at the Character Customization update! Featuring official learnset and Universal Movepool integration!
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The Universal Movepool is a curated selection of moves designed to ensure that all pokemon have options for decent attacks of their typing. Rejoice, Magikarp fans!
You gain a new move of one of your types at level 1, as well as each 10th level. More powerful options become available as you level up, to their maximum at level 50 - by then you should have all the options you need.
Physical, special, and even status moves are available in the Universal Movepool - though discerning viewers will note that many of these moves had to be created for this system, as most types simply lack options for one or both attack types.
It's a simple system, but definitely helps give some love to pokemon that Game Freak seemingly... underappreciated.
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The Character Sheet's also sporting a new look. The customization and the character page have been separated, allowing for greater granularity and actual guidance for customization while keeping all the compactness of the previous character sheet.
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Here's Mawilyn, one of the many (many) blorbos that are bouncing around in my head. Borne to rich parents, she resisted any sort of training in manners and culture, and quickly was shipped off to the guild to teach her a lesson or two. The lessons she ended up learning were mostly about how to bite people.
Mechanically, getting STAB options enhances her gameplay greatly, letting her actually have offensive presence in addition to the defensive merits of steel/fairy typing and natural access to Stockpile+Swallow for durability and healing. Sure, she could do that without fancy new moves, but when your best offensive option is Bite enemies might as well just walk right past you. This way, she can be both a defensive and offensive threat, punishing enemies that try to stay out of reach with Bullet Punch, and laying waste to anyone foolish enough to get close with Fairy Fang.
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As an aside, I love the old Dream World art, and it's pretty easy to give them small adjustments in paint.net - a lot easier than modifying the TCG art, at any rate! Too bad the newer generations usually don't have such clean art.
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 10 months ago
Charsheet Sunday!
No actual sheet this week - character sheet system is undergoing overhauls. Expect a more major update next week.
As for Dusk the Umbreon, she's going to be blunt; she thinks the outfit looks awful. She's blunt about most things - she knows what she thinks, and sugarcoating things is for fairies.
Blunt also describes her demeanor in combat as well, with Curse to boost both her durability and offenses before blowing through everything in her path.
Part of the strength of this system is how a lot of pokemon become much more flexible. Pokemon that are tanks in the mainline games can become powerful attackers or fragile speedsters in this system. This goes doubly so with the addition of the Universal Movepool, a system of curated moves for each type designed to ensure that every pokemon has viable options. But that's something you'll have to wait until next week for.
- Mod Nines
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pokemon-dungeon-masters · 7 months ago
Charsheet Sunday 16
Who's excited for the Splatoon splatfest?
I don't actually play Splatoon, so...
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